Student Management System GOAL OF THE PROJECT Computerize The Manually Operated System EXISTING SYSTEM DISADVANTAGES: 1)Physical Strain 2)Less Interactive 3)Time Consuming PRESENT SYSTEM ADVANTAGES: • Highly Interactive • Instant Response • Time Saving SOFTWARE VISUAL STUDIO.NET ORACLE 8i WINDOWS 2000 SERVER DATABASE ARCHITECTURE USER INTERFACE DATABASE ENGINE DATA STORE BRIEF DESCRIPTION STUDENT ADMINISTRATION STAFF ADMINISTRATION OFFICE ADMINISTRATION STUDENT ADMINISTRATION • • • • • • • Student Registration Class Administration Class Registration Attendance Performance List Monthly Payments Exam Fee Structure STAFF ADMINISTRATION • Staff Recruit Application • Recruit Confirmation • Salary Payments OFFICE ADMINISTRATION • Stock Administration • Library Management DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS FIRST LEVEL DATAFLOW DIAGRAM Student Registration Class Administration Attendance Student Student Administration Student Performance Students Installment Fee Payments Students Exam Fee Payments • SECOND LEVEL DATAFLOW DIAGRAM Recruitments STAFF Recruit_confirmation Salary Payments Staff Administration Staff scheduling • THIRD LEVEL DATAFLOW DIAGRAM Stock Maintenance Library Management INWARD ITEMS TO STORES OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Library Other Activities E-R DIAGRAMS studid Student name DOB Registration Fee Student Registration Remarks extracharge s occupatio n sno noofworkingda ys Class Administration endingdate Starting date Fathernam e admission Fee Classid classnam e studid studname Classregister classid Admissionfee classname Installmentpay Sno Month StudId Attendance ClassId Remarks NoOfWorking Days NoOfDays Attended ClassRegister ClassId ExamId Feestructure TypeOfExam ClassName ExamFee Remarks Sno StudI d ClassId Percentage Totmarks StudName PerformanceList Averag e Other Math s English Telugu Hindi Socia l StudentRegistratio n Sno StudI d Installment Amount ExamId ExamFeePayme nts Installmen tPayDate ClassI d TypeOf Exam ExamFee MonthlyInstall ments ClassId Sno StudId Postappliedfo r Addres s Appno Recruit_Applications Appl_Name e AppliedDat e Qualification SalaryExpecte d Designatio n Salary TeacherCod e Appno Recruit_Confirm Doj Address Appl_Name TeacherId TeacherId TeachersMaster Descriptio n