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EECS 376 Midterm Exam - Computer Science

EECS 376, Foundations of Computer Science
Winter 2019, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
EECS 376 Midterm Exam
This exam is closed book, closed notebook. You may not provide your own scratch paper, but the last
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8.5 ⇥ 11-inch study sheet (both sides) as long as you prepared it yourself. Check your seat assignment. Make
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right not to grade an exam taken in a violation of this policy.
The exam consists of 10 multiple choice questions, 5 short-answer questions, and 2 questions that require
proofs. You only need to answer one of the proof questions. No extra credit will be given if you answer both
proof questions. For the multiple choice questions, please mark your answers neatly on the Scantron. For
the short-answer and proof sections, please write your answers clearly in the spaces provided. The exam has
12 pages printed on both sides, including this page and the four blank pages at the end.
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I am enrolled in Section:
1-10 (Multiple Choice)
/ 30
11-15 (Short Answer)
/ 50
16 or 17 (Proof)
/ 20
/ 100
Multiple choice (3 points each).
1. What algorithmic paradigm is used for implementing MergeSort?
A. Greedy
B. Divide and Conquer
C. Dynamic Programming
D. Wolverine
E. Naı̈ve
Solution: (B)
Divide and conquer clearly best describes the MergeSort algorithm.
2. Which of the following languages is decidable?
A. LHALT = {(hM i, x) | M is a Turing Machine and M halts on input x}
B. L203 := {hM i | M is a Turing Machine and M halts on input ‘203’}
C. L376C := {hM i | M is a Turing Machine and M halts on input ‘376’ after exactly 376 steps}
D. L376D := {hM i | M is a Turing Machine and M halts on input ‘376’ after a number of
steps which is a multiple of 376}
E. L376E := {hM i | M is a Turing Machine and M halts on the 376-th cell}
Solution: (C)
We can make a decider for L376C by on input hM i, simulate M on 376 for 376 steps and see what
3. Which of the following sets is uncountable?
A. The set of all languages
B. The set of all rational numbers
C. {0, 1}⇤
D. The set of all STATS 426 students
E. The set of all LATEX files
Solution: (A)
We have shown this in lecture.
Always/Sometimes/Never (3 points each) Always/All = A, Sometimes/Some = B, Never/No = C.
4. An algorithm that runs in O(n2 ) time (Always / Sometimes / Never) runs faster than an algorithm
that runs in O(2n ) time.
Solution: Sometimes.
Consider the following Python code.
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# lst is a l i s t
def a l g o r i t h m A ( l s t ) :
f o r i in range ( len ( l s t ) ∗ ∗ 2 ) :
f o r j in range ( 3 7 6 3 7 6 3 7 6 3 7 6 ) :
print ( ” H e l l o world ! ” + s t r ( j ) )
def a l g o r i t h m B ( l s t ) :
f o r i in range ( len ( l s t ) ∗ ∗ 2 ) :
print ( ” H e l l o world ! ” + s t r ( j ) )
def a l g o r i t h m C ( l s t ) :
f o r i in range ( 2 ∗ ∗ len ( l s t ) ) :
print ( ” H e l l o world ! ” + s t r ( i ) )
We can see that algorithm A and algorithm B are O(n2 ) and algorithm C is O(2n ) where n is the
length of the list lst.
If we run them on input [1], then algorithm A will print 376376376376 lines, algorithm A will print
1 line, and algorithm A will print 2 lines.
5. Suppose a, b, a0 , b0 are natural numbers. If a + b > a0 + b0 , then the Euclidean algorithm
(Always / Sometimes / Never) takes more steps on the input (a, b) than on the input (a0 , b0 ).
Solution: Sometimes.
Let a = 376, b = 203, a0 = 1, b0 = 0. Then, a + b > a0 + b0 and (a, b) requires more steps than
(a0 , b0 ) does.
Let a = 376, b = 375, a0 = 37, b0 = 21. Then, a + b > a0 + b0 , but we can check that the next step
of (376, 375) will be (375, 1) and the Euclidean algorithm will halt, while (37, 21) will require a bit
more steps.
6. Suppose A is recognizable and B T A. Then B is (Always / Sometimes / Never) recognizable.
Solution: Sometimes.
Suppose A is undecidable but recognizable.
Case 1: Let B = A
Then, B T A and B is recognizable.
Case 2: Let B = A
Then, B T A and B is unrecognizable.
7. Suppose A is a decidable language. For (All / Some / No) language(s) B, we have A T B.
Solution: All.
Suppose MB is a decider for B. Since A is decidable, we know there is a decider MA . We can
build a decider M of A using the decider for B in the following way:
M on input x:
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(a) Run MB on x for 376 steps.
(b) Run MA on x and return same
True/False (3 points each). True = A, False = B.
8. (True / False) Suppose G is a graph. If there exists more than one edge with the same weight, then
the minimum spanning tree (MST) of G is not unique.
Solution: False.
If G is a tree, the MST is always unique even if all edges have the same weight.
9. (True / False) There exists an unrecognizable, but decidable language.
Solution: False.
If a language L is decidable, then L is recognizable and L is also recognizable.
10. (True / False) Consider the Kolmogorov Complexity of a binary string that consists of 376376 1’s
concatenated with 281281 0’s, with respect to programming language JAVA. Then
· · · 1} k 00
· · · 0}
| {z
| {z
376376 times
= 657657.
281281 times
(i) There is no need to know JAVA in details to answer this question.
(ii) 376 + 281 = 657.
Solution: False.
public c l a s s p r i n t m a n y o n e s a n d z e r o s {
public s t a t i c void main ( S t r i n g [ ] a r g s ) {
f o r ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 7 6 3 7 6 ; i ++) {
System . out . p r i n t ( 1 ) ;
// Maybe we can make t h i s program a b i t l o n g e r
// by a d d i n g random comments
f o r ( int i = 0 ; i < 2 8 1 2 8 1 ; i ++) {
System . out . p r i n t ( 0 ) ;
We do not need 657657 many letters.
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Short Answer (10 points each)
11. Consider the Fractional Knapsack Problem defined as follows.
Definition (Fractional Knapsack Problem). Given two n-length arrays containing positive integer
weights W = (w1 , w2 , . . . , wn ) and values V = (v1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) of n divisible items (where the ith item
has weight wi 2 Z+ and value vi 2 Z+ ), and a knapsack with weight capacity C 2 Z 0 , find n real
values c1 , . . . , cn , where each ci 2 [0, 1] denotes the fractionPof item i you choose, such that the total
weight of the chosen items is at mostP
the weight capacity: i=1 ci wi  C and the total value you can
obtain from items in your knapsack, i=1 ci vi , is maximized.
The fractional knapsack problem is di↵erent from the 1-0 Knapsack problem you have seen, in that it
allows you to select a fraction of an item. Notice that changing ci 2 [0, 1] to ci 2 {0, 1} in the definition
above makes the problem 1-0 Knapsack Problem (now ci = 1 if item i is picked, and ci = 0 otherwise).
(a) Give an algorithm that solves the Fractional Knapsack Problem optimally with time complexity
O(n log n).
Note: You do not need to prove the correctness or analyze the time complexity of your algorithm.
Solution: In order to solve the fractional knapsack problem we will take a greedy approach.
Our algorithm will first calculate a ratio ri of value vi divided by weight wi for each element.
We will then sort the elements in descending order by their ratios. We will then add whole
elements into the knapsack from the sorted array until we cannot fit a whole item. We then
add however much we can of the next item. At this point we will have an optimal solution
to the fractional knapsack problem.
Input: Integers n, C, arrays W, V .
Output: A list of n real values c1 , . . . , cn , where each ci 2 [0, 1] denotes the fraction of item
i taken in the backpack.
function FractionalKnapsack(n, C, W, V )
ratio[n] = 0
for i = 1 : n do
ratio[i] = (V[i]/W[i], i)
sort(ratio) in decreasing order
cw = 0
cv = 0
c[n] = 0
for j = 1 : n do
itemindex = ratio[j][2]
remaining = C current weight
frac = remaining / W[itemindex]
if frac > 1 then
takefrac = 1
takefrac = frac
cw += W[itemindex] ⇤ takefrac
cv += V[itemindex] ⇤ takefrac
c[itemindex] = takefrac
return c
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(b) Provide a counterexample showing why your algorithm fails to output optimal solution for the 1-0
Knapsack Problem.
Solution: Suppose C = 2, w0 = 1, v0 = 2, w1 = 2 and v1 = 3. The output of greedy approach
will be choosing the item 0, resulting in total value 2. However, the optimal solution is clearly
choosing the item 1 since that yields the total value 3.
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12. Let
(“crane”) be an operation between two sets defined as follows:
A B := {x | x 2 Ā or x 2 B}.
Prove or disprove: the class of decidable languages is closed under .
(You may use the notation “crane”, if you do not wish to draw the symbol
in your solution.)
We will construct a machine M that decides A B, where A and B are arbitrary decidable languages. Suppose MA decides A and MB decides B.
M = “On input x:
1. Run MA on x.
2. Run MB on x.
3. If MA rejects or MB accepts, accept.
4. Otherwise, reject.”
Since MA and MB are deciders for A and B respectively, they halt on all inputs. Therefore, MA
and MB can never loop on x. Thus, M halts on all inputs.
x 2 Ā or x 2 B =) x 62 A or x 2 B =) MA rejects and/or MB accepts =) M accepts
x 62 Ā and x 62 B =) x 2 A and x 62 B =) MA accepts and MB rejects =) M rejects
We have constructed a machine that decides A B given deciders for A and B, where A and B
are arbitrary decidable languages. Thus, the class of decidable languages is closed under .
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13. In Karatsuba’s Algorithm, each of the two n-bit integers is split into two parts of lengths approximately
n/2, and the number of multiplications in each recursion is reduced from 4 to 3. In this question, we
will multiply two n-bit integers by splitting each of them into three parts. We will assume for this
question that n is an integer power of 3.
x = a · 2 3 + b · 23 + c
Let x, y be two n-bit integers, and write
. Then we have:
y = d · 2 3 + e · 23 + f
xy = ad · 2
+ (ae + bd)2n + (af + be + cd)2
+ (bf + ce)2 3 + cf = A2
+ B2n + C2
+ D2 3 + E,
A =
ae + bd
af + be + cd
bf + ce
Consider the following two Divide-and-Conquer based algorithms. In Algorithm A, we first compute the values of ad, ae, af, bd, be, bf, cd, ce, cf , recursively. Then, we compute xy by computing
A, B, C, D, E based on the equations above. In Algorithm B, we compute A, B, C, D, E by computing
Z0 , Z1 , Z2 , Z3 , Z4 below, where the multiplication in each of them is computed recursively:
A = 24
(6Z0 4Z1 + Z2 4Z3 + Z4 )
Z0 = cf
( 2Z1 + Z2 + 2Z3 Z4 )
< Z1 = (a + b + c)(d + e + f )
< B = 12
Z2 = (4a + 2b + c)(4d + 2e + f ) =)
C = 24
( 30Z0 + 16Z1 Z2 + 16Z3 Z4 ) .
Z3 = (a b + c)(d e + f )
D = 12
(8Z1 Z2 8Z3 + Z4 )
Z4 = (4a 2b + c)(4d 2e + f )
E = Z0
For each algorithm A and B, write down the recurrence relation T (n) for the time complexity, and
then compute T (n) explicitly. Which of the algorithms A and B runs asymptotically faster? How do
they compare (asymptotically) to Karatsuba’s Algorithm?
(i) Dividing an n-bit integer by 3 can be done in O(n) time, if the dividend is known to be a multiple
of 3, and you can assume this for this question.
(ii) ln 2 ⇥ ln 5 < (ln 3)2 < ln 2 ⇥ ln 6
(iii) There is no need to check and/or prove the correctness of the algorithm.
• Algorithm A
We can see that there are 9 multiplications of numbers that are about n/3 bits long. We can
do addition in linear time and multiplication by power of 2 can be done in constant time by
bit shifting.
T (n) = 9T (n/3) + O(n)
By the Master Theorem, since 9 > 3, T (n) = O(nlog3 9 ) = O(n2 )
• Algorithm B
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We can see that there are 5 multiplications of numbers that are about n/3 bits long. We
can do addition and subtraction in linear time and multiplication by constants in also linear
time. Also, multiplication by power of 2 can be done in constant time by bit shifting.
T (n) = 5T (n/3) + O(n)
By the Master Theorem, since 5 > 3, T (n) = O(nlog3 5 ) ⇡ O(n1.46 )
The algorithm B runs asymptotically faster. Karatsuba’s algorithm runs in O(nlog2 3 ) ⇡ O(n1.58 )
so the algorithm B runs faster than Karatsuba’s algorithm but the algorithm A runs slower than
ln 5
Karatsuba’s algorithm. Or, we can also use the fact that log2 3 = ln
ln 2 and log3 5 = ln 3 , and since
ln 5
ln 3
ln 2 ⇥ ln 5 < ln 3 ⇥ ln 3, we have log3 5 = ln 3 < ln 2 = log2 3.
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14. Let A [1 . . . 376] be a global array of integers in strictly increasing order. Consider the following algorithm:
Input: integers x and y
function Mystery(x, y)
if x  0 OR y  0 then
return 1
AskUser(1, 100)
. prompt the user to input an integer in the range [1, 100]
AskUser(1, 100)
. same as above
x + A [i]
y A [i + j]
return Mystery(y, x)
Are there any integers x, y and sequences of user inputs that can make Mystery(x, y) run indefinitely
(i.e. never terminate)? If yes, describe them. If not, provide a short justification. Note that when
prompted for an input, the user is not allowed to input numbers outside of the [1, 100] range.
No, because we can define a valid potential function for Mystery(x, y): si = xi +yi , where xi and yi
are the values of x and y at iteration i.
Claim: si is a valid potential function, i.e. si is bounded below and strictly decreasing.
si is bounded below. The base case of Mystery(x, y) is (x  0) _ (y  0), so the algorithm halts in
the worst case when si = xi + yi  0. In other words, 8i : si = xi + yi 0. Note that we include
0 here so that the potential function is still defined when we enter the base case.
si is strictly decreasing. Observe:
• yi+1 = xi + A[i] and xi+1 = yi
A[i + j] because we recursively call Mystery(y, x)
• A is strictly increasing, so 8i, j 2 [1, 376] : i < j =) A[i] < A[j]
• The user inputs i, j must be in [1, 100], so j > 0. Add i to both sides to get j + i > i.
• j + i > i =) A[j + i] > A[i] =) A[j + i]
A[i] > 0
• Add the equations yi+1 = xi + A[i] and xi+1 = yi A[i + j] to get
xi+1 + yi+1 = xi + A[i] + yi A[i + j]
si+1 = si + A[i]
= si
So we have si+1 < si
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A[i + j]
(A[i + j]
< si
15. Consider the language L = {hM i | M accepts some input}. We know L is recognizable. However, the
following Turing machine R somehow fails to recognize L.
R = “On input hM i:
1. For all binary strings x 2 {0, 1}⇤ :
1.1 Run M on x.
1.2 If M accepts x, accept.
(a) Explain why R fails to recognize L.
Solution: Assume for the purpose of this explanation that step 1 of the machine R will pick
x in the order ", 0, 1, 00, 01, . . . .
Consider the machine M376 that accepts the string “101111000” and loops on every other
input (note that we could have chosen any “special” string here as long as it isn’t "). Then
hM i 2 L, since M accepts an input. However, R will loop on input hM376 i, specifically, when
running step 1.1. In particular, R will not accept hM i. Therefore, R does not recognize L.
(b) Describe a Turing machine that recognizes L.
e to do the following:
Solution: Recall that {0, 1}⇤ is countable. So, we can define R
1: procedure R(hM
Let sj denote the jth element of {0, 1}⇤ .
for i from 1 to 1 do:
for j from 1 to i do:
Run i steps of M on sj
If M accepted, then accept
e accepts.
If L(M ) 6= ?, then, for some i and j, M accepts sj after i steps. In this case, R
e does not loop on machines like M376 defined above since line 5 never loops.
Note that R
e doesn’t accept (in fact, it loops forever). It follows that R
e is a recognizer
If L(M ) = ?, then R
for L.
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Proofs (20 pts)
Answer one of the following two questions (16 or 17). If you answer both we will grade an arbitrary one.
16. In order to improve the view from the top floors of the buildings in downtown Ann Arbor, the city has
decided to change the number of floors so no building will conceal the building behind it. Yet, since
adding/removing floors is expensive, you need to design an algorithm that will minimize the number
of changes.
Formally, given a sequence h1 , h2 , . . . , hn of non-negative integers, indicating the number of floors of
each building on the street, the goal is to come up withPa non-decreasing sequence h01 , h02 , . . . , h0n of
non-negative integers such that the “absolute change” i=1 |hi h0i | is minimized.
(a) Give an example of a sequence where the “greedy” strategy does not provide an optimal solution.
Solution: The greedy algorithm would, for each i 2 {1, · · · , n}, choose h0i to minimize
|hj h0j |, assuming that h01 , · · · , h0i 1 have been chosen. In particular, for i = 1, the
greedy algorithm would choose h01 = h1 .
Now, one example where the greedy algorithm fails to be optimal is that n = 3, h1 = 3, h2 =
2, h3 = 1. The optimal solution is h01 = 2, h02 = 2, h03 = 2, with total cost of 2. However, the
greedy approach would generate h01 = 3, h02 = 3, h03 = 3, leaving total cost to be 3.
(b) For i = 1 . . . n, let W [i][k] be the optimal absolute change you can get, if we are only considering
the first i buildings and with the restriction that h01 , . . . , h0i are in the range [0, k]. Write the base
case(s) and a recurrence for the entries of W.
Solution: Let W [i][h] be the optimal absolute change if we are only minimizing
h0j |, with the restriction that h01 , . . . , h0i 2 [0, h].
For the base case, we have
if h1  h
W [1][h] =
|h h1 | otherwise
For the recurrence relation, we have
W [i][h] =
h0i =0,1,...,h
{W [i
1][h0i ] + |h0i
hi |} .
(c) State, with brief justification, the runtime of the dynamic programming algorithm based on the
previous part. Give your answer using O notation in terms of n and other relevant parameters, if
Solution: For each i and each h, to compute W [i][h], we need O(h) computations in total.
Therefore, the total time complexity is O(n · k 2 ).
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17. Consider the following language:
LThe Party Never Halts = {hM i | M loops on all inputs} .
Is LThe Party Never Halts decidable? If so, clearly describe a Turing machine that decides it; otherwise,
prove that it is undecidable. If needed, you may use any undecidable language covered in class,
discussion and/or homework assignment.
Solution: LThe Party Never Halts is undecidable. To prove this, we can reduce it from LHALT :
LHALT T LThe Party Never Halts .
Suppose there is a black-box E that decides LThe Party Never Halts . We will show that the following
Turing machine T decides LHALT .
T = “on input (hM i, x)
1. Construct the following TM M 0 :
M 0 = “On input w.
Ignore input w, and run M on x.”
2. Run E on input hM 0 i.
3. If E accepts, reject.
4. If E rejects, accept.”
We need to show that T accepts (hM i, x) if and only if (hM i, x) 2 LHALT . This can be shown as
(hM i, x) 2 LHALT ) M halts on x ) M 0 halts on all inputs ) E rejects ) T accepts
(hM i, x) 2
/ LHALT ) M loops on x ) M 0 loops on all inputs ) E accepts ) T rejects
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