UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Counter Rocket Artillery Mortar (C-RAM) TEWT ADA CCC 03-21 CPT Parker, CPT Malm-Annan, CPT Readus, CPT Douglas, CPT Yun 20 August 2021 The overall classification of this brief is UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Agenda ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Task Organization Situation Area of Interest/Operations Terrain Analysis/MCOO Weather Threat Evaluation SITTEMP Enemy MLCOA/MDCOA Mission, Intent and Purpose Adjacent Units Assumptions Mission Statement Execution Concept of the Operations Scheme of Maneuver Sensor/Weapon Planning Sustainment Command and Control Closing Comments UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Task Organization X 108th III 16th II 5 I I HHB 5th I Y W UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO I Z UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Situation Following the mobilisation of Donovian forces on the Northern Atropian (OK) border, significant diplomatic discussions have taken place. Tensions have continued to increase as the ethnic Donovian population within Atropia has conducted non-violent pro-secession demonstrations and rallies throughout much of the area. US forces have conducted regular presence patrols within the region and they have been met with growing hostility. Until the last 24 hours there had been few cases of US forces being engaged by small arms fire and in the SW of the region multiple inactive IEDs have been discovered. In the last seven days 4 USID ISR assets within the region confirmed the presence of Donovian SOF elements. It is likely that small groups of Donovian SOF have been aiding the Bilasuvar Freedom Brigade (BFB) an insurgent anti-Atropian group. Approx. 24 h ago, US forces and key infrastructure within the region were subjected to attacks from BFB forces involving mortar and rocket attacks of up to 15 rounds, small arms fire and IED strikes on convoys. Situation Specific In the last 24h, 81st MECH Div have moved into assembly areas along the Northern Atropian (OK) border and it is anticipated they will commence offensive operations within the next 5-7 days. 3 ABCT and 1 SBCT have established screening positions along expected Donovian avenues of approach. The 1st and 2nd Atropian DIVs have established hasty defensive positions to the west and east of the 4 USID AO. It is expected that Donovian manoeuvre operations will be concentrated in Northern Atropia (OK) while SOF and BFB elms harass rear US elements. WILL PROBABLY HIDE THIS SLIDE AND EXPLAIN IT ON AOI UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Area of Interest XX 81st XX 1st XX 2nd X 3rd ABCT 4th X 1st SBCT X SOF 2nd IBCT 4th SOF III 16th UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO 4th UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Area of Operations UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Terrain Analysis / MCOO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Weather 17 AUG 21 Tuesday 18 AUG 21 Wednesday 19 AUG 21 Thursday 20 AUG 21 Friday 21 AUG 21 Saturday 22 AUG 21 Sunday Rain: 14% Rain: 75% Rain: 58% Rain: 14% Rain: 22% Rain: 4% Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact BMNT: 0656 BMNT: 0658 BMNT: 0658 BMNT: 0659 BMNT: 0659 BMNT: 0700 EENT: 2017 EENT: 2016 EENT: 2014 EENT: 2013 EENT: 2012 EENT: 2010 RAM UAS Effects on Friendly Forces: C-RAM’s sensor capabilities are degraded in the rain. Depending on how heavy the rain is will affect the PK% for engagements. Effects on Enemy Forces: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Threat Evaluation UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Threat Evaluation UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO SITTEMP UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Enemy MLCOA XX 81st XX 1st XX 2nd X 3rd ABCT 4th X 1st SBCT SOF X 2nd IBCT 4th SOF III 16th UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO 4th UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Enemy MDCOA XX 81st XX 1st XX 2nd X 3rd ABCT 4th X 1st SBCT SOF X 2nd IBCT 4th SOF III 16th UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO 4th UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO 31st ADA BDE Mission, Intent, and Purpose MISSION: NLT C+79, 4th ID attacks to control river crossing site IVO JEKABPILS (35VMC303628) to cause OSC-S forces to withdraw north of PL BLUE COMMANDER’S INTENT: PURPOSE: The purpose of this operation is to cause OSC-S to withdraw north of PL BLUE KEY TASKS: (U) Fix elements of the 61st DTG (U) Control the crossing site at JEKABPILS (U) Timely fires ENDSTATE: The 62nd DTG is withdrawn north of PL BLUE or surrendered, the crossing site at JEKABPILS is in 4th ID control, 4th ID is postured in a defensive position securing the DAUGAVA RIVER with the 4th ID support area secured, and HN security forces are maintaining control over civilian movements UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO 5-5 ADAR Mission, Intent, and Purpose MISSION: NLT C+79, 4th ID attacks to control river crossing site IVO JEKABPILS (35VMC303628) to cause OSC-S forces to withdraw north of PL BLUE COMMANDER’S INTENT: PURPOSE: The purpose of this operation is to cause OSC-S to withdraw north of PL BLUE KEY TASKS: (U) Fix elements of the 61st DTG (U) Control the crossing site at JEKABPILS (U) Timely fires ENDSTATE: The 62nd DTG is withdrawn north of PL BLUE or surrendered, the crossing site at JEKABPILS is in 4th ID control, 4th ID is postured in a defensive position securing the DAUGAVA RIVER with the 4th ID support area secured, and HN security forces are maintaining control over civilian movements UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Adjacent Units’ Mission 20th GBR (SOI) MISSION: O/O but NLT C+78, attack to fix enemy forces IOT prevent the 61st from repositioning on the DO. O/O, cross the river IVO OBJ MONTY IOT fix the 644th BDE Reserve. 1/3 ABCT (SO2) MISSION: O/O but NLT C+78, attack to fix enemy forces IOT prevent the 61st from repositioning on the DO. 1/4 ABCT (SO3) MISSION: O/O but NLT C+78, attack to fix enemy forces IOT prevent the 61st from repositioning on the DO. UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Adjacent Units’ Mission 20th GBR (SOI) MISSION: O/O but NLT C+78, attack to fix enemy forces IOT prevent the 61st from repositioning on the DO. O/O, cross the river IVO OBJ MONTY IOT fix the 644th BDE Reserve. 1/3 ABCT (SO2) MISSION: O/O but NLT C+78, attack to fix enemy forces IOT prevent the 61st from repositioning on the DO. 1/4 ABCT (SO3) MISSION: O/O but NLT C+78, attack to fix enemy forces IOT prevent the 61st from repositioning on the DO. UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Assumptions UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Mission Statement O/O, 3/4 ABCT attacks to control river crossing site IVO JEKABPILS (35 VMC 303 628) IOT cause OSC-S forces to withdraw north of PL BLUE and allow freedom of action for the division commander. UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Execution Phases UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Commander’s Intent Phases UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Concept of Operations Phases UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Scheme of Movement and Maneuver Phases UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Scheme of Movement and Maneuver Convoy UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Sensor Planning Convoy UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Weapons Planning Convoy UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Sustainment CLI: CLII: CLIII: CLIV: CLV: CLVI: CLVII: CLVIII: CLIX: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Command and Control Convoy UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Closing Comments Convoy UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO