SAMPLE LESSON PLAN (SEMI-DETAILED) ENGLISH 7 SEMI-DETAILED LESSON PLAN I. OBJECETIVES: At the end of the lesson plan 40% of the students should be able to: a. define persuasive and recount type of text; b. perform a play about certain instances in life that we can apply persuasive and recount type of text; and c. appreciate the importance of persuasive and recount text through role play. II. SUBJECT MATTER: Topic: Classifying persuasive and recount type of text. Reference: www.text.kinds,com / www. Prezi .com Materials: Visual Aids, chalk III. PROCEDURE: Routinary Activities 1. Prayer 2. checking of Attendance 3. checking of Assignments 4. Review (Recount type of text) A. Awareness The teacher asks the following questions: 1. Have you tried hanging out with your friends for a dinner together? The trouble is, you’re all in the mood of different kinds of food? 2. Have you experienced selling goods in the market? B. Activity: Discussion about persuasive text and recount type of text. Persuasive text tries to convince the audiences of the validity of the authors opinion. Recount text tells what happened in the past by recounts a series of events one After the other in which they occurred. C. Analysis 1. What is persuasive text? 2. What is recount text? 3. What is the purpose of persuasive and recount text? 4. How can we deliver an effective persuasive text? 5. What are the things we need to consider in a recount text? Why? D. Abstraction 1. In what way does a recount text become valuable? 2. How can we differentiate persuasive and recount text? 3. what are the functions of effective persuasive text? E. Application: Perform a play about certain instances or situation in our lives that we can apply persuasive and recount type of text. (Group activity) CRITERIA: CONTENT 50% DELIVERY 40% UNITY 10% IV. Evaluation: Classify the given examples as recount or persuasive text and explain why. (The teacher will read the text.) V. Agreement Study the lesson in advance about narrative, expository type of text. Prepared by: ALMIRA B. BONCALES