Uploaded by Joseph Renzo De Ocampo

Fire Hose Installation: Home Safety Guide

Should You Install a Firehouse in Your Home?
Safety must be our utmost priority inside our homes. There are a lot of reasons to
consider why fire hoses should be installed in our homes. When a fire incident occurs, the fire
hose could be the only thing in your house that could save you and your house and everything
around you.
A fire hose is a hose that contains or holds water, it could be a fire retardant as well.
Fire retardants are those substances or materials that could extinguish a fire. A good example
of it would be foam. This happens because fire retardants produce a chemical reaction when
exposed to a fire, that delays or reduces the flammability of burning material, may it be a gas or
a solid material. As we all know, water can stop a fire by changing the temperature of burning
material to a point where its heat cannot suffice to reignite or burn the material. However, it
could be dangerous if the water is applied directly to the flame without any pressure especially
if the flame’s source is liquid or an electrical system. This is why fire hoses are highly
pressurized. Its pressure varies between 8 to 20 bar and has a bursting pressure of 110 bar. Its
raw materials are also made sure to withstand the pressure and would not deteriorate easily
over the years.
There are different types of fire hose too depending on composition and function. The
one installed in most homes and is advised is a booster hose. Its components and specifications
allow it to function to be easily maneuvered and operated by most people. There is training
that would be helpful but during a situation like in an emergency, most people would heavily
rely on things that can be easily operated and maneuvered.
There are locations in our homes too that fire hose should be installed in order to access
it easily and safely. In most homes, where there are only 2 to 3 storeys. The lowest level would
be the ideal place for it to be installed. It could be near the kitchen since most incidents like fire
could happen near a fire source but it would be better if it’s placed where it can be easily
accessed by everyone. In apartment buildings or Condominiums where there are more than 3
storeys, every floor should be installed with a fire hose. The fire hose installed should also have
an abundant or continuous water supply may it be in a building or a small home. It should be
mounted in the walls too for safety compliance and its efficiency.
Fire hoses are indeed one of the most helpful fire protection inside our homes. It is safe
to use and a reliable tool. Investing in fire hoses is also investing in your safety and protection.