Psalm Cabrera 2021 – 07 – 20 NUTR-1000: Health at Every Size 1) Summarize the HAES model To summarize the HAES model, the HAES is an approach to move away from weight loss being a health goal, and reduce the negative connotations towards people who are overweight. This includes weight inclusivity which accepts the diversity of body shapes instead of idealizing specific ones. Additionally, eating for well being which promotes satiating your own hunger an pleasure than eating for a weight controlled diet. 2) Hidden Bias Test I feel like this definitely aligned with what I predicted my score was going to be. I have a strong preference on people who are more on the thin side as this usually means they care about their health more than fat people. Nevertheless, since I’m going into health care, I’ll have to try and improve on these biases as I will encounter a lot of people with different shapes and sizes and I don’t want my biases to interfere with the quality of care they are going to receive