A SEMINOR REPORT ON WEB DESIGNING SUBMITTED TO JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR AWARD OF DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (BATCH 2018-2021) SUBMITTED BY ANURAG GOTHI UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF MAMTA ARORA Asst. Professor LUCKY INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Affiliated to JAI NARAIN VYAS UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR WEB DESIGNING Has been prepared By Anurag Gothi In partial fulfillment of the degree of BCA III Examination 2020-2021 under my supervision and guidance MAMTA ARORA Asst. Professor Faculty of Information Practices ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is with great satisfaction and achievement that we have completed our project report. We take this opportunity to acknowledge each and every one who contributed towards our work. We express our sincere gratitude towards Dr. Saurabh Khatri, Head of the IT Department, for his guidance and support. I would also like to express our sincere gratitude to our Seminar Guide MAMTA ARORA (Asst. Professor) for his able assistance, timely suggestions, valuable support, encouragement and guidance throughout the duration of this first phase of the project. I also convey our gratitude to all other faculty members & friends in the Project panel and those who have contributed to this project directly or indirectly. Anurag Gothi DECLARATION I, Anurag Gothi declare that this Seminar Report on WEB DESIGNING is a record of original work done by us under the supervision and guidance of MAMTA ARORA I further certify that this report work has not formed the basis for the award of the Degree or similar work to any candidate of any university and no part of this report is reproduced as it is from any source without seeking permission. Date: Anurag Gothi 19BCA02240