STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Term Project Shan Foods Page i of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT TERM PROJECT SUBMITTED TO: MR.JAVAID AHMED COMPANY SHAN FOOD (PVT) LTD GROUP MEMBERS ADEEL AMIR SIDDIQUI JUNAID KELKER FAIZAN ALI AAFAQ ARIF Term Project Shan Foods [11262] [8956] [8804] [8936] Page ii of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Letter of Acknowledgement Institute of Business Management Korangi Creek, Karachi-75190, Pakistan UAN (9221)111-002-004, Fax: (9221) 509-0968 Http:// April 16, 2012 Dear Reader, This report has been a great learning experience as it provided us with the opportunity to help apply the concepts been taught throughout the semester. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our instructor Mr. Javaid Ahmed who made this report possible by providing his unconditional guidance and cooperation throughout the semester. We would also like to thank our family and friends who were always there to support us. Without them and so many other things this report would not have been possible. Sincerely, ADEEL AMIR SIDDIQUI JUNAID KELKER FAIZAN ALI AAFAQ ARIF Term Project [11262] [8956] [8804] [8936] Shan Foods Page iii of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Letter of Transmittal Institute of Business Management Korangi Creek, Karachi-75190, Pakistan UAN (9221)111-002-004, Fax: (9221) 509-0968 Http:// April 16, 2012 Dear Sir, This is the term report of Strategic Management course which was assigned to us by you. The objective of this report is the Strategic analysis of Shan Food’s in Pakistan. The report has been completed after the perpetual hard work, determination and devotion of past few weeks. If you have any additional questions, we would be pleased to answer them. Sincerely yours, ADEEL AMIR SIDDIQUI JUNAID KELKER FAIZAN ALI AAFAQ ARIF Term Project [11262] [8956] [8804] [8936] Shan Foods Page iv of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IINNTTRRO ODDUUCCTTIIO ONN..............................................................................................................................................................................................11 EEXXTTEERRNNAALL AANNAALLYYSSIISS........................................................................................................................................22 PPO ORRTTEERR FFIIVVEE FFO ORRCCEESS M MO ODDEELL.........................................................................................................................22 THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS ............................................................................................................................... 2 INTERPRETATION ............................................................................................................................................... 3 PEST ON THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS ................................................................................................................. 3 BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERS........................................................................................................................ 4 INTERPRETATION ............................................................................................................................................... 5 PEST ON BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERS .......................................................................................................... 5 THREAT OF SUBSTITUTES ................................................................................................................................... 6 INTERPRETATION ............................................................................................................................................... 6 PEST ON THREAT OF SUBSTITUTES ...................................................................................................................... 6 BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPLIERS ................................................................................................................... 7 INTERPRETATION ............................................................................................................................................... 8 PEST ON BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPLIERS...................................................................................................... 8 DETERMINANTS OF RIVALRY AMONG EXISTING COMPETITION ........................................................................... 9 INTERPRETATION ............................................................................................................................................... 9 PEST ON DETERMINANTS OF RIVALRY AMONG EXISTING COMPETITION............................................................ 10 OVERALL INDUSTRY RATING ............................................................................................................................. 11 COMPANY SPECIFIC ACTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 11 EEXXTTEERRNNAALL FFAACCTTO ORR EEVVAALLUUAATTIIO ONN ...................................................................................................................................................1122 INTERPRETATION ............................................................................................................................................. 12 CCO OM MPPEETTIITTIIVVEE PPRRO OFFIILLEE M MAATTRRIIXX...........................................................................................................................................................1133 KKEEYY SSUUCCCCEESSSS FFAACCTTO ORRSS O OFF FFO OO ODD IINNDDUUSSTTRRYY ((SSPPIICCEESS SSEECCTTO ORR))................................................................................1144 IINNTTEERRNNAALL AANNAALLYYSSIISS...........................................................................................................................................................................................1166 VVAALLUUEE CCHHAAIINN AANNAALLYYSSIISS..........................................................................................................................................................................1166 PRIMARY ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................................................ 16 DISTRIBUTION.................................................................................................................................................. 17 MARKETING AND SALES ................................................................................................................................... 18 ADVERTISING AND SALES PROMOTION............................................................................................................. 18 SUPPORT ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................................................ 19 PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................................ 19 PROCUREMENT ............................................................................................................................................... 20 HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT .................................................................................................................. 20 TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT .......................................................................................................................... 20 FUTURE ........................................................................................................................................................... 21 CCO ORREE CCO OM MPPEETTEENNCCIIEESS...................................................................................................................................2211 SSTTRREENNGGTTHHSS ...................................................................................................................................................................2222 W WEEAAKKNNEESSSSEESS.................................................................................................................................................................................................2233 IINNTTEERRNNAALL FFAACCTTO ORR EEVVAALLUUAATTIIO ONN.......................................................................................................................................................2244 INTERPRETATION ............................................................................................................................................. 24 TTW WO OSS M MAATTRRIIXX.............................................................................................................................................2255 Term Project Shan Foods Page v of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SSPPAACCEE M MAATTRRIIXX............................................................................................................................................................................................2266 COMPANY SPECIFIC ACTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 28 II--EE M MAATTRRIIXX......................................................................................................................................................................................................2299 INTERPRETATION ............................................................................................................................................. 29 GGRRAANNDD SSTTRRAATTEEGGYY M MAATTRRIIXX .....................................................................................................................................3300 INTERPRETATION ............................................................................................................................................. 30 Q QSSPPM MM MAATTRRIIXX.............................................................................................................................................3311 GGEENNEERRIICC SSTTRRAATTEEGGIIEESS ....................................................................................................................................................3322 CURRENT GENERIC STRATEGY .......................................................................................................................... 32 PROPOSED GENERIC STRATEGY ........................................................................................................................ 33 PROS ............................................................................................................................................................... 34 CONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 34 BBLLUUEE O OCCEEAANN SSTTRRAATTEEGGYY.............................................................................................................................................3355 LLEEAADDEERRSSHHIIPP..................................................................................................................................................3366 Term Project Shan Foods Page vi of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION Shan Foods initially started its operations in a single room, in the house of its present owner andCEO Sikandar Sultan. The initial concept of Shan masala was to provide the people of Pakistanwith a quality Brand in masala industry. Its initial customers were family members, friends, closerelatives and other known people. As time passed new and complete strangers started come for the Shan masala. This was the time when real production started at Shan. It was established in1981 in the servant quarter of Mr. SikandarSultan ‟s house. The route from a one room company to a multinational firm is slow but successful. It took Shan Foods 25 years to be, what it is today. A Shan food was initially marketed in 1983, two years after it was founded, and that was the official launch of Shan Foods in Pakistan. Shan stated its exports in 1984 in which they had tremendous success. The company is at area of 100,000sp. Ft. and is equipped with the latest and state of the art laboratories which testes and analyzes each product right from the ingredient to the finish stage. Shan offers a great range of products to its customers. Shan Foods sells over 70 different types of spices and also sells over 70 different types of Mixed and ready recipes in 9 different heads. The company has 374 distributors within Pakistan and 60 distributors across 45 countries. Shan has won many awards for providing superior quality products to its consumers globally. On May24th, 2010 Shan Foods won one the most significant awards in the culinary industry, ‘The Superior Taste’ award given by iTQi International Taste and Quality Institute, Brussels and became the only food company in Pakistan to ever achieve this landmark. They believe they have a unique and comprehensive brand portfolio, which has become an important face of their consumers’ daily lives. They have the industry’s leading resources and assets through their extensive R&D network. This enables them to translate the consumer insights swiftly into successful commercialized products; thus leveraging the rapid progress in science and technology. Term Project Shan Foods Page 1 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT EXTERNAL ANALYSIS PORTER FIVE FORCES MODEL THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS A 1. THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS Yes (+) 2. Do large firms have a cost or performance advantage in your segment of the industry? Are there any established brand identities in your industry? 3. Do your customers incur any significant costs in switching suppliers? 4. Is a lot of capital needed to enter your industry? 5. Is serviceable used equipment expensive? 6. Does the newcomer to your industry face difficulty in accessing distribution channels? Does experience help you to continuously lower costs? 7. ~ No (–) 8. Does the newcomer have any problems in obtaining the necessary skilled people, materials or supplies? 9. Are there any licenses, insurance or qualifications that are difficult to obtain? 10. Can the newcomer expect strong retaliation on entering the market? LOW Term Project MEDIUM Shan Foods HIGH Page 2 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT INTERPRETATION The above filled questions for the threat of new entrant shows there are more “yes” than “no” which means that industry is less attractive for the new competitors. There are following reasons for that such as: • For competing on the same scale with existing player of the industry such as national and Shan new entrant would need to have huge capital investment for setting up huge production facility and that would ultimately going to have huge amount of fixed cost. • Brands and distribution channel play a significant role in the industry. Majority of the customers are brand conscious although they will not going to incur any cost in switching cost in changing company but still there is very huge customer base which is loyal to brand of their choice • Previously there was very few licensing and certifications required but now this requirement has also gone up. Some of the many licensing and certification which a competitor would require to run its operations locally and internationally are EHS, ISO HASSCP 22000, SANHA, BVQI. PEST ON THREAT OF NEW ENTRANTS POLITICAL FACTORS All the existing players and the new comers are suppose to follow the companies’ ordinance 1984. Apart from that there is not much governmental or legal restriction while entering or existing the industry in Pakistan. But when we see the exports market then there are certain requirement and legal binding especially in term of packaging and quality of the ingredients and these vary from country to country. ECONOMIC FACTORS After the economic meltdown Pakistani economy is unable to recover and continuously facing decline. But at the same time the industry is experiencing steady growth which very much affected by the high inflation and especially the food inflation in Pakistan. The new entrant would have to face high cost of capital but the worse economic conditions would not allow it to generate the desired level of ROI. SOCIAL FACTORS Term Project Shan Foods Page 3 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Social norm and values of Pakistan are changing though not rapidly but they are . In the case of new entrants when we see the societal factors such as how many households prefer to buy spices and masala mix then in this case the results are positive. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS Technological factors are in the favor of the new entrants because it has reduced the role of skill labor and errors in the process. But at the same time this has also made life difficult for some because not all of the new entrants have the capital investment to purchase those technologies which are now becoming essential for the survival in the industry BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERS B BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERS 1. 3. Are there a large number of buyers relative to the number of firms in the business? Do you have a large number of customers, each with relatively small purchases? Does the customer face any significant costs in switching suppliers? 4. Does the buyer need a lot of important information? 5. Is the buyer aware of the need for additional information? 6. Your customers are not highly sensitive to price. 7. Your product is unique to some degree or has accepted branding. 8. You provide incentives to the decision makers. 2. LOW Term Project Yes (+) MEDIUM Shan Foods ~ No (–) HIGH Page 4 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT INTERPRETATION Bargaining power of the buyers in the industry is indifferent at the moment with the help of above questions but it is inclining towards high buyer power in the future. The main reason for this is that large buyers or key accounts in the industry are increasing day by day. Also the small buyers do not have to pay any switching cost and new entrant has made lot of options available to them as well. But in present the good sign for the industry is that a huge chunk of customer is brand loyal and they are not price sensitive either. PEST ON BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERS POLITICAL FACTOR The role of governmental or customer bodies was not there in the past but now it exist although at the level where it should have been but the role is increasing. This increase of the customer bodies’ role is positively working towards the bargaining power of the buyers. ECONOMIC FACTOR One of the major issues with Pakistan’s economy is food inflation. Currently neither government nor customer group are not active when it comes to control or bargain the issue of increase in price. SOCIAL FACTOR Huge number of customers is becoming aware of their rights as customers so this is also increasing the bargaining power of the buyer TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS Does not have any significant impact on the bargaining power of the buyer Term Project Shan Foods Page 5 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT THREAT OF SUBSTITUTES C THREAT OF SUBSTITUTES 1. 2. Substitutes have performance limitations that do not completely offset their lowest price. Or, their performance is not justified by their higher price. The customer will incur costs in switching to a substitute. 3. Your customer has no real substitute. 4. Your customer is not likely to substitute. LOW Yes (+) MEDIUM ~ No (–) HIGH INTERPRETATION Threat of substitute is very low because customers do not have any real substitute available of spice and readymade masala mixes. One of the real substitutes of the spices and readymade masala mixes is ready to eat meals and some of the competitors have tested that as well but they didn’t get the good response from the customers. PEST ON THREAT OF SUBSTITUTES POLITICAL FACTOR Political or governmental factors don’t have any restriction on the substitutes. ECONOMIC FACTOR Term Project Shan Foods Page 6 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Economic factors usually don’t have any significant impact on substitutes but major problem which any real or unreal substitute has to face is the increasing inflation which has reduced the purchasing power of the consumers. So if the substitute would cost more than spice and masala mix then they would have to face hard time in the industry. SOCIAL FACTOR Social value of Pakistan are very strong when it comes to food and people prefer to have home cooked food so any substitute (such as ready to eat meal) which would try to replace the home cooked food will have to face tough time in rural and urban areas. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTOR Technological changes don’t have any significant impact on the availability of the substitute. BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPLIERS D BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPLIERS 1. My inputs (materials, labor, supplies, services, etc.) are standard rather than unique or differentiated I can switch between suppliers quickly and cheaply. 2. 3. Yes (+) 4. My suppliers would find it difficult to enter my business or my customers would find it difficult to perform my function in-house. I can substitute inputs readily. 5. I have many potential suppliers. 6. My business is important to my suppliers. 7. My cost of purchases has no significant influence on my overall costs. LOW Term Project MEDIUM Shan Foods ~ No (–) HIGH Page 7 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT INTERPRETATION The bargaining power of the supplier in the industry is on the lower side because most of the raw material which suppliers supply are commodities and also with them companies have long term contracts such as in the case of packaging Shan food has 10 years contract with “packages”. Also companies don’t have to pay huge amount of switching cost while switching supplier. But at the same time long term relation with suppliers are also very important especially farmer because if they sell their crop to someone else in the industry then you would have to face higher price in importing those raw materials. PEST ON BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPLIERS POLITICAL FACTOR Bargaining power of supplier is positively affected by the restriction imposed by government on certain item from certain countries such as companies cant import raw spices directly from india. ECONOMIC FACTOR Economic factor also increasing the bargaining power of the supplier because if company will going to buy from international suppliers then the exchange fluctuate a lot these days and that will going to increase the cost. SOCIAL FACTOR Social trend don’t have any significant impact on the bargaining power of the supplier TECHNOLOGICAL FACTOR Technological advancement has reduce a bit bargaining power of supplier as companies can access many international suppliers over the internet and they can find out the alternate ways of import which can reduce cost of the company as well. Term Project Shan Foods Page 8 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT DETERMINANTS OF RIVALRY AMONG EXISTING COMPETITION E DETERMINANTS OF RIVALRY AMONG EXISTING COMPETITION 1. The industry is growing rapidly. 2. The fixed costs of the business are a relatively low portion of total costs. 3. There are significant product differences and brand identities between the competitors. The competitors are diversified rather than specialized. 4. 5. Yes (+) ~ No (–) It would not be hard to get out of this business because there are no specialized skills and facilities or long-term contract commitments, etc. My customers would incur significant costs in switching to a competitor. 6. 7. My product is complex and requires a detailed understanding on the part of my customer. My competitors are all of approximately the same size as I am. 8. LOW MEDIUM HIGH INTERPRETATION The rivalry among the existing competitors is very high because of many reasons such as follows: • Almost all the players of the industry are having very big production plants which not only require huge capital investment but at the same time it increase their fixed cost as well Term Project Shan Foods Page 9 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT • None of the company is diversified in the industry which leads to increase in rivalry because all of them want to earn more from the existing pie of the industry • Exist barriers are also very high because companies have invested heavily in the infra structure as well they are in legal binding with many suppliers and customers. PEST ON DETERMINANTS OF RIVALRY AMONG EXISTING COMPETITION POLITICAL FACTOR Political factor doesn’t have any role in the rivalry amongst the exiting players except the antitrust law. ECONOMIC FACTOR Market is not growing at the expected because of worse economic condition and this has negative effects on the economic factors. Due to inflation companies are unable to increase the prices as much as they wanted and the same time they wanted to reduce the cost so that they can spend those resources for other purposes such as marketing and distribution so that they can increase their sales. SOCIAL FACTOR Customers are very much aware with the traditional marketing and its gimmick. So companies have to think creative so that they can attract more customers to increase their share and sales. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTOR Technological advancement is playing a positive role for the companies in the industries as companies can create competitive edge over others but for that their research and development will be the key. Term Project Shan Foods Page 10 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OVERALL INDUSTRY RATING Overall industry rating Favorable Moderate Unfavorable Implications The threat of new entrants. Bargaining power of buyers. 7 4 2 1 1 3 Favorable Unfavorable Bargaining power of suppliers. Threat of substitutes. Intensity of rivalry among competitors. Total 4 3 3 1 1 1 2 0 4 favorable favorable Unfavorable 8 Favorable 17 6 COMPANY SPECIFIC ACTIONS In the porter five forces model there are two forces which are unfavorable for industry such as bargaining power of buyers and rivalry among competitors. The main reason for this is that buyers are becoming much more aware about their rights and about the products. At the same time rivalry among the existing players of the industry is increasing mainly because of low fixed cost due to which more often players in the industry indulged in the price wars. Shan food needs to work on two things such as follows: • Increase in rivalry among the existing players of the industry can be tackled by the change in the processes which can reduce cost and this can be done through technological advancement in its systems, so that errors can be reduced and efficiency can be improved. • Another thing which need to done is that majority of the customers are not price sensitive, so for them company need to come up with such activities which increases their loyalty and attractiveness towards brand so that Shan foods can exploit it. Term Project Shan Foods Page 11 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT EXTERNAL FACTOR EVALUATION EFE KEY EXTERNAL FACTORS Weight Rating Weighted Score Comments Growth potential in Rural areas 0.1 3 0.3 Untapped market in rural areas Increasing Growth Rate Of Urban Pakistan 0.1 3 0.3 Fast Lifestyle in Pakistan (less available time for cooking) 0.1 2 0.2 Population in Urban areas growing faster than in rural areas Increasing trend in workingwomen ratio in Pakistan Quality raw material is available 0.15 3 0.45 Untapped Asian Communities Living Aboard 0.1 2 0.2 High Domestic Inflation Rates 0.08 2 0.16 Inflation impacting cost of raw material and buying power of consumer Agriculture marketing mechanism of the country 0.1 3 0.3 Inefficient agricultural system causing frequent supply shortages Emerging national/ International competitors 0.07 3 0.21 Shan, Habib and others increases competition. Private/ Local Brands 0.1 3 0.3 Metro and Macro private brand taking market share. Low Price Competition From Loose/ Open Spices 0.1 3 0.3 Local retailers provide low cost loose spices OPPORTUNITIES High quality Raw Materials are grown locally specifically chilies. Opportunity to grow in global market by catering Asian communities THREATS Total 1 2.72 INTERPRETATION The Total Weighted Score of 2.72 in the External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix denotes that Shan Foods is responding well to the existing opportunities and threats in spices Industry. In other words, the Term Project Shan Foods Page 12 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT strategy Shan foods is implementing, is taking advantage of the existing opportunities and minimizing the potential opposing effects of external threats in an appropriate way better than competitors in the industry. COMPETITIVE PROFILE MATRIX S.No. Key Success Weight Factors Shan Foods Scor Wt. e Score National Foods Score Wt. Un-orgz. sector Score Score Wt. Score 1 Brand 0.15 3 0.45 2 0.3 2 0.3 2 Distribution 0.15 2 0.3 4 0.6 2 0.3 3 Quality 0.1 3 0.3 3 0.3 2 0.2 4 Taste 0.15 3 0.45 3 0.45 2 0.3 5 Financial 0.05 3 0.3 3 0.3 1 0.1 6 Technology 0.1 4 0.4 3 0.2 1 0.1 7 Diversification 0.15 3 0.3 4 0.6 1 0.15 8 Global 0.1 3 0.3 3 0.3 0 0 0.05 3 0.3 3 0.15 1 0.05 Position Expansion 9 Price Total 1 2.95 3.2 1.5 According to the competitive profile matrix of the Spices industry in Pakistan, the industry is headed by National Foods as being the leader in Pakistan with the score of 3.2 and unorganized sector with 1.5, whereas Shan foods is a stronger than unorganized sector. There are few things which we can see in the above analysis such as follows: Areas where competitors are better than Shan foods: There are few areas where competitors are better than Shan. First area is the distribution because national foods has a much better score in this field from Shan because it has a very strong distribution in central region and also it do have fair amount distribution in Karachi and Sindh region. Second is Term Project Shan Foods Page 13 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT national’s diversified range of product which allowed it to attract wide range of customers and also leverage its one brand’s equity to another brands. Areas where Shan foods is better than competitors: There are few areas where Shan foods are better than its competitors. First is its brand which is having much more equity than its competitors in the market. Second is their technology which is helping Shan to go for automation in their process to gain efficiency. And last but not the least in its pricing which is better than its competitors. KEY SUCCESS FACTORS OF FOOD INDUSTRY (SPICES SECTOR) TASTE The right proposition of spices on the basis of quantity that will be cooked makes the Shan spices different from the competition. They have the best technology available to increase the probability of freshness of spices for the longer time period. This actually helped them to maintain the taste in their recipes. QUALITY It is another key factor for the company to differentiate your product from the competition. Higher quality helps the brand to make a stronger relationship between the brand and the target audience which ultimately helps the brand to increase the market share and brand equity. DISTRIBUTION Shan is mostly restricted to Karachi, Hyderabad and other areas of Sindh. This has made Shan Foods to concentrate on these areas and increase their influence. National foods have diversified it into many product categories and this has enabled them to create much bigger distribution network all over the country. Access to quality distribution is the key to success in this industry. Shan has to work on it in order to capture the market chunk from other regions of Pakistan. Term Project Shan Foods Page 14 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT BRAND A product from a known source means Brand is something through which people associate their self. Having a strong brand enable companies to charge premium and sell its product in the global markets. PRICE Price is important in this industry as companies with un established brands are competing on prices and are attracting substantial portion of market. Further more competition between Shan Foods and National Foods is very intense and they offer products at comparable prices. Any move to change prices is aggressively answered. TECHNOLOGY Technology is another factor that helps companies differentiates themselves from their competition. Shan Foods takes this factor very seriously and keeps on introducing new technology. They have the best available technology in Pakistan related to their market. DIVERSIFICATION Diversification in food industry helps any company to utilize its resources in efficient way. Company with multiple products can market its whole range through single channel. Shan Food is a diversified company and markets more than 110 products. Most of the products are sold to consumers through General stores and department stores. These products are carried by single distributor in a particular area which adds in profit for both company and distributor. FINANCIAL POSITION Strong financial health enables any company to grab opportunity whenever it presents itself. They are not listed in the stock exchange. Shan foods whole company finances are based upon shariah. Term Project Shan Foods Page 15 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT GLOBAL EXPANSION Impact of globalization is huge for the industry. They have increased their reach to all over the world. Changing trends help they better understand the consumers. INTERNAL ANALYSIS VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS PRIMARY ACTIVITIES PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES Shan foods directly buy the raw material from its suppliers and growers. A Shan food has a strong policy while purchasing the raw materials. Each and every ingredient is carefully selected with no compromise in quality and they are very strict in this regard. If they don’t find the quality they are looking for a particular variant, they will stop producing it until they find the best quality that fits their standards. This affects the demand of variant but they are not concerned as quality is their first choice. OPERATIONS Term Project Shan Foods Page 16 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT The suppliers are in the close proximity of the plants, therefore, the transportation costs are low because the raw material is pre-ordered whenever production has to be started. The quality control procedures are effective and efficient. The quality of the products is assured at every level. The plant, machinery and offices, all are in healthy condition and according to the standards. It is also ensured that no artificial flavor is added to single spice like salt, coriander etc. All the masalas from “Biryani masala” to “Sindhi Biryani masala” are made according to the taste of the specific target audience. Quality Operations of raw material includes the following tests: • Chemical testing • Physical tests • Microbiological, and • (Organoleptical) evaluation of ingredients and products Quality Operations focuses on to achieve objectives: • Procure and source best quality and competitively priced ingredients from global and local markets. • Enhanced productivities by reduction in online rework and rejection • Enrichment of employee thinking capacity through continuous Quality Training program • Reduction in waste • Removal of process hands-offs • Drive an improvement-based quality culture through ISO9001 certification • International recognition ITQi Award • Ensuring the safety of consumer health by adopting world’s recognized Food Safety Management System FSMS-22000 and HACCP principles. • Ensuring the compliance of HALAL requirements and recognition By SANHA certification DISTRIBUTION They do not own any distribution channels and pursue outsourcing. Their target market is whole Pakistan so they ensure presence of Shan masala on almost every retail outlet all over Pakistan. They Term Project Shan Foods Page 17 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT have warehouses located at Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Gujranwala and Rawalpindi. These ware houses are used not only to keep finished goods for onward delivery to their distributors but are also used for keeping the raw material in case of bulk quantity purchase. There are only a handful of locations where Shan foods provide the products itself which include Metro, Makro, Hyperstar and a couple more. Their distribution partners include NPD and Urooj where 80% of the distribution is controlled by NPD Pvt. Ltd. which handles the process matching the international standards. MARKETING AND SALES The estimated marketing budget of Shan is around Rs.100 million for both ATL and BTL activities in the year 2009. The company’s marketing activities are designed near Ramadan, Eid or a new product launch mostly. The breakdown for the budgeting is 80% for ATL activities and 20% for BTL activities. Shan foods has a unique advertising approach; the management does not advertise as a ritual and can be termed as quite conservative when it comes to using mass media for promoting itself. Their communication never shows people performing; only product is displayed in the advertisements. It does not believe in advertising rigorously. The advertising is done mostly seasonally, however it does conduct certain BTL and promotional campaigns and activities. As the Advertising has limited role to promote Shan Brand, the sales team is the biggest asset of Shan foods. The Sales team is highly motivated to go the extra mile to provide Shan all over Pakistan. However, National is leading in North of Pakistan and Shan is leading in South. ADVERTISING AND SALES PROMOTION The estimated marketing budget of Shan is around Rs.100 million for both ATL and BTL activities in the year 2009. The company’s marketing activities are designed near Ramadan, Eid or a new product launch mostly. The breakdown for the budgeting is 80% for ATL activities and 20% for BTL activities. Shan foods has a unique advertising approach; the management does not advertise as a ritual and can be termed as quite conservative when it comes to using mass media for promoting itself. Their Term Project Shan Foods Page 18 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT communication never shows people performing; only product is displayed in the advertisements. It does not believe in advertising rigorously. The advertising is done mostly seasonally, however it does conduct certain BTL and promotional campaigns and activities. SUPPORT ACTIVITIES PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The industry is not subject to rapid technological changes as it is not a hi-tech industry. However automatic plants are bought to increase the efficiency of the company to fulfill the demand within a short time period. Shan Foods has a strong R&D department, works in close liaison with production department to ensure quality and its improvement. For a company to prosper and grow, it must keep evolving itself to the changing needs of today’s consumer and market in general. New and advanced automatic plants have been installed by Shan Foods to increase the efficiency of production and quality. Shan foods always believes in continuous evolution of its product portfolio, therefore the Research and Development is constantly looking for innovations within the product category and how it can produce new products that meets the customers’ demand. They are relentlessly look for a win-win situation for both the company and the customer. Recently Shan foods launched a successful range of products named as Shan Oriental. The Marketing Manager of Shan Foods, Ms. Asma Aman said, “Shan has revolutionized the cooking tradition by offering recipe secrets that make cooking easier and taste “Just perfect!” As spice blending experts, we take pride in taking our consumers on a journey to enjoy sumptuous food cuisines from across the globe. Now Shan Foods offers a full range of Oriental Recipes to give our customers food-treats they will fall in love with”. Term Project Shan Foods Page 19 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROCUREMENT Procurement is being done with a very simple manner which is that they make a contract with farmers at the time of sawing of the crops. For edible oil they have a contract with an Italian company from which they import oil. HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Like others they also put great effort to get the best talent and provide benefits to them in the best possible manner. They believe that in Shan Foods, employees are the key ingredients for the success and growth of the company and hence the Human Resource department plays a vital role in aligning the organizational strategy with the employee’s’ goals. Recruitment drive takes place in all the major universities of the country, the fresh talent is passed through a series a tests and interviews which judge their mental abilities, intellectual level, decision making ability and the sound knowledge of his/her area of expertise. Shan Foods is commits itself in providing market competitive remuneration to all its employees. They strongly believe in a performance driven work culture that promotes competencies and skills that drives the organization towards success and growth and simultaneously aligning the organizational goals with the objectives of its employees. They have designed a ‘Shan Centre for Excellence’, where Training Sessions are conducted for development of Technical and Managerial Competencies. Every HR project is linked with the overall strategy of the organization and every step helps to achieve vision, which is to be a Global Food Brand. TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT With the development of MIS (Management Information Systems) during the last few years in the company, Shan has immensely been helped by it to become a well-organized and one of the most advanced companies in its industry. The usage of cutting edge technologies like Microsoft, Oracle and Linux has helped Shan in the day to day transactions. Mr. Sikander Sultan, CEO Shan foods says that Term Project Shan Foods Page 20 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT technology has helped Shan foods to become as big as it is today which started from a Single room in 1981. Visualizing the future of IT industry, team has decided for business diversification and setting-up new venture of IT company named as Armtech Business Solutions (Private) Limited. Since formulation, by leveraging highly flexible business processes, a seamless global delivery network and a deep domain-expertise, ABS delivers a better “return on outsourcing.” ABS is among the fastest growing IT services companies to organize around key industry verticals and horizontals. This enables ABS to establish extremely close partner-ships that foster continuous operational improvements and better bottom-line results. FUTURE It is worth mentioning here that because people in the rural areas do not prefer packaged spices and give preference to their own home made ones, as a result of this Shan has not been able to penetrate well in those areas. Diversifying into new products should be the future aim of Shan. The competitors; National and Mehran have a whole range of products from Spices to Ketchup. Shan foods, with such a strong brand, can easily launch the new products in which cater to the needs of the customers. Delve desserts is one of the example. CORE COMPETENCIES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The Research and Development team at Shan Foods is constantly involved in creating products that cater to the emerging and changing needs of the consumers. Research and development at Shan Foods strive to uncover new horizons which serve as the perfect solution for its consumers. PRODUCT INNOVATION Great efforts are put into development of new products which are economically beneficial and of superior quality pursuing its commitment of providing the best-of-the-best products for its consumers. Term Project Shan Foods Page 21 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROCUREMENT The selection of raw material is in fact one of the biggest success factor for Shan. One may not have heard any complaints about the quality of Shan foods in the market. The purchasing of the spices is done on regular bases but each time the importance of the quality is kept in mind. You can find a shortage of a particular variant of Shan in the market, not because of the production problem but because the quality standards that Shan has set, does not match with the ingredients, so Shan foods wait for the best quality of raw material and stop making that variant. STRENGTHS INNOVATION AND RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Innovation is the word which is very much associated with shan foods when we talk about the spices industry of Pakistan because shan is the company which is not afraid to try out new and innovative product in the market. Their innovation is deriving by their strong research and development department which work dedicatedly for the betterment of the company in the shape of new products and improving the existing ones. COMMITMENT AND TIMELINE Commitment is the another strength of shan food because it’s the company which is focused on their job and give their 100% on the task assigned regardless of the results and they have very strong timeline for each of their task to perform. QUALITY AND TASTE MANAGEMENT Shan foods have its own taste which makes it different from its competitors and the reason for that they have highly advanced automated process which mixes its spices in each packet which allows shan to maintain its taste. ENRICHING EMPLOYEE THINKING CAPACITY HR department of shan foods is implementing training programs very rigorously so that they can enrich the thinking capacity of the employees so that they can compete in the competitive global arena. IMPLEMENTATION OF IBS THROUGH IN HOUSE IT INFRASTRUCTURE IT department of shan foods is amongst the most efficient department of the company. This assisted shan food in various ways but IBS is the one software which allowed shan to compete well in the market Term Project Shan Foods Page 22 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC RELATIONS WITH SUPPLIERS AND FARMER Supplier and farmer play a vital role in the shan’s industry. That is the main reason due to which shan has very much focused on having good relations with its supplier of raw material such as packaging, printing and etc and also with farmer with the help of strategic contracts. WEAKNESSES LIMITED EXPANSION DUE TO COMPLETE EQUITY FINANCING Shan food is the company which is 100% equity financed due to which company some time face limitations when it plans for the larger expansion. Because it is the shariah compliance company due to which they are against taking loans on interest from bank. So that is main reason they finance all their from complete equity. WEAK DISTRIBUTION IN PUNJAB SIDE Shan food does not have a distribution channel in the central region of Pakistan due to which it is unable to generate revenue from the very big population. LIMITED APPROACH TOWARDS MARKETING COMMUNICATION Shan food is using very few medium in marketing and communication. They are very much focused on ATL but in that as well they have very strict internal policy for advertisement. Also they are very conservative in their approach in using new marketing approach. TOUGH CREDIT POLICY A Shan food is having strict credit policy for its customers. It has approx 80% of the sales on cash basis and remaining in the credit basis. This practice is hindering their progress in those markets where big buyers are available but they want to have some good credit policy Term Project Shan Foods Page 23 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT INTERNAL FACTOR EVALUATION IFE Weight Rating Weighted Score Innovation & R&D 0.15 3 0.45 Commitment and Timeline 0.05 3 0.15 Quality and Taste Management 0.15 2 0.3 Implementation of IBS through in house IT infrastructure 0.1 1 0.1 strategic relations with suppliers and farmer 0.05 3 0.15 Limited expansion due to complete equity financing 0.15 2 0.3 Weak distribution in Punjab side. 0.1 4 0.4 Limited approach towards marketing communication. 0.1 2 0.2 Tough Credit Policy 0.15 3 0.45 Key External Factors STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Total 1 2.5 INTERPRETATION The Total Weighted Score of 2.5 in the internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix denotes that Shan Foods is scoring on an average score. In other words, shan foods has lot of room available to implement good strategy to improve its IFE score. It can do by utilizing its strength properly and reduce its weaknesses as Term Project Shan Foods Page 24 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT much as it can. Shan can utilize its technology advancement to the distribution and sales team so that they can penetrate in the market and also by relaxing its credit policy. TWOS MATRIX 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. OPPORTUNITIES 1. Growth potential in central and northern regions 2. Fast Lifestyle (less available time for cooking) 3. Quality Raw Materials Available in the country. 4. Untapped Asian Communities Living Aboard THREATS 1. High Domestic Inflation Rates 2. Emerging National and International Competition 3. Private/ Local Brands 4. Low Price Competition From Loose/ Open Spices Term Project STRENGTHS Innovation & R&D Commitment and Timeline Quality and Taste Management Enriching employee thinking capacity. implementation of IBS through in house IT infrastructure strategic relations with suppliers and farmer S-O STRATEGIES 1. Penetrate into central and northern regions . (S1,S3,O1) 2. strategic alliance with supplier and farmers (S2, S6, O3) 3. Expand operations in . south American and eastern Europian countries (S1,S3,O5) S-T STRATEGIES 1. Expand operations in foreign countries (S1, S2, T1, T2) 2. Related Diversification (S4, S6,T2,). Shan Foods WEAKNESSES 1. Limited expansion due to complete equity financing 2. Weak distribution in Punjab side. 3. Limited approach towards marketing communication. 4. Tough Credit Policy W-O STRATEGIES 1. Market expansion with flexible credit policy (W1,W4,O1) 2. Increase market share in central and northern region (W2,O1,O2) W-T STRATEGIES 1. unrelated diversification (W1,W2,T1,T2) 2. improve marketing and communication (W3,T2,T3) Page 25 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SPACE MATRIX FINANCIAL STRENGTH RATINGS Return on Investment 5 Days sales outstanding 4 Private limited company 2 Inventory turnover 4 15 INDUSTRY STRENGTH Industry Growth potential 4 Profit Potential 3 Availability of Raw material 4 Brand equity 5 Exports growth 5 21 ENVIRONMENTAL STABILITY -4 Inefficiency in agricultural production Food inflation -4 Energy Crisis -6 Strict trade policy -3 Price elasticity of demand -2 -19.0 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Market Share -2 Product quality -1 Customer loyalty -2 R&D and Technology Implementation -1 Control over supplier and distributor -3 -9 Term Project Shan Foods Page 26 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT CONCLUSION ES Average is –19 / 5 = -3.8 IS Average is 21 / 5 = 4.20 CA Average is –9/ 5 = -1.8 FS Average is 15 / 4 = 3.75 Directional Vector coordinates: x-axis: 4.2 + (-1.8) = +2.4 y-axis: 4.2 + (-3.8) = +0.40 Shan Foods should pursue Aggressive Strategies. y-axis Financial strength +3.00 Environmental stability -2.00 +1 worst to + 6 best -6 worst to –1 best x-axis Competitive advantage -2.50 -6 worst to –1 best Industry strength +4.00 +1 worst to +6 best FS Conservative Aggressive (2.4, 0.4) CA IS Defensive Competitive ES Term Project Shan Foods Page 27 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT COMPANY SPECIFIC ACTIONS The calculation of the space matrix of shan foods is showing that it is existing in the aggressive quadrent which is the most competitive quadrant. Because here the market is growing which is attracting more companies to jump in the market and also allowing the existing player to penetrate more? So here there are few things which shan foods need to do such as follows: • It need to come up with new product which may geographically targeted • It need to penetrate in the central region so that it can increase its revenue • By increase revenues it would be having more cash in hand which eventually allow shan to expand more Term Project Shan Foods Page 28 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT I-E Matrix The IFE Total Weighted Score Strong 3.0 to 4.0 I Average 2.0 to 2.99 II Weak 1.0 to 1.99 III Medium 2.0 to 2.99 IV V VI Low 1.0 to 1.99 VII VIII IX High 3.0 to 3.99 The EFE Total Weighted Score INTERPRETATION Shan foods IE matrix score fall in the division 5 which suggest having hold and maintaining strategy. For holding and maintain the current position in the industry the best suited strategies would product development and market penetration. Term Project Shan Foods Page 29 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT GRAND STRATEGY MATRIX Rapid Market Growth Quadrant II Quadrant I Weak Competitive Position Strong Competitive Position Quadrant III Quadrant IV Slow Market Growth INTERPRETATION According to grand strategy matrix shan food lies in the first quadrant. It has a competitive position in the market by enjoying a big share of the market. Also is has strong brand recognition which is allowing it to grow In the rapidly growing market. Shan foods has the opportunity to utilize its brand to leverage itself while doing market expansion and market penetration. Shan foods also have a very unique taste and quality which differentiate itself from all of its competitors which include both branded and unbranded. Shan food also utilizing its resources very efficiently such as their IT department through that it has developed it own business processing software. Term Project Shan Foods Page 30 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT QSPM MATRIX STRATEGIC ALTERNATIVES Weigh t Key Internal Factors Opportunities Growth potential in central and northern regions Fast Lifestyle (less available time for cooking) Quality Raw Materials Available in the country. Untapped Asian Communities Living Aboard Threats 0.20 0.10 0.15 0.10 High Domestic Inflation Rates Emerging National and International Competition Private/ Local Brands Low Price Competition From Loose/ Open Spices Strengths Innovation & R&D Commitment and Timeline Quality and Taste Management Enriching employee thinking capacity. implementation of IBS through in house IT infrastructure strategic relations with suppliers and farmer Weaknesses Limited expansion due to complete equity financing Weak distribution in Punjab side. Limited approach towards marketing communication. Tough Credit Policy Sum Total Attractiveness Score Term Project Penetrate into central and northern regions AS TAS 2 0.40 3 0.30 4 0.60 3 0.30 Market expansion with flexible credit policy AS TAS 3 0.60 2 0.30 2 0.30 4 0.40 Related Diversification (ready to eat meals) AS TAS 2 0.40 3 0.30 3 0.45 1 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.10 1.00 2 3 2 1 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.10 3 2 2 2 0.45 0.20 0.20 0.20 3 0.45 1 1 1 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.05 0.10 0.05 4 3 4 3 0.60 0.15 0.40 0.15 1 3 4 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.10 3 0.30 3 0.30 2 3 3 3 2 0.20 0.15 0.30 0.15 0.20 0.15 3 0.45 3 0.45 2 0.30 0.10 3 0.30 1 0.10 3 0.30 0.15 4 0.60 3 0.45 0.08 2 0.16 2 0.16 2 1 0.30 0.08 0.07 1.00 3 0.21 4 0.28 1 0.07 4.05 Shan Foods 5.82 4.89 Page 31 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT LOW COST PRODUCT UNIQUENESS Cost leadership Differentiation Focus (low cost) Focus (differentiation) NARROW BROAD SCOP E GENERIC STRATEGIES CURRENT GENERIC STRATEGY Shan food is currently doing a combination of differentiation and focus. In that they are targeting both type of audiences such as they are not very narrowly scoped but at the same time company is targeting for a mass market as well. The main emphasis of the company is to remain differentiated and focused through its product innovations which is allowing company to retain loyal customers as well as this uniqueness allowing shan to establish itself in the international market as well. At the same time national, one of the biggest competitors is having differentiation strategy for the broad market. Although they are also very much trying to be unique through product innovation but they are re-active in its approach and also they have very big range of products which put them in a position to do so. The unorganized sector is mainly focused on cost leadership strategy because they are the one which one competes with the brands only on price so that is why they try to be cost leader. Term Project Shan Foods Page 32 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT LOW COST PRODUCT UNIQUENESS Cost leadership Differentiation Focus (low cost) Focus (differentiation) NARROW BROAD SCOP E PROPOSED GENERIC STRATEGY The proposed generic strategy for shan food is to become cost leader. Scope of shan foods is very well set because in all other areas either the market is very narrow or the competition is very high. So there is no need to change scope. Because their change in generic strategy will allow shan foods to eliminate all cost leakages which will eventually save a money and also this will provide the flexibility to the company to penetrate into the new markets by spending and focusing more on their marketing and distribution for the central region of Pakistan. This strategy will also going to challenge the position of national food in the central because currently they are having very good market share in the central region but when with the help of cost leadership generic strategy shan would be in a position to spend more on distribution and communication in the central region which would threaten the competition. Term Project Shan Foods Page 33 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROS MORE CASH IN HAND Cost leadership will allow the company to have more cash in hand which it can eventually utilize for the penetration in the central region. For penetration in the central region it will have to spend more on distribution. STRENGTHEN INBOUND AND OUTBOUND LOGISTICS For reducing cost on the first place shan would have to make strategic partnership or contracts with farmers and suppliers which will lead to cost reduction. After that it can increase its distribution network in Punjab by making contract with a renowned distribution company which can handle shan distribution in this region. COMMODITIES All the raw material which is shan food is using are more or less can be categorized as commodities. So all the players in the industry are only left with their strategy and costing procedures and if shan is able to achieve cost leadership then it would be having edge over others especially when price of raw materials get high and profit starts shrinking. CONS REDUCTION OF BUDGET IN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Whenever the cost leadership is practiced in any organization so the first cost which is being reduced is the budget of research and development. Term Project Shan Foods Page 34 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT REDUCE PRODUCT INNOVATION AND TEST MARKETING Cost leadership will also make management think to reduce its pace on product development and that will eventually lead to reduce in test marketing of the new product. In other words this will bring company in stagnant position as far as product development is concern. BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY Create: Create a new market of diet products .Shan foods has a range of traditional desserts which can further be expanded into diet products. The brand Delve is a dedicated non-traditional dessert brand. It can also introduce new variants of diet products. There has not been any company who has launched in this category. As the trend of diet products are growing in Pakistan, Shan should capture the market by entering into it. Raise: Shan foods will really have to raise the bar of marketing and communications because it is one of the factors that is limiting the brand to grow. The promotional strategy of Shan foods is, by far, one of the most conservative in nature which is preventing itself to reach mass audience. The competition is communicating its products through all the marketing channels available, however Shan foods is on the same track from the first day. It has to reconsider the mindset and adopt to the changes with the environment in order to better compete in the market. Reduce: Shan food is the company which is 100% equity financed due to which company sometimes face limitations when it plans for the larger expansion. Because it is the Shariah compliance company due to which they are against taking loans on interest from bank. So it is the main reason they finance all the expenses from complete equity. They will have to reduce this method of equity financing by keeping a balance between the equity and debt ratio to expand and meet the growing requirements effectively. Term Project Shan Foods Page 35 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Eliminate: Due to the strict quality control system and policy, the raw material is very carefully selected for each and every product. There are a few products whose raw material is not easily available and which require high Research and Development from the process of purchasing of raw material to the finished product. This increases the cost of making the product. Even though the market for that particular product is less, Shan food is still manufacturing the product. So, in all it is taking huge costs to manufacture it and yet have a very small market of buyers. These variants should be eliminated. They are the cost drivers for the company. LEADERSHIP Executing a strategic shift, particularly fast and with limited resources is difficult. The leadership at Shan will have to play a pivotal role in winning the employees trust throughout this process of change. The best devised strategy is tested throughout its implementation but Shan’s leadership will truly prove itself when the energies and the beliefs of the critical masses create movement aligned with this process of change. How to remove the cognitive hurdle: One major hurdle for the company is the cognitive hurdle when people are not able to adapt to changes they oppose the change, so it must be made sure that the employee want the change to occur by themselves and without any external stimuli, when measuring performance the managers at Shan need to go at ground zero and realize themselves what problems the customers, the distributors, the farmers and the daily wage worker is facing, this will itself compel the managers to rethink their approach toward the way the business is being done. Term Project Shan Foods Page 36 of 43 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT How to overcome resource constraints: A company that is equity financed resources is a major hurdle, the managers at Shan will have to work on performance measurement processes that are not targeted at individuals but at departments and workgroups within these departments, through this the identification of hotspots, coldspots and resource gaps will become effortless. Once this is done surplus resources can be channeled to resource starved area of the company resulting in increased productivity. Financial restraints can be reduced further by introducing Musharakah and Mudarabah in to Shan’s capital structure without compromising on Shan’s shariah compliant policy. How to overcome motivational hurdle: Drastic changes in the organizational structure can many times demoralize the employees. If Shan’s managers employ a top down approach they will lose precious time for the change to be absorbed by the masses. They will have to identify the kingpins since these people have a good will among the masses and they influence others, kingpins must be made integral part of the change process since others will derive inspiration from their actions. There should be a framework for this process and it will have to be fair so that the people will understand why they have been promoted o sidestepped. How to knock down the political hurdles: Like any other organization if we want to dramatically change Shan’s current structure there is bound to be resistance, but it is the quality of a great leader that they are able to establish consensus among the masses and lead from the front. In a company like Shan there will be those who are ready to accept new ideas and align themselves with the overall strategy. The managers will have to identify those likeminded people. With more employees willing to accept change the momentum of organizational change will increase. Term Project Shan Foods Page 37 of 43