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Communication Systems Exam Questions: ISDN, TDMA, FDMA

Electronics & Electronic Communication-I
Questions on Communication System
1. What is the meaning of ISDN? Describe the channels of ISDN. Mention the advantages
and disadvantages of ISDN.
2. What do you mean by TDMA? Write down the characteristics of TDMA.
3. Discuss the working process of TDMA, TDMA-FDD and TDMA-TDD.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of TDMA?
5. What is FDMA? Explain the uses of FDMA. What are the advantages and disadvantages
of FDMA?
6. Distinguish between FDMA and TDMA.
7. Short notes on a) TYMNET, b) ALOHA c) Slotted ALOHA.