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Coal Powered Baking Stove Presentation

University of Venda
Department of Food science and Technology
Food machinery (FST 4643)
Project October 2015
Presentation outline
 Problem to be solved
 Introduction of new equipment
 Hand drawn and labeled equipment diagram
 Parts and functions of the equipment
 Operation principle
 Conclusion
Problem to be solved
• Bakery products are the important staple
foods in most countries and cultures.
• Bakery products are a valuable source of
nutrients providing us with most of food
calories and approximately half of our protein
requirements (Ponte, 2003).
• But people in rural areas where electricity is
still a big challenge they have difficulties when
it comes to baking.
Problem to be solved cont…
They use bricks and soil to make baking
Figure 1: bricks baking stove (Frazier, 2007)
The problem is that their bricks made
equipment's can not be easily cleaned and
also high standard of contaminations.
New equipment introduction
Figure 2: coal powered baking stove.
New equipment introduction cont…
 Coal powered baking stove is an equipment
that will use coal or woods as source of energy
 The main function will be baking products
(bread and biscuits, etc.).
 It will be easily cleaned and sanitized.
 Easy to operate and ability to move from one
place to the other.
Hand drawn and labeled diagram of
the equipment
Figure 3: Coal powered baking stove.
Parts and functions of the equipment
Top heat supplier for supplying heat to the
product during baking.
Inside viewing door for observing product to
avoid burning.
Trays input door for inserting trays into the
Down heat supplier also for supplying heat to
the product during baking.
Parts and functions of the equipment
Smoke releaser pipe to release smoke from
the down heat supplier.
Coal filler for filling coal into down heat
Air spacing to allow air into down heat
Legs to support the standing of the
Operation principle
The coal is filled on top and down heat
suppliers then burned using any source of fire
makers (matches or gunlinght.)
The product to be backed is inserted by trays
through tray input door.
The viewing door is then used to observe the
product inside the stove.
The product is removed through tray input
The coal powered stove will be a solution to
people living in rural areas to be able to access
healthy and contamination free baked
products at all times.
Selected references
Frazier, W.C. (2007). Baked Food Microbiology. Third edition. Hill Book Co.,
New York.
Ponte, J.G. (2003). The shelf life of bakery foods. In: Shelf Life of Foods and
Beverages (ed G. Charalambous). Elsevier Science Publishers. pp.1143-1197.
Thank You!!!!