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Multimedia Applications in IoT Assignment

Assignment 1
The utility of multimedia applications in IOT.
The multi-media internet of things is a collection of interfaces, protocols and
associated multi-media related information representations that enable advanced
services and applications based on human to device and device to device
interaction in physical and virtual environments.
Multimedia applications are useful in interacting with users as they boost
communication in an affordable way between people and devices by providing
an interactive interface that allows dissemination and collection of real world
data. Multi-media content possess distinct characteristics compared to the
generic data acquired by typical IOT devices but require higher processing and
storage power. This is incredibly useful in the Internet of things as various
devices connected through interleaved networks can be used to collect
wholesome data that can be converted into useful information.
The internet of things works by bringing together different features of
multimedia applications such as video oriented apps with both incoming and
outbound streams, speedy mobile sensors and many distributed endpoints to
allow for quick and easy distribution of information needed to where it’s needed.
Things both living and non-living can be embedded with an integrated chip or
sensor which are used to obtain invaluable insights for businesses to achieve
better operational efficiency.
Borko Furht, (2019, November 20). Multimedia Tools and Applications.
Retrieved from https://springer.com/11042.