F lexible C lassroom A ligned A ssessment M ap Grade: 11/12 Semester: 1st Semester Core Subject Title: Oral Communication in Context No. of Hours/Semester: 80 hours/semester Prerequisites (If needed): None Core Subject Description The development of listening and speaking skills and strategies for effective communication in various situations. Culminating Performance Standard: The learner will be able to communicate effectively using various strategies across different cultures WHY TEACH? As implied by the Minimum Standards, the teaching of every core subject shall lead to the development of learners'. . . 2. Thinking Skills (Critical and Problem Solving) 3. Technology Skills 4. Communication and Technology Skills (Creative and Innovative 5. Problem Solving Skills HOW TO TEACH? WHAT TO TEACH? ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK LEARNING MATERIAL PREPARATION MET Reviewing the FIDP of Oral Communication in Context Based on the Culminating Standard of the Oral Communication 1. Communication Skills HOW TO ASSESS? Communication and Technology Skills (Creative and Innovative) Thinking Skills (Critical and Problem Solving) With the skills that shall be championed by Oral communication and together with the other skills Transfer Goal: The learners will be able to communicate effectively demonstrating various strategies and communicative competence in engaging across different cultures. Performance Scenario: Improved PT of the Oral Communication The students will participate as youth advocates in an annual Unity Advocacy Campaign launched by a non-profit organization to be attended by all young learners. In By using the GRASPS characteristics of a PT, identify the Standards & Criteria for Success GOAL: The learners should address the intercultural communication breakdown by spreading awareness and promoting unity amidst differences through the selfmade promotional speech video presentation. Based on the Standards and Criteria for Success in completing the PT, what Enabling Assessment Activities will enable the students to successfully complete the Performance Task? Feedback Mechanisms (Assessment FOR Learning) Feedback Mechanism s (Assessmen t AS Learning) What studentcentered flexible teaching modality will lead towards the completion of the EAA? MET 1: Nature and Elements of Communication Completion of the graphic organizer that will explain why is there a breakdown in communication through analysing the video presented followed by the guide questions. remind the learners of the expected evidence of learning by providing a rubric Conduct conference with students as well as parents through personal message or video call Online /Offline What Formative Questions shall lead to the completion of EAA? What Topic(s) ensure the development of the desired skills? Why do miscommunicatio n occur? Nature and Elements of Communication What are some factors to consider when we communicate with different people? 1. Effective Communication Skills How important are various strategies to avoid communication 2. Intercultural Communication 6. Collaboration Skills Learners are expected to demonstrate effective communication strategies in a youth advocacy campaign where they are expected to engage in dealing with intercultural communication breakdown so as to improve oneself and enhance relationships with others. support with this year’s theme: “Unity in Diversity” , they will spread awareness in addressing intercultural communication breakdown through their self-made promotional speech video presentation enabling them to use effective communication strategies so as to improve oneself and enhance relationships with others. Modalities: Online/Distanc e The learners will submit their selfmade promotional speech video presentation through /recorded speech via teacher’s messenger or flash drives. breakdown ROLE: The learners are to assume the role of being youth advocates in an annual Unity Advocacy Campaign. AUDIENCE: The annual Unity Advocacy Campaign is to be attended by all young learners, and the event organizers. SITUATION: The learners participate in an annual Unity Advocacy Campaign addressing intercultural communication breakdown through the selfmade promotional speech video presentation. PRODUCT/ PERFOMANCE : The learners produce a selfmade promotional speech video presentation STANDARDS Content/ Organization Quality Timeliness Interpretation of the impact of the quote given through differentiated outputs like posters, spoken word, poems etc. Accomplishment of analysis worksheet or reflection log that will inculcate the importance of using various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown Presentation on sociocultural dynamism and communication in the locality trough PowerPoint or Portfolio point out the are where they need to improve on appreciate the accomplishmen t of the competencies achieved Return corrected worksheets with remarks for improvemen t or praise for a job well done Provide additional examples for enrichment activities How would you show competence to avoid communication breakdown in a world with diverse culture? Instruction for the Performance Task: A non-profit organization has launched its annual Unity Advocacy Campaign inviting all young learners to support this year’s theme: “Unity in Diversity” through their self-made promotional video presentation and a 2 minute speech enabling them to use effective communication strategies in dealing with intercultural communication breakdown so as to improve oneself and enhance relationships with others. PERFORMANCE TASK RUBRIC ACTIVITY Exemplary Proficient Partially Proficient Incomplete Content/ Organization 20 points 17.8 points 15.8 points 14 points The content includes a clear statement of purpose or theme and is creative, compelling and clearly demnostrated. A rich variety of supporting information in the video contributes to the understanding of the project’s main idea. Events and messages are presented in a logical order. Includes properly cited sources. Information is presented as a connected theme with accurate, current supporting information that contributes to understanding the project’s main idea. Details are logical and persuasive information is effectively used. The content includes a clear point of view with a progression of ideas and supporting information. Includes properly cited sources. The content does not present a clearly stated theme, is vague, and some of the supporting information does not seem to fit the main idea or appears as a disconnected series of scenes with no unifying main idea. Includes few citations and few facts. Content lacks a central theme, clear point of view and logical sequence of information. Much of the supporting information is irrelevant to the overall message. The viewer is unsure what the message is because there is little persuasive information and only one or two facts about the topic are articulated. Information is incorrect, out of date, or incomplete. No citations included. 15 points 13.35 points 11.85 points 10.5 points Video/Audio was completed and had all required elements. The video was well edited and moves smoothly from scene to scene with proper use of transitions. Audio and other enhancements were well used. Video/Audio was completed and contained all required items. Editing was not done as well as it should have been. Some poor shots remain. Movie is still somewhat choppy. Audio and other enhancements were utilized, but not for maximum effect. Video/Audio was made, but had very little if any editing. Many poor shots remain. Video was very fragmented and choppy with little to no audio reinforcement. There was no video or recorded audio, or USB was totally unedited with no transitions or audio support of any kind. Quality POINTS Timeliness Final Score 15 points 13.35 points 11.85 points 10.5 points All project deadlines were met. Most project deadlines were met. Those that were late did not have significant impact on the finished project. Many project deadlines were not met, resulting in some impact on the finished project. Deadlines were regularly missed, having a significant impact on the final project.