Delhi Postal Registration No uNDeR ‘u’ NumbeR At Lodi Road, PSO on dated 28-29.09.2019 ISSN 0376-7256 Newspaper Regd. No. 25597/73 INDIAN HIgHwAyS `20/- DL-Sw-17/4194/19-21 u(Sw)-12/2019-2021 LICeNCe tO POSt wItHOut PRePAymeNt PubLISHeD ON 23 SePtembeR, 2019 ADvANCe mONtH, OCtObeR, 2019 OCTOBER, 2019 IndIan HIgHways volume : 47 Number : 10 total Pages : 84 Pasighat-Pangin Section NH-229 in Arunachal Pradesh edited and Published by Shri S.K. Nirmal, Secretary general, Indian Roads Congress, IRC HQ, Sector-6, R.K. Puram, Kama Koti marg, New Delhi - 110 022. Printed by Shri S.K. Nirmal on behalf of the Indian Roads Congress at m/s. Aravali Printers & Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Indian Highways Volume : 47 Number : 10 ● october, 2019 ● ISSN 0376-7256 Indian Roads Congress Founded : On 10th December, 1934 Contents From the Editor's Desk From the Desk of Guest Editor Announcement 7, 8, & 74 - 80 Advertisements 9, 10, 81 & 82 Irc Technical Committee Meeting Schedule for October, 2019 4-5 6 8 Technical Papers Bituminous Concrete with Waste Plastic - An Experimental Study 11 By Mukesh Saini & Dr. Praveen Aggarwal Silt Factor for Scour Calculation Around Bridge Foundation 18 By R. K. Dhiman, Vsm Performance Analysis of Plaxis Models of Stone Columns in Soft Marine Clay 25 By M.Vinoth , P.S. Prasad & U.K. Guru Vittal MoRT&H Circular 31 Notifications 32 FEEDBACK Suggestion/Observation on editorial and Technical Papers are welcome and may be sent to IRC Secretariat on Publisher & Editor: S.K. Nirmal, Secretary General, IRC E-mail: Headquarter: IRC Bhawan, Kama Koti Marg, Sector-6, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110 022. Phone No.: +91-11-26171548 (Admn.), 23387140 & 23384543 (Membership), 23387759 (Sale), 26185273 (Tech. Papers, Indian Highways and Tech. Committees) No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without prior written permission from the Secretary General, IRC. The responsibility of the contents and the opinions expressed in Indian Highways is exclusively of the author(s) concerned. IRC and the Editor disclaim responsibility and liability for any statements or opinion, originality of contents and of any copyright violations by the authors. The opinion expressed in the papers and contents published in the Indian Highways do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor or IRC. Printed at: M/s Aravali Printers & Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-110 020 INDIAN HIGHWAYS `20 OCTOBER 2019 3 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT IN ROAD SECTOR IN INDIA The Central Government through MoRTH, MoRD, MoUD, MoS&T and industry have been sponsoring the research studies in road sector. The basic purpose of research in the road sector is to achieve resource efficiencies to save on construction and maintenance costs of road projects without compromise on quality and standards, to achieve increased durability and performance of road assets being created with use of innovative technologies and materials, to increase the speed of construction so that benefits of completed road infrastructure projects are available to users in a timely manner. This also serves as an important input for Indian Roads Congress in evolving Standards, Codes and Manuals. The IRC has been playing an active role in the promotion of road research. In October, 1973, the Highway Research Board (HRB) was set up in IRC for giving undivided attention to research and development activities. Identification, Monitoring and Research Application (IMRA) Committee looks after the research work and compiles data of road research work done in the country on yearly basis. For wider dissemination, the HRB publishes State-of-the-Art Reports, Highway Research Record and Highway Research Journal. The HRB identifies the R&D requirements of the country. IRC-HRB with the help of Identification Monitoring & Research Application Committee (IMRA) and Technical Committees of IRC identify the priority areas and action plan in road sector and thereafter forward recommendation to the MoRTH. The Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), New Delhi set up in 1952 is an apex institution for research in road sector. It is a constituent of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) under the aegis of the Ministry of Science and Technology. It has been doing pioneering service to the road sector. It also provides significant contribution to the Indian Roads Congress (IRC) for formulating national standards and codes for design, construction and maintenance of roads and bridges. Some of the state governments have set up their own research centres and labs for undertaking studies and providing support in quality control. Notable among them are Highway Research Station (HRS) Chennai (by Government of Tamil Nadu), Maharashtra Engineering Research Institute (MERI), Nashik (by Government of Maharashtra), Gujarat Engineering Research Institute (GERI), Vadodara (by Government of Gujarat) and State Level Laboratories (by Government of Assam, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh) etc. Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai – a national level laboratory of CSIR also provides research support in various aspects of bridge structures. Several academic institutions including IITs, NITs and Engineering colleges are also undertaking R&D work in several areas of the road sector. The NHAI and NRIDA have also supported piloting of promising technologies on the National Highways and rural roads respectively entrusted to them. A major push to the R&D effort and standardization in the road sector was given by the MoRTH in mid-1980’s when for the first time a budget head was created for Standards and Research (S&R) work. As a result, full-fledged three divisions were created – one for Roads (S&R), one for Bridges (S&R), 4 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK one for Traffic and Transportation (S&R). Some work of applied research was taken up as part of World Bank and the Asian Development Bank Technical Assistance leading to some of the landmark research achievements in the road sector as a result of the push by the MoRTH. Several research schemes and studies have continued to be sanctioned and such research studies are entrusted to CRRI and academic institutions (IITs, NITs, etc.). The department of Science and Technology also sponsors research schemes to CRRI and academic institutions. Under the PMGSY, the National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA) have also taken up some research projects in the recent past and have prepared Guidelines for Technology Initiatives in Rural Roads for implementation on the ground by the Project Implementation Units of the State agencies responsible for rural roads. Investment in road research should be viewed as a long term investment, to put the country on higher pedestal in the field of highways. Internationally, the allocation for research in highway sector is about 2% of the total investment on roads. The R&D efforts and money spent on relevant research schemes and development of new technologies pay rich dividends to the economy, as has been the experience worldwide. In India there is an urgent need to increase these funding. MoRT&H has provided an outlay of Rs 40.88 crore for R&D for the current year and has sought research proposals from research and academic institutions for sanction. NHAI has also shown willingness for sponsoring some R&D schemes. Often it is seen that research schemes take a lot of time to commence after their identification and taking the research work to a logical completion also takes considerable time. There is a need to evolve a strategy to reduce this time period and put R&D activities on a fast track. It is essential to shorten the time taken in award of the research work and in implementing them by following a comprehensive monitoring system which should also solve the bottlenecks, when faced, while carrying out research work. Further, there are many organizations in the country which are involved in the R&D activities. There is an urgent need to coordinate all these R&D activities to avoid duplication of research work and their dissemination for effective application of the available results in the field. IRC is making every possible effort through HRB in coordination and dissemination of R&D works by providing a platform to HRB during Mid-term and Annual session. Government of India has recently announced that scope for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) spends of 2% has been expanded to include research grants to institutes engaged in promoting science and technology research. This is likely to give big push to research and development in the field of science and technology. (Sanjay Kumar Nirmal) Secretary General INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 5 From the Desk of Guest Editor, DG (RD) & SS, MoRT&H NEED FOR COORDINATED SYNCHRONIZED DEVELOPMENT Development of Infrastructure is of utmost necessity to meet the needs and aspirations of the people and development. Requirement of infrastructure is far exceeding the construction pace for want of adequate resources i.e. financial resources and to some extent technology and expertise. However, these get further stressed due to fragmented approach of development. Government has initiated programme for development of smart cities and even in this programme, proper coordination between various agencies of development i.e. road, water and sanitation, electricity transmission and domestic supplies, laying of pipelines for gas, OFC and other utilities is still lacking. It is often seen that road is constructed with laid down specifications, however while initiating the process for development of the road, there is no proposal from the other Authorities responsible for providing utilities or deciding a plan of erecting electric poles, laying water/sewerage pipelines. Often it is seen that as soon as road is constructed, the same is excavated for providing utilities. Further without consulting the road Authorities, electric poles are erected haphazardly on shoulders just abutting the carriageway with complete disregard to safety of passengers or traffic. It is also seen that afforestation is being done by forest Authorities in lieu of trees cut during development process especially during road construction. Although there is a laid down policy guidelines for planting trees along the road side in the RoW, yet with complete disregard to the policy, the authorities involved in afforestation very often put all the plants just on the shoulders and sometimes stone guards are also placed around the plants making shoulder completely unavailable, eventually making it highly unsafe for traffic. Such haphazard plantation not only affects the safety of the traffic but also affect the future development or widening of highways. Whenever further development/widening of road is required, all these facilities are shifted requiring unavoidable expenditure. All the developed Countries have a Central Controlling Authority; whether it is New York or Singapore, which controls the coordinated development in the City and any developmental work is taken up only after seeking prior approval of the Central Authority. Under the circumstances, there is a strong need to form a centralized controlling Authority in each city/ town to formulate a plan of development which is well coordinated with all the Authorities involved in development process of various infrastructures and utilities and before taking any development activity, this has to be got approved from the competent authority taking into account development of all other facilities and future requirement. However until institutional arrangements are introduced, we as Engineers are duty bound to take consent/view of all other agencies while conceptualizing a Road infrastructure. Coordinated development will result in huge savings in the resources which would be available for proper development of additional infrastructure, meeting the requirement of the people at large. (I.K. Pandey) 6 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 ANNOUNCEMENT IRC PT. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU BIRTH CENTENARY AWARD FOR THE YEAR 2018 Nominations are invited in prescribed proforma for the IRC Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Award for the year 2018. The last date for receipt of nominations is 25th October, 2019. For the year 2019 the nominee’s age should not be more than 45 years. The particulars about the award are given below: 1. PREAMBLE This award has been instituted by the IRC during Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Year and will be made each year for outstanding contribution in the field of Highway Engineering. 2. NATURE OF AWARD Award will be in the form of medal/Citation certificate and will be made annually for notable and outstanding contribution, applied or fundamental, in the field of Highway Engineering (including Bridges). 3. PURPOSE For recognizing outstanding work in engineering technology, utilization, etc. in the highway sector and encouraging young and upcoming engineers/scientists in the profession. 4.ELIGIBILITY AND SELECTION OF THE AWARDEE a.Any Engineer/Scientist or any individual of India who is member/individual associate member of IRC and is engaged in the field of highway engineering will be eligible for the award. b.The award will be bestowed on a person who, in the opinion of the Selection Committee constituted by the Executive Committee, has made conspicuously important and outstanding contribution to Road Development of the country in the preceding 5 years of the nomination for the award. 5. The age of nominee shall be less than 45 years on the 31st May of the year in which the nomination is received. 6.The award will be made on the basis of contributions made primarily by work done in India. The criteria for selection of the contribution for the award will be the following: i) Important addition, modification or improvement to the available design criteria. ii)Important contribution to present day knowledge of physicial phenomenon or behaviour of relevance to engineering practice. iii) New approach or methodology for utilization of development of new technology or new techniques for solving problems in applied engineering technology. iv) Specific contribution made in the following fields: 7. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Investigation Methods R&D Management Standardisation Software Development Planning Maintenance (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) Repairs and Rehabilitation Environment Highway Safety Construction and Management Protective Works Traffic Engineering Nominations a)Names of candidates may be proposed by or through any member of the IRC Council. Each such nomination shall be on the basis of proforma, accompanied by detailed statement of work and contribution of the nominee by the sponsor, and a critical assessment report bringing out the importance of the significant contributions of the nominee made during the preceding five years. The nominations alongwith copies of work assessment reports is to be sent to the Secretary General, IRC on or before 25th October, 2019. b)A candidate once nominated should be considered for a total period of 3 years, if otherwise eligible, unless revised nomination is received. Once such nomination has been received, the Secretary General, IRC may correspond directly with the candidate for supplementary information, if necessary. INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 7 ANNOUNCEMENT PROFORMA IRC-PT. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU BIRTH CENTENARY AWARD (NOMINATION FOR THE YEAR 2018) 1. Name of the Nominee. 2. Roll. No. as member of IRC and the year since he is member of IRC. 3. Discipline under which to be considered. 4. Date of Birth. 5. Academic qualifications beginning with Bachelor’s Degree. 6. Present employment and post held. 7. (a)Outstanding achievements of the nominee (in about 500 words) during the last 5 years (Attach separate sheet) (b) Benefit derived/anticipated or measurable impact of the work/contribution /achievement. (c) Assessment by the sponsor of the importance of the contribution (not more than 100 words) 8. Whether these achievements/contributions have already been recognized for awards by any other body. If so, the name of the body, the name of award and the year of award may be given. 9. Other awards/honours already received including fellowships of professional bodies. 10. Papers published, if any (reprints to be enclosed) 11. Names & address of three experts in the area (preferably in India) as possible reference. (a) (b) (c) Place :____________________________________ Signature­________________________________________ Name & Designation of the Sponsor (IRC Council Member) NOTE : Ten copies of the Proforma along with ten copies of the detailed statement of achievement/contribution neatly typed should be supplied along with reprints of relevant Papers. IRC Technical Committees Meeting Schedule for October, 2019 8 Date Day Time Name of the Committee 11-10-19 Fri 11.30 AM Reduction of Carbon Footprint in Road Construction and Environment Committee (G-3) 12-10-19 Sat 11.00 AM Bearings, Joints and Appurtenances Committee (B-6) 12-10-19 Sat 11.00 AM Road Maintenance & Asset Management Committee (H-6) 19-10-19 Sat 10.30 AM Loads and Stresses Committee (B-2) 19-10-19 Sat 11.00 AM Hill Roads and Tunnels Committee (H-10) INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 ADVertISeMeNt OUTPUT AND EASY OPERATION AMMANN ARX 91 TANDEM ROLLER The Ammann ARX 91 Tandem Roller is built to help operators of all experience levels succeed. The multifunction display enables intuitive machine control, while the machine design improves visibility – and keeps the jobsite safe. Of course compaction output matters, too, and you get it with the ARX 91. The roller features a heavy-duty, two-stage vibrator and effortless adjustment of amplitude and frequency. Easy access to service points makes maintenance quick and cost effective. Ammann India Private Ltd., Plot No.2,143,144, AT - Ditasan, Post - Jagudan, State Highway, Ditasan, Mehsana, Gujarat, PIN Code: 382710 Phone + 91 27 626 62 200, Fax + 91 27 626 62 222, For additional product information and services please visit : PMP-2235-00-EN | © Ammann Group INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 9 ADVERTISEMENT 10 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 TECHNICAL PAPER Bituminous Concrete with Waste PlasticAn Experimental Study Abstract Mukesh Saini1 Dr. Praveen Aggarwal2 The research work was carried out to investigate the experimental behaviour of bituminous concrete mix with addition of waste plastic bottles (Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)). Optimum bitumen content was determined for conventional mix by Marshall Method of mix design and found to be 5.51%. Bituminous concrete mixes were prepared with various percentages of PET (0%, 6%, 8%, 10%, 12% and 14 % of optimum bitumen content) using dry process. Mechanical properties such as Marshall Stability, Flow, Marshall Quotient, Retained Stability and Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) were determined for these mixes. Results show that with increase in quantity of PET, mechanical properties of bituminous concrete mixes improve initially up to certain extent and the optimum quantity of PET was found to be 10% by weight of optimum bitumen content, which fulfil the requirement of mechanical properties for modified mixes using waste plastic as per IRC:SP:98-2013. A good correlation (Coefficient of correlation = 0.959) is observed between Marshall Stability Value and Indirect Tensile Strength for PET modified mixes. Hence, application of plastic waste in bituminous pavements is environmental friendly solution in terms of disposal of non-biodegradable waste plastic along with improvement in mechanical properties of bituminous mixes. 1. INTRODUCTION Economic competitiveness and productivity challenges for developed and developing countries are the major problems over last two decade. To achieve economic competitiveness, manufacturers have turned to making large vehicles to fulfil the delivery of goods. Recently, road ministry has raised the legal axle load for various categories of commercial vehicle by about 25%. So, heavy vehicles are increasing in radical manner on roads. The expected life of pavement reduces due to these heavy vehicles. This problem can be solving, to some extent, by using high quality material or more effective construction techniques. Flexible pavements are the most common type of pavement worldwide with more than 95% of total road network. Performance of flexible pavement can be improved with better quality bituminous mixes. A number of studies conclude that application of waste plastic in bituminous mixes improves their engineering properties. There are two techniques of using waste plastic in bituminous mixes (i) Wet process (Polymer Modified Bitumen) and (ii) Dry process. In polymer modified bitumen process, waste plastic is mixed with bitumen where as in dry process waste plastic is coated over aggregates before using them in bituminous mixes (Sangita et al. 2011, IRC:SP:98-2013). 1 2 Research Scholar, E-mail: Professor, E-mail: The various mechanical properties of bituminous mixes are affected by type and dose of waste plastic used in bituminous mixes. Mechanical properties of bituminous mixes improve due to improvement in physical properties of waste plastic coated aggregates, in dry process. Further inter-molecular bonding between bitumen and waste plastic coated aggregate enhanced strength and thus show significant improvements in quality of bituminous mixes (Ahmadinia et al. 2011, Ahmadinia et al. 2012, Sabina et al. 2009). Asphalt mixes using PET coated aggregate shows improvement in fatigue resistance, helpful in improving the life of flexible pavements under heavy loading condition (against fatigue failure) (Amir et al. 2014). Bituminous concrete is a high quality material used as wearing course on flexible pavements with heavy traffic in India. In the study optimum quantity of bitumen is worked out in bituminous concrete mix using Marshal Method of mix design as per MoRT&H, 2013 Specifications. The main objectives of this experimental work is to evaluate the effect of waste plastic bottles (Polyethylene Terephthalate) on the engineering properties of bituminous concrete mixes, with a view to improve the quality of bituminous mix along with finding an alternative disposal of this non- biodegradable waste material. CED, NIT, Kurukshetra (Haryana) INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 11 TECHNICAL PAPER 2. MATERIAL USED Engineering properties of bituminous mix largely depend upon the physical properties of ingredient material. Physical properties of material used in the present study are described in this section. 2.1 Aggregates The locally available aggregates of 13.2mm and 6mm size from Yamunanagar quarry (Haryana, India), complying Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRT&H, 2013, India) specification were used in the present study. Test results on aggregate along with permissible limit and test standard are compiled in Table 1. Table 1 Test Results on Coarse Aggregates Sr. No. Test 1 Grain size analysis 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MoRT&H, 2013 Specification Maximum 5% passing through 0.075 mm sieve Results 0.6% Combined Flakiness and Elongation Indices Water Absorption Specific Gravity Aggregate Impact Value Los Angles Abrasion Value Soundness (Sodium Sulphate) Coating and Stripping of Bitumen Aggregate Mix 21.55% 0.74% 13.2mm 2.71 6.0mm 2.68 19.65% 23.45% 7.24% Retained coating 96% 2.2 Bitumen For the study bitumen sample was collected from IOCL, Panipat Refinery (Haryana, India) @ Rs. 34.20 per kg. Method of Test IS:2386 Part I Max 35% IS:2386 Part I Max 2% IS:2386 Part III 2.5-3.0 IS:2386 Part III Max 24% Max 30% Max 12% Minimum retained coating 95% IS:2386 Part IV IS:2386 Part IV IS:2386 Part V IS:6241 The sample was tested for various engineering properties as per Indian Standard. Test results are summarized in Table 2. Table 2 Properties of Bitumen Sr. Test No. 1 Specific Gravity of bitumen at 27 °C 2 Penetration (100 gm, 5 seconds at 25° C, 1/10th of mm) 3 Softening point (°C) 4 Absolute Viscosity at 60ºC, (Poises) 5 Ductility at 27° C, (cm) Grade of Bitumen 2.3 Mineral Filler Filler material originates from fines in the aggregate or may be used in the form of cement, lime or ground rock. Plasticity index should not be greater than 4. This requirement does not apply, if filler material is lime or cement. In the present study locally commercially available hydrated lime of specific gravity 2.25 was used as mineral filler. 2.4 Modifier Waste plastic bottles (Polyethylene Terephthalate) collected 12 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Results 1.01 53 49 2980 58 Desired as per IS: 73-2013 Min. 45 Min. 47 2400-3600 Min. 40 VG30 Test Method IS:1202-1978 IS:1203-1978 IS:1205-1978 IS 1206-1978 IS:1208-1978 from local market and shredded in the range of 2.36 mm to 600 microns (for proper coating over aggregates) was used in the present study. The specific gravity of modifier was observed as 1.24. 3. EXPERIMENTAL WORK 3.1. Marshall Method of Mix Design Marshal method of mix design is universally accepted procedure of mix design for high grade bituminous mixes such as DBM and BC. Optimum bitumen content TECHNICAL PAPER is obtained through Marshall Method of mix design. Number of properties such as stability, flow, percent air voids, voids filled with bitumen and voids in mineral aggregates are determined. Bitumen content satisfying the requirement of all these properties as per MoRT&H, 2013 Specifications is termed as optimum bitumen content. In the present study same is determined for bituminous concrete of G-II grading. 3.2. Proportioning of Material The mechanical and volumetric properties of bituminous mixes depend upon the proportioning of material used. The proportioning of aggregate used in bituminous concrete (Grade – II) was carried out as per the MoRT&H, 2013 requirement using analytical method, given in Table 3 & Fig.1 to fulfil the gradation requirement. Table 3 Proportioning of Aggregates for Bituminous Concrete (G-II) Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate passing Sieve Size (mm) 19.0 13.2 9.5 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.600 0.300 0.150 0.075 Designation Aggregates 13.2 mm 6 mm A B 100.0 100.0 97.4 100.0 61.2 100.0 11.9 92.3 1.4 8.1 0.0 2.4 0.0 2.0 0.0 1.8 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.6 Stone Dust C Lime D 100.0 100.0 100.0 95.4 82.1 68.9 61.1 46.4 19.9 7.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 96.0 30.0 Gradation MORT&H, 2013 Specifications Proportioning (A: B: C: D) (34:14:50:2) Range Mean 100 90 – 100 70 – 88 53 – 71 42 – 58 34 – 48 26 – 38 18 – 28 12 – 20 4 – 10 100 95 79 62 50 41 32 23 16 7 100 100 87 67 45 37 33 25 12 5 Fig. 1 Gradation Curve of Bituminous Concrete Mix 3.3. Sample Preparation A total of 1200gm material (coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and filler) were taken to prepare the Marshall Mould as per ASTM: D-1559 specification. Bitumen content was varied in the range of 5.0% to 5.8% with an increment of 0.2%. Aggregates were heated to 170°C temperature and bitumen was heated separately to 150°C. Heated aggregates and bitumen were mixed together to obtained uniform mix and then filler material and hydrated lime was mixed. Mixing was continued at 160°C till a uniform mix was obtained. The mixture was placed in a marshall mould of 10.16 cm diameter and 7.5 cm height with a collar and base. The mould was placed in Marshall Compaction pedestal and compacted with 75 blows of the hammer. The sample was inverted and other face also compacted with same number of blows. After compaction, the collar and base plate were removed. The sample was allowed to cool at room temperature and extracted INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 13 TECHNICAL PAPER by pushing it out of mould by a sample extractor. Three specimens were prepared for each composition of material as shown in Fig. 2. (load and deformation) were recorded in data acquisition system. The process was repeated at each bitumen content. The possessed results are shown in Table 4, with the help of which optimum bitumen content as 5.51 was obtained. Fig. 2 Marshall Specimens 3.4. Determination of Optimum Bitumen Content Prepared Marshall Mould were weight in air and water before keeping them in water bath at 60°C for 30 minutes. Immediately after taking out the specimen from water bath and subjected to loading under Marshall loading frame as shown in Fig.3. Strained control test was performed Fig. 3 Marshall Loading Frame at a rate of 50 mm per minute. Stability value and flow Table 4 Properties of Bituminous Concrete (G-II) Mixes Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Properties Marshall stability Value, kN Flow Value, mm Theoretical Max. Density , gm/cc Bulk Density(Gb), gm/cc Volume of air voids (Vv) , % Volume of bitumen (Vb) % Voids in mineral aggregate (VMA), % Voids filled with bitumen (VFB) % Optimum bitumen content % 5.0% 12.64 3.46 2.433 2.292 5.79 11.58 17.36 66.73 3.5 Testing with Modifier Marshall Specimens were prepared with optimum bitumen content for modified material using dry process. The modified material used was waste plastic bottle (Polyethylene Terephthalate) in the range of 6%, 8%, 10%, 12% and 14% of optimum bitumen content and various mechanical properties such as Marshall Stability, Flow, Marshall Quotient, Retained Stability and Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) were observed and compiled with IRC:SP: 98-2013 specification as given in Table 5. 14 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Bitumen Content in %age 5.2% 5.4% 5.6% 14.36 16.81 15.93 3.53 3.94 3.89 2.426 2.418 2.411 2.283 2.295 2.316 5.87 5.10 3.94 11.99 12.52 13.10 17.87 17.62 17.04 67.22 71.19 77.64 5.51% 5.8% 15.24 3.54 2.403 2.320 3.48 13.59 17.07 79.86 MoRT&H Specifications Min. 9.0 2- 4 3-5 >15 65-75 Min. 5.4 Table 5 Requirements for Waste Plastic Modified Dense Graded Bituminous Mixes Sr. Properties Requirement No. 1 12.0 2 Marshall Stability minimum (kN at 60°C) Marshall Flow (mm at 60°C) 3 Marshall Quotient (kN/mm) 2.5-5 4 Air Voids (%) 3-5 5 Retained Stability (%) 98 2-4 TECHNICAL PAPER 6 Indirect Tensile Strength, minimum (N/mm2) 0.9 7 Voids in Mineral Aggregates (%) 16 8 Voids Filled with Bitumen (%) 65-75 As per requirement, in addition to conventional Marshall Test, Flow, Marshall Quotient, Retained Stability and Indirect Tensile Strength were determined using following explained procedure. 3.5.1 Flow and marshall quotient tests To avoid flushing, bleeding and loss of stability sufficient voids should be provided in bituminous mixes. Flow value is the deformation of Marshall Specimen at maximum load. Resistance to permanent deformation, shear stress and rutting are the parameters of Marshall Quotient (ratio of stability to flow). 3.5.2. Retained stability test Stripping is due to aggregates greater affinity towards water than bitumen and depends on the physic-chemical force acting on the system. The bituminous mixes with high void content have a chance of stripping and resulting in disintegration of surfacing due to loss of internal cohesion. The damage caused by water can be evaluated by retained stability value of bituminous mixes. 3.5.3 Indirect tensile strength (ITS) test Fig. 4 Marshall Stability versus PET Content Fig. 5 Flow versus PET Content The tensile characteristics of bituminous mixes are carried out by Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) test, which are related to the cracking properties of the bituminous pavement. The Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) of conditioned and unconditioned specimens was determined using Marshall Stability Machine. The ITS value was determined using the following equation ITS = Where Pmax is the maximum load (N), t is the thickness of the specimen (mm), d is the diameter of the specimen (mm). The Tensile Strength ratio (TSR) has been calculated according to AASHTO T283. The tensile strength ratio (TSR) is calculated as follows: TSR = 4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Marshall Stability, Flow and Marshall Quotient Value Marshall Stability, Flow and Marshall Quotient Value test result of modified bituminous concrete mixes are shown in Figs. 4, 5 and 6 respectively. Fig. 6 Marshall Quotient versus PET Content PET modified mixes have higher stability as compared to conventional mixes. Stability values increases with increase in percentage of PET up to 8% after that decrease in the stability start, which indicate the reduced adhesiveness of the mix. The flow value initially increases with addition of PET up to 8%, but decreases gradually with increase in percentage of PET. This decrease in flow value describes the fatigue cracking of bituminous mix due to the increased stiffness. The Marshall quotient is maximum at 8% PET which is 18.85% higher as compared to conventional mixes, which measure the resistance to permanent deformation, shear stress and rutting. INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 15 TECHNICAL PAPER 4.2. Retained Stability Value The ratio of Marshall Stability of bituminous specimen after conditioning to the identical specimen without conditioning is known as retained stability value. Variation of retained stability with PET content is shown in Fig. 7. Fig. 9 Tensile Strength Ratio versus PET Content indicate that PET modified mixes are less susceptible to moisture damage as compared to conventional mix. 4.4.Correlation between Marshall Stability and Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) Fig. 7 Retained Stability versus PET Content The moisture susceptibility resistance of PET modified mixes is more as compared to conventional mixes. The retained stability as shown in Fig.7, indicates that the mix containing 10% PET have highest moisture susceptibility and decrease after 10%, which shows reduced adhesion between PET coated aggregate and bitumen at higher percentage of PET. 4.3. Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) Value Result of Indirect Tensile Strength and Tensile Strength Ratio discussed in 3.5.3 of modified bituminous mixes are shown in Figs. 8 & 9 respectively. A correlation is developed between Marshall Stability and Indirect Tensile Strength using SPSS statistical tool. With the help of developed correlation, Indirect Tensile Strength can be work out with known Marshall Stability value. The coefficient of correlation between Marshall Stability and Indirect Tensile Strength was found to be 0.959, which shows significant correlation. The coefficient of correlation between measured and predicted indirect tensile strength given in Fig. 10 also gives the good correlation. The equation given below estimates the Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) value of PET modified specimen by inserting the Marshall Stability value. ITS= 0.016*MS+ 0.614, R2 = 0.959, Where MS: Marshall Stability Value (kN) Fig. 8 Variation of ITS with PET Content Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) value of the PET mixes increases up to 8% PET and decreases after this amount. This gives that the PET mix is capable of withstanding higher tensile strains prior to cracking at 8% PET. The Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) of PET modified mixes increase with increase in percentage of PET, which 16 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Fig. 10 Correlation between measured and predicted value of ITS 5. CONCLUSIONS In the present study Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) waste was used as a modifier in bituminous concrete TECHNICAL PAPER grade – II. Dry process was adopted for addition of PET and various mechanical properties such as Marshall Stability, Flow, Marshall Quotient, Retained Stability and Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) were evaluated. Marshall Stability, Flow and Marshall Quotient are 24.39%, 4.49% and 18.85 % more as compared to conventional mix at 8% PET content. Retained stability value is 13.0% more at 10% PET content, shows improved adhesion between PET coated aggregate and bitumen. Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) is 8.13% more at 8% PET content, which indicate the higher tensile strain capability prior to cracking. Tensile Strength Ratio is increasing with increase in PET content, which indicate that modified mixes are less susceptible to moisture damage as compared to conventional mix. The appropriate amount of PET was 10%, which fulfil the requirement for mechanical properties of an ideal modified bituminous concrete mix. It can be concluded from the result obtained from SPSS statistical tool that higher value of R2, gives the significant correlation between Marshall Stability and Indirect Tensile Strength. Hence, utilization of waste plastic bottle (PET) in bituminous pavements using process is environmental friendly solution with following advantages: Higher percentage of plastics waste can be use. Cost of road can be decrease by reducing the quantity of bitumen. iii. Strength and performance of the road can be increase. iv. Avoid the use of anti stripping agents. v. Avoid disposal of plastics waste by incineration and land filling. vi. Generate jobs for rag pickers. vii. Value addition to plastics waste. viii. Develop a technology, which is eco-friendly. i. ii. RECOMMENDATION The percentage of waste plastic used in bituminous mixes depends upon the properties of conventional material and type of waste plastic. IRC:SP:98-2013 code gives the guidelines that waste plastic can be used @ 6 to 8% by weight of bitumen content using dry process and bitumen content can be reduce correspondingly but not mention clearly for which type of waste plastic. So, there is a need to study the performance of flexible pavement at higher percentage of waste plastic, which will be useful in revision / validation of IRC:SP:98-2013. REFERENCES i. ii. Sangita, Khan Tabrez Alam, Sabina, Sharma, D.K. “Effect of Waste Polymer Modifier on the properties of Bituminous Concrete Mixes” Construction and Building Materials 25 (2011) @ Elsevier Ltd. pp. 3841–3848. IRC:SP:98-2013 “ Guidelines for Use of Waste Plastic in Hot Bituminous Mixes (Dry Process) in Wearing Course” Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi iii. Esmaeil Ahmadinia, Zargar Majid, Karim Mohamed Rehan, Mahrez Abdelaziz, Shafig Payam “Using Waste Plastic bottles as Additive for Stone Mastic Asphalt” Construction and Building Materials 32 (2011) @ Elsevier Ltd. pp. 4844-4849. iv. Esmaeil Ahmadinia, Zargar Majid , Karim Rehan Mohamed, AbdelazizMahrez, Ahmadinia Ebrahim “Performance Evaluation of Utilization of Waste Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) in Stone Mastic Asphalt” Construction and Building Materials 36 (2012) @ Elsevier Ltd. pp. 984–989. v. Sabina, Khan Tabrez, A., Sangita, Sharma, D.K., Sharma, B.M. “Performance Evaluation of Waste Plastic/Polymer Modified Bituminous Concrete Mixes” Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, (2009), Vol. 68, pp.975-979. vi. Modarres Amir and Hamedi Hamidreza “ Effect of Waste Plastic Bottles on the Stiffness and Fatigue Properties of Modified Asphalt Mixes” Construction and Building Materials 61 (2014) @ Elsevier Ltd. pp. 8-15. vii. Modarres Amir and Hamedi Hamidereza “ Developing Laboratory Fatigue and Resilient Modulus Models for Modified Asphalt Mixes with Waste Plastic Bottles (PET)” Construction and Building Materials 68 (2014) @ Elsevier Ltd. pp. 259–267. viii. MoRTH “Specifications for Roads and Bridge Works” Ministry of Road Transport and Highway, Government of India, 5th edition (2013). ix. IS: 73-2013, “Paving Bitumen Specification”, (4th edition) Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India. x. IS: 1202-1978, “Indian Standard Methods for Testing Tar and Bituminous Material”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India. xi. IS: 1203-1978, “Determination of Penetration”, (1st edition) Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India. xii. IS: 1205-1978, “Determination of Softening Point”, (1st edition) Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India. xiii. IS: 1206-1978, “Determination of Viscosity”, (1st edition) Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India xiv. IS: 1208-1978, “Determination of Ductility”, (1st edition) Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India. xv. IS: 2386-1963, “Methods of Test of Aggregates for Concrete, Part - I, Particle Size and Shape”, (1st edition) Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India. xvi. IS: 2386-1963, “Methods of Test of Aggregates for Concrete, Part - III, Water Absorption, Los Angles Abrasion value and Aggregate Impact Value”, (1st edition) Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India. xvii. IS: 2386-1963, “Methods of Test of Aggregates for Concrete, Part - V, Soundness” (1st edition) Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India. xviii. IS: 6241-1971, “Method of Test for Determination of Stripping Value of Road Aggregates”, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India. xix. ASTM: D-1559, “Test for Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixture Using Marshall Apparatus”. xx. AASHTO: T283, “Resistance of Compacted Bituminous Mixture to Moisture Induced Damage”. INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 17 TECHNICAL PAPER SILT FACTOR FOR SCOUR CALCULATION AROUND BRIDGE FOUNDATION R. K. Dhiman, VSM Abstract Foundation of river bridges on alluvial soil is decided based on hydraulic data and subsoil strata. The subsoil strata is represented by a numerical value called silt factor. This factor plays vital role as the foundation level depends upon soil strata underneath, which is examined based on the bore log data. Bridges foundations are very costly due to various reasons depending upon location. There is need to optimize the depth of foundation to a pragmatic level, which can be constructed without undue delay as per construction practices. Any variation in foundation level at later date plays crucial role in the overall cost of the bridges and affect the completion time of the project. It is highlighted that pre construction investigation should be given more attention to avoid any variation in construction programme. Data analyzed based on investigation need to be reviewed in term of construction trend in the area. The importance of silt factor has been discussed in this paper. An accurate estimation of the same helps in completing the foundation in time without time and cost overrun. Border Roads Organisation based on its experience recommend that silt factor upto ‘8’ can be used based on soil strata for calculation of scour depth for bridge foundation in gravely/bouldery beds. 1. INTRODUCTION Foundation level for bridges are finalized based on the hydraulic parameters and the nature of bed material underneath. The subsoil is rated in term of silt factor, which is a numerical value. It indicates the type of bed material from clay to heavy sand. Gravel and Soil Mixed with Boulder (SMB) falls beyond this range. Foundation level is fixed below the scour level after considering the grip length. The scour depth is determined by using IRC-78 which incorporates the silt factor or on the basis of results of model study wherever carried out. In bridges the hydraulic parameters such as the discharge, velocity need to be estimated accurately as it has direct bearing on the depth of scour. This has financial bearing and affects overall completion of bridge. Stress has been laid in this paper to highlight the importance of scour and silt factor used for calculation of scour. 2. SCOUR AND OVERVIEW The design and construction of foundation of bridges is linked with the realistic assessment of scour depth, both global and local. The foundations are generally designed to withstand the loads and moments transmitted by other components of the bridge. They are also designed to have a minimum grip length below the deepest scour level, which is usually calculated based on various parameters. The best way of assessing the depth of scour in a river is to observe 1 the same during the highest flood period. Unfortunately with the methods available it has not been possible to approach the intended pier location during high floods and observe deepest scour. Thus the Design Engineer generally relies on the use of formulae for calculation of scour depth. While the various available formulae have been known to give reasonable results in respect of sandy strata, the results have been erratic in other cases. Various formulae have been originally evolved based on the study and observations of particular type of strata, soil classification and water flow regime. Over the years there has been an increasing tendency to apply the same formulae for other types of harder strata’s including conglomerates, large boulders and soft rock. This has resulted in skewing of results and arriving at totally unrealistic scour value in extreme cases. While fortunately in India there has not been many cases of failure of foundations due to scour, a large number of bridges are required to have their foundations taken deeper than necessary depth due to the above referred approach. Because of this, the time overruns in many cases have been more than double with corresponding cost overruns. In a number of well foundations, steinings have been damaged due to extensive blasting during well sinking necessitating extensive repairs. In a few cases the wells had to be rejected because of extensive damages. The situation is acute while dealing with conglomerate strata, particularly encountered in the rivers flowing through the foothills of Himalayas. Chief Engineer, Border Road Organisation, Project Brahmank, E-mail: 18 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 TECHNICAL PAPER The substrata may consist of boulders, shingle, gravel etc. either in loose form or cemented by a matrix, which may be calcareous in nature. Such heterogeneous combination of material with individual particle size upto two or three metres does not easily lead itself to any logical assessment or interpretation of scour using available tools. Substantial reliance needs to be placed on observation of behavior of structures built in the past coupled with reasoned judgement of the decision makers in each individual case. Similar situations may also arise in other parts. Conglomerate strata are known to have been encountered in the plains in various locations leading to dilemma in the matter of proper assessment of scour. At the outfall end of the river, the tidal effect needs to be considered. Here fine suspended sediment deposits are common. The deposition process as well as scour if any is also affected by changes in the density of water due to salinity. If these aspects are not considered, scour depth is generally assessed on conservative basis, resulting in wasteful design. In such cases, the assessment of scour needs entirely different perspective. The South Indian peninsula is geologically more stable. The bed and banks of the river are generally highly resistant to erosion. The tendency for a gradation or degradation is insignificant with such a diverse scenario considering the characteristics of rivers flowing through the different parts of the country, it is no wonder that diverse problems are being faced by the Engineers. 3. SILT FACTOR Silt factor plays an important role in determining the scour depth and also the founding levels for the foundation of the bridges. Due to lack of adequate bore hole data and also various uncertainties associated therewith, bridge engineers are confronted with a difficult job of choosing an appropriate value of silt factor. This assumes importance because the present code used for design of bridge foundation guidelines caters for a maximum factor of upto 2.42, which is applicable for heavy sand only. (Table 1) Table 1 Silt Factor of Various Sizes of River Bed Material S.N. Type of bed material Mean Size of particle: dm in mm Silt factor – f = 1.76 x √dm 1 SILT Very fine 0.081 0.520 (less than 75µ) Fine 0.120 0.600 Medium 0.233 0.850 Standard 0.323 1.000 2 Sand Fine (75 to 425µ) 0.323 1.000 Medium (425U to 2.0 mm) 0.725 1.500 Coarse (2.0 m to 4.75 mm) 1.290 2.000 3 Gravel Fine (4.75 mm to 20 mm) 5.160 4.000 Coarse (20 m to 80 mm) 26.000 9.000 Since the silt factor has a significant role to play in finalizing foundation depths, it suffices to say that identification of correct silt factor poses a problem wherein the selection of this important parameter is left to the judgment, discretion and experience of the designer. For calculation of silt factor in any type of soil, the soil strata is examined in greater depth and values are calculated in Table 2 & 3. A worked out example of silt factor is given below:- Table-2 Sample-1 Dia. of sieve Weight retained gms Percentage retained 2.360 1.180 0.600 0.425 0.300 0.150 0.075 Pan 293 313 172 109 39 59 9 6 1000 29.30 31.30 17.20 10.90 3.90 5.90 0.90 0.60 100.00 Average size of sieve 1.7700 0.8900 0.5125 0.3625 0.2250 0.1125 - Col (3) x (4) 55.401 15.308 5.586 1.413 1.327 0.101 79.136 INDIAN HIGHWAYS (Mean diameter Col-5 mtr 100 79.136/100=0.7913 K=1.76 m=1.5656 OCTOBER 2019 19 TECHNICAL PAPER Table-3 Sample-2 1 2.360 1.180 0.600 0.425 0.300 0.150 0.075 Pan 2 49 190 295 253 83 104 20 6 1000 3 4.90 19.00 29.50 25.30 8.30 10.40 2.00 0.60 100.00 4 1.7700 0.8900 0.5125 0.3625 0.2250 0.1125 - Silt factor = 1.5656 + 1.5587 / 2 =1.5622 The Sample calculation of mean diameter of silt is based on mathematical expression of averaging. 3.1 Role of silt factor in estimation of scour The scour depth is calculated based on following formula. Db Ksf Dsm Design discharge per meter width = Silt factor for representative sample of bed = material = Mean scour depth This formula is applicable upto heavy sand only. For material having heterogeneous stratification in the river where material is comprises soil mixed with boulder, are compared with actual observation at site or from experience on similar structure nearby and their performance. Model study is also carried out for bridges on requirement and scour depth is finalized accordingly. Trend of normal scour calculation with a fixed discharge of 50 cubic mtr per sec with a different value of silt factor using the IRC fourmula has been shown in Table 4. 5 33.630 26.255 12.966 3.008 2.340 0.225 78.424 2.42 3.00 4.00 5.00 9.00 13.00 17.00 19.00 20.00 6 78.424/100=0.7842 K=1.76 m=1.5587 13.54 12.60 11.45 10.635 8.74 7.73 7.073 6.82 6.70 Soil strata is gravely Soil mixed with boulders 3.2Foundation in Gravely / Bouldery Beds Importance of silt factor for scour calculation can be further represented in graphical from as indicated below here it is seen that after a value of silt factor of 8 the value of mean scour is not changing much and likely to almost constants for a higher value of discharge. Table - 4 Silt Factor 0.50 0.60 0.85 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 20 Dsm 22.91 21.56 19.19 18.18 16.24 15.88 15.09 14.43 13.87 Fine sand to fine gravel INDIAN HIGHWAYS Fig. 1 Silt Factor for Scour calculation Most of bridges gravely/bouldery beds whether already completed or under construction have faced foundation problems especially in sinking of wells of multi span bridges. Whenever problems of sinking of well are faced, case is examined with reference to soil strata actually encountered. The task of subsequent review of foundation levels based on actual strata OCTOBER 2019 TECHNICAL PAPER encountered (review of silt factor) need reprocessing of case. Data of silt factor actually used for few bridges with gravely to bouldery soil strata in Border Road Organisation is given in Table 5. Table-5 Silt Factor Taken and Actual Strata on Ground Pasighat (AP) 24 8 Well Span (m) Strata available on ground 762 Large size of boulders available at foundation level and in river beds. Photographs Pneumatic sinking was done at this bridge. 2. Siku (AP) 1.25 5.572 Well 480 Large size boulders and khadir width is about 1.2 Kms. Bridge is located at one side of channel as two river joins on U/stream. 3. Sissri (AP) 9.88 6.18 Well 135 Bridge is located on bouldery beds. Both side high bank. 4. Bakcha-chu 7.22 (S) 7.50 Well 120 Large size boulders in beds. Both bank has high vegetation. 5. Toong Bridge 1.26 (S) 21.93 Well 130 River bed is bouldery and straight reach. 6. Sibokor-ang 10.40 (AP) 3.34 Open 110 River straight channel and has tendency to outflank. INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Remarks This is due to less erosion of bed due to large sized of material laying in river bed 1. V Type of (m/sec) founda-tion 2. Ksf Scour has been recorded less than 15% of the designed value in all the bridges. (Srl no 1 to 6). Name of Bridge 1. S.No. 21 B h a g i r a t h 1.50 (UA) 9.87 Open 110 Bouldery bed river 8. Dalai (AP) 9 8.83 Well 130 Soil strata at foundation level is compacted very near to rock. 9. Lohit (AP) 5.05 9.00 Well 410 Pneumatic sinking was used due to difficulty in sinking. Rock encountered at foundation level. 10. Diffo (AP) 7.72 5.78 Well 426 Bouldery beds and channel straight and flat. 11. S h i m o n g 8.00 (AP) 3.40 Well 140 Compacted bouldery strata 12. Sime Korang 2.00 (AP) 8.79 Well 140 Bouldery beds and bank are loose soil mixed with boulders. 13. Dundi (H.P) 6.20 Open 160 Large size of boulders. Bridge located at downstream of confluence point. 22 6.792 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 2. This is due to less erosion of bed due to large sized of material laying in river bed 7. 1. Scour has been recorded less than 15% of the designed value in all the bridges. (Srl no 7 to 13). TECHNICAL PAPER TECHNICAL PAPER There are bridges as indicated in above table the value of silt factor is not matching with the grade of material. Hence deeper depth was planned which was not possible to achieve. This need better examination for all bridges under planning. c. d. As per IRC formula given in code not applicable to bouldery/gravely soil but same has been extended to soil mixed with boulders. e. There are certain important points which require attention of bridge engineer for better planning of bridge foundation. a. Correct finalization of silt factor at initial stage will be helpful to optimize cost of the bridge. The will also be helpful to adhere to original time schedule as the there is no likely mismatch of strata. f. 4. Fig: 2 Comparison between scour hole in sandy and bouldery beds b. Cost of sinking of foundation can be adhered if there Fig.-3 is no variation in soil parameter including silt factor. Foundation depth is required to be finalized as per the construction technology available in the country. Infact there is need to take a stock of situation about the construction methodology, in such a way that the proposal finalized should be executable on the ground. The completion of the particular project and related difficulties encountered be examined with reference to silt factor, as this is the only one major factors affecting the design scour. There are other factors affecting scour around bridge pier viz. Whether the flow is clear water flow or carries sediments, change in depth of flow, shape of pier nose, angle of inclination of pier, opening ratio, bed characteristics, stratification and effect of flow parameters. Based on the above information and experience ‘BRO’ firmly believe that silt factor value upto ‘8’ can be considered with present formula as per IRC:78 for calculation of scour in gravely / boulder beds. This has also been explained in paper No.508 published in IRC Journal in 2004 as “Bouldery Bed Scour-Proposed formula”. RECOMMENDATIONS There are number of bridges where completion got delayed and in a few cases bridge could not be completed to due difficulties in construction of foundation. This may be due to incorrect assessment silt factor and design of foundation or other construction difficulties. Few locations are as under (Fig 3 & 4) Fig.4 Fig: 3 & 4 Bridge foundation could not be completed at proposed location of bridges in J&K due to non matching of strata INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 23 TECHNICAL PAPER factor can be further reviewed if it does not match with the calculation as finalized initially during sub soil investigation state. Maximum value upto ‘8’ can be considered for finalisation of scour depth in gravely/bouldery beds. This has been applied in no of Bridges constructed by BRO as shown in Table 6. Various steps to be followed to arrive at correct value of silt factor are as follows:a. Keep a drilling record of the entire bore log and assess the value of silt factor upto foundation level at initial stage. b. During construction of foundation better picture of soil strata can be seen and accordingly the silt Table 6. c. d. 5. Value of different silt factor value can be calculated for 2 to 3 of bore log details and average value can be adopted. Wherever that silt factor value is not assessable, the soil strata actually encountered during execution is reviewed and practical aspect is kept in view and final value is arrived at. i. ii. iii. CONCLUSION Silt factor plays an important role in finalization of foundation levels. In case of difficulties faced in finalizing level of foundation based on silt factor, model study can also be reviewed if carried initially otherwise, experienced gained at previous bridges can be dove-tailed for future bridges for finalizing their foundation level. Efforts should be made to assess correct value of silt factor to optimize the depth of foundation and there will be no time and cost overrun. However in case of gravely/bouldery soil the value of silt factor upto ‘8’ can be considered as done in Border Roads Organisation in various bridges constructed in hilly areas. 24 REFERENCES INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Dhiman RK “Effective Construction Management for Bridges” Dec-1996 International Association of Bridges and Structural Engineers (IABSE). Dhiman RK “Pneumatic Sinking–A Case Study” Indian Highways Feb 1996 Indian Roads Congress (IRC). Dhiman RK “Caisson launching A–Case Study– 1006” Civil Engineering and Construction Review (CE&CR). Dhiman RK – Essence of Soil Factor Bridge Foundation – IGS Conference Baroda – 1997. Dhiman RK “Construction Problem of Bridges in Hilly Region–A Review–1997” International Association of Bridges and Structural Engineers (IABSE) Dhiman RK “DIMWE Bridge Foundation–A Case Study” 4th International Seminar on Bridge and Aquetunnel - 1998 Dhiman RK “Well Foundation Construction in Bouldery Bed–A Case Study–1999” International Association of Bridges and Structural Engineers (IABSE). Dhiman RK “Bouldery bed Scour –Proposed Formula” IRC Journal 65 Vol-3 Paper No. 508 TECHNICAL PAPER Performance Analysis of PLAXIS Models of Stone Columns in Soft Marine Clay M.Vinoth1 P.S. Prasad2 U.K. Guru Vittal3 Abstract The behaviour of stone columns in soft marine clay under a cement concrete road pavement was examined through PLAXIS 2D. It is a well-known fact that modeling in 2D will require less computational effort compared to a full 3D analysis. Main difficulty with regard to PLAXIS 2D modeling of stone columns is conversion of the stone column grid to a 2D stone trench structure. Different approaches (Enhanced Soil Parameter, Embedded Beam Element and Equivalent Column Method) are available in modeling of stone column in PLAXIS 2D. However, not much literature is available for choosing the proper approach in PLAXIS 2D modeling of stone column in soft marine clay. The aim of this paper is to establish the suitable approach which provides better results with minimal effort for modeling in PLAXIS 2D. A case study, of work carried out at Mumbai for the road pavement between Wadala Depot and Chembur provide the basis for PLAXIS 2D modeling. The sub-soil profile in this stretch comprises of soft marine clay and the ground below cement concrete pavement had been treated with stone column prior to construction of rigid pavement. The results of the PLAXIS 2D models were then validated by examining the main characteristics of cement concrete pavement deformation within the column grid. 1. Introduction Installation of stone-columns in soft marine clay are very common as it increases the load carrying capacity of the foundation soil as well as provides the free drainage path for water to travel to the ground surface and reduces the post-construction settlements. In order to assess stone column performance through numerical modeling, designer has to go through one of the complex task, which is the conversion of the stone column grid to a two-dimensional (2D) stone trench structure. Earlier researchers have proposed several methods to convert the axisymmetric unit cell to the equivalent plane-strain model for the purpose of 2D numerical modeling of multi drain field applications Hird et al. 1992; Indraratna and Redana 1997. These conversion methods involved the derivations of the equivalent plane-strain permeability or the equivalent plane-strain geometry based on the matching of axisymmetric and plane-strain consolidation analytical solutions. Numerical modeling by using finite Scientist, Email: Principal Scientist, Email: 3 Head & Chief Scientist, Email: element software PLAXIS 2D 2015 provides three different approaches (Enhanced Soil Parameter (ESP), Embedded Beam Element (EBE) and Equivalent Column Method (ECM)) for modeling stone column. Each one of these approaches has been separately used by various researchers Tan (2008); Ng (2014) for modeling stone column but a comparative study to bring out the best suited method for this type of problems are not addresses. So, in the present study, a comparative performance of these three approaches, by comparison with the field data from a case history carried out at Mumbai for the road pavement between Wadala Depot and Chembur. The finite column permeability and smear effects are excluded in this study. 2. Case History Details The soil profile considered for the present study is from the case history of Mumbai monorail project, Mumbai Prasad et al. (2016). The width of the six lane concrete road is 11m. The surcharge loading considered for 1 2 CSIR – Central Road Research Institute, CRRI, New Delhi INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 25 TECHNICAL PAPER the analysis is 44kN/m2 (including the dead load of pavements). Typical soil profile in this stretch is given in Table 1. Table-1 Typical Soil Profile Type of soil Layer Thickness SPT 'N' Value Fill Soil 0.5 to 4.5 5 to 8 Soft Clay 0.5 to 12 3 to 6 Stiff Clay 7.5 to 16.5 5 to 45 CWR 13.5 to 16.5 >50 MWR >10 >100 a) Axisymmetric b) Plane Strain Fig. 1: Cross Sections of Unit-Cell Stone Column and Plane-Strain Conversions CWR – Completely Weathered Rock MWR – Moderately Weathered Rock The ground water level in the boreholes varied from 1.1 m to 1.7 m from Natural Ground Level (NGL). The stone columns are arranged in triangular pattern. The diameter and spacing of stone columns are 0.9 m and 2.5 m c/c respectively. Depth of stone column from ground surface varies from 9 m to 12 m. Six borehole data (BH-01, BH02, BH-03, BH-04, BH-05 and BH-06) were considered for the comparative study. 3.Formulation of Equivalent Stiffness and Permeability For ECM and EBE the equivalent stiffness was arrived based on the approach proposed by Tan and Oo (2005) and for ESP H.J. Priebe (1995) approach was followed. Permeability for all the three cases were arrived based on the approach suggested by Tan and Oo (2005).These approaches are reviewed here. As per Tan and Oo (2005) approach, equal flow path length normal to the column perimeter can be obtained by considering the column width of plane-strain case equal to the axisymmetric column diameter, i.e. bc = rc (1) as shown in Figs. 1a and 1b. Similarly Indraratna and Redana (2000) used this type of geometrical transformation in their permeability matching approach for the planestrain conversion of vertical drains. So, the equivalent plane-strain width B can be taken equal to the radius of drainage zone R [Figs. 1a and 1b], i.e. (2) R=B In general, this geometry conversion method is a very easy one since the transition between plane-strain meshed geometry and axisymmetric can be derived from the same basic (2D) input geometry. 26 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Accordingly, material properties of plane-strain also need to be adjusted to account for the geometrical changes. By matching the column-soil composite stiffness, following relationship can be used to arrive at the plane-strain material stiffness (3) where, Ecomposite and Es=elastic moduli of the composite material and the surrounding soil, respectively, and subscript ax denote axisymmetric conditions. Area replacement ratio as=Ac/(Ac+As), where Ac and As=crosssection areas of the column and the surrounding soil respectively. The composite stiffness obtained from Eq. (3) gives the average stiffness of the axisymmetric unit cell. The relevant stiffness of the stone column and the surrounding soil of the plane strain model are computed by using the composite stiffness of the axisymmetric unit cell (Ecomposite) obtained from Eq. (3).The relation for computation of stiffness of materials in the plane strain unit cell is given by: (4) For simplicity, Es,pl=Es,ax, has been considered in this study. Hence Ec,pl can be determined from Eq. (4). The soil permeability was matched by using the following equation as derived by Tan and Oo (2005): (5) where, kh=coefficient of soil permeability in horizontal direction; αvc and αvs=coefficients of compressibility of the column and the surrounding soil, respectively. ; diameter ratio N=R/rc for axisymmetric condition, whereas N=B/bc for planestrain condition; mvs=αvs/(1+es); mvc=αvc/(1+ec); and ec and es=void ratios of the columns and the surrounding soil, respectively. As, the influence of soil permeability in vertical direction kv,pl is negligible when compared to horizontal it is assumed that plane strain vertical flow to be same as axisymmetric condition, kv,pl=kv,ax. TECHNICAL PAPER H.J. Priebe (1995) proposed improvement factors for soil improved through installation of stone columns. Improvement factors are evaluated on the assumption that the column material shears from the beginning while the surrounding soil reacts elastically. Furthermore, the soil is assumed to be displaced already during the column installation to such an extent that its initial resistance corresponds to the liquid state: i.e. the coefficient of earth pressure amounts to K=1.The result of the evaluation is expressed as basic improvement factor n0. (6) where, ; µ= Poisson’s ratio; ; A= area of unit cell, Ac= cross sectional area of single stone column. The columns materials are still compressible. This compressibility of the stone column material can be addressed by using a reduced improvement factor n0. This can be arrived from the formula developed for the basic improvement factor n, when the given reciprocal area ratio A/Ac is increased by an additional amount of Δ(A/Ac). (7) The stone columns are better supported laterally with increasing overburden and, therefore, can provide more bearing capacity. Therefore, in-order to consider this effect depth factor fd is calculated based on following equation and suitably applied to the improvement factor, (8) ; p = surcharge pressure, d = thickness of soil layer, γs and γc bulk density of soil and column. In order to counter simplifications and approximations, compatibility controls have to be performed. This is to guarantee that the settlement of the stone columns resulting from their inherent compressibility does not exceed the settlement of the surrounding soil resulting from its compressibility by the loads which are assigned to each. So using the following equation improvement upper limit of improvement factor can be obtained, (9) where, Dc and Ds are the young’s modulus of stone column and soil respectively. Final improvement factor is given by, n2=fd×n1 (10) Therefore, enhanced stiffness of soil will be equal to existing soil stiffness multiplied by improvement factor n2. Similarly shear resistance from friction of the composite system can be calculated using the below equations, (11) (12) where, ; n = improvement factor, φc and φs are angle of internal friction of column and soil respectively, c’= Cohesion of unimproved soil. 4. Settlement Calculation Theoretical settlement was calculated by using Terzahgi’s (1995) one dimensional consolidation equation. (13) where, Cci = Compression Index of respective layer, Hoi = Thickness of respective layer, e0i = Initial void ratio of respective layer, σv'fi = final vertical effective stress of respective layer, σv’oi = Initial vertical effective stress of respective layer. As per the reduced stress method, settlement reduction factor due to stone column installation was determined using the following equation, (14) where, n = σs/σg; σs and σg are vertical stress in compacted columns and surrounding ground. 5. Numerical Modeling Three different finite-element models of the stone column improved soil section were considered: Enhanced Soil Property, Equivalent Beam Method and Equivalent Column Method. The plane-strain modeling was chosen as the road spanned a distance of about 8.5km with almost uniform cross-sectional geometry in the direction normal to the plane. The plane-strain models were developed using 15-node triangular elements in PLAXIS 2D version 2015. For EBM and ECM, the width of stone columns was considered as 0.9 m, same that of axisymmetric condition. A spacing of 2.5 m was uniformly considered in all the embankment models. Self-soil weight was taken into account by applying the gravity effect, assuming the default gravity acceleration, g, is 9.810 m/s2, and the direction is with the negative y-axis. Default unit weight of the water is 10 kg/m3. In order to minimize the boundary effects, the overall geometry of the model was kept more than 5 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 27 TECHNICAL PAPER times and 2.5 times the width of road in X-direction and Y-direction respectively. During mesh generation stage, fine refinement was used so that more number of elements will be generated for obtaining more precise results. In order to simulate the dead load (self weight of pavement layers) and live load at top a line load with an intensity of 44kPa was applied. Parameters used for the analysis of BH-01 borehole data is listed in Table 2; where, γ=bulk density; φ’=angle of internal friction; c’=cohesion; E=young’s modulus or stiffness; µ=Poisson’s ratio; kh and kv are coefficient of permeability in vertical and horizontal direction respectively. Table - 2 Material properties of all models - BH-01 Material Model Drain Type γ (kN/m3) γsat (kN/m3) Φ’ (°) C’ (kPa) E (kPa) µ kv (m/day) kh (m/day) Fill Soil# HSM Drained 18 18.75 29 0.1 11500 0.3 8.64 8.640 Soft Clay* SSM Undrained (A) 15.6 15.6 1 13.5 3100 0.4 0.069 0.165 Stiff Clay** SSM Undrained (A) 16.6 16.6 1 22.5 6000 0.4 0.102 0.177 MWR HSM Undrained (B) 19.5 20.5 33 3500 1.43E+07 0.25 0.1 0.033 Stone Column MC Drained 19 20 42 0.1 12200 0.33 1 1.000 Embedded Beam 19 Layer Dependent 12200 Layer Dependent # Values are only for ECM and EBM; corresponding for ESP model, E = 21487kPa. *Values are only for ECM and EBM; corresponding for ESP model, E = 6107kPa and 8106 for above water table and below water table respectively. ** Values are only for ECM and EBM; corresponding for ESP model, E = 15134kPa. HSM – Hardening Soil Model; SSM – Soft Soil Model; MC – Mohr Coulomb The soft soils were modeled as undrained material in PLAXIS. Stone column for ECM was idealized as a homogeneous drained material having certain characteristics of stiffness and strength parameters. The elastic modulus of column material was taken as ten times of that of soil. The compression index cc, swell index cs and initial void ration e0 of soft clay is 0.59, 0.144 and 1.973 respectively. The compression index cc, swell index cs and initial void ration e0 of stiff clay is 0.38, 0.125 and 1.438 respectively. Permeability in horizontal direction for soft clay is taken as twice of vertical direction. In order to avoid numerical complications, a small nonzero value has been considered for the strength parameters. Plane strain model parameters considered for both ECM and EBM are same, stiffness for both the method was determined using Eq. (3 & 4). Permeability for all the three methods for modeling in PLAXIS 2D 2015 was arrived from Eq. (5). Shear parameters and stiffness values for embedded beam was selected as layer dependent. Stiffness parameters for ESP method Eq. (6 to 10) was used and shear parameter using Eq. (11 & 12). 5.1 Simulation Procedures The project involved installation of stone columns and construction of six lane concrete road over it was simulated as follows. The stone columns were first installed by partial soil replacement for ESP and ECM but for EBM embedded beam row is activated. Next stage surcharge load (including the dead load of pavements) is activated. 28 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Last stage consolidation process is carried out till the excess pore water pressure reduces to 1kPa, once this value is reached analysis stops. 6. Results and Discussions Analysis for all the six boreholes was done using all the three methods (i.e. ESP, EMB and ECM). Typical maximum settlement obtained from the analysis carried out using BH-01 has been shown in Figs. 2a, 2b and 2c. Theoretical settlements were calculated using Eqs. (13 & 14). All the analysis results along with theoretical and field values [obtained through leveling by Mumbai Mono Rail Development Authority in October 2010 and February 2015. This level difference as reported varies from 250 to 550 mm at different chainages, Prasad et al. (2016)] are tabulated in Table 3. From Table 3, it can be seen that out of three methods Embedded Beam Method has better results than other two methods. One of the other interesting things we can notice is that theoretical predications also vary with field values in the range of 16% to 56%. This variation is also erratic because in some cases it has over predicted and in others under estimated. In cases where theoretical predictions are on higher end may be because the top fill layers would have dissipated the surcharge, leading to lower load intensity transferred to the soft soil layers and resulting in lesser settlement. Reason for under prediction may be the fill thickness is less than those consider for settlement calculation. TECHNICAL PAPER Except one bore hole in all the other cases ESP has under estimated settlement in the range of 40% to 90%. EBM except last borehole location in all other location it has predicted settlement with just 25% variation. In ECM, constantly in all locations it has under estimated the settlement in the range of 50% to 90%. It can be noted that for BH-05 and BH-06 all the methods including theoretical approach has under estimated the settlement. So this shows that actual thickness of fill and soft soil varies at site than what is considered for the study. Fig. 2a Displacement - ESP Table - 3 Settlement Comparison Borehole Theoretical BH-01 BH-02 BH-03 BH-04 BH-05 BH-06 455.6 349.0 317.6 390.9 289.4 258.1 ESP 615.2 147.1 137.1 181.2 166.1 39.55 PLAXIS EBM 400.6 209.3 222.2 226.1 233.7 103.6 ECM 160.3 100.8 124.1 76.52 106.8 41.22 Field (*) 325 300 250 300 450 450 (*)Prasad et al. (2016) In order to explain the huge variation of settlement prediction among the three methods, each models material stress state at the end of the analysis was studied. Figs. 3a to 3c and Figs. 4a to 4c shows the elastic points and plastic points respectively at the end of simulation. It can be seen that EBM has very little elastic points and some plastic yielding in the surrounding region of the column material. It is clearly indicated by numerous plastic stress points that are concentrated within and slightly beyond the column periphery. The yielding pattern of the other two methods are almost same but with less scatter beyond the column periphery and more plastic points, this explains the differential responses of the other two methods. The plastic yielding in the EBM allows itself to simulate the settlements of actual field case, while the other model’s elasticity gives a stiffer response leading to a lower final settlement. The sustained elastic behavior in the ECM and ESP may be due to its larger cross-sectional column area with higher elastic capacity in both shearing and bending. Fig. 2b Displacement - EBM Fig. 3a Elastic Points - ESP Fig. 2c Displacement – ECM Fig. 3b Elastic Points - EBM INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 29 TECHNICAL PAPER Fig. 3c Elastic Points - ECM Fig. 4a Plastic Points - ESP Fig. 4b Plastic Points - EBM Fig. 4c Plastic Points - ECM 7. Conclusion This paper presents a comparative performance study of three different approaches (i.e. Enhanced Soil Parameter, Embedded Beam Element and Equivalent Column Method) available in PLAXIS 2D 2015 version for assessing the settlement performance of stone column, by comparison with the field data, from a case history carried out at Mumbai for the road pavement between Wadala Depot and Chembur. Six borehole data were considered for the comparative study. Stiffness and permeability of axisymmetric condition was converted into equivalent plane strain values using 30 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Tan and Oo (2005) approach. Enhanced shear parameters of soil was also determined using H.J. Priebe (1995) approach. Theoretical settlement was calculated using Terzahgi’s (1995) one dimensional consolidation equation and settlement reduction factor due to stone column installation was determined using reduced stress method. With all these data, analysis was carried out in PLAXIS 2D 2015. Following points can be brought out from the analysis results, i. Out of three methods Embedded Beam Method has better results than other two methods. Except the last borehole location in all other location it has predicted settlement with just 25% variation. ii. Except one bore hole in all the other cases ESP has under estimated settlement in the range of 40% to 90%. iii. ECM constantly in all locations it has under estimated the settlement in the range of 50% to 90%. iv. The plastic yielding in the EBM allows itself to simulate the settlements of actual field case, while the other model’s elasticity gives a stiffer response leading to a lower final settlement. The sustained elastic behavior in the ECM and ESP may be due to its larger cross-sectional column area with higher elastic capacity in both shearing and bending. Thus, Embedded Beam Method is the preferred method for carrying out numerical modeling for elasto-plastic materials. REFERENCE i. Hird, C. C., Pyrah, I. C., and Russell, D. (1992) Finite Element Modelling of Vertical Drains Beneath Embankments on Soft Ground, Geotechnique, 42(3), pp. 499–511. ii. Indraratna, B., and Redana, I. W. (1997) Plane-Strain Modeling of Smear Effects Associated with Vertical Drains, J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 123(5), pp. 474–478. iii. Indraratna, B., and Redana, I. W. (2000) Numerical Modeling of Vertical Drains with Smear and Well Resistance Installed in Soft Clay, Can. Geotech. J., 37(1), pp. 132–145. iv. Prasad, P.S., Guru Vital, U.K., Sitaramanjaneyulu, k., and Madhav, M.R., (2016) Remedial Measures for Upheaval of PQC Panels Adjacent to Piers of Mumbai Monorail in Mumbai, 5th ICFGE-2016, Bengaluru, India, pp. 366–377. v. Priebe, H.J. (1995) The Design of Vibro Replacement, Ground Engineering, December, 1995, pp. 31-37. vi. Tan, S. A., Tjahyono, S. and Oo, K. K. (2008) Simplified Plane-Strain Modeling of Stone-Column Reinforced Ground, Journal of Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering, ASCE, February 2008, 134(2): pp. 185–194. vii. Tan, S. A., and Ng, K. S. (2014) Simplified Homogenization Method in Stone Column Designs, The Japanese Geotechnical Society, Soils and Foundations2015;55(1): pp. 154–165. viii. Terzaghi, K., Peck, R.B., and Mesri, G. (1996) Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, Third Edition, Part II, Theoretical Soil Mechanics, John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York. MoRT&H Circular INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 31 32 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Sr. No. 5 of FIG. 6B 4 (Refer amendments published in Indian Highways – January 2018 issue) Sr. No. 4 of FIG. 6B (Refer amendments published in Indian Highways – January 2018 issue) (Refer amendments published in Indian Highways – January 2018 issue) 204.5.4 (Page 20) 204.4 3 2 1 S. Clause No No Page No Read During the passage of SV loading, no other live load (including footway live load) shall be considered to ply on the same carriageway. Effect of wind, seismic, temperature gradient need not be considered for load combinations with SV loading. In addition, tractive force / braking force and dynamic impact on live load need not be considered on the carriageway carrying SV loading. For the load combination with special vehicle, the partial safety factor on SV load for verification of equilibrium (as per Table B.1), structural strength (as per Table B.2) and strength of foundation (as per combination 1 of Table B.4) under Ultimate Limit State (Basic Combination) shall be taken as 1.15. For verification under Serviceability Limit State and for other accompanying loads, including the live load surcharge loading, Table B.3 shall be followed with partial safety factors on SV load taken as 1.0 under Rare Combination (For stress check) and 0.75 under Frequent Combination (For deflection and crack width checks as applicable). Fatigue check is not required under Load Combination with SV loading. Add a sentence in 2nd column under “No. of Lanes and Carriageway Add following at the end in next para : configurations” (Load combinations & partial safety factors as given in clause 204.5.4 shall apply for the entire structure) Add a sentence in 2nd column under “No. of Lanes and Carriageway Add following at the end in next para : configurations” (Load combinations & partial safety factors as given in clause 204.5.4 shall apply for superstructure carrying SV loading and for substructure and foundation) Note : The movement of Special Vehicle shall be regulated / monitored to ensure that it moves at a speed less than 5 Kmph and Note : The movement of Special Vehicle shall be regulated / monitored to ensure that it moves at a speed less than 5 Kmph and also does not ply on the bridge on a high wind condition also does not ply on the bridge on a high wind condition During the passage of SV loading, no other vehicle shall be considered to ply on the same carriageway. No wind, seismic, temperature gradient, braking force and dynamic impact on the live load need to be considered as the SV shall move at a speed not exceeding 5 kmph over the bridge. For the load combination with special vehicle, the partial safety factor on SV load for verification of equilibrium and structural strength under Ultimate Limit State (Basic Combination) and for verification of Serviceability Limit State (Rare Combination) shall be taken as 1.15 and 1.0 respectively. For other accompanying loads, partial safety factors shall be taken from Annex-B. Add a sentence after the first sentence “For bridges, Flyovers/grade Add following sentence after the first sentence “For bridges, separators close ……shall be considered.” Flyovers/grade separators close …shall be considered.” : “Congestion factor shall not be applicable in load combination with SV loading.” For Notification No. 24 Amendment No.5/IRC:6/August, 2019 (Effective from 31st October, 2019) To IRC:6-2017 “Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges, Section-II Loads and Load Combinations” (Seventh Revision) Notifications 5. (Page 26-28) Crash Barriers 206.6 Containment for 15 kN vehicle at 80 km/h and 20o angle of impact P-1: Normal Containment (Cast-in-situ or Precast as per Fig. 1,2 & 5 of IRC:5-2015) Category INDIAN HIGHWAYS Minimum moment of 15 7.5 resistance at base of the kNm/m kNm/m wall [see note (i)] for bending in vertical plane 4) 3) 175 mm M40 Minimum grade of M40 concrete Minimum thickness of R 175 C wall (at top) mm 2) P-3 In-situ 100 kNm/m for end section and 75 kNm/m for intermediate section [see note (iii)] 250 mm M40 Shape on traffic side to be as per IRC:5, or New Jersey (NJ) Type of ‘F’ Shape designated thus by AASHTO Shape Requirement Types of Crash Barrier P-1 P-2 In-situ/ In-situ/ Precast Precast 1) S. No Table 10: Minimum Design Resistance metallic cold-rolled and/or hot-rolled sections. The metallic type, called semi-rigid type, suffers large dynamic deflection of the order of 0.9 to 1.2 m due to impact, whereas the ‘rigid’ concrete type suffers comparatively negligible deflection. The efficacy of the two types of barriers is established on the basis of full-size tests carried out by the laboratories specializing in such testing. Due to the complexities of the structural action, the value of impact force cannot be quantified. Containment for At hazardous and high-risk locations ie, over busy railway lines, stretches on curves having radius less than 100 meters and complex interchanges, etc 300 kN vehicle at 60 km/h and 20o angle of impact Bridges carrying 15 kN vehicle at Expressway, National & 110 km/h and State Highway or Road of 20o angle of impact equivalent standard except over railways and high-risk locations Application For the rigid type of barrier, the same method is acceptable. However, in absence of testing/test certificate, the barrier shall be designed to resist loading appropriate to the designated level of containment using the equivalent static nominal loadings from Table 10. The crash barriers can be of rigid type, using cast-in-situ/precast reinforced concrete panels, or of flexible type, constructed using metallic cold-rolled and/or hot-rolled sections. The metallic type, called semi-rigid type, suffers large dynamic deflection of the order of 0.9 to 1.2 m due to impact, whereas the ‘rigid’ concrete type suffers comparatively negligible deflection. The efficacy of the two types of barriers is established on the basis of full-size tests carried out by the laboratories specializing in such testing. A certificate from such laboratory can be the only basis of acceptance of the semi-rigid type, in which case all the design details and construction details tested by the laboratory are to be followed without modifications and without changing relative strengths and positions of any of the connections and elements. P-2: High Containment (Cast-in-situ The barriers can be of rigid type, using cast-in-situ/precast as per Fig. 3 of reinforced concrete panels, or of flexible type, constructed using IRC:5-2015) P-3: High At hazardous and high risk 300 kN vehicle at 60 km/h and 20o angle of impact Containment locations, over busy railway lines, complex interchanges, etc. P-2: Low All other bridges except Containment bridge over railways P-1: Normal Bridges carrying expressway, 15 kN vehicle at 110 km/h, Containment or equivalent and 20o angle of impact Application Table 9: Application for design of Crash Barrier Table 9: Application for design of Crash Barrier Category Crash barriers are designed to withstand the impact of vehicles of certain weights at certain angle while travelling at the specified speed as given in Table 9. They are expected to guide the vehicle back on the road while keeping the level of damage to vehicle as well as to the barriers within acceptable limits. Crash barriers are designed to withstand the impact of vehicles of certain weights at certain angle while travelling at the specified speed as given in Table 9. They are expected to guide the vehicle back on the road while keeping the level of damage to vehicle as well as to the barriers within acceptable limits. Notifications OCTOBER 2019 33 34 6. P-3 In-situ INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Minimum 8) 900 mm 900 mm 1550 mm (Page 90) For checking the equilibrium of the structure, the partial safety factor for loads shown in Column No. 6 or 7 under Table B.1 and for checking the structural strength, the partial safety factor for loads shown in Column No. 4 under Table B.2 shall be adopted. Sr No. 6 Seismic Combination 6. Annex B i)The base of wall refers to horizontal sections of the parapet within 300 mm above the adjoining paved surface level. The minimum moments of resistance shall reduce linearly from the base of wall value to zero at top of the parapet. ii)In addition to the main reinforcement, in items 4 & 5 above, distribution steel equal to 50 percent of the main reinforcement shall be provided in the respective faces. iii)For design purpose the crash barrier Type P-3 shall be divided into end sections extending a distance not greater than 3.0 m from ends of the crash barrier and intermediate sections extending along remainder of the crash barrier. iv)If concrete barrier is used as a median divider, the steel is required to be placed on both sides. v)In case of P-3 In-situ type, a minimum horizontal transverse shear resistance of 135 kN/m shall be provided. Notes : Minimum transverse shear 44 22.5 Not applicable resistance at vertical joints kN/m kN/m between precast panels, or at of joint of joint vertical joints made between lengths of in-situ crash barrier. 7) 22.5 11.25 Not applicable kNm/m kNm/m Minimum moment of resistance of anchorage at the base of a precast reinforced concrete panel 6. 7.5 3.75 40 kNm/m kNm/m kNm/m P-1 P-2 In-situ/ In-situ/ Precast Precast Minimum moment of resistance for bending in horizontal plane with reinforcement adjacent to outer face [see note (ii)] Requirement 5) S. No Types of Crash Barrier (210+40 L) kN/panel High Containment without shear transfer between panels Seismic Combination For checking the equilibrium of the structure, the partial safety factor for loads shown in Column No. 6 or 7 under Table B.1 and for checking the structural strength, the partial safety factors for loads shown for seismic combination under column 4 of Table B.2 and B.4 are applicable only for design basis earthquake (DBE) . 6. i)Panel Length (L) for cast-in-situ and precast barrier shall be 2.0 m minimum. ii) Panel Length (L) for cast-in-situ barrier shall not exceed 3.5 m. iii)H=Vertical distance in meters from top of barrier to the horizontal section where shear force is considered. iv)Gaps between panels shall be 20 mm. Gaps shall be covered or sealed and filled with a durable soft joint filler. v)*The bending moment to be resisted produced by applying transversely a horizontal continuous, uniformly distributed nominal load to the top of panel. vi)**The nominal shear force to be resisted by any transverse section of a panel. vii)In addition to the main reinforcement on traffic face, secondary reinforcement of area not less than 50 percent of the main reinforcement shall be provided. The area of reinforcement on outer face, both vertical and horizontal, shall not be less than 50% of that in the traffic face. Spacing of reinforcement bars on any face shall not exceed 200 mm. viii)If concrete barrier is used as a median divider, the reinforcement is required to be placed on both sides. ix)For in-situ panels, the joint between panels shall extend from the top of the panel down to not more than 25mm above the level of paved surface. x)Specialist literature may be referred for design of attachment systems and anchorages and their loading for precast concrete parapet panels. xi)Equivalent static loading as given in Table-10 are also applicable to crash barrier supported on friction slabs and friction slab too can be designed for same static loading. Notes : 80L 100 kN over 1.0m Normal Containment without shear transfer between panels (110+50H)L Panel nominal shear (kN/panel)** Barrier Containment Panel nominal Level bending moment* Table 10: Equivalent static nominal loads in situ and precast concrete barriers applicable to panel lengths (L) 2.0 m to 3.5 m Notifications Accidental Combination Seismic Combination 1.05 5.2 Construction dead loads (such as wt. of launching girder, truss or cantilever construction equipment) INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 1.0 (2) For (1) 1.1 Dead load, snow load if present, SIDL except surfacing - (7) 5.2 Construction Dead Loads (such as weight of launching girder, truss or cantilever construction equipment (1) Accidental Combination (3) Accidental Combination (4) Seismic Combination Loads 1.1 (2) 0.90 (3) 1.0 (b) When causing relieving effect (2) 1.0 (3) Frequent Combination 1.0 (4) Quasi-permanent Combination 1.1 Dead load, snow load if present, SIDL except surfacing, and back fill Weight (1) Loads 1.0 (2) Rare Combination Read 0.90 (5) 1.0 (3) Frequent Combination 1.0 1.0 (3) Accidental Combination Ultimate Limit State Basic Combination 1.35 2.2 Wind load during construction and service 1.10 (4) Read (a) When causing adverse effect 1.4 Back fill weight (1) Seismic Combination 0.9 (7) 1.0 (4) Quasi-permanent Combination 1.0 1.0 (4) Seismic Combination 1.1 (6) Overturning Restoring Overturning Restoring Overturning Restoring or Sliding or or Resisting or Sliding or or Resisting or Sliding or or uplift Effect Effect uplift Effect Effect uplift Effect Resisting Effect Basic Combination Table B.3 Partial Safety Factor for Verification of Serviceability Limit State Rare Combination (2) - (6) Loads Read Table B.2 Partial Safety Factor for Verification of Structural Strength - (5) Ultimate Limit State For - (4) Basic Combination 0.95 (3) Loads 2.2 Wind load construction during service 1.4 Back fill weight (1) Loads (2) Overturning Restoring Overturning Restoring Overturning Restoring or Sliding or or Resisting or Sliding or or Resisting or Sliding or or Resisting uplift Effect Effect uplift Effect Effect uplift Effect Effect Basic Combination (1) Loads For B.1 Partial Safety Factors for verification of Equilibrium Notifications 35 36 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 7 216 (page 60) S.NO Clause No 4.0 Construction Dead Loads (weight. of launching girder, truss or cantilever construction equipment) 5.1 Water Current 5.2 Wave Pressure 6 Buoyancy a)For Base Pressure b)For Structural Design Add new (1) 1.1 Dead load, Snow Load (if present) SIDL except surfacing and Back Fill Weight 1.2 SIDL Surfacing Loads 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.0 0.15 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.0 0.15 0.15 1.0 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.0 1.75 1.35 1.0 1.0 1.0 Construction live load Surfacing When causing adverse effect When causing relieving effect For b) For Structural Design a) For Base Pressure 5.1 Water Current 5.2 Wave Pressure 6 Buoyancy 4.0 Construction Dead Load 1.2 (a) (b) 2.1 c) (1) 1.1 D ead load, Snow Load (if present) SIDL except surfacing and Back Fill Weight (a) When causing adverse effects (b) When causing Relieving effects Loads 0.15 1.0 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.35 1.35 1.75 1.0 1.35 1.0 0.15 1.0 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 by the vertical deflection of the girder combined with the rigidity of the joints. 216.3 effects are reduced to a minimum. In the absence of calculation, deformation stresses shall be assumed to be not less than 16 percent of the dead and live loads stresses. In prestressed girders of steel, deformation effects may be ignored. 216.2All steel bridges shall be designed, manufactured and erected in a manner such that the deformation Delete Read 0.15 1.0 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.35 1.35 1.75 1.0 1.35 1.0 0.15 1.0 1.0 or 0 1.0 or 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Combination Combination Seismic Accidental (1) (2) Combination Combination (2) (3) (4) (5) Read 216 DEFORMATION EFFECTS (for Steel Bridges only) 216.1 A deformation effects is defined as the bending stress in any member of an open web-girder caused 1.0 1.0 1.75 1.35 1.0 1.35 Combination Combination Seismic Accidental (1) (2) Combination Combination (2) (3) (4) (5) For Table B.4 Partial Safety Factor for checking of base Pressure and Design of Foundations Notifications 2 1.0 1.0 Bearings and Connections (see note(VI) also) Stoppers (Reaction Blocks) Those restraining dislodgement or drifting away of bridge elements. 3.0 3.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 (v) RCC/PSC Frame ( Refer Note VI) (vi) Steel Framed (vii) Steel Cantilever Pier Bearings and Connections (see note(V) also) Stoppers (Reaction Blocks) Those restraining dislodgement or drifting away of bridge elements. 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 Notes : i)Bracing and bracing connection primarily carrying horizontal seismic force for steel and steel composite superstructure, R factor shall be taken as 3 where ductile detailing is adopted. ii)Response reduction factor is not to be applied for calculation of displacements of elements of bridge as a whole. iii)When elastomeric bearings are used to transmit horizontal seismic forces, the response reduction factor (R) shall be taken as 1.0 for all substructure. 1.5 (vii) Steel Cantilever Pier 3.0 (iv) RCC Single Column 2.5 3.0 3.0 (iv) RCC Single Column (vi) Steel Framed 2.5 3.0 (iii) R CC Wall piers and abutments in longitudinal direction (where hinges can develop) 1.0 (ii) RCC Wall piers and abutments transverse direction (where plastic hinge cannot develop) 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 'R' WITH DUCTILE DETAILING (i) Masonry / PCC Piers, Abutments Substructure BRIDGE COMPONENT (v) RCC/PSC Frame ( Refer Note VII) 1.0 (ii) RCC Wall piers and abutments transverse direction (where plastic hinge cannot develop) 1.0 'R' WITHOUT DUCTILE DETAILING (for Bridges in Zone II only) Read (iii) RCC Wall piers and abutments in longitudinal direction (where hinges can develop) 1.0 'R' WITH DUCTILE DETAILING (i) Masonry / PCC Piers, Abutments Substructure BRIDGE COMPONENT Table 4.1 Response Reduction Factors (R) For Notes below Notes: Table 4.1 i.Bracing and bracing connection primarily carrying horizontal (Page 26 & 27) seismic force for steel and steel composite superstructure, R factor shall be taken as 3 where ductile detailing is adopted. ii.Response reduction factor is not to be applied for calculation of displacements of elements of bridge as a whole. iii.When elastomeric bearings are used to transmit horizontal seismic forces, the response reduction factor (R) shall be taken as 1.0 for all substructure. In case substructure and foundation will remain in elastic state, no ductile detailing is required. (Page 26) S. Clause No. & No Page No. 1 Table 4.1 Amendment No.2/IRC:SP:114/August, 2019 (Effective from 31st October, 2019) To IRC:SP:114-2018 “Guidelines for Seismic Design of Road Bridges” Notification No. 25 Notifications INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 37 38 3 Title of Clause 4.7 (Page 30) S. Clause No. & No Page No. INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 iv)In case substructure & foundations are designed with R=1, no ductile detailing is required. v)Where plastic hinges are likely to be formed in any seismic zone (including zone II), ductile detailing is mandatory at locations of plastic hinges. vi)Bearings and connections shall be designed to resist the lesser of the following forces, i.e., (a) design seismic forces obtained by using the response reduction factors given in Table 4.1 and (b) forces developed due to over strength moment when hinge is formed in the substructure. For calculation of overstrength moments, (Mo) shall be considered as Mo=γ0 MRd γ0 = Over-strength factor & MRD is plastic moment of section, for detail refer Chapter 7 . Over-strength factors for Concrete members: γ0= 1.35 & for Steel members: γ0 = 1.25 vii) The shear force for over strength moments in case of cantilever piers shall be calculated as Mo/h, “h” is height shown in Fig. 7.1 in Chapter 7. In case of portal type pier capacity of all possible hinges need to be considered. viii)Capacity Design should be carried out where plastic hinges are likely to form. ix)The R factor for ductile behavior specified in Table 4.1 may be used only if the location of relevant plastic hinges are accessible for inspection and repair. Otherwise, under situation of inaccessibility of plastic hinges the Factor R given in Table 4.1 shall be multiplied by 0.6; however, R value less than 1.0 need not be used. 4.7 Lateral Earth Pressure under Seismic Condition & Seismic in Embedded portion of Structure 4.7.1 Lateral Earth Pressure under Seismic Condition For seismic effects on earth pressure, the clause 214.1.2 of IRC-6-2017 shall be referred. The modified earth pressure forces described in above clause need not be considered on the portion of the structure below scour level. 4.7.2 Seismic in Embedded portion of Structure For embedded portion of foundation at depths exceeding 30 m below scour level, the seismic force due to foundation mass may be computed using design seismic coefficient equal to 0.5Ah. For portion of foundation between the scour level and up to 30 m depth, the seismic force due to that portion of foundation mass may be computed using seismic coefficient obtained by linearly interpolating between Ah at scour level and 0.5Ah at a depth 30 m below scour level. iv.Ductile detailing is mandatory for piers of bridges located in seismic zones III, IV and V where plastic hinges are likely to form and when adopted for bridges in seismic zone II, for which “R value with ductile detailing” as given in Table 4.1 shall be used. v.Bearings and connections shall be designed to resist the lesser of the following forces, i.e., (a) design seismic forces obtained by using the response reduction factors given in Table 4.1 and (b) forces developed due to over strength moment when hinge is formed in the substructure. For calculation of overstrength moments, (Mo) shall be considered as Mo=γ0 MRd γ0 = Overstrength factor & MRD is plastic moment of section, for detail refer Chapter 7 . Over-strength factors for Concrete members: γ0= 1.35 & for Steel members: γ0 = 1.25 vi. The shear force for over strength moments in case of cantilever piers shall be calculated as MRD/h, “h” is height shown in Fig 7.1 in Chapter 7. In case of portal type pier capacity of all possible hinges need to be considered. vii Capacity Design should be carried out where plastic hinges are likely to form. 4.7 Seismic Effects on Earth Pressure & Dynamic Component For seismic effects on earth pressure and dynamic component the clause 214.1.2 of IRC-6-2017 shall be referred. The modified earth pressure forces described in above clause need not be considered on the portion of the structure below scour level. For embedded portion of foundation at depths exceeding 30 m below scour level, the seismic force due to foundation mass may be computed using design seismic coefficient equal to 0.5Ah. For portion of foundation between the scour level and up to 30 m depth, the seismic force due to that portion of foundation mass may be computed using seismic coefficient obtained by linearly interpolating between Ah at scour level and 0.5Ah at a depth 30 m below scour level. Read For Notifications INDIAN HIGHWAYS 10 9 8 7.3 (e) ( Page 47) 6.4.4 (Page 43) 6.4.3 (v) (Page 43) S. Clause No. & No Page No. 4 Fig 5.1 (a) & (b) (Page 35) 5 5.3 (Page 38) 6 6.3.1 Sr. V, (Page 41) 7 6.3.2, (Page 42) v. The capacity protected regions of substructure may be designed without ductility provisions. Force demands for essentially elastic components adjacent to plastic hinges should be determined by capacity-design principle, that is, jointforce equilibrium conditions; considering plastic hinge capacity at hinge location multiplied by over strength factor in-principal direction of earthquake. The over strength factors should not be used where plastic hinges are not likely to be formed. Force demands calculated from linear elastic analysis should not be used in capacity protected regions v. In case, in-plane horizontal seismic forces are to be transmitted using elastomeric bearings, they shall be checked using minimum dynamic frictional value and minimum vertical loads, including combined effect of vertical and horizontal components of earthquake. In such cases suitable devices for preventing dislodgement of superstructure shall be provided. Where high damping elastomeric bearings are used to resist seismic action, these may be designed to act as seismic isolation bearing for which Chapter-10 shall be referred. In bridges where pier heights are high…… Natural period T, secs Read The final step in the design is to determine the forces in the members adjacent to plastic hinge which are to remain elastic, by capacity design procedure explained in the following section. This includes sections of pier outside the plastic hinge and the foundations The final step in the design is to determine the forces in the members adjacent to plastic hinge which are to remain elastic, by capacity design procedure explained in the following section. This includes sections of pier outside the plastic hinge and the foundations. For this purpose, the combination of component of motion as given clause 4.2.2 for capacity design effects is not applicable 6.4.4 Foundation 6.4.4 Foundation i.Force demands on foundations should be based on capacity design i.Force demands on foundations should be based on capacity principle that is, plastic capacity of bases of columns/piers multiplied design principle that is, plastic capacity of bases of columns/ with an appropriate over strength factor. Foundation elements piers multiplied with an appropriate over strength factor. Pile should be designed to remain essentially elastic. Pile foundations foundations may experience limited inelastic deformations; in may experience limited inelastic deformations; in such cases these such cases these should be designed and detailed for ductile should be designed and detailed for ductile behavior behavior v.The capacity protected regions of substructure/foundation can be designed elastically without ductility provisions. Force demands for essentially elastic components adjacent to ductile components should be determined by capacity-design principle, that is, joint-force equilibrium conditions; considering plastic hinge capacity at hinge location multiplied by over strength factor. The over strength factors should not be used where plastic hinges are not likely to be formed. Force demands calculated from linear elastic analysis should not be used in capacity protected regions v. Wherever the elastomeric bearings are used, these bearing shall accommodate imposed deformations and normally resist only nonseismic actions. The resistance to seismic action is provided by structural connections of the deck to piers or abutments through suitable means. In case, in-plane horizontal seismic forces are to be transmitted using these elastomeric bearings, they shall be checked using minimum dynamic frictional value and minimum vertical loads, including combined effect of vertical and horizontal components of earthquake. In such cases suitable devices for preventing dislodgement of superstructure shall be provided. Where high damping elastomeric bearings are used to resist seismic action, these may be designed to act as seismic isolation bearing for which Chapter-8 shall be referred. In bridges where pier height are high……. Natural period T,5 For Notifications OCTOBER 2019 39 40 INDIAN HIGHWAYS 12. 8.3.2 (Page 58) S. Clause No. & No Page No. 11 Fig 7.2 (Page 56) Read OCTOBER 2019 The transfer of force through connection between substructure and superstructure is an important aspect in design of substructure. The connections between supporting and supported members shall be designed in order to ensure structural integrity and avoid unseating under extreme seismic displacements. The piers shall be designed to withstand shear forces corresponding to the pier’s plastic hinge capacity. The maximum induced shear The transfer of force through connection between substructure and superstructure is an important aspect in design of substructure. The connections between supporting and supported members shall be designed in order to ensure structural integrity and avoid unseating under extreme seismic displacements. The piers shall be designed to withstand shear forces corresponding to the pier’s plastic hinge capacity. The maximum induced shear Cl. 8.3.2 Force Transfer mechanism from bearing to abutment Cl. 8.3.2 Force Transfer mechanism from bearing to abutment and pier and pier For Notifications Type of Bridge Simply Supported individual span INDIAN HIGHWAYS ERSM* All heights All heights ERSM OCTOBER 2019 ERSM# ERSM ERSM All heights Bridges with shock transmission units (STU), Seismic isolation devices or Seismic dampers etc >30 ◦ Main Span <600m All heights ESAM/ERSM ERSM ERSM All heights Filled up Arch All other Arch Large < 100 m radius ERSM* All heights All Spans All heights Skew Angle Cable Stay, Suspension spans Curved in Plan ERSM* All heights Bridges founded on site with sand or poorly graded sand with little or no fines or in liquefiable soil in all seismic zones Bridge With Difference in Pier Heights/Stiffness Arch Bridges ERSM All heights ERSM# ERSM ERSM# ERSM* ERSM* ESAM/ERSM ERSM ERSM ERSM# ERSM* ERSM* Pier Height Method of analysis in Seismic Zone II & III IV & V Up to 30m ESAM/ERSM ESAM/ERSM Above 30 m ERSM ERSM Up to 30m ESAM/ERSM ERSM Above 30 m ERSM ERSM Up to 30m ESAM ERSM Above 30 m ERSM ERSM All heights ERSM ERSM <150m between exp. joints. >150m between exp. joints All Spans > 150m 60 to 150m Span Length/ Condition 0 to 60m Table 5.3 :- Method of Analysis on various Type of Bridges #site Specific Spectrum for zone IV & V preferable Evaluation of liquefaction potential shall be carried out as given in Appendix A5 #site Specific Spectrum preferable Refer Note 4 #site Specific Spectrum preferable Spatial Variation of ground motion to be considered Refer Note 3 Remarks Replace existing Table 5.3 with new table as given below: in the piers shall be limited to the plastic hinge moment (or moments) divided by the height of pier as ascertained in Chapters 4 and 7. For use of elastomeric bearing in seismic zone IV&V reference shall be made to clause 3.4.2 In seismic design, the fixed bearing shall be checked for full seismic force along with braking / tractive force, ignoring the relief due to frictional forces in other free bearings. The structure under the fixed bearing shall be designed to withstand the full seismic and design braking / tractive force. in the piers shall be limited to the plastic hinge moment (or moments) divided by the height of pier as ascertained in Chapters 4 and 7. For Seismic Zone IV and V, use of elastomeric bearings for resisting horizontal seismic actions by shear deformation, shall not be permitted. In such cases PoT, POT Cum PTFE and Spherical Bearings shall be adopted over elastomeric bearings for resisting seismic loads. In seismic design, the fixed bearing shall be checked for full seismic force along with braking / tractive force, ignoring the relief due to frictional forces in other free bearings. The structure under the fixed bearing shall be designed to withstand the full seismic and design braking / tractive force. Table 5.3 Method of Analysis of Various Type of Bridges Simply Supported individual span Table 5.3 (Page 40) Read For Right Individual Span Bridge or Skew Up to 30 ◦ or Continuous/Integral Bridges/Extradosed curved bridges span having Bridges Located on Geological discontinuity radius more Major Bridges in "Near field or Bridges on than 100m soils consisting of marine clay or loose sand ( eg where soil up to 30m depth has an avg SPT value≤10) 13 S. Clause No. & No Page No. Notifications 41 42 For Read 9.2.4 (iii) Page 80), (Page 80) (Page 85) (iii), below second para(Page 86) third para (Page 87) 16 INDIAN HIGHWAYS 17 18 OCTOBER 2019 19 The connection shall be designed to withstand a shear resulting from the load combination 1.2DL + 0.5LL plus the shear resulting from the application of 1.2MP in the same direction, at each end of the beam (causing double curvature bending). The shear strength need not exceed the required value corresponding to the load combination in 9.2.3 iii) The rigid and semi-rigid connections should be designed to withstand a shear resulting from the load combination 1.2 DL + 0.5 LL plus the shear corresponding to the design moment defined above in (i) and (ii) respectively. Moment resisting frames shall be designed so that plastic hinges form in the beams or in the connections of the beams to the columns, but not in the columns. Depending on the detailing, a moment resisting frame can be classified as either an ordinary moment frame (OMF) or a special moment frame (SMF). Moment resisting frames are usually provided in the steel piers, end diaphragms of girder bridges and end portals (for wind) of through open web girder bridges. A higher value of R is assigned to the SMF but more stringent ductility detailing requirements need to be satisfied so as to achieve the required plastic joint rotation θp (see Fig. 9.6) The connection shall be designed to withstand a shear resulting from the load combination 1.35 DL + 1.75 Surfacing + 0.2LL plus the shear resulting from the application of 1.2MP in the same direction, at each end of the beam (causing double curvature bending). The shear strength need not exceed the required value corresponding to the load combination in 9.2.3. iii) The rigid and semi-rigid connections should be designed to withstand a shear resulting from the load combination 1.35 DL + 1.75 Surfacing + 0.2 LL plus the shear corresponding to the design moment defined above in (i) and (ii) respectively. Moment resisting frames shall be designed so that plastic hinges form at the base of column or in the beams not supporting the superstructure or in their connection to column. Plastic hinge should not form in the beam directly supporting superstructure or at other location in the column. Depending on the detailing, a moment resisting frame can be classified as either an ordinary moment frame (OMF) or a special moment frame (SMF). Moment resisting frames are usually provided in the steel piers, end diaphragms of girder bridges and end portals (for wind) of through open web girder bridges. A higher value of R is assigned to the SMF but more stringent ductility detailing requirements need to be satisfied so as to achieve the required plastic joint rotation θp (see Fig. 9.6). Member Strength in Compression Member Strength in Compression When ratio of required compressive strength of the member, Pr When ratio Pd (i.e., Pr / Pd) is greater than 0.4, the required compressive strength to design axial compressive strength (without elastic buckling) of member shall be taken as greater of (a) & (b) below: Pd (i.e., Pr / Pd ) is greater than 0.4, the required axial compressive a) Factored compressive load. Pr as per Table B.2 of IRC:6 strength of member in the absence of applied moment shall also b) Minimum of (i) & (ii) below be determined from the load combination given in 9.2.3. The i) Strength required using load combination given in clause 9.2.3. required strength so determined need not exceed the maximum ii) Direct factored load on column + maximum load transferred to column load transferred to the member considering 1.25 times over by connected beams and/or bracings considered over strength (1.25 times strength of the connecting beam or bracing element. nominal strength ) of such beam/bracing. Where Pd is design axial compressive strength without elastic buckling iii. Bolted joints shall be designed not to share load in iii. Bolts used in connections shall not be considered as sharing the load in combination with welds on the same faying surface. combination with welds on same faying surface. However, connections that are welded to one member and bolted to the other member are permitted. 9.2.3 Load and Load Combinations 9.2.3 9.2.3 Load and Load Combinations 1. Earthquake loads and response reduction factor shall be as per these (Page 79-80) 1. Earthquake loads and response reduction factor shall be as per these guidelines. guidelines. 2. In the limit state design of frames resisting earthquake loads, in 2. In the limit state design of frames resisting earthquake loads, in addition addition to the load combinations given in Table B.1 to B.4 of to the load combinations given in Table B.1 to B.4 of Annexure-B of Annexure-B of IRC 6, the following load combination shall also IRC:6, the following load combination shall also be considered as be considered as required in, and required in, and a) 1.2 Dead Load (DL) + 0.5 Live Load (LL) ±2.5 a) 1.35 Dead Load (DL) + 1.75 Surfacing+ 0.2 Live Load (LL) + 2.5 Earthquake Load (EL); and Earthquake Load (EL); and b) 0.9 Dead Load (DL) & 2.5 Earthquake Load(EL). b) 1.0 Dead Load (DL)+ 1.0 Surfacing + 2.5 Earthquake Load(EL). 15 14 S. Clause No. / NO Page No. Notifications 20 10.1General, from 2nd para(Page 89) Chapter 10, Title, ( Page 89) S.NO Clause No. / Page No. SEISMIC ISOLATION & DAMPING DEVICES This chapter deals with the design of bridges incorporating Seismic base Isolation & damping devices. Some of the currently known seismic isolation devices are: i) Low damping Elastomeric Bearing ii) High Damping Rubber Bearing (HDR) iii) Lead-Rubber Bearing (LRB) iv) Friction Pendulum System ( FPS) Following types of damping devices in isolation system may be adopted: i) Viscous Damper ii) Friction Damper iii) Visco Elastic Damper iv) Hysteresis damper Provision of isolation devices is optional and it may be decided by the designer on a case to case basis. Seismic Isolation devices covered in this chapter are permitted to be used for comparatively rigid structures where fundamental time period ‘T’ of the structure without incorporation of seismic isolation devices is less or equal to 1.0 sec. In the case of Type III soft soil, seismic isolation devices shall be avoided. The Reduction of response and control of displacement in isolation system can be achieved by following methods: i) By lengthening of the fundamental period of the structure (effect of period shift in the response spectrum), which reduces forces but increases displacements; ii)By introducing a damping device in parallel with isolation devices, the displacement at the isolation level can be limited and arrived at acceptable level. iii)Instead of introducing separate damping device one may adopt HDR or LRB which can serve both as isolation bearing as well as a damping device. Similarly FPS can serve both the purpose of period elongation as well as damping. Isolation Devices provide single or combination of the following functions: i)Vertical-load carrying capability, combined with high lateral flexibility and high vertical rigidity; ii) Energy dissipation (hysteretic, viscous, frictional); iii) Lateral restoring capability; iv)Horizontal restraint (sufficient elastic stiffness) under non-seismic service horizontal loads Strength and integrity of the Isolation Device used is of utmost importance, due to the critical role of its displacement capability for the safety of the bridge. For all types of Isolation Devices excepting simple elastomeric low damping bearings and flat sliding bearings, the design properties shall be verified through established test methods. This chapter deals with the design of bridges incorporating Seismic Insolation Devices. Some of the currently known seismic isolation devices are: i) Hydraulic Viscous Damper ii) Elastomeric Bearing Damper (Low Damping Elastomer) iii) High Damping Elastomeric Bearing Damper iv) Lead-Rubber Bearing Damper v) Friction Damper Provision of isolation devices is optional and it may be decided by the designer on a case to case basis. Various types of isolation devices have different mechanism of seismic force reduction. Seismic Isolation devices covered in this chapter are permitted to be used for comparatively rigid structures where fundamental time period ‘T’ of the structure without incorporation of seismic isolation devices is less or equal to 1.0 sec. In the case of Type III soft soil, seismic isolation devices shall be avoided. Reduction of response is achieved through either of the following phenomena: i) By lengthening of the fundamental period of the structure (effect of period shift in the response spectrum), which reduces forces but increases displacements; ii) By increasing the damping, which reduces displacements and may reduce forces; iii) By a combination of the two effects (preferred). Isolation Devices provide single or combination of the following functions: iv) Vertical-load carrying capability, combined with high lateral flexibility and high vertical rigidity; v) Energy dissipation (hysteretic, viscous, frictional); vi) Lateral restoring capability; vii) Horizontal restraint(sufficient elastic stiffness) under nonseismic service horizontal loads Strength and integrity of the Isolation Device used is of utmost importance, due to the critical role of its displacement capability for the safety of the bridge. For all types of Isolation Devices excepting simple elastomeric low damping bearings and flat sliding bearings, the design properties shall be verified through established test methods. Read SEISMIC ISOLATION DEVICE For Notifications INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 43 44 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 25 24 23 Fig. 10.3, (Page 93) Note 2 (Page 92) Fig. 10.2, Title, (Page 92) 10.3, ‘ag’ definition, (Page 92) S.NO Clause No. / Page No. Below 21 Table 10.1 (Page 91) 22 Eq. 10.5 (Page 91) Fig. 10.2: Acceleration Spectra ag = design ground acceleration on rock or hard soil depending upon the seismic zone TD = Refer fig .10.2 Read Replace existing Fig 10.3 Fig. 10.3: Composite stiffness of pier and isolator i Note 2: Maximum Teff shall be restricted to 4 sec. Brides with higher Note 2: Maximum Teff shall be restricted to 4 sec. Bridges with higher Teff need Teff need special precautions due to very low stiffness against special precautions due to very low stiffness against horizontal action horizontal action Fig. 10.2: Acceleration and displacement spectra ag =design ground acceleration on rocky substrata corresponding to the importance category of the bridge TD = value defining the …..spectrum For Notifications 26 10.7 (Page 95) In case of Friction Sliding Dampers with flat or curved (preferred) surface, parameters such as dynamic sliding friction, maximum displacement after incorporating the device into the structure etc are needed for the design of structure incorporating Friction Sliding Dampers In case of Fluid Viscous Dampers, viscous force displacement parameters, viscous resistance, maximum displacement after incorporating the device into the structure, velocity of movement etc are needed for analysis and design of the structure incorporating such devices. In case of low-damping elastomeric bearing (viscous damping ratio ξ ≤ 0.06), high-damping elastomeric bearing (viscous damping ratio ξ equal to 0.10 to 0.20) and lead-rubber bearing, damping ratio of the composite material and other related parameters are needed for analysis and design of the structure incorporating such Seismic Isolation Devices. 10.7 Properties of Isolation Devices Design properties of the Seismic Isolation Devices shall be obtained from the supplier. There are different sets of proprieties for different types of Seismic Isolation Devices. Some of them are as follows: 10.7 Properties of Isolation Devices Design properties of the Seismic Isolation Devices shall be obtained from the supplier. There are different sets of proprieties for different types of Seismic Isolation Devices. Some of them are as follows: In case of low-damping elastomeric bearing (viscous damping ratio ξ ≤ 0.06), high-damping rubber bearing (viscous damping ratio ξ equal to 0.10 to 0.20) and lead-rubber bearing, damping ratio of the composite material and other related parameters are needed for analysis and design of the structure incorporating such Seismic Isolation Devices. In case of Fluid Viscous Dampers, viscous force displacement parameters, viscous resistance, maximum displacement after incorporating the device into the structure, velocity of movement etc are needed for analysis and design of the structure incorporating such devices. In case of Friction Sliding Dampers with flat or curved (preferred) surface, parameters such as dynamic sliding friction, maximum displacement after incorporating the device into the structure etc are needed for the design of structure incorporating Friction Sliding Dampers. The required increased reliability of isolating system shall be implemented by designing each isolator ‘i’ for increased displacement dbi,a dbi,a = y ISdbi,d Eq. 10.15 Where y Is is an amplification factor (taken as 1.50) that is applied only on the design displacement dbi,d in each isolation device i resulting from one of the procedures specified in 10.2. The maximum total displacement of each isolation device in each direction shall be obtained by adding to the above increased design seismic displacement, the offset displacement potentially induced by: a) the permanent actions b) the long-term deformations (post-tensioning, shrinkage and creep for concrete decks) of the superstructure, and c) 50% of the thermal action All components of the isolating system shall be capable of functioning without any unacceptable deformations at the total maximum displacements. Note: The maximum reaction of hydraulic viscous dampers (see Eq. 10.11) corresponding to the increased displacement dbi,a may be estimated by multiplying the reaction resulting from the analysis times y IS α b / 2 where α b is the exponent of velocity of viscous damper. 10.7.1 Variations in Properties of Seismic Isolation & Damping Devices Nominal properties of the components of these devices undergo changes due to ageing, temperature, loading history, contamination and wear. Usually higher properties of components lead to higher design forces and lesser properties lead to larger displacements. Hence, two sets of values, namely upper bound design properties (UBDP) and Lower bound design properties (LBDP) need to be considered in the analysis and design. However, in case the design displacements calculated using Fundamental mode analysis based on UBDP and LBDP do not differ by more than ±15%, response spectrum analysis or Time-history analysis may use nominal design properties. For determination of variation in properties, if required to be used in the analysis, specialist literature may be followed. Notifications INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 45 27 46 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 10.8 Verification of Bridge Sub-structure and Superstructure with Isolating System The Seismic internal forces EEA, derived from analysis, in the substructures and superstructure due to the design seismic action alone, shall be derived from the results of an analysis in accordance with 10.2. The design seismic forces EE due to the design seismic action alone, may be derived from the forces EEA, after division by the Response Reduction Factor ‘R’ =1, i.e. FE = FE.A/R with R = 1.0. All members of the structure should be verified to have an essentially elastic behaviour as per the relevant clauses. The design horizontal forces of supporting members (piers or abutments) carrying sliding bearings shall be derived from the maximum friction values as per relevant clauses of the bearing design code. In the case of sliding bearings as mentioned above and when the same supporting member also carries viscous fluid dampers, then the design horizontal seismic force of the supporting member in the direction of the action of the damper should be increased by the maximum seismic force of the damper, refer eqn. 10.16. When single or multiple mode spectral analysis is carried out for isolating systems consisting of combination of elastomeric bearings and fluid viscous dampers supported on the same supporting elements(s), the phase difference between the maxima of the elastic and the viscous elements may be taken into account, by the following approximation. The seismic force should be determined as the most adverse of those corresponding to the following characteristic states: a. At the state of maximum displacement. The damper forces are then equal to zero. b. At the state of maximum velocity and zero displacement, when the maximum damper forces should be determined by assuming the maximum velocity to be: = ( f1 + 2ξ b f 2 )Se M d Where Se is determined from Table 10.1 Fmax Eq. 10.17 f1 = cos[arctan(2ξb)] Eq. 10.18a displacements in the horizontal directions x and y. No uplift of isolators carrying vertical force shall be permitted in f 2 = sin[arctan(2ξb)] Eq. 10.18b the seismic design combination. Where ξb is the contribution of the dampers to the effective damping ξ eff Sliding elements shall be designed as per relevant clauses of the of Eq. 10.1. bearing design code. The Seismic internal forces EEA, derived from analysis, in the At this state the displacement amounts to f d and the velocity of the dampers 1 ccd d substructures and superstructure due to the design seismic action alone, shall be derived to ν = f 2ν max ν x.d and νydyd should be taken equal to the maximum total relative Where εq,d is the shear strain calculated in accordance with relevant clauses of the bearing design code. In this context the movements times y IS α b / 2 where α b is the exponent of velocity of viscous damper. Isolation devices consisting of simple low-damping elastomeric bearings should be verified for the action effects in accordance with relevant clauses of the bearing design code, taking partial factor for ν max = 2πdbdbd //TTeffeff Eq. 10.16 material y m = 1.15. For simple low damping elastomeric bearings, Where dbd is the maximum damper displacement corresponding to the design in addition to the above verification, the following condition should displacement dcd of the isolating system. be verified: c At the state of the maximum inertial force on the superstructure, that εq,d ≤ 2.0 Eq. 10.16 should be estimated as follows: Where y Is is an amplification factor (taken as 1.50) that is applied only on the design displacement dbi,d in each isolation device i resulting from one of the procedures specified in 10.2. The maximum total displacement of each isolation device in each direction shall be obtained by adding to the above increased design seismic displacement, the offset displacement potentially induced by: d) the permanent actions e) the long-term deformations (post-tensioning, shrinkage and creep for concrete decks) of the superstructure, and f) 50% of the thermal action All component of the isolating system shall be capable of functioning without any unacceptable deformations at the total maximum displacements. Note: The maximum reaction of hydraulic viscous dampers (see 10.11) corresponding to the increased displacement dbi,a may be estimated by multiplying the reaction resulting from the analysis 10.8 Verification of Bridge Sub-structure and Superstructure 10.8 (Page 95-97) with Isolating System dbi,a = y ISdbi,d Eq. 10.15 Notifications Eq. 10.17 INDIAN HIGHWAYS = ( f1 + 2ξ b f 2 )Se M d f1 = cos[arctan(2ξb)] f 2 = sin[arctan(2ξb)] Where Se is determined from Table Fmax OCTOBER 2019 Eq. 10.19b Eq. 10.19a 10.1 Eq. 10.18 Where dbd is the maximum damper displacement corresponding to the design displacement dcd of the isolating system. c.At the state of the maximum inertial force on the superstructure, that should be estimated as follows: ν max = In the case of sliding bearings as mentioned above and when the same supporting member also carries viscous fluid dampers, then the design horizontal seismic force of the supporting member in the direction of the action of the damper should be increased by the maximum seismic force of the damper, see eqn. 10.17. When single or multiple mode spectral analysis is carried out for isolating systems consisting of combination of elastomeric bearings and fluid viscous dampers supported on the same supporting elements(s), the phase difference between the maxima of the elastic and the viscous elements may be taken into account, by the following approximation. The seismic force should be determined as the most adverse of those corresponding to the following characteristic states: a.At the state of maximum displacement. The damper forces are then equal to zero. b.At the state of maximum velocity and zero displacement, when the maximum damper forces should be determined by assuming the maximum velocity to be: from the results of an analysis in accordance with 10.2. The design seismic forces EE due to the design seismic action alone, may be derived from the forces EEA, after division by the Response Reduction Factor ‘R’ =1, i.e. FE = FE.A/q with R = 1.0. All members of the structure should be verified to have an essentially elastic behaviour as per the relevant clauses. The design horizontal forces of supporting members (piers or abutments) carrying sliding bearings shall be derived from the maximum friction values as per relevant clauses of the bearing design code. In isolating systems consisting of a combination of fluid viscous dampers and elastomeric bearings, without sliding elements, the design horizontal force acting on supporting element(s) that carry both bearings and dampers for nonseismic situations of imposed deformation actions (temperature variation, etc.) should be determined by assuming that the damper reactions are zero. Notifications 47 48 f1d ccdd and the velocity of INDIAN HIGHWAYS Appendix A-1 Illustration of elastic seismic acceleration method Appendix A-2 Illustration of elastic response spectrum method Appendix A-3 Illustration of Seimic Acceleration Method Preamble Appendix A-4 Illustration of hydrodynamic Pressure on Bridge Piers Appendix A-5 Illustration of Liquefaction of soil 29 30 31 32 OCTOBER 2019 33 Replace existing Appendix A-5 with new Replace existing Appendix A-4 with new Replace existing Appendix A-3 with new Replace existing Appendix A-2 with new Replace existing Appendix A-1 with new Flow Chart, Flow Chart for analysis of bridges involving seismic isolators is Deleted Flow Chart (Page 97) shown below : 28 the dampers to ν = f 2ν max In isolating systems consisting of a combination of fluid viscous dampers and elastomeric bearings, without sliding elements, the design horizontal force acting on supporting element(s) that carry both bearings and dampers for non-seismic situations of imposed deformation actions (temperature variation, etc.) should be determined by assuming that the damper reactions are zero At this state the displacement amounts to ξ eff of expression 10.1. Where ξb is the contribution of the dampers to the effective damping Notifications Notifications Appendix-A1 (Reference Clause 5.2.1) Illustration of Elastic Seismic Acceleration Method (ESAM) elastomer bearings as shown in Fig. A1.1 below. In this The elastic seismic acceleration method presented here illustrates the computation of seismic forces in method, fundamental time period "T" is calculated by accordance with method specified in clause 5.2.1 of using expression given in clause 5.2.1 and corresponding Chapter 5. Application of this method is presented for a Sa/g is worked out using Spectra shown in Fig. 5.1 (a) of simple bridge having a simply supported spans resting on Chapter 5. DEFINE SEISMIC PARAMETERS DEFINE MEMBER IDEALIZATION DEFINE MEMBER STIFFNESS DEFINE MEMBER LOADS CALCULATE TIME PERIOD & BASE SHEAR WORK FLOW FOR CALCULATING THE BASE SHEAR WITH ESAM Step 1: Define Seismic parameters The variables involved in finding out the seismic coefficient are as follows: Direction for Seismic Analysis = Longitudinal Zone factor, Z The bridge is located in zone III. Therefore, as per Table 4.2: Z = 0.16 Importance factor, I Fig. A1.2: Typical Transverse Cross Section of The Bridge The bridge is categorized as Seismic class "Important bridges". Therefore, as per Table 4.3: I = 1.2 Response reduction factor, R As per Table 4.1, Note iii: R =1 Average response acceleration coefficient, Sa/g The soil strata is categorized as Medium stiff soil sites. Therefore, as per clause 5.2.1: Sa/g = 2.5 ; 0 < T < 0.55s = 1.36 / T ; 0.55s < T < 4.00s = 0.34 ; T > 4.00s Step 2: Define member Idealization Fig. A1.3: Load Idealization Fig. A1.4: Fig. A1.5: Variation Deflection of Pier of Seismic & Bearing Coefficient Note: For the purpose of this analysis, pier is assumed to be fixed at top of open foundation and mass is lumped at top of bearing i.e., 10.05 m above top of open foundation. Step 3: Define member stiffness Fig. A1.1: Typical Elevation The stiffness of Elastomeric bearing is calculated based on INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 49 Notifications the Shear rating of the bearing as follows: RXY = Resultant of the forces resisting to translatory motion, n = Total number of bearings on pier cap =4 A = Total plan area of bearing = 500 x 500 G = Shear modulus of bearing (IRHD 50) = 0.7 Mpa obtained by vectoral addition of vX & vY (for stiffness computation – unit deflection) Te = Total thickness of elastomer in shear RXY/vXY = (n A G)/Te = 50 mm (refer IRC 83 Part-II) = 4x500 x 500 x 0.7 50 = 14000 N/mm = 14000 kN/m vXY = Maximum resultant horizontal relative displacement Summary of member stiffness: Member Dimension Pier cap Pier Section Properties Depth 1.5 m 4.0 m Area Ixx Width 7.32 m4 Length 2.8m Iyy 14.93 m4 2.0m Area Ixx / Iyy 3.14 m2 Cracked Ixx / Iyy 0.59 m 16.0 m2 21.33 m4 Diameter Foundation Elastomeric bearing Grade of concrete (Mpa) Modulus of Elasticity (Gpa) 35 32 35 32 35 32 N/A N/A 11.2 m2 0.78 m4 4 Depth 1.5 m Width 4.0 m Area Ixx Length 4.0m Iyy 21.33 m Thickness 0.05 m Width 0.5 m Rxy / vxx 14000 kN/m Length 0.5 m 4 Note: The stiffness of pier is reduced by 25% to cater for cracking of the element during seismic case. The same can be modified based on the actual cracked stiffness with the help of rigorous analyses. All other components are assumed to be uncracked. The same can be modified based on the actual cracked stiffness with the help of rigorous analyses. Step 4: Define Member Loads Calculate equivalent stiffness of system: Mass of superstructure (including deck slab) = 5000 kN Stiffness of Elastomeric bearing, K1 Mass of crash barrier = 480 kN Stiffness of Pier, K2 Mass of wearing course = 570 kN Mass of CWLL (as applicable) = N.A. Total mass from superstructure = 6050 kN Mass of pier cap = 11.20 x 1.50 x 25 = 420 kN Equivalent stiffness of system Mass of pier = 3.14 x 8.50 x 25 = 667.25 kN Step 5: Calculate time period & Base shear Calculation of time period by approximate method: 50 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 = 14000 kN/m = 55709 kN/m = 11188.3 kN/m Notifications Hence, the force in kN required to be applied for 1mm horizontal deflection: F = 11188.3/1000 = 0.87 = 11.19 kN Calculate design seismic acceleration coefficient (Ah) Note: = The stiffness of pier cap is not considered separately for the sake of simplicity. The length L is taken from the top of bearing to the top of foundation. Calculate the dead load idealized as a lumped mass: The dead load idealized as a lumped mass, D = Mass from superstructure + Mass of pier cap + Half mass of pier = 6050 + 420 + 333.6 = 6803.6 kN The time period based on the approximate method, T = 1.56 sec Calculation of Base shear: Since time period is 1.56 sec, as per clause 5.2.1: Sa/g = 1.36 / T; 0.55s < T < 4.00s Calculate Sa/g = 0.084 Calculate base shear: S. Component No. Loads (kN) Design seismic acceleration coefficient (Ah) Seismic force (kN) 1 Super structure 5000.0 0.084 418.60 2 Crash barrier 480.0 0.084 40.19 3 Wearing course 570.0 0.084 47.72 4 CWLL 0.0 0.084 0.00 5 Pier cap 420.0 0.084 35.16 6 Pier above GL (7.5m) 588.8 0.084 49.29 7 Pier below GL (1m) 78.5 0.083 6.52 8 Foundation 600.0 0.081 48.77 Base Shear: = 646.24 Appendix-A2 Example 1 (Reference Clause 5.2.2) Illustration of Elastic Seismic Response Spectrum Method (ERSM) In this example, a bridge with two span continuous superstructure resting on fixed and free bearings is analyzed for assessment of seismic forces with ERSM as per clause 5.2.2 and Fig. 5.1(b) of Chapter 5. Fig. A.2.1.1 shows the bridge elevation with pile foundation. The DEFINE SEISMIC PARAMETERS DEFINE MEMBER IDEALIZATION example illustrates the mathematical modelling, member properties for analysis, loading, determination of natural frequency, mode shapes and calculation of base shear by using a commercial software. DEFINE MEMBER STIFFNESS WORK FLOW FOR CALCULATING THE BASE SHEAR WITH ERSM Step 1: Define Seismic parameters The variables involved in finding out the seismic coefficient are as follows: DEFINE MEMBER LOADS Direction for Seismic Analysis CALCULATE TIME PERIOD & BASE SHEAR = Longitudinal Zone factor, Z The bridge is located in zone III. Therefore, as per Table 4.2: Z = 0.16 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 51 Notifications Importance factor, I The bridge is categorized as Seismic class "Important bridges". Therefore, as per Table 4.3: I = 1.2 Response reduction factor, R As per Table 4.1: R =3 Average response acceleration coefficient, Sa/g The soil strata is categorized as Medium stiff soil sites. Therefore, as per clause 5.2.2: Sa/g = 1 + 15T : T < 0.10s = 2.5 ; 0.10s < T < 0.55s = 1.36 / T ; 0.55s < T < 4.00s = 0.34 ; T > 4.00s Step 2: Define member Idealization Fig. A2.1.3: Fig. A2.1.4: Variation of Seismic Coefficient Member Idealization Notes: The depth of fixity is calculated based on IS 2911 (Part 1/Sec 2). In this example it is assumed as 6m from base of pile cap. The pile is modelled as a free-standing element from bottom of pile cap to depth of fixity. The base of pile is assumed as fixed at the depth of fixity. Step 3: Define member stiffness Summary of member stiffness: Fig. A2.1.1: Typical Elevation Member Dimension Depth 1.5 m Area 12.6 m2 Pier cap Width 4.5 m Ixx 8.23 m4 Iyy 21.26 m4 Area 4.91 m2 Length 2.8m Pier Pile cap Diameter 2.5m 52 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Pile Ixx / Iyy 1.92 m4 Cracked 1.44 m4 Ixx / Iyy Depth 1.8 m Area 26.01 m2 Width 5.1 m Ixx 56.38 m4 Iyy 56.38 m4 Area 1.13 m2 Length 5.1 m Fig. A2.1.2: Typical Transverse Cross Section of The Bridge Section Properties Diameter 1.2m Ixx / Iyy 0.10 m4 Grade of Modulus of concrete (Mpa) Elasticity (Gpa) 35 32 35 32 35 32 35 32 Notifications Notes: The stiffness of pier is reduced by 25% to cater for cracking of the element during seismic case. The same can be modified based on the actual cracked stiffness with the help of rigorous analyses. All other components are assumed to be uncracked. The same can be modified based on the actual cracked stiffness with the help of rigorous analyses. Step 4: Define Member Loads Mass of superstructure (including deck slab) = 5000 kN x 2 = 10000 kN Mass of crash barrier = 480 kN x 2 = 960 kN Mass of wearing course = 570 kN x 2 = 1140 kN Mass of CWLL (as applicable) = N.A. Total mass from superstructure = 12100 kN Mass of pier cap = 12.60 x 1.50 x 25 = 472.5 kN Mass of pier = 4.91 x 1.0 x 25 = 122.8 kN/m Mass of pile cap = 26.01 x 1.80 x 25 = 1170.5 kN Mass of pile = 1.13 x 1.0 x 25 = 28.3 kN/m Mode Shape – 1 Mode Shape –2 Summary of Time period & Modal participation factor: Participation Design seismic factor (%) Frequency Time Mode (Cycles/ Period Sa/g acceleration coefficient Sec) (Sec) Individual Cumulative (Ah) 1 0.48 2.10 85.01 85.01 0.65 0.021 2 7.29 0.14 14.97 99.98 2.50 0.080 The shear force & bending moment diagram as output from the commercial software is shown below: Shear force at pier base: 283kN Step 5: Calculate time period & Base shear Calculation of time period by commercial software: The number of modes to be used in the analysis for earthquake shaking along a considered direction, should be such that the sum total of modal masses of these modes considered is at least 90 percent of the total seismic mass. The mode shapes, time periods & participation factor are calculated with the help of a commercial software. Bending moment at pier base: 5724 kNm For foundation design, capacity design shall be done as per Clause (iv) of IRC:114 Appendix A-2 Example-2 (Reference Clause 5.2.2) Illustration of Elastic Response Spectrum Method (ERSM) This example illustrates the Elastic Response Spectrum Method for computation of seismic forces as per clause 5.2.2 and Spectra shown in Fig.5.1(b) of IRC:SP:114. The bridge analyzed is a simply supported bridge with a pier height of 45m resting on open foundation. The spans resting on pier are supported on fixed bearings on one side and free bearings on other side of pier center. The example illustrates the mathematical modelling, determination of INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 53 Notifications natural frequency, mode shapes, lateral seismic forces and base shear in longitudinal and transverse directions using a commercial software. Design Data I longitudinal @ top I transverse @ top = = 4.17 39.17 m4 m4 = = = 10.16 9.54 52.38 m2 m4 m4 = = = 12.51 18.23 66.98 m2 m4 m4 Area of Pier section @ bottom = I longitudinal @ bottom = I transverse @ bottom = 15.04 31.11 82.84 m2 m4 m4 Section at Node 2: Self-weight of Superstructure + SIDL = 10000 kN Area of Pier section @ m2 I longitudinal @ m2 I transverse @ m2 Self-weight of Pier cap = 1200 kN Section at Node 1: Live Load on superstructure = 1500 kN Seismic Zone = III Area of Pier section @ m1 I longitudinal @ m1 I transverse @ m1 Zone Factor Z = 0.16 Importance Factor I = 1.5 Response Reduction Factor R = 3.0 Grade of concrete fck = 25 MPa Section 4 at base: Elastic Modulus of Concrete E = 3.00E+07 kN/sqm Height of Pier = 45 Type of Soil = Medium Stiff m Fig. A.2.2.1 : Pier Cross Section Fig. A.2.2.2: Lumped Mass Model Member properties: Pier Section Properties Section Properties Top of Pier Bottom of Pier Breadth, b Depth, h Thickness, t (m) (m) (m) 7 2 0.5 7 4 0.8 Pier Idealization: The pier is considered as hollow and is divided into 3 sections of 15m height each. Properties of the pier section are as below: Section at Node 3: Area of Pier section @ top 54 = INDIAN HIGHWAYS 8 m2 OCTOBER 2019 For Member 3 Area for section of member 3 =9.08 m2 Moment of Inertia in Longitudinal direction, I longitudinal =6.86 m4 Cracked I longitudinal (Assuming 75% of uncracked) = 6.86 x 0.75 = 5.14 m4 Stiffness of pier in Longitudinal direction, k3 = 1.37E+05 kN/m Moment of Inertia in transverse direction, I transverse =45.78 m4 Cracked I transverse (Assuming 75% of uncracked) = 45.78 x 0.75 = 34.33m4 Notifications Stiffness of pier in Transverse direction, k3 = 9.16E+05 kN/m For Member 2 Area for section of member 2 = 11.33 m2 Moment of Inertia in Longitudinal direction, I longitudinal = 13.89 m4 Cracked I longitudinal (Assuming 75% of uncracked) = 13.89 x 0.75 = 10.42m4 Stiffness of pier in Longitudinal direction, k2 = 2.78E+05 kN/m Moment of Inertia in transverse direction, I transverse = 59.68 m4 Cracked I transverse (Assuming 75% of uncracked) = 59.68 x 0.75 = 44.76 m4 Stiffness of pier in Transverse direction, k2 = 11.94E+05 kN/m For Member 1 Area for section of member 1 = 13.77 m2 Moment of Inertia in Longitudinal direction, I longitudinal = 24.67 m4 Cracked I longitudinal (Assuming 75% of uncracked) = 24.67 x 0.75 = 18.50 m4 Stiffness of pier in Longitudinal direction, k1 = 4.93E+05 kN/m Moment of Inertia in transverse direction, I transverse = 74.91 m4 Cracked I transverse (Assuming 75% of uncracked) =74.91 x 0.75 = 56.18 m4 Stiffness of pier in Transverse direction, k1 = 14.98E+05 kN/m Average properties for member 1, 2 & 3 are provided as given in the table below: Member I longitudinal (m4 ) I transverse (m4 ) Area (m2) 1 2 3 18.50 10.42 5.14 56.18 44.76 34.33 13.77 11.33 9.08 Load calculation: Total horizontal load at m3 [DL + SIDL + wt. of pier (7.5m ht.)] = 12870 kN Total horizontal load at m2 [Wt. of pier (15m ht.)] = 3755 kN Total horizontal load at m1 [Wt. of pier (15m ht.)] = 4618 kN Basic Steps in Response Spectrum Method: Step-1 M Frame Mass Matrix, M m1 0 0 = Step-2 K 0 m2 0 0 0 m3 Frame Stiffness Matrix, K = k1+k2 -k2 0 -k2 k2+k3 -k3 0 -k3 k3 Step-3 Determine Eigenvalues, ω2 by [K-ω2M] = 0 for each Mode=ω12, ω22, ω32 Step-4 Determine Natural Frequency for each Mode =ω1, ω2 & ω3 Step-5 Determine Natural Time Period, T for each mode T1=2π/ω1 T2=2π/ω2 T3=2π/ω3 Step-6 Determine Eigenvectors φ (mode shapes) at each Node for each mode, by [K-Mw^2] φ=0 for each Mode φ11, φ21, φ31 φ12, φ22, φ32 φ13, φ23, φ33 for Mode 1 for Mode 2 for Mode 3 Step-7 Determination of Modal Participation Factors for each Mode, Pk Step-8 Determination of Modal Mass for each Mode, Mk Transverse seismic load Total horizontal load at m3 [DL + SIDL +20% LL+ wt. of pier (7.5m ht.)] = 13170 kN Total horizontal load at m2 [Wt. of pier (15m ht.)] = 3755 kN Total horizontal load at m1 [Wt. of pier (15m ht.)] = 4618 kN Longitudinal seismic load Where, g = acceleration due to gravity, φik = mode shape coefficient at node i in mode k, Wi = seismic weight at node i of the structure, and INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 55 Notifications n = number of nodes of the structure MODAL BASE ACTIONS: Step-9 Determination of Lateral Forces at each Node for each Mode, Qik Time Forces (in kN) Mode Period FY FZ (Sec) FX Moments (kN-m) MX MY MZ 1 1.06 0 897.2 0 0 0 37655 2 0.11 0 328.8 0 0 0 3975.5 3 0.04 0 58.2 0 0 433.5 Qik = AkØikPkWi Where, Ak = design horizontal acceleration spectrum value as per Clause 5.2.2 using natural period Tk of mode k obtained from dynamic analysis Step-10 Mode, Vik Determination of Node Shear in each Step-11 Determination of Nodal Shear due to all Modes by SRSS at each node, Vik Step-12 Determination of Base Moment Computer Output- The problem is analyzed by using commercial software and results are presented below: 0 BASE SHEAR BY SRSS: 957 kN BASE MOMENT BY SRSS: 37867 kN-m To illustrate the Response Spectrum Method further for obtaining lateral forces, nodal shears and moments, manual calculations are presented for steps 7 to 12 after picking up values of Time Period and Eigenvectors from Computer output. LONGITUDINAL DIRECTION Mode Shapes-Longitudinal DIRECTION (A) Longitudinal Direction Mode Frequency (Hz) Time Period (sec) Modal Contribution % 1 0.51 1.98 78.61 2 4.20 0.238 15.62 3 11.97 0.084 5.77 Modal Base Actions: Time Period Mode (Sec) Forces (in kN) Moments (kN-m) FX FY FZ MX MY MZ 1 1.98 0 0 459.3 0 19388.5 0 2 0.238 0 0 331.9 0 4623.7 0 3 0.084 0 0 110.3 0 893.3 0 Base Shear By Srss: 577 kn Base Moment By Srss: 19952 kn-m (B) Transverse Direction Mode Frequency (Hz) Time Period (sec) Modal Contribution% 1 0.94 1.06 80.52 2 8.80 0.11 15.26 3 24.60 0.04 4.22 56 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Fig. A.2.2.3: Eigenvectors Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3 φ31 1.00 φ32 -0.16 φ33 -0.05 φ21 0.46 φ22 1.00 φ23 0.65 φ11 0.12 φ12 0.55 φ13 -1.00 Calculation of Modal Mass Where, g = acceleration due to gravity, Notifications Qik = mode shape coefficient at node i in mode k, Wi = seismic weight at node i of the structure, n= number of nodes of the structure W3 = 12870 kN W2 = 3755 kN W1 = 4618 kN Total (M)= 21243 kN M1 = 1702 kN M2 = 337 kN M3 = 124 kN Modal Contribution of various Modes Mode 1= 100.M1/M Mode 2= 100.M2/M Mode 3= 100.M3/M = = = 78.60 % 15.58 % 5.74 % k = Mode Number Lateral Force Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3 Q3k 390 kN -158 kN 23 kN 52 kN 292 kN -98 kN Q1k 16 kN 197 kN 185 kN Q2k Nodal Shear Shear at each level for each mode is given by Nodal Shear Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3 SRSS V3 390 kN -158 kN 23 kN 421.5 kN 442 kN 134 kN -74 kN 468.2 kN V1 459 kN 331 kN 110 kN 578.3 kN V2 Refer Fig. A2.2.4 Mode Participation Factors Base Moments (kn-m) P1 = 1.10 P2 = 0.78 P3 = -0.44 Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3 SRSS 19365 4600 885 19923 Mode-1 base moment Calculation of design lateral force (Qik): Design acceleration coefficients and lateral forces are calculated as per Cl. 5.2.2 of IRC:SP:114-2018 = 390x45+52x30+16x15 = 19365 kN-m Mode-2 base moment = -158x45+292x30+197x15 = 4600 kN-m Mode-3 base moment = 23x45-98x30+185x15 = 885 kN-m I Z I R = 0.16 = 1.5 = 3.0 Response Spectra is chosen for Medium Stiff Soil Type Ref: Cl.5.2.2 and Fig. 5.1(b) of IRC:SP:114-2018 Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3 Tk 1.98 Sec 0.24 Sec 0.08 Sec Sa/g 0.69 2.50 2.26 Ak 0.027 0.10 0.09 Qik = AkØikPkWi Where, Ak =design horizontal acceleration spectrum value as per Cl.5.2.2 using natural period of Tk of mode k obtained from dynamic analysis Fig. A.2.2.4: Shear Force Diagram INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 57 Notifications TRANSVERSE DIRECTION Mode Participation Factors Mode participation factors are given below: Mode Shapes-Transverse Direction P1 = 1.10 P3 = -0.36 P2 = 0.73 Calculation of design lateral force (Øik): Design acceleration coefficients and lateral forces are calculated as per Cl. 5.2.2 of IRC:SP:114-2018 Mode-1 Mode-2 Z= I= R= Mode-3 φ31 1.00 φ32 -0.18 φ33 -0.06 φ21 0.50 φ22 1.00 φ23 0.78 φ11 0.14 φ12 0.67 φ13 -1.00 Fig. A.2.2.5: Eigenvectors Calculation of Modal Mass W3 = 13170 kN W2 = 3755 kN W1 = 4618 kN Total (M)= 21543 kN M1 = 1768 kN M2 = 335 kN M3 = 92 0.16 1.5 3.0 Response Spectra is chosen for Medium Stiff Soil Type Ref: Cl. 5.2.2 of IRC:SP:114-2018 and Fig.5.1(b) Qik = AkØikPkWi Where, Ak = design horizontal acceleration spectrum value as per 5.2.2 using natural period Tk of mode k obtained from dynamic analysis Mode-1 1.06 Sec 1.28 0.051 Tk Sa/g Ak Mode-2 0.11 Sec 2.50 0.10 Mode-3 0.041 Sec 1.62 0.065 Nodal Shear is given by: kN k=Mode No. where, g= acceleration due to gravity, Qik = mode shape coefficient at node i in mode k, Wi = seismic weight of node i of the structure, n= number of nodes of the structure Mode 1= 100.M1/M = Mode 2= 100.M2/M = Mode 3= 100.M3/M = 58 80.53 % 15.23 % 4.20 % INDIAN HIGHWAYS Lateral Force Q3k Q2k Q1k Mode-2 Mode-3 748 kN 107 kN 36 kN -168 kN 273 kN 224 kN 19 kN -68 kN 108 kN Nodal Shear Nodal Shear V3 V2 V1 Mode-1 748 kN 855 kN 891 kN Refer Fig. A 2.2.6 OCTOBER 2019 Mode-1 Mode-2 -168 kN 104 kN 328 kN Mode-3 19 kN -49 kN 58 kN SRSS 766.5 kN 862.5 kN 951.5 kN Notifications Base Moments (kN-m) Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3 SRSS 37402 3962 431 37614 Mode 1 base moment = 748 x45 + 107 x 30 + 36 x 15 = 37402 kN-m Mode 2 base moment = -168 x45 + 273 x 30 + 224 x 15 = 3962 kN-m Mode 3 base moment = 19 x45 -68 x 30 + 108 x 15) = 431 kN-m Fig.A2.2.6: Shear Force Diagram APPENDIX –A-3 (Reference Clause 7.3) ILLUSTRATION OF CAPACITY DESIGN METHOD FOR MEMBERS WITH DUCTILE BEHAVIOUR This Appendix includes worked out example for Capacity Design to be followed for checking the member sections adjacent to ductile components/plastic hinges in accordance with method described in Chapter 7. The procedure for Capacity design mainly includes the following steps: ¾¾ Capacity Design Effects shall be treated as Ultimate loads A typical pier analysed and designed for Capacity Design is shown in Fig.A3.1 and Fig.A3.2. ¾¾ Design of Section with IRC:112 for Load Combinations of IRC:6 by Limit State Method ¾¾ Design of Plastic Hinge including its location, height and ductile detailing as specified in Clause 7.5.2 & 7.5.4 of Guidelines ¾¾ Determination of MRd, Design Flexural Strength of section in Longitudinal and Transverse directions at location of plastic hinge for reinforcement and dimensions provided ¾¾ Computation of Over Strength Moment Mo by multiplying MRd with Over Strength Factor γ o ¾¾ Computation of Capacity design Moment, Mc and Shear Vc for the member sections outside the plastic hinge ¾¾ Design of Section outside plastic hinge for Mc & Vc in accordance with Clause 7.5.3 ¾¾ Design of Foundation for Moment Mo and Shear Vc computed at base of pier Fig.A3.1: Section in Transverse Direction INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 59 Notifications 3 SIDL (Surfacing) SIDL-V-Each side 4 Live load (LL) Reaction Without Impact Factor i ii iii Pmax(LL) Q1 Max MT(LL) Q2 Max ML(LL) Q3 620 0 0 0 0 1982 0 0 238 3164 1321 0 0 159 4416 1326 0 0 1061 2121 Where, SIDL -Super Imposed Dead Load P -Axial Force HT -Horizontal Force along Direction Fig.A3.2: Section in Longitudinal Direction (both bearings fixed) 1. Material Properties: fck = 45 N/mm2 Grade of concrete for Pile foundation fck = 35 N/mm2 Grade of steel reinforcement for Substructure and Pile foundation fy = 500 N/mm2 Clear Cover to reinforcement for Pile foundation c = 75 mm Clear Cover to reinforcement for Substructure c = 40 mm Gross Area of Pier section Ac = 3570000 mm2 2. Calculation of Seismic Forces: Table 1: Un-Factored loads from Superstructure at bearing level 1 2 60 P HL (kN) (kN) Dead Load (DL) – Each Superstructure 7710 0 SIDL (permanent) SIDL-F-Each side 700 0 INDIAN HIGHWAYS HT MT ML (kN) (kNm) (kNm) 0 0 0 0 OCTOBER 2019 HL -Horizontal Force along Longitudinal Direction MT -Transverse moment ML -Longitudinal moment Pmax(LL) -Maximum Vertical load case Max MT(LL) Max ML(LL) -Maximum Transverse moment case -Maximum Longitudinal moment case Superstructure Mass for longitudinal seismic (DL + SIDL) = 18060 KN Grade of concrete for Substructure S. N. Description Transverse 0 0 Superstructure Mass for transverse seismic (DL+SIDL+0.2 x LL) = 9426 KN T, Time Period of the system along Longitudinal Direction = 1.18 sec T, Time Period of the system along Transverse Direction = 0.75 sec Taking Zone factor = 0.24 Importance factor = 1.2 Response Reduction factor, R = 3 Considering medium type soil Ah Long = 0.164 Ah Trans = 0.263 Load Factor for Seismic Combination = 1.5 Base Shear un-factored Seismic Combination in Longitudinal Direction: Due to superstructure= 987.3 KN with lever arm=10.5m above pier base Notifications Due to pier+ pier cap=61.23 KN with lever arm=6.0m above pier base Factored Ultimate Base shear with R=1 =1.5*(987.3+61.23)*3=4718 KN (1) Base Shear un-factored Seismic Combination in Transverse Direction: Due to superstructure= 826.38 KN with lever arm=12.5m above pier base Due to pier+ pier cap=98.19 KN with lever arm=6.0m above pier base Factored Ultimate Base shear with R=1 =1.5*(826.38+98.19)*3=4161 KN (2) Table 2: Braking forces at the base of Pier-unfactored S r. Description No. ML HL HT (kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) P MT (kNm) 1 Braking Force under seismic Combination, Fb i Pmax(LL) 0 284 0 2982 0 ii Max MT(LL) 0 208 0 2184 0 iii Max ML(LL) 0 284 0 2982 0 b 1.35(DL +SIDL-F) + 1.75(SIDL-V) + 0.2(Q2) + 0.2(Fb) +1.5Feq 14215 513 1387 4862 17262 c 1.35(DL +SIDL-F) +1.75 (SIDL-V) + 0.2 (Q3) + 0.2(Fb) +1.5Feq 14216 529 1387 5042 16803 3. Design of Section: The reinforcement detailing of the Pier section at the base and at the curtailment level is shown in Figure A3- 3. Curtailment level is assumed to be 6m above the ground level. Table 3: Summary of forces at the base of Pier ULS Seismic with R=3 Sl. No Description P HL (kN) (kN) HT ML MT (kN) (kNm) (kNm) 1 Earthquake along Longitudinal Direction a 1.35 (DL+SIDL-F) + 1.75 (SIDL-V) 14347 + 0.2(Q1) + 0.2(Fb) + 1.5Feq 1630 b 1.35(DL +SIDL-F) + 1.75(SIDL-V) 14215 +0.2(Q2) + 0.2(Fb) + 1.5Feq 1614 416 16569 5797 c 1.35(DL +SIDL-F) + 1.75(SIDL-V) +0.2(Q3) + 0.2(Fb) +1.5Feq 1630 416 16909 5338 2 Earthquake along Transverse Direction a 1.35(DL +SIDL-F) + 1.75(SIDL-V) 14347 + 0.2(Q1) + 0.2(Fb) + 1.5Feq 14216 416 16745 5546 At the base of Pier 529 1387 4878 17011 At curtailment level Figure A3. 3: Reinforcement Detailing of the Pier Section INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 61 Notifications 4. Design Flexural Strength of Section: At ULS, the design flexural strength of the section in orthogonal directions is estimated for maximum vertical load case. In computing MRd, biaxial moment under the permanent effects and seismic effects corresponding to the design seismic action in the selected direction shall only be considered as per clause Ultimate axial force, NED (At the base of Pier) = 14347 kN Design Flexural Strength along Longitudinal Direction, MRd,L = 27660 kNm Distance between ground level to the top of Pier Cap, h = 10.25 m Moment due to Live Load (Longitudinal Direction) = 0.2 x 238 = 48 kNm Moment due to Live Load (Transverse Direction) = 0.2 x 3164 = 634 kNm Maximum Braking Force = 0.2 x 284 = 57 kN Design Flexural Strength along Transverse = 29390 kNm Direction, MRd,T Factored Moments (ULS) due to non-seismic actions, i.e. live load and braking force :Along Longitudinal Direction = 48 + 57 x 10.25 = 632 kNm Along Transverse Direction = 634 kNm 5. Over Strength Moment, Mo: The procedure to calculate the capacity moment and shear is applied separately for each of the two horizontal components of the design seismic action. As per clause (a) the over-strength moment of the sections due to plastic mechanism is obtained by multiplying the design flexural strength of the section with appropriate overstrength factors. Over-strength factor for concrete substructures, γo = 1.35 As per clause (b) of this Guideline, the over strength factor has to be multiplied with a factor ‘K’ if the value of normalized axial force ‘ηk’ is greater than 0.08. Where, ηk= NED/Acfck = (14682 x 1000) / (3570000 x 45) =0.091 > 0.08 Since the value of normalized axial force, ηk, is more than 0.08, the over-strength factor requires modification as below: = 1.0002 K = [1+2(ηk - 0.08)2] Thus, γo = 1.0002 x1.35 = 1.35 62 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Fig. A3.4: Capacity Moment Diagram The over-strength factor to be considered for Pier section = 1.35 Over strength moment at the base of Pier along Longitudinal Direction, Mo,L = 1.35 x 27660 = 37341 kNm Over strength moment at the base of Pier along Transverse Direction, Mo,T = 1.35 x 29390 = 39677 kNm 6. Capacity Design: 6.1 For Capacity Design Moment Mc: Curtailment of longitudinal bars, if any, should be done at such a level that the design flexural strength of the section at the curtailed level (MRd,curtailed) should be greater than the capacity moment (Mc) at the curtailed level (Refer Fig.A3-4 ) Ultimate axial force, NED (At curtailment level) = 13893 kN Design Flexural Strength at curtailed level = 22840 kNm along Longitudinal Direction, MRd,L, Design Flexural Strength at curtailed level = 25980 kNm along Transverse Direction, MRd,T, Capacity moment at curtailed section along = 15483 kNm <22840 kNm Longitudinal Direction, (MRd long) Mc,L, curtailed = 37341 x (10.25-6)/10.25 Capacity moment at curtailed section along = 17420 kNm Transverse Direction, <25980 kNm Mc,T, curtailed = 39677 x (10.25-6)/10.25 (MRd trans) Hence, the design flexural strength of the section at curtailed level is more than the capacity moment at the same level. ¾¾ Within members having plastic hinges, the Mc at the vicinity of hinge shall not be taken greater than MRd of the hinge -Clause of Guidelines. Notifications 6.2 For Capacity Design Shear Vc in Pier As per section 7.8 of this Guideline, the increase of moments of plastic hinges, ΔM, is obtained by deducting the moment due to non-seismic actions, i.e. live load and braking force (considering appropriate load factors) from the over-strength moment of the section along both the directions. The increase in moment of plastic hinge is: Along Longitudinal Direction, ΔML Checks should be carried out to ensure that the plastic hinge region, pier sections beyond plastic hinge region and foundation have shear strength greater than the Final Capacity Design shear Vc of the section along both the directions. 6.3 Bearings: Bearings and connections are to be designed for lesser of the following forces: = 37341 - 632 Along Transverse Direction, ΔMT = 36709 kNm i) Seismic forces obtained using Response reduction factor, = 39043 kNm R=1 as applicable for assessment of bearings. = 39677 - 634 As per clause (e), Capacity Design shear corresponding to this increase in moment is Obtained as: ii) Forces developed due to over strength moment when hinge is formed in the substructure Vc = (∑ΔM) / h where ∑ΔM =∑Mo Hence the design seismic forces for bearing design are: Shear Along Longitudinal Direction Along Longitudinal Direction, lesser of (1) and (3) = ΔML / h = 36709/10.25 = 3582 kN Shear Along Transverse Direction (3) (4) = ΔMT / h =39043/10.25 = 3810 kN The factored shear due to non-seismic actions (braking force for this example) is then added to the shear due to design seismic forces so as to obtain the Final Capacity design shear along both the directions. Final Capacity Design Shear in = 3639 kN Longitudinal Direction = 3582+ 57 Final Capacity Design Shear in Transverse = 3810 kN Direction = 3582 kN Along Transverse Direction, lesser of (2) and (4) = 3735 kN 6.4 Capacity check for Pile Foundation: The foundation is capacity protected by designing it for Over strength Moment Mo and Capacity Design Shear Vc in both the directions separately. The summary of forces acting at the base of pile cap for the considered maximum vertical load case in Longitudinal and Transverse is given in Table 4. The number of piles is considered as 4 at a spacing of 4.5 m in both directions. Table 4: Summary of forces at the base of Pile cap Description Longitudinal Case Transverse Case Seismic Seismic Reactions on Pile in kN Hor. Load on Pile in kN P HL HT ML MT kN kN kN kNm kNm P1 P2 P3 P4 17218* 3639 0 37341 634 8524 8383 226 -85 910 17157* 57 3810 48 39677 8704 -115 8693 -125 953 *Including soil weight above pile cap The depth of fixity is assumed to be 9 m from the pile cap bottom. The reduction factor for fixed head pile is assumed to be 0.8 as per Fig. 5 of IS 2911(Part 1/Sec 2). Maximum moment on a pile is observed to be Along Longitudinal Direction = 910 x 9/2x 0.8 = 3276 kNm Along Transverse Direction = 953 x 9/2x 0.8 = 3431 kNm The pile diameter is assumed to be 1.2 m and the corresponding reinforcement assumed is 19 numbers of (32+20mm) bundled bars. For the above said pile, the capacity at the minimum axial load i.e. -85 kN and -125 kN along longitudinal and transverse direction respectively is found out to be 3575 kNm and 3484 kNm respectively. The capacity of the Pile for longitudinal and transverse seismic case is more than the maximum moment on the pile. INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 63 Notifications APPENDIX - A4 (Reference Clause 4.8) ILLUSTRATION OF HYDRODYNAMIC FORCES ON BRIDGE SUBSTRUCTURE & FOUNDATION Example : Calculation of hydrodynamic forces in case of a bridge with Well Foundation, located in Seismic Zone IV, with design horizontal seismic coefficient, Ah = (Z/2) x (I/R) x (Sa/g) = 0.12 [i,e. Assuming Sa/g = 2.5; I=1.2; Z=0.24; R=3.0 : Ah = (0.24/2) x (1.2/3.0) x 2.5] Design parameters : Pier Diameter, d1 = 2.4m; Pier Height below HFL, h = 6.218m, Well Diameter, d2 = 5.5m, Overall height from HFL to Scour Level, H = 31.09m, Well Height upto scour level = (H-h) = 24.872m [Refer Fig. A4-1] = C3F1 \ = 1.0 x 2.464t = 2.464t Point of application of resultant force from base of pier = C4h = 0.4286 X 6.218 = 2.665m Bending moment at the base of pier (Well cap level) due to hydrodynamic force on pier = 2.464 x 2.665 = 6.566tm The force distribution is worked out in Table 1, below, and shown in Fig. A4-2 Table 1: Force Distribution on pier (Refer portion A-B-C in Fig. A4-4) C1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 C1h 0.6218 1.2436 1.8654 2.4872 3.1090 3.7308 4.9744 6.2180 C2 0.410 0.673 0.832 0.922 0.970 0.990 0.999 1.000 C2 Pb1 (t/m) 0.195 0.319 0.395 0.438 0.460 0.470 0.474 0.475 Fig. A4.1 Hydrodynamic force on pier, F1 = CeαhWe Pier Portion: For pier portion consider enveloping cylinder of height h and radius r1. For pier portion, (Refer Table 4.4) Weight of water in enveloping cylinder for pier Hydrodynamic force on pier, F1 = Ceαh We1 F1 = 0.73 x 0.12 x 28.129 = 2.464t For Pier, Resultant force at base of pier 64 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Fig. A4.2 (b) Well Portion: For well portion consider enveloping cylinder of height H and radius r2. Deduct from it the enveloping cylinder of height h and radius r2 to determine hydrodynamic effect on well portion only. Thus hydrodynamic force on well portion is obtained as follows: For well foundation, Notifications Hydrodynamic force on well portion only= F2 –F3, Where: Table 2: Force Distribution on well F2 = force acting on complete height H, enveloping radius r2 (Refer portion A-B-D in Fig. A4.4 C1 C1h C2 C2 Pb2(t/m) 0.2 0.6218 0.673 1.680 F3 = force acting on pier height h, enveloping radius r2(Refer portion A-E-F in Fig. A4.4 0.3 9.3270 0.832 2.077 0.4 12.436 0.922 2.302 0.5 15.545 0.970 2.422 0.6 18.654 0.990 2.472 0.8 24.872 0.999 2.472 1.0 31.090 1.000 2.497 F2 = Ceαh We2 We2 = π x 2.752 x 31.09 = 738.645 t F2 = 0.73 x 0.12 x 738.645 = 64.705 t Point of application of F2 (resultant on H) from scour level (C1 = 1.0), C4H = 0.4286 x 31.09 = 13.325 m Resultant force on height h (for C1 = h/H = 0.2) F3 = C3 F2 F3 = 0.093 x 64.705 = 6.017 t Point of application F3 (resultant on h) from scour level (for C1 = 0.2) = C4 H = 0.8712 x 31.09 = 27.085 m The net hydrodynamic force acting on well portion only F2 – F3 = 64.705-6.017 = 58.688 t Bending moment at scour level due to hydrodynamic force on well =F2 x 13.325 - F3 x 27.085 = 64.705 x 13.325 – 6.017 x 27.085 = 699.224tm Fig. A4.3 Fig. A4-4 below shows the final forces acting in pier and well foundation Total shear force and bending moment at scour level Total shear force at scour level = Hydrodynamic force on pier + Hydrodynamic force on well = 2.464 + 58.688 = 61.152 t Total bending moment at scour level = Moment of force F1 + Net Moment of force F2 and F3 = 2.464 (2.665 + 24.872) + 699.224 = 67.851 + 699.224 = 767.075t The force distribution for well portion (C1 = 0.2 to C1 = 1.0) is worked out in Table 2 and also shown in Fig. A4-3. Fig. A4-4 : Hydrodynamic Force on Pier & Foundation INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 65 APPENDIX A-5 – ILLUSTRATION OF LIQUEFACTION OF SOIL Notifications 66 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Notifications Notification No. 26 Amendment No.8/Irc:112/August, 2019 (effective from 31th October, 2019) To Irc:112-2011 “code of practice for concrete road bridges” S. No. Cl. No. For Read 1 3.1.2 (Page 5) Design Working Life / Design Life Assumed period for which a structure or part of it is to be used for its intended purpose with anticipated maintenance but without necessity of major repair 2 5.8.1 (Page 25) 5.8.1 Design Service Life For design service life of structures, reference may be made to provisions of IRC:5. Unless otherwise specifically classified by Owner, all structures shall be designed for a useful service life of 100 years. 3. 6.2.2 (Page 30) Note: (2) The idealised bilinear diagram has sloping The idealised bilinear diagram has sloping top branch Design Life Assumed period for which a structure or part of it is to be used for its intended purpose with anticipated maintenance but without necessity of major repair 5.8.1 Design Life For design life of structures, reference may be made to provisions of IRC:5. Unless otherwise specifically classified by Owner, all structures shall be designed for a design life of 100 years. top joining branch joining and, (εuk ; ft), where fyk ; ft, εuk are the minimum values required by relevant IS Codes referred to in Section 18.2.1 (Table 18.1). The factored idealised design diagram is obtained by factoring stress values by, that is by taking, and, (εuk ; ft), where fyk ; ft, εuk are the minimum values required by relevant IS Codes referred to in Section 18.2.1 (Table 18.1). The factored idealised design diagram is obtained by factoring stress and limiting design strain to and limiting design strain to . values by, that is by taking, . For grades Fe 415D, Fe 500D & Fe 550D, εuk shall be taken as 5% (max.) and for grades Fe 415S & Fe 500S, εuk shall be taken as 8% (max.). For other grades it shall be taken as 2.5% (max.). Stainless steel reinforcement shall conform to IS:16651:2017. The code covers requirements and methods of test for high strength deformed stainless steel bars/wires of the following strength grades for use as concrete reinforcement: (a) SS 500, Note:The Indian Standard for Stainless Steel (b) SS 550, reinforcement is under preparation. The British standard (c) SS 600, and BS:6744:2001, which covers suitable stainless steels for (d) SS 650. use as reinforcement may be referred. 4. (Page 31) Properties of stainless steel reinforcement shall not be inferior to the carbon steel reinforcement of corresponding strength class. For bond properties reference should be made to the relevant code or established on the basis of tests. 5. 6.3.5 (Page 34) For strands, stress values shall be based on the For strands, stress values shall be based on the nominal cross-sectional area given in Table 18.4. nominal cross-sectional area given in Table 18.4. The The idealised design shape (A) is obtained by idealised design shape (A) is obtained by factoring , , and taking design factoring idealised bi-linear diagram by and idealised bi-linear diagram by taking design strain not greater than 0.9 εuk ,with strain not greater than εudwhich is equal to 0.9 εuk, corresponding value of design stress. with corresponding value of design stress. εudshall be taken as 2% (max.), if more accurate values are not available. INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 67 Notifications 6. (Page 81) In case of direct support [Fig. 10.1 (b)], a fan like compression field exists. When structure is subjected to predominantly uniformly distributed loads, in area, confined by the beam end and the steepest inclination (θmax= 45º) of the compression field (generally within a distance equal to effective depth from centre of support), no shear reinforcement is required. For concentrated loads the steepest inclination may the taken as 26.5º (measured with respect to vertical face of beam end, generally within a distance of half the effective depth from centre of support) and for loads within this distance no shear reinforcement is required. It is however, necessary to extend the shear reinforcement up to the support from the section within this region 'A' (distance d or half of d, as the case may be) and provide tensile reinforcement for resisting the horizontal components of these internal compressive forces in addition to the steel provided for bending. 7. 10.2.3 (1) (Page 84) 8., (Page 91) 9. (5) (Page 92) In case of direct support, shear force VNS acting at section d (effective depth) away from centre of support, when the member is subjected predominately uniformly distributed load and at a distance d/2 away when member is subjected to concreted loads – may be used for design of shear reinforcement in the region between support to d or support to d/2 as the case may be. For checking crushing of concrete compression strut VNS shall be taken at the centre of the support. 68 13.5 (Page 136) For concentrated loads the steepest inclination may the taken as 26.5º (measured with respect to vertical face of beam end, generally within a distance of half the effective depth from face of support) and for loads within this distance no shear reinforcement is required. It is however, necessary to extend the shear reinforcement up to the support from the section within this region ‘X1' (distance d or half of d, as the case may be, see figure 10.1(b)) and provide tensile reinforcement, adequately anchored beyond bearing point, for resisting the horizontal components of these internal compressive forces in addition to the steel provided for bending. In case of direct support, shear force VNS acting at section d (effective depth) away from face of support (or centre of bearing where flexible bearings are used) when the member is subjected predominantly uniformly distributed load and at a distance d/2 away when member is subjected to concentrated loads – may be used for design of shear reinforcement in the region between support to d or support to d/2 as the case may be. For checking crushing of compression strut VNS shall be taken at centre of support. fywd is the design strength of web reinforcement to fywd is the design strength of web reinforcement to resist shear = fyk / γm resist shear (and torsion) = fyk / γmwhile the value of fyk is limited to 500 MPa. For non-grouted ducts, grouted plastic ducts and For non-grouted ducts and unbonded tendons the nominal web thickness is: unbonded tendons the nominal web thickness is: Eq.10.15 bw,nom= bw - 1.2Σ Φ Eq.10.15 bw,nom= bw - 1.2Σ Φ The value 1.2 In Eq.10.15 is introduced to take account of splitting of the concrete struts due to transverse tension. If adequate transverse reinforcement is provided this value may be reduced to 1.0 10. In case of direct support [Fig. 10.1 (b)], a fan like compression field exists. When structure is subjected to predominantly uniformly distributed loads, in area, confined by the beam end and the steepest inclination (θmax= 45º) of the compression field (generally within a distance equal to effective depth from face of support or centre of bearing where flexible bearings are used), no shear reinforcement is required. End Block Design and Detailing INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 The value 1.2 In Eq.10.15 is introduced to take account of splitting of the concrete struts due to transverse tension. If adequate transverse reinforcement is provided this value may be reduced to 1.0 For grouted plastic ducts the nominal web thickness is: bw,nom = bw – 0.8 Σ Φ Eq.10.15a Anchorage Block Design and Detailing Notifications 11. Pg No. 138 Additional clause 13.5.4 Intermediate Anchorages General Intermediate Anchorages are those post tensioned anchorages that are not located at the end surface of a member or segment (see fig 13.2). They are usually in the form of embedded anchors, blisters, ribs, or recess pockets. In case of intermediate anchorages, tensile stresses may develop behind the anchorages. These tensile stresses result from the compatibility of deformations ahead of and behind the anchorage.The force of the tendon must be carefully distributed to the flange/web by reinforcement in front as well as behind the anchorage. For intermediate anchorages, the anchorage zone shall be considered to extend for a distance not less than the transverse dimension of the flange/ web to which it is anchored. Intermediate anchorages shall not be used in regions where tensile stress exceeding 1MPa is generated behind the anchor (upto 1.0 x depth of section) from other actions under relevant SLS combination. Whenever practical, blisters should be located in the corner between flange and webs or shall be extended over the full flange width or web height to form a continuous rib. If isolated blisters are required to be used in the middle of a flange or web, local shear, bending, and direct force effects, shall be adequately considered in the design. For flange/web thickness up to 225 mm, an upper limit of force equivalent to12 strands of 12.7 mm diameter shall be adhered to for tendons anchored in intermediate blisters supported only by the flange or web. Tie-back Reinforcement Tie-back reinforcement is the one required to take care of the tensile stresses indicated in For this purpose bonded reinforcement shall be provided to tie-back at least 25 percent of the unfactored intermediate anchorage stressing force into the concrete section behind the anchorage. Stresses in this bonded reinforcement shall not exceed 240 MPa. The anchorage force of the tendon must be carefully distributed to the main structure by reinforcement. If permanent compressive stresses are generated behind the anchor from other actions, the amount of tie-back reinforcement may be reduced using the following equation Tia = 0.25 Ps - fcb Acb where: Tia = the tie-back tension force at the intermediate anchorage (N) Ps = the maximum unfactored anchorage stressing force (N) transmitted to the anchor plate fcb = the unfactored dead load compressive stress in the regionbehind the anchor (MPa) Acb = the area of the continuing cross-section within the extensions of the sides of the anchor plate. or blister, i.e., the area of the blister or rib shall not be taken as part of the cross-section (mm2) The tie-back reinforcement shall be concentrated within one anchor plate on either side of the tendon axis. It shall be fully anchored so that the yield strength can be developed at a distance of one plate width or half the length of the blister or rib ahead of the anchor as well as at the same distance behind the anchor. The centroid of this reinforcement shall coincide with the tendon axis, as far as possible. For blisters and ribs, the reinforcement shall be placed in the continuing section near that face of the flange or web from which the blister or rib is projecting. INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 69 Notifications Blister and Rib Reinforcement Reinforcement shall be provided throughout the blisters or ribs as required for shear friction, corbel action, bursting forces, and deviation forces due to tendon curvature. This reinforcement shall extend into the flange or web and be developed by standard hooks bent around transverse bars or equivalent. Spacing shall not exceed the smallest of blister or rib height at anchor, blister width, or 150 mm, whichever is less. Reinforcement shall be provided to resist local bending in blisters and ribs due to eccentricity of the tendon force and to resist lateral bending in ribs due to tendon deviation forces. This reinforcement is normally provided in the form of ties or U-stirrups, which encase the anchorage and tie it effectively into the adjacent web and flange. Reinforcement, as specified in earlier clauses of this Section shall be provided to resist tensile forces due to transfer of the anchorage force from the blister or rib into the overall structure. Precast Segmental Constructions In the case of precast segmental structure, it is not feasible to provide continuing reinforcement over the segment joints to take care of the stresses indicated in In such cases, adequate compression, behind the intermediate anchorages, through prestressing, shall be ensured to take care of these effects in accordance with (6). 12. (Page 138) Additional Figure 13. Table 14.1 (Page 141) Table 14.1 Classification of Service Environment Table 14.1 Classification of Service Environment S. Environment Exposure Condition No. (1) Moderate Concrete dry or permanently wet; concrete continuously under water; (2) Severe Wet, rarely dry; humid (relative humidity > 70 %), completely submerged in sea water below mid-tide level; concrete exposed to coastal environment. (3) Very severe (4) Extreme 70 INDIAN HIGHWAYS moderate humidity (relative humidity 50-70 percent); Concrete exposed to air-borne chloride in marine environment; freezing conditions while wet. Cyclic wet and dry, concrete exposed to tidal, splash and spray zones in sea, concrete in direct contact with aggressive sub-soil/ ground water, concrete in contact with aggressive chemicals. OCTOBER 2019 S. Environment Exposure Condition No. (1) Moderate Concrete dry or permanently wet; concrete continuously under water; low humidity (Relative humidity <50%); humid (Relative humidity >70 %) (2) Severe Wet, rarely dry; moderate humidity (relative humidity ≥ 50% and ≤70 %), completely submerged in sea water below mid-tide level; concrete exposed to coastal environment. (3) Very severe Concrete exposed to air-borne chloride in marine environment; freezing conditions while wet. (4) Extreme Cyclic wet and dry, concrete exposed to tidal, splash and spray zones in sea, concrete in direct contact with aggressive sub-soil/ ground water, concrete in contact with aggressive chemicals. Notifications 14. 16.7.1 (1) (Page 185) (1) Corbels may be designed by using strut and tie (1) Corbels may be designed by using strut and tie model. The inclination of strut with respect to model. The inclination of strut with respect to axial direction of the member to which corbel the “main” tie should lie between 45° and 68°. is attached, should lie between 22o and 45o. The strut shall be dimensioned such that the concrete compression stress does not exceed that given in clause Horizontal forces, HEd when applied in addition to the vertical load FEd, will require additional reinforcement in the tie. The effects of torsion, if any, have to be catered to in accordance with clause 15. 16.7.1 (3), Eq. 16.11 (Page 185) As,link> 0.25 As,main 16. 16.7.1 (4), (Page 185) In corbels with ac> 0.5 hcand (4) FEd>VRd.c(Refer section 10), closed vertical stirrups with area As.stirrupshall be provided in addition to the main tension reinforcement as shown in Fig. 16.7(b), where: As.stirrup ≥ 0.5 FEd / fyd (4) In corbels where aclies between 0.5 hcand hc and FEd>VRd.c(Refer clause 10.3.2 and 10.3.3), closed vertical stirrups with area As.stirrupshall be provided in addition to the main tension reinforcement and the closed horizontal or inclined links, as shown in Fig. 16.7(b), where: As.stirrup ≥ 0.5 FEd / fyd In addition check against crushing of strut shall be made in accordance with Eq 10.5 17. Additional clauses (5) to (7) to be added in clause 16.7.1, (Page 186) New clause added (5) If ac>hc the design shall be carried out as a flexural member. The shear check shall be carried out as per Eq 10.5 of 10.3.2 (5) for checking against crushing of concrete as well as and for arriving at the shear reinforcement. (6) The bearing area on a corbel shall not project either beyond the straight portion of the main tension bars or beyond the interior face of any transverse anchor bar. (7) In the case of corbels with varying depth, Fig 16.7(c), the depth at the outside edge of the bearing area shall not be less than half the depth at the face of the support. The favourable contributions from inclined compression chord and tensile chord (clause 10.2.3) shall not be considered. As,link> 0.50 As,main(to be provided in upper twothird of the corbel depth) INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 71 Notifications 18. 17.1 (1) (Page 192) Ductile detailing shall be carried out for bridges Ductile detailing shall be carried out for the bridges located in zones III, IV and V of seismic zone map located in Zones III, IV and V of the seismic Zone of IRC:6. map of IRC : 6 if they are designed for Response reduction factor R > 1.0 19. 17.2.2 (3) (Page198) (3) The minimum amount of transverse ties shall be Change the clause no. from 17.2.2 (3) to 17.2.2.(2) (c), with following revision : determined as follows: (c) The minimum amount of transverse ties shall be determined as follows: where Al is the area of one tie leg, in mm2. ST is the transverse distance between tie legs, in m; where 2 ΣAS is the sum of the areas of the longitudinal bars Al is the area of one tie leg, in mm . S i s the spacing of the legs along the axis of the 2 L restrained by the tie, in mm ; member, in m; fyt is the yield strength of the tie; and ΣAS is the sum of the areas of the longitudinal bars in outer layer restrained by tie at any one end, fys is the yield strength of the longitudinal in mm2; reinforcement. fyt is the yield strength of the tie; and fys is the yield strength of the longitudinal reinforcement. 20. New Addition Additional sub-clause added under 17.2.2.(2) (d) to clause 17.2.2 (2) (d), (Page 198) (d) The steel As shall be determined for different situations for At as follows: As for determining Al = 0.5 As1 + As2 + 0.5 As3 As for determining Al1 = 0.5 As1 + As2 Al2 = As3 When Al is at any inclination to the transverse outer tie, then the As shall be divided by the Sine of the angle between the outer transverse tie and this tie, e.g. in case Al is inclined at 45 degrees to the outer tie, then As shall be divided by Sine 45, hence As = √2 x (0.5 As1 + As2 + 0.5 As3) 72 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Notifications 21. 17.2.2 (3), (Pge 198) New Clause to replace existing clause (3) Along Circular section boundaries, restraining of longitudinal bars should be achieved through circular ties determined by: fys A1 1 2 x ρ D2 x Eq. 17.9 = fyt (mm /m) l 12.8 SL 2 Al is the area of one circular tie, in mm . SL is the spacing of the circular tie along the axis of the member, in m; ρ is the reinforcement ratio of the longitudinal l steel; D is the Diameter of the Circular section in mm fyt is the yield strength of the tie; and fys is the yield strength of the longitudinal reinforcement. 22. 17.2.3 (Page 198) New clause to be added Add after (3) (4) The confinement steel and Buckling preventing reinforcement shall not be added together. (5) The Buckling prevention and confinement steel may be provided through a set of hoops or single leg cross ties. The hoops shall engage the longitudinal bars only, while single leg ties shall engage both the longitudinal bars and the transverse hoops in the manner shown below at the 135 Degree bent hook. Such ties need not comply with cover requirements at such engagement locations. 23. (Page 202) Properties of stainless steel reinforcement shall not be inferior to those of carbon steel reinforcement of corresponding strength class. For bond properties, the relevant code may be referred or they may be established on the basis of tests. Stainless steel reinforcement shall conform to IS:16651:2017. Properties of stainless steel reinforcement shall not be inferior to those of carbon steel reinforcement of corresponding strength class. Note : Till such time as the Indian Standard for stainless steel reinforcement is available, the British Standard BS:6744:2001, may be referred. INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 73 Announcement 80th Annual Session to be held at Patna (Bihar) from 12th to 15th December, 2019 On the invitation of Government of Bihar, the 80th Annual Session of the Indian Roads Congress will be held at Patna (Bihar) from 12th to 15th December, 2019. The Invitation Booklet containing the Tentative Programme, Registration Form, Accommodation Form etc. will be available on IRC website shortly. Accommodation is available on first come first serve basis. All members of IRC are invited to attend the 80th Annual Session. It is expected that more than 4000 Highway Engineers from all over the country and abroad will attend this Session. During the Annual Session of IRC, there has been a practice for various firms/organizations to make Technical Presentations on their products/technologies & case studies (with innovative construction methods or technologies or having special problems requiring out of the box thinking and special solutions). The presenters will get an opportunity to address a large gathering of highway professionals from Private Sector as well as decision makers in the Govt. Sector. These presentations evoke lively interaction among the participants. A time slot of about 12-15 minutes is normally allocated for each Technical Presentation. Time is also given for floor intervention. During such Technical Presentation Session, no other meetings will be held parallel so as to ensure maximum attendance during the Technical Presentation Session. The stakeholders are, therefore, requested to participate in the event and book slots at the earliest. Interested Organizations may write to IRC conveying their willingness for participation and send the topics of their Technical Presentation by E-mail: / or through Speed Post alongwith a Demand Draft for Rs.75,000/- (Rupees Seventy Five Thousand only) drawn in favour of Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi latest by 18th November, 2019 so that necessary arrangements can be made by IRC. For any enquiry about the 80th Annual Session like Registration, Membership & Technical Presentation etc. please address to Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress Kama Koti Marg, Sector-6, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110022. For assistance the contact details are given as under: Registration Membership Technical Presentation Accommodation and Technical Exhibition Shri Naveen Tewari Under Secretary Phone +91 11 2617 1548 Mobile +91-9811099326 Email: Shri S.K. Chadha Under Secretary Phone + 91 2338 7140 Mobile +91 9899299959 Email: Shri Anil Sharma Section Officer Or Ms. Shilp Shree Assistant Director (Tech.) Phone +91 2618 5273 Email: Shri Umesh Kumar Local Organising Secretary (80th IRC Annual Session) Managing Director, Bihar Rajya Pul Nirman Nigam Ltd., 7, Sardar Patel Marg, Patna - 800 015 (Bihar) M: 09431821539 Email: 74 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 REGISTRATION FORM 80th ANNUAL SESSION – PATNA (BIHAR) FROM 12TH TO 15TH DECEMBER, 2019 The Deputy Secretary (Admn.) Indian Roads Congress, Kama Koti Marg, Sector-6, R.K. Puram NEW DELHI - 110 022 Telephone No. : 011-26171548, 26105160 Email: Website: USE BLOCK LETTER ONLY Tick (√) Wherever Applicable IRC Membership No.__________________ (Mandatory) Name :_________________________ Designation :_________________________ Address :_________________________ :_________________________ :_________________________ Pin Code :_________________________ Age :_________________________ Election Rule No 9 (___) Whether Official/Non-Official Equivalent to : Secy/ E-in-C/CE [A] SE [B] EE [C] AE [D] Telephone Nos. with (STD) Code Office :__________________________ Residence Fax :__________________________ Mobile E-mail :________________________________ :____________________ :____________________ Name of Spouse ( If accompanying) Arrival Date : Time : Mode : If Official, Name of Sponsor & Sanction Letter No. (copy enclosed) : Age Departure Date : Time : Mode : Want to avail Tour [1] [2] [3] Registration Fee : Category of Delegates A Delegates from India 1. Official Government Delegates a) Senior (EE & above) b) Junior (below EE) 2. Officials of Public and Private Sector Undertakings/Companies, etc. 3. Individuals (Not nominated by the Government/Public and Private Sector Undertakings/Companies, etc.) 4.Local Delegates (From the host State other than the official delegates nominated by the host Govt./Dept./Organisations 5. Student Member B. Delegates from Foreign Countries Registration fee Self Spouse Rs.7000.00 Rs.6000.00 Rs.7000.00 Rs.4000.00 Rs.4000.00 Rs.4000.00 Rs.4500.00 Rs.4000.00 Rs.4500.00 Rs.4000.00 Rs.2000.00 $150 -$100 Note : Members who are retired from service and age above 60 are entitled for 25% rebate on above rates of registration fee. This rebate will not be admissible to the spouse of the retired Member. Spouses of the delegates will also have to be registered on payment of the requisite registration fee INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 75 REGISTRATION FORM Payment Mode : Demand draft/cheque No.___________________________ Dated______________ ___issued by__________________________drawn in favour of Secretary General, IRC payable at New Delhi amounting Rs. __________________as Registration fee is enclosed Own Arrangements : Yes [Y] No [N] Address :­­___________________________________________________________________ ­­___________________________________________________________________ ­­___________________________________________________________________ Accommodation as Govt. Officer : Single (S) / Double (D) _____________Days from______________to_____________ ___ __________________ Accommodation for delegates (Paying Full) : Single(S)/ Double (D) Hotel Name :_________________ _______________Days from______________to_______________ _____ _____________ (Payment for accommodation charges should be made to LOS at Patna Date____________________________ Signatures_________________________________ For Office Use Only Receipt No : __________________________________ Amount (Rs.) : ___________________­_______________ 76 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Dated : ________________ ACCOMMODATION FORM 80th ANNUAL SESSION, patna (BIHAR) from 12th to 15th december 2019 (Please Return before 25th November 2019) Shri Umesh Kumar (Local Organising Secretary, 80th Annual Session) Managing Director, Bihar Rajya Pul Nirman Nigam Ltd. 7, Sardar Patel Marg Patna-800015 (Bihar) USE BLOCK LETTERS ONLY. Tick (√) Wherever Applicable Mobile No. E-mail Website IRC Membership No. __________________ (Mandatory) Name : _________________________ Designation : _________________________ Address : _________________________ : _________________________ : _________________________ Pin Code : _________________________ Age : _________________________ Telephone Nos. with (STD) Code Office : _________________________ Fax : _________________________ E-mail : _________________________ Name of Spouse (If accompanying) : : : Whether Official/Non-Official Equivalent to : Secy/E-in-C/CE [A] SE [B] EE [C] AE [D] Basic Pay (Rs.) : Total Emoluments Rs. : Residence Mobile : ____________________ : ____________________ Age Veg [V]/Non-veg [N] Arrival Date Mode Flight No. Departure Date Air/Train/Bus/Car Time Date Airport : Train Name +91 94318 21539 Mode Air/Train/Bus/Car Flight No. Time Date Time Date Airport : Time Class Date Station Train Name Class Station Bus Time: Date: Bus Time: Date: Car Time: Date: Car Time: Date: Own Arrangements : Yes [Y] No [N] Address : __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 77 ACCOMMODATION FORM Accommodation as Govt. Officer: Single [S]/Double[D] S.No. DESIGNATION For Self For Spouse 1. Secretaries/Engineers-in-Chief Rs.10000 Rs.3500 2. Chief Engineers/Addl.C.Es Rs.9500 Rs.3500 3. Superintending Engineers Rs.8500 Rs.3500 4. Executive Engineers Rs.7000 Rs.3000 5. AEEs/Asst. Engineers/J.Es Rs.6000 Rs.3000 6. Single Delegates of DE/JE category with availing common sharing facility Rs.500/Bed -- 7. Delegates from Foreign Countries $250 $125 ______________________Days from____________________to__________________________ Accommodation for delegates (Paying Full) Single (S)/Double (D) Hotel Name : _____________________________@ Rs.____________________________ Days from___________________________to___________________December, 2019 For online payment and booking of Accommodation, visit Date : ____________________ Signature : ________________________ Note : Draw Demand Draft in favour of "Local Organising Secretary, 80th Annual Session, IRC payable at Patna for accommodation and tours. Accommodation would be confirmed only on receipt of payment in advance. 78 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 ANNOUNCEMENT REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON “QUALITY CONTROL, NEW MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES IN ROAD SECTOR” TO BE HELD AT IIT ROORKEE ON 8TH & 9TH NOVEMBER, 2019 The Indian Roads Congress (IRC) in association with Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee is organizing a Regional Workshop on “Quality Control, New Materials and Techniques in Road Sector” on 8th & 9th November, 2019 for the benefit of engineers from Northern Region of India at IIT Roorkee (Uttarakhand). The purpose of organizing this two days Workshop is imparting technical knowledge about latest technology on Quality Control, New Materials, Techniques, Machinery and modern trend amongst Highways Engineers/Professionals. This two-day Workshop will be benefitted to the Engineers/professionals from the State of Uttarakhand, and its adjacent states; Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, J&K, Delhi and officers from MoRT&H, NHAI, NRIDA, including local bodies and representatives of contractors & consulting firms. The main themes to be covered in the Technical Sessions of this two days Workshop are: Rheology of Bitumen, Soil Stabilization (Modern Techniques), Bitumen Modifiers, Warm Mix Asphalt, Cold Mix, RAP Materials, Flexible & Rigid Pavements and Materials, Cement Treated Base, Quality control, New Pavement Material and Techniques. Venue: The Venue for the Workshop is Dr. O.P. Jain Auditorium, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, Limited Accommodation available at guest houses at IIT Roorkee on payment basis. Registration: The registration fee for the Workshop per delegate: For IRC Members: Rs.6000/For Non Members: Rs.7000/For Students: Rs.3000/Payment for Registration fee can be made through Cash at IRC Delhi office or by Demand Draft/Cheque drawn in favour of Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress, payable at New Delhi or also online mode , NEET/RTGS payments as per details given below: Account Holder Name: Indian Roads Congress; Bank: Syndicate Bank, ,R.K. Puram, branch New Delhi; Bank A/c No.90092140000352; IFSC Code: SYNB0009009; Members of IRC from the concerned States may pursue with their authorities for nomination for participating in this Workshop. For further information in this regard, please contact: At New Delhi At Roorkee: Shri Rahul V. Patil Deputy Director (Tech.) Indian Roads Congress, IRC Bhawan, Kama Koti Marg, Sector-6, R.K. Puram, New Delhi – 110 022 Mobile: 093128 49826 Dr. G.D. Ransinchung R.N., Associate Professor & Faculty Adviser (SSO) & Students Club, O.C.M. Tech., Transportation Engineering Group, Civil Engineering Department IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, (Uttrakhand) Mobile: 94589 47088 e-mail : INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 79 REGISTRATION FORM Regional Workshop on “Quality Control New Materials and Techniques in Road Sector” Indian Roads Congress IIT, Roorkee The Secretary General Please return before 20th October, 2019 Venue: Dr. O.P. Jain Auditorium, IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand Indian Roads Congress Kama Koti Marg, Sector 6, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110 02 Date: Tel. (011) 2618 5273 e-mail:; 8TH & 9TH November, 2019 (Friday and Saturday) 1. IRC Membership No. ________________________ 2. Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Designation: _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Telephone: STD Code: _______ Office: _____________ Residence: _________________________ Mobile: ___________________ e-mail ID: _______________________________________ 6. Nominated/Sponsored by: ___________________________________________________________________ 7. Registration Fee (without accommodation facility) For IRC Members: Rs.6000/For Non Members: Rs.7000/For Students: Rs.3000/Mode of Payment (a) Demand Draft No. __________________ Date _______________ for Rs. ____________ (b) Online Transaction No. ______________ Date________________ for Rs.____________ Signature Account Holder Name: Indian Roads Congress; Bank: Syndicate Bank, ,R.K. Puram, branch New Delhi; Bank A/c No.90092140000352; IFSC Code: SYNB0009009; Note : Demand Draft is to be drawn in favour of the Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress, payable at New Delhi. 80 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Notifications ADVERTISEMENT INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 81 ADVERTISEMENT Notifications 82 INDIAN HIGHWAYS OCTOBER 2019 Delhi Postal Registration No uNDeR ‘u’ NumbeR At Lodi Road, PSO on dated 28-29.09.2019 ISSN 0376-7256 Newspaper Regd. No. 25597/73 INDIAN HIgHwAyS `20/- DL-Sw-17/4194/19-21 u(Sw)-12/2019-2021 LICeNCe tO POSt wItHOut PRePAymeNt PubLISHeD ON 23 SePtembeR, 2019 ADvANCe mONtH, OCtObeR, 2019 OCTOBER, 2019 IndIan HIgHways volume : 47 Number : 10 total Pages : 84 Pasighat-Pangin Section NH-229 in Arunachal Pradesh edited and Published by Shri S.K. Nirmal, Secretary general, Indian Roads Congress, IRC HQ, Sector-6, R.K. Puram, Kama Koti marg, New Delhi - 110 022. Printed by Shri S.K. Nirmal on behalf of the Indian Roads Congress at m/s. Aravali Printers & Publishers Pvt. Ltd.