Uploaded by Jacek Magolan

WWI & Australia Timeline

Re-arrange the tiles, in chronological order, to create a timeline of WW1 and Australia’s involvement.
Oversimplified WW1 part 1
Oversimplified WW1 part 2
Historical Knowledge
World War I (1914-1918)
Students investigate key aspects of World War I and the Australian experience of the war, including the nature and significance of the war in world
and Australian history.
World War I (1914-1918)
An overview of the causes of World War I and the reasons why men enlisted to fight in the war (ACDSEH021 - Scootle )
The places where Australians fought and the nature of warfare during World War I, including the Gallipoli campaign (ACDSEH095 - Scootle )
Historical skills
Chronology, terms and concepts
Use chronological sequencing to demonstrate the relationship between events and developments in different periods and places (ACHHS164 - Scootle )
Use historical terms and concepts (ACHHS165 - Scootle )
General capabilities
Literacy, Numeracy, ICT, Critical and Creative thinking
Next lesson
Inquiry questions
To what extent was the Gallipoli landing a significant event in Australia’s history and how did it contribute to the development of the Anzac
How significant was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand?