Uploaded by Lihle Motsa

INF 264 Class Test 1 2021 MEMO (3)

Class test 1
DATE: Thursday 15/04/2021 at 14:30
NOTE: The following rules apply to all questions
Marks will only be awarded for the correct formula and/or function and NOT the results of
Marks will not be awarded for function names without the correct arguments i.e. cell reference(s).
Make sure you use absolute referencing where applicable, marks will be deducted if values are
used directly instead of absolute referencing in formulas/functions.
Marks will be deducted if absolute cell referencing is used in formulas/functions where it should be
relative cell referencing.
The phrase “write a formula...” is used as a generic phrase for your solution to a problem. You must
use pre-defined function(s) where it is available in Excel.
Question 1
(10 marks)
Use the "Q1_Charts" datasheet to answer Question 1. It shows sales data for the years 2010 to 2016 for
various shoes and clothing brands owned by a particular company. The company wants to see which
brands are performing well, and which aren’t.
Using the first dataset, the Sportswear Footwear, create a Bar chart. Add an appropriate title to
the chart.
Using the second dataset, the Sportswear Clothing, create a Line Chart. Add an appropriate
title to the chart.
Using the third dataset, the 2010 Sportswear data, draw a Pie of pie chart. Add an appropriate
title to the chart. Add data labels to the chart. ( Please make a note on the spreadsheet if the graph is
not a Pie of pie. It might be an upload error)
Question 2
(10 marks)
Use the "Q2_Salary " worksheet to answer Question 2.
In cell E6, write a formula that can be copied down the column to calculate the monthly
adjusted salary. The monthly adjusted salary is the monthly salary divided by the cost of living multiplier.
Format in the South African currency, rounded to the nearest whole number.
Formula in cell E6: _________ =ROUND(C6/D6;0) √√
In cell G6, write a formula that can be copied down the column to calculate the Annual Salary
by multiplying the Monthly Adjusted Salary with 12 and adding the Bonus.
Formula in cell G6: _______________=E6*12 + F6 √
In cell H6 write a formula that can be copied down the column to calculate the Annual Scarce
Skill Salary by multiplying the Scarce Skill multiplier with the Annual Salary and adding the result to the
Annual Salary.
Formula in cell H6: __________=G6*(1+B$3)
G6 + (G6*B$3) √√ (Only 1 mark if $ sign is in
wrong place)
In cell H12, calculate the average Annual Scarce Skill Salary.
Formula in cell H12:_____________ =AVERAGE(H6:H11) √
In cell H13, calculate the lowest Annual Scarce Skill Salary.
Formula in cell H13:____________ =MIN(H6:H11) √
In cell H14, calculate the highest Annual Scarce Skill Salary.
Formula in cell H14: _________=MAX(H6:H11) √
In cell H15, write a formula to count the number of jobs that offer yearly bonuses
Formula in cell H15: ____________=COUNTA(F6:F11) √
OR COUNTIF(F6:F11,">0") OR COUNTIF(F6:F11;"<>")
Cell B19 contains an error. Describe shortly what causes the error.
____________The error is that the value in B18 is 0.5 which is seen as text. It should be changed to 0,5
to make it a number, then the calculation will work. √ (The answer might differ depending on the
students’ Excel settings for decimal point)
If student says “Answer is correct “ or “There is nothing
wromg in cell B19” then give them the mark√
Question 3
(10 marks)
Use the "Q3_Marks" worksheet to answer Question 3
In cell G4, write a formula that can be copied down the column to calculate the Semester Mark
(out of 100%) by adding the marks of Test 1 and Test 2 (total out of 120 Marks) and Rounding the
Semester Mark to the nearest whole number.
Formula in cell G4: ___ =ROUND(SUM(E4:F4)/120 *100;0) √√ (SUM 1 mark and ROUND 1 mark).
In cell H4, write a formula that can be copied down the column to rank the Semester Marks
from the lowest mark to the highest.
Formula in cell H4: ____ =RANK.EQ(G4;G$4:G$35;1)
( √ RANK.EQ √ Absolute range (G$4:G$35), √ Any other number than 0 )
In cell B39, write a formula to count the number of M.IT students. Use an absolute range for the
Degree Type column. Round to the nearest whole number.
Formula in cell B39: _______ =ROUND(COUNTIF(D4:D35;"M.IT");0)
OR =ROUND(COUNTIF(D$4:D$35;"M.IT");0)√√√
In cell G38, write a formula to calculate the second highest semester mark received for the
class. Use absolute ranges to do this.
Formula in cell G38: ______ =LARGE(G$4:G$35;2) √√ Check absolute ranges
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