CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-36585 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE GENERAL OFFENSE REPORTED DATE/TIME OCCURRED DATE/TIME REPORTING OFFICER/DEPUTY NAME & # 02/01/2018 1208 02/01/2018 1206 OLDHAM, JACKSON (55188) LOCATION OF INCIDENT PLACE 1742 SW JEFFERSON ST, PORTLAND BELLAGIOS PIZZA COUNTY DISTRICT BEAT GRID MULTNOMAH CE 841 62505 SEVERITY FAMILY VIOLENCE GANG INVOLVEMENT SPECIAL STUDY No RELATED INCIDENT NUMBERS CP 42 2018-36585, GO 42 2018-77451 TOTAL LOSS TOTAL RECOVERED $5901 $5000 DAMAGED TOTAL DRUG TOTAL INTERNAL STATUS APPROVED BY APPROVED ON INACTIVE / SUSPENDED - LACK OF TANGIBLE LEADS AXTHELM, ROGER S (RETIRED) (30020) 02/01/2018 OFFENSES [1] OFFENSE STATUTE PREMISE TYPE THEFT OF VEHICLE (UUMV) Street/Highway/Road/Alley/Sidewalk BIAS NONE (NO BIAS) PERSON - VICTIM #1 NAME (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE) SEX RACE STOFIELD, BRITTANY ROCHELLE FEMALE WHITE HOME ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP DOB HEIGHT HOME PHONE CELL PHONE WORK PHONE DRIVERS LICENSE (STATE) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER POB REDACTED REDACTED Oregon CITIZENSHIP BUILD MEDIUM MEDIUM HANDED HAIR COLOR EYES EMAIL ADDRESS ETHNICITY UNKNOWN MARITAL STATUS COMPLEXION WEIGHT AGE LENSES/GLASSES HAIR STYLE LANGUAGE FACIAL HAIR COLOR FACIAL HAIR DESCRIPTION DOB SHOULDER LENGTH PERSON - VICTIM #2 NAME (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE) SEX RACE WENDE, DAVID MARK JR MALE WHITE HOME ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP HEIGHT HOME PHONE CELL PHONE WORK PHONE DRIVERS LICENSE (STATE) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER POB WEIGHT AGE HAIR COLOR EYES EMAIL ADDRESS ETHNICITY REDACTED UNKNOWN VEHICLE - RECOVERED STOLEN #1 LICENSE NUMBER VIN STATE OF ISSUE VEHICLE TYPE LICENSE TYPE LICENSE YEAR Oregon SUV/LL/JEEP Passenger Car 2018 OWNER APPLIED NUMBER MISC INFORMATION MAKE MODEL STYLE YEAR COLOR Jeep Compass (LL) SUV-SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE 2008 Dark Blue INSURANCE COMPANY LIAB POLICY # EXP DATE Yes PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 1/8 VERSION: 181015.1 THEFT OF VEHICLE (UUMV) CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-36585 AUTOMOBILE DETAILS PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE TRANSMISSION INTERIOR DESCRIPTION WINDOWS WHEELS EXTERIOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION MODIFICATION BODY DAMAGE OTHER FEATURES WHAT WAS STOLEN KEYS IN VEHICLE? VEHICLE Yes VEHICLE/PLATE VALUE ENGINE TYPE VEHICLE SECURITY FINANCED? 5000.0 REMARKS No PARTS - LIST RECOVERY INFORMATION STOLEN VEHICLE DETAILS PARTS - DESCRIPTION LOCATION RECOVERED DATE/TIME 4320 N LOMBARD ST, PORTLAND 02/03/2018 / 0103 RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED CONDITION HOW STARTED 5000.0 NO DAMAGE O/P ACCESSORIES REMOVED OUTSIDE AGENCY OUTSIDE AGENCY CASE NUMBER PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 OWNER NOTIFIED ON OWNER NOTIFIED BY 02/03/2018 / 0103 36496 - BROWN, ROBERT E Page 2/8 VERSION: 181015.1 THEFT OF VEHICLE (UUMV) Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-36585 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME OLDHAM, JACKSON (55188) 02/01/2018 1208 SUBJECT STOLEN VEHICLE Radio call to 1742 SW Jefferson St. on a report of a freshly stolen vehicle. I arrived and contacted the reporting party, Stofiel. She told me her vehicle (registered to her husband, Wende) had just been stolen. She gave me a quick description which I broadcast. She told me she had parked the vehicle in a parking spot on the south side of SW Jefferson St. approximately three spaces east of SW 18th Ave. She told me she had then run into the business to retrieve an item she had forgotten. She told me she left the vehicle running with the key in the ignition. She emerged from the business approximately 30 seconds to one minute later and discovered her vehicle was missing. She then asked one of her employees to call 911. She told me the store might have surveillance. I went with her to the office. While she looked for the relevant footage, she provided her information verbally as her wallet had been in the vehicle. I later confirmed her identity by DMV photograph. The vehicle's owner, Wende, called, and I briefly spoke to him. He confirmed he did not have the vehicle and had allowed Stofiel to drive it. Stofiel told me the vehicle had no distinguishing damage but did have a Belagio Pizza logo on the rear window. Both license plates were on the vehicle. She told me no one else would believe they had permission to drive the vehicle. She told me the vehicle was not equipped with any form of tracking device, nor were any items inside. She told me the vehicle contained her wallet with her social security card and various credit and debit cards. She told me Wende had already contacted their bank to cancel these cards. She told me she would notify me if there were any attempted uses of these cards. She told me approximately $600 worth of prescription medication had been in the vehicle. She also told me three, 10-pizza bags had been in the vehicle. She valued these at approximately $300 a piece. She estimated the value of the vehicle to be approximately $5000. She told me there were no weapons in the vehicle. The surveillance footage did not capture the person entering the vehicle. At the very edge of the screen the vehicle can be seen backing out, driving westbound on SW Jefferson St. and then turning northbound on SW 18th Ave. The driver cannot be seen. PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 3/8 VERSION: 181015.1 THEFT OF VEHICLE (UUMV) Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-36585 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE I provided Stofiel with a business card and case number. I told her someone would try to contact her or Wende at any time if we located her vehicle. I asked her to contact the police before driving her vehicle, if she located it. I asked her to contact non-emergency when she was able to copy the surveillance footage. I then conducted a brief area check but was unable to locate the vehicle. I contacted Records and spoke with clerk #92017. PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 4/8 VERSION: 181015.1 THEFT OF VEHICLE (UUMV) CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-36585 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE FOLLOWUP REPORT #1 ASSIGNED TO RANK BROWN, ROBERT E (36496) ORG UNIT CAPACITY NORTH 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 02/03/2018 BROWN, ROBERT E SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 02/03/2018 02/03/2018 MAWDSLEY, PATRICK S NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BROWN, ROBERT E (36496) 02/03/2018 0103 SUBJECT RECOVERED STOLEN VEHICLE On the above listed date and time, I ran a check of a vehicles plate that was in the University Park Baptist Church. The plate came back as a stolen out of Portland just a day prior. I called the owner who came and retrieved his vehicle. I notified auto records # 91916 and had the car removed from the hot sheet. The vehicle was verified by vin. PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 5/8 VERSION: 181015.1 THEFT OF VEHICLE (UUMV) CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-36585 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE PROPERTY REPORT - STOLEN PROPERTY REPORT # SUBMITTED ON SUBMITTED BY 521170 02/01/2018 OLDHAM, JACKSON RELATED EVENTS RELATED ITEMS GO 42 2018-36585 3 STATUS TAG # ARTICLE STOLEN - PWALLET - Personal accessories MAKE MODEL COLOR VALUE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES 1.0 # PIECES SERIAL NUMBER(S) 1 UNKNOWN RECOVERED DATE OAN DESCRIPTION WALLET CONTAINING SOCIAL SECURITY CARD AND OTHER CREDIT CARD RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 STATUS TAG # DESCRIPTION STOLEN - BELAGIO PIZZA 10 PIZZA BAGS RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM QUANTITY VALUE 1 LARGE PIZZA BAGS 3 300.0 STATUS TAG # DESCRIPTION STOLEN - PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM QUANTITY VALUE 1 MEDICATIONS 1 600.0 PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 6/8 RECOVERED? RECOVERED? VERSION: 181015.1 THEFT OF VEHICLE (UUMV) CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-36585 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2175355) A089808 J'iiEAU OBTLAND. OREGON 97210 3'cA23-2179 $ 0-r !il!S,,, ourv)Z APPROPBIATE REPOBT THIS BECEIPT MUST AE ACCOMPANI ii;'- zvs<s i.-_ PRISONER'S PROP it COPT, YESLJ FOUND PROPEBTY EVIDENCE GAVE PBOPEHlY TAKEN FROM \ DENIED OWNEBSHIP HOURS OF OPEFIATION: 9:00 AM TO NOON & 1:0O PM TO 4:00 PM. M-F PROPERTYiEVIDENCE HECEIPT iffil l,lo.A0B980B \n lSJrrg; OF PCLICE 6i9 NW INDUSTRIAL ST.. STE, 84 - i", PPA CASE NC SAFEKEEPING L' ITO S:T IVOLUNTABILY , I ctry STATE FINSi LAST NAME 3WNEH OF PROPEATY I IHE ITEM(S) SAFEKEEPING FCB D08 SE>i SIGNATURE I C:1 VY E r.)tl, . :!t STATE OT ili FOUND. SUAREN PHONE OIFFaRENTI I - ,/ loB sax DEFENDANT SUSPECT FOR GUNS LIST MAKE, TYPE, CALIBER. MODEL, SEBIAL NUMBER(S), IMPOR]ER & COUNTRY OF ORIGIiI. LIST ONLY ONE ITEM PER SELECTION. I tl) ,AJ T E FOR PED USE ONLY ,r AY I I 1 lB: -o.,+ Spae Br ODL r8- 5Wb Y( I I T E M 5 DPSST/DAT i T Qgeried Entered Clear E M 6 Zol s-----------# I T E 7 I T E 8 DELIvEBEDTOi CHECK ONE ONLY ! ! SATELUTE PRoP STATE CBIME LAS I reo BcIc,M i-.] PED ornsn DO NOT WRITE IN SPACE PRECINCT & LOCKER' I ]A RECEIVEO BY ce0 BELOW- 3 lt W FOR PED USE NLY RECEIVEO BY PED DATE: PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 TIMEI Page 7/8 VERSION: 181015.1 THEFT OF VEHICLE (UUMV) Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-36585 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE *** END OF HARDCOPY *** PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 8/8 VERSION: 181015.1 CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77293 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE GENERAL OFFENSE REPORTED DATE/TIME OCCURRED DATE/TIME REPORTING OFFICER/DEPUTY NAME & # 03/07/2018 2245 03/07/2018 2245 PEREZ, RAFAEL (56907) LOCATION OF INCIDENT PLACE 806 SW KING AVE, PORTLAND WOOD MECHANIX INC COUNTY DISTRICT BEAT GRID MULTNOMAH CE 841 60540 SEVERITY FAMILY VIOLENCE GANG INVOLVEMENT SPECIAL STUDY No RELATED INCIDENT NUMBERS CP 42 2018-77293, AB 42 2018-4365, GO 42 2018-77451 TOTAL LOSS TOTAL RECOVERED DAMAGED TOTAL DRUG TOTAL $1 CLEARANCE STATUS EXCEPTIONAL CLEARANCE CLEARED BY ARREST NOT APPLICABLE DATE/TIME CLEARED CLEARED BY 03/09/2018 - INTERNAL STATUS APPROVED BY APPROVED ON ARREST - FELONY SCHELL, MARTIN D (32700) 03/08/2018 OFFENSES [1] OFFENSE STATUTE PREMISE TYPE BURGLARY-RESIDENCE Residence/Home BIAS NONE (NO BIAS) PERSON - ARREST CSTD #1 NAME (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE) SEX RACE DOB BROWN, SARAH MICHELE FEMALE WHITE 04/04/1991 HOME ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP TRANSIENT HEIGHT WEIGHT HAIR COLOR EYES 5'6 150 BROWN BROWN HOME PHONE CELL PHONE WORK PHONE DRIVERS LICENSE (STATE) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER POB ETHNICITY Florida UNKNOWN COMPLEXION BUILD HANDED AGE 26 EMAIL ADDRESS HAIR STYLE FACIAL HAIR COLOR FACIAL HAIR DESCRIPTION SLIGHT/VERY THIN ALL OTHER ID TYPES AND NUMBERS FBI: REDACTED SID: REDACTED ARREST DATA ARREST DATE ARREST TYPE 03/08/2018 ARREST / BOOK / CIVIL HOLD CHARGES STATUTE CHARGE DESCRIPTION BAIL OR 164.225 RS BURGLARY I-RESIDENCE, A FELONY COURT DATE 20000.00 03/12/2018 PERSON - VICTIM #1 NAME (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE) SEX RACE MULLIN, JOEL MALE WHITE HOME ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP HEIGHT HOME PHONE CELL PHONE WORK PHONE DRIVERS LICENSE (STATE) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER POB DOB WEIGHT HAIR COLOR AGE EYES EMAIL ADDRESS ETHNICITY UNKNOWN PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 1/7 VERSION: 181015.1 BURGLARY-RESIDENCE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77293 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE PERSON - UNIDENTIFIED SUSPECT #1 PERSON DETAILS: Sex: FEMALE POSSIBLE ADDRESS(ES): ADDITIONAL REMARKS: PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 2/7 VERSION: 181015.1 BURGLARY-RESIDENCE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77293 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME PEREZ, RAFAEL (56907) 03/08/2018 1328 SUBJECT BURGLARY I RESIDENCE Ofc. Moore and I responded to reports of a Burglary at listed location. The caller who we later identified as Joel Mullin stated he was woken by a noise inside his house. Mullin stated he picked up his land-line and heard a female talking on the phone. Mullin was unaware of anyone else being inside the house besides he and his wife who was with him in their bedroom. Ofc. Moore along with Ofc. Shaw and Ofc. Perry proceeded to do a clearance of the house to see if anyone else was inside the residence or in the yard. I remained outside with Mullin and his wife. Ofc. Moore after completing the clearance of the house informed Mullin that they could not find any signs of anyone in the residence. As we were about to leave the scene we told Mullin that we would do one final walk through of the residence to make sure we did not miss anything. As we made our way to the second floor, I noticed that one of the land-line charging ports was missing a phone. I asked Mullin if he knew where that phone was. Mullin stated that was the phone that was missing from the home. After that we continued upstairs to a storage place where there was a crawl space on top of the wall where someone could hide. Ofc. Moore and I checked the crawl space however came up with negative results. It did appear that something had been dragged on the floor in that storage space. Mullin stated he had not taken anything from that room and moved it. Ofc. Moore and I did one final walk through the back patio and the yard. We noticed one of the windows in the back patio area had been damaged. That window appeared to be the point of entry for the suspect. We found a cigarette, a watch, a vitamin c pack, a unknown white tube, and a hat with blue design near the damaged window. Both Mullin and his wife claimed that those items were not theirs. Mullin stated they continued to get calls from the number the suspect contacted via there land-line. The name that appeared on the caller id was Wesley Ferron. Neither Mullin or his wife recognize that name. Before we left, The number proceeded to contact the residence again. Ofc. Moore answered the phone and spoke to a Wesley. Ofc. Moore attempt to ask Wesley questions about all the calls and the reason behind them. Wesley stated he received a call from his friend saying she was being chased. When Ofc. Moore attempted to get more information, Wesley hung up the phone. We did not hear any further calls the remainder of the time we were at the residence. I did not see any items or areas that could have been fingerprinted by FED. I did take photos of the damaged window and uploaded them onto DIMS. PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 3/7 VERSION: 181015.1 BURGLARY-RESIDENCE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77293 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE FOLLOWUP REPORT #1 ASSIGNED TO RANK MOORE, GREGORY (51791) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 MOORE, GREGORY SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/08/2018 SCHELL, MARTIN D NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME MOORE, GREGORY (51791) 03/07/2018 2245 SUBJECT BURGLARY Ofc. Perez #56907 (Partner) Ofc. Perry #51736 Ofc. Shaw #28923 Sgt. Axthelm #30020 A/Sgt. Weinberger #47656 We responded to a burglary call at 806 SW King Ave. a female had broken in and used their phone. The homeowner believed Ofc. Perry, Ofc. Shaw, A/Sgt Weinberger, Sgt. Axthelm, and I cleared the residence and yard. We located 2 unlocked windows and another window which had been forced open breaking the window where the lock attached. Ofc. Perez then walked through the house with the homeowner again checking every room. While Ofc. Perez was talking with the homeowners they received a call from the number they believed the burglary had called. They handed me the phone and I spoke with a subject who said his name was "Wesley." Wesley said he was calling for a female named "Alexis." No one named Alexis lived at the location. Wesley told me Alexis was a white female who "hangs out" on W Burnside near Fred Meyer. Wesley said he had just met Alexis and didn't know anything more about her. Wesley quickly got off the phone without telling me anymore. Refer to Ofc. Perez's GO report for further. Later that shift we returned to the address regarding a female in the backyard. Refer to case #18-77451 for full details. PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 4/7 VERSION: 181015.1 BURGLARY-RESIDENCE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77293 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE PROPERTY REPORT - STOLEN PROPERTY REPORT # SUBMITTED ON SUBMITTED BY 526857 03/08/2018 PEREZ, RAFAEL RELATED EVENTS RELATED ITEMS GO 42 2018-77293 1 STATUS TAG # ARTICLE STOLEN - OTELEPH - Office equipment MAKE MODEL COLOR VALUE 1.0 ARTICLES # PIECES SERIAL NUMBER(S) OAN DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN RECOVERED DATE PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 RECOVERED VALUE HOME TELEPHONE-CORDLESS HEADSET ONLY RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 5/7 VERSION: 181015.1 BURGLARY-RESIDENCE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77293 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2191961) A066661 AEAU OF POLICE NW INDUSTRIAL ST.. STE. 84 , ,I9 OFTLAND, OREGON 97210 3-423-2179 THIS RECEIPT MUST BE ACCOMPANIEO BY AN APPROPRIATE BEPORT AMI aosoosr hiil'q*l,r !n:f;,, oxrifro EMDEN.E lfmU Ho. 77ils/ PROPERTY TAKEX FROI' I /0 LASI NAM€ OWT{ER OF PROPERTY :] I VOLUNTARILY RELINOUISH THE TTEM(S} LISTED FOR SAFEKEEPING DOB SEX SIGNATURE ztP /ASS{GN DJEUVERI'iG OFFICER ?-r {c\Ci.aa je.,'cbcre ffieroesgo 8cb, 5C 6inr, O..erl:e srrtlst uue k itt (E ?- lNvEsrGAfoR ff DPSSTtassrGN DTFFERE$I) M FIRST DEFENDANT l- FoR GUI{S UST ilAl(E, TYPE, CALIBER, Itl0DEt, SERIAL llUitBER(S), 11{Pon]tR & CoUilInY 0F oRlcl}1. LtsT 0iltY ollE lTEt PER 4 I T E M f,rtOc-r-c.."-gn loB i ,l I ql 1 t BACE SEX Sir''- b<.r,.sn I SAFEKEEPING D xo! ztP STATE TYPE OF lNClOEtlT &SUSPECI rts ooa sEx MI FIBST CTY HOME ADDRESS GAv€ coP'Y? STATE CITY 16- ++]ci3 PRISOI.IERS PBOPM] FIHST LAST NAME OENIED OWNERSHIP HOME ADDFESS PPA CASE NO REFER CASE NO FOUND PBOPEBTY I HOURS OF OPERATION: 9:00 AM TO NOON & 1:0O PM TO 4:0O PM. M-F PROPERTY/EVIDENCERECEIPT STtN sEtEcnoil. FOR PED USE ONLY tc* 'I VorO Pnt- o{l,a\ kp* # soroT /zt /tt tow I L 2 I T E M I a t;.}cnin C-? )- llt ) C I 3 I T E HS*'. - c,@] 4 - I T E '?{gg= \Cc.-r,<-rr 0 t/ (,lo 5 I T t E tnnilt: *S\: 4 6 \\ 00 h * q I T E 7 ( I T E I b t0 V "t b\4< 0 PFECINCT & LOCKEA# E SAIEUJTE FFOP ROOX I PEO orHER E FOR PE D DO NOT WRITE IN SPACE BELOW TO: I STAIE CFIME cxecx o+te omv ,fr r:o DELIVERED LAA RECEIVEO BY PED BY T DATE: I\'! E - 0 DATEI BECEIVED BY slslrr uddoNLY WHITE , BECOFDS COPY PINK - WTIH PFOPEFITY YELLOW - CIIZ€NS EECEIPT --- RELATED ARREST REPORT: AB# 4365 ARRESTEE DOB RELATED CD# BROWN, SARAH MICHELLE 04/04/1991 521464 INTERPRETER NEEDED No ARREST DATE/TIME ARREST TYPE STATUS REASON FOR ARREST 03/08/2018 654 ARREST / BOOK / CIVIL HOLD CHARGED PROBABLE CAUSE ARREST LOCATION 806 SW KING AVE, PORTLAND PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 6/7 VERSION: 181015.1 BURGLARY-RESIDENCE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77293 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE COUNTY DISTRICT (PPB PRECINCT) BEAT (PPB DISTRICT) GRID MULTNOMAH CE 841 60540 SUMMARY OF FACTS ARMED WITH BROWN ARRESTED FOR ATTEMPTED AGGRAVATED MURDER, UUW, BURGLARY HANDGUN ARRESTING OFFICER 1 BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) APPROVED BY APPROVED DATE () *** END OF HARDCOPY *** PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 7/7 VERSION: 181015.1 CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77337 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE GENERAL OFFENSE REPORTED DATE/TIME OCCURRED DATE/TIME REPORTING OFFICER/DEPUTY NAME & # 03/07/2018 2330 03/07/2018 2330 PEREZ, RAFAEL (56907) LOCATION OF INCIDENT PLACE 809 SW KING AVE, Apt. 238, PORTLAND PARK LANE INN AND SUITES COUNTY DISTRICT BEAT GRID MULTNOMAH CE 841 60540 SEVERITY FAMILY VIOLENCE GANG INVOLVEMENT SPECIAL STUDY No RELATED INCIDENT NUMBERS CP 42 2018-77337, AB 42 2018-4365, GO 42 2018-77451 TOTAL LOSS TOTAL RECOVERED $354 $1 DAMAGED TOTAL CLEARANCE STATUS DRUG TOTAL EXCEPTIONAL CLEARANCE CLEARED BY ARREST DATE/TIME CLEARED NOT APPLICABLE CLEARED BY 03/10/2018 - INTERNAL STATUS APPROVED BY APPROVED ON ARREST - FELONY BAXTER, JENNIFER (JENNI) (37132) 03/10/2018 OFFENSES [1] OFFENSE STATUTE PREMISE TYPE BURGLARY-RESIDENCE Hotel/Motel/Etc. BIAS NONE (NO BIAS) PERSON - ARREST CSTD #1 NAME (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE) SEX RACE DOB AGE BROWN, SARAH MICHELE FEMALE WHITE 04/04/1991 26 HOME ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP HEIGHT WEIGHT HAIR COLOR EYES TRANSIENT 5'6 150 BROWN BROWN HOME PHONE CELL PHONE WORK PHONE DRIVERS LICENSE (STATE) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER POB EMAIL ADDRESS ETHNICITY Florida COMPLEXION BUILD HANDED UNKNOWN HAIR STYLE FACIAL HAIR COLOR FACIAL HAIR DESCRIPTION SLIGHT/VERY THIN ALL OTHER ID TYPES AND NUMBERS FBI: REDACTED SID: REDACTED ARREST DATA ARREST DATE ARREST TYPE 03/08/2018 ARREST / BOOK / CIVIL HOLD CHARGES STATUTE CHARGE DESCRIPTION BAIL OR 164.225 RS BURGLARY I-RESIDENCE, A FELONY COURT DATE 20000.00 03/12/2018 PERSON - VICTIM #1 NAME (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE) SEX RACE WILSON, EMMA MARIE FEMALE WHITE HOME ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP HEIGHT HOME PHONE CELL PHONE WORK PHONE DRIVERS LICENSE (STATE) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER POB DOB WEIGHT HAIR COLOR AGE EYES EMAIL ADDRESS ETHNICITY UNKNOWN PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 1/5 VERSION: 181015.1 BURGLARY-RESIDENCE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77337 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE PERSON - VICTIM #2 NAME (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE) SEX RACE LEMA, CAMILLE JOY FEMALE WHITE HOME ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP HEIGHT HOME PHONE CELL PHONE WORK PHONE DRIVERS LICENSE (STATE) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER POB DOB WEIGHT HAIR COLOR AGE EYES EMAIL ADDRESS ETHNICITY UNKNOWN PERSON - UNIDENTIFIED SUSPECT #1 PERSON DETAILS: POSSIBLE ADDRESS(ES): ADDITIONAL REMARKS: PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 2/5 VERSION: 181015.1 BURGLARY-RESIDENCE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77337 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME PEREZ, RAFAEL (56907) 03/09/2018 2145 SUBJECT BURGLARY I RESIDENCE (HOTEL) Ofc. Moore and I were flagged down by Lema who we later identified through her Canadian Driver's License. Lema stated that the hotel room 238 that she shared with Wilson was broken into and some of their items were taken. We also identified Wilson through her Canadian Passport. Both ladies are visiting from Canada to Surf. Lema stated that they were hanging out in the hotel room before they left for the day. Lema said before they left she remembered that she opened the window to the hotel room. Lema stated they returned to the room later that night and noticed that the screen on the window had been taken off. Lema said the window was completely open. Both ladies noticed all there stuff looked like it had been toss all over the room. Lema and Wilson went through all their items and listed everything that they noticed was taken. The hotel does not have video surveillance in the hallway where the ladies room was located. Ofc. Moore and I did not see any items that could have been fingerprinted by FED. This Burglary happened right next to another Residential Burglary located at 806 SW King Avenue Case#18-77293. PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 3/5 VERSION: 181015.1 BURGLARY-RESIDENCE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77337 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE PROPERTY REPORT - STOLEN PROPERTY REPORT # SUBMITTED ON SUBMITTED BY 527056 03/09/2018 PEREZ, RAFAEL RELATED EVENTS RELATED ITEMS GO 42 2018-77337 5 STATUS TAG # ARTICLE STOLEN - IPASSPO - Items of identification MAKE MODEL COLOR VALUE 1.0 ARTICLES # PIECES SERIAL NUMBER(S) OAN DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN RECOVERED DATE CANADIAN PASSPORT BELONGING TO (CAMILLE JOY LEMA) RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 STATUS TAG # ARTICLE STOLEN - PBCKPCK - Personal accessories MAKE MODEL COLOR VALUE ARTICLES 1.0 # PIECES SERIAL NUMBER(S) OAN DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN BACKPACK WITH MISC ITEMS RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 03/08/2018 1.0 800 BLK SW KING AVE STATUS TAG # ARTICLE STOLEN - CCAMERA - Camera and photography equipment MAKE MODEL COLOR VALUE ARTICLES 1.0 # PIECES SERIAL NUMBER(S) OAN DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN RECOVERED DATE GO PRO STYLE CAMERA RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 STATUS TAG # ARTICLE STOLEN - RHEADSE - Radio, TV, and sound entertainment devices MAKE MODEL COLOR VALUE ARTICLES 1.0 # PIECES SERIAL NUMBER(S) OAN RECOVERED DATE APPLE EAR PHONES RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 STATUS TAG # TYPE DENOMINATION VALUE COUNTRY/ISSUER STOLEN - UNITED STATES CURRENCY (NONNCIC) $350.00 350.0 USA SERIAL NUMBER(S) DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN US CURRENCY CURRENCY BREAKDOWN OWNER SECURITIES DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN YR ISSUED EXPIRE DATE DENOMINATION NUMBER VALUE DENOMINATION NUMBER VALUE DENOMINATION NUMBER VALUE RECOVERED DATE PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 RECOVERED VALUE CROSS REFERENCE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 4/5 VERSION: 181015.1 BURGLARY-RESIDENCE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77337 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE RELATED ARREST REPORT: AB# 4365 ARRESTEE DOB RELATED CD# INTERPRETER NEEDED BROWN, SARAH MICHELLE 04/04/1991 521464 No ARREST DATE/TIME ARREST TYPE STATUS REASON FOR ARREST 03/08/2018 654 ARREST / BOOK / CIVIL HOLD CHARGED PROBABLE CAUSE ARREST LOCATION 806 SW KING AVE, PORTLAND COUNTY DISTRICT (PPB PRECINCT) BEAT (PPB DISTRICT) GRID MULTNOMAH CE 841 60540 SUMMARY OF FACTS ARMED WITH BROWN ARRESTED FOR ATTEMPTED AGGRAVATED MURDER, UUW, BURGLARY HANDGUN ARRESTING OFFICER 1 BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) APPROVED BY APPROVED DATE () *** END OF HARDCOPY *** PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 5/5 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL CASE PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 VERSION: 181015.1 CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL GENERAL OFFENSE REPORTED DATE/TIME OCCURRED DATE/TIME REPORTING OFFICER/DEPUTY NAME & # 03/08/2018 0325 03/08/2018 0325 RICHARDSON, JAMES P (29360) LOCATION OF INCIDENT PLACE 806 SW KING AVE, PORTLAND COUNTY DISTRICT BEAT GRID MULTNOMAH CE 841 60540 SEVERITY FAMILY VIOLENCE GANG INVOLVEMENT SPECIAL STUDY No RELATED INCIDENT NUMBERS CP 42 2018-77451, AB 42 2018-4365, GO 42 2018-77293, GO 42 2018-77337, GO 42 2018-77543, GO 42 2018-36585 TOTAL LOSS TOTAL RECOVERED DAMAGED TOTAL CLEARANCE STATUS DRUG TOTAL EXCEPTIONAL CLEARANCE CLEARED BY ARREST DATE/TIME CLEARED NOT APPLICABLE CLEARED BY 03/14/2018 - INTERNAL STATUS APPROVED BY APPROVED ON ARREST - FELONY OFFICER, OTHER (C99996) 03/08/2018 OFFENSES [4] OFFENSE STATUTE PREMISE TYPE ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Residence/Home CRIMINAL ACTIVITY WEAPON/FORCE USED GANG - NONE/UNKNOWN HANDGUN BIAS NONE (NO BIAS) OFFENSE STATUTE PREMISE TYPE WEAPONS-OTHER Residence/Home CRIMINAL ACTIVITY WEAPON/FORCE USED USING/CONSUMING HANDGUN BIAS NONE (NO BIAS) OFFENSE STATUTE PREMISE TYPE FORCE USED Residence/Home BIAS NONE (NO BIAS) OFFENSE STATUTE PREMISE TYPE Residence/Home BIAS NONE (NO BIAS) PERSON - ARREST CSTD #1 NAME (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE) SEX RACE BROWN, SARAH MICELLE FEMALE WHITE DOB AGE 26 HOME ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP HEIGHT WEIGHT HAIR COLOR EYES TRANSIENT 5'6 150 BROWN BROWN HOME PHONE CELL PHONE WORK PHONE DRIVERS LICENSE (STATE) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER POB EMAIL ADDRESS ETHNICITY Florida COMPLEXION BUILD HANDED UNKNOWN HAIR STYLE FACIAL HAIR COLOR FACIAL HAIR DESCRIPTION SLIGHT/VERY THIN ALL OTHER ID TYPES AND NUMBERS FBI: REDACTED PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 SID: REDACTED Page 1/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL ARREST DATA ARREST DATE ARREST TYPE 03/08/2018 ARREST / BOOK / CIVIL HOLD PERSON - VICTIM #1 NAME (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE) SEX RACE STREED, TORREY R FEMALE WHITE HOME ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP DOB HEIGHT HOME PHONE CELL PHONE WORK PHONE DRIVERS LICENSE (STATE) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER POB WEIGHT AGE HAIR COLOR EYES EMAIL ADDRESS ETHNICITY PERSON - WITNESS #1 NAME (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE) SEX RACE SMITH, GRANT E MALE WHITE HOME ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP HOME PHONE DOB HEIGHT CELL PHONE WORK PHONE WEIGHT AGE HAIR COLOR EYES EMAIL ADDRESS (503) 823-0097 DRIVERS LICENSE (STATE) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER POB ETHNICITY EMPLOYER WORK OR SCHOOL ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP OCCUPATION CITY OF PORTLAND-POLICE BUREAU 1111 SW 2ND PORTLAND, OR 97204 POLICE SGT PERSON - WITNESS #2 NAME (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE) SEX RACE KELLEY, BRITTANY FEMALE WHITE HOME ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP DOB HEIGHT HOME PHONE CELL PHONE WORK PHONE DRIVERS LICENSE (STATE) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER POB AGE 30 WEIGHT HAIR COLOR EYES EMAIL ADDRESS ETHNICITY UNKNOWN PERSON - WITNESS #3 NAME (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE) SEX RACE ANDERSON, ERIN MALE WHITE HOME ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP DOB HEIGHT HOME PHONE CELL PHONE WORK PHONE DRIVERS LICENSE (STATE) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER POB EMPLOYER WEIGHT HAIR COLOR AGE EYES EMAIL ADDRESS ETHNICITY WORK OR SCHOOL ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP OCCUPATION CITY OF PORTLAND POLICE OFFICER PERSON - RPTG PARTY #1 NAME (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE) SEX RACE GIBSON, JOSH MALE UNKNOWN HOME ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP HEIGHT DOB WEIGHT HAIR COLOR AGE EYES OR HOME PHONE CELL PHONE WORK PHONE DRIVERS LICENSE (STATE) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER POB PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 EMAIL ADDRESS ETHNICITY Page 2/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL VEHICLE - INVOLVED #1 LICENSE NUMBER STATE OF ISSUE VEHICLE TYPE LICENSE TYPE LICENSE YEAR AR11507 Washington PICK-UP TRUCK Passenger Car 2019 VIN OWNER APPLIED NUMBER 1GCHK23DX7F169702 MISC INFORMATION MAKE MODEL STYLE YEAR COLOR Chevrolet Silverado (PK) PICKUP 2007 Tan INSURANCE COMPANY LIAB POLICY # EXP DATE AUTOMOBILE DETAILS Yes TRANSMISSION INTERIOR DESCRIPTION WINDOWS WHEELS EXTERIOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION MODIFICATION BODY DAMAGE PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 OTHER FEATURES PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 3/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME DOLBEY, PAUL G (RETIRED) (29984) 03/08/2018 0600 SUBJECT INTERVIW OF OFFICER STREED Witness Officer Interviewed: Streed, Torrey DPSST 54282 Central Precinct Work Hours: 2200-0800 Unit 838 Present During The Interview: Detective David McCormick DPSST 28717 Assault Detail Officer Ryan Regan DPSST 36623 PPA Representative Following is a summary of the action taken by Officer Streed during the Officer Involved Shooting incident which occurred at 806 SW King Street on March 8, 2018, at approximately 0400 hours. On March 8, 2018, at 1026 am, I conducted a recorded interview with Officer Streed in interview room number 2, which is located in the Detective Division. The above listed persons where present in the room during the interview. See the attached transcript of Officer Streed's interview for additional details. Officer Streed assigned herself to the call and initially took up an inner-perimeter position on the north east corner of the home located at 806 SW King Street. From this position Officer Street heard the K-9 alert in an area on the north side of the house, which she described as a "blind spot" from her position. Just after the K-9 alerted, Officer Streed recalled hearing a radio broadcast that the Officers on the north side of the house were "challenging one." Shortly after the "challenging one" broadcast, Officer Strreed said she heard gunfire coming from the north side of the house and added she thought she heard four shots. Officer Streed then met Officer Perez on the north side of the house and they both climbed over the fence and into the yard of the house. Officer Streed then saw Officer Shaw with his duty pistol drawn and "target locked" on a suspect while yelling commands at the suspect. Officer Streed asked Officer Shaw if he needed to re-load and she believes he did at that point. Officer Streed also remembered Officer Webber arriving with his AR-15 rifle and then recalled Sergeant Hull telling her to go to his vehicle and retrieve a shield, which she did. Officer Streed then took up a position behind her shield next to Officer Weinberger, who was also kneeling behind his shield. Both Officers Weinberger and Streed where positioned approximately "two car lengths" from a darkened alcove which was under the back yard steps of the house. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 4/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Officer Streed recalled seeing the suspect hiding in the alcove and described her positioning a red bucket on her head while yelling that she would shoot the officers. At this point Officer Street began negotiating with the suspect by acting as if she was a dispatcher. During her negotiations with the suspect Officer Streed recalled seeing a black semi-automatic handgun in her hand and added the suspect pointed the handgun directly at her several times. Officer Streed heard continuous commands being given to the suspect to drop her weapon or she might be shot. Officer Streed then recalled seeing at least two and possibly three muzzle flashed come from the suspect's gun in the direction of her position and Officer Weinberg's position. She did not recall feeling or hearing where the suspect's rounds impacted, but she did hear three separate volley's of AR-15 rifle fire coming from her right side. Officer Streed stated she heard the AR-15 rifle fire immediately after she saw the muzzle flashes from the suspect's gun. Officer Streed was aware that Officer Webber was firing the AR-15 rifle at the suspect. Officer Streed remembered seeing blood on the suspect's hand after Officer Webber returned fire at the suspect. Officer Streed stated the suspect continued to disregard the officers' commands even though she had been injured and Officer Streed added she could smell gasoline after Officer Webber returned fire at the suspect. Officer Streed was then removed from scene. She stated she did not fire her weapon during this incident. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 5/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #1 ASSIGNED TO RANK HARRIS, JASON A (34584) ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVES: COORDINATION TEAM 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 HARRIS, JASON A SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/08/2018 HERGERT, MITCHELL D NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME HARRIS, JASON A (34584) 03/08/2018 1051 SUBJECT OBSERVED SUSPECT BEFORE CUSTODY On 3/8/18 I responded to the location of 806 SW King as a member of the Special Emergency Reaction Team (SERT). Upon arriving I was briefed on the situation by Sgt McConnell and took a position inside the residence of 806 SW King. At the time I arrived on the incident, the female suspect was under the stairs on the east side of the house yelling at the police. I took a position with Sgt. Frankus and Ofc. Miller inside the house on the main level to observe the suspect and the door she would use to exit the crawl area. From my vantage point, I could see the head and hands of the suspect as she would shift her body inside the doorway. Through the over three hours I remained on scene the suspect continued to yell and did not attempt to establish communication with the police. I could see a handgun located just inside the threshold of the door on the ground approximately 6-12 inches from the suspect. The suspect continued to move her body around and in two separate cases the gun to shift with what appeared to be incidental contact. I was able to give a word picture over the radio to SERT operators surrounding the location. I observed the suspect shift her arms in a quick movement as she grabbed a bucket to cover her head which propelled the gun across ground away from the suspect. The gun was accidentally pushed about 2 feet away from the suspect as she continued to yell. From watching the suspect, I was under the impression did not know she even hit the gun away and then made no effort to retrieve the handgun. I watched the suspect use both hands as she attempted to pull herself into the doorway. I was able to articulate the location of the handgun and the view of the suspect which was received and confirmed by command. During the incident I was able to take a picture of the handgun at 6:37 am with my bureau cell phone in its position inside the doorway. The picture shows the view I had from the window on the main level of the structure. The bright colored bucket in the photo was used by the suspect to cover her head from the light into the crawl space. Between the bucket and the door frame you can see the handgun, a semi-automatic, which the suspect eventually slide to the right side of the doorway. The photograph I took shows the gun in the position it remained from the moment I could inside the crawl space to the moment it was moved before her custody. I emailed the photograph to DIMS to be added to this case number. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 6/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #2 ASSIGNED TO RANK SPARLING, AARON A (45515) ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: HOMICIDE DETAIL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 SPARLING, AARON A SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/09/2018 WHATTAM, KEN N NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME SPARLING, AARON A (45515) 03/08/2018 1348 SUBJECT CUSTODY/PHOTGRAPHS As a member of the Portland Police Bureau Special Emergency Reaction Team (SERT) I responded to a full team activation to area of West Burnside and 23rd Avenue. While responding to the scene it was broadcasted that officers and S1 had exchanged gunfire. I and Officer Chad Gradwhal were given permission to move up to and relieve the main contact team which was comprised of Central Precinct officers. Officer Gradwhal and I made contact with the officers and who were set up on the 2/3 corner of 803 SW king. Patrol officers had arranged (2) patrol shields which were being utilized as additional cover. I relieved the officers who were positioned behind the patrol shields and took up a position which allowed me to see into the location that S1 was hiding in. Roughly 15 yards from my position was a small door which granted access to what appeared to be a storage area under the back exterior stairs of the residence. High lumen lighting was placed into position so that we could illuminate the access opening as well as see partially into the storage area. The access door was open and I could see a medium sized backpack on the ground just outside the storage area in the threshold of the door way. I could see that the constructive makeup of the far wall of the under stair storage area appeared to made of solid concrete. A portable loud speaker was placed just off the 2/3 corner (near my position) and I could hear CNT officers attempt to make contact with S1. On numerous occasions I heard CNT officers announce to S1 via the loud speaker that we were the Portland Police, that we were there to help S1, to offer her aid and to assist to get S1 medical treatment at OHSU. From my position I could hear S1 screaming that she wanted to call 911 and that if we came near her that she would shoot us. S1 repeated this over and over throughout the incident and made numerous threats to shoot us. During the incident S1 asked for water and a plan to deliver a bottle water was made and executed via robot delivery system. I cannot recall that at any point during the incident that S1 complained of being injured. SERT officers from a different position where able to observe that there was separation between S1 and a handgun, which was on the ground inside the storage area that S1 was hiding in. I was able to see that S1 had placed a medium sized red garden bucket over her head and upper torso area. And it appeared that every time S1 would move the red bucket would move as well. I was able to see S1 reach out and grab onto the doorframe with both hands and attempt to pull her self either up or out of the storage area towards our location. Since S1 now had what we believed to be reasonable separation from the hand gun and may be in need of medical care, we came up with a plan to move up and safely take S1 into custody and render her medical aid. The mission to do this was approved and Officer Gradwhal, Officer Hoerauf and I moved up to took S1 into custody. I was able to take control of S1 arm and assist her out of the under the stairway storage location and into lawn area where S1 was placed into handcuffs without incident. S1 was complaining that her leg hurt and not to touch or move her leg. I instructed a SERT medic to cut back some of the layers of clothing on her right leg so that we could locate any injuries. I was able to see that as the layers of clothing where cut back that there was blood soaked into the clothing and what appeared to be a gunshot wound to the upper thigh. I could also see what I reasonably believed to be part of a bullet lodged into S1 clothing. SERT medics provided a tactical litter and we loaded S1 onto the litter and carried her to an AMR ambulance which was staged just in front of the location. I assisted SERT medics and AMR with loading S1 onto the stretcher and into the ambulance. S1 was removed from handcuffs and restrained to the stretcher. A central precinct officer was present with the S1 in the ambulance. I informed Detective Kammerer that the ambulance was about to transport S1 to OHSU and that there appeared to be a gunshot wound to her thigh and that the bullet may be trapped in the clothing. Per the request of Detective Kammerer I took pictures of the wound and the possible bullet trapped in S1 clothing with my PPB mobile phone. Images taken to be loaded into DIMS . PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 7/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #3 ASSIGNED TO RANK HERTZLER, JENNIFER L (43872) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: SEX CRIMES UNIT 4-INTERVIEW WITNESS ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 HERTZLER, JENNIFER L SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/13/2018 03/14/2018 WHATTAM, KEN N STATEMENT AUTHOR DATE/TIME HERTZLER, JENNIFER L (43872) 03/08/2018 1410 SUBJECT INTERVIEW SUMMARY WITH WITNESS TO OIS ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL Detective T. Harris #27566 Sergeant Perkins #21046 A/Sergeant Weinberger #47656 Officer Shaw #28923 K9 Officer Davidson #38108 Officer Webber #44629 Officer Streed #54282 Officer Perry #51736 SUMMARY On March 8, 2018 I was assigned to interview police bureau personnel who witnessed an officer involved shooting that occurred at 806 SW King Avenue in Portland, Oregon. With Detective Harris' assistance, I interviewed Portland Police Bureau Sergeant Grant Smith. Sergeant Perkins, a representative from the Portland Police Association, was present during the interview. The following is a summary of our interview. For complete details refer to the audio recording and/or the associated transcription. Sergeant Smith told me he went to the burglary call at 806 SW King because he knew the call had been going on for a while and wanted to make sure the officers on-scene had the resources they needed. Sergeant Smith learned the residence was quite large and the officers were almost done clearing with a K9 team. Sergeant Smith was in the process of telling the homeowners they would be finished soon when he heard the k9 barking and officers "challenging" someone in the back yard. Sergeant Smith went to the team in the backyard and learned a subject was hiding in a space next to a staircase that resembled a shed. Sergeant Smith, A/Sergeant Weinberger, K9 Officer Davidson, and Officer Shaw made a plan and challenged the subject. Sergeant Smith said when he attempted to open the shed door, he encountered resistance. Sergeant Smith was able to open the door, and was met with a handgun pointed directly at him. Sergeant Smith said he feared he was going to be shot in the face. Sergeant Smith said he and the other officers retreated to cover. Sergeant Smith said he heard Officer Shaw yelling "drop the gun, drop the gun" and then he heard Officer Shaw fire his handgun. Sergeant Smith said he knew it was Officer Shaw's handgun because of the sound coming from "the right" of him and Sergeant Smith knew Officer Shaw was there. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 8/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Sergeant Smith said his eyes had been fixed on the shed doorway where he had last seen the subject holding the gun, but he could not see the gun based on his angle and position. Sergeant Smith said he heard Officer Shaw yell "she's still got the gun" and "drop the gun." Sergeant Smith said after Officer Shaw gave additional warnings, Officer Shaw fired his gun again. Sergeant Smith said the team communicated the need to move to a different location based on safety reasons, and Sergeant Smith and A/Sergeant Weinberger moved to Officer Shaw, as Officer Shaw provided cover. Sergeant Smith said they all moved to the 2/3 corner of the residence. Sergeant Smith said additional resources were called and Officer Webber arrived and provided lethal cover with his AR-15 rifle. Sergeant Smith said they had two shields as well. Sergeant Smith saw the subject point the handgun in the direction of himself and other officers a number of times. Sergeant Smith said he was approximately 10-15 yards from the subject. He said the subject screamed nonsensical things and did not believe they were the police. Sergeant Smith said several minutes into Officer Streed and A/Sgt. Weinberger working on communicating with the suspect, more shots were fired. Sergeant Smith could not recall who fired first, the subject in the shed or Officer Webber. Sergeant Smith heard and saw Officer Webber fire his AR-15 multiple times in the direction of the shed. Sergeant Smith heard Officer Webber say "shes shooting at us" and heard shots he described as sounding distinctly different than the AR-15 and he believed them to be from the handgun the subject possessed. Sergeant Smith said he heard Officer Webber fire several volleys of two to four shots. He said he heard Officer Webber fire his AR-15 and heard pauses in between firing more shots which he accounted to a pause to assess if the threat was still present. Sergeant Smith said Officer Perry responded to their location and he observed Officer Perry take Officer Webber's position and Officer Webber performed a reload of a magazine in his AR-15. Sergeant Smith said he knew the subject fired at least twice at them, possibly a third time, based on what he could hear. Sergeant Smith said he distinctly remembered the subject saying "if you approach me I will shoot you." Sergeant Smith said the subject told them she would shoot them, repeatedly, after she shot at them. Sergeant Smith said SERT was activated to respond. He knew the subject was injured because he had seen blood, but said her "behavior pattern didn't change at all pre and post shooting." Sergeant Smith said he "never saw anything more than an arm and a gun" regarding the subject in the shed. Sergeant Smith said his position at the 2/3 corner of the house was relieved by SERT members. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 9/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166797) SIDE ONE OF DIAGRAM-SMITH,GRANT PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 10/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166801) SIDE TWO OF DIAGRAM-SMITH, GRANT PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 11/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166805) PER A054664-SMITH,GRANT DIAGRAM, AUDIO CD PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 12/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #4 ASSIGNED TO RANK BECKER, JAMIN A (49504) ORG UNIT CAPACITY FORENSICS: 2-FORENSIC UNIT PROCESSING ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 BECKER, JAMIN A SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/08/2018 MCMURRAY, SHAWNDA L NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BECKER, JAMIN A (49504) 03/08/2018 1737 SUBJECT SCENE PROCESSING On 03/08/18, around 1030 hours, I responded to 806 SW King Ave to assist in the processing of an officer involved shooting scene. When I arrived, Sgt. Morris directed me to begin documenting the location with video. I made digital video recordings of the exterior and interior of the house. I then assisted Criminalist Yoshimura with the collection of evidence in the back yard. All video uploaded to DIMS for archiving. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 13/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #5 ASSIGNED TO RANK SMITH, GRANT E (50653) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 SMITH, GRANT E SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/08/2018 SCHELL, MARTIN D NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME SMITH, GRANT E (50653) 03/08/2018 1249 SUBJECT RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY I responded to 806 SW King Ave. on a report of a burglary. detectives interview for full details. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 14/622 Please see my VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #6 ASSIGNED TO RANK PEREZ, RAFAEL (56907) ORG UNIT CAPACITY NORTH 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 PEREZ, RAFAEL SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/08/2018 SCHELL, MARTIN D NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME PEREZ, RAFAEL (56907) 03/08/2018 1400 SUBJECT WITNESSINTERVIEW BY DETECTIVE I Ofc. Perez #56907 was interviewed per policy by Detectives. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 15/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #7 ASSIGNED TO RANK RICHARDSON, JAMES P (29360) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 RICHARDSON, JAMES P SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/08/2018 SCHELL, MARTIN D NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME RICHARDSON, JAMES P (29360) 03/08/2018 0942 SUBJECT BURGLARY - SHOTS FIRED 6. Shaw, B #28923: Involved in shooting Sgt Smith, G #50653: On-Scene Sgt Act Sgt Weinberger, B #47656 8. Assisted on Burglary in progress at 806 SW King when it was broadcasted that shots had been fired. I arrived and took up a perimeter position on the 1/4 corner of the residence with Ofc Worthington. I could hear Weinberger negotiating with the female to drop the gun repeatedly. The female was yelling something back but I could not understand her. This exchange went on for several minutes then I heard 6 - 8 shots fired from behind the house. From my vantage point I could not see the officers or the female. The shots paused for a minute or so then another 6 - 8 shots were fired. The commands to drop the gun and and something about OHSU were mentioned but I could not clearly hear what was being said. Negotiations with the female continued until SERT arrived at which time I was removed from my position. I met up with Sgt Smith on W Burnside / King where he assigned me to stay with Ofc Shaw who was involved in the shooting. I remained with Ofc Shaw keeping him separate from witness officers and discussions regarding the incident. Ofc Hubbard was also with Ofc Shaw as peer support. No discussions about the incident took place while I was with him. The three of us remained at the scene until Ofc Shaw left with his attorney to discuss the incident in private. I then cleared the scene approximately 30 minutes later once it was confirmed that Ofc Shaw had conducted everything necessary at the scene and was already being transported back to Central Precinct. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 16/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #8 ASSIGNED TO RANK LAW, TRAVIS W (42652) OFFICER ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: SEX CRIMES UNIT 4-INTERVIEW VICTIM ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/09/2018 LAW, TRAVIS W SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 04/08/2018 05/04/2018 WHATTAM, KEN N NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME LAW, TRAVIS W (42652) 03/09/2018 0129 SUBJECT INTERVIEW OF BURGLARY VICTIMS AND WITNESS CONNECT INFORMATION Suspect: BROWN, SARAH M. F/W, DOB: NON-CONNECT INFORMATION Victim(s) Interviewed: KATZ, SHERI MONICA F/W, DOB: Address: Phone: (Residence Burglarized / Heard Gunshots Only) MULLIN, JOEL AARON M/W, DOB: Address: Phone: (Residence Burglarized / Heard Gunshots Only) Witness Interviewed: GIBSON, JOSHUA M/W, DOB: Address: PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 17/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Phone: (Employee at Park Lane Suites and Inn / Called 911 to report suspicious female / Heard Gunshots Only) Police Personnel Mentioned: Sergeant Michele Hughes, DPSST #36818 Detective Division Homicide Detail / Crime Scene Supervisor Detective Scott Broughton, DPSST #40218 Detective Division Homicide Detail / Lead Investigator Detective Brad Clifton, DPSST #37152 Detective Division Homicide Detail / Assisted with Interviews Criminalist Randal Yoshimura, DPSST #24583 Forensic Evidence Division / Processed Crime Scene EXHIBITS Property/Evidence Receipt #A054396: Item 1: CD-R containing recorded interview of SHERI KATZ (Part 1 & 2) Item 2: Search by Consent Form signed by JOEL MULLIN and SHERI KATZ for . Item 3: Void Item 4: CD-R containing recorded interview of JOSHUA GIBSON Items 5-8: Void SUMMARY This report documents my involvement in the investigation of an officer involved shooting at 806 SW King Avenue, Portland, Oregon on March 8, 2018. Detective Clifton and I interviewed JOEL MULLIN and SHERI KATZ who are the residents of , and were the victims of a burglary committed by SARAH BROWN. This report also documents the interview of JOSHUA GIBSON, an employee at Park Lane Suites and Inn, who called 911 after witnessing a suspicious female in the backyard of 806 SW King Avenue prior to the officer involved shooting. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 18/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL NARRATIVE On March 8, 2018, at approximately 0600 hours, I was notified by Sergeant Michele Hughes of the Homicide Division to respond to NW 21st Avenue / W Burnside Street to assist with the investigation of an officer involved shooting. I arrived in the area of the crime scene at approximately 0645 hours and met with the investigative team. I later attended a briefing on the investigation and was asked by Sergeant Hughes to interview the residents of , with Detective Clifton. Detective Clifton and I later identified the residents of as SHERI KATZ and JOEL MULLIN who are husband and wife. Detective Clifton and I first interviewed JOEL MULLIN in the dining room of his residence. SHERI KATZ was not present during the interview. Refer to Detective Clifton's report for information on the interview of JOEL MULLIN. Detective Clifton and I then interviewed SHERI KATZ in the dining room of the residence. JOEL MULLIN was not present during the interview. I informed SHERI KATZ that I was going to audio record the interview and she agreed to me doing so. I began the interview at approximately 0935 hours. The following is a summary of our interview with SHERI KATZ. For specific details of the interview, refer to the associated audio recording and transcript. INTERVIEW OF SHERI KATZ - PART 1 SHERI KATZ told me that on March 7, 2018, at approximately 2235 hours, she and JOEL MULLIN were upstairs in their bedroom when JOEL MULLIN said he heard a noise in the house and then the phone rang. SHERI KATZ said JOEL MULLIN answered the phone and told whoever was calling that JOEL MULLIN had not called that person. SHERI KATZ said JOEL MULLIN then hung up the phone and it immediately rang again. SHERI KATZ said when JOEL MULLIN answered the phone again he heard two people talking to each other. SHERI KATZ said JOEL MULLIN heard a female voice whispering on the phone. SHERI KATZ said JOEL MULLIN briefly handed her the phone and she could hear someone cursing but she did not know if it was a male or female. SHERI KATZ said she also heard a loud noise inside of their house and told JOEL MULLIN to lock the bedroom door. SHERI KATZ said she and JOEL MULLIN believed someone was inside their residence because they were home alone at the time, so JOEL MULLIN called 911 from his cell phone. SHERI KATZ said the police later arrived at their residence and came inside to look around while she and JOEL MULLIN waited outside. SHERI KATZ said the police were inside their home for about 30 minutes. SHERI KATZ said she and JOEL MULLIN then walked through their house with the police and found a picture which had been knocked on the floor. SHERI KATZ believed the loud noise she heard earlier while in her bedroom may have been the picture falling to the floor. SHERI KATZ later showed me the picture which she found on the ground and had since put back up on the wall. The picture was a canvas print of one of their dogs and it had been on top of a coat rack which was mounted to the wall in the hallway near the kitchen area on the main floor. SHERI KATZ told me she found the picture on the hallway floor below the coat rack. SHERI KATZ told me she and JOEL MULLIN also found a window open in the den/library on the main floor - southeast corner of the residence. SHERI KATZ said she believed this is where the suspect entered their residence. SHERI KATZ said she observed a cigarette or needle syringe cap on the floor of the den/library near the window, and the police collected it as evidence. SHERI KATZ said they also went outside the backdoor to their covered patio area and PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 19/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL observed a hat on the back of a chair that did not belong to them. SHERI KATZ said the police also found a sock in their side yard on the south side of the house that did not belong to her or her husband. SHERI KATZ told me the only item they found missing from their residence was one of their wireless handsets for their home telephone. SHERI KATZ said the officers later left the residence and she and JOEL MULLIN went upstairs to their bedroom around midnight. SHERI KATZ said that the next morning at approximately 0340 hours, they received a phone call from police instructing them to leave their residence. SHERI KATZ said she and JOEL MULLIN quickly got dressed and walked downstairs to leave their residence and noticed their front doors were wide open. SHERI KATZ said she and JOEL MULLIN waited outside for a while and then walked across the street to the Park Lane Suites at 809 SW King Avenue. SHERI KATZ said she and JOEL MULLIN waited in the lobby of the hotel while the police were inside their house looking around for about 30 minutes. SHERI KATZ said she and JOEL MULLIN talked to an employee at the Park Lane Suites, later identified JOSHUA GIBSON, who told them he was the one who called 911 after witnessing a suspicious female in their backyard. SHERI KATZ said that while waiting in the lobby of Park Lane Suites an officer came over to update them that the police were now checking the outside of their residence. SHERI KATZ said she then heard several gunshots and believed she heard a total of 5 gunshots initially; the first 2 gunshots were in succession, followed by 3 more gunshots approximately 1-2 minutes later. SHERI KATZ said that a period of time later she heard maybe 5 more gun shots but could not be sure of that number. SHERI KATZ said she believed the first two gun shots she heard were a "pop-pop," and the later shots were a louder "boom." SHERI KATZ said the police came back to the Park Lane Suites and told them to take cover, and she and JOEL MULLIN were later escorted by police to the Walgreens parking lot at NW 21st Avenue / W Burnside Street. SHERI KATZ showed us the call log on one of their wireless home phone handsets and I observed the name "Ferron Wesley" and associated phone number on the caller identification from March 7, 2018 at 2236 hours and 2322 hours. SHERI KATZ said for some reason the call log did not reflect the second call they received from , immediately after the first one, as noted above. I ended the recorded interview with SHERI KATZ at approximately 1000 hours. I presented JOEL MULLIN and SHERI KATZ with a Search by Consent Form for their residence which I read to them and they signed. A copy of the consent form is attached to this report. The investigative team began processing the residence 806 SW King Avenue with the assistance of the Forensic Evidence Division. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 20/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Detective Clifton and I located a construction-style hard hat on the back patio - east side of the residence. JOEL MULLIN and SHERI KATZ told us the hard hat did not belong to them. The hard hat was located near the widow which had been forced open during the burglary. I later learned that the hard hat had been stolen from a vehicle which was parked at the Park Lane Inn, 840 SW King Avenue, located directly south of JOEL MULLIN's and SHERI KATZ's residence. I observed a backpack hanging on a hook on s wall mounted coat rack in the main floor hallway near the kitchen area. The pockets of the backpack were all open. The backpack was directly below where the canvas picture of the dog had been resting on the top of the coat rack and knocked off the wall, as noted above. JOEL MULLIN told me he could not remember if the pockets of the backpack were open the last time he saw it but nothing was missing from the backpack. On the third floor of the residence JOEL MULLEN showed me several dirty fingerprints on the wall near the stairwell. JOEL MULLEN said the dirty fingerprints on the wall did not belong to him or his wife. On the third floor of the residence I also observed a purple blanket on the floor near the stairwell. SHERI KATZ told us the blanket had been in their main floor den/ library the last time she saw it and she believed it was moved upstairs by the suspect. Detective Clifton and I inspected the basement of the residence and located a room in the northeast corner where we observed an apparent bullet hole in a window. SHERI KATZ later told me this room is their "dog storage room" where they keep items for their dogs. There was a window in this room with an apparent bullet hole and I noted the window was located in close proximity to the outside storage area underneath the rear stairs of the residence where police located SARAH BROWN, and exchanged gunfire with her. The apparent bullet hole appeared to be from a projectile that came from outside of the residence in the direction of where police located SARAH BROWN. I found two apparent bullet strikes on adjoining walls within the room; the bullet strikes appeared to be from a single bullet that ricocheted from one wall to the other. Next to a garbage can in the room I found a spent bullet on the ground. I re-interviewed SHERI KATZ about her dog storage room and the evidence found in the room. I activated my digital recorder at approximately 1050 hours. INTERVIEW OF SHERI KATZ - PART 2 In summary, SHERI KATZ told me that on the morning of March 8, 2018, police allowed her and her husband to go back inside their residence and she went downstairs to her dog storage room twice to get things for their dogs. SHERI KATZ said she did not notice the apparent bullet hole in the widow and it had not been there before this incident. SHERI KATZ said she also did not notice the spent bullet on the floor near the garbage can and it had not been there before this incident. SHERI KATZ said she got some food for her dogs once they were allowed back inside their residence, and she does not believe she disturbed the spent bullet on the ground although she never saw it there until I brought it to her attention. I ended the second recorded interview with SHERI KATZ at approximately 1055 hours. For specific details on the interview, refer to the associated recording (Part 2) and transcript. Detective Clifton and I notified Criminalist Randal Yoshimura about the items of evidence we found in inside the residence so they could be processed. On the afternoon of March 8, 2018, I called and left a voicemail for JOSHUA GIBSON. As noted above, JOSHUA GIBSON is the employee of Park Lane Suites who called 911 to report a suspicious female in the backyard of 806 SW King Avenue during this investigation. Later that same day, at approximately 2230 hours, I received a call back from JOSHUA GIBSON PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 21/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL who told me he was currently walking to work. Detective Clifton and I drove to SW 2nd Avenue / W Burnside Street and picked up JOSHUA GIBSON and gave him a ride to the Park Lane Suites. I told JOSHUA GIBSON that I wanted to take a formal statement from him regarding what he witnessed at 806 SW King Avenue earlier that morning. I informed JOSHUA GIBSON that I was going to record the interview and agreed to me doing so. The following is a summary of our interview with JOSHUA GIBSON. For specific details on the interview, refer to the associated audio recording and transcript. INTERVIEW OF JOSHUA GIBSON JOSHUA GIBSON told us he works the night shift at Park Lane Suites at the front desk. JOSHUA GIBSON said when he got to work at 2300 hours on March 7, 2018 the police were already on scene at 806 SW King Avenue. JOSHUA GIBSON said he spoke with a fellow employee, and someone staying at the hotel, and learned there had been a burglary at 806 SW King Avenue. JOSHUA GIBSON told us he also learned that one of their hotel rooms at the Park Lane Inn, #238, had been burglarized earlier that evening and a backpack was stolen. JOSHUA GIBSON told me the Park Lane Inn is located directly across the street at 840 SW King Avenue and is owned and operated by Park Lane Suites. JOSHUA GIBSON told us that on the March 8, 2018, at approximately 0330 hours, he walked over to the Park Lane Inn to check the area due to the recent burglaries. JOSHUA GIBSON said he was standing on the east side of the building which is a parking lot, at the north end of the property adjacent to the backyard of 806 SW King Avenue. JOSHUA GIBSON said he heard noises coming from the area of a row of arborvitaes in the backyard of 806 SW King Avenue, on the south side of the property. JOSHUA GIBSON said he walked up the stairs on the north side of the parking lot and could see into the backyard of 806 SW King Avenue. JOSHUA GIBSON said he saw what appeared to be a petite female with light colored hair, or wearing the hood of a grey sweatshirt on her head, in the backyard of 806 SW King Avenue. JOSHUA GIBSON said the female appeared to be 5'2" 5'3" tall but he never saw the female's face. JOSHUA GIBSON said the female was acting suspicious and peering into the windows on the basement level - southeast corner of 806 SW King Avenue. JOSHUA GIBSON said the female was pacing back and forth. JOSHUA GIBSON said he called 911 and then lost sight of the female. JOSHUA GIBSON said the police arrived shortly thereafter and he returned to the Park Lane Suites. Later that same morning JOSHUA GIBSON said he heard two distinct periods of gunfire. The first was a short burst of 5-6 gunshots. JOSHUA GIBSON said the second round of gunfire happened approximately one (1) hour later and there were 5-6 shots that time. JOSHUA GIBSON said he did not witness the shooting. We ended the recorded interview with JOSHUA GIBSON at approximately 2315 hours and thanked him for his time. I later copied the recorded interviews of SHERI KATZ and JOSHUA GIBSON onto a CD-R which I placed into evidence under Property/Evidence Receipt #A054396. I also placed the Search by Consent Form signed by JOEL MULLIN and SHERI KATZ into evidence under Property/Evidence Receipt #A054396. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 22/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Nothing further. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 23/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2154839) PER #A054396 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 24/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2154841) SIGNED SEARCH BY CONSENT FORM PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 25/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #9 ASSIGNED TO RANK HOUSLEY, HIEDI J (31291) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: ROBBERY DETAIL 4-INTERVIEW WITNESS ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 HOUSLEY, HIEDI J SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 05/28/2018 05/29/2018 WHATTAM, KEN N NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME HOUSLEY, HIEDI J (31291) 03/09/2018 1130 SUBJECT WITNESS INTERVIEWS CONNECT INFORMATION Arrested Suspect: BROWN, SARA FW, Home Address: Transient Cell Phone: Unknown NONCONNECT INFORMATION Persons Interviewed: Officer Rob Bender, DPSST #27544 Central Precinct, Witnessed Officer Involved Shooting Officer Ben Davidson, DPSST #38108 K-9 Officer, Witnessed Officer Involved Shooting Persons Mentioned: Officer Bill Shaw, DPSST #28923 Central Precinct, Involved in Shooting Officer Joe Webber, DPSST #44629 Central Precinct, Involved in Shooting Police Personnel: PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 26/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Detective Kevin Odil, DPSST #49890 Multnomah County Sheriff's Office, Major Crimes Team, Assisted in interviews of Officers Bender and Davidson Officer Jason Walters, DPSST #33522 Central Precinct, PPA Union Representative, Present During Interviews of Officers Bender and Davidson Detective Scott Broughton, DPSST #40218 Detective Division, Homicide Detail, Primary Investigator EXHIBITS 1. Portland Police Bureau/Property Evidence Receipt #A084251 Item #1: Diagram drawn by Officer Bender Item #2: Diagram drawn by Officer Davidson Item #3: CD of Interviews with Officer Bender and Davidson SUMMARY On March 8, 2018, I assisted with interviewing witness officers after an officer involved shooting. NARRATIVE On March 8, 2018, Central Precinct officers responded to a prowler call involving SARA BROWN at 806 SW King Avenue. During contact with BROWN, gunfire was exchanged between BROWN and officers. BROWN was eventually taken into custody and transported to the hospital. Homicide Detectives took over the investigation and officers who witnessed the shooting were transported to the Detective Division to be interviewed. I was asked to assist the investigation and to help interview witness officers. Detective Odil and myself interviewed Officer Rob Bender in a private interview room. During the entire interview process, Officer Jason Walters a PPA Representative, was present with Officer Bender. Two different officers discharged their weapon during the interaction with BROWN. Officer Bender was involved in the call from the beginning, but he did not witness Officer Shaw fire his weapon, he only heard the shots being fired. Officer Bender was present and standing next to Officer Webber when he fired his weapon. During the interview with Officer Bender, I had him draw a diagram of the location where the shooting occurred and asked him to identify where he was during the shooting. The interview with Officer Bender was recorded in its entirety, please refer to the transcription for complete details of interview. Detective Odil and myself interviewed K-9 Officer Ben Davidson in a private interview room. During the entire interview process, Officer Jason Walters, a PPA Representative, was present with Officer Davidson. Officer Davidson and his K-9 partner, Chester, were the first to locate BROWN hiding in the backyard of the location. Due to the constant barking of PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 27/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Chester, Officer Davidson moved several feet away from where BROWN was located so officers could interact with her. He was present when Officer Shaw fired his weapon at BROWN. Officer Davidson left the backyard to put his dog in to his car and he did not go back to the scene. He instead took up a perimeter spot on the sidewalk next to the location. He heard the exchange of gunfire between BROWN and officer Webber but he did not witness it. The interview with Officer Davidson was recorded in its entirety, please refer to the transcription for complete details of the interview. This report will be forwarded to the Primary Investigator, Detective Scott Broughton. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 28/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #10 ASSIGNED TO RANK CLIFTON, BRAD E (37152) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: HOMICIDE DETAIL 4-INTERVIEW VICTIM ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/09/2018 CLIFTON, BRAD E SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 06/03/2018 06/05/2018 WHATTAM, KEN N NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME CLIFTON, BRAD E (37152) 03/09/2018 1330 SUBJECT VICTIM INTERVIEW-JOEL MULLIN Associated Case Numbers: 18-77337 (Car Prowl) 18-77293 (Burglary) Victim(s) Interviewed: Mullin, Joel Aaron M/W, DOB Home Address: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Katz, Sheri Monica F/W, DOB Home Address: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Person Arrested: Brown, Sarah Michelle F/W, DOB 5'6"/150 Lbs./Brown Hair/Brown Eyes Person(s) Mentioned: Ferron, Wesley Cell Phone: PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 29/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Valdez, Ryan M/W, DOB Home Address: Involved Officer(s): Officer Darrell Bill Shaw, DPSST #28923 Officer Joseph Webber, DPSST #44629 Law Enforcement Mentioned: Sergeant Michele Hughes, DPSST #36818 Sergeant Ken Whattam, DPSST #24582 Detective Scott Broughton, DPSST #40218 Detective Rico Beniga, DPSST #36906 Detective Mark Slater, DPSST #27192 Detective Erik Kammerer, DPSST #29988 Detective Travis Law, DPSST #42652 Detective Shaye Samora, DPSST #51733 Detective Darren Posey, DPSST #29521 Criminalist Randal Yoshimura, DPSST #24583 Criminalist Jeffrey Shearer, DPSST #29992 Officer Rafael Perez, DPSST #56907 Officer Greg Moore, DPSST #51791 EXHIBITS 1. Portland Police Property/Evidence Receipt #A089079 Item 1: CD containing interview with Joel Mullin SUMMARY This report contains my actions at an officer involved shooting that stemmed from a burglary call at 806 SW King Ave. Portland, Oregon. Detective Travis Law and I interviewed Joel Mullin and Sheri Katz who are homeowners of the aforementioned residence and victims of a burglary. Detective Law and I conducted a recorded interview with Joel Mullin and Sheri Katz inside their residence. Mr. Mullin and Mrs. Katz also gave written consent for members of the Portland Police Bureau to process their residence and curtilage for any evidence associated to the burglary and shooting. NARRATIVE PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 30/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL On March 8, 2018, at approximately 0600 hours, members of the Portland Police Homicide Detail were called out to investigate an officer involved shooting that occurred at 806 SW King Ave. Portland, Oregon. I arrived on-scene and attended a briefing where I learned that a female, later identified as Sarah Brown, had burglarized the residence at the aforementioned address and subsequently pointed a gun and shot at officers as they searched the residence. I also learned that Officer Bill Shaw and Officer Joseph Webber shot at Sarah Brown during the confrontation. Sergeant Michele Hughes, assigned to the homicide detail, asked Detective Travis Law and I to interview the homeowners, Joel Mullin and Sheri Katz, who were standing by at their residence ( .). This report contains a summary of Joel Mullin's statement; the complete interview can be reviewed on a CD that was submitted into evidence on the listed receipt. The interview was also submitted for transcription and will be available for review. Refer to Detective Law's report for Sheri Katz's statement. Joel Mullin's Statement: At approximately 0913 hours, Detective Law and I interviewed Joel Mullin in the dining room of his residence. Prior to starting the interview Mr. Mullin was advised that the interview would be recorded and he agreed to me recording his statement. Mr. Mullin told Detective Law and I the following. Mr. Mullin said last night (03/07/18) around 2230 hours he was "quasi" asleep when he heard some noise in the house that woke him up. Mr. Mullin said he initially dismissed the noise as coming from the motel located on the south side of his house and explained that he and his wife often heard noise coming from the motel that sounded like it could be in their house. Mr. Mullin said approximately three to four minutes after hearing the noise his home phone rang and when he answered the phone a male was on the line. Mr. Mullin said the male told him that this number had just called his phone and then asked Mr. Mullin who he was. Mr. Mullin said he told the male he hadn't called him and didn't know what he was talking about. Mr. Mullin said the male told him his number ( ) was on his phone and he just hit redial. Mr. Mullin said he told the male again that he didn't call him and then hung the phone up. Mr. Mullin said the caller identification on his home phone showed the name "Wesley Ferron" and the phone number, . Mr. Mullin said approximately one minute later his home phone rang again so he picked the phone up and put it to his ear without saying anything. Mr. Mullin said he heard a male and female talking on the phone. Mr. Mullin said the female was talking in what he described as a very hushed paranoid tone and was asking the male things like, "What's your name?, How do I know it's you?, What's your brother's name?" Mr. Mullin said it seemed like the female was trying to get confirmation that she was speaking to the right person. Mr. Mullin said he continued to listen to the conversation for a couple of minutes thinking his phone line got crossed with another line. Mr. Mullin said his wife urged him to call 911 so he set the home phone down without hanging up and called 911 on his cell phone. [Note: Mr. Mullin explained that his house is four stories tall and there are five or more cordless phones spread throughout the house on each of the floor.] Mr. Mullin said once the police arrived he and his wife waited outside while the police checked their residence for an intruder. Mr. Mullin said after the police checked the interior of the house one of them came out and got him and asked him to walk through the house with them to see if anything was missing. Mr. Mullin said as they walked through the house one of the officers noticed a cordless phone missing from it's cradle. Mr. Mullin said the cordless phone that was missing was located in hallway on the second floor just outside his bedroom. Mr. Mullin said the phone should have been in the cradle and that was the first indication that someone had actually been inside the house. Mr. Mullin also said a picture had also been knocked off the wall on the first floor in the hallway next to the kitchen. Mr. Mullin said he and the officer then walked out onto the deck located on the east-side of the house on the first floor of the residence. Mr. Mullin said they observed some type of "pry tool" lying on the deck beneath a window located on the southeast corner of the first floor. Mr. Mullin said the window had been forced open and the wood frame was broken and appeared to have been the point of entry. Mr. Mullin said he was not able to secure the window because of the broken frame. Mr. Mullin said he and the officer also observed a hat that was not his or his wife's resting on the back of one of his patio chairs, along with a sock lying in the grass in his backyard. Mr. Mullin said his wife noticed what she thought was a cigarette butt or syringe cap lying on the floor underneath the window that had PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 31/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL been forced open. Mr. Mullin said the officers collected these items as evidence and checked the exterior of the property. Mr. Mullin said the officers didn't locate anyone and left his residence sometime around 2345 hours. Mr. Mullin said after the police left he and his wife went up to bed. Mr. Mullin said he locked the bedroom door which was out of the normal for them. Mr. Mullin said at approximately 0330 hours, he got a call from police (dispatch) who told him that someone at the motel saw a person in his backyard and that they needed to get out of the house. Mr. Mullin said he and his wife got dressed and went down the stairs to go outside and as he came down the stairs he noticed that the interior and exterior front doors were wide open. Mr. Mullin said both of these doors had been shut when he went to bed and the exterior door had been locked. Mr. Mullin said the police were walking up SW King Ave. as he and his wife exited their residence. Mr. Mullin said he and his wife stood out on the street for some time while the police searched their home. Mr. Mullin said he and his wife eventually got cold so they walked across the street and waited inside the Park Lane Suites Hotel lobby. Mr. Mullin said while he and his wife were in the lobby they heard five gunshots that were rapid in succession. Mr. Mullin said a few minutes later he heard two or three gunshots and then a break of about two minutes and then two or three additional shots. Mr. Mullin then walked Detective Law and I to the den to show us the window that had been forced open. Mr. Mullin then took us onto the east deck that accessed the window that had been forced open. Mr. Mullin observed a construction worker hard hat lying on the deck in between the door and the window that had been forced open. Mr. Mullin said the hard hat had not been on the deck when the police checked his house the first time. I stopped the recording at approximately 0931 hours. Following the recorded interview with Mrs. Katz we walked the house with the two of them to have them point out anything that was missing, moved or damaged. Mrs. Katz said there was a purple blanket missing from the den that had been on the couch in the den. When we walked the attic floor of the residence we located the purple blanket lying in the middle of the hallway floor. Mr. Mullin also pointed out dirty fingerprint marks on the wall and said they have a housekeeper and he knew the marks were left by the female. Mr. Mullin also walked us to the basement of the residence and took us to a storage area on the east side of the house. I observed a bullet hole in the southernmost window in the room that appeared to have been fired from the exterior storage area located underneath the stairs. I then observed two marks in the concrete wall that appeared to be where the bullet traveled and struck the wall. I also observed metal fragments on the floor that appeared consistent with a bullet that had fragmented. I relayed this information to Criminalist Yoshimura who was going to assist with photographing and collecting evidence inside the residence. While at the residence I learned that Ryan Valdez was staying in the motel to the south of the residence and that his truck had been broken into sometime during the night and that he was missing various items, to include a handgun. During my inspection of the residence I looked inside the storage area where Sarah Brown had been hiding when confronted by police and observed, among other things, a work style boot with a white sole, a blue folder and a knee pad for construction work. I walked next door to the motel and briefly spoke with Mr. Valdez; Mr. Valdez said these items were stolen from his truck. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 32/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 33/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2156268) A089079 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 34/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #11 ASSIGNED TO RANK CHAMBERLIN, TRACY R (32087) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: ROBBERY DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, SECONDARY ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/09/2018 CHAMBERLIN, TRACY R SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/09/2018 03/13/2018 WHATTAM, KEN N NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME CHAMBERLIN, TRACY R (32087) 03/09/2018 1523 SUBJECT WITNESS OFFICER INTERVIEW NONCONNECT INFORMATION Police Personnel: Sergeant Hull #37765 - Involved Officer CE Officer Weinberger #47656 - Involved Officer CE Detective Beniga #36906 - Primary Investigator DET/HOM Detective Broughton #40218 - Primary Investigator DET/HOM Detective Turnage - Gresham Detective / Partner GPD EXHIBITS 1) Property Evidence Receipt #A081308 - Placed into Evidence Item 1: CD - Interview of Sergeant Darke Hull Item 2: CD - Interview of Officer Benson Weinberger Item 3: Diagram drawn by Sergeant Darke Hull PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 35/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL NARRATIVE On March 08, 2018, I was assigned to assist in the investigation of PPB case #18-77451 which was an Officer Involved Shooting that occurred at 806 SW King Avenue in the City of Portland. I attended a briefing of the incident in the Detective Division conducted by Detective Lawrence. After the briefing, I was assigned to interview Sergeant Hull who was the Central Precinct sergeant who was the Incident Commander during the call. I interviewed Sergeant Hull in interview room #3 in the Detective Division. Detective Turnage of the Gresham Police Department (GPD) was present for and assisted in the entire interview. I recorded the entire interview and placed the master copy of the interview into evidence as noted in Exhibit 1, item 1. During the interview, Sergeant Hull drew a diagram of the scene as he recalled it on the reverse side of a Google Maps image of the location. I placed the diagram into evidence as noted in Exhibit 1, item 3. I have also placed the master copy of the interview with Officer Weinberger conducted by Detective Turnage into evidence as noted in Exhibit 1, item 2. Sergeant Hull was not present at the location during the initial call and arrived after the first shots had been fired. After Sergeant Hull arrived and while he was organizing and accessing the incident, he heard the exchange of gun fire between Officer Weber and the suspect. Sergeant Hull's primary function during the call was to act as the on-scene Incident Commander. For the specific details of the interview, to include the exact and precise chronological order of the interview as it progressed, and each and every topic covered during the course of the interview, please refer to the CD recording of the interview and/or the transcription of the interview. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 36/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2156638) A081308 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 37/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 38/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #12 ASSIGNED TO RANK BAXTER, JENNIFER (JENNI) (37132) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/07/2018 BAXTER, JENNIFER (JENNI) SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 AXTHELM, ROGER S (RETIRED) NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BAXTER, JENNIFER (JENNI) (37132) 03/08/2018 1230 SUBJECT NARRATIVE I responded to 806 SW King Ave to assist with the crime scene for the officer-involved shooting. My role was to take over as the Incident Commander until the processing of the crime scene. I had no contact with the subject involved, SB / BROWN, but I spoke to officers whom had previous contacts with her. The perception of BROWN is that she suffers from As an , I completed a based upon my knowledge of the incident. Refer to attached reports for additional details. TEXT TEMPLATES AUTHOR DATE/TIME BAXTER, JENNIFER (JENNI) (37132) 03/08/2018 1230 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 39/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 40/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #15 ASSIGNED TO RANK SHEARER, JEFFREY G (29992) CRIMINALIST ORG UNIT CAPACITY FORENSICS: 2-FORENSIC UNIT PROCESSING ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/10/2018 SHEARER, JEFFREY G SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/10/2018 03/13/2018 MCMURRAY, SHAWNDA L NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME SHEARER, JEFFREY G (29992) 03/10/2018 1003 SUBJECT POLICE SHOOTING On 030818 at 0630 I was directed to assist in the investigation of a police shooting. Sergeant Morris rode with me and as we arrived at the staging area of NW 22/Burnside we were directed to OHSU ER to photograph the suspect and collect evidence. Upon arrival I spoke with Officer Barth, the attending doctor, and then Ms. Brown. When I asked her Brown consented to me making photographs of her and injuries from the incident. I made digital color photographs of her and gunshot wounds to right thigh, right index finger, and impact to left shoulder. Officer Barth filled out property receipts and turned over the evidence collected from Brown. Receipt #A060439: 1) two brown paper bags containing clothing (moved to receipt #A090103) 2) Samsung Galaxy J1 cell phone 3) blue bag containing marijuana with silver metal pipe 4) cash U.S. currency $187 dollars 5) misc. papers 1- pink, 1- black Receipt #A060440: 1) .40 cal S&W Speer cartridge 2) fragmented projectile Receipt #A090103: 1) black overall pants-torn by medical (bloody) 2) blue jean pants-torn by medical (bloody) 3) black thermal underwear (pants)-torn by medical (bloody) 4) Leatherhead kneepad (bloody) 5) black silk blouse (bloody) 6) black bra (bloody) 7) black Eddie Bauer jacket (bloody) *all items transferred from receipt #A060439, item #1 All the bloody clothes on receipt #A090103 were delivered to Rivergate HazMat shed by Criminalist Ware. All the other evidence was photographed at the Forensic Evidence Division and then forwarded to the property room via the FED out-going locker. I transferred the digital photographs to DIMS for archiving. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 41/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #16 ASSIGNED TO RANK WEBER, ERIC S (32070) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 WEBER, ERIC S SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME WEBER, ERIC S (32070) 03/08/2018 2232 SUBJECT GUARD DETAIL I guarded Sarah Brown at OHSU from 1900-2200 hours. I relieved Officer Pahlke at 1900 hrs on the 6th Floor. Brown was moved to the 13th Floor, Trauma, Room 1 around 2000 hours. She had no visitors or phone calls. Officer Bieker relieved me at 2200 hours. I told him Brown was not to have visitors or phone calls and to write a report at the end of his shift. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 42/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #17 ASSIGNED TO RANK KELLER, LAWRENCE E (16483) ORG UNIT CAPACITY EAST 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 KELLER, LAWRENCE E SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME KELLER, LAWRENCE E (16483) 03/08/2018 0325 SUBJECT NARRATIVE Thursday morning at about 0448 hrs, I responded to assist Central Precinct with a barricade suspect, with shots fired at a burglary scene, 806 SW King. Upon arrival at about 0459hrs, Sgt Hull assigned me to relieve Officer Shaw who was inside the residence, main floor back door at the east side of the house. Entering the house via the open front door, I proceeded straight thru to where Officer Shaw and Moore were posted, relieving Officer Shaw. I remained here as lethal cover with my AR15. Per Officer Moore the suspect was in a storage area just below the outer back stairs from out position. Officer Moore informed me the suspect was a W/F, gray and and gray sweat shirt, and possibly wounded after exchange of gun fire with officers. Officer Moore and I remained here until directed to secure by SERT after SERT was onscene and deployed. After securing from inside I was directed by Sgt Hull to standby with SERT with Trauma kit along the North side of the house, with in a gated area at the westside basement door of the residence. Once enough resources were in place here, I secured. Sgt Hull directed me to standby at SW King and SW Yamhill. SERT directed me to post up with SERT Officer Dorn covering the SE corner of the house from a police vehicle cover position at the sidewalk. Once the suspect was in custody I secured. Refer this report to Detectives. MENTIONED OFFICERS AUTHOR DATE/TIME KELLER, LAWRENCE E (16483) 03/08/2018 0325 SUBJECT OFFICERS 37765-HULL, DARKE (Sgt) 51791-MOORE, GREGORY (Officer) @9094-DORN, JEFF (SERT/K9) ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY AUTHOR DATE/TIME KELLER, LAWRENCE E (16483) 03/08/2018 0325 SUBJECT SUMMARY PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 43/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Dispatched to assist Central Precinct regarding barricade suspect with shots fired at burglary scene, 806 SW King. Upon arrival I assisted with inner cover inside the residence, later moved to outside north side with SERT, then long cover with SERT Officer Dorn/K9 at the outer SE corner of the house until suspect in custody. Once suspect in custody I cleared. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 44/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #18 ASSIGNED TO RANK PERRY, SPENCER K (51736) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 PERRY, SPENCER K SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME PERRY, SPENCER K (51736) 03/08/2018 0751 SUBJECT CENTRAL SHOOTING NARRATIVE: While relieving the central front desk I heard officers radio that shots have been fired as they were searching for a possible burglar. I immediately left the desk and headed towards the address 806 SW King Ave. I was familiar with this address because we had been out on a similar call just a few hours prior. Officers updated a safe route in. I approached the front of the house and positioned myself with my rifle at the front of the stairs with my rifle pointed at the rear entry just below where the subject was. While at this position I heard a volley of shots. I was unable to determine how many shots were fired. I held my position as officers updated that they were "Code 4" and I could here them still trying to establish a line of communication. I remained at this static post. I was tasked to relieve officer Weber from his position at the side of the house where officers were attempting to talk to the suspect. Once positioned,The suspect continued to yell and scream and make threats towards us saying "Im gonna come out shooting". I held my rifle towards a small 4 foot opening inside of a brick enclosure under the porch. The suspect was uncooperative and had placed a large red storage tote over the top of her body. I was unable to see any movements other than the tote moving up and down and the occasional hand erratically waving. I held on this opening until I was relieved by SERT. Once relieved, I proceeded to standby with witness officer Bender until he was summoned to detectives. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 45/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #19 ASSIGNED TO RANK LIVINGSTON, BRETT G (23705) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 LIVINGSTON, BRETT G SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME LIVINGSTON, BRETT G (23705) 03/08/2018 0325 SUBJECT MY DUTIES AT SHOTS FIRED CALL (8) - Narrative: I responded to 806 SW King St. from SW original call was for a prowler and I was until I heard that shots had been fired. Burnside St. and tried to find the target was trying to drive into the scene and up deployed to keep media from driving right Barbur Bv. & SW Terwilliger. The monitoring the radio traffic When I arrived I parked on W. house. The Channel-12 News Van to the house so some of us were into the line of fire. I took the post at SW Yamhill St. and SW St. Clair Av. I taped off SW Yamhill St. at that intersection and blocked traffic from going East bound toward the tactical scene. I remained there until relieved at approximately 0745 hours. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 46/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #20 ASSIGNED TO RANK ROBERT, ONEST (52367) ORG UNIT CAPACITY EAST 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 ROBERT, ONEST SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME ROBERT, ONEST (52367) 03/08/2018 0817 SUBJECT ASSISTED WITH PEER SUPPORT Sgt. Smith#50653--Supervisor On the above listed date at approximately 0500 hrs, I responded to the area of SW King Ave/ W Burnside St on the report of shots fire. Upon arrival I contacted Sgt. Smith who had me stay with Officers who had witness the incident. Sgt. Smith later gathered all the witness Officers to one area. Once all the witnesses were around, Sgt. Smith admonish them not to talk to each other about the incident. I stayed with the witness Officers until they went to Central Precinct. While with the witness Officers, I did not hear them talk about the incident. Nothing further to report at this itme. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 47/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #21 ASSIGNED TO RANK BARTLETT, JOHN HS (56711) ORG UNIT CAPACITY EAST 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 BARTLETT, JOHN HS SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BARTLETT, JOHN HS (56711) 03/08/2018 0823 SUBJECT ARMED PROWLER @ SW KING AVE On 3/8/2018 at approximately 4:30AM I arrived on scene at 806 SW King Ave after officers there radioed that shots had been fired. I arrived and took a position of cover on the West side of the house with other officers. Later, I assisted officers in taping off a perimeter and I retrieved a trauma kit from my car and prepared to render emergency aid to the suspect in the event that she surrendered. Once the Incident Command post was established, the Incident Commander asked for an officer to escort the property owners, who were just one block away at a nearby motel, down to the IC to be interviewed. Since I knew where they were, I offered to do the job. I escorted the home owners to be interviewed and kept them company until after the suspect was taken into custody. *** I did not witness any shots or force. During each exchange of gunfire, I was either not on scene yet, setting up the perimeter, or with the home owners. *** PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 48/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #22 ASSIGNED TO RANK KLAUZER, LELAND T (52113) ORG UNIT CAPACITY EAST 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 KLAUZER, LELAND T SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME KLAUZER, LELAND T (52113) 03/08/2018 0848 SUBJECT ROLE ON OIS SCENE I assisted on a call regarding a barricaded female with a gun. I arrived on scene after all shots were fired, did not witness any shots, and had no firsthand observations of the suspect or the immediate area of the crime scene. I served in a supervisory role. I assisted with assigning officers to outer perimeter positions, relieving officers at change of shift, and various other crime scene duties. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 49/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #23 ASSIGNED TO RANK JUNGLING, SCOTT A (FORMER EMPLOYEE) (46940) ORG UNIT CAPACITY EAST 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 JUNGLING, SCOTT A (FORMER EMPLOYEE) SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M MENTIONED OFFICERS AUTHOR DATE/TIME JUNGLING, SCOTT A (FORMER EMPLOYEE) (46940) 03/08/2018 0325 SUBJECT MENTIONED OFFICERS OFC OFC OFC SGT SGT STEINER (37932) - Partner DAVIDSON (38108) - K9 Unit / Witness Officer DORN (29094) - K9 Unit SMITH (50653) - Central Precinct Supervisor at the Scene KLAUZER (52113) - East Precinct Supervisor at the Scene NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME JUNGLING, SCOTT A (FORMER EMPLOYEE) (46940) 03/08/2018 0325 SUBJECT NARRATIVE At 0448, 030818, we attached to a critical in Central Precinct. The call involved shots having been fired. We arrived at 0500 - location 806 SW King Ave. Upon arrival, I learned this was an officer involved shooting. I was assigned the task of being with one of the witness officers - OFC DAVIDSON. I stayed with him until I was relieved. We did not discuss this call. OFC DORN later took over my task and stayed with OFC DAVIDSON. I then contacted SGT KLAUZER for any additional tasks. this call by SGT KLAUZER at 0750. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 50/622 We were relieved of VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #24 ASSIGNED TO RANK WORTHINGTON, JASON A (44630) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 WORTHINGTON, JASON A SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME WORTHINGTON, JASON A (44630) 03/08/2018 2100 SUBJECT NT I heard an Ofc report shots fired on the radio. I knew that Officers were dealing with a burglary call on SW King near Burnside. I immediately responded to the area. I came in on SW King from the South. I plulled my vehicle to block the roadway at SW Yamhill st. I then pulled out my shotgun from the rack and exited my car. I retrieved a personally owned spotlight and put on my helmet. I walked up to the target house. I observed Ofc Bartlett covering the South side of the house. I placed my spotlight on a vehicle that was parked in the driveway which helped shine needed light on the side of the house that was dark. Ofc Richardson soon arrived. He then moved a patrol vehicle with ballistic panels where we were standing to provide additional cover. While I had my shotgun out watching the house I heard numerous gun shots, I would estimate between 15-20. I maintained my position until I was relieved by SERT Officers. I then reported to the command area and was with invovlved member Ofc Webber. I acted as his union representative. While I was with him he did not discuss the incident with anybody other than his lawyer. I stayed with Webber during the time he was not with his lawyer. I was released to go to the Detective Division. Ofc Webber was still with his lawyer. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 51/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #25 ASSIGNED TO RANK STEINER, CHAD D (37932) ORG UNIT CAPACITY EAST 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 STEINER, CHAD D SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M MENTIONED OFFICERS AUTHOR DATE/TIME STEINER, CHAD D (37932) 03/08/2018 0325 SUBJECT MENTIONED Ofcr Jungling / #46940 / partner Ofcr Richardson / #29360 / cover Ofcr Worthington / #44630 / cover Sgt Frankus / #37943 / SERT Sgt Klauzer / #52113 / patrol supervisor NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME STEINER, CHAD D (37932) 03/08/2018 0325 SUBJECT NARRATIVE On 03-08-2018 at 0448 hours, Ofcr Jungling and I were dispatched to 806 SW King Ave, to assist Central Precinct officers who had just been involved in an exchange of gunfire with a female burglary suspect, who had barricaded herself in a shed beneath the back porch of the home. We arrived at the intersection of W. Burnside St and SW King Ave at 0500 hours. I deployed with my AR-15 rifle, and walked southbound on SW King Ave until I reached the front of the residence. I observed several officers clustered along the the northeastern corner of the residence attempting to talk to someone who was hidden from my view along the eastern side of the home. I took up a position behind a parked patrol SUV, which had been positioned on SW King Ave, about 20 feet off the southwestern corner of the residence. I had a view of the southern yard, and could clearly hear a woman screaming hysterically along the eastern side of the home, concealed from my view. Ofcr Richardson and Ofcr Worthington were present with me at this containment position. I maintained that position until SERT officers began to arrive, and relieve patrol officers of their positions. When SERT Sgt Frankus arrived at my position, he instructed me to follow him inside the residence, where I took up a position on the main floor's central hallway. I could hear the female suspect screaming hysterically, stating that she wanted to go to OHSU, and asking for someone to call 911. I could not see the woman, who was one floor below me. CNT negotiators could clearly be heard trying to make contact with the woman both my telephone, and by loud hail. The woman did not seem to be responding to anything the negotiator was saying. Eventually the woman was safely taken into custody by SERT officers, and I made my back to the East Precinct Mobile Command post. Sgt Klauzer PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 52/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL instructed Ofcr Jungling and I to store our tactical gear, and report back to the command post for further assignment. After we had secured our gear, Sgt Klauzer radioed that he was attempting to relieve East Night shift officers who were not currently assigned a task. We radioed that we had not been assigned anything, and he instructed us to return to the precinct and prepare our reports at 0750 hours. We returned to East Precinct and completed our reports as instructed. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 53/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #26 ASSIGNED TO RANK MOORE, GREGORY (51791) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 MOORE, GREGORY SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME MOORE, GREGORY (51791) 03/08/2018 0325 SUBJECT INITIAL CALL RESPONSE Ofc. Perez #56907 (Partner) Ofc. Shaw #28923 Ofc. Bender #27544 Ofc. Streed #54282 Ofc. Perry #51736 Ofc. Davidson #38108 (K9) A/Sgt. Weinberger #47656 On 3/7/18 at 2245 hours Ofc. Perez and I responded to a call at 806 SW King Ave that we eventually determined was a burglary, possibly by a female. We searched the house and the yard and did not locate anyone inside. Refer to case #18-77293 for the initial burglary call. Later in the same shift around 0325 hours Ofc. Perez and I were dispatched to another call at 806 SW King Ave regarding a female who was in the back yard of the residence. The call stated the caller could see the female in the stairwell that went down to the basement. When we arrived dispatch notified us the caller could no longer see the female and last saw her near the stairs. Ofc. Perez and I took position on the NE corner of the property looking into the backyard. I directed Ofc. Shaw and Ofc. Bender to go to the SW Corner of the property so we could get visual containment on the house. I then requested a K9 unit respond to help clear the house. I requested dispatch call the homeowner from the first burglary and have them come outside so we could clear the house. I heard Ofc. Shaw on the radio say the front doors of the house were wide open. Ofc. Streed took over our position at the NE corner of the property and Ofc. Perez and I went to the front of the house with Ofc. Shaw. Once the homeowners came outside and K9 arrived we began to clear the building. Ofc. Bender stayed on the south side of the house and Ofc. Streed stayed on the NE corner. Ofc. Perez, Ofc. Shaw, K9 Ofc. Davidson, A/Sgt. Weinberger, and I began to clear the residence. The front doors were open but did not appear to have been forced open. In the basement, on the first floor, and on the second floor we did not located any new signs of a burglary (besides the open front doors). On the top story we found a door open into a storage room. I knew we had closed the door after clearing the building the first time. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 54/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL The K9 also seemed to be getting a scent inside the room. I also noticed a wine glass on the floor that had not been there previously. In the room the insulation had been pulled down as if someone had climbed the wall into the attic space. Ofc. Davidson said he would get a pole camera to check the attic space. Ofc. Perez and I stayed at the storage room on the top floor to make sure no one came out of the attic before Ofc. Davidson returned with the camera. Ofc. Shaw, A/Sgt. Weinberger, and K9 Ofc. Davidson went and began clearing the backyard. I then heard over the radio they were challenging a subject in the backyard. I then heard several gun shots. Once we were able to determine the officers' location and a safe exit Ofc. Perez and I exited the house through the front door. I climbed the fence on the north side of the residence where Ofc. Shaw and others were. Ofc. Perry and I then went inside the residence to cover the back door leading to the porch to make sure the suspect did not reenter the house. There I heard several more shots. I could faintly hear a female screaming. At one point I heard her scream something similar to she would shoot officers. I also heard an officer giving commands for her to drop the gun. I remained in the house until I was directed by SERT to withdraw outside. See other reports for more. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 55/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #27 ASSIGNED TO RANK STREED, TORREY (54282) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 STREED, TORREY SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME STREED, TORREY (54282) 03/08/2018 1124 SUBJECT CALL INVOLVEMENT I self-dispatched to a call at the above listed location. Refer to Detective Dolby's and Detective McCormick's interview report for details. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 56/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #28 ASSIGNED TO RANK ANDERSON, ERIN K (22178) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL: ADMINISTRATION 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 ANDERSON, ERIN K SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY AUTHOR DATE/TIME ANDERSON, ERIN K (22178) 03/08/2018 1045 SUBJECT DETECTIVE INTERVIEW I was interviewed by detectives in relation to my role in this case. Refer to detectives report(s) for details. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 57/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #29 ASSIGNED TO RANK BENDER, ROBERT A (27544) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 BENDER, ROBERT A SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BENDER, ROBERT A (27544) 03/08/2018 1130 SUBJECT DET. INTERVIEW I was interviewed by detectives in regard to this investigation. Refer to detectives reports. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 58/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #30 ASSIGNED TO RANK WELLS, CASSANDRA M (47315) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 WELLS, CASSANDRA M SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME WELLS, CASSANDRA M (47315) 03/08/2018 0720 SUBJECT CRIME SCENE LOG I was assigned to Central Precinct day shift working in uniform. I responded to SW King and SW Yamhill to assist with the crime scene at 806 SW King. I was responsible for the crime scene log from 0720 hours until 0900 hours. Officer Honl relieved me and took over the crime scene log at 0900 hours. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 59/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #31 ASSIGNED TO RANK SCHROEDER, MATTHEW J (47848) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 SCHROEDER, MATTHEW J SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME SCHROEDER, MATTHEW J (47848) 03/08/2018 1221 SUBJECT ROLE ON CRIME SCENE I responded to the crime scene involving the officer involved shooting at 806 SW King Ave. I blocked traffic on the outer permiter. I later entered the inner perimeter and relieved OFC Quinsland briefly. I watched a pistol on the ground behind the listed address. It was not disturbed. OFC Quinsland relieved me. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 60/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #32 ASSIGNED TO RANK WEINBERGER, BENSON W (47656) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 WEINBERGER, BENSON W SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME WEINBERGER, BENSON W (47656) 03/08/2018 1230 SUBJECT RESPONSE TO CALL On 03-08-18 at approximately 0325 hours, I responded to 806 SW King Ave on a dispatched call. See my interview with detectives for additional. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 61/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #33 ASSIGNED TO RANK DAVIDSON, BENJAMIN J (38108) ORG UNIT CAPACITY TOD: CANINE UNIT 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 DAVIDSON, BENJAMIN J SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME DAVIDSON, BENJAMIN J (38108) 03/08/2018 0325 SUBJECT WITNESS OFCR INVOLVED SHOOTING I responded to 806 SW King Ave, to perform a K9 search for a possible burglar at the residence. See Detective's Interview Report for details. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 62/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #34 ASSIGNED TO RANK GRADWAHL, CHAD E (35226) ORG UNIT CAPACITY TOD: GANG ENFORCEMENT TEAM 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 GRADWAHL, CHAD E SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME GRADWAHL, CHAD E (35226) 03/08/2018 1237 SUBJECT SECURED GUN DURING CUSTODY I responded to a SERT call-out from home. The page went off at 0443. Upon arrival Ofc Sparling and I were given permission from the CIC to approach the custody team. I approached Sgt Smith who gave me a short description of the scene. The female inside the storage area had shot towards officers and they had returned fire. I asked Sgt Smith if he was good with us taking over lethal cover on the shed, he was good with that. Ofc Sparling took over lethal cover on the 2/3 corner of the house. As I was trying to coordinate other SERT members arrivals, the female began shouting that she was going to shoot again and that we know what's going to happen. I assisted Sparling as a second lethal cover. We were both on our knees behind Central shields. Eventually officers were able to cover the open storage doorway from a better position from atop a building. Officer Sparling and I backed from our position and gave up lethal cover. Right before custody, Ofc Harris said he observed the female push the gun away from her and described it as being on the right side of the doorway. She was still on the left side of the doorway. I believed we had an opportunity to approach her and prevent her from re-acquiring the gun. I told Sgt McConnell of my thoughts over the air. Officer Corno and he quickly came to our position. The tactic was approved by the CIC. Officer Corno quickly put together the order of approach. Sgt McConnell gave us the order to go. She was laying on her belly still on the left side of the doorway. I approached her first and grabbed her left wrist, which was closes to the doorway. I handed the wrist to Officer Sparling. I then grabbed the gun with two fingers at the bottom of the grip and stepped out. I place the gun on the ground near the dirt area, about ten feet from the shed. Officer Sparling and Officer Hoerauf drug her out of the shed and handcuffed her. SERT Medics immediately began providing medical attention to her. As they worked on her it became evident that the gun was getting in the way. Sgt Defrain picked up the gun and took it away to allow them room to work.I responded to a SERT call-out from home. The page went off at 0443. Upon arrival Ofc Sparling and I were given permission from the CIC to approach the custody team. I approached Sgt Smith who gave me a short description of the scene. The female inside the storage area had shot towards officers and they had returned fire. I asked Sgt Smith if he was good with us taking over lethal cover on the shed, he was good with that. Ofc Sparling took over lethal cover on the 2/3 corner of the house. As I was trying to coordinate other SERT members arrivals, the female began shouting that she was going to shoot again and that we know what's going to happen. I assisted Sparling as a second lethal cover. We were both on our PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 63/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL knees behind Central shields. Eventually officers were able to cover the open storage doorway from a better position from atop a building. Officer Sparling and I backed from our position and gave up lethal cover. Right before custody, Ofc Harris said he observed the female push the gun away from her and described it as being on the right side of the doorway. She was still on the left side of the doorway. I believed we had an opportunity to approach her and prevent her from re-acquiring the gun. I told Sgt McConnell of my thoughts over the air. Officer Corno and he quickly came to our position. The tactic was approved by the CIC. Officer Corno quickly put together the order of approach. Sgt McConnell gave us the order to go. She was laying on her belly still on the left side of the doorway. I approached her first and grabbed her left wrist, which was closes to the doorway. I handed the wrist to Officer Sparling. I then grabbed the gun with two fingers at the bottom of the grip and stepped out. I place the gun on the ground near the dirt area, about ten feet from the shed. Officer Sparling and Officer Hoerauf drug her out of the shed and handcuffed her. SERT Medics immediately began providing medical attention to her. As they worked on her it became evident that the gun was getting in the way. Sgt Defrain picked up the gun and took it away to allow them room to work. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 64/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #35 ASSIGNED TO RANK SHARP, STEVEN M (42660) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 SHARP, STEVEN M SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME SHARP, STEVEN M (42660) 03/08/2018 1127 SUBJECT NARRATIVE I was ordered to the area of SW Yamhill and SW King Ave. on an officer involved shooting. My first assignment was to block traffic at SW Park Pl. and SW Vista Ave. Once I was relieved from that post, I was ordered to SW King Ave. and SW Taylor St. to block traffic and guard the listed vehicle until FED was done processing the vehicle. I stayed at this location blocking traffic until I was relieved. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 65/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #36 ASSIGNED TO RANK TOWNLEY, JAMES M (49848) ORG UNIT CAPACITY NORTH: STREET CRIMES UNIT 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 TOWNLEY, JAMES M SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME TOWNLEY, JAMES M (49848) 03/08/2018 0443 SUBJECT DAMAGE TO PROPERTY On the listed date and time I was assigned to the Tactical Operations Division, Special Emergency Reaction Team. I responded to a SERT activation at approximately 0443 to 806 SW King Ave. I had information that a female hiding under the back stairs of the location fired a handgun at police while they were investigating a burglary call. On arrival I was given the assignment to establish containment on the east side of the location. I located a gated driveway just east of the house. The driveway was below the female's location; two retaining walls provided cover to the driveway. I attempted to access the driveway by opening the gate but it was locked. Based on the totality of the circumstances I determined that it was necessary to take a position in the driveway so that I could effectively contain the female and keep surrounding neighbors safe. I used a pry tool to open the gate and gain access to the driveway; in doing so I damaged the lock on the gate. No other damage was caused. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 66/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #37 ASSIGNED TO RANK CORNO, RUSSELL J (26712) ORG UNIT CAPACITY TOD: GANG ENFORCEMENT TEAM 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 CORNO, RUSSELL J SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME CORNO, RUSSELL J (26712) 03/08/2018 1337 SUBJECT CUSTODY OF SUBJECT AFTER SHOOT ADDITIONAL OFFICERS Sgt McConnell #28715 Ofc C Gradwahl #35226 Ofc Hoerauf #51230 Ofc Sparling #45515 NARRATIVE On 030818 at about 0443 hours, I responded to 806 SW King AVE as a member of SERT to assist Central precinct with a armed barricaded subject. While enroute to the call we were advised that there had been a exchange of gunfire with the subject on more than one occasion. On scene I meet with Sgt. Mconnell, who directed me to move forward and coordinate the SERT custody team. I made my way to the above location and meet with SERT and central officers at the 2/3 corner of the main residence. I received a brief and took a look at the location the subject was located in. We then assigned roles and relieved central of all custody responsibility. We continued to work on improving containment as CNT utilized a portable loud hail system to communicate with the subject. She never seemed to respond to them but only continued to yell. During this time she made threats to kill officers multiple times. After we were on scene additional SERT officers made it into the main residence looking down on the subjects location. They could see the handgun and the subject, keeping us updated on her proximity to the firearm. While we continued with negotiation attempts we continued to look at several potential options to safely resolve the call. While discussing options with Sgt. McConnell, the officers inside advised that the gun just got pushed further away from the subject. With this new information Officer Gradwahl advised he believed they could move forward and gain control of the firearm and subject. Both myself and Sgt. McConnell agreed and moved back to the team to assist. Sgt. McConnell worked with command for approval and I assigned roles to the custody team. Ofc. Sparling and Hoerauf were going hands with the subject and Ofc. Gradwahl was assigned to be lethal cover. We also had tasers and 40mm less lethal immediately available right behind us. Sgt. McConnell with approval from command directed us to execute the plan and we moved forward. At the opening to the space, the hands on team gained control of the subject. Ofc Gradwahl moved the gun out and away from the initial contact location keeping it away from her. Once secured SERT medics on scene began PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 67/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL to treat the subject for her injuries. a quick assessment was made and then with assistance from SERT officers our medics placed her on a emergency litter and moved her to a ambulance out front. We then began to secure the crime scene under Sgt. McConnells direction and I had no further contact with the subject. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 68/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #38 ASSIGNED TO RANK HONL, CALEB M (52153) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 HONL, CALEB M SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME HONL, CALEB M (52153) 03/08/2018 1441 SUBJECT NARRATIVE I was assaigned to the inner perimeter crime scene log at 0900 hours. I relieved Ofc. Wells. I was then relieved by Ofc. Quinsland at 1250 hours Nothing further PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 69/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #39 ASSIGNED TO RANK LEWTON, RYAN S (34674) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 LEWTON, RYAN S SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME LEWTON, RYAN S (34674) 03/08/2018 1442 SUBJECT NARRATIVE 8. I interviewed WI/Kelley while blocking traffic at the scene of the incident. Kelley told me that she was sleeping when she awoke to gun shots between 0300 and 0330. She told me that she heard a volly of 12 gun shots and then a pause. She then heard more guns shots. She believed that she heard about 20 guns shots in total. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 70/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #40 ASSIGNED TO RANK HUGHES, JOHN K (45063) ORG UNIT CAPACITY TRANSIT POLICE 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 HUGHES, JOHN K SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME HUGHES, JOHN K (45063) 03/08/2018 1452 SUBJECT NARRATIVE OFC Artman (Gresham PD/Partner) My partner and I assisted, on above major incident, by first responding to NW 22 AVE and NW Davis ST., from 0603 hrs to 0737 hrs. Once the perimeter was scaled back we reported to SW Clara Vista and SW Yamhill ST. We blocked that intersection from 0737 hrs until we were relieved at 0827 hrs. Nothing further. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 71/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #41 ASSIGNED TO RANK QUINSLAND, ALEXANDER (50817) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 QUINSLAND, ALEXANDER SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME QUINSLAND, ALEXANDER (50817) 03/08/2018 1456 SUBJECT CRIME SCENE COVERAGE I responded to SW King Ave / SW Yamhill St regarding this incident. Upon arrival I was tasked to assist Sgt. Hull and Sgt. McConnell with SERT. I stood by at 806 SW King Ave until SERT had taken the female into custody. Sgt. McConnell then detailed me to stay at the location near the NE corner of the house to keep watch over the crime scene. I remained at that location until I was relieved by Detectives. I then remained at the scene at and assisted with crime scene containment. At 12:50 I relieved Ofc. Honl of maintaining the crime scene log. I maintained the crime scene log until the conclusion of the crime scene. I then gave the crime scene log to detectives. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 72/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #42 ASSIGNED TO RANK OLDHAM, JACKSON (55188) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 OLDHAM, JACKSON SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME OLDHAM, JACKSON (55188) 03/08/2018 0325 SUBJECT CRIME SCENE TAPE Partner Officer: Barth #51204 Relief Officer: Schroeder #47848 Sergeants: Schell #32700, McConnell #28715, Baxter #37132 On 03/08/18 at approximately 0510 hours, I was contacted by Central Precinct Desk personnel and notified that I was being called in to assist with an active shooting situation. I arrived at work and checked in with Sgt. Schell who assigned my partner and I to the incident. Officer Barth and I arrived at the scene and were directed to the area to SW King Ave and SW Yamhill St. to assist SERT personnel. We arrived just as SERT took the subject into custody. Officer Barth was directed to ride with the subject in the ambulance to the hospital. See his report for further. Sgt. McConnell directed me to begin placing crime scene tape around the inner crime scene once the SERT vehicles had been removed. I secured crime scene tape at the east and west boundaries of SW Yamhill St. between SW King Ave. and SW 21st Ave. Sgt. McConnell than asked me to post at the eastern edge of the inner crime scene. I provided my information to Officer Wells for the crime-scene log. I was briefly relieved by Officer Schroeder. I remained at this position until told by Sgt. Baxter to break down the perimeter. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 73/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #43 ASSIGNED TO RANK OTTOMAN, KERRI L (29213) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 OTTOMAN, KERRI L SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME OTTOMAN, KERRI L (29213) 03/08/2018 0704 SUBJECT CRIME SCENE Radio call to SW King and SW Yamhill to assist on an Officer involved crime scene. I arrived and contacted Sgt Engen #29983. He tasked me to monitor the inner crime scene on the south side of 806 SW King Ave. I stayed at this location until approximately 1245 hours. At 1345 hours I relieved Officer Sharp at SW King and SW Taylor on the southern end of the crime scene and was at that location until the scene was complete. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 74/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #44 ASSIGNED TO RANK BARTH, DUSTIN (51204) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 BARTH, DUSTIN SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BARTH, DUSTIN (51204) 03/08/2018 1337 SUBJECT NARRATIVE On 03/08/2018 at about 0743, Ofc. Oldham and I responded to 806 SW King Ave, to the report of an officer involved shooting. Upon arriving, we were directed to assist with the perimeter, at the intersection of SW King/ SW Yamhill. About the time Ofc. Oldham and I arrived at the intersection, SERT advised they had just taken the suspect into custody. I observed the suspect, who was later identified as Sarah Brown, being carried in a flexible stretcher by SERT officers. Brown was then placed onto an AMR stretcher and loaded into the ambulance. Det. Kammerer requested I ride with Brown to the hospital, which I did. While enroute I observed a cell phone tucked under Brow's t-shirt, laying on her chest. I requested the SERT medic to remove that from her shirt so I could place it into a property bag, which I did. While enroute to OHSU Brown appeared to be in a significant amount of pain. She was screaming and yelling from the pain the whole ride to the hospital. I observed what appeared to be a gun shot wound to Brow's right leg just above the knee cap. There were two wounds that appeared to be an entrance and an exit wound. I also observed Brow's right index finger had been injured. Upon arriving at OHSU she informed staff of her name and date of birth. Medical staff asked her if she had taken anything and she said," I used some crystal Brow's last night, and marijuana." Upon arriving at OHSU, medical staff removed her clothing and placed them into two brown paper bags. They informed me they located a .40 cal., S&W Speer hallow point, silver unspent cartridge under Brown's bra on the left side of her chest. They found $187.00 dollars in US currency, 8-$20.00, 1-$10.00, 3-$5.00, 2-1.00, under her clothing at the small of her back. They also found a blue bag containing marijuana and a small silver metal pipe along with two miscellaneous papers, one pink in color the other black. These items were placed into property, property receipt #A060439. Medical staff informed me it appeared the bullet that struck Brown in the leg was still connected to her clothing. They removed it from her clothing and placed it into a plastic container. They also placed the unspent cartridge into a plastic container. Both items were placed into property, property receipt #A060440. While at OHSU, Crim. Shearer and Sgt Morris from FED, responded to OHSU, to take photographs and collect evidence. I had taken photographs of all the PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 75/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL property prior to releasing it to Crim. Shearer. See Crim. Shearer's report regarding the chain of custody for the evidence. While at the OHSU, I heard Brown mention a male subject was with her and she was concerned about his well being. She asked if he was shot and if he was going to make it. The nurse informed me Brown told her the reason the incident happened today was because she was trying to get out . I did not hear anything regarding this due to the fact they had closed the door to Brown's room because of her screaming and swearing in pain. I stayed at OHSU until 1625 hours, when I was relieved by Ofc. Pahlke of afternoons. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 76/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #45 ASSIGNED TO RANK PAHLKE, TIMOTHY D (29378) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 PAHLKE, TIMOTHY D SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME PAHLKE, TIMOTHY D (29378) 03/08/2018 1916 SUBJECT PRISONER DETAIL I was assigned to prisoner detail for BROWN, #18-77451, from 1600-1900 and was relieved by Ofc Weber. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 77/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #46 ASSIGNED TO RANK DEFRAIN, JAMES P (44436) ORG UNIT CAPACITY NORTH 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 DEFRAIN, JAMES P SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/08/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME DEFRAIN, JAMES P (44436) 03/08/2018 0325 SUBJECT SUPPLEMENTAL On the listed date, I responded as a member of SERT/EDU to a call of a female who had shot at police and was hiding inside a small crawlspace in a backyard. The call ended when SERT officers saw an opportunity to grab the gun, which was some distance from the female, and take her into custody. I trailed behind several officers who were completing that task. I saw Ofc. Chad Gradwahl place a bloody pistol on the ground near a tree on the north side of the yard. The pistol was brown on the bottom and I believe the slide was black. Officers pulled the woman into the open where they could take her safely into custody and provide her medical care. I saw officers nearly step on the pistol, which had a closed slide and was in an unknown condition several times. In order to secure the gun and keep others from stepping on it, I picked it up using gloves and walked it over to the Bearcat armor while medical worked on the female. After the female was carried out of the backyard and it became clear, I walked the gun back and placed it near the spot I had originally picked it up. I did not attempt to clear or verify the gun was loaded. I informed Ofc. Quinsland, who was guarding the crime scene of the location of the gun and left the crime scene. See other officers reports for additional. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 78/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #47 ASSIGNED TO RANK BIEKER, JUSTIN P (54042) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/09/2018 BIEKER, JUSTIN P SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/09/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BIEKER, JUSTIN P (54042) 03/09/2018 0006 SUBJECT GUARD DETAIL I relieved Ofc. Weber from guard duty. From 2200- 2245. Nothing further. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 79/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #48 ASSIGNED TO RANK HOLMGREN, MICHAEL (56694) ORG UNIT CAPACITY NORTH 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/09/2018 HOLMGREN, MICHAEL SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/09/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME HOLMGREN, MICHAEL (56694) 03/09/2018 0602 SUBJECT NARRATIVE On the above listed date and time I ) at OHSU in the 13th floor (#54042) at approximately 2300hrs. (#54919) and Ofc. Brostean (#56548) was detailed to guard Sarah Brown (DOBtrauma unit. I relieved Ofc. Bieker I was relieved by Ofc. Gillingham at 0400hrs. Brown seemed to be complaint with hospital staff during my time and I had minimal verbal contact with her. Nothing further. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 80/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #49 ASSIGNED TO RANK BROSTEAN, LUCAS W (56548) ORG UNIT CAPACITY NORTH 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/09/2018 BROSTEAN, LUCAS W SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/09/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BROSTEAN, LUCAS W (56548) 03/09/2018 0715 SUBJECT OHSU GUARD DUTY At 0400 hrs, myself and my partner, Ofc Gillingham, relieved Ofc Holmgren of prisoner watch duty. We watched the prisoner until 0700 without incident. Ofc Schroeder relieved us at 0700. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 81/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #50 ASSIGNED TO RANK ENGEN, MATTHEW P (29983) ORG UNIT CAPACITY TRANSIT POLICE 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY SUBMITTED ON 03/09/2018 ENGEN, MATTHEW P APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/09/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME ENGEN, MATTHEW P (29983) 03/08/2018 1500 SUBJECT PERIMETER SUPERVISOR STATEMENT I responded equipment to the rated shield and were surrounding to the area of the shooting in order to provide additional Officers onscene shortly after 0615. I brought a rifle two Polarian lights and handed them off to Officers who the house. I was then requested to provide EAP/Peer Support to the Central Precinct Officers who had been involved and/or witnessed the earlier use of force. I performed that role along with other Peer Support team members as they began to arrive. A short time later, the suspect was taken into custody. I was then directed by Cmdr Sheffer to assume supervisor control of the crime scene around the target house. I went directly to the house and contact SERT Sgt McConnell and received a briefing from him. Red crime scene tape had already secured SW Yamhill St along the north side of the house. SERT personnel were in the process of driving their armored vehicles out of the area on SW Yamhill and removing a large rolling ballistic shield. Two uniformed Central precinct Officers were already posted in the area of SW Yamhill (adjacent to the house) and at the northeast corner of the house itself. I assumed supervisor control of the uniformed police assets at the scene from Sgt McConnell at 0715. I secured the west and south side of the house/yard with red tape. I direct Officer C. Wells to establish a crime scene log of all persons who entered inside the red tape from that point forward. At 0818, I assumed supervisor control of the uniformed perimeter officers from Sgt Klauser. Officers established restrict area access via yellow crime tape and marked police vehicles in a one block radius around the target house. It should be noted that the exterior perimeter had been significantly larger during the tactical portion of this event, but the investigative response required a reduced footprint. A short time later, I was informed by a perimeter officer that a truck in the parking lot directly south of the house had been prowled and a pistol stolen. I directed the area around the truck to be taped off and I posted an Officer to secure it until Detectives and Criminalists could process it. I ensured proper scene control was maintained during my watch, and only the family associated with the house and police related personnel were permitted inside the inner crime scene. The above described people were all PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 82/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL noted on the log. At 1250, I was relieved by Sgt Baxter. Prior to leaving I provided her a briefing on the location and status of all uniformed personnel under my watch. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 83/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #51 ASSIGNED TO RANK WALTERS, JASON L (33522) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/09/2018 WALTERS, JASON L SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/09/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME WALTERS, JASON L (33522) 03/09/2018 0845 SUBJECT GUARD DUTY At 0845 today I relieved Officer Schroeder #47848 in guarding Sarah Brown, who is in police custody, at OHSU. At one point I moved the shackle from Ms Brown's left ankle to her right so hospital staff could assist her in using the restroom. Nothing else of note occurred during my watch. Officers Miller #35819 and Mayer #57226 relieved me from this post at 1105. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 84/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #52 ASSIGNED TO RANK SHAW, DARRELL W (BILL) (28923) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/09/2018 SHAW, DARRELL W (BILL) SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/09/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME SHAW, DARRELL W (BILL) (28923) 03/09/2018 1459 SUBJECT UNK On the 8th of March 2018 at approximately 0430 at 806 SW King Ave I was involved in an incident involving the use of deadly force. For a more detailed account of the incident, refer to the continuation of this report provided in the form of oral statement(s) to be given to detectives, Internal Affairs and/or Grand Jury. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 85/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #53 ASSIGNED TO RANK AZIZ, KYLE A (FORMER EMPLOYEE) (56633) ORG UNIT CAPACITY NORTH 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/10/2018 AZIZ, KYLE A (FORMER EMPLOYEE) SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/10/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME AZIZ, KYLE A (FORMER EMPLOYEE) (56633) 03/09/2018 2345 SUBJECT OHSU GUARD DUTY On March 9, 2018 from 2345 to approximately 0245 on March 10, 2018 I was on guard duty. I was guarding Sarah Brown in room one floor 13 at OHSU. I was relieved by Officer Nelson. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 86/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #54 ASSIGNED TO RANK NELSON, NORMAN D (FORMER EMPLOYEE) (20198) ORG UNIT CAPACITY NORTH 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/10/2018 NELSON, NORMAN D (FORMER EMPLOYEE) SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/10/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME NELSON, NORMAN D (FORMER EMPLOYEE) (20198) 03/10/2018 0549 SUBJECT GUARD DUTY AT OHSU Item 8: Narrative On this date, I was assigned to guard prisoner, Sarah Brown, at OHSU. I took over guard duty around 2am from Off. Aziz and was relieved by Off. Gillingham at approximately 0540hrs. I noticed nothing of importance during my assignment. Cleared. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 87/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #55 ASSIGNED TO RANK BRAUN, PETER (55152) ORG UNIT CAPACITY NORTH 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/10/2018 BRAUN, PETER SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/10/2018 03/10/2018 KELLY, J PATRICK (FORMER EMPLOYEE) NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BRAUN, PETER (55152) 03/10/2018 0733 SUBJECT HOSPITAL GUARD DUTY On 3/9/18 at 1300 hours I relieved Officers Mayer and Miller on guard duty of Sarah Brown outside of Room 13A 1 at Oregon Health and Science University Hospital. When I arrived medical staff were speaking with Brown. Nothing significant happened until approximately 1400 when Detectives Broughton and Beniga arrived to interview Brown. At this same time one of Browns treating physicians Dr. Haupt arrived and spoke with Detectives regarding possible identifying information for Brown. At approximately 1500 hours I was relieved by Officer Trummer. Nothing further. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 88/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #56 ASSIGNED TO RANK GILLINGHAM, NICHOLAAS S (54919) ORG UNIT CAPACITY NORTH 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/10/2018 GILLINGHAM, NICHOLAAS S SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/10/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME GILLINGHAM, NICHOLAAS S (54919) 03/10/2018 0747 SUBJECT GUARD DUTY On 3/10/17 at 0540 I relieved OFC NELSON #20198 of guard duty at OHSU for subject BROWN. I was relieved by Central Precinct OFC BRAUN #55152 at 0730. No further information. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 89/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #57 ASSIGNED TO RANK SCHROEDER, MATTHEW J (47848) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/10/2018 SCHROEDER, MATTHEW J SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/10/2018 03/10/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME SCHROEDER, MATTHEW J (47848) 03/10/2018 0749 SUBJECT HOSPITAL GUARD I guarded Sara BROWN at OHSU on 03/09/18 from 0708 to 0845 hours. She had no visitors and made no statements. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 90/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #58 ASSIGNED TO RANK BRAUN, PETER (55152) ORG UNIT CAPACITY NORTH 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/10/2018 BRAUN, PETER SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/10/2018 03/10/2018 MIRAU, STEPHEN L NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BRAUN, PETER (55152) 03/10/2018 0745 SUBJECT HOSPITAL GUARD DUTY On 3/10/18 at approximately 0725 hours I relieved Officer Gillingham on guard duty of Sarah Brown in room 13A 1 of Oregon Health and Science University Hospital. Brown was conscious and complaining of being in pain on my arrival. At 1005 Officer Ellison arrived and we unshackled Brown so she could work with the physical therapy team. After they were done walking Brown I resecured Brown's shackles and cleared at approximately 1020 hours. Nothing further. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 91/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #59 ASSIGNED TO RANK MILLER, HERBERT P (35819) ORG UNIT CAPACITY OSU: OPERATIONAL SUPPORT UNIT/TRU 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/10/2018 MILLER, HERBERT P SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/10/2018 03/10/2018 MICHAELSON, DAVID K NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME MILLER, HERBERT P (35819) 03/09/2018 1300 SUBJECT GUARD DUTY AT OHSU On 03/09/2018 from 1100 to 1300, my partner (Mayer #57276) and I performed guard duty at OHSU on the listed suspect. Nothing noteworthy occurred during this time. The suspect remained cuffed at the ankle to her bed and was attended to from time to time by staff. Nothing further. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 92/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #60 ASSIGNED TO RANK ELLISON, MARK A (52981) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/10/2018 ELLISON, MARK A SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/10/2018 03/10/2018 KELLY, J PATRICK (FORMER EMPLOYEE) NOTES AUTHOR DATE/TIME ELLISON, MARK A (52981) 03/10/2018 1305 SUBJECT GUARD DUTY 8-At 1005 hours this morning I reported for guard duty at section 13A Rm 1 at OHSU. Nothing significant happened. I was replaced by Ofc Damerville at 1305 hours. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 93/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #61 ASSIGNED TO RANK YOSHIMURA, RANDAL S (24583) ORG UNIT CAPACITY FORENSICS: 2-FORENSIC UNIT PROCESSING ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/11/2018 YOSHIMURA, RANDAL S SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/11/2018 03/13/2018 MCMURRAY, SHAWNDA L NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME YOSHIMURA, RANDAL S (24583) 03/11/2018 0844 SUBJECT SCENE EVIDENCE Evidence: PER A089803 items delivered to Central Satellite Property on 3/11/18 Item 1: (Placard 27) pistol, Smith & Wesson, M&P 40, sn/HKT9954, green/black; Springfield, MA, USA; from backyard landscaped area Item 2: (Placard 27) one round, Speer .40 S&W; from chamber of above listed pistol Item 3: (Placard 27) magazine [damaged] containing approximately seven rounds [top two rounds are Speer .40 S&W - unable to unload remaining rounds without correcting damage at top of magazine]; from above listed pistol PER A089804 items delivered to Central Satellite Property on 3/11/18 Item 1: two swabs; used to sample blood stains on pistol referenced with (Placard 27) Item 2: (Placard 28) spent casing, 9mm Luger FC; from backyard lawn Item 3: (Placard 31) bullet jacketing; on ground near entrance to storage room Item 4: (Placard 32) two rounds, 2 x Speer S&W .40; from storage room floor near entrance Item 5: (Placard 33) one round, Speer S&W .40; from storage room floor near entrance Item 6: (Placard 34) spent casing, Speer S&W.40; from storage room Item 7: (Placard 36) bullet jacketing; from storage room Item 8: (Placard 39) spent casing, 9mm Luger FC; from bushes in backyard PER A089805 items delivered to Central Satellite Property on 3/11/18 Item 1: (Placard 40) spent casing, 9mm Luger FC; from bushes in backyard Item 2: (Placard 41) two bullet fragments; from bacckyard landscaped area Item 3: (Placard 43) bullet; from basement floor Item 4: (Placard 44) spent casing, 9mm Luger FC; from backyard lawn Item 5: (Placard 45) bullet jacketing; from backyard bushes Item 6: (Placard 55) spent casing, Speer S&W .40; from storage room floor Item 7: (Placard 57) spent casing, Speer S&W.40; from storage room floor PER A089806 items delivered to Central Satellite Property on 3/11/18 Item 1: (Placard 29) red pail; from backyard lawn Item 2: (Placard 30) red gas can, Blitz; from ground near entrance to storage room Item 3: (Placard 35) cell phone, Samsung, blue, Galaxy S4 w/case; from storage room floor Item 4: (Placard 37) shovel; from backyard near stairs to back porch Item 5: (Placard 42) hard hat; from back porch Item 6: (Placard 46) one white knit sock; from arborvitae lining south property line Item 7: (Placard 47 map; from ground below arborvitae lining south property line Item 8: (Placard 48) black bracelet; from ground below arborvitae lining south property line PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 94/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PER A089807 items delivered to Central Satellite Property on 3/11/18 Item 1: (Placard 48) suspected Marijuana in baggie [2.6g weighed with baggie]; from ground below arborvitae lining south property line Item 2: (Placard 49) cordless phone handset, Panasonic; from storage room floor Item 3: (Placard 50) holster, black, Hell-Bent; from storage room floor Item 4: (Placard 51) knee pad, Leatherhead XL; from storage room floor Item 5: (Placard 52) notebook "Contech Services, Inc." with papers and cards for: Steve BUSH and Jason CAPPELLETTI; from storage room floor Item 6: (Placard 53) right boot, Thorogood, brown, size 11; from storage room floor Item 7: (Placard 54) left boot, Thorogood, brown, size 11; from storage room floor Item 8: (Placard 58) plastic bottle, Crystal Geyser; from storage room floor PER A089808 items delivered to Central Satellite Property on 3/11/18 Item 1: (Placard 38) duffle bag containing clothing (2 shirts, sweat pants, jacket, safety vest, socks, glove), lotion, honey, and mascara; from backyard near storage room Item 1B: ODL Brittany STOFIEL ; from above listed duffle bag Item 1C: Mastercard Debit; from above listed duffle bag Item 1D: military notebook bearing name: VALDEZ; from above listed duffle bag PER A089809 items delivered to Central Satellite Property on 3/11/18 Item 1: (Placard 31) headband, eye patch, and legal pad; from ground near entrance to storage room PER A089810 items delivered to Central Satellite Property on 3/11/18 Item 1: two swabs; used to sample blood from hard hat that was referenced with placard 42 Placarded Items Photographed only: Placard A1: defect in exterior surface of basement window that faces backyard Placard A2: defect in interior surface of basement window that faces backyard (opposite side of defect A1) Placard A3: defect in interior wall of room with broken window Placard A4: defect in interior wall of room with broken window Placard B (exterior): defect in tree in backyard Placard B (interior): cordless phone charger Placard C1: perforation in interior surface of storage room door Placard C2: defect in exterior surface of storage room door Placard C3: defect in edge (latch side) of storage room door Placard D & E: defects in exterior surface of storage room door frame Placards F, G, & N: defects in lawnmower in storage room Placards I, J, K, & L: defects in exterior surface of storage room wall near the door Narrative: On 3/8/18 at 0905 hours, Criminalist OUTHAYTHIP and I arrived at 806 SW King Avenue regarding an officer involved shooting investigation. We met with investigators including Detectives BROUGHTON, BENIGA, CLIFTON, KAMMERER, SLATER, and Sgt. HUGHES. Preliminary information was that 806 SW King was burglarized, and that Officers investigating the burglary exchanged gunfire with a subject in the backyard of the address. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 95/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL At the request of Detectives, we went to the mobile precinct that was at the scene. Inside of the mobile precinct, Criminalist OUTHAYTHIP and I did the round count for both of the officers that fired weapons. I took photographs of Officer SHAW to include his holstered pistol, the round chambered in the pistol, the magazine from the pistol, a magazine from his back pocket, the magazine from his lower magazine pouch, and the taser he had holstered. I photographed Officer WEBBER to include his holstered pistol, the round chambered in the pistol, the magazine from the pistol, two magazines in his magazine pouch, an AR-15 rifle, two rifle magazines, and the taser he had holstered. Criminalist OUTHAYTHIP collected evidence from Officers SHAW and WEBBER. After doing the round count, Detective CLIFTON led me through the burglary aspect at 806 SW King. The address is a large four level house that includes a basement. He pointed out the following items of note: a damaged window for the den that opens to the back porch - likely point of entry a picture of a dog that had been found on the floor near the coat hangers a cordless phone charger in the hallway near the master bedroom that was missing the handset (Placard B interior) a blanket on the floor of the attic that was moved from the den In addition to the burglary related items, Detective CLIFTON also showed me an apparent bullet defect in a east facing basement window (back side of house); and a bullet on the floor and defects in the wall of the same basement room that had the broken window. I photographed the scene to include the previously mentioned signs of burglary to 806 SW King; and the listed items of evidence referenced with placard numbers. Most of the evidence was in the area of the backyard, an alley to the north of the backyard, and an exterior storage room. The storage room is enclosed under the stairwell that allows access from the backyard up to the back porch. This storage room only has one access door - in the north wall of the room (the storage room door was referenced with placard 56 but it was not collected). Sgt. Morris; and Criminalists BECKER, SHEARER, WARE, and I collected the listed evidence. After the pistol listed on PER A089803 (placard 27) was collected, I swabbed blood stains on it and listed the evidence swabs on PER A089804. These stains tested positive for blood using Hemastix At the Forensic Evidence Division (FED) I processed the hard hat (PER A089806, placard 42) for latent prints in the following sequence: (1) cyanoacrylate fuming & visual examination, (2) Basic Yellow 40 & examination with a forensic light, (3) fingerprint powder & visual examination. After cyanoacrylate fuming, I photographed and then swabbed what appeared to be blood on the front of the hat (the stain was later confirmed to be blood using Hemastix). I listed the swabs on PER A089810. I also photographed a latent print on the underside of the bill of the hat. This latent print was referenced with placard "RY1." When I analyzed photographs of this latent, I determined that it had insufficient quantity and quality of details for me to individualize. I have no latent prints of value in this case. I delivered the collected evidence to the Central Satellite Property Room on 3/11/18. I entered all of the photographs that I took into DIMS. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 96/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 97/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2161274) PERS A089803-A089810 BUREAUOF POLICE 2619 NW INDUSTRIAL ST-,STE.84 PORTLAND,OREGON97210 503-823-2179 THIS RECEIPTMUST BE No.AoBgBo3.rhl,c n[f,i?l ry DATErI.IIVIE oNLYfE EVTDEN.E I 3ftE'{,rr PROPERTYTAKEN FROM: DENTED owNERsxrp I H O M EA D D R E S S lb(-c GAV€COPY?YESLJ NOL SEX DOB ztP STATE LASTNAME FIRST CITY M.I, SIGNATURE ztP PHONE S.rtrrr^W \f--. /r*r=t lNvEsllGATOF0FDTFFEBENT) Entt,v,,trrnl LASTNAI\IE DEFENDANT FIRST DPSSTIASSIGN I r-t-mvea ZU*Q t RACE SEX M.l DPSST/ASSTGN 4rttp'/A-> DOB SUSPECT FOHGUI-IS LISTMAKE, WPE,CAUBIR,M0DEL$ERIAL NUMBER(S},IMP0RTER & COUNTRY 0F0RlGlN. LISTONLY ITEM PERSELECTION. ONE I .i(ru*uo 2D Rs-ac-, Srt,rr+ T E M ,1 zD T E M .2 I I VOLUNTARTI.Y RELINQUISH Tr{E |TEM($) LTS1EDFOR SAFEKEEPING O€UVERINGOFFICER l;stl Qaa cr^\ ){.^u- T E M 3 I SAFEXE€PING I DOB SEX STATE LOCATION WHERESEIZED,FOUND,SURHENDEhED f f l9- 't74sl PRISONER's PROP. lvl.l ryP€ OF}NCIOEfiIT (*cnd P P BC A S EN O . raA FIRST crw HOIVEADDRESS BY AN APPRoPRIATEREPoRT R E F E RC A S EN O . I rounoPBoPERTY LASTNAME OWNEROF PROPERW HOURSOF OPERATION: 9:00 AM TO NOON & 1:OOPM TO 4:OOPM, M- PROPERryEUDENCE RECEIPT STLI\ FORPEDUSEONLY A# Ll}| s exTVs-lt crrr"4*6iqUP,J"rr>f*errt, Sraff t a Srhl) Ftu".I (no*w AffiixtAtr€y [-nDF lurto Ril^$CAR€'J>ER 4OSID - UiaEtFTo LtNl6) E j.* Pany',-rl I T E M 4 I T E M 5 T E M 6 I T E M 7 T E M 8 DELIVER€DTO: n $ATE CFIMELAB CHECKONEONLYU FED PROP.ROOM X PED EJ SATELLITE I onren DATE . RECEIVED BY CEoaz zltl,c DO NOTWRITEIN SPACEBELOW- FORPEDUSEONLY BY DATE TIME 07/12 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 98/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL BUREAUOF POLICE 2619 NW INDUSTRIAL ST.,STE.84 PORTLAND,OREGON97210 503-823-2179 THIS RECEIPTMUST BE ACCOI'9ANIEDBY AN APPROPRIATE REPORT ry losS 6, No.AoBsBo4glsfts A[i,iEl DATEITIME or-[v)M EV,DEN.E I 3ilE$,rr DENTED owNERsurp f] H O M EA D D R E S S FIRST CITY OWNEROF PROPERTY lQ- 11{st ll M.I. PROP, PRISONER'8 M.I. FIRST CITY | GAVECOPY?YESLI NO L SEX DOB DOB SEX SIGNATURE ztP STATE PHONE DELIVERING OFFICER lA LOCATION WHEHESSIZED,FOUND,SURRFNDEFED &nnruton) LASTNAME T DEFENDANT ?(.l(fllF/ii/t INVESTIGATOR(IFDTFFERENT) R^a G^t /,,Ie DPSS?ASS|GN I, 4oztr/,Dt/ tvl.l FIRST SEX RACE [] suspecr IIUMBER{S),IMPORTER FORGUilIS WPE,C{LIBfR,fvl00El,$ERIAL & COUNTRY 0F ORlGlN. LISTMAKE, ITEM PERSELECTION. LISTONLY ONE I Twd stMBR i us T E M ,1 I T) SiaPCe S@OAffim (?cacnoSt) &usr s 6>zHAc fuln I T E M 4 I E M 5 (P**.o (e^uq* 3t I I F O RP E DU S EO N L Y (ru,\) N@& 6SQaff ; on,6kd{4,{} P sfrulO I FPffi sio4aFrU,crvl I 4x SPe€? oN6 FdtND I sP@, 5th,q16 ; r8tr1 s7t2,f6rFt%'-14 s) sreNr?#tilg I stuz-- sr{^) tJo *w I T E M 6 T E se) riuo STL DOB Ptr,0c (freuA "l) Lu,* fu t frnrilekfffi GnaPazD sp€,Jr44erri6, 1mr4 T E M 2 I f\ T E M 3 DPSST/ASSIGN , Vrs^rrraauDa,t -\rlrr'r.rrAf | SAFEKEEPING I VOLUNTARILY RELINQUISH THE ITEM(S) LTSTEOFOR SAFEKEEPING ztP WPE OF INCIDENT A=DnzD tt STATE LASTNAME HOI\,4E ADDRESS P P BC A S EN O . R E F E RC A S EN O , I ToUNDPROPERTY LASTNAME PROPERTYTAKEN FROM: HOURSOF OPERATION: 9:00AM TO NOON& 1:00PM TO 4:00 PM, M-F PROPERW/EVIDENCE RECEIPT srrw-tr (Fc,ncleS-SD n,ccar ,TM€f r*(o j r\tm xt*fiKt,Eurn M 7 (go.oer> 3q) S--Te*tI enrrnL 1 FC 9,ra tuacL i T E M n ACXIIME\ TO: OELIVERED fl STATECRIMELAs ROOM n PED PROP. u-SATELLTTE CHECKONEONLYLI FED I ornen Pttt6 r,) PRECINCT & LOCKER# c6 022 rr 3i,,1 RECEIVED BY DO NOTWRITEIN SPACEBELOW- FORPEDUSEONLY RECEIVEB DY P E D DATE: VVNII E. BY NEUUhUD UUTY PINK- WITHPROPERTY YELLOW.CITIZENSRECEIPT TIME 07/12 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 99/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL BUREAUOF POLICE 2619 NW INDUSTRIAL ST.,STE. 84 PORTLAND,OREGON97210 503,823-2179 THIS RECEIPTMUSTBE ACCOMPANIEDBY AN APPROPRIATE REPORT DATEffTME No.A089805 glslrE frli,?H @ FIRST FIRST CITY l^r* $** SIGNATURE ztP PHONE Rn^uztt/^? FIRST M,I DPSST/ASSIGN / I 2at<9,?1fr?A ' fNVSSTIQATOR(lF DIFFEREI'IT) LASI NAI\iIE DEFENDANT DOB SEX Yoc't,*tu 2L f;iDA (, ; lt,^A I SAFEKEFPING I VOLUNTARILY RELINOUISH THE ITEM(S) LTSTEDFOR SAFEKEEPING ztP DELIVERING OFFICER rl <t*\/!. I DOB STATE LOCAT]ON WFIERESEIZED,FOUND,$URREND€RED T SEX M.I. TYPEOFTNCIOENT *ars,,r t____J PRISONERISPFOP. qAvEcoPY?vesfl noil STATE LASTNAME HOMEADDRESS l_ lvl.l. CITY OWNEROF PROPERW P P BC A S EN O . tg- 7 746 t rounoPRoPERTY LASTNAME D E N T EoDw N E R s n t p I HOI\,4E ADDRESS R E F E RC A S EN O rcs<6 oNLYfE EVTDEN.EI fiilE$,r, PROPERW TAKEN FROM: HOURSOF OPERATION: 9:00AM TO NOON& 1:00PM TO 4:00 PM, M-F PROPERryEUDENCERECEIPT DPSSTIASSIGN f ilozn,/f>er 'RACE 5Ex DOB I suspEcr M0DEL, SERTAL NUMBER(S), TMPoRTER &CoUNTRY 0FoRrGrN. rg_Eq|:|.tl.s. LL-SI.u4l!E,_rylE.q4LlB-FF, STL|\ LISTONTY ITEMPfR$ELECTIO}*. O].IE f) sruof;' c4sr^16, ?rttr'lLqGe Fc ; W T E M 1 I T E M 2 I T E M 3 I E M ,4 T E M 5 I T E M 6 (P.aon*>q t) ?lro tl\ [Pcrcle> {3) (?n.n^D{E (r,*aes {S) (p*o*o 5+ 0uit6 Fuctt€fi,:S , F&w e4Kfr"a4 Bttce r ; 4 Fpdr?] Easaaettr Flaan gaslN6t lrtn /ucFR FCi F"q?i J , Ftql B4rL€j ffiti{tt^y^ snn^mcdS^U , Sfrcayt(/ 4o; m,: sishl06Rcal I T E M 7 9}6d std.il10 ir?en $re*c, T E M I DELIVERED TO: FORPEDUSEONLY N STATECRIMELAB PHOP.ROOM .N PED BJ SATELUTE P R E C I N C T& L O C K E R # '\l,,tw RECEIVED BY cE 022^ I ornen cHEcKoNEoNLYI reo 4 DO NOTWRITEIN SPACEBELOW- FORPEDUSEONLY RECEIVED BYPED DATE: BY VVNIItr-HtrUUNUbUUTY PINK- WITHPROPERTY YELLOW.CITIZENSBECEIPT TIME: 07/12 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 100/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL BUREAUOF POLICE 2619 NW INDUSTRIAL ST.,STE.84 PORTLAND,OREGON97210 503-823-2179 THIS RECEIPTMUSTBE ACCOMPANIEDBY AN APPROPRIATE REPORT No.AoBsBo6D{Ei.rlME A[RiEl 3lRltq ontYftr E,DEN.E 3ilE1{,', PROPERTY T A K E NF R O M : | L A S TN A M E DENTED owNERsnrp ! H O I V EA D D R E S S e9 HOMEADDRESS |?.7TY-K r L_l M,I. FIRST CITY lrtl.) DOB SEX SIGNATURE ztP STATE PHONE DELI.VERING OFFICEH LASI NAI\iIE FIRST 1t SEX M,I RACE T E M 2 I T E M ,3 I T E M 4 I T E M -5 I T E M '6 I T E M .7 DOB SUSPECT STLI LISTONLY ITEM ONE PERSELECTION. T E M 1 DPSSr/ASSIGN \o-zldacy cluqEn,Il,r0oEl, SERffiNUltrBrR($), TMPoRTER &couNTRy 0FoRtcil*. foqquNs!l$J.s4rcrTYqL I DPSST/ASSIGN z,usFe/a (lF DIFFERENT) INVESTIGATOR Rturrprrns DEFENDANT , Vr..r,trna -Gr.-^.r-.,!^ LOQATIONWHERE SEIZED,FOUND, SUHHEND€HED f f I VOLUNTARILY BELINQUISH THE rTEM(S)LTSTEDFOR SAFEKEEPING ztP M.I. I SAFEKEFPTNG I GAVECOPY?YESLJ NO LJ SEX DOB STATE TYPEOF INCIDENT deatao P P BC A S EN O , PRISONER'S PROP. | FOUNDPFOPEFTY FIRST LASTNAME R E F E RC A S EN O to{Srpu CITY OWNEROF PROPERTY HOURSOF OPERATION: 9:00AM TO NOON& 1 : 0 0P M T O 4 : 0 0P M .M - F PROPERW/EVIDENCE RECEIPT FORPEDUSEONLY (Prcnno aq) fleo Pau- i tunt gacc/4A t:&N (Fuacaro n^ cail , lrtQ, Rtl; FzMr62totC4MP sr"UAtr Atgrn anffi,{1Y- (An*np* gil c€u luo^t6, S,,, Be.ur6t ,(auxy srlpfwFi 'trPax+r@tt*- Q*tn tr*{? 3D S#o/et-) ruzu (Oee.eeD(rt^"a*o Yz-)H^aoHqr , trgwtm( fatc! (puc*BD :rQ r^rlr rrre.Klrc socK i nnonaslT^r-rr fpMorq Ltr*/- (fu.a*'t\ I T E M 8 DELIVERED TO: qt) tur, ffin4 "ttt(rl g.rcr I STATECFIMELAS CHECKONEONLY L] FED FWi gl7/YffialAAq cn)ti PROP. ROOM ! ml SATELLTTE PED DATE 1 RECEIVED BY ce022 ilttltP DoNor wRrrErNspAcEBELow-FoRpeouSebrulv RECEIVED BYPED DATE: fi RPaP$ (,&- I ornen BY PINK- WITHPROPERTY YELLOW- CITIZENSRECEIPT TIME: 07t12 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 101/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL BUREAUOF POLICE 2619 NW INDUSTRIAL ST.,STE. 84 PORTLAND,OREGON97210 503-823-2179 THIS RECEIPTMUSTBE ACCOMPANIEDBY AN APPROPRIATE REPORT No.AoBeBoTTirlrs' A5fii?l EVTDEN.E | 3ilE$rroNLYf[ P R O P E R r yT A K E NF R O M : DENTED owNERsntp I H O I V IA ED D R E S S tO!3 FIRST LASTNAME 19-tTt&t PRISONER'S PROP, FIRST GAVE COPY? YES L J NO L SEX DOB I VOLUNTARILYRELINQUISH THE |TEM(S) LTSTED FOR SAFEKEEPING ztP M,I. DOB SEX SIGNATURE ztP STATE TYPEOF INCIDENT PHONE DELIVERING OFFICER rl ItJd Yncu IAUPA 2Ug3 F.*r.rr,.^.'lG LOCATION WI]ERFSEIZED,FOUND,SURREI\IDERED (lF DIFFER€NT) fNVESTTGATOR fr)L e,^,11,^v- Bpntpnvt) LASTNAME T DEFENDANT | | serereeewe L-,J STATE CITY ()ss,reD P P BC A S EN O . R E F E RC A S EN O . M.I. CITY HOI\4EADDRESS e9 pr'rr | FOUNDPROPEBTY L A S TN A M E OWNEROF PROPERW HOURSOF OPERATION: 9:00AM TO NOON& 'I:OO 'l:00 PM TO 4:OO 4:00 PM, M-F PHOPERTYIEVI T}ENCERECEIPT FIRST r DPSST/ASSIGN /fat tl DPSST/ASSIGN 4rntg/tVr M.t. .-\l I I {nrcaeD Ea,ort dw^f,t /. T E "M 4 I T E M T E M 6 I T E M 7 STL DOB F O RP E DU S EO N L Y susF{,-f6D l4AetJ?,4Ai4 t Z,bg-o'oc,Sfae+6i ilelr,2^v/ /.tJf Prrcner> {D crRDre€s T E T,A 2 I T E ,fM 3 qt) I RACE SEX, E susprcr F0fi GUIISLISTMAKE, TYP[,CALIEER, M00$, SERIAL NUMBER(S), llvlPORTEB & C0UI{TRY 0F0RlGl}l. LISTONLY ITEM PERSELECTION. ONE E M 1 t ( Pucan> 54 4+swz , 8,4"K, dor,k*ri e4t We (PrgoRA SD Kl46p{s , !.aracztura tc; Fnavl?r&ar nt*I s, (ewee> / /^\ 53) tPrnceRO flr217 -Mk!6F r 9:ag t t ' ?tqt/// FAor/rl-w4,Lee rSt& r Br?<!avA1 l( 1: €o'r>xv| D 5f) hacrc&rr€, T E M A/t?t/ &si^, Rnw, TaaBrG-eeA , tRlcAal 5{) 8oo- , LrF. , I Fnnt DELIVEfiED TO: f] STATECRIMELAB cHEcKoNEoNLY I rro Ceysa(i rrrn f,rV,O(6{ E SATELUTEPROP.ROOM [] PED P H b O I N CI & L O C K T H # '{f,,l,r RECEIVED BY cE ol7 DO NOTWRITEIN SPACEBELOW- FORPEDUSEONLY I omen I V N II E . h E U U h U O U U T Y PINK. WITH PROPERTY | | n\I/ - atTtTtrNtq aFatrl BY DATE TIME: 07/12 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 102/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL BUREAUOF POLICE 2619 NW INDUSTRIAL ST.,STE. 84 PORTLAND,OREGON97210 503-823-2179 REPORT THIS RECEIPTMUST BE ACCOMPANlEDBY AN APPROPRIATE N0.A089808"3i'{lE nbi,i?l CHECK. 0N[wPt OnfV)l EVTDENcE PROPERW TAKEN FROM: I DENTED owNERsnrp E HOIVlE ADDRESS @ FIHST PRISON€R!8FROP, GrvecopvryesfJ ruof FIRST M.I. CITY I VoLUNTARTLY BJiZINOUTSH THE rTEM(S)LTSTEDFOR SAFEKEEPING DOB SEX SIONATURE ztP STATE PHONE DEUVERINGOFFICEH ogrrcrn- bil. crJ| 11,^\L | PPe)zltr^,J,1 LASTNAME T DEFENDANT lgSaQ lfef INVES:IGIITOR(IF BIFFERENT) LOCATIQNI4'HERESEIZED,FOUND, SURRENI'€ffED t\41 FIRST DPSST/ASSIGN . Vne,lrruea .5i.orr,'..}^ ]. SAFEK€FPING I 1J DOB SEX ZIP TYPEOF INCIDENT .l .t bIAIE LASTNAME HOMEADDRESS lg-774A1 | M.l. crw P P BC A S EN O . R E F E RC A S EN O , Pt',t IoSS I TOUNDPFOPERW LASTNAME OWNEROF PROPERTY HOURSOFOPERATION: 9:00AMTO NOON& 1:00PMTO4:00PM,M-F PROPERTY/EVIDENCE RECEIPT DPSS?ASSIGN , OZfP,/t>t_ RACE 5Ex DOB I suspecr F0fi0Uf-lS 0FORlGlN, LISTMAKE, WFE,CAL|E[R, NUMnfR($l,lmP0RTEfi & C0UATHY il100il,$ERIAL LIST ITEM PER SELECTION. ONLY ONE I T E M 1 f FORPEDUSEONLY \R A T / (hnsapp 3S) Dlprrg fuA r,C/cuorNa*)6 (z-sanrt,{deerRrur3,fk 63,vrd *c/ -t -gtTlt' l t lrtnn lB r ODL ti l \ ^tltPltl T D lrent lC l ]TLI a,,c',^. -- r-rTro,-i, JJ^lel tt t. ,T +lrtn<cale BrnrnNl Srnqel re,rv\ EAL *are?c/AR,a Sesaq anilt 8.tlF-F/€9& t hqnn, l b : .M \ I T E M 5 T E M 6 I T E M 7 I T E M 8 OELIVERED TO: $TATECRIMELAg ! CHECKONEONLYLJ FED PlqP,nooM , n PsD nr€ArcLuTE LI OTHER- ce0t+ 'iii,, w RECEIVED BY DO NOTWRITEIN SPACEBELOW- FORPEDUSEbruIV vvnt | tr - HtrvuHUD u9tsY PINK. WITH PROPERTY YFI I OW - C]TITFNS FFCFIPT BY DATE: TIME 07/12 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 103/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL BUREAUOF POLICE 2619 NW INDUSTRIAL ST.,STE.84 PORTLAND,OREGON97210 503-823-2179 HOURSOF OPERATION: 9:00AM TO NOON& 1:OOPM TO 4:OOPM, M-F REPORT THIS RECEIPTMUST BE ACCOMPAN]EDBY AN APPROPRIATE "Itfrii* No.AoBgsog niRi?l ,oss@ P P BC A S EN O . R E F E RC A S EN O , l?. ? 7U-( t PM f-::-:t U PROPERW TAKEN FROM: DENTED owNERsxrp E H O I V EA D D R E S S OWNEROF PROPERW FIRST LASTNAME CITY LASTNAME HOMEADDRESS M.l. I VOLUNTARUY NELINOUISH TfiE |TEM(S) L|S-TEDFOR SAFEKEEPING ztP STATE FIRST CITY DOB SEX M.I. SEX -- DOB STATE saNAtune PHONE LIY .sE! rooA?:$ry,!4&lE8E zED,, F0$Nn,,$lJnRENaEfi E', Qaa nrl /,^ra T LASTNAI\iIE DEFENDANT M.t. FIRST DOB 5Ex E suspgcr ]TLI\ 3D I I E M 1 FORPEDUSEONLY e/F4qfc4 * /att Pet I aWtt 7'a I T E M ) I T E M 3 I T E M 4 T E M 5 I T E M 6 I T E M 7 t T E M n RoOM ! SE|I|VERE9.:TO:,:i:,,:,'J::l'gTATE,CftfitE'LAg PHOP. lEasArELUrE cHEcKoN€oNLY fl reo UII\U I 'I L(JUKTH* RECEIVED BY DATE 6Eofi J,,l,p DO NOTWRITEIN SPACEBELOW- FORPEDUSEONLY RECEIVEDBY PED DATE: PED vvnt | tr - htrvvnuo vvTt PINK. WITH PFIOPERTY YELLOW - CITIZENS BECEIPT BY TIME 07t12 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 104/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL BUREAUOF POLICE 2619 NW INDUSTRIAL ST.,STE. 84 PORTLAND,OREGON97210 503-823-2179 No.AoB981oUlol lR ft5RiEI DATE/TIME !l AIV R E F E RC A S EN O . tf-77t/*/ PRISONER'SPROP. envec'opvtvesf} r.rof LASTNAME DENTED owNERsnrp I H O M EA D D R E S S FIRST M.I. CITY OWNEROF PROPERTY LASTNAME HOIVEADDRESS PPBCASENO. lf"ib rD EVIDENCE PROPERTYTAKEN FROM: HOURSOF OPERATION: 9:00 AM TO NOON & 1:00PM TO 4:00 PM, M-F THIS RECEIPTMUST BE ACCOMPANIEDBY AN APPROPRIATE REPORT SEX DoB ztP STATE FIRST M.I. CITY SEX DOB ztP STATE PHONE TYPEOF INCIDENT &stlrl I l*y. St,r,etrv.-lc DEFENDANT LASTNAIVIE FIRST M.t. 5EA ! suspecr FORGUI\IS L6T MAKE,I LISTONTY ITEMPER OSIE nAutr STLI DOB FORPED USEONLY I I E M 'l fio ,) -fi^t4B$t, w€b R -r+MG* I T E M 2 T E M 3 I T E M 4 I T E M 5 I T E M 6 T E M 7 I T E M 8 DELIVERED TO: n STATECFlttilELAB CHECKONEOtllL'Y n reo Ce 017 'i'[,, ltr RECEIVEDBY DO NOTWRITEIN SPACEBELOW- FORPEDUSEONLY HtrUtrIVtr,U6Y }'EU WHITE. HECORDSCOPY PINK- WITHPROPERTY YELLOW- CITIZENSFIECEIPT BY TIME: DATE: 07t12 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 105/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #62 ASSIGNED TO RANK BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: HOMICIDE DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, LEAD ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/11/2018 BROUGHTON, SCOTT P SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 04/20/2018 04/24/2018 WHATTAM, KEN N NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) 04/20/2018 1053 SUBJECT INITIAL ACTIONS AT SCENE/SCENE FOLLOWUP Involved Officers: Officer Darrell Shaw #28923 Portland Police Bureau Unit 828E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Officer Joseph Webber #44629 Portland Police Bureau Unit 727E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Arrested Suspect: Sarah Michelle BROWN Female/White Date of Birth: No local address/Transient Suspect Firearm: Smith and Wesson M&P .40 caliber Serial Number HKT9954 Black slide, tan frame Suspect firearm stolen in car prowl documented on PPB case number 18-77543 Witness Officers: Sergeant Grant Smith #50653 Portland Police Bureau Unit 3824E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 106/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Acting Sergeant Benson Weinberger #47656 Portland Police Bureau Unit 3827E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Sergeant Darke Hull #37765 Portland Police Bureau Unit 3803A Central Precinct A Shift (Days) Officer Robert Bender #27544 Portland Police Bureau Unit 717E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Officer Erin Anderson #22178 Portland Police Bureau Unit 737E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Officer Torrey Streed #54282 Portland Police Bureau Unit 838E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Officer Rafael Perez #56907 Portland Police Bureau Unit 847E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Officer Benjamin Davidson #38108 Portland Police Bureau Unit K95 Traffic Division K-9 Detectives Mentioned: Sergeant Michele Hughes #36818 Portland Police Bureau Homicide Detail Investigation Supervisor Sergeant Ken Whattam #24582 Portland Police Bureau Homicide Detail Investigation Interviews Supervisor Sergeant Cory Roberts Portland Police Bureau Assault Detail Investigation Interviews Supervisor PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 107/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Detective Rico Beniga #36906 Portland Police Bureau Homicide Detail Investigative Partner Detective Erik Kammerer #29988 Portland Police Bureau Homicide Detail Investigation Assist/Canvassed Crime Scene Detective Mark Slater #27192 Portland Police Bureau Homicide Detail Investigation Assist/Canvassed Crime Scene Detective Brad Clifton #37152 Portland Police Bureau Homicide Detail Investigation Assist/Witness Interviews at Scene Detective Travis Law #42652 Portland Police Bureau Sex Crimes Unit Investigation Assist/Witness Interviews at Scene Detective Darren Posey #29521 Portland Police Bureau Homicide Detail Investigation Assist/Witness Interviews at Scene Detective Paul Dolbey #29984 Portland Police Bureau Assault Detail Investigation Assist/Witness Officer Interviews Detective Chris Traynor #36266 Portland Police Bureau Assault Detail Investigation Assist/Witness Officer Interviews Detective David Mccormick #28717 Portland Police Bureau Assault Detail Investigation Assist/Witness Officer Interviews Detective Arjay Dran #34502 Portland Police Bureau Assault Detail Investigation Assist/Witness Officer Interviews Detective Tony Harris #27566 Portland Police Bureau Assault Detail Investigation Assist/Witness Officer Interviews PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 108/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Detective Tracy Chamberlin #32087 Portland Police Bureau Robbery Detail Investigation Assist/Witness Officer Interviews Detective Heidi Housley #31291 Portland Police Bureau Robber Detail Investigation Assist/Witness Officer Interviews Detective Jennifer Hertzler #43872 Portland Police Bureau Sex Crimes Unit Investigation Assist/Witness Officer Interviews Detective Aaron Turnage #51413 Gresham Police Department- East County Major Crimes Team Investigation assist/Witness Officer Interviews Detective Kevin Odil #49890 Multnomah County Sheriff's Office - East County Major Crimes Team Investigation Assist/ Witness Officer Interviews Forensic Evidence Division: Sergeant James Morris #29314 Forensic Evidence Supervisor Criminalist Randal Yoshimura #24583 Portland Police Bureau Scene Processing/Evidence Collection Criminalist Navarath Outhaythiup #24990 Portland Police Bureau Scene Processing/Evidence Collection Criminalist Jeff Shearer #29992 Portland Police Bureau Scene Processing/Evidence Collection Criminalist Paul Ware #37137 Portland Police Bureau Scene Processing/Evidence Collection Criminalist Mark Johnson #22655 Photographed and collected evidence PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 109/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Persons Mentioned: JOEL AARON MULLIN (Victim in PPB Case numbers 18-77293 and 18-79405) Male/White Date of Birth: Home Address: Home Phone: Cellular Phone: SHERI MONICA KATZ (Victim in PPB Case numbers 18-77293 and 18-79405) Female/White Date of Birth: Home Address: Home Phone: Cellular Phone: RYAN VALDEZ (Victim in PPB case number 18-77543 - Stolen Gun) Male/White Date of Birth: Home Address: Phone: EMMA WILSON (Victim for Case #18-77337 - Hotel Burglary) Female/White Date of Birth: Home Address: Phone: CAMILLE JOY LEMA (Victim in PPB case number 18-77337 - Hotel Burglary) Female/White Date of Birth: Phone Number: JOSHUA GIBSON (Employee at Park Lane Suites and Inn / Called 911 to report suspicious female) Male/White Date of Birth: Home Address: g Jr. Blvd, Apt. 8 Portland, Oregon 97236 Phone: PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 110/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Additional Personnel: Todd Jackson Deputy District Attorney Multnomah County District Attorneys' Office Steven Myers Attorney at Law Counsel for Officer Shaw Michael Starapoli Attorney at Law Counsel for Officer Webber Associated Cases: 1. 2. 3. Ave. 4. PPB Case Number 18-77293: March 7, 2018 burglary to 806 SW King Ave. PPB Case Number 18-77337: March 7, 2018 burglary to room 238 at 840 SW King Ave. PPB Case Number 18-77543: March 7-8, 2018 car prowl with handgun stolen from parking lot of 840 SW King PPB Case Number 18-79405: March 8, 2018 burglary to 806 SW King Ave. Exhibits: Property/Evidence Receipt Number A054565 Item 1: (1) .223 shell casing found on Central Precinct Locker room floor by Sergeant Hull Summary: On March 8, 2018 at approximately 0325 hours, uniform personnel responded to a burglary call at 806 Southwest King Avenue. During the investigation, a suspect was located in an enclosed storage area under the back stairs of 806 SW King Avenue. The suspect pointed a handgun at uniform officers and later fired the handgun at uniform officers. Officers returned fire, wounding the suspect. The wounded suspect refused officers directions to come out of the area under the stairs. Uniform personnel activated SERT. SERT responded and took the suspect into custody. During the ensuing investigation, it was learned that on March 7, 2018 at 2245 hours, JOEL MULLIN called police and reported hearing noises in his house and an unknown female speaking on his home phone at . Uniform officers responded, cleared JOEL MULLIN'S house, and conducted a burglary investigation. Evidence of a forced entry was found and a cordless phone handset was stolen. On March 7, 2018 at 2330 hours, EMMA WILSON and CAMILLE LEMA reported someone broke into their hotel room at 840 Southwest King Avenue between the hours of 2000-2300 hours on March 7, 2018. Several items were stolen from EMMA WILSON and CAMILLE LEMA'S hotel room. On March 8, 2018 at 0325 hours, JOSHUA GIBSON saw someone trying to break into the basement area of 806 SW King Avenue. Uniform officers responded and found evidence of another burglary at 806 SW King Avenue. After the suspect was taken into custody, RYAN VALDEZ reported to police his handgun was stolen from his truck in the parking lot of 840 SW King Avenue. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 111/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Narrative: On March 8, 2018 at approximately 0600 hours, I received a page from Sergeant Michele Hughes directing me to respond to the area of West Burnside Street and Southwest King Avenue to investigate an officer involved shooting. From a phone call with Sergeant Hughes and listening to police radio transmissions, I learned there was still an active standoff between the suspect, later identified as SARAH MICHELLE BROWN, and Portland Police personnel. I learned that uniformed officers had activated SERT and that SERT and CNT personnel were in the process of coordinating a plan to take SARAH MICHELLE BROWN into custody. I arrived at the scene at approximately 0632 hours. When I arrived, I saw a large number of police vehicles parking on West Burnside Street. I saw yellow crime scene tape up across the south side of West Burnside Street at Southwest King Avenue. At approximately 0653 hours, SARAH MICHELLE BROWN was taken into custody and transported to Oregon Health and Sciences University (OHSU) for treatment. Detective Kammerer directed Officer Barth to ride in the ambulance with SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. Officer Barth reported seeing wounds on SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S right hand and right leg that were consistent with gunshot wounds. Officer Barth reported hearing SARAH MICHELLE BROWN relay to medical personnel, "I used some crystal brow's last night and some marijuana." Officer Barth reported seizing the following as evidence from SARAH MICHELLE BROWN: (1) Samsung Galaxy J1 Cell phone, (1) Blue bag containing marijuana with a silver metal pipe, $187.00 in United State Currency, miscellaneous papers, (1) .40 caliber Smith and Wesson Speer cartridge, and (1) bullet fragment. The crime scene was reduced in size to block off Southwest King Avenue from West Burnside Street to Southwest Taylor Street and on Southwest Yamhill Street from Southwest St. Claire Avenue to Southwest 21st Avenue. Red crime scene tape was placed across the front of 806 Southwest King Avenue. Central Precinct officers maintained the crime scene while investigative personnel processed the scene. I learned the officers listed above were witnesses in this case. The witness officers were directed to go to Central Precinct for Detective Interviews. Sergeants Roberts, Detective Dolbey, and Detective Dran monitored the witness officers in the large conference room of the Detective Division to ensure they did not speak about the events surrounding the shooting. Once the witness officers were interviewed, Sergeant Roberts issued Communication Restriction Orders to the witness officers. Refer to the detective reports and transcribed interviews for complete details on witness officer observations and actions. Once the investigative team was assembled, we attended a briefing given by Sergeant Grant Smith and Sergeant Pete McConnell. Detective Lawrence attended the briefing and later returned to the Detective Division to brief the team of detectives that were going to conduct witness officer interviews. At the conclusion of the briefing, investigative assignments were made. Detectives Slater and Kammerer were assigned to assist with documenting and processing the scene. Detectives Clifton, Law, and Posey were assigned to conduct civilian witness interviews At approximately 0915 hours, Detective Beniga and I conducted a countdown of Officer Shaw. At approximately 0946 hours, Detective Beniga and I conducted a countdown of Officer Webber. For details on Officer Shaw's and Officer Webber's countdown, refer to Detective Beniga's reports. At approximately 1023 hours, Detective Beniga and I conducted a walkthrough with Sergeant Grant Smith. We walked to the north side of 806 Southwest King Avenue where Sergeant Smith showed us the following: The approximate area in the backyard of 806 Southwest King Avenue where Officer Shaw fired his handgun at the suspect. The approximate area at the Northeast corner of the house where Officer Webber fired his AR-15 at the suspect. The enclosed storage area under the PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 112/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL back stairs from which SARAH MICHELLE BROWN fired at uniform officers. The approximate directions Officer Shaw, Officer Webber, and SARAH MICHELLE BROWN fired their weapons. Locations in the backyard, side yard, and Southwest Yamhill Street were we would likely find evidence. I learned the following from speaking to police personnel at the scene, detectives at a post incident briefing, and reading the transcribed interviews and police reports mentioned below. On March 7, 2018 at approximately 2250 hours, a homeowner at Joel MULLIN, reported to police that he heard noises in his house and heard an unknown female's voice on his home phone. Officers Perez and Moore were among the Portland Police officers that responded to 806 Southwest King Avenue. Officers Perez and Moore spoke with the homeowners at , Mr. MULLIN and his wife, Sheri KATZ and learned the following. JOEL MULLIN and SHERI KATZ were in their second floor bedroom when JOEL MULLIN heard sounds consistent with someone being in his house. A short time later, JOEL MULLIN received a call on his home phone from a male stating he just received a call from JOEL MULLIN'S phone number. JOEL MULLIN told the caller he had not called anyone from his home phone. JOEL MULLIN said he heard his home phone ring and then stop ringing. JOEL MULLIN said he looked at a cordless phone handset in his house and saw that his home phone was in use. JOEL MULLIN said he activated the phone handset and heard a male and female voice speaking to each other. JOEL MULLIN said he heard the female asking the male in a hushed tone who she was speaking with. JOEL MULLIN said female sounded paranoid and was asking the male the names of his brothers. Portland Police uniform personnel subsequently cleared 806 Southwest King Avenue and found evidence of a forced entry to the residence via an east side window on the first floor of the residence. Officer Perez said while Portland Police uniform personnel were clearing the residence, he saw a cordless phone charging base on the second floor that did not have a handset in it. Officer Perez asked JOEL MULLIN where the handset was for the empty charging base. JOEL MULLIN said the handset was supposed to be in the charging base, but was now missing. That while Officers Perez and Moore were conducting their burglary investigation at the residence, JOEL MULLIN'S home phone continued to receive phone calls from a subject. Officer Moore answered JOEL MULLIN'S home phone. A subject on the phone identified himself to Officer Moore as "Wesley." "Wesley" told Officer Moore he had been receiving phone calls from a friend named "Alexis." "Wesley" described "Alexis" as a white female who hangs around the Fred Meyer on West Burnside Street. "Welsey" stated he had received calls from a friend who said she was being chased. "Wesley" hung up on Officer Moore. No suspect was located. Officers Moore and Perez later completed a burglary report documented on Portland Police case number 18-77239. Officer Perez was later interviewed by Detectives Traynor and Dran. Refer to Officer Perez's interview transcript, Detective Dran's report, as well as police reports on Portland Police case number 18-77293 for complete details on March 7, 2018 burglary at 806 Southwest King Avenue. Detectives Brad Clifton and Travis Law later interviewed JOEL MULLIN and SHERI KATZ and received consent from JOEL MULLIN and SHERI KATZ to process the crime scenes located at their residence. Refer to reports from Detectives Clifton and Law for details on JOEL MULLIN'S and SHERI KATZ'S interviews. While Officers Moore and Perez were conducting the burglary investigation at 806 Southwest King Avenue, they were flagged down by EMMA WILSON and CAMILLE LEMA. EMMA WILSON and CAMILLE LEMA reported to Officers Moore and Perez they were staying in room number 238 of the Park Lane Inn located at 840 Southwest King Avenue. The Park Lane Inn is the property immediately south of 806 Southwest King Avenue. A chain link fence and row of bushes separate 806 and 840 Southwest King Avenue. EMMA WILSON and CAMILLE LEMA reported that sometime between 2000 and 2300 hours on March 7, 2018, an unknown suspect entered their hotel room through an open window and stole several items to include a backpack. EMMA WILSON and CAMILLE LEMA identified some of their stolen property in the backyard of 806 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 113/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Southwest King Avenue to Officers Perez and Moore. Officer Perez later completed a burglary report documented on Portland Police case number 18-77337. Refer to Officer Perez's report on Portland Police case number 18-77337 and Detective Posey's interview with EMMA WILSON on Portland Police case number 18-77543 for details about the March 7, 2018 burglary to room 238 at the Park Lane Inn. March 8, 2018 at approximately 0325 hours, JOSHUA GIBSON, a night shift employee of the Park Lane Inn, was walking the hotel property in response to the earlier burglaries reported by the occupants of 806 Southwest King Avenue and the occupants of room number 238 at the Park Lane Inn. JOSHUA GIBSON saw an unknown subject in the backyard of 806 Southwest King Avenue. JOSHUA GIBSON called 911 and spoke with personnel at the Bureau of Emergency Communications (BOEC). JOSHUA GIBSON reported to BOEC personnel he last saw the subject going down a stairwell in the backyard of 806 Southwest King Avenue and never saw the subject come out. On March 8, 2018 at approximately 0327 hours, Portland Police personnel, including Sergeant Grant Smith, Acting Sergeant Benson Weinberger, K9 Officer Ben Davidson, Officer Darrell Shaw, Officer Torrey Streed, Officer Perez, and Officer Moore, responded to 806 Southwest King Avenue in response to JOSHUA GIBSON'S 911 call. After arriving at 806 Southwest King Avenue, Portland Police personnel spoke with JOEL MULLIN and SHERI KATZ and received permission to clear the residence again. Acting Sergeant Weinberger, Officer Shaw, Officer Perez, Officer Moore, Officer Davidson, and Officer Davidson's police K9 entered the house. Portland Police personnel cleared the residence. Officers found evidence in areas in the top floor attic that was consistent with someone being in that space after they cleared the same space in the late evening hours of March 7, 2018. Among the items officers saw in the attic was a wine glass, a blanket, and insulation that had been disturbed. Officers Davidson, his K9, Shaw, Acting Sergeant Weinberger, and Sergeant Smith went outside to clear the back yard. There are stairs that lead out the east side of the residence into the backyard. There is an enclosed storage area under the stairs with a door approximately three feet tall enclosing the storage area. Officer Davidson's K9 "alerted" on the door under the stairs leading to the backyard of the residence. Sergeant Smith attempted to pull the door open. Sergeant Smith said it appeared as though someone or something inside of the enclosed storage area was attempting to keep the door closed as he attempted to open it. Sergeant Smith said once he was able to pull the door open, a subject in the enclosed storage area, later identified as SARAH MICHELLE BROWN, a white female, with a date of birth of , pointed a handgun at his face from a distance of approximately one to two feet. Sergeant Smith moved away from the door opening. Officer Davidson witnessed Officer Shaw fire several rounds from his PPB issued handgun in the direction of SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. Portland Police officer Joe Webber, responded to the scene with a PPB issued AR-15 patrol rifle. Portland Police uniform personnel moved to the north side of the residence behind the northeast corner of the house. Portland Police uniform personnel brought ballistic shields to the northeast corner of the house. Acting Sergeant Weinberger and Officer Streed placed themselves behind the ballistic shields and began negotiating with SARAH MICHELLE BROWN for her surrender. During the ongoing negotiations with SARAH MICHELLE BROWN, Portland Police uniform personnel reported seeing blood on SARAH MICHELLE BROWN and reported hearing statements from SARAH MICHELLE BROWN indicating she had been struck by gunfire. Officer Streed reported seeing SARAH MICHELLE BROWN point a handgun towards her and other Portland Police uniform personnel on the north side of the residence and fire the handgun at them three times. Acting Sergeant Weinberger and Officer Streed reported witnessing Officer Webber fire his PPB issued AR-15 patrol rifle at SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 114/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL That the PPB Special Emergency Reaction Team, (SERT), and Crisis Negotiation Team, (CNT), responded to the scene. SARAH MICHELLE BROWN was taken into custody at approximately 0654 hours and began receiving treatment for her injuries from emergency medical personnel that had staged in the area in anticipation of rendering aid to SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. Refer to Officers Gradwahl, Hoerauf, Corno, and Detective Jason Harris' reports for details on SARAH MICHELLE BROWN being taken into custody. SERT Sergeant McConnell was interviewed by Detectives Dolbey and Mccormick about the SERT response. Refer to Sergeant McConnell's transcript and Detective Dolbey's report for Sergeant McConnell's observations and actions. While SARAH MICHELLE BROWN was being taken into custody, Portland Police Officer Chad Gradwahl, DPSST number 35226, moved a two tone semi-automatic handgun away from the area where SARAH MICHELLE BROWN was found in the storage area under the stairs. I later looked at the handgun and saw it was a Smith and Wesson .40 caliber M&P handgun with a black slide and tan grip. The handgun had what appeared to be a bullet hole in the right side above the trigger. Officer Green responded to the scene to assist with crime scene security. At approximately 0753 hours, RYAN VALDEZ reported to Officer Green the following. RYAN VALDEZ said he was staying at the Park Lane Inn, room 221, overnight from March 7-8, 2018. RYAN VALDEZ said he parked his truck, a 2007 Silver Chevrolet Pickup truck bearing Washington license plate AR11507, in the parking lot on the west side of the Park Lane Inn. RYAN VALDEZ said sometime between 1600 hours on March 7, 2018 and 0730 hours on March 8, 2018, someone stole several items from his truck, including a two-tone .40 caliber Smith and Wesson handgun, a hard hat with sticker on it, white soled work boots, knee pads, and a notebook. RYAN VALDEZ described the handgun as having a black slide with a black and tan grip. RYAN VALDEZ said the handgun had a round in the chamber and had a magazine containing 15 rounds of ammunition in it. RYAN VALDEZ said the handgun was in a black kydex holster and was taken from the pocket of the driver's door. RYAN VALDEZ was not able to recall the serial number to the handgun. Officer Green later completed a theft report documenting the theft from RYAN VALDEZ'S truck on Portland Police case number 18-77543. RYAN VALDEZ said he found property in his truck that did not belong to him, including a black floral backpack. Detective Darren Posey, responded to the scene to assist with the investigation. Detective Posey went to the Park Lane Inn to follow up with RYAN VALDEZ. While Detective Posey was speaking with RYAN VALDEZ, EMMA WILSON approached Detective Posey and told him about the burglary she reported the previous evening. Through the course of his investigation, Detective Posey found EMMA WILSON'S Canadian passport in the backpack RYAN VALDEZ found in his truck. EMMA WILSON subsequently identified the backpack found in RYAN VALDEZ'S truck as hers. Detective Posey and Criminalist Dan Outhaytip, processed RYAN VALDEZ'S truck for evidence and located evidence consistent with blood on the inside of the left rear passenger door of the truck. Criminalist Outhaythip took swabs of the blood as evidence. I saw the evidence described below during my walkthrough with Sergeant Grant Smith and when Criminalists or Detectives alerted me to the items described. Among the evidence seized from the storage area under the stairs was a cordless phone handset that was later identified by JOEL MULLIN as being the handset missing from the second floor of his residence. There were three (3) .40 caliber shell casings and three (3) live .40 caliber Smith and Wesson Speer cartridges found in the storage area under the stairs. I saw a bullet fragment inside the storage area as well as immediately outside the storage area. I saw several items in the storage area under the stairs that were consistent with property RYAN VALDEZ described as being stolen from his truck, to include a PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 115/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL white soled work boot, black and tan knee pad, a black kydex holster, and a notebook with "Contech Services, Inc" labeled on the outside of it. RYAN VALDEZ said he worked for Contech Services. I saw I black and grey duffle bag whose strap was wrapped around the inside door knob of the door enclosing the storage area under the stairs. The black and grey duffle bag appeared to contain miscellaneous personal property. I saw evidence of three (3) bullet strikes that were consistent as coming from the area under the backyard stairs of the residence. One bullet strike hit the door enclosing the storage area and appeared to be contained within the door. The trajectory indicated the door was open at the time the bullet struck it. One bullet strike went through a basement window on the east side of the residence and struck two walls on the inside of the basement. The hole in the basement window was approximately four feet above ground level. One bullet strike hit a tree in the backyard. The bullet strike on the tree was approximately four feet above ground level. All three bullet strikes appeared to have been fired from the south towards the north. That I saw four (4) 9mm shell casings in the backyard of the residence that are consistent with PPB issued duty ammunition. The 9mm shell casings were found in a spot consistent with where Officer Davidson witnessed Officer Shaw firing his PPB issued handgun. That I saw twelve (12) .223 caliber shell casings on Southwest Yamhill Street that are consistent with PPB issued duty ammunition for the AR-15 patrol rifle. Southwest Yamhill Street borders 806 Southwest King Avenue on the north side. That on the north side of the property of 806 Southwest King Avenue, I saw several fired .223 caliber shell casings and several unfired .223 caliber cartridges consistent with PPB issued duty ammunition for the AR-15 patrol rifle. The locations of the .223 caliber shell casings and ammunition are consistent with the area in which Acting Sergeant Weinberger and Officer Streed witnessed Officer Webber fire his PPB issued AR-15 in the direction of SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. I know from speaking with uniform and SERT personnel, numerous police personnel walked along the north side of 806 Southwest King Avenue as they were responding to the call and performing their duties. I also learned that, in the course of responding to the call and performing their duties, SERT personal had to drive an armored car down Southwest Yamhill Street where I saw .223 shell casings. I saw a white hard hat with stickers affixed to it on the east porch of the residence. The hard hat was under a window that Officer Perez believed was the earlier point of a forced entry. The hard hat matched the description of the hard hat RYAN VALDEZ described as being stolen from his truck. I saw a bullet hole in the east side basement window as well as two strikes on the inside of the residence in the basement from the same bullet. At approximately 1530 hours, the investigative team cleared the crime scene. I returned to the Detective Division to attend a briefing given by Detectives who conducted witness officer interviews. After the briefing, Sergeant Whattam told me that Sergeant Hull brought him a .223 shell casing that Sergeant Hull found on the Central Precinct locker room floor as he was changing. I later placed the shell casing in the property room as evidence on property receipt number A054565. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 116/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL On March 14, 2018 at approximately 1730 hours, I went back to 806 Southwest King Avenue to look for additional evidence. SHERI KATZ walked through the third floor attic area with me. This was the same attic area Portland Police personnel located evidence indicating that someone had been in the attic on the evening of March 7, 2018 and in the early hours of March 8, 2018. I saw a wine glass behind a red suit case in the attic. SHERI KATZ told me she had no idea who would have left a wine glass in the attic. SHERI KATZ pointed out several other items that she claimed did not belong in the attic. Those items were a piece of stone that appeared to be a sample from a tile or countertop vendor, a small makeup compact, a disposable paper coffee cup with lid, a book that appeared to have been removed from box in the attic, and a work style glove under the red suitcase. Criminalist Mark Johnson responded to the location, photographed the items, and collected the items as evidence. On March 16, 2018, Criminalist Johnson contacted me and told me he recovered two fingerprints from the wine glass that belonged to SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. End of report. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 117/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2267542) PER A054565 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 118/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #63 ASSIGNED TO RANK ELLISON, MARK A (52981) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/11/2018 ELLISON, MARK A SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/11/2018 03/11/2018 KELLY, J PATRICK (FORMER EMPLOYEE) NOTES AUTHOR DATE/TIME ELLISON, MARK A (52981) 03/11/2018 0906 SUBJECT GUARD DUTY 8-Arrived for guard duty at 0717 hours. 0900 hours. Nothing of note happened. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 I was replaced by Ofc Quinsland at Page 119/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #64 ASSIGNED TO RANK WARE, PAUL D (37137) ORG UNIT CAPACITY FORENSICS: 2-FORENSIC UNIT PROCESSING ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/12/2018 WARE, PAUL D SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/12/2018 03/19/2018 MCMURRAY, SHAWNDA L NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME WARE, PAUL D (37137) 03/12/2018 0804 SUBJECT COLLECTED EVIDENCE AT SCENE EVIDENCE COLLECTED: PER #A090112: (Disposition: Sent to PPB Property & Evidence Division) Item #1: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #1 Item #2: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #2 Item #3: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #3 Item #4: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #4 Item #5: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #5 Item #6: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #6 Item #7: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #7 Item #8: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #8 *(All items were collected on SW Yamhill next to residence) PER #A090113: (Disposition: Sent to PPB Property & Evidence Division) Item #1: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #9 Item #2: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #10 Item #3: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #11 Item #4: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #12 *(All items were collected on SW Yamhill next to residence) PER #A090114: (Disposition: Sent to PPB Property & Evidence Division) Item #1: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #13 Item #2: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM 11" headstamp, Placard #14 Item #3: Shell casing; "FC 9mm Luger" headstamp, Placard #15 Item #4: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #16 Item #5: Shell casing's: (2) shell casing's (1) live round, "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #17 Item #6: (1) live round, "FC 223 REM 11" headstamp, (1) shell casing, (1) live round, "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #18 Item #7: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #19 Item #8: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #20 *(All items were collected on the north side of the residence, next to stairs) PER #A090115: (Disposition: Sent to PPB Property & Evidence Division) Item #1: Shell casing; "FC 223 REM" headstamp, Placard #21 Item #2: PPB Issued tourniquet, Placard #22 Item #3: PPB issued tourniquet, Placard #23 Item #4: PPB issued magazine - rifle (empty), Placard #24 Item #5: Clear plastic goggles, broken, Placard #26 *(All items were collected on the north side of the residence, next to stairs) PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 120/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL NARRATIVE: On 03-08-18 I was sent to the scene of an Officer Involved Shooting and Burglary investigation at 806 SW King by Sgt. Jeff Morris. When I arrived I was asked to assist Criminalist's Randy Yoshimura, Jamin Becker, Jeff Shearer, and Navarath Outhaythip with the processing of the scene. I collected the above listed placarded evidence from the street on SW Yamhill (between SW King and SW 21st Ave.), and the placarded evidence that was on the north side of the 806 SW King property. The items were placed into paper bags or manila envelopes for preservation. Placard #25 which was (2) PPB issued ballistic shields, were returned to Central Precinct personnel after being photographed. I assisted Criminalist Yoshimura with the packaging of evidence at the scene, and I also took perspective photo's from an east facing interior room of 806 SW King using Criminalist Yoshimuras camera. Det. Sgt. Michelle Hughes asked for a perspective photo from a second floor window that directly over looked the door to the shed under the staircase. The items that belonged to the suspect in this case had to be transported to the Rivergate Storage Facility to be dried as they were wet and bloody. The items were placed on PER #A090103 and I delivered them to the Rivergate Storage Facility on 03-08-18. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 121/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #65 ASSIGNED TO RANK HULL, DARKE P (37765) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/12/2018 HULL, DARKE P SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/12/2018 03/12/2018 HULL, DARKE P NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME HULL, DARKE P (37765) 03/08/2018 0400 SUBJECT STATEMENT GIVEN TO DET DIV. I was interviewed by the detective division about the incident. report for details. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 122/622 See their VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #66 ASSIGNED TO RANK TRUMMER, DANIEL Y (55317) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/12/2018 TRUMMER, DANIEL Y SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/12/2018 03/12/2018 JENSEN, JACOB V NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME TRUMMER, DANIEL Y (55317) 03/12/2018 1441 SUBJECT OHSU GUARD DUTY On 03/10/18, I was tasked to go to OHSU hospital for guard-duty. I arrived at 1500 hrs to relieve Ofc Braun from duty. I had no interactions with the suspect during my guard duty. Ofc Combs and Ofc Sparks relieved me at approximately 1600 hrs. Nothing further. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 123/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #68 ASSIGNED TO RANK QUINSLAND, ALEXANDER (50817) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/11/2018 QUINSLAND, ALEXANDER SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/11/2018 03/13/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME QUINSLAND, ALEXANDER (50817) 03/11/2018 0902 SUBJECT HOSPITAL PRISONER GUARD At 8:52 I relieved Ofc. Ellison at OHSU to guard the prisoner. While I was on prisoner guard duty Brown asked me a few questions. Brown told me she was concerned about being in isolation when at jail and was uncertain of what all to expect, she also asked about her lawyer being from the other day. I informed Brown a lawyer would have only shown up if she asked for one and they questions were going to continue asking her questions. Brown then began to tell me she had some questions about what happened and she had some concerns about her and how that may be related to the case. Brown told me she spoke to Detectives the other day about the incident. I told Brown the Detectives would be able to answer more questions than I could. Brown then told me she had the detectives card and was told to call them any time. I then asked Brown if she wanted me to call Detectives and see if they could come and talk with her. Brown told me she did want me to contact the detective and that if they could come talk when they can it would be great. I then called Det. Broughton who then responded to the scene. As I was talking with Det. Broughton, Ofc. Russau and Ofc. Vosu arrived at the hospital to take over guard duty. I then remained at the hospital with Ofc. Vosu and Ofc. Russau until detectives arrived and had finished speaking with Brown. After they were finished I left the hospital and Ofc. Vosu and Ofc. Russau remained for guard duty. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 124/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #69 ASSIGNED TO RANK MITCHELL, EDGAR O (22419) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/11/2018 MITCHELL, EDGAR O SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/11/2018 03/13/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME MITCHELL, EDGAR O (22419) 03/11/2018 0723 SUBJECT GUARD DUTY ON 03-11-18 I WAS TASKED TO GUARD BROWN AT OHSU 13TH FLOOR ROOM 1. AT 0050 HRS I RELIEVED OFC SAMORE. BROWN SLEPT DURING MY SHIFT UNLESS SHE WAS AWAKEN BY STAFF. I WAS RELIEVED BY OFC ELLISON AT 0720 HRS. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 125/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #70 ASSIGNED TO RANK RUSSAU, JOSEPH R (52771) ORG UNIT CAPACITY CENTRAL 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/11/2018 RUSSAU, JOSEPH R SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/11/2018 03/13/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M MENTIONED OFFICERS AUTHOR DATE/TIME RUSSAU, JOSEPH R (52771) 03/11/2018 1451 SUBJECT MENTIONED OFFICERS Ofc Vosu #56975 (Partner) NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME RUSSAU, JOSEPH R (52771) 03/11/2018 1452 SUBJECT NARRATIVE Myself and Ofc Vosu were assigned to guard Sarah Brown at OHSU. At 1107 we arrived to relieve Ofc Quinsland. While we were there Detectives arrived and spoke with Brown. We were informed by hospital staff that Brown would likely be released at 1300. Ofc Vosu and I assisted hospital staff in placing Brown in a wheelchair where she was handcuffed by Ofc Vosu. Hospital staff wheeled her to our patrol vehicle where she was placed in the back. At 1357 we transported Brown to MCDC. At 1408 we arrived and Brown was booked and lodged. Nothing further. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 126/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #71 ASSIGNED TO RANK VOSU, CONSIDER (56975) ORG UNIT CAPACITY NORTH 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/11/2018 VOSU, CONSIDER SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/11/2018 03/13/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME VOSU, CONSIDER (56975) 03/11/2018 1107 SUBJECT NARRATIVE Ofc. Russau #52771 Det. Broughton #40218 While in uniform and operating a marked patrol car my partner Ofc. Russau and I were dispatched to OHSU to guard the custody Sarah M. Brown (DOB ). We arrived on scene at 11:07 AM. During our watch of Mrs. Brown she asked to speak to detectives. Detectives arrived and spoke with Mrs. Brown. Upon her release from OHSU I handcuffed Mrs. Brown to the wheelchair OHSU provided and checked the fit. I double-locked the handcuffs and transported her to our patrol car. Upon arrival at our patrol car I un-cuffed Mrs. Brown from the wheelchair and assisted in placing her within our car. I again handcuffed Mrs. Brown, check the fit and double-locked the handcuffs. We began transporting Mrs. Brown for processing to MCDC at 1357 and arrived at 1408 when she was brought by wheelchair into the facility. Paperwork given by OHSU regarding her care and medication was given to MCDC staff, I called Detective Broughton and informed him that she had been processed. END PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 127/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #72 ASSIGNED TO RANK HARRIS, TONY A (27566) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: ASSAULT DETAIL 4-INTERVIEW WITNESS ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 ROBERTS, CORY R SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/13/2018 05/28/2018 ROBERTS, CORY R STATEMENT AUTHOR DATE/TIME HARRIS, TONY A (27566) 03/13/2018 0820 SUBJECT (WITNESS #3) ANDERSON, ERIN On 03/08/2018 at about 1055 hours, I interviewed Portland Police Officer Erin Anderson (DPSST #22178) regarding this officer involved shooting incident, that had occurred at 806 SW King Avenue, Portland, Oregon. The interview was recorded and later submitted into evidence. Additionally, an aerial map and a hand drawn sketch were used during the interview which were later submitted into evidence. These items were submitted under Property and Evidence Receipt #A047523. The following is a summary of Officer Anderson's statement. Review the recording for the full statement. Officer Anderson related he started his shift on 03/07/2018 at 2200 hours. At some point later in the shift, he heard officers on the radio stating the woman was seen with a gun. Officer Anderson, who is a less-lethal operator, responded to the scene to fulfill that role. Officer Anderson took a position with other officers on the north side of the house along SW Yamhill Street. He placed an "X" on the aerial map to indicate his position. Officer Anderson indicated he heard Officer Streed and the female suspect attempt to engage in conversation, however, according to Officer Anderson, the female suspect was not complying with any requests and appeared to not believe they were the police. At some point, Officer Anderson told me he heard gunshots. He stated he believed the first shots he heard were from around the corner where he assumed the female suspect was. He explained a fraction of second later, he heard and saw Officer Weber shoot his AR-rifle in response. He stated there was a quick lull and then a few more shots, another lull, followed by a few more shots. He estimated the fire fight was 3 to 4 seconds in duration. He thought the female suspect fired one or two shots and Officer Weber fired six to eight shots. He heard Officer Weber comment that there was blood and he could observe the female suspect reach out with a gun. Officer Anderson did not see or sense anyone else use their firearm. He told he did not fire his sidearm, nor his less lethal shotgun. He said he never looked around the corner into the yard, thus never saw the woman. He added he did not hear anyone give a command to use deadly physical force. It was appeared Officer Anderson did not know there was an earlier gun fight involving other officers prior to his arrival and observations. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 128/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166112) REC FOR CD ERIN ANDERSON AND MAP A047523 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 129/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166116) AERIAL MAP USED BY ERIN ANDERSON PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 130/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166118) SKETCH DRAWN BY ERIN ANDERSON PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 131/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #73 ASSIGNED TO RANK DRAN, ARJAY H (34502) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: ASSAULT DETAIL 4-INTERVIEW OTHER ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/13/2018 DRAN, ARJAY H SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/13/2018 03/14/2018 WHATTAM, KEN N NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME DRAN, ARJAY H (34502) 03/13/2018 1030 SUBJECT OFFICER PEREZ INTERVIEW Police Personnel Mentioned: Detective Scott Broughton, DPSST #40218 Portland Police Bureau/Detective Division/Homicide Detail/Lead Detective Detective Chris Traynor, DPSST #36266 Portland Police Bureau/Detective Division/Assault Detail/Lead Interviewer Officer Gregory Moore, DPSST #51791 Portland Police Bureau/Central Precinct/Officer Perez's Coach Officer Raphael Perez, DPSST #56907 Portland Police Bureau/Central Precinct/Officer Interviewed Officer Darrell "Bill" Shaw, DPSST #28923 Portland Police Bureau/Central Precinct/Night Shift Officer Joseph Webber, DPSST #44629 Portland Police Bureau/Central Precinct/Night Shift Officer Dominic Lovato, DPSST #49571 Portland Police Bureau/East Precinct/ Union Representative Summary: On March 8, 2018, at approximately 1010 hours, Detective Traynor and I were assigned to interview Officer Perez in regard to his actions and/or observations at an officer involved shooting that occurred on the same date, at approximately 0325 hours, at 806 SW King Ave, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon. This report will provide a brief summary of Officer Perez's statements. For complete details, please refer to the CD and/or transcription of the interview. Narrative: PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 132/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL On March 8, 2018, at approximately 0700 hours, Detective Traynor and I were tasked to assist the PPB Homicide Detail with an officer involved shooting investigation. At approximately 1010 hours, Detective Traynor and I interviewed Officer Perez in regard to his actions and/or observations prior to, during, and after the shooting. Detective Traynor was the lead on the interview and with the consent of Officer Perez recorded the interview with a digital recorder. The interview was conducted inside the PPB Detective Division. Also present during the interview was Officer Lovato who was acting in the capacity of Officer Perez's union representation. Summary of Officer Perez Interview: On the night of March 7, 2018, Officer Perez was assigned to uniform patrol, night shift for PPB's Central Precinct along with his coach/partner, Officer Moore. At approximately 2245 hours, Officers Perez and Moore, along with additional uniformed personnel, responded to 806 SW King Ave on a report of a "cold burglary". During the investigation, Officer Perez and the other units determined a burglary had occurred but were unable to locate the suspect who was described as a female. Officer Perez located, photographed, and seized evidence of the burglary. The original burglary was later documented on PPB Case #18-77293. On March 8, 2018, at approximately 0325 hours, Officers Perez and Moore, along with additional PPB personnel responded back to 806 SW King Ave on the report of a female prowling in the backyard of the residence. During this investigation, the officers checked the interior of the residence with the assistance of a PPB Canine Unit. Officer Perez located evidence of another break-in on what he described as the fourth floor of the residence. Officer Perez said he saw insulation type material on a partial wall that lead to an attic. Officer Perez said the insulation had been ripped down. Officer Perez also said he observed a wine glass with an unknown liquid in it and a blanket on the floor. Furthermore, Officer Perez said the police dog appeared to "alert" on the blanket. Officer Perez had personally checked this area during the first call for service and said those items were not there during the initial search. Officer Perez said he and Officer Moore stayed on the fourth floor to secure it while the PPB Canine Officer and his cover officers went to retrieve a pole to assist in viewing the attic area of the fourth floor. Officer Perez said while they waited, he heard over the police radio that other units were challenging someone in the backyard of the residence and Officer Perez could hear the police dog barking. Officer Perez said he heard such things as, "Let me see your hands;" "non-compliant;" "she has a gun, she has a gun;" and then several shots fired. Officer Perez said he looked out a window into the backyard and saw Officer Shaw moving laterally with his gun and flashlight pointed in the direction of the female suspect. Officer Perez said he and Officer Moore ran downstairs to assist the officers in the backyard. Officer Perez retrieved a shield prior to entering the backyard and eventually teamed up with the other officers during the confrontation with the suspect who was secreted under a back patio. During this time Officer Perez heard multiple commands given, verbal responses from the suspect, attempts at negotiations/de-escalation, and then saw the suspect fire several rounds at them. Officer Perez described a subsequent exchange of gunfire between the suspect and Officer Webber. Finally, Officer Perez remained on-scene providing cover until he was relieved by members from SERT. This summary is meant to provide a brief overview of Officer Perez's interview. For complete details, please refer to the CD and/or transcript. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 133/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 134/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #74 ASSIGNED TO RANK SAMORA, SHAYE L (51733) ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: ASSAULT DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, SECONDARY ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/13/2018 SAMORA, SHAYE L SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/13/2018 05/28/2018 ROBERTS, CORY R NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME SAMORA, SHAYE L (51733) 03/13/2018 1036 SUBJECT INFO FROM REDDIT CONNECT INFORMATION Suspect: BROWN, SARAH M. F/W, DOB: NON-CONNECT INFORMATION Mentioned: MULLIN, ARLO M/W, DOB: Address: Phone: - Cell Police Personnel Mentioned: Sergeant Michele Hughes, DPSST #36818 Detective Division Homicide Detail / Crime Scene Supervisor Detective Scott Broughton, DPSST #40218 Detective Division Homicide Detail / Lead Investigator Detective Rico Beniga, DPSST #36906 Detective Division Homicide Detail / Lead Investigator PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 135/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL SUMMARY This report documents my involvement in the investigation of an officer involved shooting at 806 SW King Avenue, Portland, Oregon on March 8, 2018. NARRATIVE On March 8, 2018, at approximately 0601hours, I was notified by Sergeant Michele Hughes of the Homicide Division to respond to NW 21st Avenue / W Burnside Street to assist with the investigation of an officer involved shooting. I arrived in the area of the crime scene at approximately 0658 hours. I later attended a briefing by patrol and SERT officers regarding the incident. Sgt. Hughes tasked me to assist Detective Broughton and Detective Beniga. At approximately 1025, I entered the crime scene with other personnel and assisted looking for evidence. While at the crime scene, I spoke to ARLO MULLIN who is the son of the homeowners. MULLIN told me he located a post on Reddit about a possible earlier incident involving BROWN. I took a picture of the post on MULLIN'S phone which I later uploaded to DIMS. The Reddit post stated the following: "You couldn't see her that well on the video shot by helicopter of her being detained, but I am almost certain this woman was in Elephant's Deli just a couple blocks away from this incident around 5pm yesterday. If it's her, the woman last evening was clearly whacked out of her mind and was wandering around Elephants like a lunatic, and the staff was doing everything in their power to get her out of there. She would linger near people's tables, took some food off a plate that was waiting for a customer to pick it up at the grill station, and was generally crazy while doing the world's worst job of pretending to be a customer. The staff called her a taxi and kept corralling her outside, then she'd be back in a minute later, walking around being nuts. I'm guessing it's her since a) the video generally looked like her (short unkempt hair), b) the clothes were the same, c) that woman was doing insane stuff as well, and d) it was right in that neighborhood." At this time, I have not located a call for service in CAD associated with the incident posted on Reddit. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 136/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #75 ASSIGNED TO RANK MCCORMICK, DAVID (28717) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: ASSAULT DETAIL 4-INTERVIEW OTHER ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 MCCORMICK, DAVID SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/14/2018 05/28/2018 ROBERTS, CORY R NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME MCCORMICK, DAVID (28717) 03/13/2018 1044 SUBJECT INTERVIEW OF SGT. MCCONNELL OFFICERS MENTIONED Detective Paul DOLBEY (#29984) // assisted with interview Sgt. Pete McCONNELL (#28715) // interviewed SERT 3, Central Precinct, 503-823-0097 Sgt. Don LIVINGSTON (#32588) // SERT Sgt at command post Officer Josh SILVERMAN (#50814) // CNT Sgt. Cory ROBERTS (#29901) // Assault Detail Supervisor PERSONS MENTIONED n/a NARRATIVE On Thursday (03/08/18) at 0550, I was notified of an officer involved shooting which took place at 608 SW King, Portland. Sgt. Cory ROBERTS told me to set up the large conference room in preparation for the arrival of witness officers to the officer involved shooting. Once officers began arriving with Union representatives and TIC/PEER support members, I logged them into the room and instructed them not to speak with other members about the call. I was paired with Detective Paul DOLBEY for interviews. Our first interview was with Officer Torrey STREED (see Det. DOLBEY's report for details). The second interview was with Sgt. Pete McCONNELL. During the interview, McCONNELL referred to a printed map which he annotated (scanned into case file, submitted on PER #A081381). What follows is a summary of my interview - for a complete account read the transcript or listen to the audio recording (submitted on PER #A081382): Sgt. McCONNELL told me he received a SERT activation page at 0443 hours to 806 SW King regarding a barricaded female with a gun who'd fired shots at officers. Sgt. McCONNELL responded and was the perimeter sergeant and the "forward deployed" sergeant for the incident while Sgt. Don LIVINGSTON remained at the command post. Upon arrival, Sgt. McCONNELL began conversing with Sgt. LIVINGSTON about resources and was instructed to replace perimeter officers with SERT members. Sgt. McCONNELL also deployed CNT Officer Josh SILVERMAN with a SERT member in the hopes of establishing communication. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 137/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Once Sgt. McCONNELL moved closer to the incident, he could smell the odor of gasoline and adjusted potential tools to ensure SERT did not deploy any tools which could ignite the gasoline, he also shifted to SERT members to a higher position overlooking the scene (from the roof of the Volvo dealership, just north of the incident location). During the organization of resources, Sgt. McCONNELL could hear an agitated female voice but could not make out exactly what she was saying. Sgt. McCONNELL continued focusing resources to ensure the scene was safe, to ensure there was containment, and positioned two armored vehicle (allowing both cover and quick access to SERT tools) to the north and east of the 806 SW King. Sgt. McCONNELL told me he also organized options with EDU/SERT including providing the suspect access to a cell phone, via remote robot delivery. The suspect also requested a bottle of water which was, again, delivered by robot. Sgt. McCONNELL continued to deploy resources including replacing an officer who was inside the house and could look down through a window at the suspect. Once replaced by a SERT member, Sgt. McCONNELL was aware the suspect had placed the handgun about two inches from her body. Sgt. McCONNELL considered various resolution option including sending in K-9, and driving the small or large robot over the handgun to trap it. Sgt. McCONNELL said they tried to send in the smaller robot to retrieve the handgun but the suspect grabbed the robot arm preventing recovery of the weapon. As he considered other options to render the handgun safe, a SERT member radio'd the suspect had moved the gun approximately two feet away from her position. Sgt. McCONNELL told me they saw an opportunity to safely resolve the situation and quickly made an " who would quickly approach the suspect, remove the gun from the scene while taking the suspect into custody. The plan worked. Once the suspect was controlled and the scene rendered safe, medical was requested to tend to the suspect's injuries. Sgt. McCONNELL could see blood on the suspect's right thigh but nothing else. Sgt. McCONNELL added during the positioning of armor, he noticed .223 shell casings were likely moved or run over by the tires or SERT members but due to the limited amount of deployment space available, that was unavoidable. #EndofReport PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 138/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166553) ANNOTATED GOOGLE MAP OF 806 SW KING, PORTLAND A081381 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 139/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166554) UNUSED GOOGLE MAP OF 806 SW KING, PORTLAND A081381 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 140/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #76 ASSIGNED TO RANK SAMORA, SHAYE L (51733) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: ASSAULT DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, SECONDARY ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/13/2018 SAMORA, SHAYE L SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/13/2018 03/14/2018 WHATTAM, KEN N NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME SAMORA, SHAYE L (51733) 03/13/2018 0950 SUBJECT GUARD DUTY AT OHSU On March 10, 2018, I guarded SARAH BROWN while she was a patient at OHSU. At approximately 1700, I relieved Officer Damerville (51797) and at 0100 I was relieved by Officer Mitchell (22419). While I guarded BROWN, I sat outside of her room and did not ask her any questions; however, she asked me several times when she would be discharged and transported to jail. I referred her to OHSU medical staff. At approximately 2300 hours, Officer Sandler (52342) arrived to scan BROWN'S fingerprints for confirmation of her identification. While Officer Sandler obtained the scan, she asked BROWN her name and date of birth for the purpose of identification. Nothing further. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 141/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #77 ASSIGNED TO RANK SHEARER, JEFFREY G (29992) CRIMINALIST ORG UNIT CAPACITY FORENSICS: 2-FORENSIC UNIT PROCESSING ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/14/2018 SHEARER, JEFFREY G SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/14/2018 03/14/2018 MCMURRAY, SHAWNDA L NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME SHEARER, JEFFREY G (29992) 03/14/2018 1446 SUBJECT POLICE SHOOTING ADDITIONAL On 030818 I was directed to responded to 806 SW King to assist in a police shooting investigation. I documented the shooting scene with the Leica C10 scanner and iStar camera for the purpose of measuring and recording details of the scene and evidence. While I was there I assisted other investigators at the scene. I made digital color photographs to document scanner positioning and notebook sketch of the scan plan. At the Forensic Evidence Division I registered the separate scans in the appropriate software (Cyclone) and transferred digital images to DIMS for archiving. I worked with Criminalist Becker on preparing the materials for presentation to the grand jury. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 142/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #78 ASSIGNED TO RANK HOERAUF, TIMOTHY N (51230) ORG UNIT CAPACITY TOD: TACTICAL OPERATIONS DIVISION 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/08/2018 HOERAUF, TIMOTHY N SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/13/2018 03/14/2018 WHATTAM, KEN N NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME HOERAUF, TIMOTHY N (51230) 03/08/2018 1246 SUBJECT RESPONSE TO SERT CALLOUT See CAD for complete list of involved. On 3/8/18 at 0443 I responded from home to a SERT activation to 806 SW King on the report of "SHOTS FIRED, NO1 HIT." Prior to responding to the scene, I retrieved the SERT Bear Cat from its staging location. When I arrived on scene, I linked up with Ofc. C. Gradwahl, Ofc. Corno, Ofc, Sparling, Ofc. Gore, Sgt. Defrain, and Sgt. Mcconnell. My role at that point was to deliver cold gas if necessary via a multi-launcher. Information was broadcast earlier that she possibly had spilled gasoline on or around her and I could smell gasoline strongly which I knew limited our options to deliver any pyrotechnic devices such as warm gas and FSDDs or use the Taser due to the risk of fire. I knew that loosing these options put us at a tactical disadvantage and made the situation more dangerous by limiting viable options. For the duration of the event. I could hear the female suspect yelling aggressively, to include threats that she would keep shooting and shoot at officers. As the event continued, the suspect seemed to be constantly yelling, "Call 911!" At no point did the intensity or cadence of her yelling and screaming stop or slow down. Constant attempts were made to loud hail through a loud speaker and through the speaker on a robot to gain compliance or give direction but the attempts were to no avail. The suspect didn't seem to have the ability to listen to any direction. Collectively, we discussed considered numerous plans and options including the use of robots and canine to create separation between the suspect and the gun. Strong consideration was given not to precipitate a force event, however with no effective communication with the suspect who we knew had been shot and possibly immobilized, we had to weigh that with the need to render aid. Ultimately, a SERT member was able to see that the pistol the suspect had was separated from her and she was no longer holding it. Also, information gained from the robot camera was that she had a bucket on her head. I believed we had an advantage there in that she may not be able to see us coming. When the plan was approved, I acted as part of a custody team to approach the suspect, Ofc. Sparling and I were designated, "Hands on and cuffers, Ofc C. Gradwahl was designated as Lethal Cover. Ofc. Gore had his Canine partner, and Sgt. Defrain had a less lethal launcher. Two SERT Medics were staged to assist. On the order to execute, we moved from the 2/3 corner of the house PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 143/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL approximately 20 feet to the opening under the stairs. Ofc. Sparling and I took hold of the suspects arms while Ofc. Gradwahl secured what looked the pistol and moved it out of her reach. The suspect was screaming and yelling and her body was very tense, clearly she was in pain from being shot, but she did not resist our efforts at control. I took hold of the suspects right wrist, her hand was covered in blood. We pulled her clear from the tight confines of the small doorway into the yard. We rolled her on her stomach and I placed handcuffs on her. Immediately I placed her in a "recovery position" and we began assessing for injuries. The suspect was wearing insulated snow pants which made exposing the wound to her leg difficult. I accessed a tourniquet from a medical bag however, it was indicated to me that she did not need it or any other immediate medical intervention that was necessary at that point. I could see what I believed to be a bullet wound above the suspects knee and with the projectile stuck in the skin and protruding out of the exit side of the wound. We loaded the suspect into a Ranger Sked Litter and moved her to a waiting Ambulance. I left the unused tourniquet at the 2/3 corner of the house. Prior to leaving the suspect, I performed a pat down of the suspect to make sure she did not have any additional weapons concealed in her jacket. during this I located the PPB CNT "Firefly" cell phone in her jacket pocket. I gave this cell phone to SERT Intel Officer Jones to hold and later advised Det. Kammerer of this detail about the disposition of this item. When authorized to do so, I assisted in gathering SERT equipment and cleared the scene. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 144/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #79 ASSIGNED TO RANK JOHNSON, MARK A (22655) ORG UNIT CAPACITY FORENSICS: 2-FORENSIC UNIT PROCESSING ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/16/2018 JOHNSON, MARK A SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/16/2018 03/16/2018 MCMURRAY, SHAWNDA L NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME JOHNSON, MARK A (22655) 03/16/2018 0101 SUBJECT THIRD FLOOR EVIDENCE/LATENT ID On 03/14/2018 I was called to 806 SW King by Detective Broughton to assist with additional information he received regarding an officer involved shooting. Upon arrival, I met with Broughton and the homeowners. Broughton said there were items in an attic crawl space off of the third floor of the house. He asked me to photograph and collect them. Additionally, Broughton showed me the area of a stairway wall that had hand deposits on it. I took digital photographs of the third floor and the rooms off of the third floor. I took photos of the attic area where the items were located and close up photos of the items. I collected and listed on PER #A090121 the following items; 1. One wine glass 2. One piece of tile sample from Ann Sacks (with a layer of dust and dirt on it) 3. One paper Coffee People coffee cup (extremely dirty with signs of rodent activity) 4. One compact makeup case 5. One paperback book 6. One right hand glove found under the red suitcase I took additional photos of the items after they were brought out of the crawl space. Broughton smelled and discarded the clear, odorless liquid inside the wine glass. I took additional photographs of the hand and finger marks on the wall. I could tell one of the deposits had a tiny bit of friction ridge detail. I processed this area using black powder. The powder did not enhance any of the deposits. I obtained no latent fingerprints of value from the wall. Upon returning to the FED Office, using BODE brand swabs, I took samples of possible DNA from the lip of the wine glass and the edge of the compact makeup case. I listed these on the same PER under items #7 and 8. I processed the wine glass, book and makeup using cyanoacrylate fuming. I processed the makeup case using Basic Yellow 40 florescent dye stain. I processed the book using fluorescent magnetic powder. I obtained four areas of latent fingerprint ridge detail from the wine glass. I placed photographic scales near each of these and took photos of the prints. I did not process the wine glass further. I obtained no latent fingerprints of value from the book or the makeup. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 145/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL On the wine glass I determined that latent print MAJ#1 was of value for identification. I compared this with the fingerprints on file with the Oregon State Police for Brown, Sarah Michelle F/W with a DOB of and an . I determined that Brown made that print using her #1 digit (right thumb). I determined that latent prints MAJ#2 was of value for identification. I compared this with the fingerprints on file with the Oregon State Police for Brown, Sarah Michelle F/W with a DOB of and an . I determined that Brown made that print using her #2 finger (right index). I determined that latent print MAJ#3 was not of value for identification. It was only of value for exclusion. Brown cannot be excluded as having made this print. I determined that latent print MAJ#4 was not of value for identification. It was only of value for exclusion. Brown can be excluded as having made this print. I delivered the above items to the PPB Property Room via the FED outgoing locker. I entered the photos into the DIMS database. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 146/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #80 ASSIGNED TO RANK OUTHAYTHIP, NAVARATH (24990) ORG UNIT CAPACITY FORENSICS: 2-FORENSIC UNIT PROCESSING ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/17/2018 OUTHAYTHIP, NAVARATH SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/17/2018 03/19/2018 MCMURRAY, SHAWNDA L NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME OUTHAYTHIP, NAVARATH (24990) 03/17/2018 1503 SUBJECT EVIDENCE COLLECTION AND PHOTOS Evidence Collected Property/Evidence Receipt (PER) A089776 - from Officer Shaw Item 1 - Glock 17 pistol serial #KDD823 Item 2 - one live 9mm round from the chamber and one magazine with seventeen live 9mm rounds from the pistol Item 3 - one magazine with thirteen live 9mm rounds from the left rear pant pocket Item 4 - one magazine with seventeen live 9mm rounds from the lower ammo pouch Disposition: Property Room PER A089777 - from Officer Webber Item 1 - Colt AR-15 rifle serial #LGC015990 Item 2 - one short magazine with twelve live 223 rounds Item 3 - one long magazine with twenty six live 223 rounds Disposition: Property Room PER A089801 - from the Chevrolet pickup (WA) AR11507 Item 1 - one pair of blk/gry Khombu snow boots Item 2 - one (left hand side) bro/blk Gates work glove Item 3 - one black Eddie Bauer backpack containing feminine pad, bikini top, religious and justice information handouts, pen, notebook, plastic bottle cap, black plastic bag, and two napkins. Item 4 - one pack of earplugs Item 5 - one empty "pre-roll" marijuana capsule, The Clone Brothers LLC Item 6 - one book, LOVE Fulfilling the Ultimate Quest by James P. Gills, MD Item 7 - one white kitchen trash bag with suspected blood Item 8 - 1X1.00 and 1X.10 from the Eddie Bauer backpack Disposition: Property Room PER A090105 - from the Chevrolet pickup (WA) AR11507 Item 1 - two swabs with blood, from the left rear passenger door interior panel Disposition: Property Room PER A090109 - from north side of the inn Item 1 - one 16.9 FL Oz Oregon Springs water bottle, from fence line north of THE INN Park Lane Suites building Disposition: Property Room PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 147/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL On 03/08/18, Criminalist Yoshimura and I were called to a home located at 806 SW King Avenue to assist with an officer involved shooting investigation. Upon our arrival, we checked in with Sergeant Hughes, a supervisor of the Detective Division. Then we went to the mobile command post located near SW King/W Burnside. I assisted Criminalist Yoshimura with the "ammo count". I collected the evidence listed on PER A089776 from Officer Shaw and evidence listed on PER A089777 from Officer Webber. See Criminalist Yoshimura's report for further detail. At the request of Detective Posey, I went to THE INN Park Lane Suites located at 809 SW King Avenue. He showed me the Chevrolet Silverado pickup, (WA) AR11507, in the parking lot and he told me that a theft from the vehicle was related to the officer involved shooting. A digital still camera was used to document the vehicle and the immediate surrounding area in the condition as I found them. I visually examined the doors and I found no sign of forced entry. I applied Small Particle Reagent (SPR) about the door handles. No latent prints were developed. Photo documentation of the SPR use were made. Then I went from door to door and photographed the driver compartment and passenger compartments in the condition as I found them. With the assistance of the pickup owner, he showed me where his pistol was stored (the driver door pocket), the items that were handled by the prowler, and the items that weren't his. The following items were some of the many objects handled by the prowler in the pickup. They were processed at the scene using standard black powder. At the conclusion of the processing, they were returned to the pickup owner: the cordless drill and saw, the orange storage bin, the carpenter square, the box cutter knife, and filet knife. Latent prints of no value were developed. The following items were found inside the pickup: one gray/black sock - it was released to the female owner at the scene one black under shorts - it was released to the female owner at the scene one floral backpack - it was released to the female owner at the scene one pack of earplugs - from inside the floral backpack - evidence one pair of snow boots - evidence one work glove (left hand side) - evidence one Eddie Bauer backpack - evidence one empty marijuana capsule - evidence one book - evidence one white trash bag with suspected blood - evidence Suspected blood on the left rear passenger door interior panel was photographed. I field tested the substance on the door handle,with color and consistency of blood. The result was positive. All four areas of the blood in the photograph was collected using two swabs, PER A090105. See Detective Posey's report for further detail. At the request of Detective Broughton, I photographed and I collected the water bottle located on the pavement north of the building, PER A090109. He told me that there might be a water bottle with similar label in Room 238. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 148/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL At the request of Sergeant Morris, a sergeant of the Forensic Evidence Division, I went Room 238. Officer Green, the tending officer, told me the room was locked. About five minutes later, the maintenance man arrived to let me in. I asked the maintenance man about the missing window screen frame. He told me he knew nothing about it. I entered and I photographed the room, including the window, in the condition as I found it. I examined the electric kettle, the dresser drawer, and window. I used standard black powder to process the dresser drawer handle and window. Two latent palm prints of possible value were developed on the exterior side of the window. They were photographed then transferred onto two individual lift cards. At the conclusion of my task, I closed and locked the window and door. Note, A water bottle with similar label, shape and size to the water bottle I have collected was found in the room. The water bottle was photographed. In addition to the maintenance man, I asked two housekeepers about the window screen frame. They knew nothing about it. I checked the immediate surrounding area and no window screen frame was found. I went to the home located at 806 SW King Avenue. I assisted Criminalist Ware with the collection of evidence, numbered Placards 1 through 22, 24, and 26. See his report for further detail. At the request of Sergeant Morris, I photographed then I processed the point of entry behind the home. A latent fingerprint of possible value was developed on the exterior side of the lower windowpane. It was photographed then transferred onto a lift card. I transported the items of evidence listed on PERs A089776, A089777, A090105, A090109, and A089801 to the Forensic Evidence Division and I placed them inside the vault. The captured still images were uploaded into DIMS. On 03/09/18 I retrieved the items of evidence listed on PERs A089776, A089777, and A090105 from the vault. The items were packaged then delivered to the Property Room via FED outgoing locker. I processed the water bottle (PER A090109 Item 1), the earplug case and empty marijuana capsule (PER A089801 Items 4 & 5) in the following sequence: a) visual examination, b) cyanoacrylate fuming and visual examination, and c) powder application and visual examination. No latent was developed on the water bottle. Latents of no value were developed on the case and capsule. The processed items were returned to the vault. On 03/14/18 I retrieved the book (PER A089801 Item 6) from the vault and I processed it using magnetic powder. No latent was developed. I retrieved the Eddie Bauer backpack (PER A089801 Item 3) from the vault. For inventory purposes, I emptied each compartment and photographed its contents. The moldy tan napkin and moldy food in the Starbucks paper sack were discarded. Per policy, the dollar bill and dime were packaged separately (PER A089801 Item 8). The captured still images were uploaded into DIMS. All items of evidence listed on PERs A089801 and A090109 were delivered to the Property Room via FED outgoing locker. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 149/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL The developed latent palm prints (from Room 238) and fingerprint (from the home) will be analyzed. A separate report will be submitted. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 150/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #81 ASSIGNED TO RANK MORRIS, JAMES J (29314) SERGEANT ORG UNIT CAPACITY FORENSICS: 2-FORENSIC UNIT PROCESSING ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY SUBMITTED ON 03/20/2018 MORRIS, JAMES J APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/26/2018 MORRIS, JAMES J NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME MORRIS, JAMES J (29314) 03/20/2018 1057 SUBJECT EVIDENCE TRANSFERRED FROM OFFICER PERZ #50907 On 03/08/2018, at approximately 1100 hours, at the officer involved shooting located at 806 SW King, Officer Perez #50907 transferred the following items of evidence to me that were allegedly stolen in a burglary at the 806 SE King location earlier in the night. On property evidence receipt number A066661, the following items of evidence were collected as part of a burglary investigation and, at the direction of Homicide Detective, Scott Broughton #40218, were transferred to me at the scene of the officer involved shooting by Officer Parez. The items of evidence were transported to the Forensic Evidence Division, where they were recorded in a report and sent to the Property Evidence Division. Item #1: One blue designer hat. Item #2 ****VOIDED ITEM ***** There was miscommunication regarding Item #2 (1 cigarette) between Officer Parez and his partner. Item#2 has been voided from the property receipt with the date and time I listened to Parez's voicemail. Contacting Officer Parez regarding possible discrepancy slowed the processing of the evidence. It needs to also be noted that Officer Parez's original narrative of the Burglary needs to be revised to reflect the miscommunication in collecting Item #2. Item #3: 1 Emergen-C 1000mg Vitamin C pack ---unopened Item #4; 1 Multi tool, Item#4 is not listed as evidence collected in the narrative of Officer Parez's report. Item#5: 1 Black "Bell and Ross" watch Item#6: 1 white "Swisher" E-cigarette with a plastic cap From the date the evidence was collected by me, it has been in custody and care of the Forensic Evidence Division. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 151/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #82 ASSIGNED TO RANK BENIGA, RICO T (36906) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: HOMICIDE DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, SECONDARY ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/27/2018 BENIGA, RICO T SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 04/13/2018 04/13/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BENIGA, RICO T (36906) 03/27/2018 1308 SUBJECT OFFICER SHAW WEAPON COUNT DOWN INVOLVED OFFICER Officer Darrell Shaw #28928 Portland Police Bureau/Central Precinct F Shift ADDITIONAL DETECTIVES Detective Scott Broughton #40218 Portland Police Bureau Homicide Detail Lead Investigator Sergeant Michele Hughes #36818 Portland Police Homicide Detail Issued CRO'S FORENSIC EVIDENCE DIVISION Criminalist Randy Yoshimura #24583 Criminalist Dan Outhaythip #24990 ADDITIONAL OFFICERS Officer Brett Williamson #26980 Portland Police Training Division PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 152/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Issued replacement firearm MENTIONED Steven Myers Attorney at Law Counsel for Officer Shaw NARRATIVE At approximately 0915 hours, Detective Broughton and I conducted a weapon count down of Officer Darrell Shaw, who was one of two officers who discharged their weapons during the incident that occurred at 806 SW King Avenue. I learned that Officer Shaw discharged his duty handgun during the incident. The count down was conducted in the Portland Police Bureau mobile command center which was parked near the incident location. Criminalists Yoshimura and Outhaythip photographed and documented the process. Officer Shaw's attorney, Steven Myers, was present during the examination. The weapon count down determined the following: Duty Belt: Top Magazine pouch: empty/no Magazine Bottom Magazine pouch: Magazine containing 17 live 9mm rounds in magazine (17 round capacity) Duty Weapon: Glock Model 17 SN#KDD823 (with TLR light attached) Chamber: 1 live 9mm round Magazine in gun: 17 live 9mm rounds in magazine (17 round capacity) Additional Magazine: (From left rear pant pocket) 13 live 9mm rounds in Magazine (17 round capacity) Taser: SN#X3 00002C85 Both taser cartridges were unfired Officer Shaw stated he did not have any additional/backup firearms. Based on the countdown four (4) rounds were fired. Upon completion of the examination, Detective Broughton asked Officer Shaw if he was going to conduct an on scene briefing as well as a voluntary interview. Officer Shaw answered, "On advice of my attorney, not at this time", to both questions. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 153/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL At approximately 0936 hours, Portland Police Homicide Sergeant Michele Hughes issued Officer Shaw a Communication Restriction Order (CRO). Officer Shaw acknowledged and signed the Order and was provided a copy. Officer Shaw was also provided with a replacement firearm by Officer Brett Williamson of the Training Division. End of Report PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 154/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #83 ASSIGNED TO RANK BENIGA, RICO T (36906) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: HOMICIDE DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, SECONDARY ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/27/2018 BENIGA, RICO T SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 04/13/2018 04/13/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BENIGA, RICO T (36906) 03/27/2018 1406 SUBJECT OFFICER WEBBER WEAPON COUNT DOWN INVOLVED OFFICER Officer Joseph Webber #44629 Portland Police Bureau/Central Precinct F Shift ADDITIONAL DETECTIVES Detective Scott Broughton #40218 Portland Police Bureau Homicide Detail Lead Investigator Sergeant Michele Hughes #36818 Portland Police Homicide Detail Issued CRO'S FORENSIC EVIDENCE DIVISION Criminalist Randy Yoshimura #24583 Criminalist Dan Outhaythip #24990 MENTIONED Michael Starapoli Attorney at Law Counsel for Officer Webber NARRATIVE PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 155/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL At approximately 0946 hours, Detective Broughton and I conducted a weapon count down of Officer Joseph Webber, who was one of two officers who discharged their weapons during the incident that occurred at 806 SW King Avenue. I learned that Officer Webber had discharged his Bureau issued AR 15 patrol rifle. The count down was conducted in the Portland Police Bureau mobile command center which was parked near the incident location. Criminalists Yoshimura and Outhaythip photographed and documented the process. Officer Webber's attorney, Michael Staropoli, was present during the examination. The weapon count down determined the following: Duty AR 15 Rifle: SN#LGC015990 Chamber: empty (no live rounds) Magazine in rifle: 26 live .223 rounds (30 round capacity). Tactical reload conducted, but none fired from Magazine. Additional Magazine: 12 live .223 rounds (20 round magazine) **note: countdown twenty (20) rounds were fired. Based upon the Duty Belt: Top Magazine pouch: Magazine containing 17 live 9mm rounds (17 capacity) Bottom Magazine pouch: Magazine containing 16 live 9mm rounds (17 round capacity) Duty Weapon: Glock Model 17 SN#EEP204 with (TLR light attached) Chamber: 1 live 9mm round Magazine: 17 live 9mm rounds in Magazine (17 round capacity) Taser: SN#X3 00002CX8 Both taser cartridges were unfired Officer Webber stated he did not have any additional/backup firearms. Upon completion of the examination, Detective Broughton asked Officer Webber if he was going to conduct an on-scene briefing as well as a voluntary interview. Officer Webber answered, "Not at this moment", to both questions. At approximately 1013 hours, Portland Police Homicide Sergeant Michele Hughes issued Officer Webber a Communication Restriction Order (CRO). Officer Webber acknowledged and signed the Order and was provided a copy. End of Report PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 156/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 157/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #84 ASSIGNED TO RANK OUTHAYTHIP, NAVARATH (24990) ORG UNIT CAPACITY FORENSICS: 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/31/2018 OUTHAYTHIP, NAVARATH SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/31/2018 04/02/2018 MORRIS, JAMES J NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME OUTHAYTHIP, NAVARATH (24990) 03/31/2018 0831 SUBJECT ONE OF THREE DEVELOPED PRINTS IDENTIFIED On 03/24/18, I examined the developed fingerprint on the lift card from 806 SW King Avenue and two developed palm prints on the lift cards from 809 SW King Avenue Rm 238. They contained sufficient quantity and quality for an identification. I received two ten print cards and two palm print cards with the name Brown, Sarah Michelle FW with a DOB of and from Criminalist Johnson. I compared all three prints with those of Brown's. Based upon the data I have and using my experience and trainings, I concluded that the developed palm prints were not hers and the developed fingerprint was her left index finger, Finger #7. A case envelope was created. On 03/29/18, I entered the developed palm prints into ABIS and NGI with negative results. The palm prints remain unidentified. They will be filed in FED file room after Verification. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 158/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #85 ASSIGNED TO RANK BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: HOMICIDE DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, LEAD ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 04/20/2018 BROUGHTON, SCOTT P SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 04/20/2018 04/24/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) 04/20/2018 1204 SUBJECT DNA AND LAB SEARCH WARRANT/TOXICOLOGY Involved Officers: Officer Darrell Shaw #28923 Portland Police Bureau Unit 828E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Officer Joseph Webber #44629 Portland Police Bureau Unit 727E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Arrested Suspect: Sarah Michelle BROWN Female/White Date of Birth: No local address/Transient Persons Mentioned: MATHEW EUBANKS (OHSU Lab Technician) Male/White Date of Birth: Home Address: Cellular Phone: Police Personnel: Heath Kula #42786 Oregon Health and Sciences University Director of Public Safety PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 159/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Detective Brad Clifton #37152 Homicide Detail Other Personnel: Julie Baggs Privacy Coordinator Portland Fire and Rescue Exhibits: Property/Evidence Receipt Number A083093 Item 1: (1) Container of Urine Item 2: (7) Tubes of blood (I later transferred Item 2 to Property Evidence Receipt Number A083054, Items 1-4) Property/Evidence Receipt Number A081446 Item 1: (4) Oral swabs taken from SARAH MICHELLE BROWN Property/Evidence Receipt Number A083054 (Items transferred from PER A083093 Item 2) Item 1: (3) Tubes of blood, Container Identification (CID) numbers 8722964, 8722965, 8722966 Item 2: (1) Tube of blood, CID number 8722967 Item 3: (1) Tube of blood, CID number 8723280 Item 4: (2) Tubes of blood, CID numbers 8732096, 8732097 Property/Evidence Receipt Number A083061 Item 1: (1) Disk with Sarah Brown medical records from OHSU Item 3: (10) Stickers provided by OHSU with Sarah Brown lab samples taken on PER A083093 Associated Cases: 1. 2. 3. 4. PPB Case Number 18-77293: March 7, 2018 burglary to 806 SW King Ave. PPB Case Number 18-77337: March 7, 2018 burglary to room 238 at 840 SW King Ave. PPB Case Number 18-77543: March 7-8, 2018 car prowl with handgun stolen from parking lot of 840 SW King Ave. PPB Case Number 18-79405: March 8, 2018 burglary to 806 SW King Ave. Summary: This report details follow up I conducted after uniform and investigative personnel cleared the crime scenes located at 806 and 840 Southwest King Avenue. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 160/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Narrative: On March 9, 2018, I spoke with the Directory of Public Safety at Oregon Health and Sciences University (OHSU), HEATH KULA. I confirmed with Director Kula that OHSU Lab personnel had urine and blood samples from SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. Director Kula told me the blood and urine samples would be preserved until I was able to apply for a search warrant to seize and test the samples. On March 22, 2018, I opened medical records from SARAH MICHELLE BROWN from Oregon Health and Sciences University pursuant to a Grand Jury Subpoena. I reviewed medical records and learned that on March 9, 2018, SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S lab bodily fluid samples were positive for Amphetamines, Benzo, Cannabis, Opiates, and Oxycodone. I placed the disk containing SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S medical records in the property room as evidence on property receipt number A083061. On March 22, 2018 at approximately 1600 hours, I presented an affidavit to Multnomah County Judge Leslie Bottomly seeking permission to seize, search, and analyze SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S urine and blood samples. Judge Bottomly approved the affidavit, and signed the search warrant. At approximately 1645 hours, Detective Clifton and I met with SARAH MICHELLE BROWN in a secure room on the eighth floor of the justice center. I read the search warrant aloud to SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. Detective Clifton and I collected 4 oral swabs from SARAH MICHELLE BROWN pursuant to the warrant. At 1652 hours, Detective Clifton and I ended our meeting with SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. I placed the swabs in the property room as evidence on property receipt number A081446. On March 22, 2018 at approximately 1810 hours, I met with MATT EUBANKS at the OHSU main lab. MATT EUBANKS is a laboratory tech. I provided Mr. EUBANKS with a copy of the signed warrant for SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S lab samples. Mr. EUBANKS gave me seven tubes of blood and one container of urine. Mr. EUBANKS gave me 9 stickers that had information printed on them about each of the lab samples. Mr. EUBANKS gave me 1 sticker that contained a handwritten note with SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S name on it and the dates of the samples I requested. Mr. EUBANKS told me each container has a unique identification number, CID number, and showed me where on the stickers I could find the date and time of the lab draw on the stickers that corresponded to a CID number on the lab samples. Mr. EUBANKS showed me where to find the CID on the tubes of blood and container of urine. It should be noted, there were 2 stickers for the urine sample. I later placed the stickers described in the property room as evidence on property receipt number A083061. I scanned and attached the stickers corresponding to the CID information below to this report. Based on the information Mr. EUBANKS provided me, the draw dates for the various CID are listed below: CID: 8722964 Draw Date/Time: March 8, 2018 at 0705 hours CID: 8722965 Draw Date/Time: March 8, 2018 at 0705 hours CID: 8722966 Draw Date/Time: March 8, 2018 at 0705 hours CID: 8722967 Draw Date/Time: March 8, 2018 at 0705 hours CID: 8723280 Draw Date/Time: March 8, 2018 at 0806 hours CID: 8722096 Draw Date/Time: March 9, 2018 at 0413 hours CID: 8722097 Draw Date/Time: March 9, 2018 at 0413 hours CID: 8733710 Collection Date/Time: March 9, 2018 0900 hours (Urine sample) PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 161/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL I placed the tubes of blood and container of urine in the central precinct property room refrigerator as evidence on property receipt number A083093. On March 23, 2018, Detective Beniga returned the search warrant to the Multnomah County Courthouse. On April 3, 2018, I went to the property room to repackage the seven tubes of blood I seized from OHSU on March 22, 2018 as follows: Property/Evidence Receipt Number A083054 (Items transferred from PER A083093 Item 2) Item 1: (3) Tubes of blood, Container Identification (CID) numbers 8722964, 8722965, 8722966 Item 2: (1) Tube of blood, CID number 8722967 Item 3: (1) Tube of blood, CID number 8723280 Item 4: (2) Tubes of blood, CID numbers 8732096, 8732097 I photographed the 7 tubes of blood and later uploaded the photos to DIMS. On April 3, 2018, I arranged to have the 3 tubes of blood listed as Item 1 on property receipt number A083054 sent via overnight Federal Express to NMS Labs in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. On March 12, 2018, I received the Pre-Hospital Care Report for SARAH MICHELLE BROWN from Julie Baggs at the Portland Bureau of Fire and Rescue. I read in the report that medical personnel administered Fentanyl to SARAH MICHELLE BROWN while she was enroute to OHSU. I attached the Pre-Hospital Care Report to this report. On April 11, 2018 I received a toxicology report back from NMS Labs. The Toxicology report stated the blood samples I sent had the following positive finding: Amphetamine 78 +/- 18 ng/mL Methamphetamine 700 +/- 190 ng/mL Delta-9 Carboxy THC 7.8 +/- 1.4 ng/mL Fentanyl 1.2 +/- 0.2 ng/mL Refer to the attached NMS toxicology report for further details. End of report. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 162/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2267711) NMS TOXICOLOGY REPORT PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 163/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 164/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 165/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 166/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 167/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2267721) A081446, A083054, A083093 BUBEAU OF POLICE l. I s7210 THIS RECEIPT MUST BE ACCOMPANIEO gY AN APPROPRIATE BEPORT [it'J"l N0.A091446 PROPERTY TAKEN FROM orrreo owtensxre 'i7#lao,, t b c1ry t_-r ,Y\ 1n.r-k 1> SIATE LAST NAME MI FIBST It-11tty1 PFISONEH'S PROP. M F]FST PPB CASE NO REFEB CASE NO FOUND PROPEBTY LAST NAME HOME ADDRESS OWNER OF PROPERTY tb't 7 [7 *o."", ffii'{,r, orr.vf HOURS OF OPEFIATION: 9:00 AM TO NOON & 1:00 PM TO 4:00 PM, M-F PROPERryEVIDENCE RECEIPT 2619 NW INDUSTBIAL ST.. STE, B,1 oRecoN l'-+oRtnruo. '\4 503-823-2r79 GAvE coPY? vesl lro SAFEKEEPING n SEX I f VOLUNTARILY RELINOUISH FOR THE ITEM(S) LiSTED ZP SAFEKEEPING DOB SEX SIGNATURE HOIVE ADDRESS CITY TYPE OF INCIDEI.IT A* c,,nV) lAu.fu,r ' LoCATIoI.PVHENE FoUND. uab 3w 4U Ave- rNAl, SEIZE D, SURRENDERED IAST NAME DEFENDANT ztP STATE PHONE DEUVERING OFFICER OPSST/ASSIGN tloa* lDx'T Krn,r^LJr,r^ $b fi \)Esr'iGATOR (lF DTFFERENT) DPSST/ASStGN Fbor FIBST I\4 RACE SEX I DOB SUSPECT FoR GUi.rS LIST ilAr(E, WPE, CALTBER, IttoDEL, SERTAL ilUirBER(S), |MP0BTER & C0UilTRY 0F 0Rrcrlt. LIST OiITY OIIE ITTM PER SELECTION. I T E tc) osa\ iw*Vr+ {4!ce4. 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AM I Hil[,'t' REFER CASE l6tr.rr.ol T zuoe'ce PROPERIY TAKEN FROM DENIEO HOURS OF OPERATION: 9:00 AM TO NOON & 1:00 PM TO 4:00 PM, M-F PROPERTY/EVIDENCE RECEI PT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN APPROPRIATE REPORT tr FOUND PROPERTY LAST NAME FIFST No Ivl PPB CASE NO tr-'71tsl PRISONEB'S PROP, GAvE coPY? vesl I fl r,ro SEX E I ,tA HOME AOORESS OWITER OF PROPERTY LAST NAME SAFEKEEPING MI FIRST VOLUNTARILY BELINOUISH FOR THE IIEM(S) USTEO SIATE CITY sarereeerruc DOA SEX SIGNATURE ctry HOME AOORESS TYPE OF INTCDEMT , ztP STATE . OELIVERING OFFICEF AW, S"d lyl*dro L@aTbNtmrERE sEtzED, FouND, SURRENoEREo i$\ 3*t *'n : oEFEr[DANr PHONE ^ lur-Va*, P" V k"S LASI NAME DPSSIIASSIGN tl,t2ts K,"^lL^^ rMEsndAroC irF DIFFERENT) FIRST SEX BACE SUSPECT FoR GUt{S rlST irAKE, TYPE, CALTBER, rlroDEL, SERTAT ilUMBER(S), tilrP0RTER & CoUNTBY 0F 08rGlN. LIST OI{LY Ol{E I]TM PER SELECNON. I T E M (f colt\,rciwrr lDtr DPSST/ASSIGN STLN l* FOR PED USE ONLY a.riv 1 I T I E- rta"s\'*<r.,1- )" 2 Pre A I O*txt Tta,n. /'4 I I T E 3 I T E M 4 I T E 5 I T E 6 I T I E 7 I T E M 8 ()€LIVEFED TO: CH€CI( ONE ONLY f l.- STATE CBIME LAB E(s^rELUrE PrcP. ROOM E ornes FED E PED PRECINCT E LOCKER} c€ e\ DO NOT WRITE IN SPACE BELOW BECEI D BY PED DATE PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 BY - BECEIVED BY FOR PED USE ONLY WHITE . RECPRDS COPY PINK.wlTH PROPEFry YELLOW CITIZENSRECEIPT TIME PRINTED BY: 58774 DATE slerla*r Page 170/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2267737) CONTAINER ID (CID) INFORMATION PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 171/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 172/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 173/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 174/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 175/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #86 ASSIGNED TO RANK BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: HOMICIDE DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, LEAD ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 04/25/2018 BROUGHTON, SCOTT P SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 04/25/2018 04/25/2018 WHATTAM, KEN N NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) 04/25/2018 1322 SUBJECT SARAH BROWN INTERVIEWS Involved Officers: Officer Darrell Shaw #28923 Portland Police Bureau Unit 828E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Officer Joseph Webber #44629 Portland Police Bureau Unit 727E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Arrested Suspect: Sarah Michelle BROWN Female/White Date of Birth: No local address/Transient Police Personnel: Detective Rico Beniga #36906 Homicide Detail Officer Alexander Quinsland #50817 Central Precinct Officer Russau #52771 Central Precinct Officer Vosu #56975 Central Precinct PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 176/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Persons Mentioned: Doctor Dan Haupt Oregon Health and Sciences Univeristy Department of Psychiatry Exhibits: Property/Evidence Receipt Number A083061 Item 2: (1) Disk with SARAH MICHELLE BROWN interviews Summary: This report summarizes my interviews with SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. Narrative: On March 8, 2018 at approximately 0653 hours, SARAH MICHELLE BROWN was taken into custody by Portland Police officers and transported to OHSU for treatments. SARAH MICHELLE BROWN was guarded while she was in the hospital from the time she arrived until she was discharged and booked at MCDC. On March 9, 2018 at approximately 1341 hours Detective Beniga and I interviewed SARAH MICHELLE BROWN at OHSU, ward 13A, room 1. I digitally recorded the phone call. What follows is a summary of my interview with SARAH MICHELLE BROWN, for complete details, refer to the digital recording and transcript. I read SARAH MICHELLE BROWN the Constitutional Rights Advice (Miranda) form aloud. As I was reading through the form, SARAH MICHELLE BROWN asked for an attorney. I stopped reading the form to her and ended our recording. I asked SARAH MICHELLE BROWN if she could provide me the names of family members so I could notify them she was in the hospital. She told me she has a cousin named Charles See, phone number , and that he lived in Tehatchapee, California. She told me she has a cousin named Virgil Miller in Moreno Valley, California. She told me she has a brother named Wes, phone number . I asked SARAH MICHELLE BROWN if she had ever used any other names. She told me she has ID in California under the name of Alexis Wilder, date of birth . When Detective Beniga and I left SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S hospital room, I spoke with Doctor Dan Haupt in the hallway. Dr. Haupt told me he has seen SARAH MICHELLE BROWN in the past under the name of Rose Roberts, date of birth of . PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 177/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL On March 11, 2018, I received a call from Officer Quinsland. Officer Quinsland told me SARAH MICHELLE BROWN had asked to speak to detectives. At approximately 1045 hours, Detective Beniga and I went to OHSU ward 13A, room 1, to speak with SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. I digitally recorded and later had transcribed by interview with SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. What follows is a summary of my interview, for complete details refer to the digital recording and transcript. I told SARAH MICHELLE BROWN that Officer Quinsland told me she wanted to speak with me. I read the Constitutional Rights Advice (Miranda) aloud to SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. SARAH MICHELLE BROWN told me she wanted an attorney. Detective Beniga and I left SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S hospital room. Refer to Officer Quinsland's report for further. At approximately 1357 hours, Officers Vosu and Russau transported SARAH MICHELLE BROWN from OHSU to MCDC and booked her on one count of Attempted Aggravated Murder, two counts of Burglary I, one count of Unlawful Use of a Weapon, and one count of Unlawful Entry to a Motor Vehicle. Refer to Officer Vosu's report for details on the transport. I later placed the digital recordings of my interviews with SARAH MICHELLE BROWN on a disk and placed the disk in the property room on receipt number A083061. End of report. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 178/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2281041) 03-09-2018 SARAH BROWN INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 179/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 180/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 181/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 182/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2281043) 03-11-2018 SARAH BROWN INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 183/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 184/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 185/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 186/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 187/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 188/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 189/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 190/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 191/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 192/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 193/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #87 ASSIGNED TO RANK BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: HOMICIDE DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, LEAD ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 04/25/2018 BROUGHTON, SCOTT P SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 04/25/2018 04/25/2018 WHATTAM, KEN N NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) 04/25/2018 1339 SUBJECT CRIME LAB SUBMISSIONS Involved Officers: Officer Darrell Shaw #28923 Portland Police Bureau Unit 828E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Officer Joseph Webber #44629 Portland Police Bureau Unit 727E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Arrested Suspect: Sarah Michelle BROWN Female/White Date of Birth: No local address/Transient Officer Firearms: Colt AR-15 A2 .223 caliber rifle Serial Number LGC015990 Glock 17 9mm handgun Serial Number KDD823 Suspect Firearm: Smith and Wesson M&P .40 caliber Serial Number HKT9954 Black slide, tan frame PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 194/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Suspect firearm stolen in car prowl documented on PPB case number 18-77543 Exhibits: Oregon State Police Forensic Services Request Form for Lab Case number 18L-2542 (3 pages total) Property/Evidence Receipt Number A083063 Item 1: (4) Evidence test fired bullets and cases from Glock 17, serial number KDD823 Item 2: (4) Evidence test fired bullets and cases from Colt AR-15, serial number LGC015990 Item 3: (3) Laboratory test fired bullets and cases from Colt AR-15, serial number LGC015990. Associated Cases: 1. 2. 3. Ave. 4. PPB Case Number 18-77293: March 7, 2018 burglary to 806 SW King Ave. PPB Case Number 18-77337: March 7, 2018 burglary to room 238 at 840 SW King Ave. PPB Case Number 18-77543: March 7-8, 2018 car prowl with handgun stolen from parking lot of 840 SW King PPB Case Number 18-79405: March 8, 2018 burglary to 806 SW King Ave. Summary: This report details evidence I submitted to the Oregon State Police Crime lab Narrative: On March 8, 2018 at approximately 0325 hours, Central Precinct uniform officers responded to a burglary call at 806 Southwest King Avenue. At approximately 0432 hours, SARAH MICHELLE BROWN pointed a .40 caliber handgun at Officer Shaw. Officer Shaw fired his bureau issued Glock handgun at SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. Officer Shaw's bureau issued Glock, magazines, and ammunition was collected at the scene. At approximately 0450 hours, SARAH MICHELLE BROWN fired a .40 caliber handgun towards Portland Police Officers. Officer Webber fired his bureau issued AR-15 at SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. Officer Webber's was collected at the scene. The .40 caliber handgun SARAH MICHELLE BROWN used was collected at the scene. During the ensuing investigation, several items of evidence were collected including shell casings, bullet fragments, blood evidence, and items taken from inside 806 Southwest King Avenue. On April 4, 2018, I collected the items listed on items described on the Oregon State Police Forensic services forms listed above from the Portland Police Bureau property room and took them to the Oregon State Police Crime lab to be examined. On April 18, 2018, I spoke with Leland Samuelson on the phone. Mr. Samuelson told me he was finished examining Officer Shaw's Glock handgun and Officer Webber's AR-15 rifle. What follows is a VERY BRIEF summary of the work Mr. Samuelson performed on this case. Refer to Mr. Samuelson's report for details. Mr. Samuelson told me the 4 nickel colored 9mm shell casings found in the backyard of 806 Southwest King Avenue were microscopically compared to test fired casings from Officer Shaw's Glock handgun and subsequently identified as being fired PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 195/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL from Officer Shaw's Glock. He told me the brass 9mm shell casing found on the north side of 806 Southwest King Avenue was excluded from being fired from Officer Shaw's Glock handgun. Mr. Samuelson told me the .223 shell casing found on the Central Precinct Locker room floor by Sergeant Hull was microscopically compared to test fired casings from Officer Webber's AR-15 and subsequently identified as being fired from Officer Webber's AR-15. Given that multiple witness officers identify Officer Webber as the only one who shot an AR-15, Mr. Samuelson did not compare the .223 casings recovered at the scene to test fired casings from Officer Webber's AR-15. Mr. Samuelson told me the comparisons could be made at a later date if requested. On April 18, 2018 at approximately 0954 hours, I retrieved the items listed on property receipt numbers A089776, A089777, and A090115, Item 4 from the Oregon State Police Crime Lab. I also collected test fired bullets and casings from Officer Shaw's Glock handgun and Officer Webber's AR-15. At 2215 hours, I met with Officers Webber and Shaw in the Detective Division. I returned the Glock handgun, magazines, and ammunition listed on property receipt number A089776 to Officer Shaw. I returned the AR-15, magazines, and ammunition listed on property receipt number A089777 and A090115, item 4 to Officer Webber. I placed the test fired bullets and casings from Officer Shaw's Glock handgun and Officer Webber's AR-15 in the property room as evidence on property receipt number A083063. I attached Mr. Samuelson's report to this report. Further Oregon State Police Crime lab results are pending. End of report. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 196/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2281070) PER A083063 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 197/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2281078) 18L-002542-0005 - FIREARM ANALYSIS 04-24-2018 An ASCLD/LAB - International Accredited Testing Laboratory Since 2006 Department of State Police Forensic Laboratory 13309 S.E. 84th Ave Suite 200 Clackamas, OR 97015 (971) 673-8230 FAX (971) 673-8309 April 24, 2018 Portland Police Bureau 1111 S.W. 2nd Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Attention: Scott P. Broughton BROWN, SARAH MICHELLE (Suspect) Agency Case 18-77451 Lab No. 18L-2542 Analytical Report On April 5, 2018, the Forensic Services Division received sealed via Scott P. Broughton the following: PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 EXHIBIT # AGENCY # DESCRIPTION 1–8 A090112 #1–8 Eight 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge cases 9 – 12 A090113 #1–4 Four 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge cases 13 A090114 #1 A 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 14 A090114 #2 A 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, cartridge 15 A090114 #3 A 9mm Luger caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 16 A090114 #4 A 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 17 A090114 #5 Two 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge cases and a 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, cartridge 18 A090114 #6 A 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case and two 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, cartridges 19, 20 A090114 # 7, 8 Two 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge cases 21 A090115 #1 A 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 22 A090115 #4 A semiautomatic rifle magazine designed to fit an AR style rifle 23 A054565 #1 A 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 24 A089776 #1 – 4 A 9mm Luger caliber Glock semiautomatic pistol, model 17, serial number KDD823 with three magazines and forty-eight 9mm Luger caliber, Federal brand, cartridges. This pistol has an attached flashlight. PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 198/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Agency Case No. 18-77451 Lab No. 18L-002542 April 24, 2018 Page 2 EXHIBIT # AGENCY # DESCRIPTION 25 A089777 #1 – 3 A 223 Rem caliber Colt semiautomatic rifle, model AR-15 A2, serial number LGC015990 with two magazines, and thirty-eight 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, cartridges. This rifle has an attached flashlight, red-dot sight, and nylon sling. 26 A089804 #2 A 9mm Luger caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 27 A089804 #3 A 38/9mm caliber copper jacket from a fired bullet 28 A089804 #4 Two 40 S&W caliber, Speer brand, cartridge 29 A089804 #5 One 40 S&W caliber, Speer brand, cartridges 30 A089804 #6 A 40 S&W caliber, Speer brand, fired cartridge case 31 A089804 #7 A 38/9mm caliber copper jacket from a fired bullet 32 A089804 #8 A 9mm Luger caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 33 A089805 #1 A 9mm Luger caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 34 A089805 #2 Two lead and copper fragments – these items have no rifling marks and were unsuitable for firearms comparison 35 A089805 #3 A fragment from a fired copper jacketed bullet 36 A089805 #4 A 9mm Luger caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 37 A089805 #5 A 38/9mm caliber copper jacket from a fired bullet 38, 39 A089805 #6, 7 Two 40 S&W caliber, Speer brand, fired cartridge cases 40 A089803 #1 – 3 A 40 S&W caliber Smith and Wesson semiautomatic pistol, model M&P 40, serial number HKT9945, with a magazine and eight 40 S&W caliber, Speer brand, cartridges 41 A060440 #1 A 40 S&W caliber, Speer brand, cartridge 42 A060440 #2 A fired 38/9mm caliber copper jacketed bullet Observations/Results The exhibit 24 Glock pistol was test-fired using one of the submitted magazines and four of the submitted cartridges. This pistol was found to be operable. These test-fires were returned with the firearm as exhibit 24.1. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 The 9mm Luger caliber cartridge cases of exhibits 26, 32, 33, and 36 were microscopically compared and identified as fired in the exhibit 24 Glock pistol. Exhibit 15 was microscopically compared and excluded from being fired in the exhibit 24 Glock pistol. PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 199/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Agency Case No. 18-77451 Lab No. 18L-002542 April 24, 2018 Page 3 Observations/Results (cont.) The 38/9mm caliber bullet and jacket pieces of exhibits 27, 31, 37, and 42 all have general rifling characteristics similar to the exhibit 24 pistol. Microscopic comparison of these exhibits to the exhibit 24 pistol was not performed at this time. The exhibit 25 Colt rifle was test-fired using one of the submitted magazines and four of the submitted cartridges. This rifle was found to be operable. These test-fires were returned with the firearm as exhibit 25.1. This rifle was also test-fired using additional laboratory cartridges, these test-fires were returned with the firearm as exhibit 25.2. Of the submitted 223 Rem caliber fired cartridge cases, exhibit 23 was microscopically compared and identified as fired in the exhibit 25 Colt rifle. The remainder of the submitted 223 Rem caliber fired cartridge cases were not compared at this time. The exhibit 40 Smith and Wesson pistol was inoperable as received due to damage. This pistol has a hole in the frame consistent with having been struck by a bullet. The slide and barrel of this pistol were placed onto the frame of a similar Smith and Wesson model M&P 40 pistol from this laboratory’s reference collection to obtain test-fired bullets and cartridges cases. These test-fires will be returned with the firearm as exhibit 40.1. Red/brown stains were observed on this pistol that gave a positive presumptive test result for blood. The 40 S&W caliber cartridge cases of exhibits 30, 38, and 39 were microscopically compared and identified as fired in the exhibit 40 Smith and Wesson pistol. The bullet fragment of exhibit 35 was microscopically compared and identified as fired from the exhibit 40 Smith and Wesson pistol. Test-fired cartridge cases from the Smith and Wesson pistol (Exhibit 40.1) will be entered into IBIS (Integrated Ballistics Identification System). IBIS is a program used to link firearm related crimes; your agency will be notified if a link occurs. Pursuant to ORS 40.460 (25), I hereby certify that I retrieved this document directly from the computer system maintained and operated by the Oregon Department of State Police and that this document accurately reflects and is a true copy of the information contained in that computer system. In testimony whereof, I have affixed my signature. Leland P Samuelson, Forensic Scientist PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 ___________________________________________________ Page 200/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2281241) FIREARM ANALYSIS 04-24-2018 An ASCLD/LAB - International Accredited Testing Laboratory Since 2006 Department of State Police Forensic Laboratory 13309 S.E. 84th Ave Suite 200 Clackamas, OR 97015 (971) 673-8230 FAX (971) 673-8309 April 24, 2018 Portland Police Bureau 1111 S.W. 2nd Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Attention: Scott P. Broughton BROWN, SARAH MICHELLE (Suspect) Agency Case 18-77451 Lab No. 18L-2542 Analytical Report On April 5, 2018, the Forensic Services Division received sealed via Scott P. Broughton the following: PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 EXHIBIT # AGENCY # DESCRIPTION 1–8 A090112 #1–8 Eight 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge cases 9 – 12 A090113 #1–4 Four 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge cases 13 A090114 #1 A 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 14 A090114 #2 A 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, cartridge 15 A090114 #3 A 9mm Luger caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 16 A090114 #4 A 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 17 A090114 #5 Two 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge cases and a 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, cartridge 18 A090114 #6 A 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case and two 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, cartridges 19, 20 A090114 # 7, 8 Two 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge cases 21 A090115 #1 A 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 22 A090115 #4 A semiautomatic rifle magazine designed to fit an AR style rifle 23 A054565 #1 A 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 24 A089776 #1 – 4 A 9mm Luger caliber Glock semiautomatic pistol, model 17, serial number KDD823 with three magazines and forty-eight 9mm Luger caliber, Federal brand, cartridges. This pistol has an attached flashlight. PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 201/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Agency Case No. 18-77451 Lab No. 18L-002542 April 24, 2018 Page 2 EXHIBIT # AGENCY # DESCRIPTION 25 A089777 #1 – 3 A 223 Rem caliber Colt semiautomatic rifle, model AR-15 A2, serial number LGC015990 with two magazines, and thirty-eight 223 Rem caliber, Federal brand, cartridges. This rifle has an attached flashlight, red-dot sight, and nylon sling. 26 A089804 #2 A 9mm Luger caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 27 A089804 #3 A 38/9mm caliber copper jacket from a fired bullet 28 A089804 #4 Two 40 S&W caliber, Speer brand, cartridge 29 A089804 #5 One 40 S&W caliber, Speer brand, cartridges 30 A089804 #6 A 40 S&W caliber, Speer brand, fired cartridge case 31 A089804 #7 A 38/9mm caliber copper jacket from a fired bullet 32 A089804 #8 A 9mm Luger caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 33 A089805 #1 A 9mm Luger caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 34 A089805 #2 Two lead and copper fragments – these items have no rifling marks and were unsuitable for firearms comparison 35 A089805 #3 A fragment from a fired copper jacketed bullet 36 A089805 #4 A 9mm Luger caliber, Federal brand, fired cartridge case 37 A089805 #5 A 38/9mm caliber copper jacket from a fired bullet 38, 39 A089805 #6, 7 Two 40 S&W caliber, Speer brand, fired cartridge cases 40 A089803 #1 – 3 A 40 S&W caliber Smith and Wesson semiautomatic pistol, model M&P 40, serial number HKT9945, with a magazine and eight 40 S&W caliber, Speer brand, cartridges 41 A060440 #1 A 40 S&W caliber, Speer brand, cartridge 42 A060440 #2 A fired 38/9mm caliber copper jacketed bullet Observations/Results The exhibit 24 Glock pistol was test-fired using one of the submitted magazines and four of the submitted cartridges. This pistol was found to be operable. These test-fires were returned with the firearm as exhibit 24.1. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 The 9mm Luger caliber cartridge cases of exhibits 26, 32, 33, and 36 were microscopically compared and identified as fired in the exhibit 24 Glock pistol. Exhibit 15 was microscopically compared and excluded from being fired in the exhibit 24 Glock pistol. PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 202/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Agency Case No. 18-77451 Lab No. 18L-002542 April 24, 2018 Page 3 Observations/Results (cont.) The 38/9mm caliber bullet and jacket pieces of exhibits 27, 31, 37, and 42 all have general rifling characteristics similar to the exhibit 24 pistol. Microscopic comparison of these exhibits to the exhibit 24 pistol was not performed at this time. The exhibit 25 Colt rifle was test-fired using one of the submitted magazines and four of the submitted cartridges. This rifle was found to be operable. These test-fires were returned with the firearm as exhibit 25.1. This rifle was also test-fired using additional laboratory cartridges, these test-fires were returned with the firearm as exhibit 25.2. Of the submitted 223 Rem caliber fired cartridge cases, exhibit 23 was microscopically compared and identified as fired in the exhibit 25 Colt rifle. The remainder of the submitted 223 Rem caliber fired cartridge cases were not compared at this time. The exhibit 40 Smith and Wesson pistol was inoperable as received due to damage. This pistol has a hole in the frame consistent with having been struck by a bullet. The slide and barrel of this pistol were placed onto the frame of a similar Smith and Wesson model M&P 40 pistol from this laboratory’s reference collection to obtain test-fired bullets and cartridges cases. These test-fires will be returned with the firearm as exhibit 40.1. Red/brown stains were observed on this pistol that gave a positive presumptive test result for blood. The 40 S&W caliber cartridge cases of exhibits 30, 38, and 39 were microscopically compared and identified as fired in the exhibit 40 Smith and Wesson pistol. The bullet fragment of exhibit 35 was microscopically compared and identified as fired from the exhibit 40 Smith and Wesson pistol. Test-fired cartridge cases from the Smith and Wesson pistol (Exhibit 40.1) will be entered into IBIS (Integrated Ballistics Identification System). IBIS is a program used to link firearm related crimes; your agency will be notified if a link occurs. Pursuant to ORS 40.460 (25), I hereby certify that I retrieved this document directly from the computer system maintained and operated by the Oregon Department of State Police and that this document accurately reflects and is a true copy of the information contained in that computer system. In testimony whereof, I have affixed my signature. Leland P Samuelson, Forensic Scientist PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 ___________________________________________________ Page 203/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #88 ASSIGNED TO RANK BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: HOMICIDE DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, LEAD ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY SUBMITTED ON 04/26/2018 BROUGHTON, SCOTT P APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 04/27/2018 05/01/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) 04/26/2018 1207 SUBJECT GRAND JURY VOTING RESULTS Involved Officers: Officer Darrell Shaw #28923 Portland Police Bureau Unit 828E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Officer Joseph Webber #44629 Portland Police Bureau Unit 727E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Arrested Suspect: Sarah Michelle BROWN Female/White Date of Birth: No local address/Transient Narrative: On March 14th and 16st, 2018, the Multnomah County Grand Jury heard evidence related to Officer Shaw's and Webber's use of deadly force and SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S actions. On March 22, 2018, the Grand Jury determined that Officer Shaw's and Offier Webber's use of deadly force against SARAH MICHELLE BROWN was justified under criminal law and returned a Not True Bill. The Grand Jury returned a True Bill on SARAH MICHELLE BROWN for the following charges: ORS 163.095 ORS 166.220 ORS 164.225 ORS 163.190 ORS 163.195 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 Attempted Aggravated Murder (9 counts) Unlawful Use of a Weapon (5 counts) Burglary I (2 counts) Menacing (5 counts) Reckless Endangering PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 204/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL ORS 164.057 ORS 164.045 ORS 164.272 Theft I Theft II (2 counts) Unlawful Entry to a Motor Vehicle End of report. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 205/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #89 ASSIGNED TO RANK BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: HOMICIDE DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, LEAD ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 05/18/2018 BROUGHTON, SCOTT P SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 05/18/2018 05/18/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) 05/18/2018 1122 SUBJECT RYAN VALDEZ DNA STANDARD COLLECTION Involved Officers: Officer Darrel Shaw #28923 Portland Police Bureau Unit 828E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Officer Joseph Webber #44629 Portland Police Bureau Unit 727E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Arrested Suspect: Sarah Michelle BROWN Female/White Date of Birth: No local address/Transient Person Interviewed: Ryan Valdez Male/White Date of Birth: Police Personnel: Detective Rico Beniga #36906 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 206/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Exhibits: Property/Evidence Receipt Number A083066 Item 1: (1) Consent to search form signed by Ryan Valdez Property/Evidence Receipt Number A084289 Item 1: (4) Oral swabs taken from Ryan Valdez for DNA standards Narrative: On May 17, 2018 at approximately 1118 hours, Detective Beniga and I met Ryan Valdez in a parking lot near 3050 152nd Avenue NE in Redmond, Washington to collect a DNA standard for comparison to evidence collected in this case. I read the Search by Consent form aloud to Mr. Valdez. I explained to Mr. Valdez that the crime lab needed his DNA standards to compare against evidence collected on this case. Mr. Valdez signed the form and consented to be collecting four oral swabs. I donned gloves contained within an oral swab exam kit. With gloved hands, I provided the four oral swabs to Mr. Valdez one at a time. As Mr. Valdez finished each swab, I instructed him to place the cap on the swab and place the swab in a paper envelope I was holding with gloved hand. Once Mr. Valdez had collected all four swabs and placed them in the paper envelope, I sealed the paper envelope with evidence tape. I later placed the four swabs in the property room as evidence on property receipt number A084289 and the signed consent form in the property room as evidence on property receipt number A084066. I described a black and grey duffle bag found in a storage area under the back stairs of 806 Southwest King Avenue. I asked Mr. Valdez if he was missing a duffle bag. Mr. Valdez told me he was not missing a duffle bag but was missing a notebook with his last name on it as well as a folding Benchmande knife with his last name on the blade. End of report. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 207/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2342832) PER A083066 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 208/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2342834) PER A084289 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 209/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #90 ASSIGNED TO RANK BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: HOMICIDE DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, LEAD ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 05/18/2018 BROUGHTON, SCOTT P SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 05/18/2018 05/22/2018 WHATTAM, KEN N NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) 05/18/2018 1427 SUBJECT SARAH BROWN FAMILY AND FRIENDS INTERVIEW Involved Officers: Officer Darrell Shaw #28923 Portland Police Bureau Unit 828E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Officer Joseph Webber #44629 Portland Police Bureau Unit 727E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Arrested Suspect: Sarah Michelle BROWN Female/White Date of Birth: No local address/Transient Persons Interviewed: LACEY RYAN TRAUT (SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S Sister) Female Date of Birth: Home Address: Phone Number: TIMOTHY CASTLE (LYDIA SEE'S Boyfriend) Male Date of Birth: Home Address: Home Phone: PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 210/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Cellular Phone: LYDIA SEE (Friend of SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S Family) Female Date of Birth: Home Address: Phone Number: VIRGIL MILLER (SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S Half Brother) Male Date of Birth: Phone Number: CHARLES SEE Male/White Date of Birth: Cellular Phone: Police Personnel: Detective Rico Beniga #36906 Homicide Detail Exhibits: Property/Evidence Receipt Number A083067 Item 1: (1) Disk with digital recordings of CHARLES SEE, LYDIA SEE, TIMOTHY CASTLE, and LACEY TRAUT Summary: Detective Beniga and I interviewed SARAH MICHELLE BROWN on March 9, 2018. During my interview with SARAH MICHELLE BROWN, I asked her for names of friends or family I could contact to notify she was in the hospital. This report summarizes my interviews with people SARAH MICHELLE BROWN identified to me as being friends or family as well as other interviews I conducted during the course of attempting to contact friends or family of SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. Narrative: During my interview with SARAH MICHELLE BROWN on March 9, 2018, she told me she has a cousin named CHARLES SEE and told me CHARLES SEE lives in Tehatchapi, California. SARAH MICHELLE BROWN gave me the phone number of for CHARLES SEE. I ran the phone number in RegJIN and found it was associated to a CHARLES TYRREL SEE. I left a voicemail and sent a text message to . I conducted other database searches and found a phone number of related to an address for CHARLES SEE in Tehachapi, California. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 211/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL SARAH MICHELLE BROWN gave me the name a brother named VIRGIL MILLER and told me VIRGIL MILLER lives in Moreno Valley, California. Based on the information SARAH MICHELLE BROWN gave me, I located a phone number of for VIRGIL MILLER. When I conducted database searches on the phone number of CASTLE. I found a cellular phone number of I found it was also associated to TIMOTHY associated to TIMOTHY CASTLE. CHARLES SEE INTERVIEW: On March 10, 2018 at approximately 1425 hours, I left a voicemail for CHARLES SEE at 1427 hours, I sent a text message to CHARLES SEE from my bureau cell phone asking him to call me. . At approximately On March 10, 2018 at approximately 1458 hours, I called and spoke with CHARLES SEE on the phone. CHARLES SEE would not confirm with me on the phone who he was. I later confirmed with his mother, LYDIA SEE that I did speak with CHARLES SEE when I called . I digitally recorded and later had transcribed my phone call with CHARLES SEE. What follows is a summary of my phone call with CHARLES SEE, for complete details, refer to the digital recording and transcript. I told CHARLES SEE that I was trying to reach family of SARAH MICHELLE BROWN to notify them that she had been involved in a shooting with the Portland Police. CHARLES SEE would not tell me SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S name but told me we were talking about the same person. CHARLES SEE told me he just received a text message from me asking him to call me. CHARLES SEE said he would not tell me SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S real name and told me he was SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S cousin and would not provide any more information about her. On March 10, 2018 at approximately 1537 hours, I called and spoke with CHARLES SEE again. I digitally recorded the phone call. What follows is a summary of the phone call, for full details, refer to the digital recording. CHARLES SEE said between our phone calls, he spoke with a cousin and expressed concerns for SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. CHARLES SEE said SARAH MICHELLE BROWN has and thought she needed help and an attorney. CHARLES SEE said SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S parents are dead. CHARLES SEE said he spoke with VIRGIL MILLER between our phone calls. CHARLES SEE said VIRGIL MILLER told him he received a voicemail from me and had not called me back yet. I asked CHARLES SEE for names of relatives of SARAH MICHELLE BROWN'S family as well as her real name. CHARLES SEE provided no more information about SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. I later placed the digital recordings on a disk and placed the disk in the property room on property receipt number A083067. TIMOTHY CASTLE and LYDIA SEE Interview: On March 10, 2018 at approximately 1800 hours, I called and spoke with TIMOTHY CASTLE and LYDIA SEE. I digitally recorded and later had transcribed my phone call with TIMOTHY CASTLE and LYDIA SEE. What follows is a summary of my phone call, for complete details refer to the digital recording and transcript. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 212/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL I told TIMOTHY CASTLE I was trying to reach family of SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. TIMOTHY CASTLE asked me if I was with ALEXIS. TIMOTHY CASTLE gave the phone to CHARLES SEE'S mother, LYDIA SEE. LYDIA SEE referred to SARAH MICHELLE BROWN as ALEXIS WILDER during our phone call. TIMOTHY CASTLE told me LYDIA SEE is his girlfriend. LYDIA SEE told me she considers SARAH MICHELLE BROWN a niece and that CHARLES SEE and SARAH MICHELLE BROWN used to be roommates. LYDIA SEE told me SARAH MICHELLE BROWN has . LYDIA SEE said to her knowledge, SARAH MICHELLE BROWN was living on the street. LYDIA SEE told me SARAH MICHELLE BROWN lived in Portland with her mother for several years until her mother died. LYDIA SEE told me SARAH MICHELLE BROWN took care of her mother, ELIZABETH MILLER for years until ELIZABETH MILLER died. LYDIA SEE told me SARAH MICHELLE BROWN has a half-brother named VIRGIL MILLER that lives in Ventura County, California. LYDIA SEE told me SARAH MICHELLE BROWN has . LYDIA SEE told me people have tried to reach out and help SARAH MICHELLE BROWN and she has accused what family and friend she has left of being her enemies. I later placed the digital recording of my phone call with TIMOTHY CASTLE and LYDIA SEE on a disk and placed the disk in the property room as evidence on property receipt number A083067. VIRGIL MILLER Interview: On March 10, 2018 at approximately 1858 hours, I spoke with VIRGIL MILLER on the phone. I told VIRGIL MILLER that I was trying to contact family of his sister and was looking for his sister's real name. VIRGIL MILLER told me his sister's name is ALEXIS WILDER. VIRGIL MILLER told me he is quite a bit older than SARAH MICHELLE BROWN. VIRGIL MILLER told me SARAH MICHELLE BROWN has a sister named LACEY who lives in Riverside, California. I asked VIRGIL MILLER if he had any photos of his sister he could send me. VIRGIL MILLER later sent me a photo via text message of his sister along with the birthdate of . VIRGIL MILLER sent me a phone number of for LACEY. I later uploaded the photo VIRGIL MILLER sent me to DIMS. LACEY RYANN TRAUT Interview: On March 11, 2018 at approximately 1358 hours, I spoke with LACEY TRAUT on the phone. I digitally recorded and later had transcribed my interview with LACEY TRAUT. What follows is a summary of my phone call with LACEY TRAUT, for complete details, refer to the digital recording and transcript. I told LACEY TRAUT I was calling to speak with her about her sister. I asked LACEY TRAUT what her sister's name was. She told me her sister's name is Alexis Elizabeth Wilder and her sister's birthday is . She told me the following about her sister. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 213/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL LACEY TRAUT said she does not speak to her sister much and has not seen her for approximately 7 years. LACEY TRAUT said her sister was living with their mother in Portland, Oregon until their mother died approximately 3 years ago. LACEY TRAUT said her sister was having a difficult time with their mother's death. LACEY TRAUT said her sister seemed to behave erratically based on phone calls she had with her sister. LACEY TRAUT said based on her sister's erratic behavior, she assumed her sister was using drugs. LACEY TRAUT said her sister called her in the past asking for money. LACEY TRAUT said she didn't give her sister any money because she did not think her sister would use it for any good. LACEY TRAUT said she got periodic updates from CHARLIE through her brother VIRGIL MILLER about her sister. She said she heard her sister was living on the street. LACEY TRAUT said she does not have any direct contact with CHARLIE because she and CHARLIE live different life styles LACEY TRAUT said CHARLIE is often referred to as a cousin and said CHARLIE is not a blood relative to her family. LACEY TRAUT said she performed an internet search for her sister's name and found a mugshot for ALEXIS ELIZABETH WILDER in Portland, Oregon in January 2018. LACEY TRAUT said the booking photo she found was for her sister. LACEY TRAUT later sent me a photo of her sister via text message I later placed the digital recording on a disk and placed the disk in the property room as evidence on property receipt number A083067. I later uploaded the photo LACEY TRAUT sent me via text message to DIMS. On March 12, 2018 at approximately 1450 hours, I received a call from LACEY TRAUT. LACEY TRAUT told me she believes the mugshot released on this case under the name of SARAH MICHELLE BROWN is in fact her sister, ALEXIS ELIZABETH WILDER. LACEY TRAUT said her family is fragmented and they have very little contact with one another. LACEY TRAUT said she has very little contact with her sister because her sister asks for money and LACEY TRAUT won't give her money. LACEY TRAUT told me she apologizes to everyone involved in this case. She said she hopes her sister can't bail out of jail and hopes her sister can get help. End of report. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 214/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2343386) 03-10-2018 CHARLES SEE INTERVEW PORTLAND POLICE BUREAU CASE NUMBER 18-77451 March 10, 2018 Interview with CHARLES SEE TAPED STATEMENT TRANSCRIPTION CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 215/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND POLICE BUREAU DETECTIVE DIVISION CONFIDENTIAL TAPED STATEMENT TRANSCRIPTION Case #18-77451 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 March 10, 2018 Page 1 Broughton: Do you know a SARAH BROWN? See: Mmm, no. Broughton: Okay um, is, do you know is, do you know any females that uh, it seems like a silly question but uh, I’m investigating a case where um, a gal exchanged gunfire with the police, she’s in the hospital up here in Portland, Oregon. And she listed um, she said a CHARLES SEE was her cousin in the mid-30, in his mid-30’s and uh, I got the, you know your cellular phone number from um, through her or the hospital. Um, do, do you know anybody up here in Portland? ‘Cause right now she, she’s saying her name is SARAH, SARAH MICHELLE BROWN born in . See: Yeah, well um, is she okay? Broughton: Yeah she, she, she’s been wounded in the leg and, and hand, but is otherwise is okay but what I’m trying to do is get, is find to see A. if her name is in fact SARAH BROWN and to get a hold of some family. So does that at all sound familiar to you? See: Uh – yeah, but um, - Broughton: So is, is her name SARAH BROWN? Are we talking about the same person? See: Uh, I’m, yeah there’s, no her name’s not SARAH BROWN. Broughton: What, what is her name? See: Well I mean is she, she – she is in trouble or what? See was fir- she, what hapshe exchanged, what’d you say? Gunfire with the police? Broughton: Yes. See: That sounds crazy to me. Broughton: So what, what is her name? See: Can you, can you give me any more information about what happened or? PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 216/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 10, 2018 Page 2 Broughton: N- at the, at the moment no um, but are, are, does this sound a person you’re familiar with? See: Yeah but you know at the same time uh, I’ve, I’ve know- I’ve – I’ve been in some situations with some cops where they’ve lied to me to try to get information and I don’t want to say anything that’s gonna, that’s, that, you know. (laugh). Broughton: Is gonna what? See: That’s gonna um, negatively impact what you’re trying to do to her. If she’s, you know – Broughton: Well right now I’m trying to get a hold of family to tell them that they’ve got a family member that’s in the hospital and I’m trying to find out this individual’s name. See: That’s terrible. Broughton: Yeah so um, is your name in fact CHARLES SEE or is it something else? See: I mean I don’t, I really, I don’t even want to answer that question (laughing). Broughton: So is this someone that is uh, family to you? See: Yeah she’s family to me. Broughton: Okay in, in what capacity? What relation? See: It’s kind of complicated. I mean I understand, I, I assume you, you, you have – that you’re, you know. You’re trying to make a case against her. Broughton: Right now I, I would like to figure out what her real name is. See: Yeah. I don- I just, I don’t – I just don’t know whether or not I can trust you. I don’t even really know if you’re a detective. I mean I just got a, a text from someone saying this is Detective so-and-so. Broughton: Fair enough. See: And now you’re telling me my cousin is in the hospital and that she was shooting at the cops. Broughton: Well I don’t know if it is your cousin because I, I don’t have a, a name or anything from you to go on on what she is. So are you somewhere where while we’re speaking on the phone you can look things up on the internet? 0508.1sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 217/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 10, 2018 Page 3 See: Yeah. Broughton: Okay um, can I give you my name and my agency and have you Google that? See: Yeah that would, that would help. Broughton: And you can find some press releases with my name and phone number in it. I mean that would be at least a start for us right? See: Okay. Broughton: when you’re ready. See: Alright, give it to me. Broughton: Uh, my first name is Scott with two T’s. Last is Broughton, that’s B-R-O-U-G-HT-O-N. See: Okay. Broughton: And um, Google say Portland Police with that, Scott Broughton, Portland Police and tell me what you see for press releases. See: Uh, PCC student, what is this? Broughton: And then how… See: …no that’s, man found dead in NE Portland park. Broughton: Okay so click on that one. See: Okay at Broughton: Okay, yeah that’s fine and you can also Google the Portland Police Bureau as well but what I’m trying to get at is if you scroll down you should see my name and the desk phone number that I left for you that you called me at. It’s just sort of another datapoint. See: Oh right, to contact Scott. Broughton: Does it have the same number you just called? See: Um, let me check this out. Uh, this has a 823-3774. Broughton: Um-hm. 0508.1sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 218/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 10, 2018 Page 4 See: Oh, yeah. Broughton: I mean so that’s a starting point right. See: Yeah wha- uh, but then, okay. Alright. Broughton: So um, so I think – See: I just, you know, I mean, you know, I just, I just don’t want, I just don’t want to ha-harm, you know. Broughton: Well how’s it gonna… See: …I don’t want to say anything that’s gonna, that’s gonna (laugh) I don’t know, I don’t know what – I don’t know. Broughton: Can we, can we start with a uh – See: Do you understand what I’m saying? What I’m trying to say? Broughton: Well, well a little bit but I, I’m failing to understand why or how… See: …I mean ma- Broughton: Give me a name is gonna affect anything. See: (laughing). Broughton: I mean im-imagine in your shoes if, if you had someone, you know that’s all I’m trying – trying to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes and uh, I mean getting a hold of loved ones of hers. I mean I, I think they would like to know this before um, there, there may be any press release so. See: Is there any, is there any way I can talk to her? Broughton: No, not right now. See: Can you tell me like what hospital she’s in? Broughton: Well no. See: No? Broughton: No I mean she’s, she’s in custody, she’s not allowed to have visitors. See: Is she under arrest? 0508.1sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 219/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 10, 2018 Page 5 Broughton: Like right now… See: …she’s being, she’s being charged with something? Broughton: Right now she’s in custody, yes. She hasn’t been charged yet. See: Wh-when did all, when, when did all this happen? Broughton: It was uh, two nights ago, two days ago. So is this something you’re going to help me with or uh, should I find someone else? See: (laughing) Does she have a lawyer or? Broughton: I, you know what, I don’t know. See: You know I mean it, it’s, it – oh man. Is there any, what else are you trying to ask me? Is there anything else? Broughton: I would like to know uh, what her name is. See: That’s it, you just want to know her name? Broughton: And, and if there’s other family members that will, are willing to speak with me about her. Because I know, I get the sense you’re not so – See: (laugh) Broughton: What, what is her name? See: Well I just don’t, I just don’t want to, you know incriminate her or – Broughton: Well can, can, can you please explain to me how you think giving me a name is going to incriminate her? See: I don’t know man. It, it’s – it’s a weird thing, I, I’m sorry. I, I just – I know you, you, you know, I know you’re just trying to do your job but I don’t – I – I really, I think I should, I think I should talk to her or try to find out if, if she, if she is, you know. What – what happened and what’s going on. I mean this is crazy. Broughton: Okay well so are you willing to help me at all or no? That’s what I’d like to know at this point. See: I think un-until I get some more information uh, uh, probably not. Broughton: Okay. Alright well if you change your mind you’ve got my number okay. 0508.1sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 220/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 10, 2018 Page 6 See: Alright I mean I appreciate you calling and, and, and I hope she’s okay and I hope she didn’t hurt anybody. And I hope she’s not in too much trouble, but I ju- I don’t want to – you know. (laugh). I don’t know, it’s fucked up. Broughton: Okay, take care, thank you. See: Alright, bye. Transcribed Verbatim with Punctuation Added 050818 / 2210 T. Bradshaw 0508.1sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 221/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2343391) 03-10-2018 TIMOTHY CASTLE - LYDIA SEE INTERVIEW PORTLAND POLICE BUREAU CASE NUMBER 18-77451 March 10, 2018 Interview with TIM CASTLE & LYDIA SEE TAPED STATEMENT TRANSCRIPTION CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 222/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND POLICE BUREAU DETECTIVE DIVISION CONFIDENTIAL TAPED STATEMENT TRANSCRIPTION Case #18-77451 March 10,2018 Page 1 (phone ringing) PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 Castle: TIM CASTLE. Broughton: Hey Mr. CASTLE this is Detective Broughton with the Portland Police. Castle: Hi Detective Broughtman? Broughton: Brou-Broughton. Castle: Broughton, okay. Broughton: Yes and so I got um, I’m trying to reach family of um, a young lady we have in custody up here and I was given the name of CHARLES SEE who I was able to get contact with and he called me from a number that came back to you. Um – Castle: Oh I… Broughton: …and so is that, is that anyone you know? Does name sound familiar to you? Castle: Um – uh, uh, is ALEXIS with you? Is that the person? Broughton: Well I, I, so I have a name of uh, SARA and so what I’m wondering… Castle: …yeah… Broughton: …is um, uh, this person told me that that was not her name but is ALEXIS someone… Castle: …hm… Broughton: …that is in Portland, Oregon? Castle: Yeah um, uh – Broughton: What’s her last name? Castle: Might want to speak with CHARLIE, CHARLIE’s mother. My, I’m sorry? Broughton: What’s her last name? PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 223/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 10, 2018 Page 2 Castle: What’s ALEXIS’s last name? Broughton: Sorry are you talking… Castle: …CHARLIE, CHARLIE, CHARLIE SEE is um, the son of my significant other, LYDIA SEE. Broughton: Okay. Castle: And CHARLIE, ALEXIS WILDER and we were just talking about ALEXIS who, we were just racking our brains to everyone we know in Portland. Broughton: Okay. Castle: After I got your message and the, and I guess ALEXIS is homeless and in need of Broughton: Okay. Castle: But LYDIA – Broughton: Okay. Castle: My significant other could help you and that’s who I’m talking to right now. Broughton: Oh okay, I understand. Castle: We’re in, we’re in Hawaii right now and… Broughton: …oh goodness I’m sorry. I, I’m sorry to bother you. Castle: No it’s alright. I know I couldn’t, if it’s ALEXIS we’d like to help her in any way, I don’t know what help can be offered, but – Broughton: Well I, and I don’t, I don’t know, right now I’ve got a case um, involving a young lady that um, uh, exchanged gunfire with police a couple days ago. Castle: Shit. Broughton: Shot, is in the hospital um, is gonna be fine but I, at this point I’m just trying to reach out to family. Um, to actually establish who in fact she is because that is a name um, given to me but I don’t know if that’s the same person because I have that, there’s another person with that name as well that also appears to have, you know some and um, and possibly maybe homeless. Castle: Um-hm. 0508.2sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 224/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 10, 2018 Page 3 Broughton: So um, is this, so is ALEXIS a cousin to CHARLIE? Castle: I don’t know, are they blood related LYDIA? Are you blood re-? (pause) Did you hear that officer? That that didn’t… Broughton: …no I’m sorry I didn’t. Castle: Uh, her mother and father are, the, the woman that we’re thinking of, her mother and father are both dead. Broughton: Okay. Castle: And she, she’s like a niece, LYDIA considers her like a niece. Broughton: Okay. Castle: CHARLIE and ALEXIS used to be roommates. Broughton: Okay. Castle: She exchanged.. Broughton: …and then are CHAR-CHARLIE and ALEXIS are, are related by blood? Castle: CH- no they are not. That’s what I’m – Broughton: They are not. Castle: That’s what I’m attempting to clarify. Broughton: Okay. Castle: You want to talk to my girlfriend? Broughton: Yeah if, if you, if you don’t mind. Castle: Okay. Broughton: That’d be great. I, I apologize to bother you folks. Castle: Okay. Broughton: And I, and I don’t want to cause any undue alarm because I know that there is an ALEXIS WILDER, I don’t know if we’re talking about the same person. So I, I apologize if that’s causing some upset. Um – 0508.2sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 225/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 10, 2018 Page 4 Castle: It sounds like it could be but I’m, we’re concerned so here’s – Broughton: It’s possible, but um, I – okay. Castle: Here’s LYDIA SEE. Okay. Broughton: Hello? L. See: Hello? Broughton: Hi ma’am, I’m sorry to bother you. L. See: That’s okay. Broughton: Um, so uh, you know the person I am, am, I have named up here is named SARA BROWN um, they have used ALEXIS WILDER as um, a, a different name, but we don’t have this person under that name. L. See: Well I’ll, I can tell you… Broughton: …but does… L. See: …ALEX- go ahead, I’m sorry. Broughton: No, don’t please, go ahead and speak first. L. See: ALEXIS is probably 26, 27. Broughton: Okay. L. See: Beautiful thick hair. Broughton: Okay L. See: But she dyes it from black to blond. Um – Broughton: Okay. L. See: She’s, she’s probably about 5’ well I have a picture on, I think she used to be on Facebook, I’m not on Facebook but I’ve seen pictures. Broughton: Okay. L. See: Recent pictures. She’s probably about 5’5”. Broughton: Okay. 0508.2sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 226/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 10, 2018 Page 5 L. See: 5’4”. Broughton: Um-hm. L. See: Um, ALEXIS um, has some Broughton: Um-hm, okay. L. See: And she Broughton: Um-hm. L. See: And without it we can’t, she, you know she has accused all our, whatever she has left of family and friends… Broughton: …uh-huh… L. See: …being her enemies. Well people have reached out to take her in, she doesn’t trust anybody. Broughton: Um-hm. L. See: Um – Broughton: Okay. L. See: So as far as I know she’s been living on the streets. Broughton: Okay. L. See: Uh, mostly in Portland. Broughton: Do you know how long she’s been up here? L. See: Well her mother died up there. Her mother was very, very ill and she took care of her mother until her death. And her mother died maybe five years ago. So ALEXIS is, or maybe it’s been six, we’d have to look it up. I could give you her mother’s name if you wanted to look it up. Broughton: Yeah, sure that’d be, I could look it up, yeah what’s her name, her mother’s name? L. See: ELIZABETH MILLER. Broughton: Okay. . . 0508.2sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 227/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 10, 2018 Page 6 L. See: And she… Broughton: …and do you know, do you recall ELIZABETH’s birthday or approximately how old she was she passed away? L. See: Oh gosh, well she’s a year older than I am. We grew up together. I’m gonna be 65 next week. Broughton: Okay. L. See: She died, she died way too young, early 50’s. Broughton: Sure. Okay. L. See: Um, but she had a disease and uh, I know that medics were called constantly to the house. Broughton: Hm. L. See: Very stressful, there was nothing they could do for her, but they were constantly called. Broughton: Um-hm. L. See: So there should be records of all that. Broughton: Okay and was that, do you know if it was in Portland, Oregon or one of the outlying cities? L. See: It was in Portland. Broughton: Okay. L. See: And ALEXIS hasn’t been able to hold down a job. She did for a while but she goes from, she was going from job to job. From what I understand she hasn’t worked in a couple of years. Broughton: Okay. L. See: She’s been on the streets for a couple of years. Broughton: Okay. L. See: She’s a beautiful girl. She’s a beautiful woman. Broughton: And um… 0508.2sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 228/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 10, 2018 Page 7 L. See: …(unintelligible). Broughton: I’m trying to think, do, to your knowledge does ALEXIS have government issued ID anywhere? L. See: No. Broughton: Okay and do you know if she’s… L. See: …I… Broughton: …ever been arrested and what I’m getting for looking for her is uh, fingerprints. L. See: Oh, I don’t think ALEXIS… Broughton: …it can confirm, you know to, go ahead. L. See: I would say she’s never been arrested, but I don’t know what’s happened in the last two years on the street. Broughton: Sure, sure. Um, does she have any other um, what, does, is her father still alive? L. See: Her father killed himself many years ago. Broughton: Oh. L. See: 20, 20 years, when she was young. Um - Broughton: Okay. L. See: She has, she has a half-brother named VIRGIL MILLER that lives in Ventura County. Broughton: Okay. L. See: In California. Broughton: Okay. Okay well um, I app- I appreciate your time and I appreciate the information. Um, either, how I got um, Mr. CASLTLE’s number is that I uh, had the number of CHARLES SEE and uh, tried to get a hold of CHARLES and he called me from a phone number that came back to Mr. CASTLE. Um – L. See: Correct, that would’ve been the home phone. Yes. Broughton: Yeah so um, is that down in California or is that? 0508.2sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 229/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 10, 2018 Page 8 L. See: That’s in Tehachapi, California. Broughton: Okay, alright. L. See: Did you talk to CHARLIE? Did you talk to CHAR- Broughton: I did, yes. I did yeah and I was – L. See: Okay I was hoping, I hope he was helpful. Broughton: Uh, he wasn’t at all. Um – L. See: Oh. Broughton: And uh, he, he didn’t want to give me uh, any, any names um, but ALEXIS, what, what was ALEXIS’s last name again? You think? L. See: WILDER, W-I-, W-I-L-D-E-R. Broughton: Okay. L. See: I know she, she worked at a couple of coffee houses in Portland. Broughton: Uh-huh. L. See: She tr-tried being a nanny as well. Broughton: Okay. L. See: She just couldn’t hold – Broughton: So, yeah and so how long has, has the ALEXIS? L. See: Uh – it started the, it started to really show itself, I think about four years ago. Broughton: Okay. stuff been going on with L. See: Broughton: Um-hm. L. See: And very upset if you didn’t believe her or listen to her or, or try to change her. Broughton: Certainly, right. 0508.2sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 230/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 L. See: Would, yeah. Yeah. Broughton: Okay. March 10, 2018 Page 9 L. See: . Broughton: Yeah. Well um, if uh, if, if you have any other information that might help me determine whether or not the person I’m, I have and the person that you’re speaking of is, would be the uh, are the same. L. See: I hope not. Broughton: Uh, please give me a call back. My, my, my phone number is on caller ID? On Mr. CASTLE’s phone. L. See: Well I might have a photo I could text you. Broughton: Sure that’d be fine. L. See: And so can I text that… Broughton: …um, I can give.. L. See: …the phone number? Broughton: Well that’s the, that’s my desk phone but I can give you my cell phone. L. See: Okay let me get something to write it down. (pause) Okay. Broughton: It’s 503- L. See: Uh-huh. Broughton: 793- L. See: Uh-huh. Broughton: 9649. L. See: 9649. Broughton: Yeah. L. See: 503-793-9649? Broughton: Yes ma’am. 0508.2sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 231/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 10, 2018 Page 10 L. See: Okay and I do know she had a Facebook page and was taking photos of herself almost daily for a while but I haven’t, I don’t know if she’s done any of that in the last year. Broughton: Okay. L. See: She was, she was doing, so you might be able to find her on Facebook is what I’m trying to say. Broughton: Okay. L. See: But I’ll look through my photos. Broughton: I will, I’ll take a look. L. See: And if I see a photo of her I’ll, I’ll text it to you. Broughton: Please do, thank you. L. See: You can’t tell me, is she hurt or is she? Broughton: Uh, she, she did um, she, she was uh, wounded in the leg. Uh, and hand um, but uh, at this point I’m just trying to, you know figure out if, if, if the person you’re speaking of is the same person that I’m talking about. Because the person I have is all of a sudden just popped up in our database just almost out of nowhere. Uh, and that is certainly not, you know it, it can be common when someone moves into the area but it’s uh, it’s not typical, you know when someone just sort of appears out of nowhere uh, without any other past. L. See: Well she used to have, she used to have an Oregon driver’s license. Unless she never changed her Califo- she had a car for a long time. Broughton: Oh okay, that’ll give me something else to look at too, okay. Well when I determine uh, one way or the other if the person I have and the person you’re speaking about are the same or not I’ll, I’ll give you a call to, to confirm one way or the other, okay? L. See: I’d appreciate that, that would be good. Thank you so much. Broughton: Yeah, yeah and I apologize for the worry uh, not even being certain that it, we’re talking about the same person, but thank you for your help and… L. See: …I worry about her anyway… Broughton: …I’ll be in touch when I, yeah. 0508.2sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 232/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 10, 2018 Page 11 L. See: I worry about her anyway. Broughton: Yeah, I’m sorry. Um – L. See: But, but thank you for this… Broughton: …but when I know more I’ll let you know. L. See: Appreciate it. Broughton: Okay. L. See: Thank you, thank you very much. Broughton: Alright, alright bye-bye. Transcribed Verbatim with Punctuation Added 050818 / 2308 T. Bradshaw 0508.2sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 233/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2343393) 03-11-2018 LACEY TRAUT INTERVIEW PORTLAND POLICE BUREAU CASE NUMBER 18-77451 March 11, 2018 Interview with LACEY TRAUT TAPED STATEMENT TRANSCRIPTION CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 234/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND POLICE BUREAU DETECTIVE DIVISION CONFIDENTIAL TAPED STATEMENT TRANSCRIPTION Case #18-77451 Broughton: March 11, 2018 Page 1 Sunday, March 11th, 2018, 1358 hours on case number 18-77451. Phone call to LACEY at . (phone ringing) PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 Traut: Hello? Broughton: May I speak with LACEY please. Traut: Yes this is her. Broughton: Hey LACEY this is Detective Broughton with the Portland Police. Traut: Hi. Broughton: Hey how are you? Traut: I’m okay. Broughton: Hey so I am calling about um, your sister, I think who is your sister. Traut: Uh-huh. Broughton: I’ve been in contact with VIRGIL MILLER and… Traut: …uh-huh… Broughton: …we believe we’re speaking about the same person but I have a different name for her. Traut: Okay. Broughton: Um, so do you, when, what’s your sister’s name? Traut: Um, ALEXIS ELIZABETH WILDER. Broughton: Okay and what’s, what’s your sister’s birthday? Traut: Um, Broughton: Okay and so what is your name? PRINTED BY: 58774 . Page 235/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 11, 2018 Page 2 Traut: LACEY RYAN TRAUT. Broughton: T-T-R, could you spell your last name please? Traut: Um, T-R-A-U-T. Broughton: Okay and what’s your birthday? Traut: Um, Broughton: Okay and so what can you tell me about uh, about your sister? In terms of… Traut: …um, I haven’t, I haven’t seen her in about probably seven years or so. She moved up to Portland and uh, we’re originally um, from San Bernardino, California. Broughton: Okay. Traut: And uh, she um, uh, you know my mom passed away probably three years ago and after that it just seems like she’s had really hard time dealing with that and uh, she um, uh, basically has just been very upset with me and wants me to send her money and I refuse to send her money and um, the last I heard about her she was, I think living maybe on the street or in her car and uh, she was just in a . Broughton: And so… Traut: …so um. Broughton: Go ahead. Traut: Um, so I haven’t really, I haven’t spoken to her, I, I’d have, I don’t even know when’s the last time I spoke with her. Maybe six months ago or so, she was asking for money and um, you know I told her I wasn’t going to send her any money so she got very upset and just hung up the phone and that’s the last time I spoke with her. Broughton: Uh, why wouldn’t you send her money? Traut: Um, because she uh, I think is just gonna use it for um, for drugs or, an-an-and not for anything appropriate. Nothing that’s going to benefit her life. Broughton: Okay. Traut: Um, you know so I just don’t think it’s uh, it was a good idea to send her money. . 0508.19sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 236/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 11, 2018 Page 3 Broughton: Okay. And who did you hear from, you mentioned a little bit ago that you heard that she was living on the street or something. Traut: Uh-huh. Broughton: How did you get that information? Traut: Um, most of my information I get from my brother VIRGIL and he speaks with a, a family member named CHARLIE that uh, basically I think keeps in contact with her more than any of us. Uh, so VIRGIL usually, I think, gets information from CHARLIE and then they relay it back to me. Broughton: Okay. And um, what, you mentioned, you also mentioned um, some possibility of using drugs. Where do you think you heard that? Traut: Um, I’m sorry say that one more that, what do I what? Broughton: In terms of uh, if, if you, where did you learn of, of your sister’s possible drug use? Traut: Um, well I guess it was just an assumption because of the things she was like posting on Facebook and her um, she was just kind of like being very erratical at one point and family members are reaching out to me asking if I knew what was going on and, and I guess also just coming to the conclusion based on our last conversation she went from like, seemed like her demeanor went from zero to 100 very quickly. Broughton: Um-hm. Traut: You know she went from speaking to me very calmly to screaming and yelling and, I mean it was just a, I, I, it was basically just an assumption. I just, that’s what I think she’s doing with her life because uh, the way she’s living. Broughton: Okay. Uh, now had, when you actually had a relationship with her and would see her was she using drugs or alcohol or anything like that that you were aware of? Traut: No um, she, I mean other than uh, marijuana. Broughton: Um-hm. Traut: I mean uh, and she told me she doesn’t drink or she can’t drink because of like . Um, but no I, I never knew her when she, I never knew her when she was on anything. 0508.19sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 237/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 11, 2018 Page 4 Broughton: Okay an-and when she would, you, you said you, when you were awa- you know had a relationship with her she smoked marijuana, was it a, a large quantity or frequency or how would you describe it? Traut: Um, I want to, I, I, you know she actually kind of would try to hide it from me so she wouldn’t tell me very much. Broughton: Okay. Traut: Uh, you know it was just kind of something I knew she did but it wa- I really didn’t know how much or anything. How, you know, how frequent or anything like that. Broughton: Okay. And what about any sort of uh, to, to your knowledge and experience with her any sort of uh, health issues did she have? Traut: Broughton: Um-hm. Traut: And uh, she wasn’t able to hold down a job or do anything because she was so . Broughton: Okay. Now was she able to work and such before mom, your mom died? Traut: Um, a little bit. I think she works at a coffee shop in Portland for a time and um, but she’s also have to take care of my mom. My mom was uh, pretty ill and um, so she, that most of her time was spent taking care of my mom. Broughton: Um-hm. Traut: So she wasn’t able to really hold like a full-time job down. Broughton: And um, if you don’t mind my asking what was your mom’s name? Traut: Um, ELIZABETH ANN um, her last name changed quite a few times. I think it’s probably MILLER was the last name she used. Broughton: Okay and uh, so do you know if she lived in Portland or one of the outlying cities? You-your mom. Traut: I, I believe she lived in, I, I believe they lived in Portland. 0508.19sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 238/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 11, 2018 Page 5 Broughton: Okay and, and while your sister, while your mom was up here your sister lived with her and took care of her, is that correct? Traut: Yes, uh-huh. Broughton: And approximately how long ago did your mom pass away? Traut: Um, it was about, it was uh, maybe three and a half years ago, would be, I believe four years in August. Broughton: Okay. Traut: This August. Broughton: Alright and uh, who else would, would have had a recent contact with your sister that I could speak to? Traut: Um, you know I think CHARLIE is really the only one that I know that she would actually kind of speak to. Broughton: Okay. Traut: I, I don’t really know of any other like family or friends or anyone else that had any contact with her. It kind of seemed like she secluded herself but CHARLIE was able to see her from, or I mean I think he went up there maybe six months ago or so and, and he wanted to check on her while he was in town and um, all I heard about that was my brother said he, he saw her uh, maybe uh, it seemed like very, very briefly and she was kind of just on the street and that was it. That’s, that’s all I was told. Broughton: And that was from VIRGIL? Traut: Yeah VIRGIL told me that. Broughton: Via CHARLIE? Traut: I don’t speak to CHARLIE so no I, I haven’t spoke to him in years and years. Probably actually I think since my mom passed away he, that’s the last time I spoke to him. Broughton: Is there any specific reason for that? Traut: Um, no not necessarily. I mean I have nothing against him, it’s just uh, you know we just live separate lives. He kind of lives a, I guess you’d say maybe off the grid type of lifestyle. 0508.19sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 239/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 11, 2018 Page 6 Broughton: Okay. Traut: And we just really don’t have anything in common. Broughton: Okay is he a cousin to you or what’s the family relation? Traut: Yeah um, technically uh, we’re not blood. Broughton: Okay. Traut: But we’ve grown up calling him my cousin and his, his mom I just, she was my aunt growing up. Broughton: Okay, so it’s like a close family friend? Traut: Yes, um-hm. Broughton: Okay. Alrighty well um, so, you know your sister, well we, we have a subject that is, has been involved with a uh, you know shooting with police officers um – Traut: Uh-huh. Broughton: As I’m piecing it together it may or may not be your sister, it sounds like there’s a possibility but we’re working on confirming identification because um, the person we have is a different name than uh, than what you have. Um, so she’ll, she’s, you know getting ready to proc- she’ll likely be discharged from the hospital today. Traut: Okay. Broughton: But do you have any recent photos of your sister that you could send me? Traut: Um, I have photo, I don’t know how fairly recent they are, they may, they have been within the last year or so. Broughton: Okay. Traut: Um, I can send you those um, those photos that I do have that a friend sent me off of her Facebook. Broughton: Okay. Traut: Um, but you know I did Google her. Broughton: Um-hm. 0508.19sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 240/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 11, 2018 Page 7 Traut: Uh, since this ha- you know happened and um, I saw that it said she, I don’t know how true this it but it said she was arrested in January and there was a mugshot on there and um, you know she looks quite a bit different than what, you know – uh, the, the pictures I have she has very long blond hair. Broughton: Um-hm. Traut: And in the mugshot she has like very short brown hair. Broughton: Where did you… Traut: …uh, so – Broughton: Where did, what website did you find those mugshots on? Traut: I want to say it was on like oh, like crime, crime in-invest- I don’t know, it said something like crime something. Broughton: Um-hm. Traut: Uh, and basically I just typed in ALEXIS WILDER, Portland. Broughton: Um-hm. Traut: And that was one of the first links that popped up and I just clicked on it and um, I mean it, it’s definitely her in the picture but I was surprised how different she looked. Broughton: Okay. Uh, do you still have uh, so the, the mugshot you saw of ALEXIS WILDER in Portland is your… Traut: …uh-huh. Broughton: …sister ALEXIS WILDER, is that correct? Traut: Yes that’s her. Broughton: Okay but you found the mugshot under the name of ALEXIS WILDER? Traut: Yes. Broughton: Okay. Alrighty well uh, so do, can I, what’s the easiest way for you to send me a photo? The photos you have of her? Traut: Um, I can text you if that’s okay. Is this number a number that I can text? 0508.19sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 241/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Confidential Taped Statement Transcription Case # 18-77451 March 11, 2018 Page 8 Broughton: No this is a desk phone but I can give you my cell phone. Traut: Okay. Broughton: When you’re ready. Traut: Okay um – Broughton: Well I’ll tell you what, am I speaking to you on a mobile? Traut: Yes. Broughton: Okay um, I will just send you a text um – Traut: Okay. Broughton: Uh, from my phone. Traut: Okay. Broughton: So then you have it and then if you could send me photos of her that would be great. Traut: Okay, alright I’ll go ahead and do that. Broughton: Alright, thank you. Traut: Okay, no problem. Broughton: Uh-huh, bye-bye. Traut: Okay, bye-bye. Transcribed Verbatim with Punctuation Added 050818 / 2018 T. Bradshaw 0508.19sbr PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 242/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2343440) PER A083067 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 243/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #91 ASSIGNED TO RANK BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: HOMICIDE DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, LEAD ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 05/24/2018 BROUGHTON, SCOTT P SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 05/26/2018 05/29/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) 05/24/2018 1020 SUBJECT WESLEY FARRON INTERVIEW Involved Officers: Officer Darrell Shaw #28923 Portland Police Bureau Unit 828E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Officer Joseph Webber #44629 Portland Police Bureau Unit 727E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Arrested Suspect: Sarah Michelle BROWN Female/White Date of Birth: No local address/Transient Person Interviewed: Wesley FARRON Male/White Date of Birth: Transient/No Address Cellular Phone: Exhibits: Property/Evidence Receipt Number A083067 Item 2: (1) Disk with Wesley Farron Interview PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 244/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Narrative: On March 8, 2018 at approximately 0325 hours, uniform personnel responded to a burglary call at 806 Southwest King Avenue. During the investigation, a suspect was located in an enclosed storage area under the back stairs of 806 SW King Avenue. The suspect pointed a handgun at uniform officers and later fired the handgun at uniform officers. Officers returned fire, wounding the suspect. The wounded suspect refused officers directions to come out of the area under the stairs. Uniform personnel activated SERT. SERT responded and took the suspect into custody. During the ensuing investigation, it was learned that on March 7, 2018 at 2245 hours, JOEL MULLIN called police and reported hearing noises in his house and an unknown female speaking on his home phone at . Uniform officers responded, cleared JOEL MULLIN'S house, and conducted a burglary investigation. Evidence of a forced entry was found and a cordless phone handset was stolen. During the burglary investigation on March 7, 2018, JOEL MULLIN'S home phone received phone calls from the phone number . The caller ID on JOEL MULLIN'S home phone showed a name of WESLEY FARRON associated to the phone number of . On March 10, 2018 at approximately 1416 hours, I called WESLEY FARRON at . I digitally recorded and later had transcribed my phone call with WESLEY FARRON. What follows is a summary of my phone call with WESLEY FARRON, for complete details, refer to the digital recording and transcript. I asked WESLEY FARRON if he knew SARAH BROWN. WESLEY FARRON told me he did, but was not sure SARAH BROWN was her name. WESLEY FARRON told me he spoke with her the evening of March 7, 2018 and in the morning of March 8, 2018. WESLEY FARRON told me SARAH BROWN told him she was being followed and wanted to meet. WESLEY FARRON told me he has known SARAH BROWN for a few weeks and met her on the street. WESLEY FARRON said he thinks SARAH BROWN . I asked WESLEY FARRON his name, he told me his name is WESLEY FRANKLIN and told me he didn't want to get involved in the case. I verified WESLEY FARRON had my phone number and told him to call me if he had any further information. I later placed the digital recording of my phone call on a disk and placed the disk in the property room as evidence on property receipt number A083070. End of report. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 245/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2358767) PER A083070 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 246/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2361696) WESLEY FARRON INTERVIEW PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 247/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 248/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 249/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 250/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 251/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 252/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 253/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #92 ASSIGNED TO RANK BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: HOMICIDE DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, LEAD ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 05/26/2018 BROUGHTON, SCOTT P SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 05/26/2018 05/29/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) 05/26/2018 1411 SUBJECT SARAH BROWN JAIL MAIL Involved Officers: Officer Darrell Shaw #28923 Portland Police Bureau Unit 828E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Officer Joseph Webber #44629 Portland Police Bureau Unit 727E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Arrested Suspect: Sarah Michelle BROWN Female/White Date of Birth: No local address/Transient Exhibits: Property/Evidence Receipt Number A083071 Item 1: (1) Disk with Sarah Brown's jail mail from booking through May 3, 2018 Narrative: I submitted a request to the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office to monitor Sarah Brown's mail while she was housed in their facility. I placed the PDF files of mail I received from MCSO corrections staff on a disk and placed the disk in the property room as evidence on property receipt number A083071. End of report. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 254/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 255/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2364479) PER A083071 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 256/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #93 ASSIGNED TO RANK BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: HOMICIDE DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, LEAD ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 05/26/2018 BROUGHTON, SCOTT P SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 05/26/2018 05/29/2018 HUGHES, MICHELE M NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) 05/26/2018 1418 SUBJECT SEARCH WARRANT SERVICE ON DUFFLE BAG Involved Officers: Officer Darrell Shaw #28923 Portland Police Bureau Unit 828E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Officer Joseph Webber #44629 Portland Police Bureau Unit 727E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Arrested Suspect: Sarah Michelle BROWN Female/White Date of Birth: No local address/Transient Police Personnel: Criminalist Randal Yoshimura #24583 Evidence Control Specialist Trini Arce #91848 Exhibits: Property/Evidence Receipt Number A089821 Item 1: Miscellaneous items transferred from PER A089808, Item 1. Item 2: U.S. Currency $0.50 (2 x $0.25) found in jacket pocket listed in Item 1. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 257/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Item 3: (1) Counterfeit $50 dollar bill - found in jacket pocket listed in Item 1. Narrative: On May 24, 2018 at 0950 hours, Multnomah County Judge Leslie Bottomly approved and signed an affidavit and search warrant for a black and grey duffle back listed on property receipt number A089808, Item 1. At 1400 hours, I served the warrant on the duffle bag with Criminalist Yoshimura in the evidence viewing room located in the Portland Police Property/ Evidence Division at 2619 Northwest Industrial Street Suite B4. The contents of the duffle bag were transferred to property receipt number A089821, Items 1-3. I later submitted the attached Oregon State Police Forensic Services Request to the property room to have the duffle bag from property receipt number A089808, item 1, and DNA standards listed on property receipt number A084289, item 1 transferred to the Oregon State Police Crime lab for analysis. End of report. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 258/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2364509) OSP FORENSIC SERVICE REQUEST - DUFFLE BAG PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 259/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2364521) PER A089821 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 260/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #94 ASSIGNED TO RANK YOSHIMURA, RANDAL S (24583) ORG UNIT CAPACITY FORENSICS: 1-PATROL SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 05/27/2018 YOSHIMURA, RANDAL S SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 05/27/2018 05/28/2018 WARE, PAUL D NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME YOSHIMURA, RANDAL S (24583) 05/27/2018 1521 SUBJECT PHOTOS AND EVIDENCE TRANSFER Evidence: PER A089821 Item 1: miscellaneous items transferred from PER A089808, item 1 Item 2: $0.50 (2 x .25); found in jacket pocket of black jacket (Champion brand) from item 1 Item 3: counterfeit/play money $50 bill; found in jacket pocket of black jacket (Champion brand) from item 1 Narrative: On 5/24/18 at 1400 hours, I met Detective BROUGHTON at the Property Evidence Division (PED). At his request I photographed items listed on PER A089808 (item 1) - a duffle bag with contents. Detective BROUGHTON said that the duffle bag may be processed for DNA in the future, so I removed the contents from the duffle bag and then transferred the contents to PER A089821. When I transferred the contents of the duffle bag, I was inventorying the pockets of a black jacket (Champion brand) and found $0.50 and play money resembling a $50 bill in one of the pockets. Both the $0.50 and the play money were separated out and listed as items 2 and 3 respectively on PER A089821. The duffle bag is the lone item still listed on PER A089808 (item 1). All items remain in PED. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 261/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2367176) PER A089821 BUREAUOF POLICE 2619 NW INDUSTRIAL ST,,STE. 84 PORTLAND,OREGON97210 503-823-2179 PROPERTYTAKEN FROM: '*Wfl*t" REPORT THIS RECEIPTMUSTBE ACCOMPANIEDBY AN APPROPRIATE LASTNAME DENTED owNERsntp f HOI\4EADDRESS H O I V IA ED D R E S S ,i,IV.Sl$l!fI$Bt|*Y,;,F€ LINQUlsl+ ,pt$r,,,:lI$MSl':,'IJ$1HD:FOR,i SAFEKEEPlNG ztP M.I. FIRST DOB SEX SGNATURE ztP STATE PHONE r ' LASTNAI\iIE DEFENDANT DOB SEX : ': 1 . : 1 . , . . , 1:, . , , , ' 1,, Mi,;;;ii i',:$g ;,, fi ;.# I It-11ll g I STATE CITY - : r .I: r . f . { P € O F t l { C t O E N T r l ' : , r - . ' . :r .I. . rI M.I. FIRST LASTNAME PPBCASENO. R E F E RC A S EN O . ,Dxh CITY OWNER OF PROPERW HOURSOF OPERATION: 9:00 AM TO NOON & 1:OOPM TO 4:OOPM, M-F 0F€E?46.$IGN &"t*./,irr 'M.l. FIRST BACE SEA DOB I suspecr STLI I I E M 1 T E M 2 I T E M 3 4rt*5 /l/lvt,ftw:; (.zV hrr<) -fo*^^& u,5, (,o,nt^ry+€ftEflO,p in -rat],* FORPEDUSEONLY a'(,;ll* liil4tfl r\A ata*- I (\) "Cn^+,,i[zi] Ssa ,bilr< Ai ll - fa^n! Mt ,',nti,* n^,-fu.* lr*1tl iA 44r,", ^ | I I E M 4 I T E M 5 I T E M 6 I T E M 7 I T E M a ! srArEcHfM€LAB PRECINCT & LOCKER# b|ECK,O!{EONLY'. LJ FED RECEIVED BY ?fzr/n,r DO NOTWRITEIN SPACEBELOW- FORPEDUSEONLY HEUbIVbD tsY PEIJ WHITE. REOORDSOOPY PINK- WITHPROPERTY YFI I OW - CITITFNSRFCFIPT BY TIME: DATE: 07t12 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 262/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL FOLLOWUP REPORT #95 ASSIGNED TO RANK BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: HOMICIDE DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, LEAD ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 05/30/2018 BROUGHTON, SCOTT P SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 05/30/2018 05/31/2018 WHATTAM, KEN N NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) 05/30/2018 1336 SUBJECT CALL DETAIL RECORDS FOR Involved Officers: Officer Darrell Shaw #28923 Portland Police Bureau Unit 828E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Officer Joseph Webber #44629 Portland Police Bureau Unit 727E Central Precinct E Shift (Nights) Arrested Suspect: Sarah Michelle BROWN Female/White Date of Birth: No local address/Transient Persons Mentioned: JOEL AARON MULLIN (Victim in PPB Case numbers 18-77293 and 18-79405) Male/White Date of Birth: Home Address: Home Phone: Cellular Phone: Exhibits: Property/Evidence Receipt Number A083073: PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 263/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL Item 1: (1) Disk with call detail records for from 3/7/2018 1900- 3/8/2018 0500 Narrative: On May 29, 2018, I opened call detail records for Joel MULLIN'S home phone pursuant to a Multnomah County Grand Jury Subpoena. The call detail records were from March 7, 2018 1900 hours through March 8, 2018 0500 hours. I reviewed the records and saw the following activity. Calls Originating from Joel MULLIN'S home phone: CALLDATE MAR-07-2018 MAR-07-2018 MAR-07-2018 MAR-07-2018 CONNECTTIME 22:37:12 22:58:20 23:00:19 23:14:04 FROMNUMBER TONUMBER BILLABLETIME 0:00:08 0:00:00 0:00:21 0:00:08 Calls to Joel MULLIN'S home phone: CALLDATE CONNECTTIME MAR-07-2018 MAR-07-2018 MAR-07-2018 FROMNUMBER 22:37:59 22:39:03 23:23:44 I know the phone number Joel MULLIN'S phone. TONUMBER BILLABLETIME 0:00:36 0:07:36 0:02:23 , is associated to a Wesley Farron, the subject previously mentioned making calls to On May 30, 2018 at approximately 1353 hours, I spoke with Joel MULLIN on the phone. I asked Joel MULLIN if he knew the phone number . Joel MULLIN said he did not recognize the number, nor were he or his wife using the home phone at the time the calls were made. At approximately 1424 hours, I called . The number was disconnected. I did not find in any databases that were available to me. I placed the disk containing the call detail records in the property room on property receipt number A083073. End of report. PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 264/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2375195) PER A083073 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 265/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY REPORT - SEIZED AS EVIDENCE (When required by IBR) PROPERTY REPORT # SUBMITTED ON SUBMITTED BY 527085 03/08/2018 SHEARER, JEFFREY G RELATED EVENTS RELATED ITEMS GO 42 2018-77451 13 ARTICLES STATUS TAG # OTELEPH - Office equipment MAKE MODEL SAMSUN GALAXY J1 # PIECES SERIAL NUMBER(S) RECOVERED DATE ARTICLES ARTICLES VALUE 0.0 OAN DESCRIPTION CELL PHONE RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 TAG # ARTICLE SEIZED AS EVIDENCE 42527085-6 (When required by IBR) YBULETF - Items listed under Y or not listed in Article Name Dictionary MAKE MODEL # PIECES SERIAL NUMBER(S) OAN RECOVERED DATE COLOR VALUE CPR/ 0.0 DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN FRAGMENTED PROJECTILE RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 STATUS TAG # ARTICLE SEIZED AS EVIDENCE 42527085-7 (When required by IBR) YPANTS - Items listed under Y or not listed in Article Name Dictionary MAKE MODEL # PIECES SERIAL NUMBER(S) OAN COLOR VALUE BLK/ 0.0 DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN RECOVERED DATE OVERALL PANTS-TORN BY MEDICAL RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 STATUS ARTICLES COLOR UNKNOWN STATUS TAG # ARTICLE SEIZED AS EVIDENCE 42527085-8 (When required by IBR) YPANTS - Items listed under Y or not listed in Article Name Dictionary MAKE MODEL # PIECES SERIAL NUMBER(S) OAN COLOR VALUE BLU/ 0.0 DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN RECOVERED DATE BLUE JEAN PANTS TORN BY MEDICAL RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 STATUS ARTICLES ARTICLE SEIZED AS EVIDENCE 42527085-1 (When required by IBR) TAG # ARTICLE SEIZED AS EVIDENCE 42527085-9 (When required by IBR) YUNDER - Items listed under Y or not listed in Article Name Dictionary MAKE MODEL # PIECES SERIAL NUMBER(S) OAN PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 RECOVERED VALUE VALUE BLK/ 0.0 DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN RECOVERED DATE COLOR THERMAL UNDERWEAR TORN BY MEDICAL RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 266/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL ARTICLES STATUS TAG # YCLOTH - Items listed under Y or not listed in Article Name Dictionary MAKE MODEL # PIECES SERIAL NUMBER(S) OAN RECOVERED DATE VALUE BLK/ 0.0 BLACK SILK BLOUSE RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 TAG # ARTICLE SEIZED AS EVIDENCE 42527085-12 (When required by IBR) YUNDER - Items listed under Y or not listed in Article Name Dictionary MAKE MODEL # PIECES SERIAL NUMBER(S) OAN RECOVERED DATE COLOR VALUE BLK/ 0.0 COLOR VALUE BLK/ 0.0 DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN BRA RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 STATUS TAG # ARTICLE SEIZED AS EVIDENCE 42527085-13 (When required by IBR) PCOAT - Personal accessories MAKE MODEL EDDIE BAUER ARTICLES COLOR DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN STATUS ARTICLES ARTICLE SEIZED AS EVIDENCE 42527085-11 (When required by IBR) # PIECES SERIAL NUMBER(S) OAN DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN RECOVERED DATE DOWN JACKET RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 STATUS TAG # SEIZED AS EVIDENCE 42527085-3 (When required by IBR) SERIAL NUMBER(S) TYPE DENOMINATION VALUE COUNTRY/ISSUER UNITED STATES CURRENCY (NONNCIC) $187.00 187.0 USA DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN OWNER YR ISSUED EXPIRE DATE CROSS REFERENCE DRUGS CURRENCY BREAKDOWN SECURITIES A060439 ITEM 4 DENOMINATION NUMBER VALUE $20.00 8 160.00 DENOMINATION NUMBER VALUE $10.00 1 10.00 DENOMINATION NUMBER VALUE $5.00 3 15.00 DENOMINATION NUMBER VALUE $1.00 2 2.00 RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 STATUS TAG # NAME FORM SEIZED AS EVIDENCE (When required by IBR) 42527085-2 MARIJUANA BUD/LEAF TYPE QUANTITY UNIT MARIJUANA 1.000 NOT REPORTED DESCRIPTION VALUE BAG OF MARIJUANA AND PIPE 0.0 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 267/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL MISCELLANEOUS STATUS TAG # RECOVERED DATE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM QUANTITY VALUE 1 PAPERS 2 0.0 STATUS TAG # RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED? DESCRIPTION SEIZED AS EVIDENCE 42527085-5 (When required by IBR) .40 CALIBER S&W SPEER CARTRIDGE RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM QUANTITY VALUE 1 CARTRIDGE 1 0.0 STATUS MISCELLANEOUS DESCRIPTION SEIZED AS EVIDENCE 42527085-4 (When required by IBR) TAG # DESCRIPTION SEIZED AS EVIDENCE 42527085-10 (When required by IBR) RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED? LEATHERHEAD KNEEPAD- RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM QUANTITY VALUE 1 KNEEPADS 1 0.0 RECOVERED? PROPERTY REPORT - EVIDENCE PROPERTY REPORT # SUBMITTED ON SUBMITTED BY 528203 03/09/2018 OUTHAYTHIP, NAVARATH RELATED EVENTS RELATED ITEMS GO 42 2018-77451 17 STATUS TAG # ARTICLE EVIDENCE 42528203-11 YGLOVE - Items listed under Y or not listed in Article Name Dictionary MAKE MODEL ARTICLES GATES # PIECES SERIAL NUMBER(S) 1 UNKNOWN RECOVERED DATE OAN VALUE BRO/BLK 0.0 DESCRIPTION ONE WORK GLOVE, LEFT HAND SIDE ONLY RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 STATUS TAG # ARTICLE EVIDENCE 42528203-12 PBCKPCK - Personal accessories MAKE MODEL EDDIE BAUER ARTICLES COLOR # PIECES SERIAL NUMBER(S) 1 UNKNOWN RECOVERED DATE PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 RECOVERED VALUE OAN COLOR VALUE BLK/ 0.0 DESCRIPTION ONE SMALL EDDIE BAUER BACKPACK WITH MISC ITEMS RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 268/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL STATUS TAG # TYPE DENOMINATION VALUE COUNTRY/ISSUER EVIDENCE 42528203-17 UNITED STATES CURRENCY (NONNCIC) $1.10 1.1 USA SERIAL NUMBER(S) DESCRIPTION UNKNOWN ONE ONE DOLLAR BILL AND ONE DIME OWNER YR ISSUED EXPIRE DATE CROSS REFERENCE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS FIREARM FIREARM CURRENCY BREAKDOWN SECURITIES A089801 DENOMINATION NUMBER VALUE $1.00 1 1.00 DENOMINATION NUMBER VALUE $0.10 1 0.10 DENOMINATION NUMBER VALUE RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 STATUS TAG # EVIDENCE 42528203-1 ITEM TYPE MAKE MODEL SEMI-AUTO Glock, Inc. 17 CALIBER FINISH 9MM Black BARREL LENGTH SERIAL NUMBER OAN KDD823 VALUE DESCRIPTION 0.0 POLICE SERVICE PISTOL GLOCK 17 FROM OFC SHAW RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 STATUS TAG # EVIDENCE 42528203-5 ITEM TYPE MAKE MODEL SEMI-AUTO Colt AR-15 CALIBER FINISH 223 Black BARREL LENGTH SERIAL NUMBER OAN LGC015990 VALUE DESCRIPTION 0.0 POLICE SERVICE RIFLE FROM OFFICER WEBBER RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 STATUS TAG # DESCRIPTION EVIDENCE 42528203-2 LIVE ROUNDS FROM CHAMBER AND MAGAZINE WITH LIVE ROUNDS RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM QUANTITY VALUE 1 LIVE 9MM ROUND FROM CHAMBER 1 0.0 ITEM # ITEM QUANTITY VALUE 2 MAGAZINE W/ 17 LIVE 9MM ROUNDS RECOVERED? RECOVERED? 0.0 STATUS TAG # DESCRIPTION EVIDENCE 42528203-3 GLOCK MAGAZINE WITH 13 LIVE RDS FROM R/R PANT PKT RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM 1 MAGAZINE W/13 LIVE 9MM ROUNDS QUANTITY VALUE RECOVERED? 0.0 STATUS TAG # DESCRIPTION EVIDENCE 42528203-4 GLOCK MAGAZINE W/17 LIVE 9MM RDS FROM LOWR AMMO POUCH RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM 1 MAGAZINE W/17 LIVE ROUNDS PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 QUANTITY PRINTED BY: 58774 VALUE RECOVERED? 0.0 Page 269/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL STATUS TAG # DESCRIPTION EVIDENCE 42528203-6 SHORT MAGAZINE WITH 12 LIVE 223 ROUNDS RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM 1 MAGAZINE W/12 LIVE ROUNDS QUANTITY VALUE STATUS TAG # DESCRIPTION EVIDENCE 42528203-7 LONG MAGAZINE WITH 26 LIVE 223 ROUNDS RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM 1 MAGAZINE W/26 LIVE ROUNDS RECOVERED? 0.0 QUANTITY VALUE RECOVERED? 0.0 STATUS TAG # DESCRIPTION EVIDENCE 42528203-8 TWO SWABS WITH BLOOD FROM L/R PASS DR INTERIOR PANEL RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM QUANTITY VALUE 1 SWABS WITH BLOOD 2 0.0 RECOVERED? STATUS TAG # DESCRIPTION EVIDENCE 42528203-9 OREGON SPRINGS WATER BOTTLE FROM N SIDE OF BUILDING RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM QUANTITY VALUE 1 WATER BOTTLE 1 0.0 STATUS TAG # DESCRIPTION EVIDENCE 42528203-10 ONE PAIR BLK/GRY KHOMBU SNOW BOOTS RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM 1 ONE PAIR SNOW BOOTS QUANTITY TAG # DESCRIPTION EVIDENCE 42528203-13 ONE PACK OF EARPLUGS RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM 1 ONE PACK OF EARPLUGS VALUE RECOVERED? 0.0 STATUS ITEM # RECOVERED? QUANTITY VALUE RECOVERED? 0.0 STATUS TAG # DESCRIPTION EVIDENCE 42528203-14 ONE EMPTY "PRE-ROLL" MARIJUANA CAPSULE RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM QUANTITY VALUE 1 EMPTY MARIJUANA CAPSULE 1 0.0 RECOVERED? STATUS TAG # DESCRIPTION EVIDENCE 42528203-15 LOVE FULLING THE ULTIMATE QUEST BY JAMES P GILLS MD RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM QUANTITY VALUE 1 BOOK 1 0.0 RECOVERED? STATUS TAG # DESCRIPTION EVIDENCE 42528203-16 WHT KITCHEN TRASH BAG WITH SUSPECTED BLOOD RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM QUANTITY VALUE 1 TRASH BAG WITH SUSPECTED BLOOD 1 0.0 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 270/622 RECOVERED? VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2154438) A081308, A089079 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 271/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 272/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2163571) INTERVIEW WITH JOSHUA GIBSON 03-08-18 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 273/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 274/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 275/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 276/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 277/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 278/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 279/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 280/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 281/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 282/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 283/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 284/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166273) INTERVIEW WITH RYAN VALDEZ 03-08-18 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 285/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 286/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 287/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 288/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 289/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 290/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 291/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 292/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166646) INTERVIEW WITH SGT GRANT SMITH 03-08-18 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 293/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 294/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 295/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 296/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 297/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 298/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 299/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 300/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 301/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 302/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 303/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 304/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 305/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 306/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 307/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 308/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 309/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 310/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 311/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 312/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 313/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 314/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 315/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 316/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 317/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 318/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 319/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 320/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 321/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 322/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 323/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 324/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 325/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 326/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 327/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 328/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 329/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 330/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 331/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 332/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 333/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 334/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 335/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 336/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 337/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166725) INTERVIEW WITH OFC STREED 03-08-18 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 338/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 339/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 340/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 341/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 342/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 343/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 344/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 345/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 346/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 347/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 348/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 349/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 350/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 351/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 352/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 353/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 354/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 355/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 356/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 357/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 358/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 359/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 360/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 361/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 362/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 363/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 364/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166727) INTERVIEW WITH OFC DAVIDSON 03-08-18 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 365/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 366/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 367/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 368/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 369/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 370/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 371/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 372/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 373/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 374/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 375/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 376/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 377/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 378/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 379/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 380/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 381/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 382/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 383/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 384/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 385/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 386/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 387/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 388/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 389/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 390/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 391/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 392/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 393/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 394/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 395/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 396/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 397/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 398/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 399/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 400/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166734) INTERVIEW WITH A-SGT WEINBERGER PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 401/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 402/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 403/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 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CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 410/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 411/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 412/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 413/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 414/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 415/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 416/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 417/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 418/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 419/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 420/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 421/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 422/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 423/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 424/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 425/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 426/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 427/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 428/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 429/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 430/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 431/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 432/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 433/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 434/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 435/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 436/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC 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ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 448/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 449/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 450/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166740) INTERVIEW WITH SGT HULL 03-08-18 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 451/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 452/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 453/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 454/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 455/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 456/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 457/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 458/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 459/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 460/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 461/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 462/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 463/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 464/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 465/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 466/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 467/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 468/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 469/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 470/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 471/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 472/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 473/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 474/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 475/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 476/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166744) INTERVIEW WITH OFC PEREZ 03-08-18 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 477/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 478/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 479/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 480/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 481/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 482/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 483/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 484/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 485/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 486/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 487/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 488/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 489/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 490/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 491/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 492/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 493/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 494/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 495/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 496/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 497/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 498/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 499/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 500/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 501/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 502/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 503/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 504/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 505/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 506/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 507/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166782) INTERVIEW WITH JOEL MULLIN 03-08-18 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 508/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 509/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 510/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 511/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 512/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 513/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 514/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 515/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 516/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 517/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 518/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 519/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 520/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 521/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 522/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2166786) INTERVIEW WITH SGT MCCONNELL 03-08-18 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 523/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 524/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 525/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 526/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 527/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 528/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 529/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 530/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 531/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 532/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 533/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 534/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 535/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 536/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 537/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 538/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2168732) INTERVIEW WITH OFC BENDER 03-08-18 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 539/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 540/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 541/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 542/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 543/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 544/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 545/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 546/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 547/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 548/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 549/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 550/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 551/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 552/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 553/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 554/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 555/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 556/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 557/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 558/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 559/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 560/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 561/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 562/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 563/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 564/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 565/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 566/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 567/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 568/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 569/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 570/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 571/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 572/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 573/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 574/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 575/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 576/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 577/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 578/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 579/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 580/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 581/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 582/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2172866) A089803, A089808 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 583/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 584/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2175379) A054565, A081381, A081382, A083051, A084251 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 585/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 586/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 587/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 588/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 589/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2175383) A089107, A090112, A090113, A090114, A090115 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 590/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 591/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 592/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 593/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 594/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2175385) A090121 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 595/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2224079) A089107 BUREAU OF POLICE i 26,19 NW INDUSTRIAL ST., STE. 84 POBTLAND. OREGON 97210 DATE/TIME oxry}ZJ DENTEoowNEBSHTP ctry GA\€ coPY? ws HOME ADDBESS ! s A- 2u Lss IiWESTIGATOR (F OIFFERE$T) -]-)cJ--7* .I->\U' FIBST LASI NAME DEFENDANT SIGNATURE PHONE DELlvEFING OFFICER LOCATON WHERE SEIzED, FOUND. SURRENDERED SAFEKEEPING SAFEKEEPING ZtP --a<[\-r.-, \ I VOLUNIARILY RELINOUISH THE ITEM(S) LISTED FOR ooB SEX STATE CITY r)l> FACE SEX DPSSTIASSIGN DPSST/ASSIGN tcE I SUSPECT FOR GUiIS LIST llAl(E, WPE, CAIIBER, M0DEI, SERIAL NUl,lEER(S), IMPORTER & C0UNTRY 0F LIST OI{LY ONE ITEM PER SELECTION. I no ztP MI FIRST TYPE OF INCIDENT E M E DOB sEx STATE LAST NAME OWNER OF PROPERTY T tr PfiISONERS PROP. i HOI\,1E ADDAESS - T MI FIFST LAST NAME 17-f -'lq,s PPB CASE NO REFEB CASE NO PM FOUND PROPERTY EVIDENCE PROPERTY TAKEN FROM AM ('?:' frffi uo.Ao89/-07 tl z1 ,z BXE.;" HOURS OF OPERATION: 9i00 AM TO NOON & 1:00 PM TO 4:0o PM. M-F PBOPERW/EVIDENCERECEIPT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN APPROPRIATE REPOFT 503-823-2179 t* + /-, *) \5e= 1<----+- 1 ld c'e I T E 2 t ,..\*----. \ 0RlGlll. FOR PED USE ONLY ') I -----: I I T E I 3 I T E M 4 I T E M 5 I T E M I 6 I I T E I/ 7 I T E I 8 DELIVEHED TO: CHECKONE ONLY E E ISATELLnE PBoP. STAIE CRIME LAS fl seo RooM E orHER DO NOT WRITE IN SPACE RECEIVEO BY PED DATE: PED PBECINCT & LOCKER* 4- ru tt'ul',y BECEIVED BY BELOW- FOR PED USE ONLY WHITE, FE@RDS COPY PINX - WTH PFIOPERTY YELLOW. CIIIZENS FECEIPT BY TII\,4E aTi12 - PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 596/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2232043) A060439, A060440, A089776, A089777 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 597/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 598/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 599/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 600/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2232047) A089801, A090103, A090105, A090109 PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 601/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 602/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 603/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 604/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2279752) A083061, A083063 BUREAU OF POLICE 2619 NW INDUSTRIAL ST.. STE, 84 PORTLAND, OREGON 97210 503-423-2179 RECEIPT NUtIBEB No.A0B306l- 8ilEc$* HOURS OF OPERATION: 9:00 AM TO NOON & 1:00 PM TO 4:00 PM. M-F PROPERW/EVIDENCE BECEIPT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE ACCOMPANIEO AY AN APPROPRIATE REPORT orrv)ffi PROPERTY TAKEN FROM DAT TI '1.,1 t5tl 6 6A 5o'r BEFER CASE NO ls-'11,/5t I roulopnopenw I ev'oer'rce LAST NAME ll F FST PPB CASE NO PNEONERS Pf,OP. GA\G coPY? SAFEKEEPING vesn no D DOB SEX I VOLUNTARILY RELINQUISH THE TTEM(S) LISTED FOR DENIEO OWNENSHIP HOME ADDRESS CIIY OWNER OF PBOPEBTY SIATE LAST NAME ztP MI FIRST SAFEKEEPING DOa SEX SIGNATURE HOME ADDRESS CITY W;::;I LocAToNIWHERE 2? 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REC'NOS COPY PIN(.wlIH TiME PROPERTY YELTOW CMZENS FECEIPT - PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 605/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL BUBEAU OF POLICE ] 2619 NW INOUSTRIAL ST., STE. 84 POHTLAND, OREGON 97210 503-823-2 1 79 RECEIPI NUMBER N0.A083063 w 3['J*,, ottt-v EVIOENCE PBOPERTY TAKEN FROi' orrrEo ownensxrp [ HOUBS OF OPEBATION: 9:0O Ai, TO NOON & 1:00 PM TO 4:o0 PM. 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PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 621/622 VERSION: 181015.1 ATTEMPT MURDER/HOMICIDE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77451 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE CONFIDENTIAL SUMMARY OF FACTS ARMED WITH BROWN ARRESTED FOR ATTEMPTED AGGRAVATED MURDER, UUW, BURGLARY HANDGUN ARRESTING OFFICER 1 BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) APPROVED BY APPROVED DATE () *** END OF HARDCOPY *** PRINTED ON: 06/03/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 622/622 VERSION: 181015.1 CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE GENERAL OFFENSE REPORTED DATE/TIME OCCURRED DATE/TIME REPORTING OFFICER/DEPUTY NAME & # 03/08/2018 0753 03/07/2018 1600 TO 03/08/2018 0730 GREEN, WILLIAM D (52227) LOCATION OF INCIDENT PLACE 840 SW KING AVE, PORTLAND COUNTY DISTRICT BEAT GRID MULTNOMAH CE 841 60540 SEVERITY FAMILY VIOLENCE GANG INVOLVEMENT SPECIAL STUDY No RELATED INCIDENT NUMBERS CP 42 2018-77543, AB 42 2018-4365, GO 42 2018-77451 TOTAL LOSS TOTAL RECOVERED DAMAGED TOTAL DRUG TOTAL $480 CLEARANCE STATUS EXCEPTIONAL CLEARANCE CLEARED BY ARREST NOT APPLICABLE DATE/TIME CLEARED CLEARED BY 03/14/2018 - INTERNAL STATUS APPROVED BY APPROVED ON ARREST - FELONY HUGHES, MICHELE M (36818) 03/10/2018 OFFENSES [1] OFFENSE STATUTE PREMISE TYPE LARC-FROM VEHICLE Street/Highway/Road/Alley/Sidewalk BIAS NONE (NO BIAS) PERSON - ARREST CSTD #1 NAME (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE) SEX RACE DOB BROWN, SARAH MICHELE FEMALE WHITE 04/04/1991 HOME ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP TRANSIENT HEIGHT WEIGHT HAIR COLOR EYES 5'6 150 BROWN BROWN HOME PHONE CELL PHONE WORK PHONE DRIVERS LICENSE (STATE) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER POB ETHNICITY Florida UNKNOWN COMPLEXION BUILD HANDED AGE 26 EMAIL ADDRESS HAIR STYLE FACIAL HAIR COLOR FACIAL HAIR DESCRIPTION SLIGHT/VERY THIN ALL OTHER ID TYPES AND NUMBERS FBI: REDACTED SID: REDACTED ARREST DATA ARREST DATE ARREST TYPE 03/08/2018 ARREST / BOOK / CIVIL HOLD CHARGES STATUTE CHARGE DESCRIPTION BAIL COURT DATE OR 164.272 UNLAWFUL ENTRY INTO VEHICLE, A MISDEMEANOR 2500.00 03/12/2018 PERSON - VICTIM #1 NAME (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE) SEX RACE VALDEZ, RYAN MALE WHITE HOME ADDRESS - STREET, CITY ZIP HEIGHT HOME PHONE CELL PHONE WORK PHONE DRIVERS LICENSE (STATE) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER POB DOB WEIGHT HAIR COLOR AGE EYES EMAIL ADDRESS ETHNICITY UNKNOWN PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 1/18 VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE PERSON - UNIDENTIFIED SUSPECT #1 PERSON DETAILS: POSSIBLE ADDRESS(ES): ADDITIONAL REMARKS: VEHICLE - VICTIM #1 LICENSE NUMBER VIN STATE OF ISSUE VEHICLE TYPE LICENSE TYPE LICENSE YEAR Washington PICK-UP TRUCK Passenger Car 2019 OWNER APPLIED NUMBER MISC INFORMATION MAKE MODEL STYLE YEAR COLOR Chevrolet Silverado (PK) PICKUP 2007 Silver/ Aluminum INSURANCE COMPANY LIAB POLICY # EXP DATE AUTOMOBILE DETAILS Yes TRANSMISSION INTERIOR DESCRIPTION WINDOWS WHEELS EXTERIOR DESCRIPTION CONDITION MODIFICATION BODY DAMAGE PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 OTHER FEATURES PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 2/18 VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME GREEN, WILLIAM D (52227) 03/08/2018 0812 SUBJECT NARRATIVE Ofc. Honl #52153 (Partner) Det Kammerer #29988 (Detectives) While on a perimeter spot on call number 18-77451, I was approached by a male staying in The Inn Park Lane Suites located at 840 SW King. The male identified himself as Ryan Valdez. Valdez stated he was staying at the Inn while working at a construction site in Portland. Valdez says he parked his vehicle (Listed) in the parking lot of the Inn at 1600 hours on 3/7/18. Valdez said he returned to his vehicle the next morning around 0730 hours and discovered his pistol was missing. Valdez said he left his pistol in the driver door pocket of the vehicle. No windows on his vehicle were broken and there was no sign of forced entry. Valdez believed he left his truck unlocked over night. Valdez said his pistol was a Smith and Wesson 40 caliber with two tone color scheme. The slide of the pistol is black and the handle is desert tan/black. The pistol had a full 15 round magazine with one round chambered. Valdez said the pistol was in a black kydex style holster which was also missing. Valdez said he had tools in the truck that were moved around but not taken to his knowledge. Valdez said that there was also a floral color backback on the back passenger seat of the truck that was not his. Because the description of the pistol matched the description in the pistol used in a burglary in call number 18-77451, I notified Det. Kammerer. Det Kammerer responded and was given all information. Valdez did not have the serial number for his pistol. PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 3/18 VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE FOLLOWUP REPORT #1 ASSIGNED TO RANK POSEY, DARREN L (29521) DETECTIVE ORG UNIT CAPACITY DETECTIVE: HOMICIDE DETAIL 1-INVESTIGATOR, SECONDARY ASSIGNED ON ASSIGNED BY 03/13/2018 POSEY, DARREN L SUBMITTED ON APPROVED ON APPROVED BY 03/13/2018 03/14/2018 WHATTAM, KEN N NARRATIVE AUTHOR DATE/TIME POSEY, DARREN L (29521) 03/13/2018 1510 SUBJECT FOLLOW-UP INVESTIGATION FOR OIS CONNECT INFORMATION Victim VALDEZ, RYAN M/W, DOB: Address: Phone: NON-CONNECT INFORMATION Police Personnel Detective V. CUI, DPSST #36881 Portland Police Bureau, Homicide Detail, Interview Assistance Criminalist D. OUTHAYTHIP, DPSST #24990 Portland Police Bureau, Forensic Evidence Division, Vehicle Processing Mentioned WILSON, EMMA (Victim for Case #18-77337) F/W, Address: Phone: EXHIBITS PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 4/18 VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE 1. Black colored Backpack with flower print and contents (Returned to Owner) 2. One Gray colored sock (Returned to Owner) 3. Black colored women's underwear (Returned to Owner) 4. Property/Evidence Receipt #A080790: (Placed in Property Room) Item1: CD with recorded interview of RYAN VALDEZ SUMMARY On March 8, 2018 I was asked to respond to the 800 block of SW King Avenue by Sergeant Hughes in order to assist with an officer involved use of deadly force. While at the location I was assigned to investigate a car prowl that occurred nearby where a handgun had been stolen from an unlocked vehicle parked in a hotel parking lot. As part of the investigation, Detective Cui and I contacted RYAN VALDEZ at his hotel room at 809 SW King Avenue. VALDEZ was the victim of a theft from his vehicle sometime between March 7, 2018 at 1600 hours and March 8, 2018 at 0630 hours, where he had a handgun stolen from the vehicle. We conducted a recorded interview with VALDEZ. We also conducted a consent search of VALDEZ'S truck with VALDEZ present, in order to document the theft and gather potential evidence. Criminalist D. Outhaythip photographed the vehicle and the items of evidence recovered, and collected potential DNA and fingerprint evidence as well. NARRATIVE On March 8, 2018 I was asked to respond to the 800 block of SW King Avenue by Sergeant Hughes in order to assist with an officer involved use of deadly force. Upon arrival I assisted with the investigation in following up on an earlier theft from a vehicle reported by RYAN VALDEZ. The interview with VALDEZ was recorded. Please see the recording and/or the transcription of the recorded interview for specific details. The following information is only a summary of the interview. During the interview VALDEZ told us he was awakened around 0400 with sounds of someone yelling to someone to "get on the ground." VALDEZ said he heard some gunshots from the north side of the hotel building. VALDEZ said he did not see anything related to the officer involved shooting. VALDEZ told us he went out to his vehicle around 0630 hours to get ready to go to work. The vehicle was located at the south western end of the parking lot at the hotel. VALDEZ said he saw a box of his tools had been moved to the front seat and found his vehicle was unlocked. VALDEZ said he saw a black backpack with flower printing in the back seat along with some other items that looked like possible school supplies. VALDEZ said he checked his side door panel next to the driver's seat for his handgun and found it was missing. PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 5/18 VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE VALDEZ said he did not have the serial number available for his gun at this time, but would attempt to get it from Cabelas sporting goods later. VALDEZ said he purchased the gun from Cabelas about two years ago. VALDEZ described the gun as a semi-auto handgun, 40 S&W Caliber, fifteen round magazine, and tan colored grip with black colored slide. VALDEZ said gun was in a black colored "kydex" type holster. VALDEZ provided consent to search his vehicle for evidence while he was present. Once Criminalist Outhaythip was available, we searched the vehicle and identified what items VALDEZ was missing as well as what items had been left behind by the suspect. VALDEZ said the following items were missing from the truck: One set of boots One white colored construction hard hat One yellow colored vest One handgun in a black colored holster VALDEZ said the following items were additions to his truck, and did not belong to him: One backpack, black in color with floral type printing with contents Black colored women's underwear One gray colored sock A small black colored satchel White colored marijuana wrapper One Plastic bag One paperback book While we were at the location processing the vehicle with VALDEZ, EMMA WILSON approached me and told me about a burglary incident she was the victim of earlier. WILSON told me she had her hotel room burglarized the night before, and was curious if the car prowl case might be related. I asked WILSON if she had reported the burglary and she said she had with Officer Perez and provided a case number she had received. I asked WILSON if she had a backpack stolen from her room and she said she did. I then asked her to look at the backpack recovered from VALDEZ'S vehicle. WILSON positively identified her backpack. We checked in the backpack with her consent and found her Canadian passport among the contents. WILSON went through the rest of the backpack and confirmed the rest of the contents were hers, except for a set of clear colored ear plugs. The ear plugs were secured as evidence and Criminalist Outhaythip collected them for further forensic processing. After reviewing the items recovered, WILSON'S identified items were photographed and returned to her. WILSON is from Canada and was returning home later this same day. WILSON'S personal effects including identification were in her backpack and needed for travel. WILSON said the black underwear and gray colored sock had been inside her backpack prior to its theft. EXHIBITS 1 through 3 were recovered, photographed, and then returned to WILSON. The other items related to the burglary of hotel room number on case #18-77337 were not found at VALDEZ'S vehicle We later walked with VALDEZ to his hotel room. While upstairs on the north side of the hotel by the stairwell, VALDEZ observed his white colored construction hat on the back porch of the residence at 806 SW King Avenue. PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 6/18 VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE The recorded interview with VALDEZ was later copied to CD for archive purposes (EXHIBIT 4, Item 1). The other items of evidence collected and retained by Criminalist Outhaythip were secured as evidence and taken to FED by Criminalist Outhaythip for further analysis. PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 7/18 VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2167080) PROPERTY RECEIPT A080790 PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 8/18 VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE PROPERTY REPORT - STOLEN PROPERTY REPORT # SUBMITTED ON SUBMITTED BY 527077 03/08/2018 GREEN, WILLIAM D RELATED EVENTS RELATED ITEMS GO 42 2018-77543 2 STATUS TAG # STOLEN 42527077-1 ITEM TYPE MAKE SEMI-AUTO Smith & Wesson CALIBER MODEL FINISH BARREL LENGTH MISCELLANEOUS FIREARM 40 SERIAL NUMBER OAN UNKOWN VALUE DESCRIPTION 400.0 TWO TONE DESERT BLACK SLIDE, DESERT/BLACK HANDLE RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED VALUE RECOVERED LOCATION 0.0 STATUS TAG # DESCRIPTION STOLEN 42527077-2 BLACK KYDEX PLASTIC HOLSTER RECOVERED DATE RECOVERED LOCATION ITEM # ITEM QUANTITY VALUE 1 BLACK KYDEX PLASTIC HOLSTER 1 80.0 PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 9/18 RECOVERED? VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE IMAGE ATTACHMENT (2284033) RYAN VALDEZ INTERVIEW PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 10/18 VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 11/18 VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 12/18 VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 13/18 VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 14/18 VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 15/18 VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 16/18 VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE CASE NUMBER Portland Police Bureau GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE RELATED ARREST REPORT: AB# 4365 ARRESTEE DOB RELATED CD# BROWN, SARAH MICHELLE 04/04/1991 521464 INTERPRETER NEEDED No ARREST DATE/TIME ARREST TYPE STATUS REASON FOR ARREST 03/08/2018 654 ARREST / BOOK / CIVIL HOLD CHARGED PROBABLE CAUSE ARREST LOCATION 806 SW KING AVE, PORTLAND COUNTY DISTRICT (PPB PRECINCT) BEAT (PPB DISTRICT) GRID MULTNOMAH CE 841 60540 PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 17/18 VERSION: 181015.1 LARC-FROM VEHICLE Portland Police Bureau CASE NUMBER GO 42 2018-77543 PUBLIC RECORD RELEASE SUMMARY OF FACTS ARMED WITH BROWN ARRESTED FOR ATTEMPTED AGGRAVATED MURDER, UUW, BURGLARY HANDGUN ARRESTING OFFICER 1 BROUGHTON, SCOTT P (40218) APPROVED BY APPROVED DATE () *** END OF HARDCOPY *** PRINTED ON: 06/04/2019 PRINTED BY: 58774 Page 18/18 VERSION: 181015.1