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Technology Project Evaluation at Addis Ababa Polytechnic

“Evaluation on Technology Project Accommodation and
Transferring Performances in Addis Ababa Tegibare-id Polytechnic
By: Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu
May 2021
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
First of all, we thank the Lord all mighty for all the success in our works. we would like to thank
Mr. Sindew Endris and Mr. Hailemariam Medhin, not only for their thorough criticism and
comments on our works but also for guiding our works in to a more elaborate and focused goals.
Similarly, our special thanks go to all technology design and feasibility team members for their
moral and unreserved technical supports.
Additionally, we would like to extend our appreciation for all trainers, officers, experts,
administration staffs, trainees, business community and all our respondents we communicated
while collecting the required information on technology accommodation and transferring
Lastly, we thank our parents and our intimate friends whom without their support, the finalization
of this project would not have been real. Thank you.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Nowadays, technology project is a major consideration in upgrading economic, social and
environmental life qualities of the communities. Many considerable researches have been
conducted to determine the economic benefits, social contributions and environmental quality
parameters of various projects for macro, middle and low-income classes of enterprises. However,
the studies are more contextual and dealt more with economic features than social contributions
and environmental quality. Therefore, this paper tried to evaluate project accommodation and
transferring performances, availability of basic facilities, challenges that hinders the effectiveness
of technology project, level of interests and performances of trainers in Addis Ababa Tegibare-id
polytechnic College.
In order to achieve the purpose of the study descriptive research methods are used to evaluate
project accommodation and transferring performances, availability of basic facilities for
technology project, challenges that hinders the effectiveness of technology project, level of
interests and performances of trainers and also to indicate probable solutions for the existing
conditions. By considering the characters of the area 161 sample size was taken from the
population. since it is more appropriate to describe quantitative and qualitative data for analysis
of the problems, mixed item questioners, longitudinal semi structured interview and direct
observations are used to obtain relevant information.
Addis Ababa is the largest city in Ethiopia and one of Africa’s fastest growing cities. It plays an
important role for the developments of the country and for the economic prosperity of the regions.
The City’s efforts to promote greater sustainability must be closely aligned with its vision of being
a safe and livable city, and with Ethiopia’s national goals of becoming middle income country by
2025 and Africa’s diplomatic capital. World Bank (2015).
Addis Ababa Tegibare-id polytechnic College is one of the oldest technical institution in the city
as well as National level. It is located in the inner part of Lideta Sub City, shares boundary with
many nearest sub cities and served as significant economic corridors. Due to that our college
carries widely spreader responsibility to support many enterprises in different Sub cities. Thus,
accommodating and transferring various technology project is the most common supporting kinds
by which many Trainers, Trainees, officers and other expertise have participated for the last two
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
decades. However, many of the recent technology projects have not efficiently accommodated and
transferred to the targeted enterprise in manual and physically. In addition, the technology
projects procedure also suffering for high percent of wastage, inappropriate time schedules, low
productivity and effectiveness, repetition of identical project, and etc. The other common problem
about accommodating and transferring various technology project is poor documentation and less
consideration for specification and assessment packages.
Key Words: Technology, Accommodation, Transfer, Effectiveness.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................... i
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... ii
List of tables.................................................................................................................................. vii
List of figures ............................................................................................................................... viii
List of Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... ix
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background of the Study ................................................................................. 1
1.1.1. Terminology definitions…………………………………………………………..2
1.2. Problem Statement ........................................................................................... 3
1.3. Objectives ........................................................................................................ 4
1.3.1. General objectives………………………………………………………………...4
1.3.2. Specific objectives………………………………………………………………..4
1.4. Research Questions .......................................................................................... 4
1.5. Significance of the Study ................................................................................. 4
1.6. Scope of the Study ........................................................................................... 5
1.7. Description of the Study Area ......................................................................... 5
1.8. Organization of the Paper ................................................................................ 6
1.9. Limitation of the Research ............................................................................... 6
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................. 7
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 7
2.1. Technology ...................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1. Component and Characteristics of Technology……………………………………9
2.1.2. Types of Technology Transfer……………………………………………………..9
2.1.3. Methods of Technology Transfer…………………………………………………10
2.2. Best Practices in Technology Transfer ............................................................ 11
2.2.1. Technology Transfer in Ethiopia…………………………………………………11
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
2.2.2. African Context Technology Transfer……………………………………………12
2.2.3. World’s Best Experience in Technology Transfer……………………………….13
2.2.4. Technology accommodation and Transfer in Addis Ababa Tegibare-id
Polytechnique College……………………………………………………………16
2.2.5. Manpower Requirement for Technology Accommodation and Transferring…….18
2.2.6. Industry Extension & Technology Transfer Directorate…………………………..19
2.3. Summary.......................................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................... 22
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 22
Research Approach .......................................................................................... 22
Research Techniques and Sources of data ....................................................... 24
3.3.1. Primary Data Sources……………………………………………………………...24
3.3.2. Secondary Data Sources…………………………………………………………...24
Sample Design ................................................................................................. 24
3.3.1 Population or Universe…………………………………………………………….24
3.3.2 Sampling Frame……………………………………………………………………25
3.3.3 Sampling Technique……………………………………………………………….25
3.3.4 Sample Size………………………………………………………………………...25
Method of Data Collection .............................................................................. 27
3.4.1 Semi Structured Interview…………………………………………………………27
3.4.2 Mixed Item questioners……………………………………………………………27
3.4.3 Focus group Discussion……………………………………………………………27
3.4.4 Direct Technical Observation……………………………………………………...27
Data Analysis, Tools and Interpretation .......................................................... 27
Triangulation ................................................................................................... 28
Pilot Study ....................................................................................................... 28
3.7.1. Pilot study results ........................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................... 32
Introduction ..................................................................................................... 32
Respondents and Response Rate ...................................................................... 32
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
4.2.1. Background of the Respondents…………………………………………………...32
4.2.2. Demographic Composition of the Respondents…………………………………...33
4.2.3. Interviews…………………………………………………………………………..34
4.2.4. Focus Group Discussion…………………………………………………………...35
4.2.5. Field Observation…………………………………………………………………..36
4.5.1. Lack of Proper Awareness…………………………………………………………39
4.5.2. Low level of Trainers Participation………………………………………………..40
4.5.3. Lack of skill………………………………………………………………………..41
4.5.4. Lack of Co-Operation Between Different Participant……………………………..44
4.5.5. Poor Implementation of Government Policies…………………………………….48
4.5.6. Shortage of Time…………………………………………………………………..49
CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................. 53
Conclusions ..................................................................................................... 53
5.1.1. Concerning Objective “To assess the status of project accommodation and
transferring process performances”………………………………………………..53
5.1.2. To analyze the availability and usability of basic facilities by trainers for
Technology Projects……………………………………………………………….54
5.1.3. To explore the challenges that hinders the effectiveness of Technology Project…54
5.1.4. To evaluate the level of interests and related performances of trainers for
Technology Project………………………………………………………………...54
Recommendations ........................................................................................... 55
Further studies indication ................................................................................ 56
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 57
Appendices .................................................................................................................................... 59
Appendix I ................................................................................................................ 59
Appendix II............................................................................................................... 62
Appendix III ............................................................................................................. 64
Appendix IV Observation Check list ........................................................................ 65
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
List of tables
Table. 2. 1. Trainer qualification by 2013 E.C. ........................................................................... 18
Table. 2. 2. Detail Structure of Technology design and Feasibility Team .................................. 20
Table. 3. 1. Composition and sample size for questionnaires ...................................................... 26
Table. 3. 2. Composition and Sample size for interview ............................................................... 26
Table. 3. 3. Composition and Sample size for Focus Group discussion ....................................... 26
Table. 3. 4. Correlation coefficient of each field and the whole of questionnaire........................ 30
Table. 3. 5. Chronbach's Alpha for each filed of the questionnaire and all the questionnaire .... 31
Table. 4. 1. Showing respondents group ....................................................................................... 32
Table. 4. 2. Composition of respondents....................................................................................... 33
Table. 4. 3. Composition interviewee............................................................................................ 35
Table. 4. 4. Composition Focus Group Discussion ...................................................................... 35
Table. 4. 5. Effectiveness of Technology Project .......................................................................... 36
Table. 4. 6. Material Accessibility and working space comfortability ......................................... 38
Table. 4. 7. Awareness related to the impacts of technology project on Salary grading system.. 39
Table. 4. 8. Number of Projects made by individual trainer in last 5 years ................................. 40
Table. 4. 9. Causes for poor accommodation and transferring quality........................................ 42
Table. 4. 10. Causes of Project Redundancy ................................................................................ 43
Table. 4. 11. Cause for poor need assessments preparation ........................................................ 44
Table. 4. 12. Effectiveness of Administration Structure................................................................ 45
Table. 4. 13. Composition of Technology design and Feasibility Team ....................................... 48
Table. 4. 14. Effectiveness of marketing System ........................................................................... 48
Table. 4. 15. Effectiveness of TVET Strategies ............................................................................. 49
Table. 4. 16. The impacts of technology project on Salary grading system ................................. 51
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
List of figures
Figure 2. 1 organizational integration of technology accommodation and transferring process 17
Figure 2. 2 Trainer qualification Figure 2. 3 No. of Trainees by 2013 E.C. ........................... 19
Figure 2. 4 Structure of Industry Extension & Technology Transfer Directorate ....................... 20
Figure. 3. 1. Summary of methodology used in this research....................................................... 23
Figure 4. 1. Procedure of technology project ............................................................................... 41
Figure 4. 2. Organizational integration of Technology accommodation and Transferring process
....................................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 4. 3. Structure of Industry Extension & Technology Transfer Directorate ...................... 47
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
List of Abbreviations
Addis Ababa city Administration
Addis Ababa Tegibare-id polytechnic College
Agricultural Development-Led Industrialization
African Development Bank
Foreign Direct Investment
Focus Group Discussion
Gross Domestic Product
Growth and Transformation Plan
Joint Ventures
Micro and Small Enterprises
Non-governmental organization
Research and Development
Small and Medium Enterprises
Technology Transfer
Technical and vocational Educational Training
UN Habitat
United Nation habitat
World Bank
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
1. Introduction
The term “Technology” is more popular issues for many years in the global development issues.
It is defined in different ways by different scholars, and it is used as a planning tool or as a tool for
measuring and comparing the growth of team and individual around the world. It addresses a wide
range of factors using ranking methods, which give scores to different elements in every quality
of life (Federman, 2017).
Background of the Study
Enhancing quality of life in the through achieving a sustainable technology project has become
one of the necessities of modern developments. Currently technology project is linked with rapid
population growth especially among the less developing nations. It is a concept related to economic
attractiveness, social well-being and enhancing safety, and social relations are the main goals
among planners and policy makers. World Bank (2017).
Addis Ababa is the largest city in Ethiopia and one of Africa’s fastest growing cities. It plays an
important role for the developments of the country and for the economic prosperity of the regions.
The City’s efforts to promote greater sustainability must be closely aligned with its vision of being
a safe and livable city, and with Ethiopia’s national goals of becoming middle income country by
2025 and Africa’s diplomatic capital. World Bank (2015).
Addis Ababa Tegibare-id polytechnic College is one of the oldest technical institution in the city
as well as National level. It is located in the inner part of Lideta Sub City, shares boundary with
many nearest sub cities and served as significant economic corridors. Due to that our college
carries widely spreader responsibility to support many enterprises in different Sub cities. Therefore,
this paper tried to evaluate project accommodation and transferring performances, availability of
basic facilities, challenges that hinders the effectiveness of technology project, level of interests
and performances of trainers.
However, many of the recent technology projects have not efficiently accommodated and
transferred to the targeted enterprise in manual and physically. In addition, the technology projects
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
procedure also suffering for high percent of wastage, inappropriate time schedules, low
productivity and effectiveness, repetition of identical project, and etc. The other common problem
about accommodating and transferring various technology project is poor documentation and less
consideration for specification and assessment packages.
Terminology definitions
Accommodation: - process of producing technology projects by considering the known procedure
Enterprise: an organization owed by business communities
Expert: an employee who works at office, industry, workshop, etc.
Officer: a professional employee who works at office
Technology Project: any technological projects done by trainers, trainee, and others
Trainer: a professional employee who works on training at the college
Transferring: a process of transferring project for concerned enterprises
Buy-Back Contracts: It is a form of agreement between stakeholders from developing countries
and large foreign companies, wherein a foreign company supplies industrial
equipment in exchange for profits derived from the sale of raw materials or
goods produced.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Problem Statement
Many of the recent educational and professional literatures attempt to analyze the economic
benefits, social contributions and environmental quality parameters of various projects for Macro,
Meso and Micro enterprises. However, the studies are more contextual and dealt more with
economic features than social contributions and environmental quality. Therefore, this paper tried
to evaluate project accommodation and transferring performances, availability of basic facilities,
challenges that hinders the effectiveness of technology project, level of interests and performances
of trainers in Addis Ababa Tegibare-id polytechnic College.
Addis Ababa is the largest city in Ethiopia and one of Africa’s fastest growing cities. It plays an
important role for the developments of the country and for the economic prosperity of the regions.
The City’s efforts to promote greater sustainability must be closely aligned with its vision of being
a safe and livable city, and with Ethiopia’s national goals of becoming middle income country by
2025 and Africa’s diplomatic capita, World Bank (2015).
Addis Ababa Tegibare-id polytechnic College is one of the oldest technical institution in the city
as well as National level. It is located in the inner part of Lideta Sub City, shares boundary with
many nearest sub cities and served as significant economic corridors. Due to that our college
carries widely spreader responsibility to support many enterprises in different Sub cities. Thus,
accommodating and transferring various technology project is the most common supporting kinds
by which many Trainers, Trainees, officers and other expertise have participated for the last two
However, many of the technology projects done in Addis Ababa Tegbare-id Polytechnique college
have not efficiently accommodated and transferred to the targeted enterprise as documented
manual and physically. In addition, the technology projects procedure also suffering for high
percent of wastage, inappropriate time schedules, low productivity and effectiveness, repetition of
identical project, and etc. The other common problem about accommodating and transferring
various technology project is poor documentation and less consideration for specification and
assessment packages and finally speculations about better projects this year (2013) needs to be
confirmed if there are advanced processes. Consequently, these are the main reasons for this paper
and also by considering to indicate probable solutions for the existing conditions.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
General objectives
The general aim of the paper is to evaluate the status of technology project accommodation and
transferring performances in Addis Ababa Tegibare-id Polytechnic College.
Specific objectives
To assess the status of project accommodation and transferring process performances
To analyze the availability and usability of basic facilities for Technology Projects
To explore the challenges that hinders the effectiveness of Technology Project
To evaluate the level of interests and related performances of trainers for Project
To indicate the possible solutions for the existing conditions
Research Questions
In principle, the basic research questions are focused on the status of technology project
accommodation and transferring performances in Addis Ababa Tegibare-id Polytechnic College.
The specific research questions that were addressed:
1. How much the technology projects are properly accommodated and transferred as the vision
of TEVT strategies?
2. How much the basic facilities are available for the accommodation and transferring of
Technology project?
3. What challenges are faced in accommodation and transferring of technology project?
4. What is the level of interests and related performances of trainers for Technology Project?
5. What are the possible solutions for the effectiveness of project accommodation and transferring
Significance of the Study
The importance of the study could be to address the problems on project accommodation and
transferring performances, availability of basic facilities for technology project, challenges that
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
hinders the effectiveness of technology project, level of interests and performances of trainers and
also to indicate probable solutions for the existing conditions
Moreover, the study might contribute to the literature related on the project accommodation and
transferring performances, initiative, as a stepping stone to do further studies, as well as, it could
be important source of information for policy makers, NGO practitioners and other decision
makers on technology project to embraces participants interests to be included.
Scope of the Study
The core intent of the study is to evaluate the status of technology project accommodation and
transferring performances in Addis Ababa Tegibare-id Polytechnic College. but the study is
limited only on the current annual technology project performances of the college in cases of
resource availability and times.
Description of the Study Area
Addis Ababa Tegibare-id polytechnic College is one of the oldest technical institution in the city
and as well as national level. It is located in the inner part of Lideta Sub City. The area
characterized by its combination of old and new urban forms and Architecture. It Shares
boundaries with many nearest sub cities and served as significant economic corridors as city level.
The College covered an area of 37,720 square meters. The total population concerned for
technology projects estimated to be more than 20,000. Trainers, Trainees, Administration staffs,
Expertise, Enterprise workers and other participants have selected as a concerned population. This
much population is concerned, because, the college carries the responsibility to support in large
economic, social and environmental liabilities in Lideta and Kirkos Sub cities as well as in City
However, the study population for this evaluation research is only the main actors/ 342 trainers,
40 management staffs found in Addis Ababa Tegbare-id Polytechnique college and directly or
indirectly participated on technology projects, totally we have 382 study population. Since their
output will affect the whole concerned population, we have decided to take the study population
can be the main actors in technology accommodation and transfer.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Organization of the Paper
The study has five chapters. The first chapter of the study consists of the introduction, which itself
consists of a background of the study and study area, problem statement, research questions, and
objective of the study, scope, and significance of the study as well as the organization of the paper.
Then chapter two dealt with the literature review. Under chapter three research methodologies like
research design, types and sources of data, methods of data collection, the analysis also covers in
this chapter data analysis. Under chapter four data was analyzed with the help of field findings.
Moreover, data would be presented in the form of tables, charts, and graphs. Finally, chapter five
conclusions, recommendations and further studies were discussed.
Limitation of the Research
Basically, the limitations while doing this paper includes, absence of previously done research on
technology project accommodation and transferring process in case of TVET; lack of timely
updated data that are relevant to the research; since the idea of technology project accommodation
and transferring is a new relatively, while conducting such research it needed the collaboration of
organization that may longer collected data formally and on time. It’s conducted only for one &
half month by considering Covid-19 and some other constraints.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
2. Introduction
Technical and Vocational Education and Trainings are types of education that have a specific
relation to working life. It focuses on learning specific skills that are required in particular
workplaces and is associated with access to a variety of knowledge-based disciplines. Based on
this common understanding in the existence of a strong linear relationship between education and
development, many countries have given high priorities to its solving problems that seriously
hamper their economic development. The lack of middle level manpower, for instance, was found
to be bottleneck for development, and as one of the measures to alleviate this problem, technical
and vocational training programs have been created in a large number of countries from 1970
In Ethiopia Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), both in specialized TVET
schools and comprehensive schools, was regarded as second-class, by the society generally and
the youth specifically, due to the low rewards to those who had completed this training. It is the
Education and Training Policy (ETP) of 1994 that reversed this trend and promulgated the
provision of diversified TVET programme parallel to general education.
The number of TVET institutions in the city has grown from 17 to 68 during the period 2001/2002
- 2004/2005 registering an average annual growth rate of 73.7%. Though it registered a tremendous
growth, it is far from satisfying the demand for the services in the city both in terms of number,
quality and variety. Most of the institutions are under equipped and under staffed. In terms of
ownership 76.5% of the institutions are private sector owned, 14.7% government owned and the
remaining 8.8% owned by NGOs and other actors such as missionaries.
The word “Technology” originates from the Greek. “Techne” with implication art, or more
descriptively, craft as implied in the definition of the applied arts and “Logos” with implication
word, treatise or knowledge. Thus, in meaning, the word technology is knowledge of the practical
or industrial arts, or the knowledge of how craft or industry is wrought, (Amir Ahmed, 1995).
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Prior to 1940, technological breakthroughs began. During the Second World War, the countries
which have technology advancement get an opportunity to have a Greater power in the army. In
the past three decades, technology has been much more than ever before. In addition, technology
is becoming increasingly dynamic and becomes a benchmark for international competition.
(GulelateGatew, 2011 and Yared Lemma, et al 2014). According to Roshartini Omar, et al, (2011)
technology is a collection of physical processes that transform inputs into outputs with procedural
techniques and organizational activities for carrying out the change.
Technology is at the center of the dynamic process of social change. In developing countries,
technology provides hope value and faith for the people. It brings hope of bridging the gap between
the haves and the have-nots; it is expected to alter economic and social values; and it is the faith
upon which the world of tomorrow is being built (Sharif, N. 1993).
Lorentzen et al. (2003) indicated that technology involved knowledge, equipment, and documents
that help firms to upgrade their performance. Technology as a commodity, which can be easily
transmitted and diffused from one source to another with minimal effort. Other researchers
understood technology can be practical knowledge applied to satisfy human needs which can be
transformed via research and other creative processes into a new product, process and/or new
marketing method for practical purposes (UN, 1995 and science and technology information center
report, 2015).
Recent understanding of the concept of technology more relates to identifying the component
recognized in the concept and its combining characteristics. In this regard, Sharif (1986) identified
different components of technology such as object-embodied technology (Techno ware), human
embodied technology (Human ware), record embodied technology (Info ware) and organization
embodied technology (Organ ware). According to Cohen (2004) technology can be categorized
into four forms as follows: technology as general theoretical and practical understanding of how
to do things (know-how or information); technology as objects (goods or tools); technology as
installed techniques of productions (processes).Technology is a kind of systematic know-how
related to production processes of goods and services and is a combination of the means, methods,
and skills generated and established by humans to recognize the needs of society. For the purpose
of this research, the researcher uses the definition of technology as both a combination of physical
process that transform input into output and knowledge and skill that structure the activities
involved in carrying out these transformations (Gulelate Gatew, 2011).
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Component and Characteristics of Technology
According to Cohen (2004) and Sharif (1986) components and characters of technology is
categorized into four forms and also our country uses these four components of technologies.
1. Techno-ware (T): - is object embodied form of technology, which includes facilities,
equipment, machinery and capital goods that amplifies human powers and controls for
transformative operations. It comprises a material transformation subsystem that performs desired
mechanical operations that the techno ware has been designed to perform.
2. Human-ware: - is a human embodied form of technology or tacit knowledge such as
knowledge, skill, abilities, attitudes, expertise, and creativity as well as their systematic application
to solve various organizational problems. Humano ware is needed to realize the potential of techno
ware; without which techno ware would be incompetent.
Humano ware consists of “contact human ware” which refers to the operators of the techno ware
and “support human ware”, which refers to the maintenance workers, software specialists and
production management personnel.
3. Info-ware (I): - is record embodied form of technology or an explicit knowledge consisting of
facts, formula, design parameters, specifications, manuals, theories and/or knowledge about
physical relationships, principles of physical and social phenomena, scientific and technical
information (standards, patent), computer software or any other organized knowledge. Info ware
represents the accumulated knowledge needed to realize the full potential of the techno ware,
human ware and organo-ware as well as enables quicker learning and saves time and resources.
4. Organ-ware (O): - is institution embodied form of technology such as frameworks consisting
of techniques, methods, organization networks, and management practices used for assigning
work, means for using and controlling factors of production, environmental management,
organizational products, processes, tools and devices for use by people. Organo ware helps for the
coordination of activities and for resources utilization towards achieving desired goals.
Technology has become one of the important elements of social and economic development in
several newly industrialized countries (Tai-Yue & Shih-Chien, 2007).
Types of Technology Transfer
Ramanathan, K. (1994), Technology transfer can be broadly classified into vertical and horizontal
technology transfer.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
1. Vertical Technology Transfer– This chain of transfer includes basic research to applied
research, applied research to development, and from development to production. It is also
known as internal technology transfer. This type of transfer is mostly carried out between
research associations, universities, and governments, among others. Technology transfer
simply means movement of technology. When we refer to movement of technology within a
firm from the Research and Development (R&D) lab to production, it is called vertical transfer.
2. Horizontal Technology Transfer– When the technology that has already been put in place or
use within one organization is further transferred and used in another place, the transfer is
known as horizontal technology transfer. It is also known as external technology transfer. This
type of transfer takes place between private companies, small and large business organizations,
among others. When we are concerned with the movement of technology from one
organization to another, the process is called horizontal transfer.
Methods of Technology Transfer
Technology transfer can take place using the following instruments.
1. Licensing– An agreement between the owner of the technology (Licensor) and the receiver
(Licensee) which gives the right to use the technology developed or owned by the transferring
individual or company for a specified time period is known as licensing.
The two broad categories of licensing include the one which grants exclusive rights to use the
technology and another which grants non-exclusive rights wherein the owner reserves the right to
further transfer the technology to other company apart from the receiver. It may also include the
right to sub-license, permitting the licensee to grant someone else the right to use the technology.
2. Joint Venture Agreement– The company executes a joint venture agreement with respect to
technology transfer for a particular business with a vision to incorporate long-term cooperation
between the parties, the motivation of all participants in the successful transfer, and to incur lower
costs as compared to working independently.
3. Franchising– It is one of the most preferred methods of transferring technology. The companies
generally transfer technical know-how or skill involved under this type of agreement.
4. Original Equipment Manufacturer– It is a kind of sub-contracting agreement wherein a
foreign company transfers a relevant portion of its technologies and a local company manufactures
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
according to the specifications in the agreement. Such agreement enables local companies and
firms to absorb technologies and restructure their production mechanism.
5. Buy-Back Contracts– It is a form of agreement between stakeholders from developing
countries and large foreign companies, wherein a foreign company supplies industrial equipment
in exchange for profits derived from the sale of raw materials or goods produced. This kind of
technology transfer is often used in the construction of new plants and other related businesses.
It is interesting to note that a considerable amount of knowledge and technology exists today that
enables the development of approaches and can effectively plan and implement business processes.
What needs to see the light of day is a well-funded and potent mechanism for executing technology
transfer between the stakeholders in order to ensure uninterrupted economic advancement.
Best Practices in Technology Transfer
Technology Transfer in Ethiopia
Gulelat Gatew, (2011), has reviewed the status of technology transfer in Ethiopia by his study
“Technology Transfer as a Vehicle for Industrial Development Case of Basic Metals and
Engineering Industries”. He outlines main practices in technology transfer. The idea of modern
science and technology in most African countries was introduced in the beginning of the 20th
century. In the case of Ethiopia, it is believed that the first half of the 20th century was considered
as the beginning of application of modern science and technology, along with the establishment of
higher learning institution although its role to bring sustainable socioeconomic development of the
country has not been to the desirable level.
In this sense, Ethiopia has attempted the transfer of various modern and noticeable technologies,
since the era of Emperor Menilik II (1886-1930). Some of the major technologies have been
acquired in the form of turn key projects, international technology co-operation, and recently
through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Joint Ventures (JV), and via the local businessmen.
However, technology transfer is not far from a one-step shopping of technological hardware.
Hence, most of the technologies imported to Ethiopia with limited resources have failed to be
adopted, improved, re-engineered, and disseminated to other similar industries at the desired level,
which should be considered as the ultimate goals of technology transfer. This result in, the lack of
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
self-capability to undertake major infrastructure development activities like, road construction,
bridges, hydropower dams, sugar industries, cement industries etc. by the citizens of the country.
This clearly indicates weakness in absorbing foreign technology from similar projects and
industries which took place several decades ago.
Industrialization (ADLI), as the leading national development plan that primarily aspired to
increase agricultural productivity and then through the income effect. It is expected to augment
demand for manufactured goods, thereby motivating industrialists to expand their production
capacity utilization and also to increase investment in industry. However, the contribution of the
manufacturing sector among others to the growth of the GDP of the country is still minimal, and
the efforts being made to add value through manufacturing of the agricultural products are very
little. This shows that the manufacturing sector’s development is at its grass root level.
One of the reasons why ADLI failed to solve the root causes of low development of the industrial
sectors is, it lacks national technology transfer coordination and implementation strategy to build
the capacity of the industrial sectors through technology transfer from both foreign and domestic
However, the Ethiopian government has developed the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP)
which is a medium-term strategic framework for the five-year period (2010/11-2014/15). The plan
could be considered as a major milestone towards building a modern and productive agricultural
sector with enhanced technology and an industrial sector that plays a leading role in the economic
African Context Technology Transfer
Most technology transfer in African countries other than Ethiopian starts from universities. And
most technologies transferred are innovative and the inventor has the right to have a benefit after
the technology is transferred. The success of university–industry technology transfer is mainly a
function of the system in place in a particular university or country. Only a few emerging nations
have effective systems in place to manage university–industry knowledge transfer. This is partly
due to poor funding of scientific research. In fact, the OECD (2017), explained that less than 10%
of all businesses in Africa collaborate in innovation transfer with universities. This figure is low
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
when compared to OECD’s suggested average of 13% for (small and medium companies) SMEs
and 35% for large businesses. In Nigeria only 3% of Nigerian businesses obtained their innovative
ideas from universities between 2010 and 2017.
As African Universities experience individuals licenses their intellectual property rights to industry
partners mainly in exchange for monetary rewards, sponsored research or in order to become
equity owners within the partner firm. Such licensing agreements can either be exclusive or not,
depending on the scope or field, such as market, context, territory, or time.
Most technology transfers are mainly practiced in Nigerian and South Africa. However, it is
limited in scope, covering the African TT setting only, and utilizing Nigerian Universities as a case
In Nigeria, it is important that Universities, Industries, and Governments specifically understand
their individual roles, and rise up to jointly combat the challenges to effective TT in Nigeria. This
encourages scholars to do more in terms of innovative research. While the annual budget for
education in Africa has been discouraging in recent years. There is a need for the governments to
invest in technological solutions to the economic and developmental woes of the nation. This is,
however, achievable via effective knowledge transfer.
World’s Best Experience in Technology Transfer
Derebe Alehegn (2019), studies about “Status and prospects of Knowledge and technology transfer
in Bole Lemi Industry Park” at Addis Ababa. And he revises the three top technology transfer
experiences in the world.
A. Indian experience in knowledge and technology transfer
Indian experience in knowledge and technology transfer as of most agriculturally based countries
in economy, India was fostering agricultural activities for a long time in the history. Due to this
background of the country, In India, the technology development transfer has been supported
through government‐run research and extension programs, agricultural universities, NGOs, private
sector, informal farmer‐to‐farmer exchange, and international development organizations.
However, the technology transfer by public institutions has been dominated by two main
approaches: technology transfer through extension systems which is long standing and IPR‐led
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
technology transfer that is recently emerging. Most modern sense of technology transfer were
activated by extension programs and the IPR (intellectual property right) system. Through time
the IPR system is shifting to IPR licensing process and then technology transfer is totally
implemented in the country via making linkages and partnership with the private sector
(Technology transfer & commercialization; experience of India & USA, 2014). Prof. Pouris, in his
investigation stated that Indian government accounted about 74% of all the responsibilities in
knowledge and technology transfer activities for the last 50+ years. The government adjusts KT
policy more than four times so as to update the system to equip with the upcoming nature of
technology. R & D and Educational expenditure has been increasing from 50% to 100% in each
5-year transformation plan so as to accomplish the plan to be one of the top 5 developed countries
in 2020. The government deliver incentives for young people to pursue scientific careers and a
survey is conducted on developed countries handling latest technology to adjust themselves in
assisting selection of critical technology for prior investment (Pouris P. A., 2012). For that matter,
STP (science & technology program) sets up a team called “Technology Information, Forecasting
and Assessment Council”; (TIFAC) so as to perform the above follow up task. Dual benefit
(mutual agreement) is exercised on heavy and important technologies so as to protect themselves
from denial of technology by other counties.
B. Korean experience in knowledge and technology transfer
Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world before 1960. But by the 1st five-year economic
revolution of the government “export-driven industrialization strategy”, they implement all the
necessary planned activities aggressively to achieve the self-sustained economic growth by
overcoming the challenges including scarce natural resources, the small size of the domestic
market, the less competitive private sector and limited capital. By doing so, Korea had become
amongst of the advanced countries in economy (korean ministery of knowledge economy, 2012).
In fact, technology in Korea had been treated as the driving engine of recovery from an economic
crisis since 1996. Technology growth rate in Korea was measured as 14.6% as compared to that
of 7.5% of GDP rate. Technology Export quantity accounts about 36% out of the total export size
of the country. Korean government plays a leading role in adjusting the technology development
strategy (IT839-2005 and u-IT839-2006) and the follow up system for implementation is installed
from the technology lab to the market (Sung, 2008). Prof Anastassios Pouris in his assessment of
technology transfer trends stated that, the top-level country administration is the main actor in KTT
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
strategy. KT priority really matters for Korean government to achieve the goal following the
strategy set at the beginning. Not only the priority for knowledge and technology but also for areas
that needs to be developed first had given a focus by the higher planner and control body of
technology transfer. At the top governmental management level, there is an authority called
“ministry of knowledge economy” which concentrates on coordinating activities related to
knowledge and technology (Pouris P. A., 2012). Korean Governmental budget for R & D have
been made to increase from 25% in 2008 to 50% in 2012. Significant governmental incentive is
common for activities related to R & D. Korean ministry of education, science and technology
(MEST) has been launched a new plan called “The Second Basic Plan for Nurturing Human
Resources in Science, Engineering and Technology over the period of 2011-2015”. This plan
emphasizes on human resource development in which making the right link between humans and
science & technology, lifelong learning and support for humans participating in science and
technology, more collaboration and more efforts between governmental organizations and private
sectors so as to attract the majority society towards science and technology area. Technology
infrastructure to promote and deepen local technological capabilities is given a weight in Korean
government and they heavily invest on it. On the other hand, reverse engineering, adaptation and
own product development to develop their own technological capabilities is a big center of
technological revolution for Korea. Due to this, local R&D investment was a pillar to build up
technological capabilities. Normally, Korean government pulls FDI only when it was the only
alternative of obtaining closely-held technologies or gaining access to world-markets. Foreign
investors were even forced to sell out, after the technology has been absorbed locally. The
government also intervened in technology imports and contracts to lower prices, strengthen
domestic buyers, and maximize the participation of local consultants in engineering contracts to
develop basic process capability. The government stipulated that foreign contractors transfer their
design knowledge to local firms, in plant and process engineering. In doing such series strategical
actions, Korea have had come one of the recent developed country which bases their economy on
exporting technological products.
C. Chinese experience in knowledge and technology transfer
After the separation of Soviet Union, China experienced difficulties to sustain a balanced
economy. Since repeated policy wise movement is done along with knowledge and technology,
the state comes successful in adopting and adapting technology. China is known for “forced
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
technology transfer” in the growing history of the territory. Preferential taxation, simpler licensing
procedures, and freedom to import inputs of materials and equipment, more autonomy from
bureaucratic interference, interest free loans, and the right to retain and swap foreign exchange
with each other were given by the state administrators as an incentive for foreign investors to flow
to China (Gatew, 2011). In addition to foreign investors, local enterprises which invest on
technological sector are also permitted for an additional tax benefit. Also, Chinse Governance
motivates Governmental and private sector to buy a share in America and other developed
countries and it is well known that China have numerous huge Companies out of her territory. Self
R & D activity was also a transitional stage of Chinese technological innovation progress which
contributes a high role in moving forward to an expected stage in technology (Branstetter, 2018).
Technology accommodation and Transfer in Addis Ababa Tegibare-id
Polytechnique College
In line with the Ministry of Education has taken the initiative in conducting training needs
assessment and identifying various areas of training that aimed at development of middle level
technical personnel addressing socio-economic problems. TVETs are types of education that have
a specific relation to working life. It focuses on learning specific skills that are required in
particular workplaces and is associated with access to a variety of knowledge-based disciplines.
It includes such skills as techno-ware, info ware, service and knowledge-based technology
projects. This envisaged TVET project focuses on providing middle level TVET programme on
highly demanded subjects i.e., industrial technology and further expand its programme on demand
base. Figure 2.1: shows the structural Integration of Technology accommodation and Transferring
process in TVET
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
F IGURE 2. 1 organizational
integration of technology accommodation and transferring process
In order to make sustainable technology project, the direct involvements of concerned
Stakeholders should be mandatory issues. In our case, Trainers, Trainees, government organ,
micro, MSE & macro enterprise, community, Institutions, Organizations etc. are the main
Stakeholders to support the sustainable developments of the Addis Ababa city and also at national
level. Figure 2.2: shows the major Stakeholders of Technology accommodation and Transferring
process in TVET.
The Stakeholders of Technology accommodation and Transferring Process are the following:
➢ Industry Extension & Technology Transfer Directorate
➢ Trainee Development Directorate
➢ Capacity Building Directorate
➢ MSEs & SMEs
➢ Environmental Community
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
➢ Governmental and Non-Governmental Institutions and Organizations
Manpower Requirement for Technology Accommodation and Transferring
Addis Ababa Tegibare-id polytechnic college is one of the oldest and iconic Technical and
Vocational Educational institute in our country, Ethiopia. Sufficient man power requirements have
significant role to enhance the sustainable developments in the city and also at national level. Table
2.1 and Figure 2.2 shows the current qualification of Trainers and Trainees in Tegibare-id
Polytechnic College for Technology accommodation and Transferring process by 2013 EC.
Total Remark
Manufacturing Dept.
Automotive Dept.
Furniture Making Dept.
Draft. & Survey Dept.
Construction Dept.
Electrical Electronics Dept. 3
Biomedical Dept.
ICT Dept.
HIT Dept.
Textile & Garment
Urban Agriculture
Carrier Trainers
T ABLE. 2. 1. Trainer qualification by 2013 E.C.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Level Based
Short Term
A - Level
B -Level
C- Level
Trainees Straem
FIGURE 2. 2 Trainer qualification
FIGURE 2. 3 No. of Trainees by 2013 E.C.
Industry Extension & Technology Transfer Directorate
In technical and vocational education and trainings system accommodating and transferring
technology project is the main concerns for Industry Extension & Technology Transfer
Directorate. The lack of middle level manpower, for instance, was found to be bottleneck for
development, and as one of the measures to alleviate this problem. In addition, in order to make
efficient technology project TeCAT directorate established design and feasibility team.
Technology Design and Feasibility Team
Design technology and feasibility team have established under Industry Extension and Technology
Transfer Directorate. Figure 2.4 and Table 2.2 shows the internal Structure of Industry Extension
& Technology Transfer Directorate.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
FIGURE 2. 4 Structure of Industry Extension & Technology Transfer Directorate
Feasibility Team Total Number Qualifications
of experts
2 # Electrical
2 # Manufacturing
Feasibility Team
2 # Textile
1 # Drafting
1 # Construction
2 # Automotive
T ABLE. 2. 2. Detail Structure of Technology design and Feasibility Team
Job description of Technology Design and Feasibility Team
➢ Prepare feasibility study for necessary projects
➢ Prepare annual project plan for team and individuals
➢ Accommodate and provide Training for specific gap
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
➢ Manage, evaluate, and approve necessary project process
➢ Provide technology advertisements, Transferring and commercialize process
Project Budgeting System in Addis Ababa Tegibare-id
Sufficient budgeting system have significant role to implement sustainable project in the college.
The annual budget of Addis Ababa Tegibare-id Polytechnic College could be considered as the
current budgeting for technology accommodation and transferring.
Project Planning System in Addis Ababa Tegibare-id
Project planning system depends on the availability of abundant resources in the organization. As
many of the institutions in nationwide, Addis Ababa Tegibare-id polytechnic college have planned
to provide technology projects in order to make sustainable technology and rise solutions for
routine problems in the community. This institutional plan has based on individuals, department,
Sector plans as well as the annual plan forwarded from TEVET agency.
Many of the recent educational and professional literatures attempt to analyze the economic
benefits, social contributions and environmental quality parameters of various projects for Macro,
Meso and Micro enterprises. However, the studies are more contextual and dealt more with
economic features than social contributions and environmental quality. Therefore, this paper tried
to evaluate project accommodation and transferring performances, availability of basic facilities,
challenges that hinders the effectiveness of technology project, level of interests and performances
of trainers in Addis Ababa Tegibare-id polytechnic College.
In general, many of the recent technology projects have not efficiently accommodated and
transferred to the targeted enterprise in manual and physically. In addition, the technology projects
procedure also suffering for high percent of wastage, inappropriate time schedules, low
productivity and effectiveness, repetition of identical project, and etc. The other common problem
about accommodating and transferring various technology project is poor documentation and less
consideration for specification and assessment packages. Consequently, these are the main reasons
for this paper and also by considering to indicate probable solutions for the existing conditions.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
3. Introduction
In order to achieve the purpose of the study descriptive research methods is used to evaluate the
effectiveness performance of technology projects accommodation and transfer. since it is more
appropriate to describe quantitative and qualitative data for analysis of the problems, mixed item
questioners, longitudinal semi structured interview and direct technical observations are used to
obtain relevant information as to meet the research objectives. Therefore, mixed item measurement
is chosen as an overall approach to its ability to incorporate different methods and techniques in
the collection and analysis of data that focuses on the various issues of the study.
3.1 Research Approach
Both quantitative and qualitative research approaches were used. The qualitative approach helped
to construct the theoretical description of the study while the quantitative approach was used to
describe the numerical aspects. By linking qualitative and quantitative research approaches, the
advantages of both can be gained. Thus, we the researchers used these two approaches in the
combination that helps to offset the shortcomings of each approach. Mixed item measurement is
chosen as an overall approach to its ability to incorporate different methods and techniques in the
collection and SPSS software analysis of data that focuses on the various issues of the study.
In this study, both descriptive research methods will use and both qualitative and quantitative
approaches will be employing to achieve the objectives of the study. Data will be collected from
both primary and secondary sources. Appropriate sampling design will be used and sample size
determine by using statistical formula and both probability and non-probability sampling
techniques will be in use. The data collection activity will be carrying out by using questionnaires,
interviews and field observation for primary data and document review for secondary data. A brief
discussion about data analysis, presentation with limitations face during data collection and
measures taken to solve those limitations will also discuss. Figure 3.1 shows the layout of the
research approach.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
F IGURE. 3. 1. Summary of methodology used in this research
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
3.2 Research Techniques and Sources of data
The types of data and materials used in this research could be help in figuring out what the major
problems of the study area are and also in filtering the causes in hierarchical value. This research
relies on the data from related literature reviews, project visits and observations, sample survey.
3.3.1. Primary Data Sources
The primary data source could be collected from the target population and sectoral offices by using
semi structured interview, mixed ended questionnaires, focus group discussion and also direct
technical observation. These include about the Problem, Interest and the Attitude of the population
toward technology accommodation and transferring process.
3.3.2. Secondary Data Sources
Secondary sources of data could be gathered from Sectoral Offices and familiar professionals.
These includes both published and unpublished materials, documents, reports, manuals and
magazines in the fields of technology accommodation and transferring process and other collateral
data that helps to the research.
3.3 Sample Design
For this research, in order to select appropriate and representative sample from the target
population and to make the findings more accurate, we the researchers could find structured sample
design that comprises of the population, sampling frame, sampling units, sampling techniques and
sample size.
3.3.1 Population or Universe
The population of the study could be seen as two ways. One is the concerned population i.e., this
population can be affected by the technology project accommodation which consists of all trainers,
professionals, familiar case workers, business owners, workers and concerned experts of the
college. Based on the above statements the total concerned population estimated to be more than
20,000. The second one the study population which directly or indirectly involves in developing
the technology projects by assuming the concerned population as the current and end users.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Therefore, the study population is the members of Addis Ababa Tegbare-id Polytechnique college
individuals by whom the technology projects are undertaken and transferred. This study population
includes all the staffs found in Addis Ababa Tegbare-id Polytechnique college. There are 342
trainers and 70 supporting staffs, 4 college deans and 2 managers of two directorates, when we
sum-up all this the study population is 418 individuals. We have an assumption that all the college
staffs and the users of the technology projects can be the parts of the study, however, most
processes of technology accommodation and transfer process is undertaken in the college. In
addition, the area carries large economic, social and environmental activities as a city level.
3.3.2 Sampling Frame
The sampling frames of this study could be the expertise of different offices, department heads,
trainers, case workers, admin staff members and other professionals.
3.3.3 Sampling Technique
To eliminate bias in the selection process and reduce the costs or efforts in gathering data from the
study population, this research will use both probability and non-probability sampling techniques.
The probabilistic sampling technique will be simple random sampling used to collect data from
expertise of different offices, department heads, case workers, admin staff members and other
professionals. The non-probabilistic sampling technique will be purposive sampling to gather data
from trainers and expertise. Therefore, we have used quota sampling for each departments and
experts to address the diverse of information as an input for our research.
3.3.4 Sample Size
The concerned population of the study could be estimated more than 20000. But by considering
the area carries large economic, social and environmental activities as a city level, the total
population could be above the estimation. So, this research chooses the sampling size according
to the needs and convenience for searching using the study population. In choosing the right size,
consideration about the maximum budget, time limit, nature of the study along with desired level
of precision, confidence level and variability within the population of interest, this research
chooses the sampling size according to the needs and convenience for doing accordingly.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Automotive Technology
Biomedical Technology
Construction Technology
Electrical Electronics
Office Expertise
Furniture Making
Garments Technology
General Metal Fabrication
Health Informatic Technology
Information and Computer Technology
Textile Technology
Total participants
T ABLE . 3. 1. Composition
and sample size for questionnaires
College Dean
Department heads
Total participants
T ABLE . 3. 2. Composition
and Sample size for interview
Industry Extension & Technology Transfer Dean
Technology Feasibility Team Leader
Purchasing Department Head
Properties Admin. Head
Total Participants
T ABLE . 3. 3. Composition
and Sample size for Focus Group discussion
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
3.4 Method of Data Collection
3.4.1 Semi Structured Interview
The interview was structured longitudinally for college deans, department heads and office
expertise. The interview was conducted in Amharic and English as necessarily.
3.4.2 Mixed Item questioners
The questionnaire was used to get rich and valuable information from trainers, expertise and some
other concerning bodies.
3.4.3 Focus group Discussion
The discussion was used to get rich and valuable information from industry extension &
technology transfer dean, technology feasibility team leader, purchasing department head,
properties administration head and trainers.
3.4.4 Direct Technical Observation
Technical observation was used to observe the problems and opportunities practically on the
research area regarding technology accommodation and transferring process. Direct technical
observation is used through taking photographs of the study site aided with field notes.
This technical observation is conducted twice, one before starting this study and it initiates this
research and at the final stage of this research, we conducted this technical observation having
checklists prepared.
3.5 Data Analysis, Tools and Interpretation
Software such as Microsoft office Word, Microsoft office Excel, SPSS used to write texts, create
tables and graphs. This software is also using to analyze and present the survey data from
questionnaires and interviews as well as from reports from focus group discussion. Depending on
the nature of the basic questions and the data collection, statistical tools were employed to analyze
the data gathered. Frequency distribution or percentage of ratio were employed to analyze various
characteristics of the respondent. This statistical tool was also used to determine the relative
standing characteristics like age, sex, marital status, qualification and work experience etc.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Finally, the findings could be present using illustrations that is easily understood and can be
translated and presented the analyzed data, results and proposals. Charts, tables, maps, contextual
drawings are self-explanatory and used in such a way that they could explain a certain relationship
among issues and also the qualitative data gathered and could be narrated in statement form.
3.6 Triangulation
AfDB, (2004) Evaluation findings are strengthened when several pieces of evidence point in the
same direction. Often a single data set will allow a variety of impact assessments to be made.
Better still if different data sets and approaches can be used and come to broadly the same
conclusion. Qualitative information can also reinforce findings and add depth to them. Where a
rigorous approach has not been possible then triangulation is all the more necessary to build a case
based on plausible association.
For our study we have conducted technical observation at the very beginning we have collected
the reasons to conduct this evaluation research then collect data through questioners and test the
performance of technology accommodation and transfer, the next stage in this research is the
checking of responses; this again contains interview session and focus group discussion finally the
second phase of technical observation is undertaken to countercheck.
All these processes are followed to come up with non-biased conclusion.
3.7 Pilot Study
3.7.1. Pilot study results
Pilot study of the questionnaire is achieved by a scouting sample, which consisted of 10
questionnaires. These questionnaires were distributed to department heads, trainers and
Management officials. They all have a practical experience in technology projects. Their sufficient
experiences are a suitable indication for pilot study. The following items are summary of the main
results obtained from pilot study:
1. Questionnaire should be started with a cover page
2. Some questions should be in English.
3. Questions related to the relationship between technology project and salary increment
should be added.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
4. Questions related to the purchasing process of technology project materials should be
5. Some factors and sentences should be modified in order to give more clear meaning and
6. Previously completed technology projects should be included in evaluation.
7. Some factors should be rearranged in order to give more suitable and consistent meaning.
A) Validity test
This section presents test of validity of questionnaire according to the pilot study. Validity refers
to the degree to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure (Pilot and
Hungler,1985). Validity has a number of different aspects and assessment approaches. Statistical
validity is used to evaluate instrument validity, which include criterion-related validity and
construct validity.
To ensure the validity of the questionnaire, two statistical tests should be applied. The first test is
Criterion-related validity test (Spearman test) which measure the correlation coefficient between
each paragraph in one field and the whole field. The second test is structure validity test (Spearman
test) that used to test the validity of the questionnaire structure by testing the validity of each field
and the validity of the whole questionnaire. It measures the correlation coefficient between one
filed and all the fields of the questionnaire that have the same level of similar scale.
A.1) Criterion-related validity test
To test criterion-related validity test, the correlation coefficient for each item of the group factors
and the total of the field is achieved. The p-values (Sig.) are less than 0.01 for all results, so the
correlation coefficients of each field are significant at  =0.01, so it can be said that the paragraphs
of each field are consistent and valid to measure what it was set for. The results of criterion-related
validity test can be obtained with more details and tables through appendix.
A.2) Structure validity test
It is assessed the fields structure validity by calculating the correlation coefficients of each field of
the questionnaire and the whole of questionnaire.
Measurement Field
Spearman Correlation P-Value
Effectiveness in problem solving
Safe and sufficient supply of materials
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
safe workshops, labs, libraries, offices and 0.713
in 0.773
Guidelines on technology research and 0.784
facilitating technology research
transfer for the society
and 0.727
relationship to effective technology research
connection between technology project and 0.842
salary increment
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level
T ABLE . 3. 4. Correlation
coefficient of each field and the whole of questionnaire
Table 3.4 clarifies the correlation coefficient for each filed and the whole questionnaire. The
p-values (Sig.) are less than 0.01, so the correlation coefficients of all the fields are significant at
 = 0.01, so it can be said that the fields are valid to measured what it was set for to achieve the
main aim of the study.
B) Reliability statistics
This section presents test of reliability of questionnaire according to the pilot study.
The reliability of an instrument is the degree of consistency which measures the attribute; it is
supposed to be measuring (Polit & Hunger,1985). The less variation an instrument produces in
repeated measurements of an attribute, the higher its reliability. Reliability can be equated with the
stability, consistency, or dependability of a measuring tool. The test is repeated to the same sample
of people on two occasions and then compares the scores obtained by computing a reliability
coefficient (Polit & Hunger, 1985).
Chronbach's coefficient alpha (George and Mallery, 2003) is designed as a measure of internal
consistency, that is, do all items within the instrument measure the same thing. Chronbach.s alpha
is used here to measure the reliability of the questionnaire between each field. The normal range
of Chronbach.s coefficient alpha value between 0.0 and + 1.0. The closer the Alpha is to 1, the
greater the internal consistency of items in the instrument being assumed. The formula that
determines alpha is fairly simple and makes use of the items (variables), k, in the scale and the
average of the inter-item correlations, r:
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
As the number of items (variables) in the scale (k) increases the value  becomes large. Also, if
the intercorrelation between items is large, the corresponding  will also be large.
Since the alpha value is inflated by a large number of variables then there is no set interpretation
as to what is an acceptable alpha value. A rule of thumb that applies to must situations is:
0.9   1.0
0.8   0.9
Very Good
0.7   0.8
0.6   0.7
The Cronbach’s coefficient alpha was calculated for each field of the questionnaire.
The most identical values of alpha indicate that the mean and variances in the original scales do
not differ much, and thus standardization does not make a great difference in alpha.
Table 3.3 shows the values of Chronbach's Alpha for each filed of the questionnaire and the entire
questionnaire. For the fields, values of Chronbach's Alpha were in the range from 0.707 and 0.879.
This range is considered high; the result ensures the reliability of each field of the questionnaire.
Chronbach's Alpha equals 0.8445 for the entire questionnaire which indicates a very good
reliability of the entire questionnaire.
Thereby, it can be said that it is proved that the questionnaire is valid, reliable, and ready for
distribution for the population sample.
No. Field
Chronbach's Alpha
Effectiveness in problem solving
Safe and sufficient supply of materials
safe workshops, labs, libraries, offices and classrooms
procurement system effectiveness in facilitating technology research
Guidelines on technology research and transfer for the society
College's administrative structure and relationship to effective 0.879
technology between
research technology project and salary increment
T ABLE . 3. 5. Chronbach's
Alpha for each filed of the questionnaire and all the questionnaire
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
This chapter discusses about technology accommodation and transferring issues with relative to
the research objectives and questions to assess or investigate the results and findings by
interpreting or analyzing the respondents who were identified using questionnaire, interview, focus
group discussion, direct field observation and by objective measurement consists of evaluating the
performances of technology accommodation and transferring, availability of basic facilities,
challenges that hinders the effectiveness and the level of interests and performances of trainers for
Technology Project
Respondents and Response Rate
Intentionally it had designed to capture especial and selected people that could involve in the
provision of required data and information. This is done to contact respondents believed and
expected to have remarkable role, contribution, and exposure to the issue under study. To do so
Trainers and Expertise with minimal/slight knowhow and exposure to the issues rigorously
selected from various departments and office. Here below the following table 4.1 presented, to
indicate the composition in which respondents especially for the purpose of questionnaire are
planned and disseminated. However, 4.9% of the questioners are unreturned, 3.3% of the
questioners are out layers and 91.9% of the questioners are qualified. This indicates its more
reliable for the purpose of research.
Participants for Questionnaire
T ABLE . 4. 1. Showing
respondents group
4.2.1. Background of the Respondents
Respondent's demographic indicators like age, sex, educational background, Job position,
experiences are believed as important and could impose significant impact on study subject matter
and thus assessed for the purpose of this study.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
4.2.2. Demographic Composition of the Respondents
Different age group, sex, educational background, job position, experiences had different
implications for technology accommodation and transferring. Well developed and managed
technology project contributes more to the economic, social environmental development of any
groups of societies. these demographic situations of the respondents' assessed in much generalized
way by categorizing into sub broad divisions and the survey result is presented below in the table
4.2 as follows.
Educational Background
Job Position
T ABLE . 4. 2. Composition
Below 30 years
31-45 years
46-65 years
College Diploma
First Degree
Masters & above
Less than 5 years
5-10 years
11-20 years
above 20 years
of respondents
The gender proportion, as presented above, 106 respondents are Males and 17 respondents are
female. The age structure shows that most of the respondents are below 30 years old followed by
the age group from 31-45 years and 46-65 years old are very few in numbers.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Education level and awareness of technology accommodation and transferring process have a
direct relationship. From the table above, 3.2%, 82.3% and 14.5% of the respondents have college
Diploma, first degree and master degree respectively. This shows that most of the respondents
have relatively high education and this may help to create awareness about technology
accommodation and transferring Process. However educational background is not the only
dominant factors to easily understand about technology. But there are also job position and
commencement experiences.
Job positions of individual respondents contributes to the technology project. the respondents had
direct job positions to the technology accommodation and transferring. In case the above table
shows that most of the respondents 85.5% of them are Trainers and 14.5%, those few in numbers
are expert position.
In addition to educational background and job positioning, direct work experience also plays a
great role to understand the awareness of technology accommodation and transferring process.
Most of the respondents have experienced below 10 years of technology accommodation and
transferring process. In case the above table shows that more than 46.6% of the respondents have
experiences of below 5 years, followed by 35.5% of 5-10 years. The other respondents have 9.7%
of above 11-20 years and 8.1% have above 20 years’ work experiences.
In general, 82.3% of the respondents have experience of below 10 years about technology
accommodation and transferring.
To participate in technology projects experience does not have an impact. As we have seen from
the above demography most respondents are having experience below five years. To keep the
research from skewness we have used triangulation i.e., we have distributed the questioner for the
main actors of technology, then we have conducted an interview session for management officials
and concerned experts and finally the focus group discussion and technical observation leads the
research to the best results.
4.2.3. Interviews
To get a better picture of what the college dean, officers and department heads think about the
technology accommodation and transferring a number of interviews was made semi structurally.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
These simple random interviews were taken to ensure heterogeneity and representing different job
position. Each respondent was asked to answer different questions contextually which are related
to different technology accommodation and transferring process. The composition of interviewees
assessed in much generalized way by categorizing into sub broad divisions is presented below in
the table 4.2 as follows.
Participants for interview
Demand for Available
College Dean
Department heads
Total participants
T ABLE . 4. 3. Composition
4.2.4. Focus Group Discussion
To get a better picture of what the industry extension & technology transfer dean, technology
feasibility team leader, purchasing department head, properties administration head and some
others trainers who have active participation on technology projects the focus group discussion
was made. This discussion was taken to ensure heterogeneity and representing different job
position. Each respondent was asked to answer different questions contextually which are related
to different technology accommodation and transferring process specially about wastage and
material management system. The composition of FGD assessed in much generalized way by
categorizing into sub broad divisions is presented below in the table 4.3 as follows.
Participants for interview
Demand for Available
Industry Extension & Technology Transfer Dean
Technology Feasibility Team Leader
Purchasing Department Head
Properties Admin. Head
Total Participants
T ABLE . 4. 4. Composition
Focus Group Discussion
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
4.2.5. Field Observation
To cross check the reliabilities and liabilities of data that collected through questioner, semi
structured interview and focus group discussion the direct field observation was done
simultaneously in the different areas. This direct field observation assessed condition of basic
facilities, displaying system, accommodation and transferring procedure.
In general, the field observation insured that the information that collected through questionnaire
and semi-structured interview and FGD are somehow more reliable and liable. The observation
check list form can be seen in appendix.
4.3. Effectiveness of Project accommodation and transferring in Addis Ababa
Tegibare-id Polytechnic College
Addis Ababa Tegibare-id polytechnic College is one of the oldest technical institution in the city
level. It is located in the inner part of Lideta Sub City, shares boundary with many nearest sub
cities and served as significant economic corridors. Due to that our college carries widely spreader
responsibility to support many enterprises in different Sub cities. Thus, accommodating and
transferring various technology project is the most common supporting kinds by which many
Trainers, Trainees, officers and other expertise have participated for the last two decades. The
respondents (56.5%), interviewees, FGD participants and the direct observation indicates that the
current practice of technology project accommodation and practicing is not much efficient and
successfully implemented as the line of TVET Strategies. Table 4.5 shows the effectiveness of
technology Project accommodation and transferring process in our college.
Effectiveness of Project
Very Low
T ABLE . 4. 5. Effectiveness
of Technology Project
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
In addition, for some respondents we have got the positive answer about some improvements in
accommodation and transfer this year compared to the last three years. However, many of the
recent technology projects have not efficiently transferred to the targeted enterprise in manual and
physically. Moreover, the technology projects procedure also suffering for high percent of
wastage, inappropriate time schedules, low productivity and effectiveness, repetition of identical
project, and etc. Even though it is expected that the technology projects are problem solvers there
are many reasons to find the technologies to be under performed. The following points are the
main reasons for technologies in previous years:
trainers who develop the projects relates the technology with salary increment
we have noticed that it is a headache to see the useless technology projects after TVET week.
for the future it's better to have a research before developing the prototype or the model project.
4.4. Availability of Basic Facilities
The very beginning of this study is technical observation of the technologies produced and the
consumed effort, materials and manipulated manufacturing process. Then there are respondents of
the questioners, respondents of interview and the discussion of the focus group; in our observation
we noticed that the accumulation of materials in the general store. We have presented the results
of the respondents saying as follows.
Availability of sufficient materials, equipment, tools, references and some other related supplies
have significant roles for the effectiveness of technology project. Besides to these comfortable
working spaces such as workshops, Labs. Library, offices, and other related working environments
plays fundamental roles, the values of allowing to work in a pleasant and safe environment.
Material Accessibility
No Access
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Very Low
Working Places
T ABLE . 4. 6. Material
Accessibility and working space comfortability
The respondents (80.6%), indicates that most of our work shop equipment, tools, and other
references are very old, outdated and not recommendable for the current technological projects.
and also, some material accessibilities have not as per the project schedule. These late land
insufficient access leads to extra wastage and project clashing. In addition, the above table shows
the working spaces such as workshops, Labs. Library, offices, and other related working
environments have very old, disorganized, limited and could not allowing to work in a pleasant
and safe environment as being as a parts of sustainable development ages. This implies that
improper managements of material, supplies and working space should be considered as a major
cause for ineffectiveness of technology accommodation and transferring process.
Interviewees, FGD participants and the direct observation again asserts that the shortage of
materials exists. However, it is not that much exaugurated it seems there is moderate supply of
Regarding availability of workshops and laboratories, most respondents say that it is not available
to work at any time in the workshop because of regular class. On the other hand, the respondents
reply that, it can be understood that the availability of manufacturing machines are fair enough
4.5. The Challenges of Technology Project
This section focused on the problems and causes that could be affect technology accommodation
and transferring processes in Addis Ababa Tegibare-id Polytechnic College. From the interviews
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
survey, respondents, FGD and field investigations, the following were recorded: lack of proper
awareness, low level of participation, lack of skilled man power, lack of co-operation between
different participants, poor implementation of government policies and also shortage of time for
technology project accommodation and transferring processes.
4.5.1. Lack of Proper Awareness
Addis Ababa Tegibare-id polytechnic college springs vigorous support for many enterprises in
different Sub cities. Thus, accommodating and transferring various technology project is the most
common supporting kinds by which many Trainers, Trainees, officers and other expertise have
participated for the last two decades. In line with supporting many enterprises, TVET Trainers
play significant contribution on conducting training development that have a specific influence to
working life. It focuses on learning specific skills that are required in particular workplaces and is
associated with access to a variety of knowledge-based disciplines.
Technology Project on Salary Grading
T ABLE . 4. 7. Awareness
related to the impacts of technology project on Salary grading system
However, many the responses, about the level of personal interests, willingness, efforts, work
principle and senses of belongness to any technology projects that have done in our college, many
of them were confused about the term technology projects and the ways of evaluation,
accommodation and transferring process. Moreover, primarily they replied about the negative
impacts of technology project activities on trainer’s salary grading system. Table 4.7 above shows
the responses of respondents about the impacts of technology project on trainers Salary grading
system. Factors affecting the level of trainers’ awareness; no attention is given by the officials as
well as the government as whole and low level of awareness about technology features.
Most respondents of responds that, it's not enough in creation of awareness to the college staff as
well as the community of the college. In addition, it is expected from the government that before
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
implementing any regulation, discussion should be allowed for the trainers especially, the relation
of technology with salary increment. There is no system to follow up the process of technology
developments, again we need to have at least a directive.
4.5.2. Low level of Trainers Participation
Trainer participation is very important for technology accommodation and transferring process.
But from the responses given in table 4.8 below, the trainers participation is low. The maximum
project is 11 and the minimum also zero. By considering 342 of the total trainers the annual
technology projects of individual could be 0.49. Though, among the factors affecting the low level
of participation include: Lack of proper awareness, skill and Problem of commitment and Problem
of participatory rules.
Number of Projects made by individual
trainer in last 5 years
T ABLE . 4. 8. Number
of Projects made by individual trainer in last 5 years
We have seen in open ended question of the questioners and interview questions about the main participants
of technology accommodation and transfer. Most of the respondents respond that Trainers and trainees are
the main actors in technology accommodation and transfer. However, there are many participants for
technology accommodation and transfer. The reasons for this are indicated as, for career development, for
AATPTC recognition and for the country. Other participants mainly indicated are; Enterprises, Agricultural
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
sector, Health sector, Industries, and users of technologies, TVET bureau experts, College’s experts
and even Investors should all participate for better output.
The other most important point to discuss from the saying of respondents is that, for clarity of
procedures all the colleges human resource should participate in developing the technology and
Academic Commission should take the responsibility in directing the way how to finally the
Management team members in decision making for financial incentives. Generally, it is indicated
that all the above individuals and organized committees have to participate in developing
technology projects.
4.5.3. Lack of skill
If technology projects accommodation and transferring process is effective it is a results of
qualified need assessments, technical specification, design and drawings. This indicates
irreplaceable role skilled of trainer for technology projects.
F IGURE 4. 1. Procedure
of technology project
Concept Phase: includes awareness creation about the project and concept amendments.
Proposal Phase: producing, preparing and compiling documents by which includes preparing
description of technologies, feasibility analysis, design, material specification and manual
preparation, and necessary scheduling.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Manufacturing phase: includes all necessary procedures of Operation System of technology,
Production System technology, Pilot Test and Feedback.
Transferring Phase: includes all necessary displaying and commercialese systems, promotion
system technology, technology transferring system
In our case production of projects without efficient need assessment (table 4.9 shows) is the main
cause for poor accommodation and transferring. Due to that producing, preparing and compiling
documents by which includes preparing description of technologies, feasibility analysis, design,
material specification and manual preparation, and necessary scheduling could not complete.
Our qualitative assessments show that most trainers come up with projects which are beyond their
scope or department. For this reason, except for this year technologies, in the last three years once
the project is registered for the purpose of salary grade promotion, most projects are stopped before
completion, the others were completed as artifacts, lack of quality of completed projects, repetition,
malfunctioning of the completed projects are major signs of lack of skill from trainers. We have understood
that because of the above factors a huge amount of capital is lost almost every year starting from the very
beginning of this technology accommodation and transfer.
Causes for poor accommodation and
Lack of quality of projects, this is due
transferring quality
Frequency Percent
to unavailability of appropriate quality
Project Quality
Produced Without needs Ass.
T ABLE . 4. 9. Causes
Almost all trainers work
technologies for salary increment
Trainers were not start from the
for poor accommodation and transferring quality
Moreover, most of the technology projects are similarly identical without adding enough values
for the recent project that have done in our college. Many of the respondents (table 4.10 shows)
answered that is due to skill gap and need assessment preparation problems.
Causes for Project Redundancy
Frequency Percent •
Lack of supervision and
Skill Gap
control in data collection and
Need Assessment problems
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Lack of interests
Lack of coordination between
colleges and TVET agency
regarding registration of
completed projects
Most technology projects are
not registered at the city level
T ABLE . 4. 10. Causes
of Project Redundancy
In Addition, 54.5% of the respondent replied that they have skill gaps on need assessments
preparation and also 34.1% respondent replied about lack of efficient time and supplies for need
assessment preparation. Table 4.11 shows the cause for poor need assessments preparation in the
The following factors are the most repeated sayings of respondents of open-ended questioners and
interviews for redundancies of projects and are not included in the table results;
Lack of sufficient preparation before developing a technology
Usage of similar benchmarks
Lack of time to develop technology projects
Lack of creativeness
Problem of documentation and information gathering on technologies
Lack of effective evaluation of projects
Most projects are downloaded from internet
Low capabilities to work technologies
The problem of real and devoted initiation
There is no connection between the members of different supervision teams in college and TVET
The failure to conduct need assessment by trainers
Lack of well-organized supervision and control in data organization and management
Some respondents recommend that it’s better to give patents at national level especially for
electrical technologies.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Cause for poor need assessments
Skill gap
Frequency Percent
Lack of Time & input
poor Attitude
T ABLE . 4. 11. Cause
The gap of capabilities
between trainers and
their technology projects
Lack of uniform direction
for the process of
technologies each year
It’s better to have a
standard for conducting
need assessment
for poor need assessments preparation
Most individuals respond in all formats of data gathering tools (questioners and interview), agree
on the necessity of need assessment before conducting any technology accommodation then
technology transfer issue could be immediately solved. However, the following factors are the
main reasons and consequences of the failure of conducting need assessment.
Lack of effective plan
And problem of relating technologies with salary increment
Lack of experiences
Lack of time for need assessment
The gap of capabilities between trainers and their technology projects (Skill gap on owners
of the technologies)
There is a problem of awareness creation about need assessment
Unavailability of standard format for conducting need assessment
The gap of capabilities between trainers and their technology projects
Lack of time for developing technology projects
Lack of uniform direction for the process of technologies each year
Lack of uniform plan each year (plan should be in bottom-up approach)
Most trainers develop the projects traditionally rather than following scientific procedures
Most trainers go to hard skill before completing the project on the paper
It’s better to have a standard for conducting need assessment. We need to develop a tradition of conducting
need assessment to reach a better result.
4.5.4. Lack of Co-Operation Between Different Participant
The integrated effort of trainers, officers, experts, administration staff and some other concerned
groups can help to ensure the achievements of technology accommodation and transferring
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
process. The co-operation between different participant includes the effectiveness of management
system, organization structure, administrative integration, financial structure, market and
budgeting system to supportive for the utilization of efficient technology project in of Addis Ababa
Tegibare-id Polytechnic College. Moreover, Effective technology project needs more efficient
working integration besides to the skills as techno-ware, info ware, service and knowledge-based
technology projects.
From the respondents, 17.9% of the respondent replied that the organizational structures of our
college have very low supports to the effectiveness of technology accommodation and transferring
process. And also 49.6% respondent replied that have low supporting level as shown in table 4.12
The contribution of administration for effective functioning of the college as a whole is high. From
the qualitative data collecting tools we have noticed that only this year has effective coordination
between management officials. In the previous years everybody fond in this research asserts that
not only loss of coordination between management officials but also creating conflict by forming
informal groups were the main features of the college.
Effectiveness of Administration
Frequency Percent
Very Low
T ABLE . 4. 12. Effectiveness
of Administration Structure
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
F IGURE 4. 2.
Organizational integration of Technology accommodation and Transferring
In technical and vocational education and trainings system accommodating and transferring
technology project is the main concerns for Industry Extension & Technology Transfer
Directorate. The lack of middle level manpower, for instance, was found to be bottleneck for
development, and as one of the measures to alleviate this problem. In addition, in order to make
efficient technology project TeCAT directorate established design and feasibility team.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
F IGURE 4. 3. Structure
of Industry Extension & Technology Transfer Directorate
Design technology and feasibility team have established under Industry Extension and Technology
Transfer Directorate. Figure 4.3 and Table 4.13 shows the Structure of Industry Extension &
Technology Transfer Directorate. The main duties of these team could be
➢ Prepare feasibility study for necessary projects
➢ Prepare annual project plan for team and individuals
➢ Accommodate and provide Training for specific gap
➢ Manage, evaluate, and approve necessary project process
➢ Provide technology advertisements, Transferring and commercialize process
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Feasibility Team Total Number Qualifications
of experts
2 # Electrical
2 # Manufacturing
Feasibility Team
2 # Textile
1 # Drafting
1 # Construction
2 # Automotive
T ABLE . 4. 13. Composition
of Technology design and Feasibility Team
However, the composition of technology design and feasibility team show that some unbalanced
representation of professional from each department and also its could not show the exact methods
of project evaluation and assessments.
In addition, in order to make sustainable technology projects. The direct active participations of
concerned Stakeholders should be primary issues. In our case, Trainers, Trainee’s administration
staffs should participate for accomplishments of effective technology projects. Table 4.14: shows
the contributions of marketing departments.
Effectiveness of marketing System Frequency Percent
Very low
T ABLE . 4. 14. Effectiveness
of marketing System
4.5.5. Poor Implementation of Government Policies
Policies refer to rules and regulations formulated for the implementation of the intended objectives.
TVET structural strategies, goals and other code of conducts have less consideration to support
the provision of efficient technology project by diverse of people with different academic status,
working loads, health status, age, gender and other interests. Due to that it suffers from primary
planning stages and implementation problem.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
In addition, many the responses, about the level of personal interests, willingness, efforts, work
principle and senses of belongness to any technology projects that have done in our college, many
of them were confused about the term technology projects and the ways of evaluation,
accommodation and transferring process.
Effectiveness of TVET Strategies Frequency Percent
T ABLE . 4. 15. Effectiveness
of TVET Strategies
Moreover, primarily they replied about the negative impacts of technology project activities on
trainer’s salary grading system. But the government policy considered many other benefits such
as academic opportunities, money, physical asset, pre upgrading, enough promotion, etc. even
though most of the policies have not implemented well. Table 4.15 above shows the responses of
respondents about the impacts of TVET strategies, policy, goals and other code of conducts
technology project accommodation and transferring.
4.5.6. Shortage of Time
We have the responses and it can be summarized as; because of the attention given to technology
accommodation and transferring, the process has no regular program and not managed
consistently. It is always a result of exhibition and bazar. This event-oriented schedule makes
clashing of some other regular programs. The following tasks are the responsibility of a TVET
trainer, which are not addressed by any other civil servant, most respondents replied that the TVET
trainer is overburdened. That’s why this shortage of time occurred for effective technology
accommodation and transfer.
1. There is no textbook, so, the trainer prepares textbook (TTLM) for training
2. Find and train a trainee and provide a COC. If he is not qualified, he trains him again.
3. Seeks industry for cooperative training
4. Train the industry trainee and evaluate for COC
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
5. The trainer does not leave trainee after he completes training. He will design a project for the
6. Arrange them in an association while in college
7. Develop a business plan for trainee: trainer guide the trainee to save money for trainees as a
starting capital
8. Organizes associations and enter the trainer into the world of business in collaboration with
the city's small and micro bureau.
9. After trainees entering the business world with the support of Industrial Extension in four
frameworks i.e.,
9.1. Trains in business management training (expansion, entrepreneurship, Marketing mgt,
customer management, etc.)
9.2. Production and Productivity Training Application (KAIZEN)
9.3. Skill gaps And
9.4. Copying and transferring technology: Helps them train and reproduce
10. Trainer also provides enterprise certification (COC) by completing the trainings for
11. The trainer is required to take a COC every 3 years
12. Trainers generates, records, prepares for annual exhibitions, transfers technologies. Here the
only way to get benefit from this work is to get a salary increment. The trainer is a spectator
while others make a fortune.
13. If he misses even one of these, you will not get a grade or salary promotion
4.6. The Level of Interests and Performances of Trainers
Based on the respondents replied for each question that could measure attitudes and interest for
technology accommodation and transferring processes, most of the respondents have strongly
negative attitude and interests towards the technology project.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Technology Project on Salary Grading
T ABLE . 4. 16. The
impacts of technology project on Salary grading system
Moreover, primarily they replied about the negative impacts of technology project activities on
trainer’s salary grading system. Table 4.7 above shows the responses of respondents about the
impacts of technology project on trainers Salary grading system. Factors affecting the level of
trainers’ awareness; no attention is given by the officials as well as the government as whole and
low level of awareness about technology features.
In Addition, 54.5% of the respondent replied that they have skill gaps on need assessments
preparation and also 34.1% respondent replied about lack of efficient time and supplies for need
assessment preparation.
In addition, to the above results the following points show that technology projects should have
the following features other than as a requirement of salary grading system;
It’s better to have a prize for technology developers rather than taking it as a salary grading
increment requirement
It’s better to announce the prize before just to initiate the trainers
Providing the known budget for projects
There should be economical benefit/patent from technologies
The developers need to be recognized
The prize should be based on the quality of the projects
Providing tuition free education
Providing all participants recognitions
Follow transparent evaluation techniques
Increasing the tradition of working together
Additionally, it’s better to encourage an individual who
Studies the market (need assessment)
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Works together with other trainer and provides support
Basically, anyone who wants to develop a technology project should not relate the process with
any compensation it's better to see as career development everybody has to change the attitude of
relating technologies with any compensation.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
5.1 Conclusions
This chapter provides the conclusions and recommendations of the study based on the objectives
of the study. The objective of this study is to evaluate the status of technology project
accommodation and transferring performances in Addis Ababa Tegibare-id Polytechnic College
in general. Moreover, it has made by cross checking the responses from respondents, interview,
focus group discussion and direct technical observations.
On the course of this study we have developed a deep understanding of technology accommodation
and transfer processes. We evaluate the process of technology accommodation and transfer
processes undertaken this year and compares some parameters. The specific objectives are To
assess the status of project accommodation and transferring process performances, To analyze the
availability and usability of basic facilities by trainers for Technology Projects, To explore the
challenges that hinders the effectiveness of Technology Project, To evaluate the level of interests
and related performances of trainers for Technology Project, To indicate the possible solutions for
the existing conditions.
To examine these objectives data were collected through different tools and finally analysis was
made. The results obtained from the analysis are summarized as follows:
5.1.1. Concerning Objective “To assess the status of project accommodation and
transferring process performances”
As we have seen from the analysis, we conclude that the effectiveness of the technology
accommodation and transfer process shows the following results:
➢ suffering for high percent of wastage
➢ low productivity
➢ repetition of identical project
➢ relating the technology effectiveness with salary grading system
➢ technology projects are useless after TVET week, are not transferred, especially in the
previous three years because this year technologies are on the process
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
5.1.2. To analyze the availability and usability of basic facilities by trainers for Technology
Our observation found that there is number of tools, materials and appliances found in the general
store which are purchased for technology projects. This means the college facilitates the
purchasing of the requested materials and required tools. On the other hand, 80.6% of the
respondents (technology developers) respond that there is a low delivery of materials, tools and
appliances for technology projects. This disagreement is because of the problem of delivery of
materials on time. Generally, ordering time and delivery time of the technology materials conflicts
with the regular training time. And mostly the time spent for technology projects affects the regular
training time. In addition, the trainer has to follow up the trainee’s session of cooperative training.
Regarding infrastructures 61% of the respondents respond that there is limited availability of
access to workshops and other infrastructures that should support the technology development
process. This is because most developed technology projects are related to the manufacturing
department and trainers are focusing on only the hard skill.
5.1.3. To explore the challenges that hinders the effectiveness of Technology Project
The main objective of this research relies on the evaluation of the technology projects
effectiveness. And this effectiveness can be highly affected by the number and kinds of challenges
faced by trainers. The tasks of a trainer are described under the challenges that hinder technology
accommodation and transfer (shortage of time) most responses show the overburden of TVET
Responses of 70% and above trainers showed there is a challenge in all aspects, (Lack of Proper
Awareness, Low level of Trainers Participation, Lack of skill, Lack of Co-operation Between
Different Participant, Poor Implementation of Government Policies).
Finally, taking the technology project as a requirement for grade and salary promotion, is one of
the most rated challenges of trainers in the process.
5.1.4. To evaluate the level of interests and related performances of trainers for
Technology Project
Almost all (91.8%) participants respond that they have negative attitude about technology projects
and the relation of technology projects with grade and salary promotion. This showed that there
should not be a relationship between technology projects with grade and salary promotion. This
can conclude that the interest of the trainers is a primary requirement in developing technology
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
projects. The interest to develop technology projects in Addis Ababa Tegbare-id Polytechnique
college is only related to grade and salary promotion, that’s why there are inefficient technology
accommodation and transfer process.
5.2 Recommendations
Based on the conclusions of the research, the following recommendations are provided to improve
the technology accommodation and transfer process:
Trainers job grade and salary promotion should not be related with technology
accommodation and transfer process rather it should be provided to have a stimulant prize
for technology developers which is not money oriented.
To minimize wastage of materials and time every trainer should take a responsibility for
technology projects for each and every step; in purchasing materials, using machines and
using scheduled days.
Any other expert who participated in technology projects should be benefited from the
prizes or independent salary or job grade promotion
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
5.3 Further studies indication
Based on the conclusion, recommendation and interpretation of the research, further studier was
suggested. Technology projects can be supported by different facilities, materials and funds. To
further validate this research, it is possible to do it again this research after some years or when
more success stories occurred at the City level. Useful research could be on the effectiveness or
impacts of technology project on income level of the end users or the concerned community.
Moreover, instead of college level, it is better to conduct at the city level in all TVET institution
therefore, other researchers can focus on other areas that has great potential of technology
accommodation and transfer. It is also important to consider again the perspective towards
relationship of the job grade and salary promotion with technology projects.
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
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Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Appendix I
የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምርና ሽግግር ስራዎችን ውጤታማነት ለመለካት የተዘጋጅ መጠይቅ
ይህ መጠይቅ በዋናነት በኮሌጃችን የኢንዱስትሪ ኤክስቴንሽን እና የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምርና ሽግግር ዳይሮክቶሬት ስር የሚሰሩ
የቴክኖሎጅ ፕሮጅክቶችን እና የአሰራር ሂደት ውጤታማነት ለመለካት ብቻ የተዘጋጀ ሲሆን የእርስዎ ትክክለኛ መልስ
ለመጠይቁ አላማ የማይተካ ድርሻ አለው። ለሚሰጡን ነጻ እና ገንቢ ሃሳብ ሲባል ስምዎትን መጻፍ አያስፈልግም። ስለነበረዎት
ተሳትፎ እናመሰግናለን።
2. እድሜ
ግለሰባዊ እውነታዎች
 ወንድ
 ሴት
 ከ30 አመት በታች
3. የትምህርት ዝግጅት
 ከ31-45 አመት
 ኮሌጅ ድፕሎማ
 የመጀመሪያ ድግሪ
 ማስተርስ ድግሪ
 ሌላ………….
4. የስራ መደብ
 ሀላፊ/ Manager
 ባለሞያ/ Expert
5. የስራ ልምድ
 ከ5 አመት በታች
 ከ5-10 አመት
 ከ46-65 አመት
 አሰልጣኝ
 ሰልጣኝ
 ከ11-20 አመት  ከ20 አመት በላይ
መመሪያ: ከዚህ ቀጥሎ ላሉት ተከታታይ መጠይቆች በተገቢው ቦታ ላይ ለዝግ ጥያቄዎች የ  ምልክት፣ ለቅይጥ እና ክፍት
ጥያቄዎች ደግሞ ገንቢ ሃሳብዎትን በቀላል አገላለጽ እንድገልጹልን እንወዳለን።
በኮሌጃችን ውስጥ የተሰሩ የቴክኖሎጂ ፕሮጀክቶች ከታለመላቸው የችግር ፈችነት አላማ አንፃር ምን ያህል ውጤታማ
ናቸው ብለዉ ያስባሉ?
 በጣም ዝቅተኛ
 ዝቅተኛ
 መካከለኛ
 ከፍተኛ
 ሌላ ካለ ይገለጽ
2. በኮሌጃችን የተሰሩ በርካታ የቴክኖሎጅ ስራዎች በሚጠበቀው ልክ ለአምራችና አብዥዎች ሳይሸጋገሩ በግቢያችን የማሳያ
ክፍሎች ተከማችተው ይገኛሉ። ይህ የፕሮጀክቶች በአጥጋቢ ሁኔታ አለመሸጋገር ዋና ምክንያት ምን ይመስልዎታል? ከአንድ
በላይ መልስ መምረጥም ይችላሉ።
 የፕሮጅክቱ ጥራት ማነስ
 ከፍላጎት ውጭ ማምረት
 የተደጋጋሚ ፕሮጀክቶች መብዛት
 ሌላ ካለ ይገለጽ
3. በተለያዩ ግዜያት በኮሌጃችን የተሰሩ የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር ፕሮጅክቶች የተደጋጋሚነትና የመመሳሰል ሁነታ ይታይባቸዋል።
ይህ የስራዎች ተደጋጋሚነት በምን ምክንያት የመጣ ይመስልዎታል? ከአንድ በላይ መልስ መምረጥም ይችላሉ።
 የፈጠራ ብቃት ማነስ
 ዳሰሳ ጥናቶች ችግር
 ሌላ ካለ ይገለጽ
 የመስራት ፍላጎት መቀነስ
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
4. ለውጤታማ የቴክኖሎጅ ፕሮጅክት የፍላጎት ዳሰሳ ጥናት ዋና መሰረት ቢሆንም በኮሌጃችን የተሰሩ ፕሮጅክቶች ግን በበቂ
የዳሰሳ ጥናት የተደገፉ አይደሉም። ይህም በምን ምክንያት ይመስልዎታል? ከአንድ በላይ መልስ መምረጥም ይችላሉ።
 ለዳሰሳ ጥናት የብቃት ማነስ
 የግብአትና ግዜ ማነስ
 የዳሰሳ ጥናት አላስፈላጊነት
 ሌላ ካለ ይገለጽ
5. በኮሌጃችን የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር እና ሽግግር ስራዎችን ለመስራት አስተማማኝ እና በቂ የማቴሪያል፣ የቁሳ ቁስ፣ የማሽን
እና ሌሎች ተያያዥ ግብዕቶች አቅርቦት አለ ብለው ያምናሉ?
 ምንም የለም
 ዝቅተኛ አቅርቦት
 በቂ አቅርቦት
 ከፍተኛ አቅርቦት
 ሌላ ካለ ይገለጽ
6. ውጤታማ የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር እና ሽግግር ስራዎችን ከመስራት አንጻር በኮሌጃችን ውስጥ የምንጠቀምባቸው
ውርክሾፖች፣ ቤተ ሙከራዎች፣ ቤተ መጽሃፍት፣ ቢሮዎች፣ ልዩ ልዩ ክፍሎች እና ሌሎች ተያያዥ የመስሪያ አካባቢዎቻችን
ምን ያህል ምቹና አስተማማኝ ናቸው?
 በጣም የማይመች
 ዝቅተኛ ምቹ
 በቂ
 ከፍተኛ ምቹ
 ሌላ
7. ችግር ፈች የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር እና ሽግግር ስራዎችን ከማፋጠንና ከማቀላጠፍ አንጻር ኮሌጃችን የሚተገብረው የግዥ
ስርአት እና ዘዴ ውጤታማ ነው ብለው ያስባሉ?
 በጣም ዝቅተኛ
 ዝቅተኛ ውጤታማ
 በቂ
 ከፍተኛ ውጤታማ
 ሌላ
8. የቴክኒክና ሙያ ትምህርትና ስልጠና መመሪያዎች እና ሌሎች ተያያዥ ደንቦች ውጤታማ የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር እና ሽግግር
ስራዎችን ከመስራት አንጻር ለተለያዩ የማህበረሰብ ክፍሎች ማለትም የትምህርት ደረጃ፣ እድሜ፣ ጾታ፣ የጤና ሁኔታ፣
ወዘተ ተገቢ ግንዛቤ፣ ድጋፍና ክትትል ሰጥቷል ብለው ያስባሉ?
 ምንም ድጋፍ የለዉም
 ዝቅተኛ ድጋፍ
 በቂ ድጋፍ
 ከፍተኛ ድጋፍ
 ሌላ
9. የኮሌጃችን አስተዳደርዊ መዋቅር፣ የስራ ግንኙነትና ክትትል ውጤታማ የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር እና ሽግግር ስራዎችን
ከመስራት አንጻር ምን ያህል ውጤታማ እና ጉልህ ሚና አበርክቷል?
 በጣም ዝቅተኛ
 ዝቅተኛ ድጋፍ
 በቂ ድጋፍ
 ከፍተኛ ድጋፍ
 ሌላ
10. በኮሌጃችን ውስጥ አዳዲስ የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር ስራዎችን በመስራት፣ በማሻሻል፣ በመቅዳት፣ በማሸጋገር እንድሁም መሰል
ተያያዥ የፕሮጅክት ስራዎችን በማከናወን መሳተፍ ያለባቸው ዋና ዋና አካላት እነማን ናቸው ብለው ያምናሉ?
11. የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር ስራዎችን በመስራት፣ በማሻሻል፣ በመቅዳት፣ በማሸጋገር እንድሁም መሰል ተያያዥ ስራዎች ላይ
ተሳትፈው ያውቃሉ?
 አዎ
 ተሳትፌ አላውቅም
11.1. መልስዎት አዎ ከሆነ፤ ባለፉት አምስት አመታት የሰሩትን ቴክኖሎጅ ብዛት ይግለጹልን።
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
11.2. መልስዎት አዎ ከሆነ፤ የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር ስራዎችን በመስራት፣ በማሻሻል፣ በመቅዳት፣ በማሸጋገር እንድሁም
መሰል ተያያዥ ስራዎች በመስራትዎ ምን ምን ጥቅም እንዳገኙ ይግለጹልን?
11.3. መልስዎት ተሳትፌ አላውቅም ከሆነ፤ የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር ስራዎችን በመስራት፣ በማሻሻል፣ በመቅዳት፣ በማሸጋገር
እንድሁም መሰል ተያያዥ ስራዎች ላይ ለምን እንዳልተሳተፉ ይግለጹልን?
11.4. መልስዎት ተሳትፌ አላውቅም ከሆነ፤ የቴክኖሎጅ ፕሮጀክት ስራዎችን ባለመስራትዎት ምን የቀረበዎት ጥቅማ ጥቅም
12. የቴክኖሎጂ ፕሮጀክት ስራ ከደረጃ እድገት እና ከሌሎች ጥቅማ ጥቅሞች ጋር መያያዙ በአሰልጣኞች የቴክኖሎጂ ምርምር
እና ሽግግር ስራዎች የመስራት ፍላጎት ላይ ምን አይነት አስተዋፅኦ አለው?
 አውንታዊ
 አሉታዊ
 ምንም አይገናኝም
 ሌላ ካለ ይገለጽ
13. ኮሌጁ ጥራት ያላቸው በርካታ ቴክኖሎጅዎችን ለመስራት እና ያሉትን ባለሙያዎች በአጥጋቢ ሁኔታ ከመጠቀም አንጻር
ምን ምን አይነት የማነሳሻ እና የማበረታቻ ስልቶችን ቢከተል ጠቃሚ ይሆናል?
14. ውጤታማ የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር እና ሽግግር ስራዎችን ከመስራት አንጻር አለብኝ የሚሉት የክህሎት ክፍተት አለ?
ካለብዎት ተገቢ ስልጠና ስለሚሰጥ የክህሎት ይዘቱን በትክክል ይግለፁ።
15. በኮሌጃችን ውጤታማ የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር እና ሽግግር ስራዎች በመስራት ሂደት ለሚታዩ ዋና ዋና ችገሮች መፍትሄ
ይሆናል የሚሉትን የበኩልዎትን ሃሳብ ይግለጹልን።
16. ውጤታማ የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር እና ሽግግር ስራዎችን ከመስራት አንጻር ከእርስዎ ምን ይጠበቃል? በቀጣይ ሶስት አመት
ለመስራት ያሰቡትን የቴክኖሎጅ ብዛት ይግለጹልን።
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Appendix II
የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምርና ሽግግር ስራዎችን ውጤታማነት ለመለካት የተዘጋጀ የቃል መጠይቅ
ይህ መጠይቅ በዋናነት በኮሌጃችን የኢንዱስትሪ ኤክስቴንሽን እና የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምርና ሽግግር ዳይሮክቶሬት ስር የሚሰሩ
የቴክኖሎጅ ፕሮጅክቶችን እና የአሰራር ሂደት ውጤታማነት ለመለካት ብቻ የተዘጋጀ ሲሆን የእርስዎ ትክክለኛ መልስ
ለመጠይቁ አላማ የማይተካ ድርሻ አለው። ስለነበረዎት ተሳትፎ እናመሰግናለን።
i. ግለሰባዊ እውነታዎች
2. ጾታ
 ወንድ
 ሴት
3. እድሜ
 ከ30 አመት በታች
 ከ31-45 አመት
4. የትምህርት ዝግጅት  ኮሌጅ ድፕሎማ
 ከ46-65 አመት
 የመጀመሪያ ድግሪ
 ማስተርስ ድግሪ
 ሌላ………….
5. የስራ መደብ
 ሀላፊ/ Manager
 ባለሞያ/ Expert
 አሰልጣኝ
 ሰልጣኝ
6. የስራ ልምድ
 ከ5 አመት በታች
 ከ5-10 አመት
 ከ11-20 አመት
 ከ20 አመት በላይ
በኮሌጃችን ውስጥ የተሰሩ የቴክኖሎጂ ፕሮጀክቶች ከታለመላቸው የችግር ፈችነት አላማ አንፃር ምን ያህል ውጤታማ
ናቸው ብለዉ ያስባሉ?
2. በኮሌጃችን የተሰሩ በርካታ የቴክኖሎጅ ስራዎች በሚጠበቀው ልክ ለአምራችና አብዥዎች ሳይሸጋገሩ በግቢያችን የማሳያ
ክፍሎች ተከማችተው ይገኛሉ። ይህ የፕሮጀክቶች በአጥጋቢ ሁኔታ አለመሸጋገር ዋና ምክንያት ምን ይመስልዎታል?
3. በተለያዩ ግዜያት በኮሌጃችን የተሰሩ የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር ፕሮጅክቶች የተደጋጋሚነትና የመመሳሰል ሁነታ ይታይባቸዋል።
ይህ የስራዎች ተደጋጋሚነት በምን ምክንያት የመጣ ይመስልዎታል?
4. ለውጤታማ የቴክኖሎጅ ፕሮጅክት የፍላጎት ዳሰሳ ጥናት ዋና መሰረት ቢሆንም በኮሌጃችን የተሰሩ ፕሮጅክቶች ግን በበቂ
የዳሰሳ ጥናት የተደገፉ አይደሉም። ይህም በምን ምክንያት ይመስልዎታል?
5. በኮሌጃችን የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር እና ሽግግር ስራዎችን ለመስራት አስተማማኝ እና በቂ የማቴሪያል፣ የቁሳ ቁስ፣ የማሽን
እና ሌሎች ተያያዥ ግብዕቶች አቅርቦት አለ ብለው ያምናሉ?
6. ውጤታማ የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር እና ሽግግር ስራዎችን ከመስራት አንጻር በኮሌጃችን ውስጥ የምንጠቀምባቸው
ውርክሾፖች፣ ቤተ ሙከራዎች፣ ቤተ መጽሃፍት፣ ቢሮዎች፣ ልዩ ልዩ ክፍሎች እና ሌሎች ተያያዥ የመስሪያ አካባቢዎቻችን
ምን ያህል ምቹና አስተማማኝ ናቸው?
7. ችግር ፈች የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር እና ሽግግር ስራዎችን ከማፋጠንና ከማቀላጠፍ አንጻር ኮሌጃችን የሚተገብረው የግዥ
ስርአት እና ዘዴ ውጤታማ ነው ብለው ያስባሉ?
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
8. የቴክኒክና ሙያ ትምህርትና ስልጠና መመሪያዎች እና ሌሎች ተያያዥ ደንቦች ውጤታማ የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር እና ሽግግር
ስራዎችን ከመስራት አንጻር ለተለያዩ የማህበረሰብ ክፍሎች ማለትም የትምህርት ደረጃ፣ እድሜ፣ ጾታ፣ የጤና ሁኔታ፣
ወዘተ ተገቢ ግንዛቤ፣ ድጋፍና ክትትል ሰጥቷል ብለው ያስባሉ?
9. የኮሌጃችን አስተዳደርዊ መዋቅር፣ የስራ ግንኙነትና ክትትል ውጤታማ የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር እና ሽግግር ስራዎችን
ከመስራት አንጻር ምን ያህል ውጤታማ እና ጉልህ ሚና አበርክቷል?
10. በኮሌጃችን ውስጥ አዳዲስ የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር ስራዎችን በመስራት፣ በማሻሻል፣ በመቅዳት፣ በማሸጋገር እንድሁም መሰል
ተያያዥ የፕሮጅክት ስራዎችን በማከናወን መሳተፍ ያለባቸው ዋና ዋና አካላት እነማን ናቸው ብለው ያምናሉ?
11. ኮሌጁ ጥራት ያላቸው በርካታ ቴክኖሎጅዎችን ለመስራት እና ያሉትን ባለሙያዎች በአጥጋቢ ሁኔታ ከመጠቀም አንጻር
ምን ምን አይነት የማነሳሻ እና የማበረታቻ ስልቶችን ቢከተል ጠቃሚ ይሆናል?
12. በኮሌጃችን ውጤታማ የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምር እና ሽግግር ስራዎች በመስራት ሂደት ለሚታዩ ዋና ዋና ችገሮች መፍትሄ
ይሆናል የሚሉትን የበኩልዎትን ሃሳብ ይግለጹልን።
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Appendix III
የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምርና ሽግግር ስራዎችን ውጤታማነት ለመለካት የተዘጋጀ ይውይይት ሃሳብ
ይህ መጠይቅ በዋናነት በኮሌጃችን የኢንዱስትሪ ኤክስቴንሽን እና የቴክኖሎጅ ምርምርና ሽግግር ዳይሮክቶሬት ስር የሚሰሩ
የቴክኖሎጅ ፕሮጅክቶችን እና የአሰራር ሂደት ውጤታማነት ለመለካት ብቻ የተዘጋጀ ሲሆን የእርስዎ አጥጋቢ ተሳትፎ
ለውይይቱ አላማ የማይተካ ድርሻ አለው። ስለነበረዎት ተሳትፎ እናመሰግናለን።
ተሳታፊ ብዛት = 7
1. የቴክኖሎጅ ዳይሬክቶሬት ዲን
2. የግዥ ሃላፊ
3. ንብረት አስተዳደር
4. የፊዚብሊቲ ቡድን ሃላፊ
5. ቴክኖሎጅ የሰሩ አሰልጣኞች = 4
የውይይት ሃሳቦች
በኮሌጃችን የተሰሩ በርካታ የቴክኖሎጅ ስራዎች በሚጠበቀው ልክ ለአምራችና አብዥዎች ሳይሸጋገሩ በግቢያችን
የማሳያ ክፍሎች ተከማችተው ይገኛሉ። በተጨማሪም የተደጋጋሚነትና የመመሳሰል እንድሁም ከፍተኛ የሆነ
የማቴሪያል፣ የቁሳ ቁስ፣ የማሽን እና ሌሎች ተያያዥ ግብዕቶች ብክነት ይታያል። ይህ ሁኔታ በምን ምክንያት የመጣ
2. ኮሌጁ ጥራት ያላቸው በርካታ ቴክኖሎጅዎችን ለመስራት እና ያሉትን ባለሙያዎች በአጥጋቢ ሁኔታ ከመጠቀም
አንጻር ምን ምን አይነት የማነሳሻ እና የማበረታቻ ስልቶችን ቢከተል ጠቃሚ ይሆናል?
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Appendix IV Observation Check list
Detail field technical observation check list for technology accommodation and transferring
(Objective Conditions)
1. Prior to your observation, discuss the categories on this form with the person you are
observing, and ask them to prioritize specific areas for you to focus on during your
2. During the observation, use each list as a checklist (not a scaled rating form), to indicate the
quality or defect of each part or assembly. Use the space below each section to make notes on
specific issues you observe, relevant to the items on the list.
3. After the observation use the data recorded on this form to respond to the questions on the
final page.
4. In you debrief conversation with the technology developer, use your summary notes on the
final page of this form to provide targeted, data-driven feedback to the trainer.
5. Indicate Answers Yes or No
Technology 2:
No. of Technologies:
Duration 1:
Technology 1:
Duration 2:
1. Technology Design and Feasibility Department
The Technology:
Completed on time
Painting as good as required
No defect on corners and edges
Functional as required and set by design
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
No defect on operation
completed as per the schedule
Other Comments: -
2. Attitude towards the technology adoption and transfer
The Trainers/instructors:
Technology adoption and transfer is the responsibility of top management.
Technology projects are useful for trainers
Technology projects are burdens for teaching and learning process
Technology projects are use full for career development.
Technology projects develop analytical skill of trainers/Instructors
Technology projects are important only for salary increment
It gives freedom for trainers to develop good technologies; if technology projects are not
requirement for salary increment
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
Use the final page (below) to summarize and prioritize the feedback, based on the data
collected above.
Prioritized & Summarized Feedback
What went well in the process of technology development?
Evaluation of Technology Accommodation and Transfer in AAPTC [Ayele Mandefro & Mesfin Alemu]
What suggestions for improvement do you have?
Additional Comments: