Uploaded by Rito Cortez

Science Fair Research Plan Document

Your Name: _________________________Science Period: ___________
Science Fair Research Plan Document*
*note: if your project involves Human Subjects, Vertebrate Animals, Microorganisms, or Hazardous
Chemicals/Devices, you will have additional questions to answer with additional forms.
Section Title:
For this section, describe the reasoning behind your project. Think of
this as a background section. Provide a description of the general
area of your research, the problem, and who will be impacted by
your solution.
“The general area I would like to research is ___.”
“The specific problem I will be focusing on with this research is __.”
“Finding a solution to this problem is important because __.”
Your Answer:
Section Title:
For this section, you are going to write the question that you will be
experimenting throughout your science fair project. Example “ Do
plants grow taller with salt water or tap water?”
Your Answer:
Section Title:
“I predict that if the [Independent Variable] is ___, then the
[dependent variable] will __.”
Your Answer:
Section Title:
List the materials you will use in your experiment. You can use bullet
points for this section.
Your Answer:
Section Title:
Explain the procedure you will use to test your hypothesis. This
does not need to be 100% perfect, a rough outline is fine.
However, you need to for sure include any steps that may be
dangerous and/or need ethical consideration. You can simply list the
Your Answer:
1. [Insert Step 1]
2. [Insert Step 2]
3. [Insert Step 3]
4. Etc.
Section Title:
Experimental Testing/Data Collection
As you complete your experiment, you are going to be collecting
data (information about what happened in your experiment).
Your Answer:
Section Title:
Your Answer:
Include any and all steps that will be taken to ensure the safety of the
scientist as well as any participants in the study. Be sure to include
(as applicable for your project):
● Safety equipment that will be used (gloves, goggles, etc.)
● Lab Safety Level (BSL-1, BSL-2, etc.) and the equipment
available for use (fume hood, eye wash, etc.) Providing links
to your evidence for biological containment levels will increase
your chances of project approval.
○ For more information on BSL levels & containment
requirements, visit the ISEF website at this link
● How consent will be obtained from test subjects.
○ For more information on rules for Human Participants,
visit the ISEF website at this link
Section Title:
Data Analysis
Use the image above to help you decide the type of graphs you will
use to represent your data and the statistical test you will use to
analyze your data.
“In my data analysis, I will use a ______ graph to represent my data.
Your Answer:
Section Title: Independent Variable of Your Experiment
This is what you’re changing in your experiment.
Your Answer:
Section Title: Dependent Variable of Your Experiment
This is what you’re measuring – the result of your experiment.
Your Answer:
Section Title:
Your Answer:
In this section, you must provide at least 5 source citations. This
shows the review committee that you have done your research and
know how to keep yourself and others safe.