ADVANCING THE COURSE OF CIRCULAR ECONOMY THROUGH GREEN BUILDINGS LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understanding the concept of Circular Economy Discovering how water efficiency & Net zero water in green buildings aligns with circular economy’s objective of water use reduction that can be used in the BD+C, O+M, ID+C, and HOMES LEED Rating Systems Getting to know how renewable energy use and net zero energy in green buildings drives the course of circular economy regarding use of renewable energy which can apply to all LEED Rating systems. Understanding how to minimize and achieve net zero waste in BD+C, ID+C and O+M building projects. INTRODUCTION Circular Economy and green buildings are both connected with sustainable development. They both operate in a system of resources utilization where reduction, reuse and recycling of materials prevails. The Circular Economy model can be used in architecture, focusing on three key resources of the sector that can work on a closed-loop: energy, construction materials, and water [1]. Looking closely at green buildings shows the same objective targeted by applying circular economy to building projects is achieved when green building principles and practices are applied as well. The end result of all these is, natural resources are preserved, cost is drastically reduced, a larger percentage of waste instead of being sent to landfills are reused and recycled, pollution and embodied energy are also reduced, amongst several other benefits. THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY MODEL According to Ellen MacArthur Foundation, a circular economy is a systemic approach to economic development designed to benefit businesses, society, and the environment. In contrast to the ‘take-make-waste’ linear model, a circular economy is regenerative by design and aims to gradually decouple growth from the consumption of finite resources. The restorative and regenerative approach of circular economy is based on three key principles which are; Design out waste and pollution Keep products and materials in use Regenerate natural systems The concept of Circular Economy has been gaining relevance and momentum since the late 1970s, when researchers Walter Stahel and Genevieve Reday developed the vision of an economy in loops and its impact on job creation, economic competitiveness, resource savings, and waste prevention. It is primarily focused on product, component and material reuse, remanufacturing, refurbishment, repair, cascading and upgrading. It also emphasizes reducing energy needs by driving and advocating alternative energy sources, like solar, wind, biomass and waste-derived energy utilization throughout the product value chain. Culled -concepts & practice of the circular economy by Anthanasios Valavanidis Global environmental issues and the unsustainable use of natural resources has put high pressure on earth’s life-support systems which in turn has led to the urgent need to apply circular economy concepts to various facets of life, in a bid to ensure sustainability and preservation of the eco system. Biodiversity loss, waste of freshwater resources, soil desertification from excessive land use for food production, increasing air pollution in urban areas, plastic pollution in the oceans, and dramatic climate changes are some of the most serious environmental problems encountered and investigated to great length in the last decades. The model aids and promotes the resiliency of natural resources. It aims to replace the traditional linear economy model of fast and cheap production and disposal with the production of long-lasting goods that can stand the test of time, be repaired, or easily dismantled and recycled. The current economic system is linear in nature, and its approach is that resources are taken out of the ground, made into something, and later discarded as waste. Only with a circular economy is sustainability possible. A model of production based on a circular economy tends to extend the useful life of the product, but also creates the opportunity for repair, refurbishment, and reuse of products before the actual end of the useful life is reached. The Circular Economy has already been put in place by many organizations and businesses around the world. The sectors that have adopted the Circular Economy approach are ones related to scarce or special materials or/and fragile supply chains, according to Cerantola. "All the materials that are valuable for being recovered have started to be circularized even decades ago; let's think about plastics, steel, gold or aluminum. There are lots of advantages to adopting the Circular Economy. First, the Circular Economy commits to reducing water and energy consumption and using energy from renewable sources. By reducing waste, it also diminishes the negative impacts associated with overflowed landfills that contaminate water and soil. Not only does it have a positive environmental impact, it is also good for enterprises and the economy. WATER EFFICIENCY & NET ZERO WATER IN GREEN BUILDINGS Seventy percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, but less than 3% of that water is fresh water. Only 1% of that 3% is accessible and available for human use. According to the United Nations Environment Program, if this trend persists, two out of every three persons will live in water-stressed conditions by the year 2025. Also, recent U.S. government survey showed at least 36 states expect to have local, regional, or statewide water shortages by 2013. Each day roughly 340 billion gallons of fresh water are drawn from rivers, streams, and reservoirs. Sixty-five percent of the water used up, is discharged back into the water supplies after use. With the U.S. population doubling between 1950 and 2000, and its water demand tripling during the period, has created a huge gap that needs to be resolved and effectively managed. Circular Economy model can be used in architecture, focusing on three key resources, in which water happens to be one of them. It aims to conserve water resources and ensuring sustainability by reducing water consumption, minimizing water wastages, recycling water, and maintaining a closed loop system approach. LEED also contributes to this objective through its drive towards achieving water efficiency & net zero water in green buildings. Water Efficiency Water efficiency helps to preserve and protect our aquifers and the supply of renewable fresh water. The goal of the water efficiency is to reduce the quantity of water needed for both internal and external water use by buildings which in turn brings about a reduction in municipal water use, as well as the need for treatment of waste water. LEED actually aims to conserve portable water usage through the water efficiency. Potable water comes from wells or municipal water systems. Non-potable water is not suitable for human consumption. Water conservation strategies are actually not more expensive than traditional building methods. Buildings that use water efficiently can reduce operating costs through lower water use and sewage fees. For those strategies where the cost may be higher, the payback is usually very quick and fast. Under water efficiency, LEED V4 considers outdoor and indoor water use reduction. Outdoor water use reduction; LEED has the intent to reduce outdoor water consumption for landscaping needs. It considers two approaches which includes the option of no irrigation required, as well as the option of reduced irrigation. No Irrigation Option; This approach involves designing your landscape not to require a permanent irrigation system. A temporary system is put in place for two years to enable the plants get fully established. The end result of this, is that the water demand is reduced by a 100%. To design a landscape that doesn’t require irrigation, you must utilize the practices of Xeriscaping to design efficiency into the site from the very beginning. Xeriscaping is the type of landscaping and gardening that reduces or eliminates the need for supplemental irrigation. Eliminating irrigation is incredibly efficient and usually means land is taken back to a historic context. Xeriscaping is based on seven common sense principles which includes proper planning and design, soil analysis and improvement, appropriate plant selection, practical turf areas, efficient irrigation, use of mulches, and appropriate maintenance. The primary driver for efficiency is choosing appropriate plant species for the climate the building is in because those are the types of plants that will thrive under the local soil conditions and weather patterns, and in doing that there is no better choice than using native or adaptive plants Native plants are those that grow naturally in an area or that have been in an area for many years. Native plants require less water, fertilizer, and pest control. These plants can be trees, shrubs, flowers, or grasses. Adaptive plants are non-native plants that perform well in the local climate. Native and adaptive plants require less water and are more disease resistant because they are suited to the region’s usual rainfall, soil, and temperature. Project teams will need to choose plants that will perform best in the given soil conditions and with the given amount of sun and shade in the area where the plants will be located. Similar plants should be grouped together to maximize water efficiency. Invasive plants should be avoided because they grow quickly and aggressively, spreading and displacing other plants. Perennial flowers are preferred to annuals, because perennials will come back year after year and will require less watering. Other outdoor water reduction measures which play a major role in water conservation efforts includes; Drip Irrigation; Drip irrigation minimizes water and fertilizer use because they allow water drip slowly to the roots of plants, either onto the soil surface or directly onto the root zone, through a network of valves, pipes, or tubing. Also, it is a type of micro-irrigation system i.e., lowpressure irrigation systems that spray, mist, sprinkle or drip water. The way it was designed enables it to increase crop yields by delivering water more slowly to root systems, and in so doing, achieve water conservation by reducing evaporation since water can be applied directly to the plant roots. This system has an irrigation efficiency of 90% as opposed to other conventional irrigation systems with about 65%. Culled- Scheduling; This is primarily centered on planning on when to water the landscape, maintain the landscape and controlling outdoor pest from attacking the landscape. Deep watering for an extended period of time is more favored than watering intermittently. Deep watering forces the plant’s roots to push further down into the soil where more moisture can be found over time. It is best to water the landscape during the coolest part of the day especially in the morning, and avoid watering on windy days. Weather Based Irrigation Controllers; Weather- or sensor-based irrigation control technology uses local weather and landscape conditions to align irrigation schedules to actual conditions on the site or historical weather data. Instead of irrigating according to a preset schedule, advanced irrigation controllers allow irrigation to match the water requirements and needs of plants. These new control technologies offer significant potential to improve irrigation practices in homes. Weather- based irrigation controllers can save nearly 24 billion gallons per year across the United States—more than 7,000 hoses constantly running for a full year. Water Audits; This entails Performing at least an annual review of how much water is being provided to different areas of the landscape in order to evaluate the needs of the area and to reduce water use. This is because a landscape installed today will not have the same water requirements that it will have three years from now, or even one year from now. Newly installed plants need more water to become established. The fact is over time plants will grow deeper roots and require less water. Landscape Maintenance; When talking about the health of a lawn, what comes to mind is mowing. The cutting of grass week after week during the growing season is stressful to the grass. The best approach is the hotter the weather, the higher the lawn should be cut. If turf grass is included in the landscape design, raising the height of the mower blades will reduce the amount of clippings and the need for watering. Longer grass protects the soil from being scorched by the sun and prevents the germination of weeds. Leave the Clippings You rarely see a commercial property bagging grass clippings because of the sheer quantity of grass involved. However, many homeowners bag the clippings and then set them out for garbage collection. Not only does this practice add waste to landfills, it is actually detrimental to the grass. Forty percent of the nutrients that grass needs are lost when clippings are taken away and not left to compost naturally. Maintaining the Watering System can be carried out by checking sprinkler heads periodically to prevent watering of streets and parking lots. Poorly installed sprinkler heads and damage caused by landscaping maintenance can undermine the best of intentions. Too many sprinklers shoot water into paved areas in the middle of a hot day. Verify that sprinkler heads are pointed in the right direction to prevent valuable water from being sprayed onto hardscapes and then evaporating. Use Rainwater and/or Graywater; Municipal water use for landscaping can be reduced if not eliminated by making the most of alternative water sources. Both rainwater and graywater, though considered nonpotable, are excellent alternatives. Non-potable water is water that does not meet EPA’s drinking water standards but can be used for onsite water reuse strategies. Rainwater is normally collected in cisterns, barrels, or storage tanks. This approach is called rainwater harvesting. For commercial applications a rooftop collection system can be added. Rooftop rainwater collection systems have the added benefit of using gravity, not a mechanical pump, to distribute the water. For residential applications a, simple barrel can be installed next to a downspout. Gray water on the other hand is water that can be used twice. Graywater is untreated household waste water which has not come into contact with toilet waste. Graywater is different from blackwater - untreated wastewater from toilets and urinals. Graywater comprises 50-80% of residential wastewater. Like rainwater, graywater can be piped to storage tanks for later use. Graywater can come from: bathtubs, showers, bathroom sinks, washing machines and laundry tubs. Graywater does not include: potable water (already treated water from municipal supplies or wells), waste water from kitchen sinks, water from dishwashers, waste water from toilets and urinals (blackwater). If gray water is filtered properly, reusing it for irrigation and further conveyance is safe from a health perspective. But local codes must be checked before reusing graywater or rainwater. Indoor Water Use Reduction; For indoor water use reduction, LEED V4 has set a mandatory 20% reduction from baseline water consumption as a prerequisite with further reduction required to earn a credit up to a maximum of 50%. This whole approach looks at restroom fixtures inside the building, water heating appliances, as well as cooling towers and condensers. All newly installed toilets, urinals, private lavatory faucets, and showerheads that are eligible for labeling must be WaterSense labeled or a local equivalent for projects outside the US. Water-Sense is a partnership program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that helps consumers identify and choose water efficient products. Water-Sense labeled products are verified to be high-performing, water-efficient fixtures and exceed the IPC standards. For projects outside of the US, look for acceptable substitutes that have equivalent performance. The prescriptive path and usage-based calculations are normally used to ensure compliance to reduction levels. The prescriptive path of using water sense labeled products can only meet the requirements for prerequisite of 20% reduction, but a usagebased calculation method would have to be carried out to ensure further reduction to 50%. Typical fixtures used include ultra-low flow shower heads, ultra-low flow faucet aerators, dual flush toilets and flushometer, waterless urinals. Also, alternative water sources like rain, grey water can be used to achieve further reduction beyond 20%. Other indoor water reduction strategies aside use of efficient fixtures includes; Rainwater harvesting system; Culled- Rainwater harvesting helps to conserve potable water sources and also a suitable solution for decreasing the high sewage level, mitigating floods, and soil erosions. It is actually designed to aid potable water reduction by collecting and accumulating the rainwater via tubes in tanks and other suitable medium, which can then be used for different purpose that require low-quality water as irrigation, toilet flushing etc. After proper treatment and disinfection, it can also be used as potable water. A rainwater harvesting system generally is composed of a collection (catchment) area, a conveyance system consisting of pipes and gutters, a storage facility, a delivery system consisting of a tap or pump, and a disinfection system which is actually optional. Greywater recycling; Greywater is wastewater generated from wash hand basins, showers, and baths, which can be recycled on-site and then used for WC flushing, landscape irrigation, and other non-potable uses. Greywater does not include wastewater discharge from laundry, dishwashers and kitchen sink due to the high nutrient levels. Bathroom’s discharges are classified as wastewater with fecal contamination. The amount and quality of greywater will in part determine how it can be reused. Irrigation and toilet flushing are two common uses. Greywater is suitable for irrigating lawns, trees, ornamentals, and food crops. Care must be taken to ensure grey water usage complies with local code and standards. Net Zero Water Culled - A net zero water approach in buildings is designed to minimize total water consumption, maximize alternative water sources, minimize wastewater discharge from the building and return water to the original water source This actually creates a water-neutral building where the amount of alternative water used and water returned to the original water source is equal to the building's total water consumption. The goal of net zero water is to preserve the quantity and quality of natural water resources with minimal deterioration, depletion by utilizing potential alternative water sources and water efficiency measures to minimize the use of supplied freshwater. Ultimately, a net zero water building (or campus) completely offsets water use with alternative water plus water returned to the original water source. However, if the building is not located within the watershed or aquifer of the original water source, then returning water to the original water source will be unlikely. In those cases, a net zero water strategy would depend on alternative water use. To obtain LEED Zero Water certification, a project must achieve a potable water use balance of zero for the past year. Water Balance = Total Potable Water Consumed – (Total Alternative Water Used + Water Returned to Original Source) Water returned to its original source includes rainwater stored and infiltrated through green infrastructure, and wastewater treated and returned to the local watershed or aquifer through decentralized wastewater treatment systems. Calculations for the amount of rainwater retained and infiltrated on-site must be based on the calculation methodology outlined under LEED v4 Sustainable Sites credit Rainwater Management. RENEWABLE ENERGY USE & NET ZERO ENERGY IN GREEN BUILDINGS Renewable Energy Use; Circular Economy commits to reducing energy consumption and using energy from renewable sources. It does this by advocating alternative energy sources, such as solar, wind, biomass and waste-derived energy utilization throughout the product value chain. LEED V4 on the other hand, encourages the use of renewable energy in buildings by awarding credit points to projects that have a certain percentage of their energy from renewable sources. Its sole intent is to reduce the environmental and economic harms associated with fossil fuel energy by increasing self-supply of renewable energy. Onsite renewable energy systems offset building energy costs and reduce GHG emissions. The renewable energy produced is expressed as a percent of the annual energy cost. For projects that failed to carry out an energy model, the Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) database can be used to estimate the annual energy use and cost. When considering eligible systems, it is important to note that some biofuels which have high GHG potential or toxicity potential cannot be included, and they include burning trash, forest biomass other than mill residue, wood covered with paints and coatings, preserved wood, such as pressure-treated lumber. Eligible on-site systems used for LEED projects include Photovoltaic systems, wind energy systems, solar thermal systems, biofuel-based electrical systems, geothermal heating systems, geothermal electric systems, low-impact hydroelectric systems, wave and tidal power systems. It is usually best and most advisable for the system to be oversized, so as to create a safety net that can allow for becoming a potential power supplier to your local energy provider. This is called net metering, and creates a situation that allows the system to become a small profit center. Photovoltaic Systems; Culled- A photovoltaic system, also called a PV system or solar power system, is a power system designed to supply usable solar power by means of photovoltaic panels. It consists of an arrangement of several components, including solar panels to absorb and convert sunlight into electricity, a solar inverter to convert the output from direct to alternating current, as well as mounting, cabling, and other electrical accessories to set up a working system. Wind Energy Systems; Wind energy systems involves the use of wind to provide mechanical power through wind turbines which turns electric generators for electrical power. Wind power is a popular sustainable, renewable source of power that has a much smaller impact on the environment compared to burning fossil fuels. Culled - Solar Thermal Systems; Solar thermal energy is a system that harnesses solar energy to generate thermal energy for use in industry, residential and commercial sectors. Biofuel Based Electrical Systems; Culled- Biofuels are classified broadly into first- and second-generation biofuels. First-generation biofuels are made from food sources grown on arable land, such as sugarcane and corn. Sugars present in this biomass are fermented to produce bioethanol, an alcohol fuel which serve as an additive to gasoline, or in a fuel cell to produce electricity. Second-generation biofuels utilize non-food-based biomass sources such as perennial energy crops and agricultural residues/waste. The feedstock used to make the fuels either grow on arable land but are byproducts of the main crop, or they are grown on marginal land. Waste from industry, agriculture, forestry and households can also be used for second-generation biofuels. Culled from - Geothermal Heating Systems; A geothermal heat pump (GHP) or ground source heat pump (GSHP) is a central heating and/or cooling system that transfers heat to or from the ground, often through a vapor-compression refrigeration cycle. It uses the earth all the time, without any intermittency, as a heat source (in the winter) or a heat sink (in the summer). This design makes the most of the moderate temperatures in the ground to boost efficiency and reduce the operational costs of heating and cooling systems, and may be combined with solar heating to form a geo-solar system with even greater efficiency. They are also called geo-exchange, earth-coupled, earth energy systems. Low Impact Hydro Electric Systems; Hydroelectric power uses the force of flowing water to create renewable energy. The flow through rivers turns turbines that produce electricity. Culled -,Few%20viable%20sit es%20remain. Wave & Tidal Power Systems; Tidal power or tidal energy is harnessed by converting energy from tides into useful forms of power, mainly electricity using various methods. Although not commonly used, tidal energy has the potential for future electricity generation. It is far easier to predict tides than the wind and sun. Net Zero Energy; LEED is actually promoting net zero energy through its LEED Zero Energy certification. According to the US Department of Energy (DoE), a zero-energy building is defined as the building that produces enough renewable energy to meet its own annual energy consumption needs and requirements. There are several metrics that define the performance of buildings such as the net-zero site energy building, net-zero source energy buildings, net-zero energy cost building, and net-zero energy emission building. The net-zero site energy building is defined as the building that produces as much energy that is equal to what is consumed when measured at the site. The net-zero source energy building is the building that produces as much energy on an annual basis as it uses as compared to the energy content at the source. On the other hand, the net-zero energy cost building is the building that uses energy efficiency and renewable energy strategies as part of the business model. For a project to obtain LEED Zero Energy certification, it must achieve a source energy use balance of zero for the past year as a way of meeting the certification requirements. The net zero energy balance is based on the quantity of source energy delivered and the quantity of renewable energy that displaces non-renewable energy on the grid. Renewable energy generated and used on site reduces the amount of energy delivered. Source Energy Balance = (Total Source Energy Delivered) – (Total Non-Renewable Source Energy Displaced). Culled - The building was converted to a two-story warehouse, roughly 4,700 ft2, originally built in the 1980s. A 15kW rooftop solar array provides 25% more energy than is needed to operate the 25-person office space. MINIMIZING & ACHIEVEING NET ZERO WASTE IN GREEN BUILDINGS Circular Economy, is a system of resources utilization where reduction, reuse and recycling of materials prevails, and in the end results in drastic waste reduction. Minimizing Construction Waste LEED V4 as part of managing construction waste makes it mandatory for projects to have a specified location for storage and collection of recyclables. The intent is to reduce the waste that is generated and hauled to and disposed of in landfills. In addition, there is also a requirement for the safe collection, storage, and disposal of two out of the following hazardous waste sources: batteries, mercury-containing lamps, and electronic waste, and also, finally the development of a construction and demolition waste management plan. LEED V4 rewards projects with credit points for diverting 50% of waste generated from three waste streams, 75% of waste generated from four waste streams, or the option of not generating more than 2.5 pounds of construction waste per square foot of the floor area. Other waste reduction strategies include; Source Reduction; Eliminating waste at the source, also known as source reduction, saves cost and valuable landfill space. It entails considering waste generation during the design phase, employing conservative purchasing practices, and by reusing excess materials at the jobsite. Before construction begins, a construction waste management plan should be developed that identifies potential waste streams and where waste diversion can be put in place— salvage this waste, reuse it, and recycle it. If the waste can be taken out of the building and reused elsewhere, it avoids waste disposal in landfills and incinerators. Be sure the plan is actually put into practice and that the team tracks the waste through reports from the waste haulers to check that the waste management plan is actually working. Typical approaches include Working with suppliers to streamline purchasing, requesting materials come with minimal or no packaging, purchasing previously used or salvaged item, determine where existing policies and procedures might represent a barrier to purchasing used or recycled materials, keeping a binder of information on product specifications and prices and check back with manufacturers regularly for updates, asking suppliers to take back or buy back damaged or unused materials and packaging, streamlining supply estimations by making sure orders do not exceed your requirements etc. Material Reuse; Reuse includes salvaged, refurbished, or reused products. LEED V4 favors reuse of existing building materials found onsite or salvage building materials from off-site. Typical reused materials on LEED projects include structural elements like floors and roof decking, enclosure materials, and permanently installed interior elements like walls, doors, floor coverings, ceiling systems. Windows and other hazardous materials are mandatory excluded from the list of items that can be reused. The minimum percent of reused materials in terms of surface area is 25%, with increasing increments of 50% and 75%. Points vary between BD&C projects and Core and Shell projects. Also, for LEED V4, Products meeting materials reuse criteria are valued at 100% of their cost for the purposes of credit achievement calculation. Projects can reuse both fixed and finish materials for this credit. Reusing materials reduces waste generated & the amount of materials deposited in landfills. Recycling Waste Materials; Recyclable materials, components and assemblies particularly post-consumer recycled content plays a significant role in ensuring limited and depleting resources are conserved, while also ensuring that waste is diverted from landfill. Extended producer responsibility, closed-loop recycling, and ‘take back’ programs are gaining wide acceptance in the industry. Most carpet manufacturing companies in the US practice the take back program. Also, Steel, glass, and metals are highly durable and they can be recycled again and again. LEED V4 encourages recycling of materials by ensuring products meeting recycled content criteria are valued at 100% of their cost for the purposes of credit achievement calculation, while extended producer responsibility is as well valued at 50% of the cost. For LEED V4 Recycled content must meet the definition set by ISO 14021-1999 for environmental labels and declarations. Recycled content is the sum of postconsumer recycled content plus one-half the pre-consumer recycled content, based on cost. Every ton of C&D recycled result in a corresponding reduction of waste sent to landfills. In addition to less land areas needed for landfilling; environmental issues associated with C&D disposal is drastically reduced. For example, one problem frequently encountered with C&D debris landfills is the generation and release of hydrogen sulfide, a foulsmelling gas which poses a risk to human health. Recycling scrap, agricultural products and other waste helps to prevent the formation of this noxious gas. Also, along with less land area needed and environmental benefits, the long-term costs associated with owning, operating and maintaining these landfills in the future becomes reduced. Culled- Waste-to-Energy; Waste-to-energy might be an option if reuse or recycling is not feasible. Waste-to-energy focuses on the potential to improve the sustainable management of waste, by using waste as a medium to produce energy. Culled - Net Zero Waste Zero waste management means the holistic concept of waste management which recognizes waste as a resource produced during the conceptual phase of the process of resource consumption. The management of zero waste is therefore a sustainable approach of avoiding and management of waste and resources. Zero waste is therefore concerned with waste prevention through sustainable design and consumption practices, optimal waste recovery and not waste management by landfill or incineration. It supports waste prevention and avoidance rather than waste treatment and disposal strongly. To obtain LEED Zero Waste certification, a project must achieve GBCI’s TRUE Zero Waste certification at the Platinum level. The TRUE Zero Waste program requires projects to have a zero-waste policy in place, achieve an average of 90% or greater overall diversion from landfill, incineration (waste-to-energy) and the environment for solid, non-hazardous wastes for the most recent 12 months, and fulfill five other minimum program requirements. A project team submits their TRUE Zero Waste Platinum certification for GBCI review in order to earn LEED Waste Certification. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. principles_to_building_materials_Frontrunning_companies%27_business_model_innovation_in_the_value_chain_for_building s 13. 14. 15. LEED V4 Rating System 16. LEED BD+C study guide by GBES