Band Theory for Metals What might the MO picture for a bulk metal look like? For n AOs, there will be n MOs When a sample contains a very large number of Li atoms (e.g. 6.022×1023 atoms in 6.941 g), the MOs produced will be so close in energy that they form a band of energy levels. Bands are named for the AOs from which it was made (e.g. 2s band) 1 2 Band Theory When large no. of atomic orbitals overlap a large no. of closely spaced molecular orbitals will be formed and they form a band. So in metals there are 1s band, 2s band , 2p band etc.. Each energy level in an s band is associated with a maximum of two quantum states & that in a p band with maximum of six quantum states. Thus a metallic crystal with N no. of atoms will have 2N quantum states associated with s band & 6N states with p band. 3 Bands The band formed by the combination of valence orbitals of the atoms is called valence band and that formed by the combination of next lying empty orbitals is called conduction band. For example, 3s valence atomic orbitals of sodium metal overlaps to form valence 3s band . There is no need to consider 1s, 2s 2p electrons of sodium, because these electrons are strongly bound to individual atoms and do not contribute significantly to bonding. 3p orbitals overlap to form conduction band .The number of individual molecular orbitals is equal to the number of contributing atomic orbitals . 4 22S2 5 Band Theory for Metals (and Other Solids) In an alkali metal, the valence s band is only half full. e.g. sodium If there are N atoms of sodium in a sample, there will be 2N electrons in 3s orbitals. There will be N states made from 3s orbitals, each able to hold two electrons. As such, of the states in the 3s band will be full and states will be empty (in ground state Na). Like all other alkali metals, sodium conducts electricity well because the valence band is only half full. It is therefore easy for electrons in the valence band to be excited into empty higher energy states. 6 Methods of conduction : Band structure of conductors Conduction occurs because there is no energy gap between filled & unfilled M.Os . 1.Alkali metals : Each atom has one s’ electron , therefore the valence s band contain n electrons. But an s band can accommodate 2n no. of electrons ie, for alkali metals the valence s band is only half filled .When a potential difference is applied, an electron in a partly filled band can jump to a vacant M.O in the same band . Very little energy is required to do this because of the continuous nature of the band . This electron is free to move throughout the band & thus conduction occurs. 7 Band Theory for Metals (and Other Solids) In an alkaline earth metal, the valence s band is full. e.g. beryllium (band structure shown at right) If there are N atoms of beryllium in a sample, there will be 2N electrons in 2s orbitals. There will be N states made from 2s orbitals, each able to hold two electrons so all states in the 2s band will be and will be empty (in ground state Be). So, why are alkaline earth metals conductors? Recall that the energy difference between 2s and 2p AOs is is lower for elements on the LHS of the periodic table. So, the 2s band in beryllium overlaps with the empty p band. Electrons in the valence band are easily excited into the conduction band. In beryllium, the conduction band (band containing the lowest energy empty states) is the 2p band. 8 2.Alkaline earth metals: Since each atom has 2 electrons , the valence s band contains 2n no .of electrons & is filled. But the alkaline earth metals are conductors. This is because the valence s band and the next conduction p band overlap , giving a partially filled s & p bands. This overlap of bands occurs because of small separation between valence s & p bands in atoms at the left side of the periodic table. The resulting mobility of electrons make the alkaline earth metals good conductors of electricity. 9 Band Theory for Metals (and Other Solids) Consider an insulator e.g. diamond (band structure shown below) If there are N atoms of carbon in a sample, there will be 2N valence electrons. The valence orbitals of the carbon atoms will combine to make two bands, each containing 2N states. The lower energy band will therefore be the valence band, containing 4N electrons (in ground state diamond). The higher energy band will be the conduction band, containing no electrons (in ground state diamond). The energy gap between the valence band and the conduction band is big enough that it would be difficult for an electron in the valence band to absorb enough energy to be excited into the conduction band. 10 11 12 Band structure of insulators: The valence band in insulators is full. It is separated by a large, forbidden gap from the next conduction band which is empty. Diamond is an excellent insulator with a band gap of 6 e.v Electrons cannot be promoted to an empty level. Hence no conductivity occurs. The size of the band gap depends upon the atoms involved. For elements ,the gap show a general decrease down the group in the periodic table following the general trend towards metallic behavior For example, diamond ( 6 e.v) , silicon( 1.2 e.v), Germanium ( 0.8 e.v) , tin (0.1 e.v ). 13 14 Band Theory for Metals (and Other Solids) Materials will exhibit a range of band gaps determining whether they are conductors, insulators or semi-conductors. Our measuring stick is the temperature-dependent kB·T -23 J/K kB is the Boltzmann constant: 1.38065 × 10 T is the temperature in Kelvin kB·T is a measure of the average thermal energy of particles in a sample As a rule of thumb: If the size of the band gap is much larger than kB·T, you have an insulator. e.g. diamond: ~200×kB·T If the size of the band gap is smaller than (or close to) kB·T, you have a conductor. e.g. sodium: 0×kB·T, tin: 3×kB·T If the size of the band gap is about ten times larger than kB·T, you have a semiconductor. e.g. silicon: ~50×kB·T Band gaps can be measured by absorption spectroscopy. The lowest energy light to be absorbed corresponds to the band gap. 15 Band structure of semiconductors : Semiconductors have a similar band structure to insulators, but the band gap is not very large. Hence at room temperature thermal energies are large enough to promote electrons to conduction band . This generate two partially filled bands electronic conduction is possible. Si & Ge have completely filled v.b & would be expected to be an insulator. The number of mobile electrons can be increased by two ways ie, two types of conduction mechanisms may be distinguished in semiconductors. 16 Band Gap The conducting behaviour of a crystal is determined by the nature of the valence band & its separation from the empty conduction band(energy gap or band gap) . The width of the bands & the size of the band gap between V.B & C.B is proportional to the degree of interaction between at. orbitals on adjacent atoms . The stronger the interaction , wider the band & larger the band gap. The degree of interaction follows the order 2p – 2p > 3p – 3p >4p – 4p > 5p – 5p . So the band gap is largest for diamond & smallest for lead. 17 The size of the band gap depends upon the atoms involved. For elements ,the gap show a general decrease down the group in the periodic table following the general trend towards metallic behavior For example, diamond ( 6 e.v) , silicon( 1.2 e.v), Germanium ( 0.8 e.v) , tin (0.1 e.v ). Hence Diamond is an insulator, Si is a semi conductor, Ge is a better semi conductor, Sn is a conductor & lead is a metallic conductor 18