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Medical Terminology 2020

Medical Terminology
Ch 1 Components of the Medical
=Combined form
When suffix begins with a
vowel, a “vowel” may not need
to be added
If a suffix begins with a
consonant, the combining vowel
is left in place
When prefix ends in a vowel
and is added with a root that
begins with a vowel or the letter
“h” the vowel of the prefix is
Gastr-: Stomach
Neur-: nerve
-logy: the study of
Epi-: above or upon
Hepat-: liver
Ch 3: Digestive System
-phagia: to eat
Oesophag/o-: esophagus or
gullet, organ that transports
food from mouth to the stomach
-tomy: incision into
-cele: protrusion/hernia
-ectomy: the removal of
-itis: inflammation of
-pathy: disease of
-scope: instrument to view
-stomy: and opening into
(comes from opening or mouth)
Enter/o: intestine (usually small
Pylor/o-: gate keeper; muscular
sphincter that controls the
release of partially digested
Duoden/o-: literally means 12
(first 12in of the small
Jejun/o-: literally means empty;
part of small intestines between
duodenum and ileum
Ile/o-: lower 3/5ths of small
-al: of or pertaining to
-eal: of or pertaining to
-ic: of or pertaining to
Lapar/o-: abdominal wall
Bile:made from old red blood
cells, neutralizes stomach acid,
emulsifies oils/fats and activates
fat digesting enzymes
Biliary system: gallbladder and
bile ducts
-ia: condition of
Small Intestines:
Liver-largest abdominal organ
that secrete bile and stores
glycogen, big role in
Hepato-: liver
Chol/e: Bile
-emia: condition of the blood
-lithiasis: presence/condition of
-lysis: breakdown/disintegration
-megaly: enlargement of
-oma: tumor/swelling
-tox-ic: pertaining to poison
-uria: condition of urine
Kystis: bladder
Cholecyst/o: bladder of bile (the
Dochos: containing
Choledoch/o: containing bile, a
tube that transfers bile from the
gallbladder to the duodenum
(bile duct)
Cholangi/o: (aggeion:duct) bile
-gram: usually refers to a
picture or recording (x-rays)
-graphy: means the technique or
procedure to take a
Pancreat/o: pancreas
Hepatic/o: hepatic duct
Pancreatic/o: pancreatic duct
Pancreaticoduodenal: pertaining
to duodenum and pancreatic
Large Intestines
-algia: condition of pain
-clysis: infusion/injection of
-pexy: surgical fixation
-plasty: surgical
-scopic: pertaining to
-scopy: technique of
-rrhea: excessive flow/discharge
Cec/o: literally means blind;
cecum is blindly ending pouch
Appendic/o: appendage (blindly
ending appendage)
Append/o: “ ”
Col/o: colon or large bowel
extending from the cecum
Sigmoid/o: sigma (s-shaped)
(Sigmoid colon)
Rect/o: rectum
Proct/o: anus or rectum
Dextro-: to the right
Para-: beside/near
Retro-: behind/ backward
Supra-: above
A-: without
Endo-: inside/within
Hypo-: below
Pan-: all
Peri-: around
Sub-: under/below
Ch 2 Cells, Tissues, Organs, and
-blast: a cell that forms
-genesis: formation of
-logist: specialist who studies
Chondr/o: cartilage
Erythr/o: red
Fibr/o: fiber/fibrous
Granul/o: granular
Leuk/o: white
Melan/o: melanin (pigment)
Oo-: egg
Oste/o: bone
Spermat/o: sperm
-cyt/o: cell
Cytopathology: study of disease
of cells
-meter: a measuring instrument
-metry: a technique of
-osis: abnormal condition of
(usually increase or decrease)
Cellul-: cell
Extra-: outside
Hetero-: different
Inter-: between
Intra-: within
Multi-: many
Uni-: single/ one
Hist/o-: tissue
Heart has all 4 tissue types:
Nervous, epithelial, connective,
and muscle
Organ/o-: organ
Syst-: system
Organ failure: failure of the
organs of an essential body
Multiple organ failure: failure
of two more essential body
-pleg-: paralysis
Plegia-: condition of paralysis
Cytopathologist: a specialist
who studies disease of cells
-genic: pertaining to forming/
originating in
-ical: pertaining to
-penia: condition of deficiency
-trophic: pertaining to
stimulating/ nourishing
Organotrophic: pertaining to
nourishing organs
Erythrocytosis: condition of
(too many) red cells
Organotrophic: pertaining to
stimulating organs
Leukocytosis: an abnormal
increase in white (blood) cells
Ch 4 Respiratory System:
Epiglott/o-: epiglottis
Alveol-: alveolus
Bronchiol-: bronchiole
Trache/o-: trachea
Pneumon/o-: lung
Pulomon/o-: lung
Bronch/o-: bronchus
Cost/o-: rib
Pleur/o-: pleura
Lob/o-: lobe
Phren/o-: diaphragm
Laryng/o-: larynx
-al: pertaining to
Air nasal cavity
pharynx larynx
Rhin/o-: nose
Nas/o-: nose
Pharyng/o-: pharynx
-rrhagia: condition of
excessive bleeding from
-stenosis: condition of
-rrhaphy: stitching/ suturing
Laryngorhinology: the study
of the nose and larynx
pertaining to the larynx and
Laryngopharynx: lower part
of the pharynx lying behind
or adjacent to larynx
-ar: pertaining to
-centesis: puncture to
remove fluid
-ectasis: dilation of
-gram: an x-ray or recording
-mycosis: condition of fungi
(fungal infection of)
-pexy: surgical fixation
-spasm: a spasm (an
involuntary muscle
-ary: pertaining to
-ectomy: removal of
-malacia: condition of
-us: anatomical part or
division of/ thing/ a
structure/ component/ a
Bronchiectasis: dilation of
the bronchi
Pneumonotomy: incision
into a lung
Pneumonocentesis: puncture
of a lung to remove fluid
inflammation of the bronchi,
trachea, and larynx
Bronchiol-: microscopic
subdivision of a bronchus
Alveol-: (alveoli)
microscopic air sac
inflammation of bronchioles
and alveoli
-pnea-: breathing
Brady-: slow
Dys-: painful/ difficult or
Hyper-: above normal
Ortho-: straight or upright
Trachy-: fast
Pleurisy: inflammation of
the pleura
Spir/o-: breathing
Thorac/o: thorax, thoracic
-desis: fixation by surgery
-dynia: condition of pain in
-graphy- technique of
making an x-ray or
recording of
Pneumothorax: air in the
technique of viewing the
bronchi and trachea
Ch 5 The Cardiovascular System
-ac: pertaining to
Cardi/o: heart
Myocardi/o: myocardium or
heart muscle (middle layer)
Endocardi/o: endocardium the
inside heart
Pericardi/o: pericardium or
around the heart (outer layer)
Sino-atrial node: heart
Systole: contraction of the heart
Diastole: relaxation of the heart
Electrocardiogram: a recording
of the electrical activity of the
Electrocardiograph: an
instrument that records the
electrical activity of the heart
Electrocardiography: technique
of recording the electrical
activity of the heart
-um: an anatomical
part/structure/name of part
Phono-: sound
Rhythm/o-: rhythm
Cardiopericardiopexy: surgical
fixation of the pericardium to
the heart
My/o-: muscle
Cardiomyopathy: disease of
heart muscle
Two coronary arteries supply
the heart with fully oxygenated
Dextrocardia: condition of heart
displaced to the right
Valv/o-: a valve (usually a heart
 Exception: valvulitis:
inflammation of a heart
Valvular Stenosis: condition of
narrowing of a valve
Valvotome: an instrument used
to cut a valve
Cardiovalvotome: an instrument
used to cut a heart valve
Tricuspid: a valve between the
right atrium and right ventricle
(3 flaps)
Bicuspid: a valve between the
left atrium and left ventricle (2
flaps) (mitral valve)
Cardiac arrest: a sudden and
unexpected failure of the heart
to pump blood caused by a heart
Blood Pathway:
Heartarteries arterioles
capillariesvenules veins
-oid: resembling
-poeiesis: formation of
Vas/i/o: a vessel
Vascul/o: a vessel
Angi/o: a vessel or blood vessel
Arter/i/o: artery
Aort/o: aorta
-ous: of the nature of or
pertaining to
-sclerosis: abnormal condition
of hardening
Ven/e/o-: vein
Phleb/o-: vein
Venaca/o: venae cava or the
great vein
Phlebotomist: specialist who
draws blood for analysis or
-lytic: pertaining to breaking
-lyt: to break down
Sphygm/o: the pulse
Man/o: pressure
Sphygmomanometer: a
measuring instrument to
measure pule and pressure
Thromb/o-: thrombus or blood
Ather/o: atheroma or fatty
deposits that adhere to the
lining of blood vessels (literally
means porridge)
Atherosclerosis: hardening of
artery due to atheromatous
plaque build-up (a specific type
of arteriosclerosis)
Arteriosclerosis: hardening of
the artery
Aneurysm/o: aneurysm, a
dilation, usually an artery
instrument that records the heart
and pulse
Embol/o: embolus or an
abnormal particle circulating in
the blood
Thrombolysis: breakdown of a
inflammation of a vein with a
-y: technique of doing or
process of
Valvotomy: incision into a heart
Ch 6 Blood
Blood: 55% plasma and 45%
erythrocytes, leukocytes are less
than 1%
Components of blood:
leukocytes, erythrocytes,
thrombocytes and plasma
Leukocytes: granulocytes and
Granulocytes: neutrophils.
Basophils, eosinophils
Agranulocytes: lymphocytes
and monocytes
-ptysis: spitting/ coughing up
-rhage: bursting forth or
excessive flow
-stasis: stopping/ cessation of
Hemat/o: blood
Hem/a/o-: blood
Cytopenia: deficiency of cells
Hematogenesis: formation of
Hematotoxic: pertaining to
poisonous blood
Hemopathy: disease of the
Hemocytoblast: a cell that
forms blood
Hemoglobin: blood protein that
carries oxygen
Chrom: color
Normochromia: condition of
having normal color (normal
Hypochromia: condition of
decrease in color (decrease
Hyperchromia: condition of
increased color (increased
Hematoma: a swelling
containing blood
Hemotoxic: pertaining to
poisonous blood
Hemoptysis: spitting up of
Hemorrhage: bursting forth of
blood from a vessel
-poiesis: formation
Hemopoiesis: formation of
blood cells
Hemophilia: inherited bleeding
disorder that prevent clotting
(the like to bleed disease)
Ellipto-: elliptical
Iso-: equal or the same as
Macro-: large
Micro-: small
Normo-: normal
Poikil-: irregular or varied
Poly-: many or too much
-cytosis: condition of
erythrocytes (red) blood cells
(to be pair with prefixes above)
Anisocytosis: condition of
unequal-sized erythrocytes
An-: without
Anemia: a condition of without
Polycythemia: a condition of
too many blood cells (too many
Pancytopenia: a condition of
deficiency in all cells (of the
Erythrocytopenia: condition of
deficiency of red blood cells
Erythropoiesis: formation of red
blood cells
Erythrocyturia: condition of
erythrocytes in urine
Reticul/o: small net
Reticulocyte: a young
erythrocyte that lacks a nucleus
and has a net like cytoplasm
Neutr/o: neutrophil or neutral
(literally means neither) only
weakly stains with acid or base
Bas/o: basic or basophil
(affinity for basic stains)
Eosin/o: dawn or eosinophil,
stained with red dye
Lymph/o: literally means water,
lymphocytes enter blood from
lymphatic tissue
Monocyt: one cell (monocyte)
Erythrocytolysis: breakdown or
disintegration of red blood cells
Granulopoiesis: formation of
Granuloblasts: cells that form
Leukotoxic: poisonous to white
blood cells
Reticulocytosis: condition of
too many reticulocytes
Neutropenia: condition of
deficiency of neutrophils
Monocytic: pertaining to or of
the nature of monocytes
Reticulopenia: condition of
deficiency of reticulocytes
Lymphocytic: pertaining to or
of the nature of lymphocytes
Monocytosis: condition of too
many monocytes in the blood
Polycythemia: too much blood
cells, thickens blood and
increases chances for clot
Thrombocyte: clotting cells
Myel/o: marrow (found in)
myelocyte or spinal cord
Hematocrit: percent volume of
-crit: to separate or measure by
Hemocytomer: tool to count
number of blood cells
-apheresis: removal or taking
Thrombocytapheresis: removal
of thrombocytes
Plasm/a/o: blood plasma
Thrombocythemia: a condition
of having too many platelets
Full blood count (FBC): blood
sample that indicates
hemoglobin, white blood cells,
red blood cells and platelet
Ch 7 The Lymphatic System and
3 main functions of lymphatic
-1. Transport of lymphocytes
that defend the body against
-2. Transport of fats
-3. Drainage of excess fluid
from tissues
Adenoid-: adenoid
Aden/o: gland
Tonsill/o: tonsil
Lymphaden/o-: lymph node
Lymphangia/o: lymph vessel
Lymph/o: lymph/ lymphatic
tissue (lymph nodes do not
produce secretion)
Lymphat/o: lymph/ lymphatic
Spleen/o: spleen
Thym/o: thymus gland
Thym/ic: thymus gland
-edema: swelling due to fluid of
Lymphadentitis: inflammation
of a lymph node
Lymphangiectasis: dilation of a
lymph vessel
Lymphadenopathy: disease of a
lymph node
Lymphangioma: tumor of
lymph vessel
Lymphadenectomy: removal of
a lymph node
Lymphangioplasty: surgical
repair of a lymph vessel
Lymphangiography: technique
of recording lymph vessels
(making an x-ray)
-tome: an instrument that cuts
Antigen: any foreign substance
that enters the body and
stimulated immune response
Antibody: a chemical released
by lymphocytes into the blood
that destroys a specific antigen
B-cells: special types of
lymphocyte that secrete
antibody when confronted with
antigen called humoral
B-cells, once sensitized by
antigen multiply to secrete
numerous antibodies for antigen
T-cells: cell-mediated response
-cytotoxic (killer) T-cell:
attacks and kills infectious
micro-organisms by destroying
their cell membrane
-primary response: the first
contact that B and T-cells have
with antigen that sensitizes cells
-after infection, there are
memory T and B-cells ready to
respond if exposed to same
Immune/o: immunity
Ser/o: serum (sera), clear liquid
that forms when blood clots
Py/o: pus (yellow liquid that
forms in infected wounds)
-ity: state or condition of
Pyoid: resembling pus
Pyogenic: pertaining to forming
Pyorrhea: flow of pus
Autoimmune disease: immune
system attacking its body’s own
tissues as though it were foreign
Ch 8 The Urinary System
Kidney: moves metabolic
wastes from kidney to ureters to
the bladder to the urethra
-also maintains water volume,
salt content and pH levels
Nephr/o: kidney
Ren/o: kidney
Pyel/o: (renal) pelvis
Cali/c-: calyx major
Caly/c-: calyx major
Calices: cup-shaped structure
where urine first drains
(singular is calix)
Ureter/o: ureter
Cyst/o: bladder
Vesic/o: bladder
Urethr/o: urethra
Urin/a/i/o: urine
Ur/o: urine or urinary tract
Cortex: outer part of the kidney
Medulla: inner part of the
Nephrons: tiny tubes that do
work, found in medulla
-ptosis: displacement or falling
Nephrectomy: removal of a
Renography: technique of
recording the kidney
Nephrolithiasis: condition of
stones in the kidney
Nephralgia: condition of stones
in the kidney
Nephroplasty: surgical repair of
a kidney
Renogram: an x-ray or
recording of the kidney
Glomerulus: a fine filter, blood
comes in from the arteriole and
filters out as filtrate; large
molecules to large to cross the
filter and remain in the blood
Glomerul/o: glomerulus
Renal pelvis: contains urine
which is extracted from the
blood by the nephrons
Nephrosis: abnormal condition
of a kidney
Nephropexy: surgical fixation
of a displaced kidney
Nephrocele: protrusion/swelling
of a kidney
Nephrotomy: incision into a
Pyelography: technique of x-ray
or recording of the renal pelvis
Pyeloplasty: surgical repair of
the renal pelvis
Glomerulitis: inflammation of
Glomerulosclerosis: condition
of hardening of glomeruli
Pyelonephritis: inflammation of
a kidney and its renal pelvis
Renal failure: failure of
glomerular filtration of the
blood and urine formation
(chronic and acute,
Renal transplant: transplant of
compatible kidney to patient
restoring urinary function
CAPD: continuing ambulatory
peritoneal dialysis: fluid passed
into abdominal cavity line with
peritoneum toxic waste
diffuses into the fluid and it is
removed when the fluid is
periodically drained
Hemodialysis: kidney machine,
blood out and into machine
machine removes toxic blood
is returned to body
Trigon/o: trigone, three
openings into bladder, two top
are of the ureter, bottom is
Internal urethral sphincter:
beginning of urethra that is
thinking of smooth muscle
(controls time to urinate)
Micturition: time of urination
External urethral orifice:
exterior urethra
-phyma: swelling or tumor of
Ureterecstasis: dilation of a
Urethrophyma: swelling/tumor
of the urethra
Urethostomy: formation of an
opening into the urethra
Cystoscope: instrument to view
the bladder
Cystometer: instrument that
measures the bladder (capacity
or pressure)
Vesicolcysis: infusion or
injection of fluid into the
-thermy: process of heating
Urethrorrhagia: condition of
bursting forth of blood from the
Cystometry: technique of
measuring the bladder
Urthrodynia: condition of pain
in the urethra
stitching/suturing of the urethra
Vesicostomy: formation of an
opening into the bladder
Cystolithectomy: removal of
bladder stones (calculus)
Cystolithiasis: condition of
stones in the bladder
Ureteroplasty: surgical repair of
a ureter
Cystoptosis: falling/downward
displacement of the bladder
Urethropexy: surgical fixation
of a displaced urethra
Urethralgia: condition of pain in
the urethra
Vesicostomy: formation of an
opening into the bladder
Vesicocele: protrusion or
swelling of the bladder
Ureteropyeloplasty: surgical
repair of the renal pelvis and
Ureterovesical: pertaining to the
bladder and ureters
Urethrotrigonitis: inflammation
of the trigone and urethra
Albumin: albumin (liver
Azot-: urea/nitrogen
Olig-: little or deficiency
Hypercalciuria: condition of
abnormally high levels of
calcium in the urine
Pyuria: condition of pus in the
Hematuria: condition of blood
in the urine
Dia-: through
Hydro-: water
Trans-: through or across
Renal Calculi: nephrolith
(kidney stones) (crystallized
mineral deposits that develop in
the renal pelvis)
Renal colic: intense pain when
large kidney stone obstructs
urine flow
Lith/o-: stone
-lapaxy: washing out or
irrigation (of the bladder)
Litholapaxy: washing out of
stones from the bladder
following stone crushing
Lithotripter: a device that uses
shockwaves to fragment stones
Lithotrite: an instrument that
crushes stones
-tripsy: act of
-trity: act of
-tripter: device that fragments
(using shockwaves)
-trite: instrument that crushes
-ferous: pertaining to carrying
-uresis: condition of urine
Lithotrity: crushing or
fragmenting of stone
Lithuresis: presence or
condition of stones (gravel) in
the urine
Lithogenesis: formation of
Urethrostenosis: condition of
narrowing of the urethra
Uriniferous: pertaining to
carrying urine
Ureterolith: a stone in the ureter
Calc/i: calcium
Urography: Technique of
making and an x-ray recording
of the urinary tract
Ch 9 The Nervous System
Encephala/o: brain
Neur/o-: cranial nerve or spinal
nerve; nerve or nervous tissue
or the nervous system
-carries axons and dendrites
Neuron: nerve cell that conducts
Dendrite: long extension to the
cell body, part of neuron that
conduct impulses towards the
cell body
Axon: part of neuron that
conduct impulses away from the
cell body
Fibre: general term for any
process, dendrite or axon
projecting from a cell body
Sensory neuron: transmit nerve
impulses from sense organs to
the CNS
Motor neuron: transmits nerve
impulses away from the CNS to
muscles and gland
Interneuron: nerve impulses
from sensory neurons to motor
neurons or to other interneurons
-ical: pertaining to
-tropic: pertaining to affinity for
Neurotropic: pertaining to
affecting/stimulating nervous
Plex/o: plexus or : bunches of
nerves run close together in the
Plexogenic: pertaining to
forming in/originating in a
nerve plexus
-glia: glue
Neurogliocyte: nerve glue cell
-trauma: injury/wound
-toxin: poisonous age
Neuroblastoma: a tumor of cells
that form nervous tissue
Cephal/o: head
Crani/o: cranium
Foramen magnum: the opening
where the lower part of the
brain extends and forms into the
spinal cord (hole in the base of
the skull where spinal cord
Neuroglioma: tumor of a nerve
glue cell
Sutures: flat bones fused
together at immovable, fibrous
joints (in the cranium)
-gyric: pertaining to circular
motion of
Cephalogyric: pertaining to
circular movements of the head
Encephalocele: protrusion or
hernia of the brain
Encephalomalacia: condition of
softening of the brain
Cerebr/: cerebrum or cerebral
Cerebrum: largest part of the
brain involved in memory,
intelligence and thinking; also
associated with sensory
perception and voluntary
Cortic/o: cerebral cortex
Cerebell/o: cerebellum- below
cerebrum; coordinates muscular
movement, posture and balance
Ventricul/o: ventricle-fluid
filled cavities lying within the
brain that extend to form the
tiny central canal in the spinal
Cerebrospinal fluid: (CSF) fluid
that helps support and protect
the brain
Hydrocephalus: excess CSF in
the ventricles of the brain
resulting in an enlarged head
and compression of the brain
(will suffer mental retardation if
fluid is not drained)
Pont/o: pons- nerve fibers that
connect hemispheres of
cerebellum; passes impulses
between cerebrum and spinal
Thalam/o: thalamus- two
masses of nerve cells and fibres
situated within the cerebral
hemispheres that receives and
distributes sensory impulses
from skin, viscera and sense
Medull/o: medulla oblongata:
cardiac and respiratory centers
vital to control of heart and
Cerebropathia: condition of
disease of the cerebrum
Ventriculostomy: formation of
an opening into a ventricule
Spinal cord: nervous tissue link
between the brain and the rest
of the body apart from the
cranial nerves that supply
structures in the head
-contains both motor and
sensory impulses
White matter: tracts of nerve
fibers running to and from the
Grey matter: the exchange
point; nerve fibers and cell
bodies that integrate incoming
and outgoing impulses:
provides homeostasis
Gangli/o: ganglion
Each spinal nerve has two roots
where it emerges from the
spinal cord
-sensory: posterior root carries
sensory nerve impulses from the
body to the CNS
-motor: anterior motor root
carries motor impulses from the
CNS to the muscles andglands
Radicul/o: spinal nerve root
Radiculography: technique of
making an X-ray/ recording of
the spinal never roots
Meninges: three membranes
that surround the brain and
spinal cord; helps protect the
soft nervous tissue within
Dura mater: the outer and
thickest meninge
Mening/i/o: meninge; 3 layers
-Dura Mater
-Arachnoid (middle meninx)
-pia matter (inner meninx)
Dur/o: dura mater
Subdural haematoma: a
swelling containing blood
between between the dura mater
and arachnoid of the brain;
usually a resultof a blos to the
head that ruptures veins on the
inside of the dura matter;
treated by drilling a hole into
the skull and draining the
haematoma and repairing
damaged vessels
Rachi/o: spine
Rachiocentesis: lumbar
puncture or spinal tap
Polio-: gray matter
Hemiplegia: condition of
paralysis of half of the body
Paraplegia: condition of the
lower body
Esthes/i/o: sensation or
Anesthesiology: medical
specialty concerned with the
administration of anesthetics
Alges/i: sense of pain
Pre-: before
Post-: after
Hypoesthesia: condition of
below (normal) sensitivity
Hyperalgesia: condition of
above normal sensitivity to
(referring to pain)
Anencephalic: pertaining
without a brain (embryological
Paresthesia: condition of
abnormal sensation
Preganglionic: pertaining to
before a ganglion
Postganglionic: pertaing to after
a ganglion
Hemi-: half
Quadri-: four
Epidural: pertaining to above
the dura mater
Quadriplegia: condition of
paralysis of the four limbs
Acephalous: pertaining to
without a head
Microcephalic: pertaining to a
small head
Polyneuritis: inflammation of
many nerves
Pre-anesthetic: pertaining to
before anesthesia
Postanesthetic: pertaining to
after anesthesia
inflammation of a ganglion and
spinal nerve roots
Radicotomy: incision of spinal
nerve roots
Poliomyelitis: inflammation of
the grey matter of the spinal
Psych/o: the mind
Psychoses: disorder that
originate within the mind and
are due to some pathological
change within the brain
Neuroses: less severe disorder
due to patient reacting
abnormally to certain
environmental condition
-form: having the form of
-iatry: specialty or treatment by
a doctor
-mania: condition of extreme
excitement or an obsessive
Schizophrenia: disintegration of
the personality, loss of emotion
stability, poor judgment and
loss of contract with reality
schiz/o: splitting
-phrenia: a condition of the
Agoraphobia: fear of open
Agora: open space
Anorexia nervosa: a nervous
condition that brings about a
loss of appetite; distorted body
image, fear of obesity, and an
obsession with thinness and
-phobia: condition of irrational
-phob: fear
Epilepsy: seizure disorder that
results from disturbed electrical
activity in the brain; fits caused
by a sudden abnormal electrical
discharged by neurons
Epilept/i/o: epilepsy
technique used to study patients
with epilepsy by recording the
electrical activity of the brain
Acro-: height/point/extremity
Claustro: enclosed space
Megalo-: large
Antipsychotic: pertaining to
against a psychosis
Postepileptic: pertaining to
following an epileptic
Megalomania: condition of
large mania (delusions of
personal greatness)
Acrophobia: irrational fear of
heights/ points
Hypomania: condition of
reduced mania (milder form of)
Psychotherapy: treatment of
mental and emotional problems
by psychological methods.
Patient talks to therapist about
symptoms and problems and
establish a therapeutic
relationship with get the
Ch 10 The Eye
Blephar/o: eyelid
Scler/o: sclera
Iri, irid/o: iris
Core/o, pupil/o: Pupil
Ocul/o, ophthalm/o. opt/o: eye
Dacry/o: tear canal
Ophthalmoplegia: condition of
paralysis of the eye
Ophthalmia: condition of the
Oculogyric: pertaining to a
circular motion of the eye
Ophthalmogyric: pertaining to a
circular motion of the eye
Ophthalmitis: inflammation of
the eye
Ophthalmoscopy: technique to
view cornea, lens and vitreous
humor of eye and check for
opacities (cloudiness)
-synechia: condition of sticking
Blepharorrhaphy: stitching or
suturing of the eyelid
Blepharosynechia: sticking
together of the eyelids
Blepharoptosis: drooping or
falling of the eyelid
Blepharospasm: involuntary
contraction of the eyelid
-op/ia; ops/ia: condition of
Hemianopia: a condition
without vision in half of the
visual field in one or both eyes
Presbyopia: a condition of old
man’s vision
Dyschromatopsia: a condition
of poor color vision
-ambly: dull/dim
Bin-: double/ two
Dipl-: double
Mono: one
Xero-: dry
Amblyopia: condition of dimor
dull vision
Diplopia: condition of double
Xerophthalmia: condition of
inflammation due to dryness of
the eye
Panophthalmitis: inflammation
of all the eye
En-: in or within
Ex-: out or outside
Iso-: same
Periophthalmic: condition of
inflammation around the eye
Exophthalmos: out eye (eye
displaced outward/bulging)
Isocoria: condition of equal
Enophthalmos: in eye
(displaced inward)
Anisocoria: condition of
unequal pupil size
Dyscoria: condition of poor
pupil (shape)
Conjunctiv/o: conjunctiva, the
delicate, transparent layer that
covers the front of the eye
Kerat/o: cornea
Corne/o: cornea
-conus: a cone/ cone-shaped
Keratoplasty: surgical repair of
the cornea
Sclerotomy: incision into sclera
Scleromalacia: condition of
softening of the sclera
Keratoconus: conical protrusion
of the cornea
Keratocele: protrusion/hernia of
the cornea
Sclerotome: instrument that
cutes the sclera
Dark light: radial muscles
contract (circular muscle
Bright light: circular muscles
contract (radial muscles relax)
-dialysis: separate
Pupilloscopy: technique of
viewing the pupils
Iridodialysis: separation of the
iris from its attachments
Pupilloplegia: condition of
paralysis of the pupils
Iridectomy: removal of part of
the iris
Keratomycosis: condition of
fungi infecting the cornea
Keratocentesis: puncture of the
cornea to remove fluid
Condition of dilation of a pupil
Corectasia: condition of dilation
of a pupil
Iridokeratitis: inflammation of
the cornea and iris
Keratoconus: a conical
protrusion of the cornea
Condition of dilation of the
Iridodialysis: separation of the
iris from its attachments
Keratoplasty: surgical repair of
the cornea
Sclerectasia: condition of
dilation of the sclera
Lacrim/o: lacrimal apparatus
(gland, ducts, canals or sac),
Dacry/o: lacrimal apparatus
(gland, ducts, canals, or sac),
Dacryocyst/o: lacrimal sac
Dacryocystectomy: removal of
lacrimal sac (part of)
Dacryocystocele: protrusion or
hernia of lacrimal
Dacryocystitis: inflammation of
the lacrimal sac (tear sac);
usually results from blocking of
the nasolacrimal duct (treated
with antibiotics and/or surgery
to clear the blockage
Dacryocystostomy: formation
of an opening into the lacrimal
Dacryolith: a tear or lacrimal
Lacrimotomy: Incision into part
of the lacrimal apparatus
Cycl/o: ciliary body
Optic/o: optic nerve
Retin/o: retina
Choroid/o: choroid
Vitre/o: vitreous body
Lent/i, phac/o, phak/o
Aphakia: a condition without
lens, occurs when the
crystalline lens is absent
through cataract surgery or
destruction by a penetrating
injury-cause severe loss of
vision and calls for correction
by lens implant, contact lenses
or spectacles
Cataract: a degenerative eye
disease in which protein
accumulates in the lens
clouding; correction is by
surgical removal of the cataract
and its replacement with
artificial lens
Goni/o: angle
Optic disc: the point at the back
of the eye where sensory
neurons converge into the optic
nerve (light area); darker area=
(no rods or cones; aka “the
Macular degeneration: age
related macular degeneration is
a leading cause of blindness in
the elderly; it is characterized
by severe loss of central vision;
this is due to degeneration of
retinal cells or growth of leaky
blood vessels in the central part
of the retina, the macula lutea
Phacoscope: instrument to view
the lens
Scotopia: condition of dark
Scot/o/mat/o: scotoma/ dark
-blastoma: tumor of cells that
-diathermy: heating through of
-erysis: sucking out
-schisis: splitting of
Cyclodiathermy: condition of
heating through the ciliary body
Papilledema: swelling of fluid
in the optic disc
Retinoschisis: splitting or
separation of the retine
Phacoerysis: sucking out of the
Papill/o: optic disc/ optic papilla
Blenn/o: mucus
Electr/o: electrical
Ton/o: tone (of muscle)
Dacryorhinostomy: formation
of an opening between the nose
and lacrimal sac
Ch 11 The Ear
Ot/o-: ear
Aur/i-: ear
Otitis: inflammation of the ear;
can be attributed to externa,
media or interna
Auricul/o-: auricle, pinna (ear
Myring/o-: ear membrane,
Myringotomy: incision into the
Otoplasty: surgical repair of the
Myringotome: instrument used
to cut the eardrum
Otoscope: instrument used to
view the ear
Otorrhea: excessive flow/
discharge from the ear
Otomycosis: condition of fungi
in the ear (infection)
Auricular: pertaining to an
auricle/ ear flap
-pyosis: condition of pus
Otic: pertaining to the ear
Otorrhagia: condition of blood
flow from the ear
Otopyosis: condition of pus in
the ear
Otolith: an ear stone
Otogenic: pertaining to
originating in the ear
Aural: pertaining to the ear
Myringitis: inflammation of the
Myringoplasty: surgical repair
of the eardrum
Auriscope: instrument used to
view the ear
Tympan/o: middle ear,
tympanic membrane (eardrum)
Salping/o-: eustachian tube,
auditory tube or
pharyngotympanic tube
-emphraxis: stopping up/
Tympanostomy: formation of
an opening into the eardrum
Tympanoplasty: surgical repair
of the middle ear
Tympanocentesis: puncture of
the eardrum to remove fluid
Otoscopy: technique of viewing
the ear
Salpingemphraxis: blocking up
of the auditory tube (eustachian
Otosclerosis: condition of
hardening of the ear (affects the
ossicles);overgrowth of bone
immobilizes stapes and prevents
vibrations from being passed to
the inner ear
Ossiculectomy: removal of the
ear ossicles
Endaural: pertaining to inside
the ear
Binauricular: pertaining to two
auricles of the ears
Pre-auricular: pertaining to in
front of an auricle of the ear
Monaural: pertaining to one ear
(hearing in)
Macrotia: condition of large
Panotitis: inflammation of all of
the ear
Sinister-: left or on the left
Microtia-condition of small ear
Sinistraural: pertaining to the
left ear (hearing in)
Dextro-aural: pertaining to the
right ear (hearing in)
Periotic: pertaining to around
the ear
Binaural: pertaining to two ears
(hearing in)
Post-auricular: pertaining to
behind the auricle of the ear
Malle/o: malleus
Incud/o: incus
Stapedi/o: stapes
Stapedial: pertaining to the
Stapedectomy: removal of the
Incudal: pertaining to the incus
Incudostapedial: pertaining to
the stapes and incus
Malleal: pertaining to the
Incudomalleal: pertaining to the
malleus and incus
Ossiculoectomy: remove of one
or more ossicles
Cochle/o-: cochlea (ciliary
Audi/o: hearing
Otopathy: disease of the ear
Otalgia: condition of pain in the
Tympanogram: a recording of
the tympanic membrane
Tympanometry: technique of
measuring the tympanic
Audiologist: specialist who
studies hearing
Audiology: study of hearing
Vestibul/o: vestibule
Labyrinth/o: labyrinth (of the
inner ear)
Mastoid/e/o: mastoid process,
mastoid air cells
Mastoidalgia: condition of pain
in the mastoid process
Mastoidectomy:removal of the
mastoid (some tissue from)
Mastoideocentesis: puncture of
the mastoid to remove fluid
Vestibular: pertaining to the
Vestibulogenic: pertaining to
originating in the vestibule
Vestibulocochlear: pertaining to
the cochlea and vestibule
Perilabyrinthitis: inflammation
around the labyrinth
Meniere’s disease: a disorder of
the inner ear characterized by
vertigo, deafness, and tinnitus
(ringing of the ear) due to
excess fluid in labyrinth of one
Otorhinology: study of the nose
and ear
Ch 12 The Skin
Derm/o: skin or dermis
Cutane/o: skin
Pil/o: hair
Trich/o: hair
Epiderm/o: epidermis
Kerat/o: epidermis
Seb/o: sebaceous
Sebace/o: sebaceous
Hidraden/o: sweat gland
Dermat/o: dermis
-phyte: plant-like (growth) of
Dermatosis: abnormal condition
of the skin
Dermatome: instrument used to
cut the skin (for grafts)
Dermatophyte: a skin plant
Dermatoplasty: technique of
repairing the skin
Dermatologist: specialist who
studies the skin
Dermopathy: disease of the skin
Dermatomycosis: abnormal
condition of fungi in the skin
Xantho-: yellow
Xerodermia: condition of dry
Epidermal: pertaining to above/
upon the skin
Xanthoderma: yellow skin
Intradermal: pertaining to
within the skin
Hypodermic: pertaining to
below the skin
Dermatome: instrument used to
cut the skin
Dermatomycosis: condition of
fungi in the skin
Keratinized cells: cells moved
outwards that have flattened and
died, are waterproof
Stratified squamous epithelium:
the outer layers of dead cells at
the surface form fit together like
Squam/o: scaly
Epithelium: is a layer of cells
that covers and protects a
Malignant melanoma: a
malignant tumor of epidermal
melanocytes that can be fatal,
usually due to excessive sun
Study collections