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Central Limit Theorem: Lecture Notes & Examples

Lecture 11.
Central Limit Theorem
Juwon Seo
Juwon Seo
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Today’s lecture is the last lecture of this course. Well done guys!
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Today we will learn
I Central limit theorem
I Interval estimation (confidence intervals)
I Hypothesis testing
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Estimation -continued
Suppose we have an iid sequence of random variables
{X1 , X2 , X3 , . . . Xn }. n is the sample size.
I We know a good (unbiased, efficient and consistent) estimator for
E(X) :
X̄n =
Xi .
n i=1
I Although we know that X̄n →p E(X) and E(X̄n ) = E(X), we have
no clue on how X̄n is close to E(X). If you are unlucky, it is
possible for us to have X̄n far away from the true mean E(X).
I Although we can calculate X̄n from our observations, we
CANNOT say X̄n = E(X).
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Estimation -continued
Maybe instead, can we say something like...?
I The probability that E(X) is between a and b is 0.95 or,
I We are 95% confident that E(X) is between a and b.
We can find such an interval (a, b)! This is called an interval
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Central Limit Theorem
Assuming we have iid random variables {X1 , X2 , X3 , . . . Xn } and each
of them follows N(µ, σ 2 ). Since we know that
1 X̄n has a normal distribution,
2 E(X̄n ) = µ and,
3 Var(X̄n ) = σn ,
the distribution of the random variable
X̄n − µ
is N(0, 1).
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Central Limit Theorem
From the Standard Normal Table, we can find a constant c such that
X̄n − µ
√ ≤ c = 0.95
P −c ≤
σ/ n
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Central Limit Theorem
From the Standard Normal Table, we can find a constant c such that
X̄n − µ
√ ≤ c = 0.95
P −c ≤
σ/ n
c is 1.96:
X̄n − µ
P −1.96 ≤ √ ≤ 1.96 = 0.95
σ n
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Central Limit Theorem
X̄n − µ
√ ≤ 1.96 = P X̄n − 1.96n−1/2 σ ≤ µ ≤ X̄n + 1.96n−1/2 σ
P −1.96 ≤
σ/ n
If σ is known, we can say
I µ is between X̄n − 1.96n−1/2 σ and X̄n + 1.96n−1/2 σ with the probability 0.95
I we are 95% sure that µ is between X̄n − 1.96n−1/2 σ and X̄n + 1.96n−1/2 σ.
(X̄n − 1.96n−1/2 σ, X̄n + 1.96n−1/2 σ) is called the 95% confidence interval.
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Central Limit Theorem
We may also define the 90% confidence interval and the 80%
confidence interval for µ:
I (X̄n − 1.645n−1/2 σ, X̄n + 1.645n−1/2 σ) is the 90% confidence
I (X̄n − 1.28n−1/2 σ, X̄n + 1.28n−1/2 σ) is the 80% confidence
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Central Limit Theorem
How do we assume that we know σ 2 ?
In practice, we do not know σ 2 but we can estimate it by the sample
variance! As the sample size gets larger, the sample variance σ̂ 2
converges in probability to σ 2 . Therefore
X̄n − µ
also has the same limit distribution N(0, 1). If σ 2 is unknown,
we find the 95% confidence interval as
(X̄n − 1.96n−1/2 σ̂, X̄n + 1.96n−1/2 σ̂).
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Central Limit Theorem
Can we assume that each of {X1 , X2 , X3 , . . . Xn } follows a normal
distribution? Actually, we do not know that each of {Xi } has a normal
distribution. Sometimes it is not normal!
However, the Central Limit Theorem justifies that we can use the
same confidence interval
(X̄n − 1.96n−1/2 σ̂, X̄n + 1.96n−1/2 σ̂)
for any iid random variables {X1 , X2 , X3 , . . . Xn } (with any
distribution), when the sample size is large enough.
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Central Limit Theorem
Suppose we have an iid sequence of random variables
{X1 , X2 , X3 , . . . Xn }. We denote the common expected value by
µ and the common variance by σ 2 . We define the sample mean
X̄n by:
Xi .
X̄n =
n i=1
The Central Limit Theorem says
X̄n − µ
n(X̄n − µ)
√ =
→d N(0, 1),
σ/ n
as n → ∞.
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Central Limit Theorem (Another version)
Suppose we have an iid sequence of random variables
{X1 , X2 , X3 , . . . Xn }. We denote the common expected value by
µ and the common variance by σ 2 . We define the sample mean
X̄n by:
Xi .
X̄n =
n i=1
The Central Limit Theorem says
1 X
n i=1
Xi − µ
→d N(0, 1),
as n → ∞.
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Central Limit Theorem (Another version)
I Here I randomly drew the samples {Xi } from the Bernoulli( 13 )
the sample size n. As n increases, we can see
P fixing
−(1/3) that √1n ni=1 Xi√
approaches N(0, 1).
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Central Limit Theorem
A restaurant wants to examine the mean of a dinner check. A random
sample of 50 dinners showed an average bill of $36 and the sample
variance of $122 . We want to find the confidence interval for the true
You may assume that the sample size 50 is large enough to apply the
Central Limit Theorem.
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Central Limit Theorem
Find 95% confidence interval for the population mean of the dinner
check for all costumers.
Note that n−1/2 σ̂ =
≈ 1.697, thus,
(X̄n −1.96n−1/2 σ̂, X̄n +1.96n−1/2 σ̂) = (36−1.96×1.697, 36+1.96×1.697)
Interpretation:µ is between 32.67 and 39.33 with probability 0.95.
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Central Limit Theorem
Find 90% confidence interval for the population mean of the dinner
check for all costumers.
(X̄n −1.645n−1/2 σ̂, X̄n +1.645n−1/2 σ̂) = (36−1.645×1.697, 36+1.645×1.697)
Interpretation:µ is between 33.21 and 38.79 with probability 0.9.
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Hypothesis testing
Suppose that you collected iid samples and calculated the sample
mean, which is 0.02. Based on what you observe, you want determine
if you can say µ = 0.
H0 : µ = 0.
I Is our sample mean close enough to 0 such that we can conclude
that µ = 0?
I Or is 0.02 far away from 0?
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Hypothesis testing
Statistical test:
I H0 : µ = 0 is called the null hypothesis.
I Idea: If µ̂ is close enough to 0, we accept the null hypothesis
(some textbook says, “we cannot reject the null hypothesis") and
conclude that µ = 0.
Otherwise, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that µ 6= 0.
I How do we define being close enough?
If the confidence interval of µ (which has µ̂ as the center)
includes 0, we can conclude that µ̂ is close to 0.
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Hypothesis testing
In the previous example, let us test if
H0 : µ = 35.
I Since 95% confidence interval does include 35, we accept the null
hypothesis (or we cannot reject the null hypothesis) and say
(µ = 35) at the 95% confidence level.
I Since 90% confidence interval does include 35, we accept the null
hypothesis (or we cannot reject the null hypothesis) and say
(µ = 35) at the 90% confidence level.
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Hypothesis testing
What if we test for the null hypothesis
H0 : µ = 33?
I Since 95% confidence interval does include 33, we accept the null
hypothesis and say (µ = 33) at the 95% confidence level.
I Since 90% confidence interval does not include 33, we reject the
null hypothesis and say (µ 6= 33) at the 90% confidence level.
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Hypothesis testing
Assuming that the random sample has 150 diners now, and that the
average bill and sample variance remain unchanged: the sample mean
is 36 and the sample variance of 122 . Verify the following hypotheses
at the 95% confidence level.
I H0 : µ = 34
I H0 : µ = 35
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Hypothesis testing
I The 95% confidence interval is
(36 − 1.96 ∗ 150
− 1/2
∗ 12, 36 + 1.96 ∗ 150
− 1/2
∗ 12)
= (36 − 1.920, 36 + 1.920)
= (34.08, 37.92)
I Reject (H0 : µ = 34) at the 95% confidence level. We cannot
conclude that µ = 34 at the 95% confidence level.
I Accept (H0 : µ = 35) at the 95% confidence level. We can
conclude that µ = 35 at the 95% confidence level.
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