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Mininet Assignment: Network Topology & Commands

AUM Amriteswaryai Namah
Assignment on Mininet
Download and install mininet either on Linux machine using mininet VM or using a Virtual box
on Windows and then following the standard installation of mininet.
Video on Oracle virtualbox installation is found here:
Oracle virtual box download can be found here: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
Mininet download link is: http://mininet.org/download/ Go for Mininet VM installation option
Task1- Start Mininet and run the basic commands as mentioned in the slide and answer the
following Questions:
1. How do I open a Xterm on a host?
2. How do I get to know all the nodes in the topology?
3. How do I run a command ‘ps -aef’ on specific host h2?
4. How to run an example Python program on a specific host h1?
5. How do I start a web server on a host and access the index page from another host?
6. How do I get the IP address corresponding to a host?
7. How do I find out all the interface for a switch?
8. What does the command iperf do?
9. Try out linear, Single topology with different number of nodes and switches
10. Create a topology with 4 hosts and 2 switches as follows and ping all the nodes.
(Code should be submitted)
11. Take the examples/linuxrouter.py program and understand what is IP-forwarding. Then,
modify the program suitably to setup a path from h1 to h3 via h2 so a ping request from h1 to
h3 should go via h2. (we can discuss this in the lab session)