Uploaded by Christelle Angelica Corpin


By Christelle Angelica C. Corpin, LNU Ed.D Student
Education. Inspiration. Passion.
These words are the very core of my being as I strive everyday to fulfill my destiny. As I
trudge along this path towards professional and personal fulfillment, it is with full conviction that
I pursue the path that I believe defines my very existence. Throughout my years as a young
educator, I have always dreamed of touching more lives by teaching heads and training hands
one experience at a time. When it comes to influencing positive change for my learners, I am
happy that these dreams somehow become my reality. Teaching has always been a passion of
mine, and this has become a driving force in the journey towards developing my skills and
further harnessing my talents in all aspects. I have stretched my potential and given my talents in
making every step meaningful and making each day count as a significant learning experience.
Today, as I make a decision to enter a new chapter of my academic prowess, I put in
mind and heart the reasons behind my principle to take part in this tedious yet valuable journey.
First, professional advancement. As a teacher, my goal is to even widen my horizon and
see a world bigger than myself. It is part of my educative process to view more landscapes in the
field of education, to learn from more experienced educators and colleagues, and simply enrich
my mind with powerful knowledge that will push me to be better, if not the best. Professional
advancement for me deals with the process of coping with the signs of times, leading positive
change, managing systems and developing people.
Second, global competitiveness. In our contemporary setting, we live in a multicultural
society where global awareness is not anymore an option but a necessity. As a 21st century
teacher, I wish to put emphasis on the effect of promoting leadership and creating a digital
learning environment. For me, having this doctorate degree in the field of my passion will further
enrich my pedagogical, content and technological knowledge as I face more educational
challenges and triumphs here in the country and around the world.
Third, personal maturity and productivity. As I make this step towards professional
development, I believe that this will surely sharpen my edges in terms of my competence,
commitment and compassion. These are the core values I live by and these are the very values I
wish to further develop. And I believe that these will truly flourish as I take this challenge and
the same time blessing. Emotional maturity, mental awareness and character building are the
goals that I wish to achieve with this reality.
With a humble heart, I plan to truly serve our school, the St. Therese Christian
Development Center Foundation, Inc. in Tacloban City with a full- pledged degree in the field of
Education. Ever since I was a child, the seed of teaching has been planted in my heart, and it has
cultivated in me the passion to serve, teach and love. My mother has been an inspiration through
this endeavor being the School Head and President of this institution that I am proud to call my
alma mater. Servant leadership has been my guiding principle in my 9 years of being a classroom
teacher, my 2 years as the Department Chair and 2 years as Academic Coordinator. I believe that
God put me in this place for a reason, for a purpose I am still striving to fully fathom and
withhold. But as I spend my daily time with people who rely on me as their educational leader, I
gain so much strength and wisdom knowing that everything will be brought to fulfillment with
Daddy God’s guidance. I wish to do more, serve more, and be more fulfilling the plans laid down
for me.
This Doctorate degree in Education has been a dream. And now, I am ready to make it a
reality. With dedication, due diligence, hard work and perseverance, I believe I will be able to
cope with the demands these changing times are offering and at the same time, keep the fire of
teaching burn alive in me. As I once again trudge along this path towards personal and
professional enhancement, I will carry in me the faith of a warrior, the hope of a leader and the
love of a true child of God. For me, this is where I begin. This is where I truly exemplify
leadership and service. My doctorate is and will always be a call to service and an act of love.
“There are two ways of spreading light. To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it!” –
Edith Wharton
I will strive to be both! 