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9th Grade NC Final Exam: Literary Terms Study Guide

9th grade – Need to Knows before the NC Final Exam
Central idea – dominant or universal truth found in the story
Theme – overlying message in a text, can be universal, a lesson to walk away with
Imply – to suggest a meaning
Infer/Inference – to draw meaning from information given
Plot – series of events that make up the story
Foreshadowing – use of hints and clues of what will happen in the future narrative
Flashback – a transition in a story to an earlier time that interrupts the normal
chronological order of events.
Narrator – the one telling the story
Author’s purpose – to entertain, inform, express an opinion, or to persuade
Point of view – the perspective that the text is told from
End rhyme – lines of a poem ending in words that sound the same
Stanza – a poem paragraph; a group of lines in a poem
Tone – the author’s attitude toward his/her work
Concept – an idea
Exemplifies – an example of
Analyze – to study closely for the purpose of explaining (use details from the text)
Dialogue – conversation between two or more people
Figurative language – any language not meant to be taken literally
Exaggeration – (Hyperbole – extreme exaggeration) the figure of speech in which
the truth is exaggerated
Selection – the thing you are reading
Objective summary – one sentence summary of the main idea; no flattery language
Rhetoric – effective or persuasive language; direct language in a specific way to
make a point or show the writer's point of view; it comes across in allusions,
rhetorical question, hyperbole, repetition.