Uploaded by Manuel Boner

Partner Interview Worksheet

Partner Interview
Read the interview questions to your partner and write down her/his answers.
What is your name? ______________________________
How old are you? __________________
Where do you live? ______________________________
Do you have siblings? ____________________________
Which languages do you speak? ______________________________________
Which is your favorite subject in school? ______________________________
What are your hobbies? ____________________________________
What is your favorite food? _________________________________
What kind of music do you like? _________________________________________
What is your favorite animal? ____________________________________________
What did you do over summer? ______________________________________________
Partner Interview
1. Read the interview questions to your partner and write down her/his answers.
What is your name? ______________________________
How old are you? __________________
Where do you live? ______________________________
Do you have siblings? ____________________________
Which languages do you speak? ______________________________________
Which is your favorite subject in school? ______________________________
What are your hobbies? ____________________________________
2. Pick TWO of the questions below and write down your partners answers.
What is something funny, weird, unusual, or special about one person in your family?
What's one place you would like to visit in your lifetime? Why do you want to go there?
What's your favorite TV show and why do you like to watch this show?
If you had to eat the same meal everyday for a month, what would it be?
What worries you the most about the world you live in today?
Name one thing you could teach someone else how to make or how to do?
What's your favorite holiday of the year? What makes this holiday your favorite?