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Nelson Anastacio B. Janiola II
Quiz on Global City
1. What are the adverse effects of COVID 19 suffered by the global cities? (10 pts
Global city where many people come and go, large structures, banks, research facilities,
businesses, Universities, medal facilities etc. To put it simple, global city caters many people
with diversified goal of being in there, maybe for work, studies, shopping, legal transactions
and many more. Economic status of a global city is usually healthy and it generates large
profits because of many transactions happened in that community. Most of the world's
population lives in cities, which are also centers of economic development and innovation.
However, cities' dense populations and activities make them vulnerable to a variety of
stressors, including natural and man-made disasters. As the pandemic or Covid 19 hits the
global cities, it’s not just the people’s health which is endanger but also the economy as
there are many stores and facilities that has been closed because of lockdown. As the
global cities suffered economic deficit, it has a larger scale of bad effects because the global
city’s economy fell, the neighboring towns were also affected by the unhealthy economic
2. Why is economic power the most crucial determinant of a global city? (10 pts)
- Economic power refers to a country's, a company's, or an individual's ability to increase
their standard of living. Countries, businesses, and individuals may increase their economic
power by increasing their income and wealth. If a city has a high economic power it can be
determined as a global city, as the word implies “global” meaning all over the world come to
this city specially investors because the foreign investors are attracted to the high income
generated cities because it provides large dividends. High economic power is one of the
reasons why a city is called a Global city, large structures came from rich people and
corporations from other countries and states who have high-earning salaries and invested
their salary in the city in a form of a business firms etc.
3. What are the challenges faced by the global cities? (10 pts)
- There are many challenges faced by the global cities, first example is the inequality in
megacities. The outlook for various classes of urban residents is mixed when it comes to
basic resource provision and resilience against environmental threats. Many cities will see
increased numbers of urban poor as the number of urban super-rich grows. The growing
divide between haves and have-nots will be amplified in future megacities. Left unchecked,
such disparities would destabilize society and undo the gains of urban growth. Policymakers
must make certain that the benefits of progress are distributed fairly. Another challenge that
global city faced are its resources, to be viable cities need resources such as water, food,
and electricity. Urban sprawl decreases available water catchment areas and agricultural
lands while also increasing energy demand. Although better technological application will
increase agricultural productivity and ensure more effective electricity transmission, many
cities will continue to struggle to provide these services to an ever-increasing urban
population. Aside from these basic criteria, haphazard development would result in a
reduction in green spaces within cities, lowering livelihood. Food prices can rise as fresh
water becomes scarce and fertile lands dwindle, putting the poorest people at risk. Last
example of a global city’s challenges is the down turn in the economy brought about the
coronavirus disease, even though the cities still generates income, it wasn’t that much
compared to the other years way back 2018. As people stayed more often in their houses
and buying and selling also becomes limited and many businesses has closed temporarily
and some are permanently which causes the economy to slowly fall down.