LAST PR BP DATA: (details about each case to help make decisions) Location, Age, Sex, Temperature Pulse rate, Respiratory rate Blood Pressure & BMI Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco, Allergies……. DOMAINS OF CCS...1.DIAGNOSIS 2. THERAPY 3.MONITORING 4.TIMING 5. SEQUENCING 6. LOCTATION…………THEN 1st: ABCD: Airway, Breathing, Circulation V-POLICE SI: Pulse Oxy Oxygen L (nothing: D) IV access IV FLUIDS Cardiac monitoring BP MONITOR EKG ELEVATE HEAD END Sugar(fingerstick) / Suctioning (airway) IMMOBILIZE SPINE(TRAUMA). Emergency treatments: MONAA Morphine Oxygen Nitrates Aspirin Antidotes (for poisonings) – Thiamine and Naloxone 2nd do physical 3rd, Labs: CBC, LFT, ICU, PAX: CBC BMP Cardiac enzymes LFT, Lipid profile FOBT Thyroid tests Immunological tests (HIV, An/Ab tests, PCR) Iron (iron profile, Retic count, Haptoglobin, LDH) Imaging (CT/MRI/USG/Echo) Culture (Blood, Urine, Wound, CSF) Urine analysis & toxicology PT/PTT Pregnancy Test Pulmonary function tests (PEFR, FEV, PFT, D-Dimer) Amylase & lipase, ABG X-rays 4th, step: CCC: Comfort – pain, vomiting, diarrhea, fever (treat these as first step if patient is unstable or in acute distress) Cure Consults 5th if admitting the patient: ADMIT COR: Activity (bed rest. etc.) Diet Medications Intake & output T (nothing: D) Temp i.e. vitals Compression stockings Omeprazole (stress ulcer prophylaxis) REPEAT NEEDED TEST (CBC, BMP, PT) 6th pre procedure orders: ABC PIN Antibiotics Blood group & typing Consent/CXR PT/PTT INR NPO 7th, last 2minute screen orders: AFRAID BEAMSSS Adults Follow up tests & screening tests for later date (very important and do this first) Reassurance Advance directives Immunizations Diet advice, Drug abuse counsel Bracelet (for allergies), Belt (seat belt counsel) Exercise, Educate family Alcohol Medication compliance, side effects Sex (safe sex practice counsel) Smoking cessation Safety Screening tests (for all of these you could just type Counsel and then select multiple entries from the options) For children: RSVP: Reassurance Safety Vaccines Parent education