Uploaded by Gema Millenia


Teacher : Good afternoon students.
Students : Afternoon miss.
Yuni : (((Attention Please. Greet the teacher))) .
Other students Assalamualaikum..
(((Let’s Pray)))
Pray together (Al- Fatihah)
Teacher : Thank you. How are you today?
Students : Fine miss. How about you?
Teacher : Very well, thank you.. I see the participants here,…Everyone is here, right?
Students : Yes, miss. Everyone is here..
Teacher : That’s great. So, are you ready to start the lesson today?
Students : Yes miss.
Teacher : Okay. Last meeting we have learned about invitation letter, right? Have you
submitted the assignment to Google classroom all?
Vio : Yes, we had miss.
Teacher : Good job. Okay, do you know what topic will we talk about right now? What
is it?
Pia : No, miss.
Vio : I know, miss. It is about analytical text miss.
Teacher : Very good. It is about analytical exposition text. But, before that, I will play a
video. Please, pay attention. After that, I will ask you some questions. Be
Yuni : Okay, miss.
Teacher : Have you ever seen someone smoke in a “no smoking area”?
Vani : Yes, miss.
Teacher : Where is that?
Vani : In our canteen miss.
Teacher : Did you really see that?
Vani : No, miss. Actually, I just heard it from someone miss.
Teacher : Yes, that’s the latest news about some students who were caught smoke in
canteen in our school right now. Everyone know the news right? Any those
students come from this class?
Students (all) : NOOOOOO!!!
Teacher : Ok, how is your reaction about that?
Cinto : I feel like it is wrong, miss. A student should not smoke in his school.
Teacher : What do you do about that?
Gema : If I was there, I will ask him to throw away the cigarette and remind him not
to smoke anymore.
Teacher : Good advice. And is it bad for your health? What will happen to your health?
Cinto : Yes, it is not good at all for our health miss. It will give us disease miss, such
as lung cancer.
Teacher : Good! Adult and teenager do it a lot nowadays, what will happen?
Gema : When someone tries it, he will become addicted to it because of the chemicals
inside the cigarettes. And it will be hard to stop it. As the result, he will smoke
continuously that can spend some cigarettes per day.
Teacher : Good answer, as a young people, what can you do?
Vani : I will always remind my closest person such as my family member, friend, or
the other relative to not to smoke.
Teacher : Okay, good job students. Now, you are going to discuss in a group about the
danger of smoking. I want you to have a group in 4. You can use you phone to
browse about the information of it. You may write each point with two or
three sentences or ideas to support the point. Then, this material will be used
in the process drama after this. Any question so far?
Students : Not yet, miss.
Teacher : Ok, you can ask anything later if you have problems. Now, I will give you
time for 5 minutes from now!
Students : Ok, miss.
Teacher : Ok, have you finished all?
Students : Not yet, miss.
Student : Ok, I’ll give you 2 minutes extra.
Teacher : Done it?
Student : Yes, miss.
Teacher : Okay, I want a representative of the group to present the arguments about the
danger of smoking cigarette in front of the class.
Teacher : It is ok if you do a mistake, we can solve it together. Don’t be afraid.
Volunteer, please?
Rama ; Me, miss..
Teacher : Good. Yes, please..
Rama : Ok, I want to present to you about the danger of smoking.
Smoking leads to disease and disability and harms nearly every organ of the
body. For every person who dies because of smoking, at least 30 people live
with a serious smoking-related illness. Smoking causes cancer, heart disease,
stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD). Smoking also increases risk for tuberculosis, certain eye diseases,
and problems of the immune system, including rheumatoid arthritis.
Teacher : Any comment from other students?
Students : No, miss..
Teacher : Okay, I’ll give comment. You should explain the cause of smoking with some
ideas to strengthen it. So, it will be more understandable. Minimum 2
sentences. How about the other group? Have you finished it? Or you want to
fix anything?
Pia : Yes, miss. We want to fix it a little..
Teacher : Okay, I’ll give you 10 minutes.
Teacher : Have you finished it??
Students : Yes, miss!!!
Teacher : Now, are you ready for the drama?
Students : Yes, miss. We are ready!!!!
Teacher : Any questions before we come to the imaginary world?
Rama : No, miss.
Teacher : Ok, we are going to the imaginary world. Listen to me, ok?! Here, the problem
is that there were some students who got caught smoking in canteen after
school. To solve this problem, we have to hold a meeting of socialization in
our school about the danger of smoking. The participants will be moderator (a
teacher), headmaster, students’ parents (the child who got caught smoking),
and homeroom teachers from every classes, and the rest of the students will be
the audiences. Then, we also invite an expert on this meeting, it is internist
(dokter spesialis penyakit dalam). I want a representative from each group to
take on these roles. And I will take a role as a one of students’ parent. So, in
this meeting, the moderator will lead the meeting, then the internist will give
the socialization based on the material that we have discussed before. After
that, the headmaster also gives some speech to the student that is related to this
problem. Do you get it students?
Students : Yes, miss!!!
Teacher : The representatives, are you ready? Can we start now?
Students : Ready, miss!!!
Teacher : Ok, 1..2..3.. ACTION!!!
Pia : Good morning ladies and gentlemen, first of all, I’m as the moderator would
like to thank to the headmaster, homeroom teacher, students’ parents, and
students for coming to this meeting. And also to our special guest, please
welcome Doctor Yuni from X Hospital who has joined with us in this
(clap your hands)
Ok, let’s get started. We’re here today to give socialization about the danger of
smoking because of the latest problem that is about the students who got
caught smoking in the school. That is why we invite the expert to learn about
it deeply. This socialization is not just for the students here but also to the all
of the participant here. Okay, to Doctor Yuni time is yours.
Doctor Yuni : Thank you for having me, I’m looking forward to today’s meeting. Before
that, let me introduce myself first. My name is Yuni Citra Wulandari from X
Hospital as an internist.
Smoking cigarettes can have many adverse effects on the body. Some of these
can lead to life-threatening complications.
In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
smoking cigarettes increases the risk of dying from all causes, not just those
linked to tobacco use.
In this occasion, I’d like to explain to you about 10 possible effects of
smoking cigarettes.
1.Lung damage
Smoking cigarettes affects lung health because a person breathes in not only
nicotine but also a variety of additional chemicals.
The CDC report that roughly 9 out of 10 lung cancer deaths is linked to
2.Heart disease
The chemicals and tar in cigarettes can increase a person’s risk of
atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of plaque in the blood vessels. This
buildup limits blood flow and can lead to dangerous blockages.
3.Fertility problems
Smoking cigarettes can damage a female’s reproductive system and make it
more difficult to get pregnant. In males, the more cigarettes a person smokes
and the longer they smoke for, the higher the risk of erectile dysfunction.
4. According to the CDC, smoking can affect pregnancy and the
developing fetus in several ways, including:
increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy
reducing the baby’s birth weight
damaging the fetus’s lungs, brain, and central nervous system
5. Risk of type 2 diabetes
The CDC report that people who smoke regularly have a 30–40 percent higher
risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who do not.
6. Weakened immune system
Smoking cigarettes can weaken a person’s immune system, making them more
susceptible to illness. It can also cause additional inflammation in the body.
7. Vision problems
Smoking cigarettes can cause eye problems, including a greater risk of
cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
8. Poor oral hygiene
People who smoke have double the risk of gum disease. This risk increases
with the number of cigarettes a person smokes. Smoking tobacco can limit a
person’s ability to taste and smell things properly. It can also stain the teeth
yellow or brown.
9. Unhealthy skin and hair
Smoking tobacco can affect a person’s skin and hair. A person who smokes
may experience prematurely aged, wrinkled skin. Smoking can cause the hair
and skin to smell of tobacco. It can also contribute to hair loss and balding.
10. Risk of other cancers
In addition to the well-documented link with lung cancer, the American
Cancer Society report that cigarette smoking causes 20–30 percent of
pancreatic cancers. Cigarettes can also increase the risk of: bladder cancer,
stomach cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, kidney cancer, cervical cancer,
liver cancer.
Ok, that’s all about the effect of cigarettes for the smoker. Any questions from
the participants?
Vio : Excuse me, I want to ask something Doc. Let me introduce myself first, my
name is Viona, one of the students’ parent here. I want to ask about is there
any big impact like the one smoker has for the secondhand smoke? That’s it.
Thank you.
Doctor Yuni : That’s a good question maam. The ill effects of smoking cigarettes do not only
affect people who smoke. Secondhand smoke can also have significant health
effects on family members, friends, and coworkers.
Effects of exposure to secondhand smoke include:
increasing the risk of colds and ear infections
making asthma worse
raising blood pressure
damaging the heart
reducing levels of high-density lipoprotein, or “good,” cholesterol
Ok, any questions again?
Doctor Yuni : Ok, if there is no question, I hope everyone get the lesson. And also I hope
that everyone can stop smoking especially for the teenager here although it is
quiet hard and challenging. Once a person stops smoking, the benefits start
accumulating. These include clearer skin, improved oral health, more stable
hormones, a stronger immune system, and a reduced risk of many types of
cancers. I think that’s all the explanation about smoking. Thank you.. Back to
the moderator..
Pia : Ok, thank you to Doctor Yuni for the explanation. Next, we invite headmaster
to give some speech. To the headmaster, time is yours.
Rama : Good morning to all of the participants and thank you to Doctor Yuni, our
special guest today. Now, I just want to add some advice to the student here. I
hope that you will not do it again and I hope that you all get the lesson and
realize after the explanation from Doctor Yuni, not just for the students but
also for the audiences here. And also don’t forget to tell and remind your
family or your closest people the danger of cigarette. I also want to talk about
the punishment to the students who get caught smoking in a school or out of
school when you wear uniform, you will get 100 point. No more 50 point, but
100 point right now. It means that when you have reached 200 point, you will
be dropped out from school. Ok, I think that’s all from me. Back to the
Pia : Thank you to the headmaster. Now, we go to the audience, any question so far
ladies and gentleman?
Pia : Okay, if there is no question. And because the time is up, we close the meeting
today. I’m sorry for any mistake and thank you for all of the participants and
audiences for coming in this meeting. See you next time and have a nice day.
Teacher : How do you feel right now with the process drama, students?
Vio : I feel excited to speak when my turn is come miss.. And I feel confident when
we are doing this.
Teacher : I’m glad to hear that. Okay, now I will give some explanation about our topic