Big Idea: see BC science Objectives: What do you want S’s to curriculum What have students (S’s) done in previous lessons? know? What is the focus of the lesson? What do you want to accomplish? Key questions? Cross-curricular links OR links to other science concepts: can you create links with other subjects? Technology: How is this integrated in your Social Emotional Learning: (SEL) How can you help S’s be happy and engaged in your room? Key Words/Concepts: What needs to lesson? Digital tools? stick in S’s minds? Lesson – Learning episodes: teacher OR student led? (T/S) Differentiation: How can S’s show their learning in different ways? How will you meet all S’s needs? Gifted? IEP? See attached universal classroom supports for ideas. Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation Engagement: (T/S) How Activity 1: (T/S) Outline your Activity 2: (T/S) What are S’s activity. What are the S’s going to achieve? What are S’s doing? What learning are you seeing? doing? Concluding activity: (T/S) to capture the S’s attention: What is the starter? How will you excite students and focus on lesson? Assessment as/for learning(AFL) AFL – How can I assess AFL - AFL - progress? How do you know S’s are achieving objectives? Homework? Where to next? How to secure lesson content in memory?