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Legal Outline: Case, Power, Rights

Federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction/doctrine of strict necessity
No Advisory Opinions
1. Ripeness—harm must actually be threatened
2. Mootness—must be real, live controversy at all stages; if issue has been resolved, court willnot hear
a. Exception—situation capable of repetition yet evading review
3. Standing—plaintiff must have a concrete stake in the outcome at all stages of litigation
a. Injury in fact—specific injury, not theoretical
1) Taxpayers—too remote/abstract
a) Exception: Taxing and spending measure violating Establishment Clause
b. Remediable by court decision
4. Adequate and independent state grounds—court will not hear appeal from state court ifadequate and
independent nonfederal grounds support state decision
If action already going on in state court on unsettled question of state law, federal court willabstain so state can settle
Political Question
Court will not decide issue that is not suitable for judicial branch
11th Amendment and Sovereign Immunity
Generally cannot sue state in federal court for damages (without state’s permission)
1. Exceptions: Actions against state officers and removal of immunity under 14th Amendment
Necessary and Proper Clause
Congress has the power to make laws necessary and proper for executing any power granted toany branch of federal
Taxing Power
If revenue raising, generally valid
Spending Power
Spending may be for any public purpose; Congress may regulate beyond enumerated powers byattaching strings to
a grant as long as the strings are: (i) clearly stated, (ii) related to the purpose of the grant, and (iii) not unduly
Commerce Power
Congress may regulate:
1. Channels of interstate commerce—roads, rails, waterways, phones, etc.
2. Instrumentalities of interstate commerce—trucks, trains, planes, etc.
3. Activities having a substantial economic effect on interstate commerce
a. Generally must be economic or commercial activity
Property Power
Includes power of eminent domain, to dispose of federal property, and to make rules/lawsregulating federal lands and
Indian reservations
Miscellaneous Other Powers
War (including power to declare war and fund war), investigatory, bankruptcy, postal, citizenship,admiralty, coin
money, fix weights and measures, and grant patents and copyrights
G. Delegation
1. Congress may delegate its power to other branches
a. Intelligible standard “requirement” for delegation (almost anything suffices)
H. Speech or Debate Clause
Immunity for speech made within Congress
Legislative Veto
Congress cannot make a law reserving to Congress the right to overturn discretionary executiveaction without passing a
new law and presenting it to the President for approval
Domestic Powers of President
1. Appointment and removal of officers and Supreme Court Justices with advice and consent ofSenate
2. Pardon—federal crimes only
3. Veto power—10 days to veto; if President does not do so and:
a. Congress in session = approval
b. Congress out = pocket veto
c. No line item veto
4. Power as chief executive/executive orders—Youngstown guidance from Justice Jackson:
a. If express or implied authority from Congress—action likely valid
b. If Congress silent—action valid if it does not impinge on powers of another branch
c. If against Congress’s will—action likely invalid
Power Over External Affairs
1. President may commit troops but power to “declare war” belongs to Congress
2. Treaty power—signs treaties with approval of two-thirds of Senate
a. Treaty is on par with other federal laws (“supreme law of land”)
b. Treaties cannot conflict with Constitution
3. Executive agreements—enforceable if not in conflict with federal law, treaties, orConstitution
Executive Privilege/Immunity
1. Privilege extends to documents and conversations but must yield if court decides informationneeded in criminal
2. Immunity
a. President immune from suits for civil damages for actions taken as President
b. Immunity extends to aides exercising discretionary authority of President
President, vice president, and all U.S. civil officers may be impeached for treason, bribery, highcrimes, and
misdemeanors by majority vote of the House; are tried by Senate; and conviction requires two-thirds vote of Senate
Supremacy Clause
Most governmental power shared between state and federal government
Federal law supreme, and conflicting state law is invalid
a. Actual conflict—state law invalid
b. Interference with federal objectives—state law invalid
c. Preemption—no room for state legislation; Congress controls entire field
1) Express preemption—narrowly construed
2) Field (implied) preemption—if federal law comprehensive or a federal agencyoversees area,
preemption may be found
3) Presumption that historic state police powers not intended to be preempted unlessthat is the clear
and manifest purpose of Congress
3. Dormant Commerce Clause (negative implications of Commerce Clause)
a. Congress may delegate commerce power to states
b. Absent delegation, states may not intentionally discriminate against interstate commerce
1) Exception: Necessary to achieve an important state interest (i.e., no reasonablealternatives
2) Exception: State acting as a market participant
a) Might still violate the Privileges & Immunities Clause
b) No downstream restrictions—state cannot control what happens to goodsafter state sells
3) Traditional government function
c. Nondiscriminatory state law—may not be unduly burdensome (burden on interstatecommerce
cannot outweigh promotion of the legitimate state interest sought to be served)
1) Nondiscriminatory state tax affecting interstate commerce—must be:
a) Substantial nexus between object of tax and taxing state
Fair apportionment according to rational formula
Fair relationship to services or benefits provided by state
21st Amendment—liquor regulation—states can regulate sale of liquor, but cannot favorlocal businesses
The United States may sue states without their consent
States cannot sue the United States without its consent
State can sue state in federal court; Supreme Court has exclusive jurisdiction
Federal Taxation/Regulation of States—10th Amendment Concerns
1. Tax/regulation applying to both private and state entities—valid
2. Tax/regulation of states as states—generally invalid
a. Commandeering state officials—cannot require states to regulate their own citizens
b. Exceptions: Strings on federal grants of money and civil rights
State Taxation/Regulation of Federal Government
1. State cannot directly tax federal government
2. State cannot directly regulate federal government
3. State may tax federal employee and contractor salaries (indirect tax)
State Action Limitation
1. The Constitution limits actions of government, so there must be state (i.e., government)action in order to
find action unconstitutional
2. Private action can sometimes be attributed to government:
a. Traditional and exclusive government function (e.g., running a town or election)
b. Significant state involvement
1) Official encouragement or use of judicial machinery
2) Entwinement of state and private actors
But mere regulation, provision of public services, or licensing not enough
Article IV Privileges and Immunities
1. Prohibits states from discriminating against citizens of other states with respect to “funda-mental” rights
(Note: Corporations and aliens are not citizens)
2. Mainly used to prevent substantially unequal treatment regarding commercial activities
3. Substantial justification exception if nonresidents are part of problem and there are no lessrestrictive means
to solve problem
14th Amendment Privileges or Immunities Clause
1. Prohibits states from denying their own citizens rights of national citizenship (corporationsare not citizens)
Prohibitions Against Retroactive Legislation
Contracts Clause—applies only to states
a. Prevents only substantial impairment of a party’s rights under an existing contract
b. Exception—law valid if:
Serves an important interest; and
Is narrowly tailored to promote that interest
c. Public contracts subject to stricter scrutiny
1) State cannot be obligated to refrain from exercising its police power
2) Law should not broadly repudiate government contractual obligations
Ex post facto laws—prohibited
a. Makes criminal an act that was innocent when done
b. Prescribes greater punishment than what was prescribed when act was committed
c. Reduces evidence required to convict
d. Specifically applies only to legislation, but due process prohibits similar changes by thecourts
Bills of attainder—prohibits laws inflicting punishment without a trial on people by name orpast conduct
Procedural Due Process
Two Due Process Clauses: 5th Amendment (federal government); 14th Amendment (states)
Requires fair process/procedure when government acts intentionally to deprive a personindividually of
life, liberty, or property
a. Both actual bias and serious risk of actual bias unconstitutional
b. Liberty includes losses of significant freedom of action
c. Property includes legitimate claims/entitlements to government benefits
1) Public employment is a property right if claim to entitlement through contract,policy, law, etc.
3. Balancing test for determining fair process in terms of timing (pre- vs. post-deprivation) andscope of hearing.
The Court weighs:
a. Importance of individual right
b. Value of specific procedural safeguard involved
c. Governmental interest in fiscal and administrative efficiency
If government takes land for public purpose, it must provide just compensation
Public purposes liberally construed
Actual or physical appropriation almost always a taking, even if property taken is small
a. Exception: Emergencies
4. Use restrictions (action for inverse condemnation)
a. Denial of all economic value—taking
b. Decrease in economic value—generally not a taking if economically viable use remains
c. Dedications—cannot condition building permits on forced dedication unless:
1) Government can show legitimate interest, and
2) Adverse impact of development roughly proportional to owner’s loss
5. Just compensation—reasonable (fair market) value of property taken at time of taking
G. Substantive Due Process
1. Two Due Process Clauses: 5th Amendment (federal); 14th Amendment (states)
2. Prohibition against unreasonable laws
3. Reasonableness test depends on interest involved
a. Fundamental right (voting, interstate travel, privacy, 1st Amendment rights)—strictscrutiny
1) Government must prove action is necessary to achieve a compelling governmentinterest
b. All other interests—rational basis
1) Challenger must prove action not rationally related to any legitimate governmentinterest
4. Requires laws to give fair notice of conduct that is forbidden or required
H. Equal Protection
1. 14th Amendment prohibition against unreasonable discrimination by states
2. Test for reasonableness depends on criteria used to classify (suspect or quasi-suspect class)and nature of right
(fundamental right)
a. Discriminatory intent by government:
1) Law discriminatory on its face
2) Discriminatory in application
3) Discriminatory motive
4) If facially neutral, no discriminatory application, and no discriminatory motive,then rational
basis test applies
b. Suspect classification (race and national origin) or fundamental right—strict scrutiny
1) Government must prove action is necessary to achieve a compelling governmentinterest
2) Affirmative action (favoring minorities) invalid unless:
a) Seeking to remedy past discrimination within jurisdiction
3) Race can be a factor considered in admission of students in institutions of highereducation to
achieve a diverse student body
a) Cannot be a special/weighty factor
4) Alienage can be considered for state employment positions involving the self- government
process—including police officers and primary and secondary school-teachers
c. Quasi-suspect classification (sex and legitimacy)—intermediate scrutiny
1) Government must show discrimination is substantially related to an importantgovernment
2) Sex discrimination—exceedingly persuasive justification required
a) Interest must be genuine and not hypothesized
d. All other classifications—rational basis standard
1. Competing interests—mother’s right to privacy vs. fetus’s interest in becoming a child
2. Pre-viability—no undue burdens on right to obtain an abortion
3. Post-viability—may prohibit abortion except when woman’s health threatened
4. No right to government funding of abortion services
Other Privacy Rights—marriage, use of contraceptives, obscene reading material in the home(except child
pornography), living with extended family, to educate and raise children
1. Limitations generally subject to strict scrutiny or at least intermediate scrutiny but languagein cases not
2. Intimate private, noncommercial sexual contact between fully consenting adults—not a right,but court found no
legitimate government interest in regulating
K. Voting Rights
1. Short residency requirement (e.g., 30 days)—valid
2. One person, one vote
a. Congressional elections—almost exact mathematical equality required (a fewpercentage
points may be fatal)
State and local elections—variance not unjustifiably large (16% variance upheld)
Fees—cannot preclude indigent candidates
Right to Travel Interstate
1. Durational residency requirements for dispensing benefits ordinarily subject to strict scrutiny(30-day period
probably okay; one year invalid)
2. Distinctions between old and new residents—invalid
M. Freedom of Speech
1. 1st Amendment limits government regulation of private speech
2. 1st Amendment inapplicable to government speech
a. Permanent monuments on government property a form of government speech
b. Government funding of private speech—generally must be viewpoint neutral
1) Exception: Government funding of the arts
3. Regulation of speech based on content—generally prohibited
a. Exceptions: Unprotected categories (see 7., infra)
b. Speech of government employees
1) Official duties—government may punish public employee for unwanted speech made as part of
employee’s official duties
Private speech of government employee
a) Matter of public concern—balance employee’s right as a citizen to comment against
government’s interest as employer in efficient performance of public service
b) Not a matter of public concern—employer has broad discretion to punish employee’s
disruptive speech
Overbreadth and vagueness
a. Prohibition against substantially more speech than necessary voidable as to affectedperson for
b. Prohibition including a substantial amount of protected speech compared to its legiti-mate sweep—
void as to everyone
c. Regulation failing to give reasonable notice of what is prohibited has chilling effect onspeech and
violates due process
d. Official cannot have unfettered discretion over speech issues
Scope of speech—includes freedom to refrain from speaking
a. Mandatory financial support of government speech—no 1st Amendment concerns
b. Mandatory financial support of private speech—protected
c. Speech includes symbolic conduct
Time, place, and manner regulation
a. Public forums and designated public forums regulation will avoid strict scrutinyand be upheld if:
1) Content neutral
2) Narrowly tailored to serve an important government interest
Leaves open alternative channels of communication
Limited public forums (i.e., public property open for expressive activities only on a ceratin topic) and
nonpublic forums (i.e., public property not open for expressive activi-ties)—regulation valid if:
1) Viewpoint neutral
2) Reasonably related to a legitimate government purpose
Unprotected speech—some speech is not protected by 1st Amendment:
a. Clear and present danger of imminent lawless action
b. Fighting words (including true threats)
1) Statutes often overbroad or vague
c. Obscenity
1) Test:
a) Appeals to the prurient interest in sex;
b) Portrays sex in a patently offensive way; and
c) Does not have serious literary, political, or scientific value judged from anational
2) Standard for minors may be different
3) Can prohibit pictures of minors engaging in sex that would not be obscene ifengaged in by
4) Zoning ordinances may limit the location of adult entertainment establishments if designed to
reduce the secondary effects of such businesses (e.g., rise in crime,reduction of property values)
d. Defamation
1) Public official or figure—plaintiff must prove actual malice
a) Actual malice = knowledge of falsity or reckless disregard as to truth
2) Private individual suing on matter of public concern—must prove at least negligence
3) Privacy torts—media defendant cannot be sued for publishing a true fact about apublic record
lawfully obtained
Commercial speech
a. If speech about unlawful activity or untrue or misleading speech—unprotected
b. Speech regarding lawful activity and not false or misleading—regulation valid if it:
1) Serves a substantial government interest
2) Directly advances that interest
3) Is narrowly tailored to serve that interest
c. Complete bans usually invalid
Prior restraints
a. Invalid unless justified by a special societal harm or pursuant to contract
b. Procedural safeguards
1) Standards must be narrowly drawn, reasonable, and definite
2) Injunction must be sought promptly
3) There must be a prompt and final determination of validity of restraint
c. Broadcast media may be more closely regulated than press; cable TV between the two;Internet
regulation subject to strict scrutiny
Freedom of Association and Belief
1. Electoral process—sliding scale to judge restrictions on electoral process
a. Severe restriction on 1st Amendment activity must be narrowly tailored to achieve acompelling
Reasonable and nondiscriminatory regulations generally valid
Government employees may be sanctioned for speech undertaken as part of official duties;balancing test
determines whether other speech may be sanctioned—right to comment onmatter of public concern vs.
government interest in efficient and orderly workplace
Loyalty oaths for federal employees and public officials permissible if not overbroad
a. Oath to support the Constitution and to oppose illegal overthrow of government okay
Disclosure of associations for government benefits/employment
a. Permissible if relevant to position
School sponsorship of extracurricular clubs
a. Can be content based if viewpoint neutral and reasonably related to a legitimate government interest
O. Freedom of Religion
Free Exercise Clause
a. No punishment of beliefs—total freedom to believe as desired
b. Conduct cannot be punished solely because religious
c. General conduct regulation that incidentally burdens religious practice—generally valid
d. Religious exemptions for religious belief generally not required except:
1) Amish from mandatory secondary education
2) Conscientious objectors who refuse munitions work from unemployment compen-sation laws
requiring applicants to accept any job
Establishment Clause—government action/law respecting the establishment of religion validif action/law:
a. Has a secular purpose
b. Has a primary effect that neither advances nor prohibits religion
c. Does not cause excessive entanglement between government and religion
1) Prayer in public schools generally prohibited
2) Invocation prayer at legislative sessions and town hall meetings generally valid (recognizes long
history of prayer in America and adults not of tender impression-able years)
3) Religious symbols in Christmastime displays valid if accompanied by nonreligioussymbols
(recognizes historic roots of American Christmas holiday)
4) Displays of religious symbols (e.g., the Ten Commandments) on public propertyinvalid if shown
to have a predominantly religious purpose