Journal of Environmental Management 80 (2006) 222–229 Comparison of zinc complexation properties of dissolved natural organic matter from different surface waters Tao Cheng *, Herbert E. Allen Center for the Study of Metals in the Environment, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA Received 20 January 2005; received in revised form 23 July 2005; accepted 5 September 2005 Available online 9 December 2005 Abstract The zinc binding characteristics of natural organic matter (NOM) from several representative surface waters were studied and compared. NOM samples were concentrated by reverse osmosis. The samples were treated in the laboratory to remove trace metals. Square wave anodic stripping voltammetry (SWASV) was used to study zinc complexing properties of those NOM samples at fixed pH, ionic strength, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations. Experimental data were compared to the predictions from the Windermere Humic Aqueous Model (WHAM) Version VI. At the same pH, ionic strength, and temperature, the zinc titration curves for NOM samples from different surface water sources tested in our study almost overlapped each other, indicating similarity in zinc binding properties of the NOM. A discrete two-site model gave good fits to our experimental titration data. Non-linear fitting by FITEQL 4.0 shows that the conditional zinc binding constants at the same pH are similar for NOM from different sources, indicating that zinc complexation characteristics of the NOM used in our study do not depend on their origin and one set of binding parameters can be used to represent Zn-NOM complexation for NOM samples from those different surface water sources representing geographically diverse locations. In addition, the total ligand concentrations (L1,T, L2,T, and LT) of all NOM show no observable gradation with increasing pH (L1,TZ2.06G0.80 mmol/g carbon; L2,TZ0.12G0.04 mmol/g carbon; LTZ2.18G0.78 mmol/g carbon), while the c Þ show a linear increase with increasing pH ðlog K1c ðpHZ 6:0ÞZ 4:69G0:25; conditional binding constants of zinc by NOM ðlog KZnL log K1c ðpHZ 7:0ÞZ 4:94G0:10; log K1c ðpHZ 8:0ÞZ 5:25G0:006; log K2c ðpHZ 6:0ÞZ 6:29G0:13; log K2c ðpHZ 7:0ÞZ 6:55G0:08; log K2c ðpH Z8:0ÞZ 6:86G0:023Þ with a slope of ca. 0.28, indicating the zinc-NOM complexes become more stable at higher pH. The WHAM VI predicted free zinc ion activities at high zinc concentrations agree with our experimental results at pH 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0. However, the zinc binding of these NOM samples is over estimated by WHAM VI at zinc concentrations below 10K6 M at pH 8.0. q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Zinc complexation; Natural organic matter; Anodic stripping voltammetry 1. Introduction Zinc (Zn) is a common element occurring naturally in the environment and it is widely used by humans for domestic and industrial purposes. Zinc is an essential element and micronutrient required for normal growth by plants and animals. At both high and low concentrations zinc can be detrimental to organisms. In uncontaminated waters zinc concentration is usually very low and can span a wide range from 10K10 to 10K6 M (Stumm and Morgan, 1996). Both human activity and natural processes have inevitably increased the level of zinc concentrations in some natural water systems and high concentrations of zinc that are toxic or even lethal to * Corresponding author. Tel.: C1 626 395 4385; fax: C1 626 395 2940. E-mail address: (T. Cheng). 0301-4797/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2005.09.007 organisms have been observed, which has caused great environmental concern. The speciation of zinc in natural waters is a critical factor to consider when assessing the environmental impact of zinc. The bioavailability, toxicity, transport and fate of zinc in the aquatic environment, and water quality criteria have been recognized as a function of water chemistry (Allen and Hansen, 1996). Complexation of zinc by natural organic matter (NOM) has important influence on the speciation of zinc in various natural waters. The complexation of Zn by NOM in natural waters can markedly lower the free Zn2C activity relative to total dissolved Zn, leaving only a small fraction of the total zinc as ‘free’ zinc, which is considered to be bioavailable, or toxic (Allen and Hansen, 1996). Therefore, in order to understand zinc toxicity in water bodies, we need to understand the characteristics of zinc binding by NOM. Modeling is an essential tool in quantifying the speciation of metals in the environment. There are a number of models T. Cheng, H.E. Allen / Journal of Environmental Management 80 (2006) 222–229 available that predict metal complexation with inorganic and organic compounds with defined chemical nature. NOM has not been very well characterized due to its complicated nature, although the main functional groups that bind to metals are known. There exist a few models that model metal binding to NOM (WHAM, NICA) (Tipping, 1994; 1998; Benedetti et al., 1995). The Biotic Ligand Model (BLM), which uses WHAM to compute organic speciation, was recently proposed to predict acute toxicity of metals to aquatic organisms (Di Toro et al., 2001; Santore et al., 2001). The key assumption of all the above models is that metal complexation characteristics of NOM do not depend on their origin (Tipping, 1994; 1998; Benedetti et al., 1995; Di Toro et al., 2001; Santore et al., 2001; Lu and Allen, 2002). Although NOM exhibit site specificity in metal binding (Sarathy, 2002), there is evidence that copper binding properties of NOM from surface water sources over large spatial and temporal scales are similar (Lu and Allen, 2002). This is probably because the main mechanisms of metal binding (metal complexation with carboxylic groups and phenolic groups) in these NOM are similar. However, only very limited literature is available on zinc binding by NOM. In recent years, zinc binding by NOM has been studied by a range of techniques including Donnan membrane (Oste et al., 2002), cation ion-exchange (Fortin and Campbell, 1998), resin equilibrium (Christensen and Christensen, 1999; 2000), and voltammetry (Jansen et al., 1998; Xue and Sigg, 1994). However, to our knowledge, studies that compare binding characteristics of NOM from different surface water sources have not been reported for Zn. This paper reports data from experiments conducted on NOM samples from three surface water sources to determine zinc complexing properties. The data are analyzed to ascertain if all organic matters can be generalized to behave in a similar fashion to complex zinc. 2. Materials and methods All reagents used were analytical grade except the acids, which were Optima grade. Unless otherwise mentioned, all reagents were obtained from Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh; PA; USA) ‘Better’ buffers (Kandegedara and Rorabacher, 1999) of MES (for pH 6.0), MOPS (for pH 7.0) and PIPBS (for pH 8.0) were used in zinc titrations to keep the pH constant. The buffers were added to samples to achieve a 0.01 M concentration of the buffers. During the titrations, 0.1 M NaOH or 0.1 M HNO3 was added as required to keep the pH change withinG0.1 pH unit. Distilled de-ionized water was used in all experiments, for all dilutions, and for blanks. In order to test whether a single model of metal-NOM complexation is adequate, or whether typically observed variations in the characteristics of NOM samples from different sources are sufficient to require site-specific chemical characterizations or models, three sites were chosen as sources of NOM in order to include geographically diverse locations, ones that are likely to provide NOM samples that vary in composition and chemical behavior. NOM was sampled from the Big Moose Lake, a high elevation system in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State, in May 2000; from the Edisto 223 River, a typical receiving water in South Carolina with a much larger watershed and longer residence time, in March 2001; and from the Suwannee River, Georgia, in June 1997. Procedures used are described in detail in an earlier publication (Ma et al., 2001). The source water was filtered through a 0.45 mm pore size filter and the samples were concentrated in the field using a reverse osmosis (RO) unit (Model PROS/2S, RealSoft, Norcross, GA) (Serkiz and Perdue, 1990). The samples were stored in coolers with ice in the field and in a refrigerator at 4 8C in the laboratory. The concentrated NOM samples were passed through a HC-saturated cation-exchange resin (Dowex 50WX8, Fluka Chemical Co., Milwaukee, WI) column to remove both trace metals and major cations. To avoid losing the humic acid (HA) fraction of the NOM on the resin due to the strongly acidic condition, HA was separated in advance by acidic precipitation (pHz1) and was later recombined with the material that passed through the cationexchange column. The NOM samples thus treated were used in all the subsequent experiments. 2.1. Characterization of NOM We determined the concentration of the DOC (Dissolved Organic Carbon) and the DIC (Dissolved Inorganic Carbon) of the concentrated NOM samples using a Tekmar-Dohrman DC190 TOC analyzer. The metal concentration of the diluted samples was analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasmaoptical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) (Spectro Analytical Instrument, Kleve, Germany). The DOC, DIC and the metal concentrations of the NOM samples are reported in Table 1. 2.2. Zinc titrations The NOM samples were also titrated against zinc using square wave anodic stripping voltammetry (SWASV) over a range of total zinc concentrations ranging from 10K7 to Table 1 Metal concentrations, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and percentage of fulvic and humic acids of NOM Conc., (mg/L) (with 10 mg DOC/L) Na K Ca Mg SC-NOM NY-NOM GA-NOM 74.5 121.5 0.081 0.775 0.597 0.565 0.1071 0.0813 0.0372 0.045 0.017 !0.0018 Conc. (mg/L) (with 10 mg DOC/L) Ni Cu Zn Cd Pb SC-NOM NY-NOM GA-NOM !2.01 !2.01 !2.01 2.30 3.62 3.79 1.24 0.43 !0.10 !0.68 !0.68 !0.68 !0.5 !0.5 !0.5 DOC (mg/L) SC-NOM NY-NOM GA-NOM 564.1 331.8 931.3 IC (mg/L) 2.322 1.006 0.932 Percentage of HA and FA (%) HA FA 19 10 5 81 90 95 224 T. Cheng, H.E. Allen / Journal of Environmental Management 80 (2006) 222–229 10K4 M. Voltammetric measurements were performed using an Analytical Instrument Systems AIS Model DLK-100A electrochemical analyzer with an EG&G Princeton Applied Research PARC 303A static mercury drop electrode in the hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) mode. The mercury drop size was ‘large’ with a surface area of 2.83 mm2. The reference electrode was Ag/AgCl/3M KCl. For each measurement, a new mercury drop was extruded and the sample solution to be measured was purged with ultrapure (grade 5.0) N2 for 4 min to eliminate the possible interference of O2. In addition, the head space of the voltammetric cell was filled with nitrogen after purging so that possible dissolution of CO2 from the atmosphere into the solution during the measurement was minimized. SWASV mode was used to measure labile (electro-active) Zn concentration. For each SWASV measurement the deposition time was 30 s and deposition potential was K1.500 V without stirring; an equilibration time of 15 s followed; for the stripping step, the square wave mode was used, the pulse height was 0.025 V and the potential scan began from K1.500 V and ended at K0.800 V at a scan rate of 50 mV/s. SC, NY, and GA NOM were titrated with Zn at 3 pHs K6.0, 7.0, and 8.0. ‘Better’ buffers were used to control the pH to the required value. These ‘better’ buffers do not complex metal ions and thus do not interfere with the titrations (Kandegedara and Rorabacher, 1999). For each titration, 10 mg/L of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was prepared by dilution of the concentrated NOM. One M NaNO3 solution was added to adjust the ionic strength to 0.02 M. Titrations were conducted in a clean room at a constant temperature of w22 8C. The reactions were allowed to stabilize after each addition of zinc for at least 4 min. Our experiments on ZnNOM complexation kinetics show that the complexation reactions between Zn and NOM reach equilibrium within 4 min under our experimental conditions (data not shown). De Jong and van Leeuwen, 1987a,b,c): 2.3. Computation of free zinc activities 2.4. Models The peak current measured by SWASV, Ip, which is proportional to the labile fraction of metal in the voltammetric measurement, is a weighted average of the diffusion of all metal species (freeCcomplexed). For a fully labile system (that is, a system in which all the relevant metal species (Zn and ZnL in our system) are electroactive), the peak current Ip is expressed as (van Leeuwen et al., 1989; De Jong and van Leeuwen, 1987a,b,c): To compute speciation of zinc in aquatic media that contain NOM, a chemical equilibrium model is used. The simplest metal complexation with homogeneous ligands can be represented by: ½ZnL c Zn2C C L Z ZnL KZnL Z (6) ½Zn2C½L where Zn represents the ‘simple’ (or more exactly, hydrated) zinc ion, L is the ligand, ZnL is the complex formed between c Zn2C and L. The conditional zinc binding constant KZnL is only valid at constant pH and ionic strength. To simplify the discussion, only the 1:1 ZnL complex is considered. While other stoichiometry (other than 1:1) between Zn and ligand (L) is possible, it is generally valid to assume the stoichiometry of the complexation reaction between Zn and NOM is 1:1, since it has been shown that the majority of the bond formed between metal ion and NOM is monodentate and it has been shown by a number of studies that this assumption is reasonable in modeling metal ion and NOM complexation (Tipping, 1998; Bugarin et al., 1994; Pinheiro et al., 1994). Ip ZKpK1=2 nFAD 1=2 CM;T tK1=2 (1) where F is the Faraday constant, A is the electrode surface area, n is the number of moles of electrons transferred per mole of metal oxidized or reduced, CM;T is the total soluble metal concentration in the bulk solution, t is characteristics time, which is constant in our experiments, and D is the weighted average of the diffusion coefficient of all metal species (freeC complexed), which is expressed as (van Leeuwen et al., 1989; ½M ½ML D Z DM C DML CM;T CM;T (2) where [M]* is the free metal ion concentration in bulk solution, [ML]* is the complexed metal concentration in bulk solution, DM and DML are the diffusion coefficients of the free and complexed metal ion. The mass balance of metal in bulk solution is, ½M C ½ML Z CM;T (3) Defining normalized current F as the ratio of peak current in the presence of ligands to that of a ligand-free reference, 1=2 IpL D FZ Z (4) DM Ip where F is the normalized current, IpL is the peak current in the presence of ligands and Ip is that of the ligand-free reference. Combining Eqs. (2)–(4), the free metal ion activity in bulk solution is expressed as, IpL 2 DML K DM Ip CM;T ½M Z (5) 1K DDML M Eq. (5) is used to compute free zinc ion concentration for fully labile Zn-NOM systems in our experiments. Normalized current is obtained by comparing the peak current in the presence of ligands and that of the ligand-free reference. Total zinc concentration was determined by ICP. For a fully labile system, the value of DML/DM can be estimated under conditions when the ligand concentration is in large excess of the total zinc concentration so that [M]*/[ML]* and the weighted average D tends to DML (Eq. (2)). T. Cheng, H.E. Allen / Journal of Environmental Management 80 (2006) 222–229 225 However, in order to represent the complexation reaction of zinc with NOM, the heterogeneity property of NOM must been taken into consideration. To this end, discrete multi-site models are usually used. The simplest case of the discrete multi-site model is the two-site model (van den Berg, 1984), represented by: Zn2C C Li Z ZnLi c KZnL Z i Li;T Z Li C ZnLi ½ZnLi ½Zn2C½Li (7) (8) c where KZnL is the conditional stability constant, valid only at i constant pH and ionic strength, Li is free binding sites which means the sites are not bound by zinc, Li,T is total binding sites. iZ1, 2 is an index, representing two distinguishable ligands present in NOM. Usually one is carboxyl group and the other one is the phenolic group. The discrete two-site model (or discrete multi-site model) has been successfully applied to describe metal interaction with organic matter in a number of conditions (van den Berg, 1984; Hering and Morel, 1988). A fitting model, FITEQL 4.0 (Herbelin and Westall, 1999) was used to calculate stability constants of ligand-zinc complexes, and ligand concentrations. For the zinc titration data, a 2-site model gives a good fit so it was adopted in our modeling approach. WHAM (Windermere Humic Aqueous Model) Version VI (Tipping, 1998) was used to calculate zinc complexation with NOM. The Zn binding constant of fulvic acid is log KMAZ1.6, and the Zn binding constant of humic acid is log KMAZ1.5 in WHAM Version VI. The free zinc data predicted by WHAM were compared to experimental data to determine if WHAM gave an accurate description of Zn-NOM complexation. 3. Results and discussion DOC was determined on samples both before and after the precipitation of the humic acid. All the organic matter that is not humic acid is considered fulvic acid when calculating speciation using WHAM. The DOC, IC (Inorganic Carbon) and percentage of HA (Humic Acids) and FA (Fulvic Acids) thus measured are reported in Table 1. The NOM from Edisto River, SC, Big Moose Lake, NY and the Suwannee River, GA were found to contain 81, 90 and 95% fulvic acid, respectively. 3.1. Zinc titrations Concentrated SC, NY, and GA-NOM were added to a solution with a fixed total Zn concentration of 7.37!10K7 M buffered at pHZ7.0. For each addition of NOM, a voltammetric measurement was made and normalized current and peak potential was plotted against DOC concentration. The titration curve for GA-NOM is shown in Fig. 1. With the first addition of NOM (DOCz20 mg/L), the normalized current dropped from 1.0 to about 0.45, indicating a large fraction of zinc was complexed by NOM and the diffusion coefficient of the NOM complexed zinc was much lower than that of the free Fig. 1. Estimation of DZnL/DZn value by titration of Zn with GA-NOM. Titration of total Zn concentration of 7.33!10K7 M at pHZ7.0, IZ0.02 M, TZ25 8C. The estimated DZnL/DZn value was 0.014. zinc ion (Eq. (4)). When more NOM was added, however, the decrease in the normalized current became more gradual and the normalized current attained a limiting value at high DOC concentrations. During the same titration the peak potential tended to more negative values with addition of NOM (At DOCZ0, the peak potential was K1.16 V, at DOCZ 300 mg/L, the peak potential was K1.22 V, while at DOCZ 600 mg/L, the peak potential was K1.26 V). This systematic shift in peak potential indicates that the complex formed between zinc and NOM (ZnL) is labile and the decrease in peak current is due to a lower diffusion coefficient of the labile complex (ZnL) compared to that of the free zinc ion (DZnL! DZn), not due to the presence of inert (non-labile) complexes (Jansen et al., 1998; Cleven and Leeuwen, 1986; van Leeuwen et al., 1989). The DZnL/DZn values which were determined for the NOM samples using Eq. (4) are: SC-NOM, 0.04; NYNOM, 0.06; GA-NOM, 0.014. These values of DZnL/DZn are close to the reported value of 0.05 (Jansen et al., 1998). In addition, for the purpose of computing free Zn ion, Jansen et al. (1998) showed that the influence of the value of DZnL/DZn on the resulting free Zn ion is very small. This was also confirmed by our calculation using Eq. (5). Zinc was added to SC, NY, and GA-NOM samples having 10 mg/L DOC and the labile zinc ion was determined following each change in total zinc. The titration curve of the SC-NOM is shown in Fig. 2. For the same total zinc concentration, a decrease in peak current, which is in proportional to the labile zinc concentration (Eq. (1)), was observed with increase in pH. It was demonstrated by MINTEQCcalculation that under our experimental conditions free zinc ion is the dominant inorganic zinc species and the complexes formed between zinc and inorganic ligands (mainly OHK, ClK, and NOK 3 ) are negligible. It was also demonstrated by MINTEQCthat no zinc solid formed under our experimental conditions. So the decrease in peak current was due to formation of zinc-NOM complexes, not due to formation of zinc solids or zinc inorganic complexes. As discussed previously, the zinc-NOM complexes in our system were labile; so the free zinc activities in our titration can be 226 T. Cheng, H.E. Allen / Journal of Environmental Management 80 (2006) 222–229 Fig. 2. Zn titration curves for the SC-NOM sample at pH 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0. DOCZ10 mg/L; IZ0.02 M; TZ25 8C. computed using Eq. (5). Comparison of zinc titrations expressed as free zinc ion against total soluble zinc concentrations for NY, SC and GA-NOM at pH 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0 are shown in Fig. 3. All the curves with the same pH and ionic strength almost overlap each other. This indicates that NOM from different surface water sources are similar in complexation of zinc. To determine whether the three sets of data are similar or different, we based our judgment on the difference in log [Zn2C], not [Zn2C], considering the wide range of the metal concentrations involved (several orders of magnitude) and the complicated nature of the NOM. In addition, in fitting the metal-NOM binding parameters in WHAM, the relative error of the log of metal concentration, not metal concentration, is used to estimate the goodness of fitting (Tipping, 1998). In modeling metal complexation with NOM, an error of a factor of 3–4 in the free metal ion activity is acceptable (Christensen and Christensen, 2000). Fig. 3. Zn titration curves of NOM samples from different sources at pH 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0. DOCZ10 mg/L; IZ0.02 M; TZ25 8C. T. Cheng, H.E. Allen / Journal of Environmental Management 80 (2006) 222–229 Fig. 4 shows plots that compare the WHAM VI predictions with our experimental data. For the NOM from different sources, WHAM predictions account for the free zinc very well (in terms of the relative error of log [Zn2C]) at high total Zn concentrations for all pH tested in our titrations. However, WHAM under predicts the free zinc ion activity at low total soluble Zn concentrations at pH 8.0. This indicates that the strong binding sites of low concentration for zinc complexation in NOM implied by WHAM VI may not exist. Very limited literature is available on comparison of experimentally measured Zn species in natural waters with WHAM simulations. Christensen and Christensen (1999, 2000) reported that WHAM Version V tends to over estimate Zn-NOM complexation. They suggested the default Zn-NOM stability constant in WHAM Version V, which is the ‘best average’ from a limited number of published data, is overestimated. By using a Zn-NOM reaction constant 227 of 1.7, instead of the default value of 1.3; they found good agreements between their experimentally measured free Zn activities and WHAM Version V prediction. It should be noted that the Zn-organic matter binding constants reported by Christensen and Christensen (2000) are for organic matters that originate from leachate of solid waste disposal, which presumably are different with respect to metal binding compared to organic matters from surface water sources. In a recent study, it was reported that the metal binding characteristics of organic matters from the effluents of municipal wastewater treatment plants were very different from those of organic matters from surface water sources (Sarathy, 2002). Metal binding sites other than carboxylic and phenolic groups in those organic matters from leachate and wastewater effluent might account for the different metal binding properties compared to those of NOM from surface water sources. Fig. 4. Comparison of WHAM VI simulation and experimental Zn titration curves for SC, NY, and GA-NOM at pH 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0. DOCZ10 mg/L; IZ0.02 M; TZ25 8C. The symbols represent experimental measurement (open circles (B): pH 6.0; open squares (,): pH 7.0; open diamonds (,): pH 8.0). The lines represent WHAM simulation. 228 T. Cheng, H.E. Allen / Journal of Environmental Management 80 (2006) 222–229 Table 2 Conditional stability constants and site densities of Zn-NOM complexation obtained by 2-site model fit with FITEQL 4.0 (SDZstandard deviation) Sample pH c log KZnL;1 (mol/L)K1 c log KZnL;2 (mol/L)K1 L1,T (mmol/g C) L2,T (mmol/g C) LT (mmol/g C) Percent of Li,T/LT 1 2 SC-NOM 6.0 7.0 8.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 6.0 4.66 4.82 5.24 4.95 4.99 5.25 4.46 5.01 5.25 4.69 0.25 5.3 4.94 0.10 2.1 5.25 0.006 0.1 6.21 6.46 6.87 6.44 6.59 6.87 6.22 6.59 6.83 6.29 0.13 2.0 6.55 0.08 1.1 6.86 0.023 0.3 1.69 2.54 1.83 1.33 2.04 1.84 3.99 1.82 1.48 0.07 0.11 0.16 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.07 0.12 0.15 1.76 2.65 1.99 1.43 2.17 2.00 4.04 1.94 1.63 0.96 0.96 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.92 0.98 0.94 0.91 0.04 0.04 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.02 0.06 0.09 2.06 0.80 39 0.12 0.04 32 2.18 0.78 36 0.94 0.023 2.4 0.06 0.023 38 NY-NOM GA-NOM Avg SD Relative SD, Avg SD Relative SD, Avg SD Relative SD, Avg. SD Relative SD, % 7.0 % 8.0 % % 3.2. Zinc ligand binding constants c Þ Table 2 lists the conditional binding constant ðlog KZnL;i values and the concentrations of the ligands for SC, NY, and GA-NOM obtained by FITEQL 4.0 using a 2-site model. Since temperature and ionic strength were held constant, these binding constants varied only with pH. Our fitting results showed that the c Þ values increased with conditional binding constant ðlog KZnL;i pH, indicating that the zinc-ligand complexes become more stable at higher pH. This is what we would expect since the decrease in competing protons at higher pH results in higher stability for the complexes. It was also observed that the total ligand concentrations (L1,T, L2,T, and LT) showed no gradation with pH. Plots of log of conditional stability c Þ versus pH (Fig. 5) for NOM samples illustrate constants ðKZnL;i c that log KZnL;i is linearly pH dependent with slopes close to 0.283 (equations shown in Fig. 5). The slopes (0.280 and 0.285) of our linear regression of the log of conditional stability constants and pH are close to the slope (0.276) reported by Christensen and Christensen (2000). They reported a linear relationship between the log of conditional stability constants and pH as: c log KZnL Z 0:276pH C 2:581 (9) for Zn-NOM complexation by two leachate dissolved organic carbon samples with similar ionic strength and pH range (IZ0.056 and 0.023 M, the pH range is 5.0–8.0). 4. Conclusions Fig. 5. Conditional stability constants obtained by the 2-site model for NOM c samples versus pH. Averaged log KZnL;i of SC, NY, and GA-NOM obtained from the 2-site model was plotted against pH. At the same pH, ionic strength, and temperature, the zinc titration curves for NOM samples from different surface water sources tested in our study almost overlap each other, indicating that zinc complexation characteristics of the surface water NOM used in our study do not depend on their origin. This is probably because the main mechanisms of metal binding (metal complexation with carboxylic groups and phenolic groups) in these NOM are similar. These observations added strength to the assumption that one set of binding constants and ligand concentrations can be used to represent Zn-NOM complexation for NOM from dissimilar surface water sources. Clearly, however, more data on zinc binding by NOM from other sources are required to determine whether the zinc complexation characteristics of NOM depend on their origin, or whether the NOM studied here happen to have similar Zn binding affinity. Titrations of the type presented here T. Cheng, H.E. Allen / Journal of Environmental Management 80 (2006) 222–229 on a wider range of natural water NOM would be useful in investigating this issue further. Comparison of titration curves with those predicted by WHAM VI shows a good fit in the case of all NOM at high zinc concentrations for pH 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0, and a poor fit in the case of low zinc concentrations at pH 8.0. Zinc binding by NOM may be over estimated in the current version of WHAM, especially at low zinc concentrations and high pH. Acknowledgements The support from the International Lead Zinc Research Organization for this research is gratefully acknowledged. References Allen, H.E., Hansen, D.L., 1996. The importance of trace metal speciation to water quality criteria. Water Environ. Res. 68, 42–54. Benedetti, M.F., Milne, C.J., Kinniburgh, D.G., van Riemsdijk, W.H., Koopal, L.K., 1995. Metal ion binding to humic substances: application of the nonideal competitive adsorption model. Environ. Sci. Technol. 29, 446–457. Bugarin, M.G., Mota, A.M., Pinheiro, J.P., Goncalves, M.L.S., 1994. 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