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U.S. History Era Review: People, Events, Terms

U.S. History Era Review
Foundations of the Republic
Westward Expansion / Gilded Age
1776 - 1791
1865 - 1890
*Thomas Jefferson
*Declaration of
*popular sovereignty
*Lewis & Clark
*Transcontinental Railroad
*Manifest Destiny
*James Madison
*e pluribus unum
*Men Who Built
*Homestead Act
*Alexis de Tocqueville
*American Revolution
*Dawes Act
*free enterprise
*John Jay
*checks & balances
*Andrew Carnegie
*Klondike Gold Rush
*Benjamin Rush
*Bill of Rights
*separation of powers
*John D. Rockefeller
*John Witherspoon
*1st Amendment
*Thomas Edison
*13, 14, 15 Amendments
*Plessy v Ferguson
*laissez faire
*Henry Ford
*Bessemer Process
*Gospel of Wealth
*John P. Muhlenberg
*Alexander Graham
*Charles Carroll
*Rise of Labor Unions
*John Hancock
*Interstate Commerce Act
Progressive Era
1890 - 1920
*Jane Addams
*17th Amendment
*Susan B. Anthony
*Social Gospel
*tenement housing
*W.E.B. DuBois
*Ida Wells
*Chinese Exclusion Act
*19th Amendment
*secret ballots
*Frances Willard
*American Indian
*Federal Reserve Act
*Upton Sinclair
Citizenship Act
*Pure Food & Drug
*Theodore Roosevelt
*William H. Taft
*direct party primaries
*Woodrow Wilson
*Clayton Anti-Trust Act
*women's suffrage
*16th Amendment
World War I
1898 - 1920
1914 - 1918
*Theodore Roosevelt
*Spanish-American War
*Woodrow Wilson
*Assassination of
*Rough Riders
*Panama Canal
*yellow journalism
*John J. Pershing
Archduke Ferdinand
*Alfred Thayer Mahan
*De Lome Letter
*Big Stick Policy
*Alvin York
*Sinking of Lusitania
Expeditionary Force
*Sanford B. Dole
*Sinking of U.S.S. Maine
*Open Door Policy
*Zimmerman Telegram
*Joseph Pulitzer
*Boxer Rebellion
*Dollar Diplomacy
submarine warfare
*William Randolph
*Selective Service Act
*Schenck v U.S.
*Battle of Argonne
*New war technology
*Henry Cabot Lodge
*Fourteen Points
*Trench Warfare
*League of Nations
*Treaty of Versailles
Roaring 20's
Great Depression & New Deal
1920 - 1929
1929 - 1941
*Warren Harding
*1st Red Scare
*assembly line
*Herbert Hoover
*Stock Market Crash
*Buying on Margin
*Calvin Coolidge
*Sacco & Vanzetti Trial
*Franklin D. Roosevelt
*Banking Crisis
*Henry Ford
*Scopes "Monkey" Trial
*Eleanor Roosevelt
*Dust Bowl
*National Recovery
*Clarence Darrow
*Teapot Dome Scandal
*Dorthea Lange
*Fireside Chats
*Herbert Hoover
*18th Amendment
*mass consumption
*John Steinbeck
*Civilian Conservation
*Charles Lindbergh
*21st Amendment
*Tin Pan Alley
Adjustment Acts
*Harlem Renaissance
*Social Security Act
*Federal Reserve
*Langston Hughes
*Great Migration
*22nd Amendment
*Court Packing Scheme
*Securities & Exchange
*Marcus Garvey
World War II
1939 - 1945
*Franklin D. Roosevelt
*Tuskegee Airmen
*Pearl Harbor
*Battle of Midway
*Dwight Eisenhower
*Flying Tigers
*Executive Order 9066
*Atomic bombing of
*George C. Marshall
*Navajo Code Talkers
Hiroshima / Nagasaki
*Office of War Information
*George Patton
*Rosie the Riveter
*Victory Gardens
*concentration camps
*Douglas MacArthur
*Adolf Hitler
*War Bond Drives
*Omar Bradley
*D-Day Invasion
*Vernon Baker
*Battle of the Bulge
*Harry Truman
*Chester Nimitz
*Bataan Death March
Postwar & Cold War
Civil Rights Movement
1946 - 1991
1950's & 1960's
*Harry Truman
*Nuclear Arms Race
*Containment Policy
*Martin Luther King Jr
*Desegregation of
*separate but equal
*Dwight Eisenhower
*Korean War
*Truman Doctrine
*Rosa Parks
*Sputnik / Space Race
*Marshall Plan
*Thurgood Marshall
Armed Forces
*Brown v Board of Educ.
*civil disobedience
*Julius & Ethel
*House Un-American
*North American
*John F. Kennedy
*Sweatt v Painter
*24th Amendment
*Joseph McCarthy
Activities Committee
Treaty Organization
*Lyndon B. Johnson
*Montgomery Bus Boycott
*Equal Employment
*Mao Zedong
*Berlin Airlift
*Jackie Robinson
*Civil Rights Act of 1957
Opportunity Comm.
*Jonas Salk
*Interstate Highway Act
*"In God We Trust"
*Little Rock Arkansas
*Elvis Presley
*Baby Boom
*Sit-Ins & Freedom Rides
*G.I. Bill
*Beat Generation
*March on Washington
*affirmative action
*Civil Rights Act of 1964
*Voting Rights Act of 1965
1960's & Vietnam
1970's Conflict & Change
1960 - 1973
*John F. Kennedy
*Bay of Pigs Invasion
*Domino Theory
*Richard Nixon
*Strategic Arms
*Lyndon B. Johnson
*Cuban Missile Crisis
*Gerald Ford
Limitation Treaty (SALT)
*Rust Belt
*Barry Goldwater
*Beat Generation
*Great Society
*Jimmy Carter
*Sun Belt
*Malcolm X
*Vietnam War
*Gulf of Tonkin Res.
*Environment Protection
*Oil Embargo
*Betty Friedan
*Tet Offensive
*War Powers Act
*Cesar Chavez
*Anti-War Movement
*Endangered Species Act
*Hector P. Garcia
*Black Power Movement
*Title IX
*Hernandez v Texas
*Roy Benavidez
*Feminist Movement
*Mendez v Westminster
*Camp David Accords
*John Glenn
*Chicano Movement
*Delgado v Bastrop
*Community Reinvestmnt
*Am. Indian Movement
*Tinker v Des Moines
*Edgewood ISD v Kirby
*White v Regester
*Watergate Scandal
*Iran Hostage Crisis
1980's Conservative Resurgence
Toward A New Millennium
1980 - 1992
1990's & 2000's
*Ronald Reagan
*New Right
*Bill Clinton
*Contract with America
*George H.W. Bush
*Reagan Doctrine
*Federal deficit
*Ross Perot
*Balkans Crisis
*Sandra Day O'Connor
*Strategic Defense
*Americans with
*Oprah Winfrey
*North American Free
*Billy Graham
Disabilities Act
*Estee Lauder
Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
*Phyllis Schlafly
*Peace Through Strength
*Robert Johnson
*World Trade Organization
*Iran-Contra Affair
*Lionel Sosa
*Clinton's Impeachment
*Marines in Lebanon
*George W. Bush
*2000 Election
*No Child Left Behind
*End of Cold War 1991
*Barack Obama
*9/11 Attacks
*Dept. of Homeland
*Persian Gulf War
*Sonia Sotomayor
*War on Terror
*Hurricane Katrina
*Financial Crisis
*Patriot Act
*American Recovery &
*2008 Election
Reinvestment Act
STAAR Review Activity
1st Semester Terms Review
Time Periods
Foundations of the Republic
Gilded Age
Progressive Era
World War I
Roaring 20's
Great Depression & New Deal
World War II
Identify the Era / Time Period for each set of definitions. Then use your Era Review to write the correct vocabulary
term to the right.
Time Period
Time Period
Time Period
Progressive Era
Time Period
Roaring 20s
Time Period
government policy of not taking part in economic, political, or military alliance
German U-Boat attacks on Allied & neutral nations' unarmed ocean liners
Sensational & dramatic news coverage, emphasizing crime & scandal
Time Period
Gilded Age
Time Period
Time Period
Roaring 20s
Time Period
West / Gilded
Time Period
Time Period
Gilded Age
Time Period
yellow journalism
Big Stick Policy
the belief in protecting the interests of native-born citizens before immigrants
one-room apartments in overcrowded cities that lacked daylight & plumbing
tenement housing
New industries, inventions, & use of advertising led to an age of _____________.
mass consumption
a ban on the production and sale of alcoholic beverages.
taking the risk of buying something in hopes or re-selling at a higher price.
yielding to an enemy's demands in order to maintain peace.
allowed internment camps for Japanese-Americans who might pose a threat.
large-scale introduction of manufacturing & advanced technological enterprises
group of people that control the actions of different companies to control price
American troops led by John J. Pershing, who insisted on well-trained soldiers
a defensive form of warfare & a major reason for a stalemate in fighting
fireside chats
Executive Order 9066
monopoly or trust
Am. Expeditionary Force
trench warfare
a trial over the constitutionality of banning the teaching of evolution in school
Scopes Monkey Trial
convicted & executed of a robbery because of the hysteria against foreigners
Sacco & Vanzetti Trial
tried to "Americanize" or assimilate Native Americans into mainstream culture
Dawes Act
law passed in 1882 that prohibited Chinese laborers from entering the U.S.
Chinese Exclusion Act
FDR's prposal to increase the number of Supreme Court Justices.
Court Packing Scheme
Great Depression Provided workers a safety net with unemployment insurance & old age pensions.
Time Period
unrestr. submarine warfare
Teddy Roosevelt's policy for the US to use military force as international police
Great Depression Roosevelt used the radio to speak directly to the American people.
Time Period
Social Security Act
means "lightning war," a swift military strategy using tanks, planes, & infantry
locations where Nazis killed Jews & other minority groups considered inferior
concentration camps
the desire to promote the welfare of others through generous donations
Carnegie's idea that wealthy people should give back to the less fortunate
Gospel of Wealth
One of the causes of the Spanish-Am. War when an explosion sunk a US ship
Policy in 1899 stating that foreign nations must allow free trade in China
Sinking of USS Maine
Open Door Policy
Time Period
Progressive Era
Time Period
Roaring 20s
Time Period
Time Period
Roaring 20s
Time Period
Progressive Era
Time Period
a social reform movement calling for Christians to help their fellow man
movement started by Susan B. Anthony for women to gain the right to vote
an era of heightened creativity among African-Am writers, artists, & musicians
mass movement of African-Americans from rural South to cities in the North
Tanks, airplanes, machine guns, submarines, & poison gas
A major battle fought in 1918 in which the Germans were defeated.
Gilded Age
Time Period
Time Period
women's suffrage
Harlem Renaissance
Great Migration
New War Technology
Battle of Argonne Forest
pioneered by Henry Ford & revolutionized production and manufacturing
assembly line
a section of NY city where blues, jazz, & ragtime were melded together
Tin Pan Alley
a journalist who uncovers wrongdoing in politics or business
law that placed restrictions on the makers of prepared foods & patent medicine
Shaky banking practices; bank runs; and bank failures.
Great Depression Period of drought when winds buried farms w/ topsoil forcing farmers to move
Time Period
social gospel movement
The first railroad to connect the U.S. from the Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean.
Long hours, low wages, & poor working conditions led to the ________________.
Pure Food & Drug Act
Banking Crisis
Dust Bowl
Transcontinental Railroad
Rise of Labor Unions
helped make ensure an adequate food supply for troops & civilians.
Victory Gardens
a way for civilians to raise money for the war on the home front.
War Bond Drives
June 6, 1944 the Allied invasion of German troops on the beaches of Normandy
D-Day Invasion
5,000 American prisoners died when the Japanese forced this 60-mile journey
Bataan Death March
Part of FDR's New Deal that helped to create jobs & put people back to work.
Civilian Conservation Corps
Great Depression Created to monitor the stock market, prevent fraud, & guard against collapse.
Securities & Exchange Com.
Time Period
Time Period
Time Period
Roaring 20s
Time Period
African-American fighter group in the Air Corps that served as bombing escorts
Transmitted undecipherable codes for the Allies to communicate by.
a political scandal in which President Harding's appointment took bribes
Tuskegee Airmen
Navajo Code Talkers
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
human race could be improved if only desirable people allowed to reproduce
a society of equals in which each person has the opportunity to be prosperous
Foundations of Rep.Our nation's first motto meaning "Out of many comes one."
E Pluribus Unum
STAAR Review Activity
1st Semester Terms Review
Time Periods
Foundations of the Republic
Gilded Age
Progressive Era
World War I
Roaring 20's
Great Depression & New Deal
World War II
Identify the Era / Time Period for each set of definitions. Then use your Era Review to write the correct vocabulary
term to the right of each definition.
Time Period
government policy of not taking part in economic, political, or military alliance
German U-Boat attacks on Allied & neutral nations' unarmed ocean liners
Time Period
Sensational & dramatic news coverage, emphasizing crime & scandal
Teddy Roosevelt's policy for the US to use military force as international police
Time Period
the belief in protecting the interests of native-born citizens before immigrants
one-room apartments in overcrowded cities that lacked daylight & plumbing
Time Period
New industries, inventions, & use of advertising led to an age of _____________.
a ban on the production and sale of alcoholic beverages.
Time Period
taking the risk of buying something in hopes or re-selling at a higher price.
Roosevelt used the radio to speak directly to the American people.
Time Period
yielding to an enemy's demands in order to maintain peace.
allowed internment camps for Japanese-Americans who might pose a threat.
Time Period
large-scale introduction of manufacturing & advanced technological enterprises
group of people that control the actions of different companies to control price
Time Period
American troops led by John J. Pershing, who insisted on well-trained soldiers
a defensive form of warfare & a major reason for a stalemate in fighting
Time Period
a trial over the constitutionality of banning the teaching of evolution in school
convicted & executed of a robbery because of the hysteria against foreigners
Time Period
tried to "Americanize" or assimilate Native Americans into mainstream culture
law passed in 1882 that prohibited Chinese laborers from entering the U.S.
Time Period
FDR's proposal to increase the number of Supreme Court Justices.
Provided workers a safety net with unemployment insurance & old age pensions.
Time Period
means "lightning war," a swift military strategy using tanks, planes, & infantry
locations where Nazis killed Jews & other minority groups considered inferior
Time Period
the desire to promote the welfare of others through generous donations
Carnegie's idea that wealthy people should give back to the less fortunate
Time Period
One of the causes of the Spanish-Am. War when an explosion sunk a US ship
Policy in 1899 stating that foreign nations must allow free trade in China
Time Period
a social reform movement calling for Christians to help their fellow man
movement started by Susan B. Anthony for women to gain the right to vote
Time Period
an era of heightened creativity among African-Am writers, artists, & musicians
mass movement of African-Americans from rural South to cities in the North
Time Period
Tanks, airplanes, machine guns, submarines, & poison gas
A major battle fought in 1918 in which the Germans were defeated.
Time Period
pioneered by Henry Ford & revolutionized production and manufacturing
a section of NY city where blues, jazz, & ragtime were melded together
Time Period
a journalist who uncovers wrongdoing in politics or business
law that placed restrictions on the makers of prepared foods & patent medicine
Time Period
Shaky banking practices; bank runs; and bank failures.
Period of drought when winds buried farms w/ topsoil forcing farmers to move
Time Period
The first railroad to connect the U.S. from the Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean.
Long hours, low wages, & poor working conditions led to the ________________.
Time Period
helped make ensure an adequate food supply for troops & civilians.
a way for civilians to raise money for the war on the home front.
Time Period
June 6, 1944 the Allied invasion of German troops on the beaches of Normandy
5,000 American prisoners died when the Japanese forced this 60-mile journey
Time Period
Part of FDR's New Deal that helped to create jobs & put people back to work.
Created to monitor the stock market, prevent fraud, & guard against collapse.
Time Period
African-American fighter group in the Air Corps that served as bombing escorts
Transmitted undecipherable codes for the Allies to communicate by.
Time Period
a political scandal in which President Harding's appointment took bribes
human race could be improved if only desirable people allowed to reproduce
Time Period
a society of equals in which each person has the opportunity to be prosperous
Our nation's first motto meaning "Out of many comes one."
STAAR Review Activity
2nd Semester Terms Review
Time Periods
Post War / Cold War
Civil Rights Movement
1960's & Vietnam
1970's Conflict & Change
1980's Conservative Resurgence
2000's Toward a New Millennium
Identify the Era / Time Period for each set of definitions. Then use your Era Review to write the correct vocabulary
term to the right.
Time Period
Cold War
Time Period
60s & Vietnam
Time Period
Time Period
80 Con. Resurge
Time Period
Post War
Time Period
70's Conflict
Time Period
60s & Vietnam
Time Period
80 Con. Resurge
Time Period
Cold War
Time Period
70s Conflict
Time Period
Time Period
60s & Vietnam
Time Period
Cold War
Time Period
70s Conflict
A change in our nation's motto as a firm stance against Communist ideology.
Operation that moved supplies into West Berlin during a Soviet blockade.
"In God We Trust"
Berlin Airlift
Lyndon B Johnson's plan to increase opportunity & improve American lifestyle
Great Society
no person can be excluded from participation or denied benefits based on sex
Title IX
Passed by President Truman as one of the first steps toward integration.
desegregation of armed forces
Doctrine established by Plessy v. Ferguson that led to segregated facilites
"separate but equal"
Reagan believe the way to fix the economy was through supply side economics
arms program to create a "missile shield" to protect the US from nuclear attack
Strategic Defense Initiative
1956 a network of highways that connect major cities around the country
Law passed to help returning veterans buy homes & pay for college.
an order that prohibits trade of a particular good with a particular nation.
Interstate Highway Act
G.I. Bill
Oil Embargo
an economic recession characterized by inflation and unemployment.
a foreign policy failure of JFK in a failed attempt to overthrow Cuban dictator
Bay of Pigs Invasion
crisis that arose between the US & Soviet Union over nuclear missiles in Cuba
Cuban Missile Crisis
scandal that negotiated the release of hostages by selling Contras arms
Iran-Contra Affair
1983 terrorist attack when a suicide bomber killed 241 Marines in Beirut.
Marines in Lebanon
American policy of resisting further expansion of Communism around the world
containment policy
1947 program of American economic assistance to rebuild Western Europe.
a worldwide association of countries that seek to regulate price & supply of oil
Marshall Plan
an agreement between Israel & Egypt in 1978 to bring peace between them.
Camp David Accords
Supreme Court case that overturned the "separate but equal" doctrine.
Brown v. Board of Ed.
This started when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a city bus.
Montgomery Bus Boycott
African-Ams should control their own businesses & communities; Malcolm X
Black Power Movement
created as a visual celebration of Mexican American culture.
Chicano Mural Movement
established to investigate disloyalty to the U.S. Government
House Un-Am Activities Com
1957 the first satellite is launched into orbit by the Soviet Union
Sputnik / Space Race
government agency created in 1970 to protect Americans' health & environment
Env. Protection Agency
law that requires Fish & Wildlife Service to list animals threated by extinction
Endangered Species Act
Time Period
Time Period
1990s New Mill
Time Period
80 Con. Resurge
Time Period
70s Conflict
Time Period
Cold War
Time Period
Time Period
60s & Vietnam
Time Period
1990s New Mill
Time Period
70s Conflict
Time Period
Time Period
Time Period
60s & Vietnam
Time Period
Time Period
Time Period
MLK Jr. preached the nonviolent refusal to obey an unjust law.
African-Am intentionally sat in "whites only" areas and on bus rides to protest
sit-ins & freedom rides
the integration of cultures, economies, & politics of nations around the world
Agreement to remove trade restrictions among Canada, Mexico, & the U.S.
Reagan's belief that to prevent war was to discourage enemy with large military
Peace Through Strength
passed in 1990 it was the first civil rights act protecting those with disabilities
Americans w Disabilities Act
Nixon's policy of relaxation of Cold War tensions between the US & Soviet Union
An agreement between the US & Soviet Union to limit their nuclear weapons
Alliance of U.S., Canada, & Western Europe against Communist aggression.
McCarthy was a Senator who accused govt workers of being Communist.
Civil Rights demonstation in Washington DC where MLK gave I Have A Dream
March on Washington
Gov. Orval Faubus used troops to prevent 9 African-Am's from goint to school
Little Rock Nine
the belief that if Vietnam fell to communism, the rest of SE Asia would too.
Domino Theory
1964 Congressional resolution permitting LBJ to take military action in Vietnam
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
pledge made by Republican candidates to scale back govt & balance the budget
Contract with America
a conflict among former communist nations; US gets involved to stop genocide
Balkans Crisis
political scandal that Nixon tried to cover up then later resigned as President.
Watergate Scandal
when militants in Iran seized the US Embassy & held hostages for 444 days
Iran Hostage Crisis
landmark act that banned discrimination based on race, gender, or religion
Civil Rights Act of 1964
federal policy for employers to actively seek to increase minorities at work
affirmative action
an act passed to loosen restrictions on intelligence gathering after 9/11 attack
a cabinet created after 9/11 to coordinate federal agencies to prevent terrorism
1968 attack by Viet Cong & N. Vietnamese forces through S. Vietnam
placed limits on the President's ability to send troops to war without approval
the closest presidential election in history; George W Bush defeats Al Gore.
education reform bill by George W Bush to hold schools accountable for success
Patriot Act
Dept. of Homeland Security
Tet Offensive
War Powers Act
2000 Election
No Child Left Behind
Act outlawing tactics being used in the South to prevent African-Am's voting
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Enforces the Civil Rights Act of 1964 & ensures fair & equal hiring practices
Equal Employment Opp.
group of young Americans in the 60s who rejected traditonal culture
60s & Vietnam
demonstrations nationwide protesting the Vietnam war & led to the 18th Amend
Time Period
the election year in which the first African-Am became President of the U.S.
economic stimulus package passed by Obama to halt the recession of 2008
civil disobedience
Anti-War Movement
2008 Election
American Recovery & Reinvest
STAAR Review Activity
2nd Semester Terms Review
Time Periods
Post War / Cold War
Civil Rights Movement
1960's & Vietnam
1970's Conflict & Change
1980's Conservative Resurgence
2000's Toward a New Millennium
Identify the Era / Time Period for each set of definitions. Then use your Era Review to write the correct vocabulary
term to the right.
Time Period
A change in our nation's motto as a firm stance against Communist ideology.
Operation that moved supplies into West Berlin during a Soviet blockade.
Time Period
Lyndon B Johnson's plan to increase opportunity & improve American lifestyle
no person can be excluded from participation or denied benefits based on sex
Time Period
Passed by President Truman as one of the first steps toward integration.
Doctrine established by Plessy v. Ferguson that led to segregated facilites
Time Period
Reagan believe the way to fix the economy was through supply side economics
arms program to create a "missile shield" to protect the US from nuclear attack
Time Period
1956 a network of highways that connect major cities around the country
Law passed to help returning veterans buy homes & pay for college.
Time Period
an order that prohibits trade of a particular good with a particular nation.
an economic recession characterized by inflation and unemployment.
Time Period
a foreign policy failure of JFK in a failed attempt to overthrow Cuban dictator
crisis that arose between the US & Soviet Union over nuclear missiles in Cuba
Time Period
scandal that negotiated the release of hostages by selling Contras arms
1983 terrorist attack when a suicide bomber killed 241 Marines in Beirut.
Time Period
American policy of resisting further expansion of Communism around the world
1947 program of American economic assistance to rebuild Western Europe.
Time Period
a worldwide association of countries that seek to regulate price & supply of oil
an agreement between Israel & Egypt in 1978 to bring peace between them.
Time Period
Supreme Court case that overturned the "separate but equal" doctrine.
This started when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a city bus.
Time Period
African-Ams should control their own businesses & communities; Malcolm X
created as a visual celebration of Mexican American culture.
Time Period
established to investigate disloyalty to the U.S. Government
1957 the first satellite is launched into orbit by the Soviet Union
Time Period
government agency created in 1970 to protect Americans' health & environment
law that requires Fish & Wildlife Service to list animals threated by extinction
Time Period
MLK Jr. preached the nonviolent refusal to obey an unjust law.
African-Am intentionally sat in "whites only" areas and on bus rides to protest
Time Period
the integration of cultures, economies, & politics of nations around the world
Agreement to remove trade restrictions among Canada, Mexico, & the U.S.
Time Period
Reagan's belief that to prevent war was to discourage enemy with large military
passed in 1990 it was the first civil rights act protecting those with disabilities
Time Period
Nixon's policy of relaxation of Cold War tensions between the US & Soviet Union
An agreement between the US & Soviet Union to limit their nuclear weapons
Time Period
Alliance of U.S., Canada, & Western Europe against Communist aggression.
McCarthy was a Senator who accused govt workers of being Communist.
Time Period
Civil Rights demonstation in Washington DC where MLK gave I Have A Dream
Gov. Orval Faubus used troops to prevent 9 African-Am's from goint to school
Time Period
the belief that if Vietnam fell to communism, the rest of SE Asia would too.
1964 Congressional resolution permitting LBJ to take military action in Vietnam
Time Period
pledge made by Republican candidates to scale back govt & balance the budget
a conflict among former communist nations; US gets involved to stop genocide
Time Period
political scandal that Nixon tried to cover up then later resigned as President.
when militants in Iran seized the US Embassy & held hostages for 444 days
Time Period
landmark act that banned discrimination based on race, gender, or religion
federal policy for employers to actively seek to increase minorities at work
Time Period
an act passed to loosen restrictions on intelligence gathering after 9/11 attack
a cabinet created after 9/11 to coordinate federal agencies to prevent terrorism
Time Period
1968 attack by Viet Cong & N. Vietnamese forces through S. Vietnam
placed limits on the President's ability to send troops to war without approval
Time Period
the closest presidential election in history; George W Bush defeats Al Gore.
education reform bill by George W Bush to hold schools accountable for success
Time Period
Act outlawing tactics being used in the South to prevent African-Am's voting
Enforces the Civil Rights Act of 1964 & ensures fair & equal hiring practices
Time Period
group of young Americans in the 60s who rejected traditonal culture
demonstrations nationwide protesting the Vietnam war & led to the 18th Amend
Time Period
the election year in which the first African-Am became President of the U.S.
economic stimulus package passed by Obama to halt the recession of 2008