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wifi-public-5G-private Athonet Nokia-Talit

Wi-Fi, public 5G or private network:
by Catherine Sbeglia
Report Sponsors:
quadrature amplitude modulation
architected to support high data
mode (1024-QAM), enables through-
rates and the low latency necessary
continue to advance almost in par-
put increases for Wi-Fi 6 by as much
for IoT applications, can be an ex-
allel to each other in the form of
as 25% over Wi-Fi 5, and in the case of
tremely reliable and secure solution
Wi-Fi 6 and 5G, both of which share
5G, this feature was part of 3GPP Re-
to connect critical assets if it is de-
a number of advanced features, re-
lease 15, and it allows 5G to achieve
ployed and managed correctly.
sulting in more options, and there-
higher peak data rates and spectral
fore, more flexibility when it comes
efficiency in favorable scenarios.
will opt for a private wireless net-
to connecting an enterprise and its
Further, nearly every sector, from
work, and even fewer will choose to
assets. With flexibility, however,
healthcare and education to manu-
have every single application run
comes complexity, and many enter-
facturing and utility, is undergoing
on a private network. Instead, many
prises are left wondering what the
will continue to use Wi-Fi, as well as
best solution to meet their specific
aided by the implementation of
a public cellular network, in some
needs might be.
tools like Artificial Intelligence, In-
areas of their facility’s network. In
One of the important features
ternet of Things (IoT) sensors and
other words, in most cases, 5G pri-
that 5G and Wi-Fi 6 share is an im-
automation. Such tools put pressure
vate networks will not fully replace
proved version Multi-User MIMO
on existing networks and require
Wi-Fi and, in some cases, they will
(MU-MIMO) that lets devices re-
more advanced connectivity.
not replace public cellular either.
spond to the wireless access point
Historically, the enterprise space
There are a number of key con-
at the same time and allows the
belonged to Wi-Fi. However, Wi-Fi
siderations to keep in mind when
access point to talk to multiple de-
has some well-known challenges
choosing which technology to de-
vices at once, and beamforming
around reliable coverage and se-
ploy and where to deploy it. Deci-
for improved signal power, which
curity, leaving the door wide open
sion makers within an enterprise
results in significantly higher rates
for cellular technology to fill in the
must ask themselves what they
at a given range.
gaps in the form of private wireless
are looking to do with their con-
networks, either powered by 4G
nectivity and what kind of latency,
LTE or 5G.
reliability and security their assets
Both technologies also make use of
the channel access method Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Ac-
Cellular technology is capable of
cess (OFDMA), which allows for the
much more than what we are us-
division of a wireless channel into a
ing it for today, which is primarily
large number of sub-channels, with
providing nationwide mobile con-
each one carrying data intended for
nectivity. When used inside of an
a different device.
enterprise’s facility, cellular tech-
with the architecture of a Wi-Fi
nology, particularly 5G, which was
network, but because the concept
Of course, not every enterprise
and applications require.
The basic DNA of a private network
Most IT teams within an enterare
of installing private cellular net-
the big operators are now offering
is paramount. While enterprises
works inside an enterprise is a rel-
a scaled-down, private version of
can build their own network with
atively new one, there may be a bit
the infrastructure,” he said.
dedicated spectrum that they ei-
of a learning curve. Telit’s Regional
Therefore, if a customer wants
ther own or lease, that is not the
Product Marketing Director Safi
cellular coverage inside a ware-
only way that private 5G networks
Khan said to think of a private net-
house, they can install a small cell
are being configured.
work as a miniature version of the
to cover the entire area. That small
According to Karim El Malki, the
large, public networks deployed by
cell would then connect to a serv-
CEO of Athonet, the past few years
carriers for nationwide use.
er — located inside a cabinet inside
have witnessed an underlying par-
“A private network is basically
the enterprise — that contains the
adigm shift when it comes to who
shrinking that scale down to squeeze
core network. Then, all of the devic-
is involved in delivering network
all of that functionality into a single
es that the customer wants to talk
connectivity to enterprises.
server or a single box,” he continued.
to the network would require a SIM.
“We’re going from a world where it
used to be telecommunications was
“The DNA is the same.”
The changing ecosystem: ‘Selling a
a sector that was mainly focused
typical cellular network is based
solution, not a network’
on giving people phones, so it was
on 3GPP standards, but because it
Overview of key players
a very consumer-centric vision,” El
A private network, just like a
Malki explained. “Now, we’ve moved
support, all that is needed is a core
seen by many as a major opportu-
into an area with 5G where it’s not
network implemented into a signal
nity to set up bespoke networks in
about the consumer anymore. It’s
server. In this way, a private net-
support of industrial internet of
the enterprise, the industry, the
work is a light-weight implemen-
things projects and in service of ap-
hospitals, the airports.”
tation of the core network design.
plications where data sovereignty
doesn’t have to provide large-scale
As a result, what used to be within
When it comes to the radio access
the “realm of big telco players” — the
network, or the physical layer of
average consumer — is now moving
the network, public networks have
towards the big enterprise, and
a macro cell and then small cells
around it, which Khan said is also
true for a private network.
“In a private network, you have
the same concept, but again companies like CommScope, Ericsson and
all those infrastructure vendors
who provide large equipment to
“We’ve moved into an area
with 5G where it’s not about
the consumer anymore. It’s the
enterprise, the industry, the
hospitals, the airports.”
Karim El Malki, CEO, Athonet
therefore, there is no guarantee
such as Google and Microsoft, are
industrial sector, is a solid exam-
that telcos are equipped to serve
already well position to sell private
ple of how equipment vendors are
the growing private network mar-
wireless networks because they are
working with system integrators.
ket, leaving a wide opening for new
already actively deploying edge
MYNXG recruited Nokia to deploy
players. Furthermore, those who
clouds into enterprises to run IoT
a private 5G campus network at its
traditionally served the enterprise
and other applications.
development center in Nuremburg
space — the Wi-Fi guys — now have
System integrators (SIs), whose
to explore using the technology as
have a much narrower focus in
a platform for industrial-grade net-
“The Wi-Fi players have been good
the sense that they tend to work
working and integrate with its own
at giving the enterprise what they
with specific verticals, are also
IoT platform offering.
really want, which is a product that
major players in this space. Due to
MYNXG will use the 5G setup at
is simple and gives them what they
the level of vertical specialization
its new industrial IoT interopera-
need,” provided El Malki, adding that
that they bring to the table, SIs are
bility test center to develop new
the telecom sector has always been
often highly trusted by enterpris-
solutions for mission-critical indus-
more complex and less transparent
es and are thought to have deep
trial IoT, as well to test equipment
in comparison, making it slightly
understanding of a particular cus-
and sensors for a range of OEM and
less desirable for an enterprise IT
tomer’s needs.
customer projects.
additional competition.
team that wants near-complete con-
The firm has integrated 5G, based
vendors, like Nokia, are working
on Nokia’s plug-and-play Digital
Simple, though, will no longer cut
closely with system integrators
Automation Cloud (DAC) offer, into
it for those enterprise who are find-
and according to Stephane Daeu-
its MYNXG IoT platform, which
ing that the number of devices and
ble, Nokia’s head of enterprise
works with sundry applications for
assets that need reliable connectiv-
solutions marketing, there is an un-
condition monitoring for shop floor
ity continue to grow.
derstanding that a single company
equipment, product life cycle and
can’t tackle every single segment.
process automation, supply chain
trol over its network and data.
We are left with a growing demand
for the coverage, security and pre-
“We’ve decided to focus on a set of
dictability of cellular connectivity,
industries and the other one’s are
but with the ease and control that is
handled by partners,” he explained
In addition, because vendors like
reminiscent of Wi-Fi. It is precisely
further. “We’ve developed a lot of
Nokia recognized the need for pri-
this emerging balance that has led
vertical skillset and understanding.”
vate networks early on, Daeuble
to new players entering the market
Nokia’s recent partnership with
said that they also focused on part-
asset management and access control to sites, processes and data.
to offer private cellular networks,
nering with those on the industrial
whether 4G LTE or 5G.
specialist MYNXG, which offers
device side of things to ensure that
there were enough devices and
Big names in cloud computing,
systems capable of communicating
technology, it has created a cross-
while businesses want to buy more
with private cellular networks.
roads for telecom operators to ei-
sophisticated, complete solutions
“There was no reason to put a fan-
ther develop a business plan that
that better fit their needs and re-
tastic network in a port or mine, for
simply and incrementally improves
quire the integration of multiple
instance, if you can’t find port and
connectivity, or to do something
technologies from multiple play-
mine things that talk to it. That was
disruptive and create a fundamen-
ers,” he said, adding that 95% of en-
a big upfront realization at Nokia.
tally different business model – one
terprises and SMBs would rather
The industrial ecosystem aspect is
that places them at the helm.
invest in solutions that are co-cre-
in a position where we have a good
According to Angus Ward, CEO of
base today with 4G LTE technology
Bearing Point // Beyond, a Saas-
where we can almost always find
based BSS and digital platform
“CSPs need to get out of the mind-
the right device and assets that talk
solution provider, put the choice a
set that they are simply connectivi-
the language,” he stated.
different way: “Are they going to be
ty providers and become 5G ecosys-
“But, then,” he continued, “we have
a plug-in for connectivity services
tem orchestrators,” he continued,
to start again with 5G. There is no
into somebody else’s ecosystem,
“using their stature in the industry
point in implementing a 5G network
or do they want to retain the cus-
to build ecosystems of a wide vari-
if nothing can talk to it. This will
tomers and create a total solution
ety of partners, whilst also working
take another three to five years.”
with an ecosystem of partners that
closely with enterprise customers
solves customer problems?”
to address their business needs.”
“Bottom line,” said Daeuble, “there
ners than 5G technologies.
is a big market for [private wireless].”
He went on to explain that most
In fact, a report conducted by
ABI Research supports this claim,
enterprise decision makers are
Omdia in conjunction with Bearing
projecting that the private wireless
Point // Beyond revealed that some
network market opportunity will
with which technology to imple-
of the primary connectivity con-
reach $16.3 billion by 2025.
ment but are instead more con-
cerns of enterprise decision mak-
cerned about digitally transform-
ers include applications related to
ing their business.
physical security physical security
The changing role of CSPs
ated through an ecosystem of part-
Enterprises are looking to bring
“They want to reduce cost, track
and monitoring, asset tracking and
their digitalization plans to fru-
stuff and improve efficiency and
industry specific machinery, which
ition by adopting cloud, IoT and
quality,” he reasoned.
are not typically areas the CSPs
edge technologies, and 5G has the
“However, the problem is that
specialize in. Therefore, some are
potential to accelerate these plans
CSPs (connectivity service provid-
under the impression that CSPs will
and provide the quality of service
ers) just want to sell connectivity
only realize value from 5G if they
enterprise are seeking. Because 5G
can identify, partner, codevelop, im-
is the next generation of cellular
plement and run a proposition with
Which of these applications are you planning to deploy,
with which technology?
“It is a solution approach; it’s not
even selling a network. You’re
selling an end-to-end solution.”
CSPs will need to adapt a new, application-first approach to solving enterprise customer problems.
Image courtesy of Omdia and Bearing Point // Beyond
Stephane Daeuble, Head of Enterprise Solutions Marketing, Nokia
application-specific and industry
network. You’re selling an end-to-end
regulator was very often the oper-
specific specialists.
solution. Operators can’t leave too
ator who would release the spec-
CSPs will need to adapt a new, ap-
much on the table for the other guys.”
trum. They were a very important
plication-first approach to solving
As these new entrants eagerly
part of the puzzle and they’re start-
enterprise customer problems. (Im-
tackle the market, it’s putting more
ing to realize it’s a growth area for
age courtesy of Omdia and Bearing
pressure on mobile operators to so-
them when compared to the flat
Point // Beyond)
lidify their value when it comes to
market of the consumer.”
Daeuble appears to agree with
supplying private networks. Initial-
AT&T and Verizon are two such
Ward’s assessment, stating, “This is
ly, spectrum was their ticket, but as
operators that recognized this op-
not an easy one for [carriers]. The
Daeuble pointed out, the conversa-
portunity and have developed a
enterprise rarely asks about the ca-
tion around spectrum availability
business arm within their larger
pacity of your core network. What
is changing.
they think about is they’ve got a
“One of the issues was around spec-
problem and they need to fix it.
trum. It’s improving now, but in the
They’re coming with problems and
early days, we had to spend months
Basically, if an enterprise de-
they’re looking for solutions.”
finding a spectrum we could use
cides to deploy a private network,
Daeuble continued: “It is a solu-
for that specific country, location
they don’t necessarily have to in-
tion approach; it’s not even selling a
and customer,” he continued. “The
volve a carrier.
cautioned that, as a whole, operators “ought to catch up.”
Therefore, to remain relevant
with the enterprise space since the
It’s a massive revenue stream for
as the interest in private 5G net-
company’s inception, it hasn’t been
Verizon. Not all operators are in
works grows and the availability
too challenging to keep up with
that same boat, and if you haven’t
of spectrum widens, carriers are
the changing ecosystem. However,
really gone through the evolution
Adam Koeppe, Verizon’s senior vice
of the enterprise when it comes
cloud and other technology com-
president of network planning, ac-
to telecommunications, it’s tough
knowledged that that’s not the case
to crack into that environment
for many operators.
because so many of these relation-
like in the case of recent trials
conducted by Verizon with Corn-
“Not all operators, domestically,
ing and Samsung to test new 5G
have that same type of focus,” he
mmWave in-building solutions.
reasoned. “You know, it’s a choice.
ships are built on long term technology roadmaps.”
Fortunately for CSPs, their long
Verizon claimed that the trials
are “a critical step on the way to
private 5G networks,” and that
the highest performing private 5G
Which player do you trust to deliver the different
elements of an Internet of Things project?
network relies on three basic components: a private core serving exclusively that single system, a radio
access network and a mobile edge
computing platform. By combing
these three elements, an enterprise
can achieve a “private and secure
ultra-reliable, high-speed, low-latency 5G network.”
Verizon is also partnering with
Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide public edge compute solutions
for enterprises. The AWS Wavelength platform is designed to run
on Verizon’s distributed network
locations, and because these locations are distributed, Amazon can
create low-latency applications to
run on them.
For Verizon, who has been engaged
Image courtesy of Omdia and Bearing Point // Beyond
history of delivering connectivity puts them in a good position
to score big in private wireless
despite some of the challenges
mentioned previously. According
to the Omdia report, nearly half
Image courtesy of Omdia and Bearing Point // Beyond
of respondents — 47% — still trust
CSPs to deliver the connectivity
to their facilities.
D.I.Y. private networks
According to Ward, private networks have the potential to become largely a “D.I.Y. play.” This
claim is supported by research
from Omdia, which reveals that so
far, only 21% of 5G rollouts in the
enterprise space have been CSP
led, while 31% have been rollouts
conducted by enterprises themselves. Notably, the highest share
of the market went to system integrators, who led 40% of the deploy-
an enterprise with a dedicated net-
ments in question.
in their own right and CSPs will
work slice that meets the require-
have to make a virtue of working
ments of the enterprise.
Some of the more notable enterprise D.I.Y. private 5G networks
through a broader ecosystem.”
working architecture that, in sim-
which in April 2019, announced
Network slicing is a virtual net-
A slice of public
plest terms, allows for the creation
plans to construct of its own 5G
In some cases of enterprise net-
of multiple virtual networks with-
mobile networks in 122 factories in
work deployment, a CSP will build
in a shared physical infrastructure.
Germany, and Audi, which began
and operate the private network
While network slicing has the po-
work on its private 5G network to
for the enterprise and provide
tential to improve throughput and
replace spotty Wi-Fi in 2018.
seamless integration with its public
performance for certain applica-
“The future industry landscape
network. In other cases, however,
tions, Athonet’s El Malki cautioned
will be very different,” Omdia an-
there is talk about a CSP building
that it’s not quite the cure-all some
alysts projected. “Vendors are more
a public 5G network and providing
seem to think it is.
“There is a lot of talk about net-
5G networks need to serve customers with very different needs
work slicing and how it’s the solution to everything,” he said. “We
try to clarify that network slicing
is separate from private networks.
They’re very different.”
He went on to explain that network slicing is more about grouping
like companies or customers into
one category and providing them
with the same dedicated slice. For
example, all of the auto manufacturers would be on one network
slice. This, he pointed out, isn’t a
5G networks subdivided into virtual networks each optimized
for one business case
viable solution for enterprises as
whole because you can’t just put
Image courtesy of GSMA
two competitors or two companies
with entirely different network
needs on the same slice.
“[Network slicing] is great if you’re
doing ii on a nationwide basis, but
within your specific enterprise,
you need separate networks that
are dedicated to that enterprise, especially when it comes to the core,”
a large enterprise that wanted spe-
businesses, Wi-Fi also got its own
he argued. “The core will see all the
cific network requirements at their
upgrade in the form of Wi-Fi 6, or
data through and will authenticate
campuses — so not as stringent as a
802.11ax. As a result, enterprises are
SIM cards. That cannot be shared. It
manufacturer — that could go on a
left with a big decision about how to
needs to be your own.”
slice of the public network.
proceed with connectivity updates.
“They have an infrastructure up-
In summary, a manufacturer with
really specific throughput, latency,
Key Considerations when comparing
grade to do if they want to take ad-
security and reliability require-
Wi-Fi and cellular
vantage of Wi-Fi 6,” Koeppe argued.
ments would likely opt for a private
It’s not just the next generation of
“So, they’re thinking if I have to go
network rather than a slice of a
cellular technology that’s looming on
through the effort of upgrading my
public network. On the other hand,
the horizon, promising to transform
Wi-Fi communication services, do
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I want to just do more of what I’m
“The higher the level of critical-
to connect, such as when oil & gas
already doing today with just more
ity that your applications are, the
workers are extracting hydrocar-
bandwidth, or do I want to complete-
stronger the case for private wire-
bons from distant fields.
ly change that landscape and put in
less,” revealed Daeuble. “We’ve seen
an advanced technology solution.”
that the earliest adopters are those
What he is describing is a choice:
with the greatest need for it.”
Ultra-Low latency communication
When it comes to 5G private net-
The mining and oil & gas indus-
works, in particular, the use cases
tries, for instance, moved towards
that will benefit the most are those
While the decision is a “no brain-
private networks fast and early be-
that require ultra-low latency. This
er” according Koeppe, as 5G is the
cause the reliable connectivity and
is due to a feature introduced in
clear choice in his eyes, it’s not al-
sufficient bandwidth for big data
3GPP Release 15 5G-NR called Ul-
ways that simple and there are a
applications such as automation,
tra-Reliable Low-Latency Commu-
number of key questions to consid-
remote monitoring and real-time
nication (URLLC). URLLC is a set of
er when deciding how to connect
asset management help support
features that provide low latency
an enterprise moving forward.
safe and efficient working environ-
and ultra-high reliability for mis-
ments, environments that are often
sion critical applications such as
distributed and remote, and there-
industrial internet, smart grids and
fore, are particularly challenging
remote surgery.
Upgrade to Wi-Fi 6 or upgrade to cellular, eventually in the form of 5G?
What do you need connectivity for?
At Quortus, a private network
software provider, asking which
technology to implement isn’t the
right place to start, according to the
Categories of 5G use cases
company’s CEO Mark Bole.
“Don’t start with the technology—
that isn’t the right first question.
A better place to start is thinking
about your use cases and objectives
because the use case helps inform
a lot of the decision making,” he
said. “Then, you can start exploring,
from those objectives and use cases,
some of the key questions around
spectrum and security.”
So, then, what sort of applications
require 5G, and which can remain
on Wi-Fi?
Image courtesy of Qualcomm
According to the IMT-2020 re-
When will your enterprise need sub-5ms connectivity?
quirements, which underpin 5G
standards, end-to-end latency of
next-generation networks should
be 4 milliseconds or less, or sub-5ms,
for enhanced mobile broadband applications. The requirements also
suggest that latency should be less
than 1 millisecond for URLLC.
In a survey conducted by Rethink
Technology Research, about half of
the enterprises questioned said they
will require sub-5ms connectivity
by the end of 2022 in order to delivbenefits such as increased revenues
or expansion into new applications.
And when asked if they will need
such low latency by the end of
2024, that figure increased to 80%
of respondents.
The same survey also explored
the differing views that operators
and enterprises have regarding the
benefits of URLLC, indicating that
when asked to name their top two
commercial benefits from URLLC,
40% of enterprises said predictable
quality of experience (QoE) for
their own internal processes, especially where these were mission
critical, followed by support for real-time decision making (38%).
What are the most important commercial enhancements
enabled by URLLC?
Source: Research by Rethink Research commissioned by AccelerComm
er defined and quantified business
seeing the need for [private net-
unlicensed spectrum. However, in
works] in applications as simple as
addition to the 5 GHz band that was
technology always has — offers a
voice communications in a tough
used for Wi-Fi 5, Wi-Fi 6 will also
level of mobility that Wi-Fi doesn’t,
RF environment.”
use the 2.4 GHz band. Wi-Fi 6 also
5G — as
and so for enterprises that have
Some hospitals, for example, have
continues to operate in the 60GHz
mobile assets, such as automated
been struggling for years to sup-
band and the 900 MHz (HaLow),
warehouse pickers or other types
ply their staff with something as
which offers longer range and
of robots, a private cellular net-
straightforward as reliable voice
lower power connectivity for low
work might prove transformative.
services. This certainly isn’t some
bandwidth IoT applications. The
flashy use case for 5G, but it is crit-
60GHz band, in the millimeter wave
ical, nonetheless.
region of spectrum, is well suited to
“Wi-Fi handover can be challenging in these situations,” stated Celona’s Founder & CEO Rajeev Shah,
“There might be an opportunity
deliver multigigabit speeds, but due
“Whereas LTE and 5G were built for
now to fix those things,” Shah of-
to limited propagation, distance is
that level of mobility.”
fered. “It could be as simple as that.”
shorter than the other frequencies
Because cellular systems are inherently mobile, they are designed
in this standard. The use of these
What spectrum will you operate on?
bands is also unique to Wi-Fi 6 and
from the ground up to be able to
One thing to think about when
pick up even a weak signal, making
designing an indoor network is the
Further, the development of Wi-
them a more robust choice.
fact that Wi-Fi and cellular tradi-
Fi 6E delivered an additional 1020
While it appears that private
tionally operate on different spec-
megahertz of spectrum in the 6 GHz
cellular is ideal for critical and
trum, with the most significant
band, which, again, is unlicensed.
difference being that Wi-Fi makes
Mobile cellular networks, on the
was careful to point out that due
use of unlicensed spectrum, while
other hand, have historically always
to challenging RF environments,
cellular is on licensed spectrum,
there are some customers that will
making this a fundamental topic
When it comes to 5G, specifically, it
benefit from implementing private
when comparing the two.
might be true that major U.S. carri-
previous Wi-Fi versions.
There are, of course, stricter
ers have different spectrum port-
rules in the licensed spaced, while
folios made up of high-, mid- and
“The beauty of this is that it’s not
on the other hand, unlicensed
low-band spectrum, but they are
just futuristic applications,” he add-
spectrum is more like a sandbox
all still making use of only licensed
ed. “We are a little irritated about
where users can do, within reason,
spectrum, with the exception of
how much the 5G industry tends
what they want.
Licensed Assisted Access where op-
LTE or 5G even when it comes to basic connectivity needs.
to focus on some future world with
Wi-Fi 6, just like the version before
robotics and AR and VR. We are
it, will continue to use exclusively
erators aggregate unlicensed 5 GHz
with licensed spectrum.
Low band is less than 1GHz, mid-
they also opened it up to 5G NR-U,
new verticals and new deployment
band is between 1GHz and 6GHz,
which is being finalized for inclu-
strategies,” Das said at the event,
and high band is everything else
sion in 3GPP Release 16.
adding that container ports, ware-
above 6GHz including the millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies.
This will be particularly useful in
houses and underground mines are
the discussion around using cellu-
strong examples of the new spaces
lar in large venues and enterprise
where unlicensed 5G technology
because, as Pratik Das, a Qualcomm
might soon find itself.
However, there have been a num-
staff manager for technical mar-
NR-U is the first global standard
ber of efforts to free up unlicensed
keting, said at a June 2020 press
that supports both license-assisted
spectrum for cellular, one of which
briefing, when it comes to indoor
and standalone use of unlicensed
is 5G NR in unlicensed spectrum
coverage, 5G NR-U represents “a
(NR-U). When the Federal Commu-
brand-new field of spectrum.”
can use a non-standalone mode to
nications Commission (FCC) made
“Not only [does NR-U] unlock more
aggregate the unlicensed bands
the 6 GHz band available to Wi-Fi,
spectrum globally, but it marks
with licensed 5G frequencies to
Image courtesy of Qualcomm
3.7GHz that the FCC has designated
Image courtesy of Qualcomm
for sharing among three tiers of
users: incumbent users, priority
licensees and generally authorized,
which is unlicensed.
With access to this newly opened
band, enterprises can deploy LTE
and 5G private cellular networks
bolster capacity similar to LAA,
owned by carriers.
as well as a standalone mode
Then there is the Citizens Broad-
In addition, CBRS has been de-
wherein an enterprise could use
band Radio Service (CBRS) spec-
scribed as having the potential to be
unlicensed spectrum to deploy a
trum. CBRS is band of radio-fre-
more reliable than Wi-Fi, and CBRS
private cellular network.
quency spectrum from 3.5GHz to
Alliance president Michael Peeters
Image courtesy of Commscope
told Bloomberg Technology in 2017
opportunities for growth, such as
that it might be “a better option for
cable companies and utility compa-
spectrum in the hope that they will
factories, airports and ports.”
nies that are thinking this will be
incentivize them to have a secure
The CBRS auction concluded in
a viable network for their assets.
private network inside their man-
August 2020 and raised a total of
Real estate firms can also play on
ufacturing plants, so that they can
$4.6 billion in bids, with Verizon,
the CBRS aspect and can become
make their production more stream-
Dish Network, Comcast and Char-
a neutral host for an enterprise or
lined and efficient,” he continued.
ter Communications emerging as
hospital, for example, where they
He added that Japan, another mas-
notable big spenders.
have roaming agreements with the
sive manufacturing hub, also is de-
big operators.”
veloping plans to provide these types
However, Khan provided deeper
insight into where and how some
Khan also illustrated a more glob-
newer bidders intend to use their
al picture, saying that while North
It’s worth pointing out that ac-
slice of CBRS spectrum: “The busi-
America is leading this type of
cording to a survey conducted by
ness and economic model that the
spectrum effort, a number of oth-
Rethink Technology Research, most
FCC and the CBRS Alliance came
er countries are opening up their
respondents, particularly when it
up with is very attractive for large
spectrum in similar ways.
comes to private indoor enterprise
mobile operators as well as new
“In Germany, for example, the
incumbents who are finding new
government is giving large car
Image courtesy of Qualcomm
of entities with private spectrum.
networks, intend to deploy CBRS in
conjunction with Wi-Fi.
Role of Wi-Fi in CBRS deployments
Source: Research by Rethink Research commissioned
by AccelerComm
comparison to cellular, was the lev-
“When you use a private
cellular network, you are using
the industry trusted highest
level of security.”
Safi Khan, Regional Product
Marketing Director, Telit
For those looking to implement
el of security it could offer. Unlike
an LTE private network instead of
Wi-Fi, wireless cellular technolo-
a 5G one, MulteFire is an addition-
gy has the wireless security layer
al unlicensed and shared spectrum
as well as the security offered by
and there is enterprise-level securi-
option specifically for 4G based
authentication for the SIM card,
ty for Wi-Fi, but compared to cellu-
on 3GPP Release 13 and 14. Unlike
which was introduced in 2G.
lar, it’s not as strong.”
LTE-U and LAA, MulteFire doesn’t
As expected, any private cellular
Further, in the case of a private
require an anchor channel in li-
network will use SIM-based authen-
network, the enterprise can keep
censed spectrum.
tication and when you do this, ac-
their data on premises, unlike in the
Thanks to MulteFire technology,
cording to Khan, you will be using
case of a public network, suggesting
enterprises “no longer need to wor-
“the industry trusted highest level
that a private network offers more
ry about spectrum” when deploy-
of security.”
security than a public one even
ing private networks, according to
Nokia’s Stephane Daeuble.
What are your security needs?
Historically, one of Wi-Fi’s biggest
“The cellular system was designed
though both use cellular technology.
in a way that you don’t hear much
“Data in today’s digital age is the
about a cell phone getting hacked,”
most important commodity now.
he reasoned. “Wi-Fi is more prone
They don’t want their data to leave
to hacking and cyberattacks. Wi-Fi
and go into someone else’s core net-
did make its way to the enterprise
work,” he added.
Nokia’s Daeuble agreed, highlighting the fact that the move to wire-
less connectivity puts you at a great-
er security risk in the first place.
“Wireless opens up a lot of poten-
However, Wi-Fi Alliance’s Senior
Vice President of Marketing Kev-
in Robinson pushed back on the
to handle an enterprise scenario,
compare like deployment models.
The 5G journey
Architectural flexibility
“If you want to compare the security that W-Fi offers when you
idea that Wi-Fi isn’t secure enough
pointing out that it’s important to
The Wi-Fi 6
Image courtesy of Cisco
higher level of security than Wi-Fi.”
he warned. “4G and 5G provide a
tial loopholes to enter the network,”
The end points of the 5G and Wi-Fi 6 security journeys are similar.
have a device that has been provisioned with a credential and
device. WPA3 is expected to be able
doing, like with extensible authen-
compare that to cellular security,
to handle the flexibility Robinson
tication protocol (EAP), so [cellu-
you will find that both Wi-Fi and
referred to, spanning use cases
lar is] actually leveraging many
cellular deliver adequate security
ranging from those with no secu-
of the technologies that Wi-Fi was
for that model,” he said. “They both
rity needs at all to those requiring
already using.”
meet the requirements.”
government-class security.
“The reason for this, and why Wi-
Wi-Fi has an incredibly flexible
At the same time that Wi-Fi is try-
Fi sometimes gets picked on,” Robin-
deployment architecture that can
ing to improve its security to be a
son continued, “is that Wi-Fi doesn’t
go from an unauthenticated net-
more reliable choice for handling
just support a single deployment
work all the way up to a very secure
data of different kinds, cellular is
model. Wi-Fi supports a wide range
enterprise or government network.
trying to become more than just a
of deployment models to include an
In addition, the Wi-Fi Alliance
mobile technology, which means
unauthenticated experience where
enabling more flexibility.
you walk into a coffee shop, don’t
launched the next level of Wi-Fi security, WPA3 and Wi-Fi Enhanced
Robinson provided further detail:
tell anyone who you are and join a
Open, which as of July 1, 2020, must
“Cellular is moving more towards
network. Try doing that with your
be included in every W-Fi certified
things Wi-Fi has already been
cell phone.”
What are you willing to pay?
WPA3 security details
Wi-Fi Certified Enhanced Open: Addresses use cases in which open networks or
networks with publicly available passwords are still being used and wireless privacy is
of concern, but not authentication.
Wi-Fi Certified WPA3-Personal: Mitigates the known vulnerabilities when WPA2 is used
with a pre-shared key, by using the IEEE 802.11 standardized Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE) for authentication
One of the commonly paraded
benefits of Wi-Fi, when compared
to cellular, is its affordability.
“For the vast majority of scenarios and use cases,” argued Robinson,
“Wi-Fi meets or exceeds the capability requirements and it does it at
Wi-Fi Certified WPA3-Enteprise: Similar to WPA2-Enterprise, except the use of any
mixed mode with TKIP is banned and the use of protected management frames is
a very competitive price point.”
Wi-Fi Certified WPA3-Enterprise-192: Provides a consistent cryptographic strength of
192 bits from EAP authentication (EAP-TLS) to over-the-air encryption using AES-GCMP
(Advanced Encryption Standard with Galois Counter Mode Protocol)
3GPP 5G security standard details
looked at from a system level and
New authentication framework: Primary authentication in 3GPP 5G security standards
is a procedure typically performed during initial device registration, for instance, when
a device is turned on for the first time. A successful run of the authentication procedure
leads to the establishment of sessions keys, which are used to protect the communication between the device and the network. The authentication procedure in 3GPP 5G
security has been designed as a framework to support the extensible authentication
protocol (EAP).
Enhanced subscriber privacy: The 3GPP 5G standard significantly enhances protection
of subscriber privacy against false base stations, known as IMSI catchers or Stingrays
However, some are under the impression that the perception that
deploy than a private network is
false. Instead, they claim that when
when ability to scale is taken into
account, private cellular can be
comparable or even less expensive
than Wi-Fi.
“The bigger the space, the cheaper it is,” stated Daeuble. “If you can
prove the technology is superior
and the total cost of ownership is
Service based architecture and interconnect security: The improvement provided
by 3GPP SA3 to the interconnect security, such as between different operator networks, consists of three building blocks: 1) A new network function called security
edge protection proxy (SEPP) was introduced in the 5G architecture and all signaling
traffic across operator networks is expected to transit through these security proxies; 2)
Authentication between SEPPs is required, enabling filtering of traffic coming from the
interconnect; and 3) A new application layer security solution on the N32 interface between the SEPPs was designed to provide protection of sensitive data attributes while
still allowing mediation services throughout the interconnect.
lower, then it’s a no brainer.”
Integrity protection of the user plane: In 5G, integrity protection of the user plane
(UP) between the device and the gNB was introduced
Similarly, El Malki added that if
the right approach is taken to the
implementation, one of “simplicity
and scale,” it is possible to “drive
down the cost” of a cellular network deployment.
When pressed about the claim
that cellular isn’t actually a more
expensive option for an enterprise
How will you manage your network?
end enterprise doesn’t have to wor-
than Wi-Fi, Robinson pointed out
A typical enterprise already has
ry about the capital expense cost or
that when looking at the economics
an IT team that is well-versed in Wi-
how to build up a team that knows
of a typical enterprise footprint,
Fi network management, but that
how to manage a 5G core network.
you have to accept the premise that
is most likely not the case when it
This way it can fit into their busi-
there is most likely already existing
comes to a private 5G network.
ness model on an operation ex-
Wi-Fi infrastructure and that that
infrastructure isn’t going away.
“What you’re talking about then,”
he continued, “is deploying addi-
“People are comfortable with WiFi,” Robinson said. “They’re familiar
with it and they know how to manage it.”
pense basis rather than an upfront
Channel partners, often in the
form of system integrators, act as
And so, if an enterprise needs to
middlemen between the network
expand the footprint of their Wi-
provider and the customer, and
In other words, because very few
Fi network or even upgrade their
they have a detailed understanding
Wi-Fi installations are greenfield
equipment to be Wi-Fi 6 capable,
the specific industry in question
— and in contrast, many private
its existing in-house workers are
and the needs and requirements of
cellular networks are — an enter-
well-equipment to handle the man-
the specific end enterprise.
prise is not actually comparing
agement of the new network.
tional equipment on top of the WiFi network.”
“We are seeing everything from
the cost of deploying a brand-new
When it comes to cellular, howev-
small to major system integrators
Wi-Fi network with the cost of a
er, management is an entirely dif-
and other channel partners being
deploying a brand-new private cel-
ferent animal.
able to provide that level of com-
But those in the cellular business
lular network.
petence themselves to assist the
Rather, they should think of
know this, of course. Therefore,
deploying a cellular network as
vendors are providing private net-
Khan broke down the process a
a fully additional cost, while ex-
work management as a service so
bit more: “Usually there is an IT
panding or upgrading an existing
that enterprise customers don’t
department for an enterprise that
Wi-Fi network isn’t quite as large
have to worry about developing an
is already tasked with maintaining
of a purchase.
IT team that knows how to manage
“So, you have to think about the
a 5G network, and can instead focus
ment and the existing network. The
amount of switching of equipment
on their primary business, whatev-
system integrators can then come
that would have to happen and
er that may be.
in and overlay the private aspect
“One way to approach that is
of that overlay network will be,”
concluded Robinson. “That really
plained Bole. “The other is that we
changes the economics of it.”
can provide it as a service, so the
enterprise,” Bole continued.
of [the network] and work with the
IT department to integrate it into
their corporate network.”
From there, the IT department
Looking to the future: 2021 and beyond
Mark Bole, CEO, Quortus
“The trend going into the next year is that [private networks are] going to become more
mainstream and move away from the enterprises that are really early technology adopters to other sectors. We’re seeing interest from entertainment, retail and lots of other
industries that you might not ordinarily think would get benefits from a private network. In
practical terms, it means we’re seeing the average deployment of a private network in the
first stage deployment is growing and the number of different enterprise sectors that are
exploring this is growing.”
Safi Khan, regional product
marketing director, Telit
Rajeev Shah, Founder & CEO, Celona
“We are seeing a lot of need for logistics,
warehouses and manufacturing plants
and these venues are introducing more
and more automation. Private networks
are also starting to stretch outdoors more
than ever before. I think COVID has exaggerated that trend.”
Mattias Fridström, chief evangelist, Telia Carrier
“A lot of enterprises and sectors became quite
scared in the spring when the economy
began to struggle. They stopped a lot of
activities and kept their networks as they
were. The trend we are seeing now is that
they are realizing that they need to be much
more flexible in the way that they work and the
way that they run their networks. And most of them
have realized that the most flexible thing in the world is the
public internet. Therefore, there is more interest in running
more applications on it and to be less dependent on the
service provider upgrades.”
Adam Koeppe, senior vice president of network planning and technology, Verizon
“Even when things do get back to normal,
the reliance upon robust video communication is going to be there forever. There
is also a security aspect that every enterprise is faced with as they distribute their
workforce as a result of this giant work from
home environment, which many companies have
committed to long term. You want to ensure secure transmissions for all of your employees no matter where they are. 5G
and private networks paired with edge compute offer inherent
security benefits that will be a huge part of the equation for
the enterprise.”]
“Over the next five years, the big push is 5G, of
course. Private LTE will evolve into private 5G.
One of the big forces behind this is the U.S.
government. The FCC is taking a lot of initiative
and has been requesting government funding to
make 5G a priority for the U.S. There are geopolitical ramifications happening with the trade war in
China and in trying to keep the U.S. advantage.”
Karim El Malki, president, Athonet
“Despite COVID-19, connectivity and cloud are
increasing all the time. We’re making more
and more use of them, even in enterprises. I
see a trend where there’s ever more need for
reliable communications that are an enabling
layer for all these advances in robotics and automation. There is going to be an increasing need
for private networks to take care of these specific
communication tasks.
Perry Correll, director of product marketing,
Extreme Networks
“The biggest trend is that Wi-Fi is going to
continue to grow. It’s not going away and it’s
going to be the primary capability because
it is the default. Wi-Fi is going to evolve significantly with Wi-Fi 6E, which quadruples the
number of channels available, so it will offer a lot
more functionality and flexibility. 5G will also continue
to evolve and grow, so there will be a lot more interoperability
between the two technologies.
Next year, people are going to settle down a bit, take a deep
breath and say, ‘No, 5G is not replacing Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi is not
replacing 5G.’ Both have tremendous use cases and we just have
to simplify it.”
can choose to take on the task of
managed by service providers on
into play, for example,” Wireless
managing and maintaining this
behalf of enterprises, while some
Broadband Alliance’s director Bru-
new integrated network if they
large enterprises may operate a 5G
no Tomas explained, “you’re using
feel they are capable and properly
network themselves.
the exact same bands that Wi-Fi
However, no matter the route tak-
has been using for years. Firstly,
en, it is critical that enterprises in-
they will come into the 6 GHz band,
tegrate the private 5G network into
so the 3GPP spec already includes
These new service providers can,
existing IT systems, industrial IoT
a way for 5G to operate complete-
therefore, stay on to maintain the
platforms and control systems in
ly standalone on this unlicensed
core network and the services. This
a similar way as they do currently
band and there must be coexis-
type of network outsourcing rep-
with wired network infrastructure
tence metrics in place, so there is
resents a new business model.
to ensure maximum efficiency.
no harmful interference between
“But,” Khan cautioned, “it’s complicated.”
the two technologies.”
prepared to take all of this manage-
Coexistence of Wi-Fi and cellular:
ment on in-house and can’t afford
‘nothing is being replaced’
In an effort to aid this type of coexistence, the WBA is working to
to hire new staff to handle it — es-
While it’s important to compare
develop automated frequency sys-
pecially without having proved the
cellular and Wi-Fi technology, it
tems and threshold levels for each
ROI of the private network — some
is equally important to accept the
type of technology.
larger ones can and as a result, are
reality that in most scenarios, an
“At an industry level, we need to
enterprise won’t be choosing to
agree on those systems and thresh-
fully replace one with the other.
old,” Tomas stated.
around private networking.
Most though, are not looking to
Rather, the two technologies will
More specifically, Khan sees the
hire additional staff, but are instead
coexist, working together to cre-
“marriage” of the two technologies
turning to partners who can provide
ate a cohesive, though perhaps
taking place at the router or gate-
that duel offer Khan described.
segregated network.
way for the devices. He described
“This helps enterprise move into
One way to think about the coex-
a scenario in which an enterprise
the world of private networks
istence of Wi-Fi and 5G on a net-
deploys a private network to en-
without having to come up a huge
work is at the physical level where
large its coverage area and then the
learning curve and a huge risk mit-
the two technologies are using the
router points that are providing the
igation challenge,” Bole concluded.
same bands. The key here is for
connectivity can collect their local
In summation, in most cases, pri-
each technology to “play nicely to-
data from nearby devices using
vate 5G networks be offered as a
gether” and effectively stay out of
Wi-Fi. Then, that data is sent over
service by communication service
each other’s way.
the private network back to a sin-
providers to enterprises or will be
“When you have 5G NR-U coming
gle point in that network, which is
Preferred approach to deploy new or expanded
wireless networks by end of 2020
It’s important to note that Wi-Fi
and 5G convergence, which would
mean that the two technologies
are combined into a single radio
network pillar for some larger venues, hasn’t really come to fruition
just yet.
“The convergence idea,” said Tomas, “is that if there is a network
that is providing a certain service,
from the standpoint of the mobile
or cable operator, they integrate
Wi-Fi into their core network.”
Currently, when a cellular network is deployed, there are always
some centralized pieces of hard-
Source: Research by Rethink Research commissioned by AccelerComm
ware and software that manage the
base station. But, with Wi-Fi 6 and
then connected to the internet.
“That way,” he continued, “you
have a single point where you can
are never going be cellular-compat-
5G convergence, WBA hopes that
ible, and therefore, will never con-
“finally, there is a new interface
nect to 5G.
that allows the carrier to really say
manage your firewall and your se-
“Which means you cannot get rid
curity, and then the rest of the net-
of your Wi-Fi network,” he reasoned.
work is all private. This way, you’re
The data suggests that this has
Additionally, survey respondents
also collecting all of your informa-
occurred to ISPs, who, when asked
also expressed interest in deploy-
tion from legacy Wi-Fi devices.”
ing both Wi-Fi and cellular, but as
to deploying or expanding their
separate networks. This approach
wireless networks is, most (27%)
will probably be taken by those
Marketing Perry Correll, it’s pret-
said that in the case of private net-
enterprises that are happy with
ty simple: “Private 5G is going to
works, they prefer a converged net-
what they’re already using Wi-Fi
be an overlay on top of an existing
work with both Wi-Fi and cellular.
for — providing
Wi-Fi network.”
Twenty-six percent said Wi-Fi only
visitor and employee smartphones,
and coming in just under that at
around 23% was cellular only.
separate, more secure layer that
From the perspective of Extreme
The biggest reason for this is that
there are millions of devices that
that Wi-Fi is just one more radio in
their aggregate strategy.”
instance — but
is inaccessible where more mis-
on the enterprise’s central network.
“We don’t say Wi-Fi is rubbish be-
sion-critical applications are run,
These things, said Daeuble, are your
cause it has a sweet spot. It can be
such as patient information, ma-
everyday, run-of-the-mill applica-
the right solution with the right
chinery or staff devices.
tions that don’t require much pre-
price in the environments that it’s
dictability or security.
designed for,” stated Daeuble. “Bot-
Daeuble breaks down the different application domains within the
“Now, when we start to look at the
tom line, though, the [OT] side is
same venue in more detail, dividing
shop floor or the OT side of things,”
where the biggest industry chang-
the four domains into two catego-
he continued, “you have business
es are happening. You need some-
ries: Information Technology (IT)
critical and mission critical applica-
thing sturdier, more reliable and
and Operational Technology (OT)
tions that come with requirements
more secure.”
Applications that fall into the IT
on the OT side where typically the
Currently, in order to achieve the
category include visitor and em-
OT dictates what they need from
latency and reliability to run OT
ployee mobile services, like what
the network and then OT works
applications, most are connected
was mentioned previously, and the
with IT to enable and run it.”
via wires of some kind. But, as dig-
productivity tools — the Webex’s,
the Excel’s, the Outlooks, which run
Wi-Fi tends not to perform as well
on this side of things.
itization continues to spread across
nearly all verticals, there are tens
Different application domains in same industrial site
Different technologies for different requirements
mobile services
Office & Site
services apps
Public CSP services
in enterprise site
Enterprise controlled networks
IT requirements
IT responsibility
© courtesy
2020 Nokia of Nokia
Business critical
Mission critical
OT requirements
Combined OT/IT responsibility
LAN & Wi-Fi
Critical operation connectivity technologies
Industrial-grade LAN, 4.9G & 5G
Current connectivity options are not sufficient for I4.0
“43% of European enterprises consider network transformation to be a key challenge [..] recognizing that current networks
cannot support the future growth […] in areas such as IoT and digital transformation”
LAN cables & other wired technologies
Current wireless technologies challenges
Challenged in economics, mobility, flexibility…
High data-rate /
low latency
Tethered &
€500 - €1000
per cable
© courtesy
2020 Nokia of Nokia
*IDC, European Enterprise Communications Survey, 2019
of thousands of assets to connect,
robust and gives you at least four
also the IT aspect on the private
some of which are mobile. As a
times the coverage and normally
network, but as soon as you start
result, enterprises are looking for
with better performance and pen-
putting all the IT stuff on it, it’s
that same level of reliability and
etration,” he added. “If you were
no longer as good as a dedicated
predictability in a wireless technol-
connecting a mine, for example,
network for OT. The more you load
ogy. They need the benefit of wire-
you would have to deploy hun-
your private network, the more it’s
less, wide and deep coverage.
dreds and hundreds of Wi-Fi access
going to encounter challenges.”
And even though Wi-Fi 6 has offered some significant improve-
points. And you can do that with a
lot fewer small cells.”
He added that it’s more important to find “the right fit for the
ments when it comes to capacity,
So, here is the question we’re left
latency and data rates, Daeuble ar-
with: If the cost, security and spec-
gued that it remains an IT-centric
trum of the latest versions of Wi-Fi
Public and private cellular
technology and “it is still lacking
and cellular don’t differ too much,
against the requirements of the OT
except in ways that suggest cellu-
Wi-Fi and cellular coexistence is the
side of the house.”
lar is superior, then why use wi-fi
more commonly discussed version of
“One OT need is pervasive con-
at all?
network technology coexistence, but
nectivity where even if you use
right need.”
Bole said that there are instances in
the same spectrum as Wi-Fi, cel-
there is value in segregation. “We
which enterprises combine public
lular technology is much more
are sometimes asked about putting
and private cellular, as well.
Wi-Fi 6: better capacity, latency and datarate but still IT centric…
Private LTE/4.9G & 5G fit for OT applications requirements
Wide and deep coverage
Predictable performance
4-100x coverage
S t a b le < 1 5 m s la t e n cy
Militar y grade
L a t e n c y / J it t e r
One network for
all apps
Wi-Fi 5/6
Wi-Fi - WPA2/3
LTE integrates LPWAN
SIM authentication
E2E encryption
Does not include
IIoT LP capabilities
Narrow band, low power
applications on same radio
2 5 x m u lt i-u se r c a p a c it y
>3 extra walls of penetration
High speed mobility
Cell throughput
Up to 15 sec
latency on
fast hand-over
4.9G / 5G
Smooth hand over up
to 350kph
© courtesy
2020 Nokia of Nokia
For example, a private, edge-
“Therefore, in some cases, it might
based network might make the
be more convenient to get a dedi-
most sense in a factory because it
cated network slice from a public
contains a lot of sensitive data, but
As Bole put it, “This discussion
won’t stop.”
Therefore, when it comes to how
to build a network and which tech-
then as you move into the ware-
So, while there is coexistence be-
nologies to use, enterprise decision
housing and logistics portion of the
tween public and private cellular
makers have to ask key questions
same enterprise, there might be
in some enterprises, Bole said it is
around use cases and application
a connected device that monitors
usually for more complex cases.
requirements, as well as make sure
something being manufactured at
“Many of the cases we’re seeing to-
they are working with reliable
the factory as it travels to the ware-
day is people looking to trial it with
industry partners and vendors to
house and then to the distribution
a view to choose between one or
ensure they are getting exactly
channel. It’s critical that this device
other,” he provided.
what they need. One thing is clear,
be able to maintain connectivity
even though it’s moving between
though, enterprises that don’t make
Even if the Wi-Fi 6 vs. private LTE
different facilities.
use of these advanced technologies
“That might require that you
and 5G vs. public cellular discussion
transformation plans and being
roam onto a public network, so
comes to a close, the introduction
left behind.
the wide-area nature of 5G helps
of Wi-Fi 7 and 3GPP Release 17 will
start the cycle all over again.
Editor’s note: Arden Media editor James
Blackman contributed to this report.
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Athonet was founded with the vision that as mobile broadband became a reality,
the explosion in voice and data traffic would require a completely new network
paradigm based on a highly distributed software based network with intelligence
Nokia offers a comprehensive portfolio of network equipment, software, services
and licensing opportunities across the globe. With our commitment to innovation,
driven by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs, we are a leader in the development
and deployment of 5G networks.
Telit is a global leader in IoT enablement with an extensive portfolio of wireless
modules, platforms, connectivity and professional services, empowering
hundreds of millions of connected ‘things’ to date.
E D I T O R I A L P R O G R A M S I N C L U D E :
J A N U A RY 2 0 2 1
AI- and ML-based network automation:
What’s the promise and what’s the reality?
Need guaranteed leads?
Thought leadership? Incremental content marketing opportunities?
Learning by doing: Telecom putting 5G &
virtualization to work for itself first
F E B R U A RY 2 0 2 1
5G transformation: As technology matures,
operators have to adapt
Sponsor an RCR Wireless News’ multi-platform, editorial program and receive
the following benefits:
Workforce skills in a 5G world
Editorial Webinar – sponsorship includes 250 guaranteed leads, participation as sponsored guest and recognition as sponsor in all promotional materials.
Sponsors will receive webinar registration and attendee list, responses to pre and
post surveys and polling responses gathered during webinar.
MARCH 2021
Editorial Feature Report – in addition to recognition as sponsor in program
promotion, sponsorship includes 250 guaranteed leads, distinct from webinar
leads, one-page ad spread or advertorial in feature report, and responses to lead
capture survey questions.
What’s the status of 5G globally? Spectrum,
deployments and customer trends
Digital Factory Solutions | Industrial 5G
Industrial grade 5G SLAs – how will operators
guarantee URLLC 5G for critical enterprise
For information contact sales@rcrwireless.com
APRIL 2021
Fast facts about RCR Wireless News digital network
382,000 monthly page views
170,000 unique monthly visitors to websites
81,000+ opt in newsletter subscribers
220,526 monthly video minutes viewed on RCR Wireless News Youtube channel
45,000 leads generated annually
Private enterprise 5G NOCs – the emergence
of regionally distributed operator-run NOCs
for industrial grade cellular
Digital Factory Solutions | Industrial 5G
OPC-UA over TSN in industrial 5G networks. Why
URLLC-grade 5G won’t cut the mustard without it.
Industry leading demand generation programs and results
M AY 2 0 2 1
The role of hyperscalers in industrial 5G –
will they usurp carriers?
JUNE 2021
5G-connected venues: A shifting value proposition
in a post-COVID world
Making Industry Smarter | Professional Sports
Referee!!! RTLS is sports tracking –
in football (soccer), hockey, cricket, tennis etc.
Each program is limited to three (3) sponsors