PHASE 8 - GYM PROGRAM DAY 1 – SQUAT EXERCISE SETS REPS TEMPO REST WARM UP - CORE ACTIVATION ROUTINE 1 WARM UP - GLUTE ACTIVATION ROUTINE 1 A High Bar Back Squat 4 8 2 Seconds 3 Minutes B1 Paused Front Squat 5 2 Control, Pause 90 Seconds B2 Lying Hamstring Curl - toes down and out 5 12 Controlled 90 Seconds C1 Cable External Rotation 3 12 (each arm) Controlled 90 Seconds C2 Hanging Leg Raise 3 12 Controlled 90 Seconds NOTES DAY 2 – DEADLIFT EXERCISE SETS REPS TEMPO REST WARM UP - CORE ACTIVATION ROUTINE 1 WARM UP - GLUTE ACTIVATION ROUTINE 1 A Snatch Grip Deficit Deadlift - Beltless 4 8 2 Seconds 3 Minutes B1 Romanian Deadlift 5 8 Controlled 90 Seconds B2 Lying Hamstring Curl - toes down and in 5 8 Controlled 90 Seconds C1 Glute Bridge 3 12 Controlled 90 Seconds C2 Standing Calf Raise 3 12 Controlled 90 Seconds NOTES DAY 3 – UPPER BODY FOCUS EXERCISE SETS REPS TEMPO REST WARM UP - CORE ACTIVATION ROUTINE 1 WARM UP - GLUTE ACTIVATION ROUTINE 1 A1 Low Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4 8 2 Seconds 90 Seconds A2 Barbell Bent Over Row - Supinated Grip 4 8 2 Seconds 90 Seconds B1 Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 5 12 Controlled 90 Seconds B2 Seated Cable Row 5 12 Controlled 90 Seconds C1 Rope Face Pull 3 12 Controlled 90 Seconds C2 Reverse Ab Wheel Rollout 3 12 Controlled 90 Seconds NOTES DAY 4 – SQUAT & UPPER BODY EXERCISE SETS REPS TEMPO REST WARM UP - CORE ACTIVATION ROUTINE 1 WARM UP - GLUTE ACTIVATION ROUTINE 1 A1 Low Bar Back Squat 4 8 2 Seconds 90 Seconds A2 Hip Thruster 4 8 2 Seconds 90 Seconds B1 Incline Push Up 5 12 Controlled 90 Seconds B2 Lat Pull Down 5 12 Controlled 90 Seconds C1 Walking Lunges 3 12 (each leg) Controlled 90 Seconds C2 Back Extension 3 12 Controlled 90 Seconds NOTES Love Your Online Personal Trainers, Felicia & Diana xx HAPPY TRAINING BABES!