Analysis of Chemistry Result: 2015 CHEMISRTY- HL Analysis of overall result: Total number of students: HL 15 Students have done good over all in all the HL chemistry papers and the results are above the world average. Overall results for Chemistry HL Number of students scoring a 7: 1 Number of students scoring a 6: 7 Number of students scoring a 5: 6 Number of students scoring a 4: 1 Analysis of IA result: Total number of students: HL 15 In the internal assessment the difference between assessed and moderated marks is 3 which have been up graded. Around 85% of the students got a 7 in the IA. One student gets a 6 and one getting 5. IA results Number of students scoring a 7: 13 Number of students scoring a 6: 1 Number of students scoring a 5: 1 Analysis of result paper wise: Total number of students: HL 15 Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Number of students scoring a 7: 3 Number of students scoring a 7: 0 Number of students scoring a 7: 2 Number of students scoring a 6: 1 Number of students scoring a 6: 7 Number of students scoring a 6: 4 Number of students scoring a 5: 7 Number of students scoring a 5: 3 Number of students scoring a 5: 7 Number of students scoring a 4: 2 Number of students scoring a 4: 5 Number of students scoring a 4: 2 Number of students scoring a 3: 2 Number of students scoring a 3: 0 Number of students scoring a 3: 0 Analysis of EE Result: One student did her EE in chemistry. The extended essay result was poor in the subject which was a ‘D’. The student lacked interest in the subject and topic which she wanted to change at the last moment after doing a summer course and thus lacked focus. Student was also suffering from personal health issues and was irregular at attending school, submitting work and taking feedback. Predicted Grades: Almost 50% of the predicted grades of the class match with the actual grade. However the deviation between the predicted and actual one is only plus or minus one point for all the students.