Uploaded by Magdalena Ruz Gonzalez

ELL Language Objectives: Lesson Plan

Determining Language Objective #3
From a Content Objective: A Think Aloud
Scenario 1: Social Science, 6th grade
Content Objective: SWBAT understand primary source text and explain the issues of the Women’s
Rights Movement of the 1920’s.
Text: How will ELs be able to understand the text?
They should be able to read and deconstruct complex text by phrase level to comprehend the
academic vocabulary and concepts.
They will need to learn how to “unpack” complex text clause by clause.
Language Objective #1: Students will demonstrate understanding of the text by underlining key concepts
in each clause by unpacking, examining ideas and identifying domain specific vocabulary within a
collaborative group setting using a graphic organizer. (Integrated ELD)
Task: How will ELs be able to demonstrate understanding of the issues of the Women’s
They should be able to orally state what women could and couldn’t do during this period. They
will need to be able to compare using a Venn diagram.
They will need to be able to use contractions.
Language Objective #2: Students will compare issues using contractions of could/couldn’t and
did/didn’t using sentence frames. (Designated ELD)
Woman couldn’t _________during the period of the 1920’s. This compares with the 1960’s, when
women could _________but couldn’t________.
Scenario 2: Math, 7th grade
Content objective: SWBAT identify the differences between polygons.
Task: How will ELs be able to demonstrate understanding?
They should be able to list the different attributes of polygons.
They will need to be able to classify them - this is a language purpose.
They will need to be understand and use comparative structures such as “greater than and less
Language Objective: Students will classify using comparative language using sentence frames.
(Integrated ELD)
This polygon is similar to __________. The __________is greater than ______________. This polygon is
equal to _________________.
Determining Language Objective #3
From a Content Objective: A Think Aloud
Scenario 3: Science, 8th grade
Content Objective: SWBAT understand the sequential pattern in conducting an experiment.
Text: How will ELs be able to understand the text?
They should be able to read and understand sequential complex text of academic vocabulary and
Language Objective #1: Students will demonstrate understanding of the text by underlining
steps/concepts in each clause and using a graphic organizer. (Integrated ELD)
Task: What will ELs be able to do?
 They should be able to orally explain the steps of a science experiment to be able to transfer that
knowledge to a written report.
 They need to use “first, second, third, etc as well as “if-then” statements to provide evidence. The
language purpose is sequence.
Language Objective #2: Students will sequentially explain a science experiment using sentence frames,
practice orally in a group, and then write a group report based on the experiment. (Integrated &
Designated ELD)
My experiment was to test if ______________, then___________________. First, _______________.
Second, ________________. Third,______________________. In conclusion, the evidence of the
experiment provides the following findings:________.
Scenario 4: English, 9th grade
Content Objective: To write a summary of the family issues in “Romeo and Juliet.”
Text: How will ELs be able to understand the text?
They should be able to read and deconstruct complex text by phrase level, and word level to
comprehend the academic vocabulary and concepts.
They will need to learn how to “unpack” complex text clause by clause.
Language Objective #1: Students will demonstrate understanding of the text by underlining key concepts
in each clause by unpacking, examining ideas and identifying domain specific vocabulary within a
collaborative group setting using a graphic organizer. (Integrated ELD)
Task: What will ELs be able to do?
They should be able to provide detailed evidence concerning the two families and compare their
They need to use the past tense verb to compare which is a language purpose.
Language Objective #2: Students will compare using past tense using the following sentence frames.
(Designated ELD)
Romeo’s family had (verb) ____________and ____________. Juliet’s family was _____________and
_______________. Both families ________________________.