Study Notes—Native Philosophy of the Medicine Wheel Medicine Wheelnative peoples thoughts and ideas Has flexibility to it—have movement within it everything is separated into 4 quadrants physical world emotion (feelings) mental (intelligence) thinking spirit Guides you through lifeintuition Society Experience Faith (religion) Elders (traditional teachings) native peoples Teachings—sacred tree teachings Hoop of the nation different nations may have different names for it, or may not know what it is, may just be the way they live teaching people to live in harmony and balance dynamicthoughts are constantly moving Use and develop all your skills as a human through it We are all connected (different yet still all used some version of the medicine wheel) it’s a method in which to study (K-W-T) a way to remember: where came from, who you are, where going model/template to utilize personally and collectively everyone has their own truths Not meant to be rigid—meant for movement and change Medicine wheel= power/energy: physical Emotion Mental Spiritual Some aspect is truly universal or unique to individual represents vison—want to be whole human beings and it is a multi-dimensional approach to that about your dreams, your goals about what you want to be help answer: who we are, why we are, meant to do, what destiny is requires Will (freewill or volition) to explore, question things in life the ultimate will came from the creator—to create life & this world he is seen in everything & is all around—gives clarity moving to determination to stick to what you started The wisdom ones—Philosophers Shamanistic Practices (drumming) Fundamental concepts, templates (model)—eastsunrise Tools, technologies, knowledge to Help require enlightenment (to understand self and world better) Shamanistic Practices Shaman native philosophers –search to understand wisdom of the world ‘inner heat’—wisdom/wise people Associated with drums and dancing—connected to sound waves and people Inner energy we all carry masters at utilizing both realms (spiritual & physical) to access knowledge, wisdom, & truth Symbolshelp native people remember things Sacred Drums central and symbolically the heartbeat of mother earth Small hand drums: can heal people with sound Everything is alive and connected there is a vibration from the earth which is a living thing whatever we do to the earth, it will come back to us belief in high regard of intuition women and their children’s well-being common for shaman to use Sonicssongs without words—just sounds with voice considered to be more meaniful and connected to the earth than songs with words Dancing physical connection to healing and enlightenment Lucive Dreamera person who can control their dreams Technology and toolsvision quests Cedar tree connections to the center of the earth (physcial world) and to the universe in the center point of the circle The creator something that is always changing (constant) Native Philosophy fundamental ideas of human being and the world to help us solve problems of our lives to become whole humans Native Philosophers Elders Shamens Medicine People Levels of the Medicine Wheel Knowledgecan acquire a fair amount, but not equivalent to wisdom information can be incorrect information which has been made known through experience, association, or patterns linkage to one thing to another Wisdomthe proper use of knowledge—quality of being wise the ability to make right use of knowledge and spiritual perception physical—meta-physical (spiritual perception) native people are highly spiritual having insight Truththings you are trying to seek that is true to your a transcendent, fundamental or spiritual reality ( the ultimate reality?) what is true for me?—realistic think Clansspiritual nation social/society aspect political aspect (looking after someone) Different issues between communities and clans organize them Some have different roles & responsibilities peace keeping leaders—politics/tactics (deer clan symbols) bear clan symbol—protector & stand up for right of others Gentle ones—able to look at two different things and not be bias to either side Some may join a clan because of skills and goals wished to do personal choice (ask to join) Community (clan notices your qualities will work well with them) Inherited (pick traits and talents from parents—inherit clan) CommunalBuffalo: huge powerful animal, can see in the distance (doesn’t notice wholes in ground) Contract/ Opposite: Mouse: small creature that can’t see what buffalo do (see ground) need to respect all: old/large and young/small is neither insignificant Fundamental of Philosophy Ojibway/ Anishinabe philosophy looking for the care matter—it’s true care essence 500+ native nations across the Americas, with their own religions, language and culture can have similarities—their philosophy, connection to spiritual religion & use of oral teaching more differences than similarities 1) physical world 2)Meta-physical world—unseen spiritual world 3)everything is alive (energy) Both are the belief of the world 4) everything is connected (all realities) 5) environment—Nature looked to environment for their direction in life observation of the environment and living with and in it 6) Symbols Circle: connection of the wholeness and unity of people Square: stability, foundation Triangle: hopes and dreams/visions Spiral: transformation and change—circle to another point no image of god in native communities Philosophy of the Circle—only thing that is ultimately constant and unchanging is the great mystery a way they construct their life—everything is a mirror (reflects back onto us) The great Mystery—represent wholeness and unity used to make sense of the world and remember things this teaching goes back thousands of years mystery of the great being—spiritual dimension The great unknown—Dot (represents things in this world that is constant and unchanged—mystery itself) outer circle—represent all things are changing Equal Quadrants of 4—not like Christian cross Philosophy of circle/cycle Teaching come directly from the earth Living in a circular existence Everything in the environment wants to be in a circular form water, plants, tress, birds nest, migration, universe, lodges & homes (efficient, integrated emulated part of native peoples lives), ceremonies & dance, gathering & teachings, tornados, hurricanes, whirlpools, cells & atoms & life stages of animals Focuses on energy, movement, change and action guiding native people Infant Elder toddler Adult youth Teen Philosophy of Balance of Opposites Male v.s female sound vs. silent love vs. hate passion vs. aggression Work vs. play tension vs. relaxation night vs. dark New vs. old Illness vs. Wellness—if had no illness, wouldn’t know feeling of wellness Sad vs. happy—even with all bad things in life the feeling of good keeps you going Flexibility vs. rigid—important to be open/free or stable/stern Fear vs. Bravery—survival relied on being afraid...the brave stood up for self Teaching of Eagle feather—rigid, solid, firm (bottom/ holds in place) vs. flexibility (smaller top) Physical vs. Meta-physical Philosophy of 4’s See and feel that many things that happen in the world happen in 4’s Seasons Moon Plant & Animal stages Directions Deep addictions Colours meditations Good base to bring order into lives Elements 4 Sacred colours East—Yellow (rising of the sun) South—Red west—Black North—White Center—Green & Blue (can be added facing North & South) Sacred Medicines—Physical and Spiritual ways can see pollen/ corn in southern nations—not common for all nations used both Spiritually and Physically (balance of Opposites) burned spiritually (smudging yourself) –some can be burned together (cedar & sage) cedar: East—using the fall to keep away flues and colds Good tonic—good at balancing unbalanced things in body Tobacco: South—tied up in thick braid and also put into sacred pipes (only smoked during important ceremonies) hard to come by—could be used as a gift Sage: West—light it for medicine or use to cook Sweet Grass: North—light is for a spiritual incent/ symbol (mother earths hair) use as community and bring people together (smudging) 4 elements of True Learning physical No way you can be whole and have true learning if you don’t have a grasp on it Eastemotion (expression of feelings—unhealthy if you hold them) Southmental (thinking—noticing things in life) spritualmetaphysical true learning emotion Westsprit (Unseen word—meta-physical/ afterlife) Northphysical (harbours everything for us) mental 4 Healing Slaves/ Ointments Dancing Silance Slaves/ Ointments storytelli ng singing Eastsinging—Finding your song (death & life songs) one we enjoy and create/change you Southstorytelling—tell your story-don’t change it (tell who you are & what it means to you) teaching Westsilence—learning to be comfortable with self Northdancing –finding your own style 4 Human Archetypes (models) Behaviour leader/ warrior teacher Human Archetypes visonary What is inside each of us—original model A wisdom way through tapping into our own gifts—a way of being Often derived from the experience of a culture Present in the unconsciousness—can be brought into conscious Cross-cultural, shamanic traditions utilize it to help humans achieve harmony/balance with their environment and inner nature healer EastVisionary—everyone has an idea of something of what they want to do light, beginning, renewal &innocence bring voice and creativity into world seeing situations in perspective (don’t get to emotional) see it for what it is (focus on present) concentration & devotion for the service of others SouthHealer—healed yourself and someone else once (everyone has) ex)hugging—act of kindness to make someone feel better ex) addiction to people, alcohol, drugs sensitivity to the feelings of others—how words and actions come to play control of appetite: to be a healthy whole person to control your diet paying attention to what has heat and meaning opens people to human resources of love (most potent healing force), gratitude, acknowledgement &validation WestTeacher/ Elder—helped someone else understand more about themselves and other things (commitment to assist development of people) accesses human resources of wisdom and is a practice in trust—comfortable in the state of ‘not knowing’ openness and unattachment help people recover of wisdom development of your understanding & the potential of what could happen in the future every individual is medicine—no one is like you (unique) use your own Knowledge and experience commitment to universal life values & high moral code ancestors Spirits: are important teachers of detachment –been through process of letting go and experiencing the ultimate unknown (death), can help others prepare for unfamiliar experiences Empowerment Tools: Silence ancestors spirits sitting mediation NorthWarrior/ Leader—taken direct action—firm & took a stand for what you believe in capacity to finish what he started –freedom of fear consistency in words and action—do what you say understands and is aware of the cause and effects of actions taken or not ability to extend honour and respect—appreciate the diversity within self and others ability to choose to be in the present—allows access to inner resources of… 1) Power of Presence—bringing in 4 intelligences—Mental emotional physical spiritual present in that moment 2)Power of Communication—aligned Content (what), Timing (when) & context (where) 3) Power of Position—willingness to take a stand empowerment Tools rattle work dancing standing meditation power animals 4 types of Meditation Standing Sitting Down types of Meditation Walking Meditati on Lying Down Looking within self—finding balance between the physical & spiritual world Access Knowledge—certain preparation Gateway to inner selves EastWalking Meditation (pow wow when just walking—enter another state of consciousness) SouthLying Down—common when ill WestSitting Down NorthStanding—taking a stand The way of the Visionary—characteristics Telling truth without blame or judgement Non-judgemental truthfulness maintains our authenticity and develops our inner vision and intuition Brings our voice and creativity into the world—expressing our inner visionary, creative purpose, life dream, our authentic self, and our truthful and honour the four ways of seeing… intuition Perception insight vision (false self) Every individual is original medicine and therefore we bring our personal gifts, talents and resources forward (help healing of earth) no one else like you—never will be (uniqueness) Empowerment toolssinging bells walking meditation contemplation prayer (asking/ potitioning for something/someone) vision quest Movement & changeadd arrows to it Wholeness, Circles/ Cycles Balance of Opposites Quadrants of 4’s All work together & affect one another Movement, changing, transforming to change 5 basic states for Volition/Will (3D medicine Wheel) 1)Awareness—knowing what is around you, what you are seeking Preparation Steps 2) Gaol Setting—developing a vision of where you need to go 3) Initiation—actually doing a think (putting into motion) 4)Perseverance—sticking to what your doing 5)Completing the action—what we have learned and what it means to us and our lives The medicine wheel has depth/dimension—ever changing elements as well as constants volition/will leads to true vision –nothing happens without it will of the creator or individual it can mean many different things at many different times –don’t take face value can be applied to almost anything has different levels—gets smaller and smaller ends in true understanding of life and it’s meaning In our world of opposite, paradox (sacred & profane) –beyond is pure spiritunbounded possibilities pure knowledge pure wisdom At the Threshold Video Something that has been left behind—the connection of life and sense of belonging too individualistic—independent lost sense of place, community, & family Everything is alive and have energy—all connected stem from the earth/nature/environment where philosophy originated from Talking Circles Circlesacred space Eliminating what the great unseen has brought upon on us Limiting, honouring, respecting the teaching of the higher ones Way in which we communicate, learn & understand knowledge orally Sharing information and knowledge through other people by respect Sacred Tools Dreams, meditations… use as a source of knowledge and inspiration places or things where you can gather information No one native culture, but native cultures Each one is unique (language)—with some similarities (philosophy—metaphysical concepts & principles) ex) mother earth—living organ (animate/ alive) Nation a group that shares a common language history, fundamental ideologies and land base find variations of the medicine wheel—see importance that the environment plays and influences all aspects of native people lives Various ways of communication to bring information and knowledge Bark scrolls—symbols on them Pictographs—pictures on rock cliffs Oral Traditions—paramount importance (used for teaching) don’t have to have to rely on information, knowledge, & traditions from one set group to make ideas placed to create own ideas on the environment & philosophical ideas Laws/rules, codes of behaviour (guideline), conduct told in form of stories/ mythologies (important information that can be processed through mythologies—sacred/precious beliefs & thoughts of people) different stories with variety of purposes Talking Circle—Coming together orally to express information Storiesyour information were also told for development of memory skills (listening and seeing things),Group Cohesion (core and respect form one another—become more close/together through this experience), referencing and perceiving history and entertainment attempts to have each listener be allowed to get from it what they can (own interpretation) everyone from children to elders care to hear one another’s stories everyone is a teacher teaches Independence and respect Need to explain how things are and how arrived at state of being healing comes out of talking circle help get over negative situations—addictions/ deep addiction when lost someone able to speak about true learningEmotion—feelings need to come over Mental/Intelligence Spirit No absolute Truthlife is open to interpretation and debate by all truth Truth: Great Mystery (no absolute truth in respect to individual)—Unknown