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Statistics & Probability: Parameters vs. Statistics Module

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St. Francis College
Pascual B. Gutay St., Sabang II
Allen, Northern Samar 6405
Name: Franchesca Aibee Buensalida
Year level and Strand: Grade 11 STEM A
Subject: Statistics and Probability
Page 1 - module 5
Identify whether the given value is a parameter or a statistic.
Parameter 1. The researcher found out that the 29 senior high school teachers of a certain school spend an
average of 2 hours preparing their lessons.
Statistic 2. Based on a sample of 900 elementary students, it was found out 30% of them do not know
multiplication facts.
Statistic 3. Based on sample of 1,200 surveyed students, it was found out that 20% of them needed financial
Parameter 4. A teacher surveyed all 50 students under his advisory class about their learning styles and found
out that most them are visual learners.
Parameter and Statistics 5. The Statistics teacher wants to know the average score of the students in the final
exam. He randomly selected 35 students and obtained an average score of 43.
Give your own example of a statistical study involving parameter and sample.
1. Parameter
- the healthy students among his 6 classes
2. Statistic
- the healthy students based on a random sample of 200 are 50% of them.