Uploaded by Emily Medsker

CTT InPerson CT ConceptAssignment3Submission (1) (1)

PLTW Professional Development
Classroom Teacher Training
Concept Assignment 3 Submission Form
1. When you reflect on your own practice, what strengths do you possess that support your role of a teacher as a
facilitator of learning? What are your challenges, and how can you address these challenges?
Strengths that I possess that support my role as a facilitator are my creative skills and making quick
decisions to create solutions. I can easily picture machines that work well and am able to see the big
picture before the project comes together. My challenges are my own tolerance for uncertainty. I want
the project to work out instantly but I also need to come to the acceptance that being uncertain us learn.
2. Identify one attitude of computational thinking from the Computational Thinking infographic. As a facilitator, how
can you support students in this attitude?
Persistence in working with difficult problems is one attitude of computational thinking that I feel
really confident supporting my students with. Asking students questions to lead them through their
problem is one way to approach the situation. Keeping a level head, tone, admiration and respect for
students while being encouraging are other actions to implement. Using a brainstorming session with
peers or also helping with visual aids can also be helpful.
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