Uploaded by John Dave Soriano

Anatomy & Physiology Exam: Skeletal System

City of Ilagan Campus
Anatomy & Physiology (NUR112) Laboratory
Name:Karl Aaron G. Soriano
Date: December 07,2020
Direction: Answer the following questions thoroughly. NO COPY PASTING.
1. What are the primary functions of the skeletal System?
The primary function of Skeletal System are the following: It gives
support for our body,it gives protection of soft organs, it serves as
levers (with help from muscles), it is storage of minerals and fats
(calcium) and lastly it is also for blood cell formation.
2. Name the major types of fibers and molecules in the extracellular matrix
of the skeletal system. What is their contribution to the functions of
tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bones?
The major types of fibers and molecules in the extracellular matrix
of skeletal system are Collagen,Proteoglycans,Hydroxyapatite,Water and
These fibers and molecules contributes to the function of tendons,
ligaments, cartilage and bones. In Tendoms and Ligaments, collagen fibers
plays its role in making these structure to be very tough like ropes or
cables. Moreover, collagen also makes the cartilage tough and the
proteoglycans a water-filled one, makes cartilage to be smooth and
resistant. And due to this,cartilage is relatively rigid and if its bent
or slightly compressed it springs back to its original shape and it is an
excellent shock absorber.And lastly, the collagen present in our bone
gives flexible strength to the bone as it is though and rope like protein
and the mineral component gives the bone compression strength and
hydroxyapatite is most of the mineral in our bone.
3. What is accomplished by bone remodeling? How does bone repair occur?
Bone remodeling is a combination of the action of osteblasts (bone
forming cell) and the osteoclasts (bone destroying cell).Remodeling of
new bone is involved with the bone growth which happen in the epiphyseal
plate. And it is responsible for changes in bone shape, the adjustment of
bone to stress, bone repair, and calcium ion regulation in the body fluids.
When a bone is broken, blood vessels are also ruptured. They bleed
and form a clot in the damaged area. Two to three days after the injury,
blood vessels and cells from surrounding tissues begin to invade the clot.
Some of these cells produce a fibrous network between the broken bone,
which holds the bone fragments together and fills the gap between the
fragments. Other cells produce islets of cartilage in the fibrous network,
forming a callus. Osteoblasts enter the callus and begin forming
cancellous bone.
4. Name and give the number of each type of vertebra. Describe the
characteristics that distinguish the different types of vertebrae from
one another.
The vertebral column consists of 24 vertebrae plus the sacrum and
the coccyx. The first 7 vertebrae are called CERVICAL VERTEBRAE,which is
the foramen in each transverse process for transmission of the vertebral
artery, vein, and plexus of nerves, they are short bifurcated spinous
processes except on the seventh vertebra, where it is extra long and may
be felt as a protrusion when head is bent forward, the bodies of this
vertebrae are small, whereas spinal foramina are large and triangular.
The next 12 vertebrae are called the THORACIC VERTABRAE, which they are
stronger with more massive bodies than the cervical vertebrae, no
transverse foramina and have two sets of facets for articulations with
the corresponding rib :one on the body, the second on the transverse
process. And the upper thoracic vertebrae have elongated spinous
processes. The next 5 vertebrae are called LUMBAR VERTEBRAE, these are
strong and massive. These are superior articulating processes directed
medially instead of upward and inferior articulating processes laterally
instead of downward. And these are shot and blunt spinous processes. The
next one is the SACRUM wherein, these are five separate vertebrae until
25 years of age and they get fused into one wedge-shaped bone. And lastly,
the COCCYX wherein, four separate vertebrae in a child but fused in one
in an adult.
5. On what basis are synovial joints classified? Described the different
types of synovial joints and give example of each. What movements does
each type of joints allow?
The synovial joints are classified based on their shape and structure.
And there are 6 different type of synovial joint. First is the HINGE
JOINT, which is a spool-shaped process fits into a concave socket and one
example of this is the elbow joint which allow flexion and extension.
Second is the PIVOT JOINT, which is a arch-shaped process firsts around a
peglike process and example of this is the joint between the first and
second cervical vertebrae which allow rotation .Third is the SADDLE JOINT,
which saddle-shaped bone fits into a socket that is concave-convex-concave
and example of this is the thumb joint the first metacarpal and the carpal
bone and it allows flexion, extension in one plane, abduction, adduction
in the other plane; opposing the thumb of the fingers. Fourth is the
CONDYLOID JOINT, which is oval condyle fits into an elliptical socket and
one example of it is the joint between the radius and carpal bones and it
allows flexion, extension in one plane, abduction and adduction in the
other plane. Fifth is the BALL AND SOCKET JOINT, which is ball-shaped
process fits into a concave socket and one example of this is shoulder
joint and hip and it allows flexion, extension, abduction, adduction,
rotation, and circumductiom. And lastly is the GLIDING JOINT, which is
relatively flat articulating surfaces and one example of this is the
joints between the carpal and tarsal bones and it allows gliding movements
without any angular or circular movements.
1. Patient X fell while playing ML in his chair due to excitement.
Orthopedics explained that the head (Epiphysis) of the femur was
separated from the shaft ( Diaphysis). Although the bone was set
properly, by the time the patient turned 15, it was apparent that
the injured lower limb was shorter than the normal one. EXPLAIN WHY
Although the bone was set properly, by the time the patient turned
15, it was apparent that the injured lower limb was shorter than the
normal one.Why? because due to the damage of the epiphysis of the femur,
which hindered and slowed down the growth of the femur due to the injury
when the patient X fell while playing in his chair. This could have
effected the growth plates in the bone and thus prevented that injured
leg from growing much.
2. Explain why running helps prevent osteoporosis in the elderly. Does
the benefit include all bones or mainly those of the lower limb and
Running helps prevent the osteoporosis in elderly because simply
in this way the Osteoblasts are being stimulated due to mechanical
stress and the benefit include mainly in lower limbs and spine bones.
Create an ART pertaining to the body cells and systems of the body.
You can present your concept either an Art (DRAWING)/ COLLAGE,
POEM, SONG or any type type of ART of your choice.