Math 1a) prepare jouenal entry to record transaction using PERPETUAL INVENTORY & PERIODIC INVENTORY SYSTEM -correct balance as per cashbook 2a)prepare a bank RECONCILIATION statement & record the journal entries by reconciliation 3a) straight line method & units of activity method & decling balance method 4a) calculate cost of ending method (first in, first out/FIFO) & average cost method & last in, first out/LIFO ================================================== Slide Page3 =>Merchandising Operation (inventory system, perpatual s, periodic s Page4 => Bank Reconciliation Statement (difference cash boo passbook, method-traditional,modern,) page 5=> Property Plant and Equipment and Depreciation (depriciant, straight line method, declining balance method) page 6 PA Inventory valuation (phyiscial inventory, fifo, lifo, average costing method) Page 7 => islamic banking Page | 1 Syllebus 5. *Accounting for merchandising Operations*: Accounting for purchase and sale of inventory, Adjusting and closing process of merchandising businesses, Preparation of worksheet and financial statements. 6. *Bank Reconciliation Statement*: Definition, reasons for reconciliation, advantages of reconciliation, Methods of reconciliation, phases in the reconciliation process, terms used in the bank reconciliation statement, preparation of bank reconciliation statement. 7. *Plant Assets-Acquisition, Use& Disposal*: Definition of plant assets; Classification of plant assets; usage of plant assets; Acquisition & treatment of tangible assets; Methods to calculate depreciation; Treatment of depreciation. 8. *Accounting for inventories*: Definition of inventory; inventory classification; inventory accounting system; Recording entries under periodic and perpetual inventory system; Cost allocation Methods-FIFO, LIFO& Average costing. Page | 2 Merchandising Operation Merchandising operations are your purchasing, selling, collecting and payment activities. Although cyclical in nature, they are ongoing operations designed to improve your cash flow. *Net sales= Sales revenue-(Sales return and allowance+ Sales discount Perpetual inventory is a method of accounting for inventory that records the sale or purchase of inventory immediately through the use of computerized point-of-sale systems and enterprise asset management software. ================================================ Page | 3 Inventory system A bank reconciliation statement is a summary of banking and business activity that reconciles an entity's bank account with its financial records. difference Cash book keeps a record of cash transactions. Passbook is issued by the bank to the account holder that records the deposits and withdrawals. Cash book is prepared by the firms whereas Passbook is written by banks and retained by the customer. Traditional Approach distinguishes the accounts while the modern approach implements the accounting equation required for accounting. An NSF check is a check that was not honored by the bank of the entity issuing the check, on the grounds that the entity's bank account does not contain sufficient funds. This situation may also arise when a bank account has been closed. Page | 4 Property Plant and Equipment and Depreciation Page | 5 Depreciation is an accounting method of allocating the cost of a tangible asset over its useful life and is used to account for declines in value over time. Accumulated depreciation Accumulated depreciation is used in calculating an asset's net book value is the total amount a company depreciates its assets, while depreciation expense is the amount a company's assets are depreciated for a single period. Straight line depreciation is a common method of depreciation where the value of a fixed asset is reduced gradually over its useful life. The declining balance method is an accelerated depreciation system of recording larger depreciation expenses during the earlier years of an asset's useful life and recording smaller depreciation expenses during the asset's later years. Inventory valuation physical inventory may be mandated by financial accounting rules or the tax regulations to place an accurate Page | 6 First In, First Out (FIFO) is part of an accounting method where assets which are acquired first are sold of first. The method FIFO considers the inventory as consisting of items bought in the end. Last in, first out (LIFO) is a method used to account for inventory that records the most recently produced items as sold first. average-cost method is an accounting formula used when calculating inventory value. This figure is reached by dividing the total cost of goods by the total number of goods over a specific accounting cycle. Islamic Accounting Islamic finance is a type of financing activities that must comply with Sharia (Islamic Law). The concept can also refer to the investments that are permissible under Sharia. ইসলামী শিরয়ত মাতােবক আিথক ব ব ার উপর িনভর কের গেড় উঠা ব াংক ব ব ােক বুঝায়।[১] ইসলািম ব াংক দু! মূলনীিতর উপর #িতি$ত; যথাঃ লাভ ও লাকসােনর ভাগ নওয়া এবং সুদ লনেদন িনিষ*। মূল পাথক সুদ ও লভ াংেশর ইসলামী ধারার ব াংিকংএর কেয়ক িদক মুদারাবা কনেস - মুনাফার অংশীদাির মুরাবাহা- লােভ িবি, ( লােনর -ে.) মুসারাকা- লাভ লাকসােনর ভাগাভািগ আর এই লাভ লাকসােনর ভাগাভািগর -ে. ইসলামী ধারা মানা হয় না বেল মেন কেরন অেনেক। বাংলােদশ ব াংকাস অ ােসািসেয়শেনর সােবক সভাপিত নু2ল আিমন বলিছেলন, দুই ধারার ব াংেকর একটা িমল হল তােদর কতৃ প- বা র6েলটির এক অথাৎ বাংলােদশ ব াংক। তেব ক8ীয় ব াংেকর কাথাও ইসলামী কান উইং নই। মুদারাবা এটা হল এক ধরেনর চু ি: যােত দু! প- জিড়ত থােক – এক প- কােনা এক! #ক< বা=বায়েনর জন স>ূণ মূলধন সরবরাহ কেরন এবং অন প- তার ব বসািয়ক দ-তা @ারা #ক< পিরচালনা ও িনয়Aণ কেরন। পূব িনধািরত অনুপাত অনুযায়ী তােদর মেধ লভ াংশ বBন করা হয়। মুরাবাহা এখন #D হল যখন িকছু ,য় করার জন আপনার ঋণ #েয়াজন তখন িক কের ব াংক? এই -ে. ব াংক #থেম পণ ! ,য় করেব তারপর আপনার কােছ লভ াংশ রেখ তা িব,য় করেব। এই প*িতর ওপর “মুরাবাহা” ধারণা! #িতিFত Page | 7