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Introduction to Computers Exam - University of Peshawar

Department of English and Applied Linguistics
University of Peshawar
Final-Term Examination – Fall 2020
Subject :
Total Time :
Introduction of Computers.
24 Hours.
Semester :
3rd .
Total Marks : 50.
1. Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
2. The answer sheets should be submitted in MS-Word format NOT in PDF.
3. The answer sheets will be checked on TURNITIN for similarity. If found copied the answer sheet
will be canceled.
4. Attempt questions in your words to avoid similarity.
5. The paper should be submitted before 24 hours expired. Late paper submission will be canceled.
6. Submit answer sheet on bseng3rd@gmail.com
What is meant by computer programming languages, why computer programming languages
are needed, and describe the different types of computer programming languages along with
their advantages and disadvantages.
What is meant by a web site, discuss the different types of web sites in detail.
What is meant by storage device, discuss the different types of storage in computer along with
their advantages and disadvantages.
What is meant by network topology, discuss the different types of network topologies along
with their advantages and disadvantages.
What is meant by a malware, discuss the different types of malware in detail.
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