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Chemistry Test: Gas Laws & Atomic Structure

Max. Marks :40
Time : 120 Minutes
Q.No.1: Encircle the correct option. (10)
(I)Which pair of gases do not obey Dalton's law of partial pressure.
(a) H2 and O2 (b) N2 and O2
(c) NH3 and HCl (d) H2 and He
(II)If absolute temperature of a gas is doubled & pressure is reduced to one half,
the volume of gas will.
(a) Remain unchanged (b) Increase four times (c) reduce to Ошибка! (d) Be doubled
(III)The value of the general gas constant R in SI units is:
(a)8.3143 kJK-1.mol-l
(b) 8.3143 JK-1.mol-l
(c) 0.0821 dm3atmK-1mol-1
(d) 62.4 dm3.torr.K-1.mo1-1
(IV)Value of R in units of cm3 torr mol-1K-1is
(V)Partial pressure of oxygen in lungs is
(a) 760torr (b) 320torr (c) 159torr (d) 116torr
(VI)1 kg of electrons has _________coulomb’s of charge
(a) 1.7588 x 1011 (b) 1.7588 x 10-11 (c) 1.7588 x 1014 (d) 1.7588 x 108
(VII)The e/m value canal rays is found to be maximum for
(a) H (b)He (c) Li (d) O
(VIII)The value of Rydberg’s constant is
(a)1.60022 x 10-19 m-1 (b) 9.1090 x 10-31 m-1(c) 1.0974 x 107 m-1(d) 1.0974 x 10-7 m-1
(IX)The limiting line of Balmer series lies in
(a)Visible region (b)UV region (c) IR region (d) Far-IR region
(X)Four d- orbitals contain four lobes while fifth contains only two lobes the orbital is
(a) dxy
(b) dxz
(c) dz2
(d) dx2 – y2
Q.No.2:Give short answers to the following questions.
(7 x 2= 14)
I. Calculate value of R when in S.I.units.
II. Give any two defects in Bohar’s atomic model.
III. What is difference between line spectrum and continuous spectrum?
IV. Give the quantitative definition of Charles’ law.
V. Derive Boyles’ law from KMT of gases.
VI. Point out faulty postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gases.
VII. What is difference between slow and fast neutrons?
VIII. How positive rays are produced?
Q3. (a) State Dalton’s law of partial pressure and give its applications.
(b) Working at a vacuum line, a chemist isolated a gas in a weighing bulb
with a volume of 255dm3, at a temperature of 25oC and a pressure in
the bulb with a volume of gas weighed 12.1mg. what is the molecular
mass of this gas?
Q4.(a) Explain J.J.Thomson’s experiment to determine e/m value of electron.
(b) Derive equation for radius of nth orbit of hydrogen atom.