Uploaded by Heather Graziadei

Greek Amphitheater Tour Builder Assignment

Parts of a Greek Amphitheater Tour Builder
You’re going to use Google Tour Builder to create a virtual model of the parts of two ancient Greek
Amphitheaters. Follow the below steps to complete the assignment:
1) Go to https://arvr.google.com/tourcreator/
a) Click “Get Started”
2) Click “+ New Tour” in the top left of the workspace.
3) Fill in the details:
a) Title: “[YOUR NAME] Greek Amphitheaters
b) Description: Parts of a Greek Amphitheater
c) Category: Architecture
d) Find and upload an appropriate photo for the cover photo
4) Click “Create” in the bottom right
5) When the search window pops up, search for your first amphitheater: “Odeon of Herodes Atticus”
and add it you’re your tour with the button in the bottom right.
6) Your screen should look like this:
7) Name the scene “Odeon” and fill in the description with the build date (you’ll have to search Google
for it)
8) Click “Set starting view” in the bottom left and click and drag the image to face the amphitheater.
9) On the right menu click “+ Add point of interest” at the bottom
10) A blue dot with an i in the middle with appear. Drag and drop it to the appropriate spot and name it
with the correct vocabulary from our notes – like “Klimakes” or “Parados”
a) Make the description for the word the definition from our notes.
b) Repeat this for each part of the amphitheater from our notes.
11) When you are ready to add the 2nd amphitheater click “Add scene” at the bottom of your screen.
12) Your map search window will pop up. This time I want you to search “Ancient Theater of Delphi” and
press your enter key.
a) The theater should appear in the preview area on the right.
b) Click “add” when it appears.
13) Repeat steps 7 – 10, but title it “Delphi” instead of Odeon.
14) When you have completed both theaters, click publish in the top right of your image and make sure
that the privacy is set to “Public”.
a) When you click confirm a share link will appear. Copy this link and submit it on Canvas so that I
can see your hard work!
15) You’re done!