Uploaded by Jennette Fox-Jacobsson Nordic Int Trollhättan

Acids and Bases Practice Worksheet

Practice: Acids and Bases
Name:______________________________ Class: _______
1. Acids give off ____________________ ions when you dissolve in water.
2. Bases give off ____________________ ions when you dissolve in water.
3. Strong acids and bases have _______________ ions than weak acids and bases.
4. Hydrofluoric acid (HF) is a weak acid. Draw its’ ions in the beaker of water below:
5. Cesium hydroxide (CsOH) is a strong base. Draw its’ ions in the beaker below:
6. a. If you react the weak acid in question 4 with the strong base in question 5 what
products will you get? You can write the chemical formula.
b. What will the pH be after the chemical reaction?
c. If I put BTB in the beaker, what colour will the BTB turn?
d. What is this reaction called?
7. What is the difference between a base and an alkaline?
8. Draw your own pH scale and place three chemicals in the right place (approximately).
9. A farmer accidentally spilled the lime for his soil into a lake and polluted it.
a. How would you test to see how damaged the lake was? (E-level)
b. The pH of the lake was 8.9 using a digital pH meter. What would happen to the animals
and plants in the lake? (C-level)
c. What could we do to neutralize the effects of the lime on the lake? Be detailed on your
expected result for a higher grade. (E/C)
10. You were walking to the football field and accidently touched brännässla in the forest. The
sting is hurting and turning red. What can you do? (C-level)
11. Stings from bluebottle jellyfish are alkaline. A home remedy is to pee on the sting. Do you
think this will work or not? Explain your reasoning. (C-level)
12. A friend tells you their stomach hurts and it burns in their throat. What would you
recommend them to do? (C/A-level)
13. Different cleaners are made for different cleaning problems. Oven cleaner has a pH of 13
while ammonia cleaner has a pH of 11. (A-level)
a. Do you think the ammonia cleaner would clean as well as the oven cleaner? Why or why
b. How much stronger is the oven cleaner compared to the ammonia cleaner? (E level)
14. Many advertisements for products for your skin or shampoo say they are pH balanced. What
do you think this means? (A-level)
15. What are 3 ways you can tell if something is an acid? (C-level)
16. What is acid rain and how does it affect the environment? (A-level)