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Learning Intentions: To be able to understand the concepts of a network.
Success Criteria:
- I can identify the different parts of a network.
- I can work out the degree of a vertex.
- I can represent a network as a matrix.
A network is a collection of objects connected to each other in some specific
A graph is a diagram that is used to show the connections
between a group of things, people or activities.
- The number of times edges attach to a vertex - degree of
that vertex ( deg A).
- A loop connects a vertex back to itself. Loops count for 2
degree for a vertex.
deg (Anna) = 3
A diagram that shows connections between vertex is a graph.
Types of graphs:
Simple graphs do not have any loops. There
are no duplicate or multiple edges either.
A graph has an isolated vertex, if there is a
vertex that is not connected to another vertex
by an edge.
E is an isolated vertex (not connected to any other
vertex by an edge).
Representations of network
Represent the network as a matrix.
Create a graph on the following adjacency matrix.
Success Criteria
- I can identify the different parts of a network.
- I can work out the degree of a vertex.
- I can represent a network as a matrix.
Ex 9.2 Questions 10 -> 19
Edrolo – 8A