Send Orders for Reprints to Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, 15, 631-637 631 Ion Channels as Medicinal Targets of Biological Toxins: The Impact of Automated Patch-Clamp Electrophysiology Arturo Picones* Laboratory of Channelopathies. Unit of Biophysics and Pharmacology of Ion Channels. Instituto de Fisiología Celular Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México nt Fo ham rP S N ot ers cie Fo on nc r D al e P is Us ub tri e li bu O sh tio nly er s n Abstract: Patch-Clamp electrophysiology, the “gold standard” for the functional study of ion channels has become automated. This innovative technology, already over a decade old, has revolutionized the strategies for the search of medicinal compounds which now can be screened at unprecedented speed, approaching the high throughput standards required by primary screening campaigns emblematic of the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Consequently, an acceleration of the discovery and development of new drugs targeting ion channels is expected. These pore forming membrane proteins had been relegated as crucial therapeutic drug targets due to the difficulty of their experimental analysis. This new technological approach has begun to impact the finding of new toxins which are conspicuously relevant as medicinal agents given their extraordinary potency and specificity when acting upon ion channels. The introduction of automated patch-clamp instrumentation to academic labs and institutions pursuing the finding of new pharmacological agents, peptide toxins in particular, will certainly enrich these scientific and technological fields by contributing with their always prolific generosity of originality and innovation. Keywords: Automated patch-clamp electrophysiology, Ion channels, Toxins. 1. INTRODUCTION ION CHANNELS AS MEDICINAL TARGETS Be Contrary to what would be expected, given their relevance as major “drugable” targets in key therapeutic areas, ion channels have been historically relegated to a level of limited success in the discovery and development of new therapeutic agents, which could help normalize their dysfunctions associated with pathological conditions. Such conditions range from diarrhea to degenerative diseases of the nervous system, and remarkably include cardiac arrhythmias, immunologic deficiencies, and metabolic dysfunctions. This demoted status has been mainly due to the difficulties that their direct experimental study entails, requiring an amount of effort and resources, in terms of work, time and financial investment, deemed prohibitive by the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries. The workflow of these industries relies on high throughput screening (HTS) of large chemical compound libraries to discover potential drug candidates. The present review centers on how the application of automated patch- clamp (APC) electrophysiology, is impacting the discovery and development of new peptide-like drugs targeting ion channels, particularly toxins. In essence, APC accelerates the pace at which the action of potential or actual therapeutics on ion channels proteins is detected, analyzed and understood. *Address correspondence to this author at the Instituto de Fisiología Celular. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Tel: 5622 9250 ext. 44 630 E-mails: or 1873-5294/15 $58.00+.00 The molecular location of the vast majority of ion channels, the plasma membrane, makes them readily available for the action of pharmacological agents. The experimental approach to the study and understanding of the genetics, structure and function of these complex macromolecules has accomplished colossal achievements. 450 genes coding for ion channels are currently known and the structure of several of them has been resolved at a resolution of few Angstroms. The experimental examination of ions channels has achieved the most remarkable level of resolution, being able to detect the activity of a single macromolecule. This is done as it occurs in real time, under tight regulation of their electrochemical vicinity and, essential to their functionality as bioelectrical conductance devices, commanding masterfully the electric field that governs their conformational operating states. Despite the functional and structural knowledge available, only 13% of the approved drugs in the market exert primary action on ion channels [1-4], clearly pointing out to the vast number of opportunities for addressing a long list of unmet therapeutic needs. BIOLOGICAL TOXINS, CHEMICAL EFFECTORS PROVIDING EXTRAORDINARY MEDICINAL OPPORTUNITIES Toxins are noxious or poisonous substances which are the product of the metabolism of a living organism. Because of this the terms biological toxin and biotoxin are more properly used. Toxins can be small molecules, peptides or proteins. © 2015 Bentham Science Publishers 632 Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 7 Effectors in behaviors such as protection from predators and catching of prey, toxins have evolved in a diversity of venomous plants, animals and microorganisms. By the beginning of the 1990s, thanks to the seminal studies of B. Olivera, M. Adams, and L. Possani, among others, it was clear that most animal venoms constitute a complex combination of peptides and proteins with only a minority of them being lethal [5]. and biotechnology industries. Implementation of APC technology in the industrial setting undoubtedly helped to demonstrate that this technology was real and very effective for the pharmacological screening of a much larger number of compounds acting on ion channel currents recorded under voltage clamp. APC technology and instrumentation is now firmly established within the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. In direct linkage with this, the number of private Contract Research Organizations (CROs) offering screening and pharmacological profiling services with APC instrumentation has increased significantly [16]. Other types of automated instrumentation based on different technologies, such as ligand-binding, fluorescencebased readouts and ion-flux measurements have also appeared and been marketed [17], their higher throughput was initially attractive from the cost-effective point of view, but their obvious lack of membrane voltage control, essential for the regulation of channel functional states, with the concomitant generation of false positives and false negatives, made them languish in comparison to automated electrophysiology, particularly when the throughput of the latter became even higher . In this respect it should be mentioned that there are reports of well-controlled fluorescence-based thallium flux functional assays for different ion channels that show a good correlation with manual and automated electrophysiology determinations and are capable of meeting industrial HTS standards by performing at a capacity of 384- or 1536well formats [18-20]. nt Fo ham rP S N ot ers cie Fo on nc r D al e P is Us ub tri e li bu O sh tio nly er s n Discussing venom toxins targets is virtually equivalent to speaking of ion channels. Since long ago, venoms and their peptide components have been recognized as very potent and highly selective modifiers of ion channel function. A number of biotoxins not only have been tested as chemical substances with potential as drug candidates but also utilized as pharmacological tools assisting in revealing the structure and function of fundamental biophysical features of the ion channels they bind. Given the aforementioned properties, many peptide toxins are in clinical trials and even one has been already marketed (ziconotide/Prialt, [6-9]), it is now clear the significant advantage of applying APC technology and instrumentation to elevate the screening of novel potential toxin-derived medications to unprecedented rates. The application of this technology is already transforming the strategy of how to approach the search for innovative medicinal chemicals capable of modulating ion channel activity. Arturo Picones Many excellent reviews have been published recently addressing the richness of pharmacologic action, structure interaction and therapeutic potential of toxins and toxinderived compounds with recognizable activity on ion channels. In several of those publications their analyzed contents have been cleverly presented in comprehensive and welldesigned summarizing tables, covering a vast range of biotoxins and the different types of ion channels they act upon [1-12]. Be REVOLUTIONIZING THE SCREENING OF SUBSTANCES ACTING ON ION CHANNELS Electrophysiology, remarkably since the inception of the patch-clamp (PC) technique [13], is undoubtedly considered the “gold standard” for the study of ion channels functionality. Any claim regarding an ion channel, starting by its mere existence, has to be proven ultimately by demonstrating the recording of the corresponding ionic current going through such putative protein entity. The already mentioned capabilities of exquisite resolution of ionic current detection, precise electrochemical manipulation, and control of transmembrane voltage, endow this technique with such privileged status. Despite all these advantages, the low throughput and high personnel cost, both requirements derived from the labor intensive evaluation of individual compounds, had prevented its implementation in industrial settings. In 2003 a revolution began with the advent of the automation of the PC technique, a technological expansion that very few believed possible ever to achieve or even to conceive. As could be expected, a good deal of resistance arose from within the field (see for instance [14, 15]). Since the beginning, given the nature of the initial scope of this novel technology and, equally important, the inevitable high cost of the instrumentation and consumables to keep it working, the natural place for this novelty has been the pharmaceutical Some initial PC automation attempts were made with systems designed and constructed to closely emulate the operational maneuvers performed in a classic manual PC rig. This notion led to somehow cumbersome designs and instrumentation assembles. Arising from a completely different approach, the concept of the “planar patch-clamp” implemented in a “chip” produced a basic, simple and practical, as well as effective and even elegant solution. The requirements of micromanipulation, mechanic isolation (anti-vibration table) and optical visualization and control (microscope) became completely unnecessary, indeed irrelevant. The planar PC conception was implemented into ad hoc microtiter plate-like devices. This multiwell design allows assay miniaturization and integration of microfluidics to the now distinctive “multi-recording chamber” (a non-reusable consumable) of these automated systems, permitting the parallel recording of the electrical currents from ion channels present in cells patch-clamped after being gently attracted, by negative hydrostatic pressure (suction) and electrically sealed, to a 1-2 µm diameter apertures perforated on the bottom of each well. This well bottom, if made out of glass or Silicon Dioxide (SiO2), is capable of forming Giga Ohm (GΩ, 109 Ω) electric seals on the cell membrane, the required condition for a truly high quality resistance PC recording, in all respects comparable to those obtained by classic/standard manual PC. In 2005, Molecular Devices introduced the concept of Populated Patch Clamp (PPC) consisting of recording from multiple cells each patched in one of 64 different apertures residing in each well of the 384-well format of the so called Ion Channels as Medicinal Targets of Biological Toxins Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 7 633 not surprising, most of those results document assay validations studies with well-known hERG channel inhibitors, utilized as reference compounds and providing positive controls. The somehow more exciting results, those related to the proprietary chemicals of the companies, are well kept undisclosed, at least until they have to be made public in the documentation presented to a government regulatory agency (for instance as part of an Investigational New Drug, IND, application to the US Food and Drug Administration, FDA). At present, the most successful instruments and their manufacturers are QPatch, manufactured by Sophion Biosciences, PatchLiner by Nanion Technologies, IonFlux by Fluxion Biosciences, and PatchXpress and IonWorks Quattro by Molecular Devices. Although not parallel multichannel high throughput instruments, Nanion’s Port-a-Patch and CytoPatch from Cytocentrics, have also made their mark, producing high quality studies in the field of automated electrophysiology. The newest generation of APC instrumentation, launched in 2014, is already reaching HTS capabilities compatible with the requirements of industryclass primary screening campaigns: Sophion’s Cube, Nanion’s Synchropatch, and Molecular Devices’ IonWorks Barracuda. Except for IonWorks Quattro and IonWorks Barracuda, all the mentioned instruments are capable of producing real tight Giga-Ohm seals, in all respects comparable to classic standard manual PC. Despite the limitation of not forming Giga-Ohm seals, IW Quattro and IW Barracuda record ion currents utilizing the perforated PC technique (by means of amphotericin B, an antifungal drug forming permeable pores in membranes), then offering the advantage of better preserving the cytoplasmic content of the recorded cells. Although not offered by all platforms, compensation for series resistance and capacitance further assures the high quality and reliability of the obtained experimental results. A straightforward analysis performed on the number of publications devoted to automated electrophysiology that have appeared in PubMed since 2003, when the first APC instruments became commercially available [40], reveals a close exponential growth in the number of these publications in the past twelve years (Fig. 1). Among those publications, there is a number of noteworthy reviews that have expertly highlighted the prominent stages and accomplishments, and also weaknesses and deficiencies (many of the latter successfully resolved), during this still short and thrilling story of the origins and progression of the APC revolution [41-49]. nt Fo ham rP S N ot ers cie Fo on nc r D al e P is Us ub tri e li bu O sh tio nly er s n PatchPlate. IonWorks Quattro became the first instrument based on this new technology [21]. The advantages of these multi-hole systems are notable by improving consistency and success rate of the experimental results. The first of these improvements is obtained by measuring the average membrane current of many cells in parallel, thus the cell-to-cell variability in the amount of whole-cell currents is minimized. The second is confirmed by regularly having more than 95% of the wells getting useful data. Be Of exceptional importance, arguably the central driving force in the development of this technology, has been the pharmaceutical industry’s requirement to comply with safety pharmacology standards, prominently those in direct relation to the acquired, drug-induced Long QT liability associated with the blockade of the human Ether-a-go-go Related Gene (hERG) channel. This potassium permeable channel, responsible for the most part of the repolarizing phase of the cardiac action potential (AP), is the molecular entity accountable for the inherited Long QT syndrome type 2 and constitutes a well-known pharmacologically promiscuous protein that can be blocked by an impressive diversity of compounds. Blockage of the hERG channel by these compounds prolongs the cardiac AP provoking such risky events as the Torsades de Pointes, a form of ventricular arrhythmia, which can lead to cardiac fibrillation and sudden death. It is clear that drug development companies have shown a determined interest in detecting drug candidates with such undesired potential as early as possible in the drug development process. Extreme occurrences of cardiac toxicity events of this kind have led to the withdrawal of medications already in the market [22]. APC electrophysiology instruments have been extensively committed to hERG channel data production and more recently also to other ion channels relevant to cardiotoxicity issues. This has generated a significant amount of publications [examples of reviews on the subject are: 23-32], and some extensive studies: [33-39]. Nevertheless, as it is Fig. (1). Number of publications on automated patch-clamp electrophysiology since its inception. APC technologies have already contributed to the field of small molecule pharmaceuticals for most types of ion channels: sodium channels [50-53]; potassium channels (Herrington et al., [54], using IonWorks Quattro 384-well automated platform, screened approximately 200,000 compounds and identified two which potently inhibited Kv2.1 and Kv2.2 channels; and [55-58]); calcium channels [59-62]; ligandgated channels [63-68]; TRP channels ([69], reviewed in [70]). ACCELERATING THE IDENTIFICATION OF MEDICINAL TOXINS TARGETING ION CHANNELS The search for new therapeutic drugs acting on ion channels has itself distinctively shown a more efficient strategy by the adoption of screening campaigns based on targetfocused compound libraries. Such libraries are collections of chemicals deliberately designed or gathered on the basis of detailed knowledge of the type of targeted proteins in question. In the case of ion channels, where the amount of structural information is not particularly abundant, the strategies to form focused libraries has arisen from broader chemogenomic principles, relying on sequence, mutagenesis and his- 634 Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 7 torical biological data [71, 72]. In order to become viable pharmaceutical products, toxins, as in the case of any other peptide substance with potential medicinal purposes, have to overcome well known limitations such as: short duration of action, inadequate receptor subtype selectivity and lack of oral bioavailability [73]. Of manifest relevance for this review, experimental works have been published documenting the successful implementation of diverse pharmacological assays for the screening of biotoxins, tried on a variety of ion channels, taking advantage of the higher throughput capabilities of different APC platforms. The following paragraphs describe examples of this increasing interest and production in this particular field. voltage-gated potassium channels. Probes based on these polypeptide prototypes could have a promising future as reporters for the action of therapeutic drugs [79]. In a recent publication, the IonFlux instrument was successfully verified as a fast and reliable technology for the screening of nine different marine toxins, all of them analogs of saxitoxin (STX), tested on seven different cloned sodium channels expressed heterologously [80]. This study has very interesting commercial connotations since it was developed within the framework of introducing a faster and much more reliable assay for the evaluation of levels of toxicity in marine products for human safe consumption. The aforementioned examples clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the use of APC technology and instrumentation in the characterization of the action of a diversity of toxins on ion channel activity. The actuality of extending the automation of the PC technique to the recording of APs under current clamp mode in optimized preparations of human cardiomyocytes and neurons, both derived from induced pluripotent stem cells [27, 81-86], will certainly widen the investigation of the effects of biotoxins into the realm of a more physiological cellular manifestation (the AP) and cell preparations. nt Fo ham rP S N ot ers cie Fo on nc r D al e P is Us ub tri e li bu O sh tio nly er s n Randall et al. [74] optimized the recording of Na+ currents of the human rhabdomyosarcoma cell line SJ-RH30 for an APC system. They found that blockage of those currents with tetrodotoxin (TTX) and the toxin m-CTx-GIIIB was consistent with the pharmacological phenotype of Nav1.4 channels. Their observations were very similar in both automated and conventional PC. Arturo Picones In addition to showing that the recording of Kv2.1 channel currents by the IonWorks Quattro system was highly resistant to serum concentration as high as 33% and relatively insensitive to plasma, Ratliff et al. [75] also presented the quantitative effects of the gating modifier guangxitoxin1E, demonstrating the effectiveness of such APC instrument. Be Also employing automated electrophysiology, Revell et al. [76] confirmed the high antagonistic potency of the spider venom peptide Huwentoxin-IV against hNav1.7, a voltagegated sodium channel involved in the generation and conduction of neuropathic and nociceptive pain signals. Interestingly, single residue mutations in four distinctive positions of this toxin molecule were revealed to be important modulators of its pharmacological potency without affecting the original selectivity profile on the related channel hNav1.5. The adequacy of the QPatch was validated by Jenkins et al. [58] as a comparable but much faster approach to study the action of Charybdotoxin (ChTx, a 37 amino acid neurotoxin from the venom of the scorpion Leiurus quinquestriatus hebraeus) and other inhibitors and activators of the intermediate-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel KCa3.1, stably expressed in the human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293. Experimental work successfully carried out with the single recording portable APC system Port-a-Patch, confirmed the predicted higher potency and selectivity of a mutation of the ShK peptide (from the sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus) acting on the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3, a well-established target for treatment of autoimmune diseases [77]. This same group of investigators, again utilizing the same APC system, also has characterized the therapeutic potential of the scorpion toxin HsTX1 as a potent and selective blocker of Kv1.3 [78]. A QPatch system assisted in the electrophysiological testing of a number of variants of synthesized chemoselective derivatives of the tarantula toxin guangxitoxin-1E (GxTX), an inhibitory cystine knot peptide that binds to Kv2-type On the other hand, the successful application of APC technology to the experimental recording of the electrophysiological properties of neuronal circuits, specifically those preserved in brain slices, still represents an ambitious and challenging project (see for instance [87]). The expectation is indeed great, given the possibility of automating the study of neuronal function at the synaptic and network levels, providing significant advantages in the search of improved therapeutic drugs. Nevertheless, the efforts along this direction have only yielded quite complex apparatuses that reproduce, by mechanizing and multiplying in parallel instrument arrangements, the operations of a manual PC rig with still limited impression on the field [88-91]. PRESENCE OF APC INSTRUMENTATION IN ACADEMIA In recent years a number of academic institutions, sensing the influence that the new technology of automated electrophysiology is exerting on the future of ion channel basic science research and its evident practical and commercial applications, have created laboratories and core facilities dedicated to implementing and developing multidisciplinary fundamental and applied science projects within the framework of joint efforts and resources by multiple academic groups and even offering services on a fee-for-service basis to external institutions and private sector companies [92-96]. Such development has been catalyzed by the offering of discounts and incentives by the manufacturing private companies, realizing that this type of policy will result in the commercial advantage of their business development. Given the historic role played by academia one can expect a significant enrichment of the field. Academic institutions have been the generous source of most fundamental science and technological ideas, most of them released to the public almost as soon as they are discovered with almost unrestricted openness and accessibility (at least until quite recently). This has Ion Channels as Medicinal Targets of Biological Toxins been lately recognized by the industry with the creation of an increasing number of alliances between universities and private sector companies, big and small. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 7 [12] [13] CONCLUSION [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] CONFLICT OF INTEREST The author confirms that this article content has no conflict of interest. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author is indebted to Dr. Arlet Loza-Huerta for her valuable assistance in the compilation and edition of the bibliography for this review. This work was supported by the Secretaría de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación del Distrito Federal (SECITI) grant 039/2013 to AP. 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