Uploaded by Monica Paredes

Advanced Biology Course Syllabus

Advanced Biology
Course Syllabus
Teacher Contact Information
Name Monica Paredes
Phone Number (972) 237-5603
Email monica.paredes@gpisd.org
Tutoring/Office Hours
7th Grade - *Tuesday 4:15pm-4:45pm
9th Grade- *Thursday 3:00pm-3:30pm
*Or by appointment
Course Description
Students conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods during
investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific
problem solving. Students in Biology study a variety of topics that include:
structures and functions of cells and viruses; growth and development of
organisms; cells, tissues, and organs; nucleic acids and genetics; biological
evolution; taxonomy; metabolism and energy transfers in living organisms; living
systems; homeostasis; and ecosystems and the environment.
The Advanced Biology course includes all of the material covered in Biology with an
emphasis on preparing students for the AP Biology course. This includes additional
research, laboratory skills, and increased outside-of-class reading assignments.
Course Materials & Resources
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Instructional Resources
Instructional Materials
Science equipment necessary to
collect, record, and analyze
TEKS Resource System
Preventative safety equipment
Communication Policy
Please contact me through email, Canvas Inbox, or by phone as needed. All messages
will be responded to within a 24-hour period, Monday through Friday.
Units of Study
> Unit 01: The Molecules and Processes that Form Life
This unit focuses on a conceptual understanding of the underlying chemistry of
During this Unit:
• Students apply their understanding of compounds as they are introduced to
the four classifications of biomolecules.
• Students compare the functions of all four types of biomolecules.
• Students focus on the relationship between two types of biomolecules as they
identify the components of DNA and explain the purpose and process of
transcription and translation using models of DNA and RNA.
• Students identify and investigate the role of the enzymes DNA helicase, RNA
polymerase, aminoacyl tRNA synthetase, and peptidyl transferase that are
essential to the processes of transcription and translation.
> Unit 02: Lifeforms: "Simple" Cells
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This unit focuses on the general cellular processes of all living cells through
investigating prokaryotic cells.
During this Unit:
• Students compare the structures of viruses and prokaryotic cells.
• Students investigate and explain homeostasis in prokaryotic cells through
transport of molecules in and out of the cell.
• Students compare photosynthesis and cellular respiration as they occur in
prokaryotic cells in terms of the molecules in the reactants and products in each
and the energy converted during the process.
> Unit 03: Life Changes
This unit focuses on mutations and the effect on evolution.
During this Unit:
• Students expand on the conceptual understanding of the purpose and process
of transcription and translation by explaining base pairing rules between DNA
and RNA and using codon charts to determine an amino acid sequence based
off of a nitrogenous base sequence. This is the first time students will
experience base pairing rules.
• Students apply the context of cellular structures to the transcription and
translation processes.
• Students use the processes of transcription and translation to identify and
illustrate changes in DNA. Students recognize the role of mutations in the
formation of the earliest domains and compare characteristics of archaea and
> Unit 04: The Evolution of Eukarya
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This unit focuses on the origin of eukaryotic organisms and their similarities and
differences with prokaryotic organisms.
During this Unit:
• Students compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
• Students compare and contrast scientific explanations for cellular complexity,
such as cell theory, abiogenesis theory, and endosymbiotic theory.
• Student investigate and explain cellular processes as they occur in eukaryotic
cells, including homeostasis, transport of molecules, photosynthesis, and
cellular respiration.
• Students compare the characteristics of taxonomic groups studied in prior
units (archaea and bacteria) with the simplest forms of eukaryotic organisms
> Unit 05: Eukarya Become Multicellular
This unit bundles Student Expectations that explain the complexity of multicellular
eukaryotic organisms.
During this Unit:
• Students focus on the role of the cell cycle, gene expression, and cell
differentiation in multicellular eukaryotic organisms.
> Unit 06 Genetic Diversity through Reproduction
This unit focuses on sexual reproduction and genetics.
During this Unit:
• Students focus on the mechanics of genetics through a study of meiosis
and genetic crosses.
• Students predict possible outcomes of various genetic combinations
such as monohybrid crosses, dihybrid crosses, and non-Mendelian
• Students study the significance of meiosis to sexual reproduction. They
evaluate the significance of DNA changes in the process of meiosis and
the effect on the possible offspring outcomes.
> Unit 07: The Systems of Plants
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This unit focuses on the interactions that occur among plant systems.
During this Unit:
• Students describe the interactions that occur among plant systems that
transport water from the roots and sugar from the leaves.
• Students describe plant reproduction by identifying structures and functions of
the parts of a flower.
• Students describe the interactions occurring within plants as they respond to
changes with various types of tropism.
• Students analyze the levels of organization within an organism and relate the
levels to each other.
> Unit 08: The Systems of Animals
This unit focuses on the interactions that occur among animal systems.
During this Unit:
• Students describe the interactions among systems that perform the functions
of regulation, nutrient absorption, reproduction, and defense from injury or
• While investigating nutrient absorption, students summarize the role of
microorganisms in maintaining health.
• While investigating defense from illness, students summarize the role of
microorganisms in disrupting health, describe viral reproduction, and describe
the role of viruses in causing diseases.
• Students analyze the levels of organization in organisms and relate the levels to
each other.
> Unit 09: Living in Changing Environments
This unit bundles Student Expectations that address the abiotic aspects of the
study of ecology.
During this Unit:
• Students describe the effects of ecological succession on population and
species diversity.
• Students describe the flow of matter through nutrient cycles and the impact of
environmental change, including disruption of these cycles, on ecosystem
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> Unit 10: Survival in a Community
This unit bundles Student Expectations that address the biotic interactions
included in the study of ecology.
During this Unit:
• Students explore the ecosystems of the world and living features that
characterize individual ecosystems.
• Students interpret relationships between organisms and analyze the flow of
matter and energy through trophic levels and cycles.
> Unit 11: The Beginning of Biology: Organizing to Understand
This unit bundles Student Expectations that address taxonomy and comparing
adaptations to explain how scientists began to organize living things.
During this Unit:
• Students learn how taxonomy categorizes all of Earth’s life forms.
• They learn how to use the standardized taxonomic system that
scientists use to categorize organisms based on similarities and
differences shared among groups.
• In addition, the importance of common classification systems is
explored in this unit.
• Students determine and compare characteristics that define the six major
taxonomic groups.
• Students analyze data and information regarding adaptations of organisms in
different environments in order to make predictions and inferences about the
classification of living organisms.
• Students evaluate the impact of taxonomy on society and evaluate cladogram
> Unit 12: Breakthroughs in Biology: Deepening Our Understanding
This unit bundles Student Expectations about the evidence of the unity of life and
mechanics that generated the diversity of life.
During this Unit:
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• Students will connect the concepts learned throughout this course to analyze
and evaluate evidence for evolution and scientific explanations of that
• They also analyze and evaluate the mechanism of natural selection and
its results.
• Students analyze and evaluate the unity and diversity of life as explained by
evolutionary theory.
• More specifically, students analyze and evaluate various aspects of this
scientific theory including evolutionary mechanisms, common ancestry,
fossil record, natural selection, adaptation, and the development of
> Unit 13: Current Developments in Biology
This unit bundles Student Expectations that address the concepts that are the
focus of modern biological research.
During this Unit:
• Students should approach this unit through the lens of TEKS B.3D, “Evaluate
the impact of research on scientific thought, society, and the environment,”
and TEKS B.3F, “Research and describe the history of biology and
contributions of scientists,” with an emphasis on recent history.
• Students will research methods that scientists are using to correct disruptions
in the cell cycle and the fight to cure cancer, including the use of gene
• Students will research the latest developments in the fight against
microorganisms that are resistant to medicine.
• Students will research how modern genetic techniques are changing the
hierarchical classifications of the largest taxonomic groups and shaping our
understanding of Biology.
Technology Information
Single Sign-On Credentials
Student ID Number
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Advanced Biology
first two letters of the first
name, birth year,
first two letters of last
day of birth
John Smith, 10/12/2006
Required Apps, Websites, and Programs
Single Sign-On
Useful Links
Skyward Family and Student
Technology Support
GPISD Technology Help Desk
Grading Policies and Procedures
Grade Calculation
60 %
1 grade per week minimum
40 %
At least 4 major grades each 9 week grading
Assignment Submission Procedure
Assignments will be submitted through Canvas or in-person, as designated
by the instructor.
Late Work
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Advanced Biology
Daily late work papers must be submitted within three school days must
be accepted. In the case of a block schedule, one school day means the
next time the class meets. There will be a 10 point per day penalty for late
work. Late papers may be accepted beyond the third day as determined
by campus procedures. This provision does not extend beyond the end of
the school day on the last day of the nine weeks.
Ten points for each school day late will be subtracted from the grade
earned including the day due. This provision does not extend beyond the
end of the school day on the last day of the nine weeks. Tests are
considered major grades; however, tests are not eligible for consideration
under the major grade late work policy.
A student who earns below a 70 on a test shall be given an opportunity to be
reassessed. Exceptions are: nine-week or semester exams assessed after
the student must participate in a re-teaching process within a reasonable
teacher-designated time period. All students shall be afforded the option to
For more details on grading policies and procedures related to reassessment
consult the GPISD Grading Procedures, Regulations, and Explanations
Regular attendance is an academically related factor that can affect the
determination of a student’s grade. Students shall makeup assignments and
tests after absences. Students shall receive a zero for any assignment or test
not made up within the allotted time.
GPISD Board Policy EIAB (Local)
For more details on grading policies and procedures related to student
absences consult the GPISD Grading Procedures, Regulations, and
Explanations document.
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Student Success Tips & Resources
Students, please come prepared to class with your materials including a
Composition notebook
Pen or Pencil
Positive attitude :)
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