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Florida Standards Collections Workshop Flyer

Florida Standards: Collections—
Utilizing the New Instructional Materials to Meet the Rigor of the State Standards
Summer Workshops
Registration and Workshop Information
June 9-10
June 11-12
June 16-17
June 18-19
June 23-24
June 25-26
June 30-July1
July 2-3
Middle and high school sessions will
run concurrently with five sessions per
level being offered for each set of dates.
All workshops will be held at Indian
Ridge Middle School from 8:30am to
3:30pm with an hour for lunch.
All participants must register via ESS.
Walk-ins will not be allowed to attend
the workshops.
Workshop title in ESS: “Florida Standards: Collections MS (HS)”
In ESS, search the term “collections” to go directly to workshops.
When registering, please note the assigned room number for workshop.
If possible, bring laptop computer.
Participants will receive a $15 per hour stipend for attending both
days of session and completing workshop activities.
Participants will receive 16 inservice points for attending both days of
session and completing workshop activities.
Partial payment/partial inservice points will not be given.
Participants will receive payment no later than September 30, 2014.
Parking at Indian Ridge Middle School is available in both the front
and the back of the school. Please do not park in spaces designated
for school administrators or resource officers.
Questions and concerns? Contact:
David Shelley, Curriculum Supervisor-Literacy K-12